Retum Copy To: O R� V 1 N A L
PoGce Dept. Accounting
Presented By:
coU�C;► �]e u � ( o� J
Green Sheet # 8205
Referred To: Commit[ee:Date:
1 WfIEREAS, the Saiat Paal Police Department received a total of $122,404 for the Railroad 7sland area and
2$200,000 for the Summit University area from State Weed and Seed grants for the period July 1,1997 thmngh
3 June, 30,1999; and
5 WFIEREAS, the Police Deparlment needs to increase the 1999 financing and spending plans for these
6 granta due to unspent grant funds from 1998; and
8 WHEREAS, the Railroad Island and Summit University Weed and Seed grants are being eatended thmugh
9 December 31,1999; and
11 WFIEREAS, The Mayor pursuant to Section 10.07.1 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul, dces certdy tLat
12 there are available for appropriarion funds of $62,689 in eacess of those estimated in the 1999 budget; aud
14 WHEREAS� The Mayor recommends that the following addition be made to the 1999 budget:
18 436 - Poflce Special Projects Fhnd
19 34103 - Weed & Seed-Railroad Lvland
20 3400 - State Direct Grants in Aid
21 3A142 - Weed & Seed-Summit University
22 3400 - State Direct Grants in Aid
436 - Police Special Pmjects Fund
341�3 - R'eed & S�d-Railroad Island
054� - Payment to Subrnntractor
34142 - Weed & Seed-Summfr University
0141- Overtime
0439 - Fringe Benefita
0547 - Payment to Subcontractor
0558 - Transfer to Special Revenue Fund
60,604 14,847 75,451
115,717 47,842 163,559
176,321 62,689 239,010
14,847 14,847
- 23,700 23,700
- 6,300 6,300
101,717 2,892 104,609
14,000 14,950 28,950
34 , ,
36 THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the City CouncII appmves these changes to the 1999 budget
Requeated by
Adopted by Council:Date:
Adoptioy�Ce�ed by Coi
partment ofl
_ � � � I��
imende by Financial Services Director:
by C' Attorney:
s � ��„ sy:
Appmved by Mayor:Date• r}t J � Ap�
BY� �!�i�i in>�/si�i B�
roL:cE osro�n999 GREEN SHEET No. 8205
C11iefFinney292-3588 7 oerantroirowECron 5 cwca C t'�3S
E�$t�P ❑3 rnranoa�r_�G "��^� ❑arxaexrt
�meve¢s �' �m�vinecre
�anvaa�on.ussr �� - ❑xrnwwcxrs
Signatures requested on the attached Council Resolufion amending the 1999 financing and
spending plan for the Weed and Sced grants at the Railroad Tsland/Summit-University azeas.
1. Has this persoNfirtn ever worked umler a coniract fw ihis depaAmeM?
C4B COMMITTEE 2. Has ihis personKfin ever been a ciry employee?
3. Dces [his person/firm possess a slall not normally possessed by any current cdy employee�
4. Is Nis persoMirtn a targeted vendoR
E�lain all yes answere on separate sheet and attach to green sheet
The Saint Paul Police Department received $122,404 for the Railroad Island azea and $200,000 for
Suuunit Univeisity area from State Weed and Seed Grants from July 1, 1997 t}uough Iune 30, 1999.
These grants aze being extended tthrough December 31, 1999.
The 1999 budget for these grants needs to be increased due to nnspent grant funds.
Abiliry to use Weed and Seed Grant funds to improve the Railroad Island and Snmmit- University azeas of
Saint Paul.
None � � � - � � �
VVUdI{� il !! 4
G�tr�a�a�bie��mm,�a. JUN 2 $ ���9 � _ - u_� _ �,___ '�`��"
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4 ��Nt%ti�
A��oho� &
Bureau of
Apprehension :
Capitol Secutity
Driver & Vebicle
State Pire
Pipefine Safety
State Patrol
Traffic Safety
Office of the Commissioner � �� -G35
445 Minnesota Street, Suite 1000, North Central Life Tower, St. Paui, Minnesota 55101-5000
Phone:651/296-6642 FAX:651.297.5728 TTY:651/282-6555 �
Internet: http://ww�.v.dps.state.mn.us
�—�: i( :• �' 1 � V
�'� ��1s� �
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May 20, 1999
Amy Brown
St. Paui Police Department
100 E lith Sfireet
St. Paul, MN 55101
Dear Amy:
Enclosed you will find three copies of Amendment #1 to your agencies' Weed
and Seed Grarrt AgreemenC. These three copies must be signed where
indicated by the individual(s) authorized in your agencies resolution to execute
the amendment for the St. Paui Police Department.
