87-1120 WHITE L- CITV CLERK PINK ' F�N�NCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL Council p,7V /��O BLUERV MAVORTMENT � , File N 0. = Counc ' Resolution , � J � ��. Presen ed By J Referred To Committee: Date ; Out of Committee By Date ',RESOLVED: That Application (I.D.#19567) for a General Repair Garage License ' by Dahlke F� King DBA Precision Tune at 360 S. Snelling be and the same is hereby approved. , OUNCILMEN Yeas i Nays / Requested by Department of: :Drew .�xeer�sa �� In Favor �Rettman �ch�ibe� � Against BY Sonn�n fr7eida G�i1SOn AuG !} ' 1987 Form Approved y 't A t y Adopted by Council: Date / Certified P . Council Se tar BY � i Bl, j 1 A►pprov b Mavor: Date � Approved by Ma}1�r for Submission to Council By BY ! ptjB4.tS�A ��,�! G 15 1987 � + #�1'�? > �' 7—//�0 (�,� . � Ia3I � y , 7 • 7 • li /I �r T�IVISION OF LICENSE AND PERMIT ADMINISTRATION DATE "� ( o1 'J l �("� . �NTERDEPARTMENTAL REVIEW CHECRLIST �l�� � - t�pplicant l l� � Home Address �(� �S�- `�,h�_C-t' � �� B�usiness Name �{ re�a� , ov���,�� Home Phone �`11- �'�a7 Blusiness Address 3 �U �v. S'rt�Yl,ln � TyPe of License(s) �j�npYQ� � �,��.Y ('(,Q1; B�siness Phone ��� ' o�`��4-U blic Hearing Date < <c��� License I.D. #` �Cj �( 01 10:00 a.m. in the Counc 1 Chambers, 3 d Floor City Hall and Courthouse State Tax I.D. # �j Cj U �S(Y� VIEW DATE DATE INSPECTION APPN REC'D VERFIED (COMPUTER) CO1rIl�IENTS r.�ved NOt Hpusing & Bldg v-� i Cpde Enforcement l I � � � I a3 I I P�blic Health � � I , t � � I F�re Prevention 4 ''"1 � � � , � P�lice � � `� 1a3 , C�ty Attorney � 7�z3 ` � �S � � � � � 3d0 Foot Notice � I� i I Li�Cense Inspector's Comments: �� ,,aII .� �- . �,}� . � I �IAVE BEEN GIVEN A COPY OF THIS NOTIFICATION AND UNDERSTAND THAT MY ATTENDANCE AT TH� PUBLIC HEARING IS REQUIRID. i ,-.,-�, v .. -. ..a�. �,.. , ,, . , . . . v. .a,...�.; .,. , .., - . . .. CURRENT INFORMATION NEW INFORMATION Current Corporation Name: New Corporation Name: Current DBA: New DBA: Current Officers: Insurance: Bond: New Officers: _ �� •:� . . Stockholders: � ; y � �$ � a, � 7��/�.0 , CITY OF ST. PAUL I DEPARI7�N'1' OF FIZ�ANCE ARD MARACS� SB1tVICFS , LICE[Q5E AAD PERl�QT DI4L5IOA �I Thase state�e:rt for�ns are issued in d�piicste. please ariswer all queations t�l�y aad co�letely. This application is thorough�y cbecked. Any fnleification xill be esuse for deaial. ' Date _ 7 �0 19 0 / 1, ' Application for �-p f�11� C's'��Q�('�.� (I,icense) (Permit) 2. � Name of applicant S . �Q �t i��,_.�- 3. I If applicant is/has been a m�x-ried Pemale, list maidea name -'—'1 b. Date of birth � � AgeG�� Place of birth / l.�J �� GC"� 5. iAre You a citizen of the United Statee ��_ Nativ�e _turnlized 6. !Are you a registered voter Where , /� /C��jJ-� ?. 'xome aaaress ,� �Q � �1 ,► 1�f S � S�'.�'r, o�►"'��h� f' • �' 3 ,��1'�1 ` , - � Aame telephone 9_ � a. Present business address �Q � ��uainess telepho�e � � /�j� 9. Including your present businesa/employment, whst bnsiaess�eaploymeat ha�+e yon 'folloaed for the past live y�eara. Busineas/F]aplaymeat Addreas �� O � , /�r �. :�i'�r ul�� � l� �� i c�� . y ,� /'o��'!�`� 10. hfarried �a IP ans�+�er is ",vea", liat name and address ot spou�e 11. ?iave you ever been arrested for an offenae that has reaulted in a caavictioaY�� �! answ�er is "yes", list dates oP arrests, wtiere, chargea, comrictions sad senteacea. pate of arrest ' G / 19 (�� Where !