After the appropriate signatures are obtained, please return all three copies of
the Grant Amendment to my attention at: Department of Public Safety, Law
Enforcement and Community Grants, 444 Cedar Street, Suite 100, St. Paul, MN
Do not hesitate to contact me with any questions you may have at 651-297-
Thank you.
I — I L�''r"_�-_�' " �- j "�
Pamela Docken
Grant Administrator �' ', �, �
� Endosures L.�' j , � �
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SFY 1998 Fund 700 Agency Number � P07 OrglSub 68'10 Appr. Unit 68�
�Entry Locn ��� Object Code �5604 ftequisition No. 60005 . � Agreement No. 6000-'1'1 Order No. 6000-14 .
Vendor Number 066790002 00 Commoddy Code - _ Tofal Obligation 5200,000.00 Reporting Category
State of 3v�innesota
Depaztrnent of Public Safett�
St. Paul Police Department
100 East i lth Street
St. Paul, MN �5101
Amount - 0 -
WHEREAS, the State of Minnesota, Depazhnent of Public Safety {STATE} has a Grant Agreemen[ identiE"ied as Gontract
Numbei 60b0-i l with the St. Paul Polica Department (GRANTEE),'per(aining [o the Weed and Seed Tnititative , and
WHEREAS, the STATE and GRANTEE have ageed that additional time is neccessary for the satisfactory completion of the
grant aereement; and . '
THAT, Clause II, Section A, Paragraph 3, of Amendment # I of this Grant A�eement shall be amended to read:
3. The total obligation of the STATE for ail compensation and reunbursements to GRANTEE shatl not exceed
Ei�itv Feur Thousand Tcao Hundred Eivhtv'I'hiee Dollars ($84283.001, from July 1, 1997, through June 30,
1998 and One HL*+dred Pif�i Thousand Seven Hundn� Seventeen Dollazs ($ t I 5.717.00) from Iuiy 1 1998
tluough -imri,=�z �"'» December 31.1999. Funds not expended by GRANTEE during the fust year o£ this
grant agreement may be expended in the second year of this agreement.
THAT, Clause VI, of the original Grant Agreement shall be amended to read:
VL TERMS OF GRANT. This grant contract shall be effecticz upon the date thatthe final requued signeture
is obtained by the STATE, pursuant to MS 16B 06, Subd 2, and shall remain in effect unli; ��3�' —
December 31. 1999 or until all obligations set forth in the grant contract have bezn satisfactorily fulfilled,
whichever occurs first. The GRANTEE may ctaun reimbursement for expenditures incuired for secvices
perFormed on or after July 1, 1997.
1 of 2
Weed and Seed Initiative/St. PauJ Police Depar'_ment;S:-mmit-U/Rmend.ment #2
� �.... , ^ . . , a�-��s
By exec+:tion of this amendment, the terms and conditions of the orginal Giant Agreemeni and Amendment # I aze e�cpressly
reagGne3 Escept as he�in amended, the provisions of the original Grant Agreement and Amendment � 1 remain in full £orce
and effect
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have caused this amendment to be executed intending to be bound thereby.
BY� � BY-
Tide: Chief of Police � Title:
Date: . �!� �� Date .
By: .
Title: -
$y; Date:
, t _____ _ .
2 of 2
Weed and Seed InitiativelSt. Paul Police DepartmentlSUmmit-U/Amendment #2
' Txty�
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:1'!'fO1:�El' GFS\I>.RAl,
July 16, 1998
Amy Brow�n
Office of the Chief
Sc. Paul Police Department
l00 E. I ltl� Street
St. Paul, MN �5101
Deaz Amy:
J 11 t_ 2 0 1998
�`� �C'��
❑h,\I]li \ I.Ifl;Ctil\L SE('I IU�
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�l�l� 4. $IXI
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TFI.Fi912�h: lR � 31'Y i 4n>I�
Enclosed please find three copies of Amendment No. 1 to Contract Order Number 6000-] l
(Summit-University Weed and Seed). Once you have obtained the appropriate signatures, return
them to me and I will forward the Contract on to the approp:iate people at the State. Once the
�rant has been fully executed, I will send you a copy for your records. If you have any questions,
don't hesitate to call me at 297-4038 or send an email to me at: shipero@ag.state.mn.us. My
mailing address is: Office of Minnesota Attorney Genexal, 525 Pazk Ave., Suite 500; St. Paul,
n�Si�' �5103-2106.
S' cerely, � •' r
�,�U� ��'��v�, v�,��,�.t11
Rowzat �' ipchan !er
�Veed and Seed Grants Coordinator
cc: Pamela Docken, Departrnent of Public Safet;�
Anthony Carter, Summit-University Weed and Sec-d
R�c.,in�ile. IG i? 1 2�)7-1i7G :I'�}} lfil?)'-S?-1i?S .'�ol! Free Lmee 18001 6i',-2iF' t�tuce). (F007 i66A81'_ (TTYl • w��.. :�__ .i ur nm.u.
An Equ.d Opnonw�tl� Entpiocet q hn \'.�lue. ihre:'��tp CJ PrintrJ on $O�ir rcevdeJ paprr 11 i�., p�nl oummnrr enn!enii
Agency Num�er P07
• s.. .
State of Minnesota
Department of Public Safety
St. Paul Po[ice Department
100 East llth Street
St. Paul. 11'IIV SSI01
Unit .68�
Order No.
Total Obliaation for FY 98
�.�� 5 84,283.00
(S50.000.00 increase)
WHEREAS, the State of hlinnesota, Depar[ment of Public Safety (STATE) has a Grant A�reement
identi£ed as Contract Number 6000-I 1 with the St. Paul Police Department (GRANTEE), pertaining to
the Weed and Seed Initiative. and
Wf�REAS, the STATE has a�varded additional funds for the initiative: and
THAT, Gause !I. Section A. Pazaeraphs 1 and 3. of the Grant Aereement shall be amended to read:
Compensation shall be con�istent with the Revised Program Line Budget, inciuded in Attachment
l., of this agreement. The Revised Program Line BudQet is 6erebv i¢corporated bv
reference and made a part of this a�reement. '
3. The total obligation oi the STATE for ail compensation and reimbursemenu to GRANTEE shafl
not exceed ' Ei�hcv Four Thousand, Two Hundred
Ei�hri Three Doliars (584,283_00) from July 1, 1997, throu2h June 30, 1998, and-�auowu�€ua
�keus�d c,'elaars {�:5.8«�A.99� Une Hundred Fifteen Thousand Seven Hundred Seventeen
DotIars (5115,717.00). from Juty l, 1998. through Iune 30. 1944. Funds not expended by
GRANTEE during the first year of this grant aereement may be expended in the second year of
this agreement.
THAT, Paee I of Attachment 1. tit(ed, "�'Jeed and Seed Application Cover Page," column titled "Project
Funds Requested." sha11 be amended to read:
Project Funds Requested Yeaz 1:-�'.-S,9p.9,AA 584,283.00 and Year 2: �9l�9,A9 5115,717.00.
Weed and Seed Iniciativc Sc. Pail Policz Department (Summi[-University)
�f� -�3S
By execution of this ar,�endment, the te; ms and conditions of the original Grant Aereement are expressly
Except as herein amended, the provisions of the original Grant Aereement remain in full force and effect.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have caused this amendment to be execuced in[endine to be bound
Date N
Approved to si� on behalf
of :he Attorney General
as to form and execution
By: By:
2 of 3
t;eec aad Seed ?nitiative St. Paul Police Departmeac (SUmmit L'aiversity)
Revised Program Line Budget � q
Page 6 of F
WF:FD .^.�iD S£ED
Bud2et Page �`
ITENI � Year One Request � Year Two Request Total Request
Salan� � -0- � -0- -0-
Benenu -0- i -0- -0-
EauiDment $2,000 � $4.3Q0 $6,300
PrinUCopy $1,000 $3,300 $4300
PhoneiPostaee �3,000 � $6,000 $9.000
Suppiies 5750 � $2,000 $2.750
Convacted Services � $34,SQ0 $9,000 �43.�00
In-State Travel �
Other Exoenses
Out oi State Travel �1,500 4,000 �5,500
Rent $1,350 3,000 4,350
Allev Gean Up $I,300 $S,d00 56,300
Rehab/Renovation $15,780 $25,000 $40,780
Trauune $1,680 $3,000 $4.680
Code Enforcement $5,000 $10,000 515,000
Communirv Forums $8,000 �23,000 S31.000
Youth Stipends $2,800 $10,000 $12.800
Other $5,623 $8.117 $13,740
Total Amount �49A-- �Z�A�4 � 115.717 �' ����� 200,000
Budeet Description (describe each line item as needed)
•' y' -- - -
. r...4.
3 0� 3
Weed anc Seed Initiacive St. Pau1 'rolice Departmenc (Summit U^ive=s_Ly)
"Revised Program Line Budgex"
Budgec Pa�e
This bud2et pa2e inciudes two budgets - one for the money (575.000 per year) we have been awarded
and one �vith the money �ve have been allocaced a�7d the additional funds we are requesting. We are
requestin� an additional $25_000 a year for a tocal of SZ00,000 over t�vo vears.
thac has been an addi[ional I thaz haz been ( an additionat
Yet to be Yet to be
determincd deceratmed
Oui-of-Sta[e Travel
Alley Clean-up
Code Enforcement
Communirv Forums'•*
Youth Stioends
Other =
. ...