� . l� ____�, -'"'�` 1 �HAF.GE � C�ONVZCTION _,,�L�c�- s� � 4 S�5 �� /�ou��' I�ate o: arrest 19 Where CHARG�' CDNVIGTIOiI S�� � • � 12. List the names and addresses (if married, name of spouse also) of a12 peraans, corporations, partnerships, aesociations or organizations W�ich in any rray have: a. A mortgage i nterest in the licensed premise, J�1 q r,� ��/�Q R1 Q / a vt "r� ��:r! .� C . b. A aecurity interest in the licensed premises, license, or ftirniehings of the licensed premise, SQ �� _ c. A promissory note for riinds loaned tor the aperation of the licensed premise or tht purchaae of'the license, d. Financially, � ntribute . to the ch of the premise or the license it- self ��,� f✓l Gi 1 �''S " l� e. Ar�y other interest either direct or indirect, either financial or otherwise i � in the licensed premise or the license itself, �� Attach a copy hereto of a�r ar�d all documenta referred to in this at'fidavit. 1?. Give namea and addresses oP two pe�sons, residents of St. Paul, Minnesota, Who can give information concerning you. NAI� ADD�SS �"I�I� e ���► n e_� c�� ca�5'E �v�E �s'��� �,�.��a� �o h ?1 �c�� �`�'� 14. Addreas of premises �or Whic License or Permit is madc ,3t�c� �n �� li' ►���� � . Addreaa S"t"� I�Q_v� ( +'1� � , ��l��- Zone clasaification 15. Bet�een s+hat croas streets � �('� f �t Which side of street�--��.r'��� 16. Na�e under which this busineas rrill be conducted �Y'� � f S 1�1 ✓� �� '�'t $--- 17. Buainess telephone manber �j 7!J '"-�7�o lp. Attach to this application, a detailed description oP the design, location, and square Pootage oP the premises to be licensed 19. �.re premises noW occupied �S What business�r��:1 S(!,� f� ����io� long�Y� ^ ;_ . .t . �' �—�'�–//�O 2�. List license which you currently hold, or formerly held, or mey have an intere in ;✓t.� ' j 21. Have arry,of the licenses listed by you in No. 20 ever beea revoked. Yes Na 1/ . If ansWer is "yes", list dates and reasona; I ?_2. Do you have an interest of ar�r type in aqy other busineaa or busittesa premiaes. j I° answer is "yes", list business, busineas address aad telephone number./_.V� 2�. If business is incorporated, give date of incorQoration 19 ' and attach capy oP Articles oP Incorporation and minutes of first meeting. 2�+. List all officers of the corporation giving their names, office held, hame , address, and home and business telephone numbers: �O�'1.-� i j � . 25. If business is partnership, list partner(s) add,�r,fss and telephvne nt�bera: t�! �7 �On G�^ II Name � l�t i�1 Address� ' r� i�Y�Ttl.Ao.Q �'gyZ� `C'Qb' � , � � �' s fi Cr , __�..L.`_�`�� 'h .1 I�i, ��� 26. Is there a�rone else who will have an iuterest in thia business or premises4 If answer is "yes", give n , hcme address, telephone numbers and in vhat manner is tbeir interest: �Q 2?I Are yeu goin� to operate this business peraonal]y e S i! aot, rrho rill operate it: R� Home address Te1.Ao. II I . , Are you going to have a Wfana�;er or assistant in this business? If ansWer is � '�yes��, give name and ho:ne address and home telephqge, nt�nber� �,�_ --r-- d'aCD <-A ,'I ,5��� Name fl 1(C� Q�' `/ ��j�'S iiome addressS�- �QIQ � j�/� T+e1.No.• '��� ��� 29. Has arryone yau have named in questions 22 throur?h 26 ever been arrested? If answer is "yes�t, list name o ,�erson, dates oP arrest, wh re, cha.r es, corrvic- tions ana sentence �y9 -f`" ��'�E'� �fo s°G1 : �./� / 3p. I �(,� d �� understand this premise m�y be in- spected h the police, fire, health and other city oPficials at a� and alI times when the bnsin�ss fs in operatior.. State of ylinnesota) )5S County of .