1350 2140
+ n
] 0,000
*The Rehab/Renovation line-item would be used to assist existine agencies such as Habitat for Humaniry
and Rondo Land Communiry Land Trust in their etiorts in housing development.
**The St. Paul Pubiic Depamnent of Health has committed to train three Summit-University residents in
code enforcement procedures and allow them to conduct exterior inspections. We �vould use these
stipends to pay the peopie who would be doing our code enforcement.
***Includes communitv events. sponsorships �atherines ecc includin� speakers soace rental
food ana ctuld care.
NOther inctudes buttons. oromotionai items, flierine, incidentals.
Aoolicant Ager
William K. Finney
Chief oz Police
(612) 292-3558
WE�� A1VD Sc��
Appiication Cover Page
July 1, 1997 — June 30. 9999
wnicn conirac: �viil be executed):
! Address ! Phone
100 E. Eleventh St.
Saint Pau1, .*IN 55101
(612) 292-3540
Contact Person: same
Agency . � Address � Phone I Fax ( Emai(
erating Agency (if different than applicant):
Legal Name � Address
Summit-University 627 Selby Ave.
Planning Councii Saint Pau1, �L'V 55104
(612) 22H-1S55
(612) 225-1108
Boundaries of Weed and Seed Site Project Funds Minnesota Federal Tax
4 Requesteti I Tax ID# ID #
Year 1: $
Northern -- University Ave. $25,000 802509 41-6005521
Eastern -- Dale St. additional
Southern -- IIague
Western -- Lexington Farkway
� Year2: $ 25,000 (add` )
i certify that the information contained herein is true
that I submit this application on behalf of plic
Signature of Authorized O�cial:
Chief of Police
to the best of my knowiedge and
November 25 1997
c�� _ c 3s
Community I3escription
The Summit University Planning Council (SUPC), is the Saint Paut Planning Council for the area
in the city which has a history of being one of the most culturatly and economically diverse
districts in the city. It is home to more residents of color than any other neighborhood and has
been so for a longer time than the city's other diverse neighborhoods. According to the 1990
census', 56 percent of the area's population are people of color inctuding 40.6 percent African
Americans, ll.S percent Sootheast Asians, 2.5 percent Hispanic and I.1 percent American Indian.
There is great pride within this community on its longstanding diversicy and it is the hallmark of
the community.
The 1990 census. indicates a total population of 1 S, 301. After the 1970 census, the population
decGned by almost one third, more than any other neighborhood in the city. But, by 1990 the area
had stabilized and population had rebounded and increased by iS.S percent
Whi(e crime appears ro be on the decline all across the city, in the SU community there is still a
grea[ cause for concern. Just under ten percent of the 41,000 offenses reported in the ciry
occurred in the community's eight police grids' Summ+t-University (SU) comprises on(y 6.8
percent of tlie total city poputation, however, 93 percent of all reported crimes occurred in the
The most alarming statistic is the amount of violent crime committed within tne community. In
1994 six of the 29 homicides occurred in SU. Twelve percent of the aggravated assaults occurred
there alon� with 117 of the 881 robberies and 27 of the ZSS reported rapes. There is a warranted
suspicion that the often unreported crime of assauit, particularly domestic assault is high.
Low income, elderly, sing(e heads of households with dependent children, refugees, at risk youth
and residents of community residential facilities, including transitional housin� make up a large
part of the population residin� within the SUPC. The district also embraces an upper income
population residing in the Ramsey Hill area and alon� Summit Avenue. The diversity of the
neighborhood is a great strength as well as the major challenge.
The SU neighborhood is one of the oldest in the city. A neighborhood once known for its
prosperity, it experienced serious decline and consequently, more recently, renovation and
redevelopment. Its history and people have created a multiplicity of interests and needs.
Formerly an Urban Renewal Area, a Model Cities target area, a Neighborhood Strategy Area and
recently a URAP area, SU has a long tradition of organized decision making dating back over
thirty years.
' See US Cens�u Data, Saint Paut Council Research.
' From Saint Paul Polic� Department Research and Development Unit Police Smtistics.
��� � 3 S
Needs Assessment
Analysis oi crime stats, unemployment rates, building conditions and property values provide
cruciai evidence of the need for a Weed and Seed program in the SUPC community. There are,
however, other important factors that speak to wE�}� the SUPC community should receive Weed
and Seed fundin�.
• Historically, the SUPC community has had little or no funds to support pro2ramming
which responds to the breadth and ma,nitude of problems the �Veed and Seed Program
seeks to address. �
• i3ecause of a new emphasis on grants-�vriting , this year represents the first time that the
SUPC ]ias beeu able to adequately fund a fulf-time profession2l community
organizedcrime prevention coordinator.
• In addition, several components of the Weed and Seed Pro,ram have recently been funded
which no�{� enable SUPC to "hit-the-ground-runnin�". Only now does the SUPC
communiry have the capacity to appiy for and to successfully implement a 1�Jeed and Seed
Pro�ram. With all of these components in piace and at fuli capacity, the probability of
success is positive.
• The Aurora-St. Anthony Neighborhood Development Corpora[ion, a seasoned
nei�hborhood organization, has a long and successful history in respondin� to its
neighborhood problems. A paRnership widi them strengthens SUPC's ability to work
togeti�er witli the Aurora-St. Anthony community to respond to tlieir many on�oino needs.
The SUPC has long been convinced of the connection between neighborhood development,
property improvement and crime in the community. The Neighborhood PropeRy Improvement
Pilot Program (PIP) will work well with the requirements of the "weeding" part of the Weed and
Seed program. SLTl'C's Neighborhood Development Committee, as part of this year's s[rategic
pian supported the creation of PII' with the goal to promote and provide a minimal standard of
maintenance and improvement of the exterior physical infrastructure of targeted neighborhoods.
Beyond Qroviding information and serving as liaison with the Neighborhood Development
Committee and public and private community development agencies, PIP staffwouid work .
proactively with Saint Paul Public Heatth Code Enforcement, neighborhood residents, block clubs
and other community groups in non-adversarial and pro-active ways to solve ongoing or potential
code violations such as trash and garbage removal, identification and removaf of abandoned cars,
unwatered trees, uncut grass, weeds, and other impediments to the community's visual health.
Direct services would be provided to residents to avoid summary abatement for a reduced sum of
money (or as a community service project). This coufd be a potentiaf source of inco�e for the
program. PIP would contract for minor repairs to be done on select properties by using
established criteria. PIP scaff, che Crime Prevention Coordinator, the NDC and the Selby Asea
Community Development Corp (SACDC) would devetop a monthly work plan alon� with
residents and other Weed and Seed stakeholders.
SACDC has commitfed to donating a percentage of time of their maintenance staffto perform
needed repairs. In addition, PIP would work with SUPC's Crime Prevention Coordinator and the
Saint Paul Police Department on issues refated to grafriti.and problem properties.
The following represents a number of resources or seeds that would be planted -- or better yet
tia�atered -- in conjunction with the weeding.
• The Youth Service Community Institute located at 917 Selby is a coa!ition of community-
based youth servin� organizations that are committed to empowering and promoting the
welfare of youth in the SU and Fro�town communities.
• A nervly created SU lnfotmation and Communiry Service O�ce has been working to
make availabie and to provide information on community volunteer opportunities.
• A barter pro�ram provides opportunities for neiehbor-to-neighbor exchan�e of talents and
services without an exchan�e of money arid the SU Youth Service Corp provides
vo(unteer experiences for 12-15 year old youth in the community.
• The newly funded Community Improvement and Safety Program and its coordinator,
in addition to creating and maintaining a network of block clubs, provides information on
crime/violence prevention, victim resources and deals with neighborhood problem
• An innovative Iuvenile Restorative Justice Program has begun Ilie work of recruiting and
training people from communities of color for trainin� in mediation and family group
conferencin� to assist victims and offenders in SU.
• Additional funding was recently received from the Minnesota State Court Administrator's
Office to expand program services to adult victims and offenders in SU.
Weed and Seed funding would enable the SUPC to join together in a unique partnership with
neighborhood organizations, agencies and programs to effect very reai, visible, and tangible
results in targeted areas within the SUPC community.
Now, more than ever before in recent history, the SUPC is primed to fashion a dynamic
response, putling together the best of the newly created and proposed resources in the
community. Not only would Weed and Seed funding further strengthen and provide an
important focus but it would also further enable the SUPC to continue the search for innovative
responses to both the real and perceived issues that have long faced the community.
Planning Process
The �Veed and Seed Steering Committee iornied in Seocember of 1997. SL C. ihe �urora-St.
i�nthonv �iei�hborhood Development Association and �he Selby Area Community Deceiopment
Curporation called the tirst Weed and Seed meeting on September 15.
Approsimately 30 people attended the first meeting and a steering committee was fornled. The
��'eed and Seed steerin� conmlittze includes a wide arrac of community and ;overnmental leaders.
The committee consists of acti�e residents, block club ieaders, business �wners, landlurds,
representatives from non profit agencies, �'linnesota attorney General's Office, St. Paul Police,
the Ramsey Cuunty Attorney's Office, St. Paul Depaament�of Public Health. St. Pauf Fire
Prevention and other agencies. 4Ve have been quite pieased with the high percentage of residents
participating in formulating the Weed and Seed stratem,�. A list �f steerin� committee members
and their affiliations is included ��ith the strategic plan.