� � ) I-�'t�n�i�p�"�� d � ti �C: being Pirst du2y sworn, deposes and says upon oath � at he has read the foregoing statement bearing his signature and lmo�s the contents thereoP, and that the same is true of his own kno�rledge exctpt as to those matters therein stated upon information and belieP and as to those matters he be- lieves them to be t:ue. -� �% Subscribed and ss+orn to befoze me !� 'gn ure oP Applica.nt this d 19 Notary Public, �e�-County, Minnesota '-t�`�r�'� y��� �- *4y com�ission expirea ��w�•�.•j� �fEq� �. �A�v=�tS •.`.- NUTARYfl1$'_Ii.•���y��mra �. HEAl�i=r��i GQl1N1Y �.st_r�a/ My Com�ris�ion Exps�es "'�•.=` April 14, 1992 ., . �,-�; � �� ��-/��� Y � . ' , , CITY OF ST. PAUL � DF�AR'11�NT OF FIl�ANCE APD MANAGS�l1'P SffitVICFS LIC�V3E AFD PE��IIT DIVISIOA The�e statement forms are issued in d�plicate. PZeaae aasa�er all questioas ltil�y aad completely. This application is thorough�y cbecked. Any tnlaitication s+ill be cause for denfal. i Dst� 7 �-�C�� 19 � �. 1. Application for �p,Qr� I�f��"'(� I�Q� (License) (Permit) 2. Name of applicnnt ��,�t � �. � t �� — 3. If applicant is/haa been a mnrried female, list maiden name — b. ,Dnte of birth � ,�� Age J Place of birth ��')�i , 5. Are you a citizen ot the United Statea � Rativ+e �_Haturalized 6. ,Are you a registered voter 1 �S Where w1i'� ,� , 7. Home address � �i �r�t^,1� .D�Wl . - IU� Aome telephene � /��.� �. Present business address '�� uJ , 9��Sf',; ��aiuess telaphooe ���� 9, Includiag your pr��at bus3ness/emp2�sat, �ast basine�a/�lvyms� hs�e yan follo�ned for the past tive y�ears. ' Busineas/E�rtplayment �S ���'' '��'KC`�. �Z/ 77' Address v . '•t i � � � � 4n_r� �vt G . �L/CJ t�V ,� q fi �s�� �l O V , �Z7(� �'l !u Q cil i'yJ " , .�$�j//��S �7" ___ t! 10. �,Married _� IP ans�+�er is "vea", list name and addresa o! spause � — ��t��D, �� ��� 101��300���+'', �1 w? , , I��I , �� 11. �iave you ever been arrested for an oftense thst ha� resulted in a cae�viction?�0 It ans�+�er is "yes", list dates of arrests, �ere, charges, comictions aad sentences. pste of arrest 19 Where CFIAFGE �ONVZCTION gg�,� Date o: arrest 19 Where �HARGr CONV ICTIOiT S�� 12. List the names and addresses (if married, name of spouse also) of all peraona, �f� � corporations, partnerships, associationa or organizations W�ich in aay way have: a. A mortgage interest in the 1lcensed premise, � I�P:lar� ���C �u � Vl � �'"f� -SO '� � �� C _ b. A aecurity intereat in the Iicensed premises, license, or l�rniahings of the licensed premise, SG iN�'�� c. A promissory note for Punds loaned for th�e aperation of the licensed premise or the purchase of 'the license, d. Financ ally contrib t d to the pur hasq of the premise or the license it- self � �l k� � i K � c� A �`f-� ,,�s e. ArLy other interest either direct or indirect, either Pinancial or otherwise i in the licensed premise or the license itself, Attach a copy hereto of any artd all documenta referred to in this afiidavit. 1?. Give namea and addreases oP two persons, resideats ot St. Paul, Mianesota, vho can give intormation concerning you. �p� ADDRFSS S'�%0� � ��n �-�`� Lo A�0�ru Sf s f� I�K/ I1��'� ��Yt �� d v� - �Sl'� � s�e _��:S�- '�au � W1W � ��� lk. Addreas of premisea for Whi�ch License or Permit is made �5�'� � /! h � fl�� � � Addreaa �� � �A i.r I 1,!lV . S�1Q�_ Zone classificstion 15. Betveen �rhat croas streets Sri 1��� _ Whi_h side of street�'�t�'��a� 16. fta�ne under Which this business will be conducted �i�`e-�i�S 1�C�1✓� �"���_..