During the months of September and October, the Weed and Seed steering committee met six
times to put toeether a strate,ic plan for die neact two yzars. The tirst step in the planning
process was to identify the problems the neighborhood faced. Then the commictee articulated
several �oals includina: providing constructive activities for youth; cleaning up trash from the
nei�hborhood; promoting economic development; impro�ing communication between the police
and residents: and reducinD nuisances such as boom car, speeders, street-level dru, dealing, and
prostitution. y
In urder to better �ififl our �oals and objectives, the steering committee would like to request
additional funds. Tllese additional funds would be used for more police overtittie, coordinator
salary (so we could hire a fult time coordinator) and money for rehabilitation and renovation of
Budget Page
Tl�is bud,et page inciudes two bud�ets — one for the money (57�,000 per year} we have been
a�varded and one «ith the monev we have been allocated af�d the additionai funds we are
requestina. `�'e are requestin� an additional 525,000 a��ear for a totai of $260,000 over two
(Mone}• that has (With an additional (Mone�� that has been (�Vith an additional
been a�carded) �2�.OD0) mcarded) 25 O00)
Yct to be detennincd Yet to be
S�ilan (30 hrs/nk) 35+50 (dU lus/�ok) 31-410
Bcnefits '
E m ntent 200U 2UU0
PrinUco c 600 600
Phonz/ osta z 2500 2500
Su lies � r .7J0 ;Sil
Convac[ed Senices ` ISuqO� 22-L8�1
(Police Ocertime) ��-
In-Statc Tra��el
Ot(tcr Ezpcnscs
Rcn[ 2100 2f00
AIICt' CIC1I1-UP li00 I300
RchablRcnoration* 10000 1=i30
Trainmg 1000 1630
Code Eniorcement /inOU �nu0
Stipcnds** — �
Ol11CC �)OO� (�I��
Totat 75,U00 IOO.00U 75AU0 100.000
� 9�3 � �?'7 `�
�'� � %/S `7I'�
* Tlie Rehab/Renuvation line-Yte�i�vould be used to assist existing ageficies such as Habitat for
Humanity and Rondo Land Community Land Trust in their efforts in housin� development.
** The St. Paul Public Department of Health has committed to train three Summit-University
residents in code enforcement procedures and allow them to conduct exterior inspections. We
would use these stipends to pay the peopie who would be doing our code enforcement.
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Council File t;_ / � - �✓ / v
Gmen Shee[ - <�'+��
�� G 3S
\� Presented
WHERE. e City of Saint aui It�s received a arant from the Department of
Public Safe for $75,D00 fo Weed and Seed Program in the Summit i�niversity
neighborhoo ' of Saint Paul,and
WHEREAS the DeparEment of Public Safety requests a designated authority for
Execution of agreements with that department, and
WI3EREAS the acceptance of the grant award will alIow the Summit Universify
neighborhood to begin its Weed and Seed program in 1998,
THEREF012E BE IT RESOLVED that the Saint Paul City Councii accept the
grant arvard in the amount of $75,000 for the Summit University Weed and Seed
Program, and authurize the proper city officials, including Chief Finney to enter
14 into an agreement with the Department of Public Safety.
33 -
eGueste y'D ent of Police:
By: v-J. � �N
i '
rh;<v�ar,n��.,, v c;....e.,�
Recommended byJBua?s� Director:
Adopted by Cou il _Dace: v"� •�`� �`� � Form Approved by City Att rney:
Adoption Certified by CounciTSecretary:
B i � /L-5-9
�� (� n
By' --� � { `.�.�.��-.�_ _�
Approved by Mayor. Date: Aporov by M o for Submi sion t�ncil:
By: _ le,�. �� _ By:
Weed and Seed initiative
�1� -� 3�
SFY 1998 Fund 100 Agency Number p07 Org/Sub 6810 Appr. Unit 681
Entry Locn Object Code 5B00 Requisition No. Contract No. Order No.
6000-5 { N Q 'rc� � 6000-11
Vendor Number Commodity Code Total Obligation Total Obligation for FY 98
06679000200 5150,000.00 $75,OQ0.00
THIS COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT, by and between the State of Minnesota, Department of Public Safety, (hereinafter
called the STATE) and St. Paul Police Department , 100 East 11th Street, St. Paul, Minnesota 55101, (hereinafter
called GRANTEE), witnesseth that: '
WHEREAS, the Department of Public Safety is the agency responsible for administration of funds available to the State of
Minnesota under provisions of Minnesota Statutes 299A.63 for the Weed and Seed Grant Program; and
WHEREAS, the STATE is authorized under provisions of Minnesota Statutes 299A.63 to make contracts from state funds
to qualified applicants; and
WHEREAS, GRANTEE is authorized to accept state funds for this purpose; and
WHEREAS, GRANTEE represents that it is duly qualified and willing to carry out the tasks associated with the Weed and
Seed Initiative; �
NOW, THEREFORE, the STATE and GRANTEE agree as follows:
SCOPE, PURPOSE, AND TASKS OF AGREEM�NT. GRANTEE will carry out the tasks described below in this
agreement and the tasks described in the grant application as stated in Attachment 1 oi this agreement which is
hereby incorporated by reference and made a part of this agreement.
A. GRANTEE must form a steering committee, comprised of a balance of public offciais, non-profits,
businesses, community organizations, residents, the State Weed and Seed Director and others. This
committee must meet regulariy. This steering committee is responsible for determining the strategy for each
of the four elements of the Weed and Seed initiative; impiementing the strategy; making budget decisiors or
recommendations; and making other decisions required for the initiative. Meetings of the steering committee
shati be held within the boundaries of the Weed and Seed.site whenever possible.
B. Should GRANTEE receive additional grant funds from the Federai Weed and Seed Program, the GRANTEE
must, within 10 days of no6fication of award, notify the STATE in writing of the award and the amount of the
award. The STATE sfiali then have the option to terminate andlor reduce this grant agreement.
C. Funds may not be used to pay fees to administer this grant agreement.
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Weed and Seed Initiative St. Paul Police Department (SUmmit-University)
A Consideration for all services performed and goods or materials supplied by the STATE as follows.
Comperisation shatl be consistent with the Program Line Item Budget, included in Attachment 1 of this
2. Reimbursement for travel and subsistence expenses actually and necessarily incurred by GRANTEE in
perPormance of this agreement in an amount not to exceed N/A dollars ($ N/A ; provided, that
the GRANTEE shall be reimbursed for travel and subsistence expenses in the same manner and in no
greater amount that provided in the current "Commissioners Pian" promulgated by the Commissioner of
Employee Relations. GRANTEE shall not be reimbursed for travel and subsistence expense incurred
outside of the State of Minnesota unless it has received prior written approval for such oui of state Vavel
from the STATE.
3. The total obligation of the STATE for all compensation and reimbursements to GR.4NTEE shall not exceed
Seventy-fve thousand dollars ($75.0001, from July 1, 1997, through June 30, 1998, and Seventy-five
thousand doliars ($75.000), from July 1, 1998 , through June 30, 1999. Funds not expended by
GRANTEE during the first year of this grant agreement may be expended in the second year of this
B. Terms of Payment.
1. Payments to the GRANTEE will be made by the STATE quaRerly on a quarterly cost reimbursement
2. Payments shall be made by the STATE promptfy after GRANTEE'S presentation of invoices for services
3. Upon GRANTEE'S request, an advance payment may be made after agreement execution, in an amount
not to exceed 25% percent of the first years budget total as determined necessary for execution of
GRANTEE obligations.
4. Invoices for reimbursement shall be identified in approved budget categories and submitted on a quarterly
basis in a form approved by the Department of Public Safety. Invoices shall be sent to: Rosalind R.
Sullivan, or her successor in office, Department of Public Safety, Office of the Commissioner, 445
Minnesota Sfreet Suite 1000, North Centrai Life Tower, St. Paui, MN 55101-2128.
5. Payments are to be made from Stafe funds obtained by the STATE through the Weed and Seed Grant
Initiative authorized by Minnesota Statutes 299A.63. If at any time such funds become unavailable, this
agreement shall be terminated immediately upon written notice of such fact by the STATE to GRANTEE.
in the event of such termination, GRANTEE shall be entitled to payment, determined on a pro rata basis,
for services satisfactorily performed for which State funds are availabie. The GRANTEE agrees to return
any unused funds to the STATE.
6. The GRANTEE wit4 expend granY funds allocated for this Qroject according to the attached project budget
included in Attachment 1 of this agreement. The GRANTEE wiii submit a revised budget for any deviation
of 10% or more between the ailowable funding categories. The revised budget must be approved by the
STATE before any expenditures can be made based on the revised budgeL
7. The GRANTEE agrees to retum any unusad funds to the STATE uniess prior 2pp�ovai for an extension
has been granted by the Grants Administrator and an amendment to the grant agreement has been duly
executed. Unused funds must be returned to the STATE within 30 days of the endingdate of the
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Weed and Seed Initiative St. Paul Police Department (Summit-University)
. . �� - ��
III. CONDITIONS OF PAYMENT. All services provided by GRANTEE pursuant to this grant shall be performed to
the satisfaction of the S7ATE as determined in the sole discretion of its authorized agent, and in accord with all
applicable federal, state, and loca! laws, ordinances, rules and regulations. GRANTEE shall not receive payment
for work found by the S7ATE to be unsatisfactory, or performed in a violation of federal, state, or local law,
ordinance, rule, or regulation.