- 17:' Bua i nes s telephone rnaaber ��U o�7 7 � lp. Attach to this application, a detailed description of the design, location, arid square Pootage oP the premises to be licensed �9. �.re premises naW occupied � � - What businessY�""•,C1 S(0� ��tu'� H� long�S � , . � ,�•. �� ���7//�a � 20. List license which you rent y hold, 'or foz�mer held, or me�y have an intere . , i� � i L-� c � .• J -� . 21. Fiave a of the licenses listed by you in No. 20 ever been revoked. Yes No �, IP ansver is "yes", list dstea aad reasona: 2�C. Do you have an interest of ar�r type in ar�y ot.her businesa or business premiaes. I° answer is "yes", list business, business addresa aad telephone number.�Q 23. If business is incorporated, give dete oP incorporation __� � 19 and attach copy oP Articles of Incorporation and mirnites of first meetiag. 24. List all oYficers of the corporation giving their names, oPfice held, hame ' address, and home and business telephone numbers: 2�. If business is partnership, list partner(s) addres� and telrephvne �bera: i �• �o I S"`� J°o''��. C:r � . Name Q Ul �� Address_$1 n c�n+'n.S�zl•"i ��� ��11e1.Ao. ���'9yL�' -�j��' w!�Cls �-sj—C+- , �_. �o� as� l k�� �a�:�, �� m�/ �'��/�s-�� _ 26. Zs there a�yone else who will have an i�erest in thia businees or premises4 It answer is "yes", give naex, hcme address, telephoae n�bers aad in rhst manner is their interest: JJ 0 2T,. Are you goinq to o rate this business v it: � Personally /� if not, Mho rill vperate A� �-[7���k S � ►i��'e_____ Home address �e1.Ao. � `�1 Are you going to have a Manager or assistant in this business? IP ansWer ia � � � . ��yes��, give name and ho:ae address and home telep������ �� �� 4��^�p� Name �,I C/�'t A t� ��dl �_S Home address ��-. l 4 ef �� /�/�� Tel.No. 29. Has a r�yone yau have named in questions 22 through 25 ever been�e��e d? IP aaswer is "yes't, list name oP person, dates of arrest, where, cha.-ges, convic- tions and sentence ?0. I 1'p ( r - understand this premise may be in- spected by the police, fi , health a.nd other city oPficials at a� and aI1 times when the business is in operation. State of �tinnesota) )SS County of �-, ) ►.{�,,.,e,P;n 'T"Q v�� K� �� being first duly sworn, deposes and says upon oath that he has ad the foregoing statement bearing his sigaature snd lmorrs the contents thereof, and tha.t the same is true of his own kno�+ledge except as to those matters therein stated upon informati�n and belief and as to those matters he be- lieves them to be true. � � Subscribed and sWOrn to befoze me ignature of Applic t t ' �,�� �day of T 19� Nota Public, � unty, Minnesota '� co�ission expiz�es� �/�"��/ �-�--' ,,::� OEBRb �. DANfELS NOTIUtY PUBIlGAi1�1NE5Yl(A '� HENNEPt�I COiJNTy � �'' My Commission Expires ""=� A i114 1992 _ . . �� - i/�.0 A G E N D A M A T E R I A L S COUNCIL ID4� �-� �� DATE RECEIVED � �� J � AGENDA DATE AGENDA ITEM �� SUBJECT '�w �,,� �� ' � � �� � Q�� ��. � --- , ORIGINATOR _ ��-c-�..�� ,��v . CONTACT �Q�./���, RESEARCH STAFF ASSIGNED � DATE SENT TO CLERK J'-,�_ COUNCIL ACTION � MASTER FILE INFO AVAILABLE f� .Q�-�?�� C��� � � • . - ,. � �-�, ORD'IRESOL. �� DATE FILE CLOSED ' �. � • � �. � �°., \\