IV. FAILURE TO COMPLY. The GRANTEE agrees to �etum funds to the STATE for any woric the STATE in its sole
discretion determined to be unsaGsfactory or performed in violation of federal, state or local 1aw, ordinance, rule
or regulation.
V. REDUCTION, SUSPENSION, OR TERMINATION OF FUNDING. if a GRANTEE does not fu1fill obliaations under
the agreement in a timely and proper manner, or if GRANTEE violates conditions of the agreement, the STATE
may reduce, suspend, or terminate funding with a 30-8ay notice of the efEective date of the action. GRANTEE
shall be entitled to payment for work or service satisfactorily performed for which state funds are avaiiable.
VI. TERMS OF GRANT This grant contract shall be effective upon the date that the final required signature is
obtained by the STATE, pursuant to MS 16B.06, Subd. 2, and shall remain in effect until June 30. 1999, or unti� 211
obligations set forth in this grant contract have been satisfactorily fulfilled, whichever occurs first The GRANTEE
may claim reimbursement for expenditures incurred for services performed on or after Julv 1 1997.
VII. STATE'S AUTHORIZED AGENT. The STATE's authorized agent for the aurposes of this agreement is Rosalind
R. Sullivan, or her successor in office, Department of Pubiic Safety, O�ce of the Commissioner, 445 Minnesota
Street, Suite 1000, Nocih Central �ife Towe� St. Paul, MN 55101-2128. Such agent shail have final authority for
acceptance of GRANTEE'S services.
VIII. REPORTING. GRANTEE will advise the STATE concerning project progress through such reasonable means as
the STATE may find convenient. These will include the foliowing, and shall be submitted to: Rosalind R. Sullivan,
or her successor in o�ce, Depa[tment of Public Safety, Office of the Commissioner, 445 Minnesota Street, Suite
1000, North Central Life Tower St. Paul, MN 55101-2128.
A. The GRANTEE must provide the STATE with a final, and STATE approved strategic plan and budget
pertaining to this grant agreement by October 31, 1997. The final strategic pian and budget to be approved
by the STATE must show measurable objectives, budget, and time lines for describing tasks stated in
Attachment 1., of this agreement. This final strategic plan and budget must also be in a format approved by
the STATE and must include the four elements of the Weed and Seed stra!egy: 1) Law enforcement 2)
community policing, 3) prevention, intervention and treatment, and 4) revitalization and rehabilitation. Failure
to provide the STATE with a STATE approved final strategic plan by October 31, 1997, may result in the
termination of this grant agreement. All parties to this agreement understand that the STATE approved finai
strategic plan shali be binding and shall become part of this grant agreement.
B. The GRANTEE will advise the STATE concerning the project progress through the submission of quarterly
reports as required by the STATE's Authorized Agent.
C. Submission of a finai evaluation report within 30 days after the termination date of this agreement
D. Submission of a final expenditure report within 30 days after the termination of this agreement.
E. GRANTEE shaii make any and ali project records, reports and other data available to the STATE upon
request; this inciudes submission of copies of any reports, data, surveys (inciuding survey instruments), or
other materials for review and comment before they are prepared in final form, and six copies of all materiais
produced by the project following production of the materials.
F. Permitting periodic site visits by the STATE's Authorized Agent, ofher STA7E staff or other employees of the
State of Minnesota on behalf of the STATE.
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Weed and Seed Initiative St. Paul Police Department (Summit-University)
G. If initiated, participation in statewide data collection and cooperation with a designated evaluator on behalf of
the STATE, for the purpose of statewide evaluation efforts and assistance with individual project evaivation
H_ Participation in training and evaluafion worksfiops may be required.
A GRANTEE will establish a separate account of this project and wili maintain fiscal records in accordance with
generally acceptable accounting principles. GRANTEE's records, documents, and accounfing procedures
and practices for this project sfiall be subject to the examination of the STATE's authorized agent and by the
legislative Auditor. Fiscal records shall be retained for a period of three years foliowing submission of the
final report.
B. The books, records, documenYs, and accouniing procedures and practices of any GRANTEE and/or
consultant relevant to this agreement shall be subject to examination by STATE's authorized agent and the
Iegislative auditor.
X. NONDISCRIMINATiON. As a conditidh of receiving support for this project, GRANTEE assures that it will meet
all applicable requir=ments of the Civil F2i�hts Act of 1964, as amended (nondiscrimination on the basis of
handicapping conditions), and of any applicable state civil rights statutes.
Xi. ASSIGNMENT. GRANTEE will neither assign nor transfer any rights oT obligations under this agreement without
ihe prior written consent of the STATE_
A. GRANTEE may subcontract to provide services as described in the work plan (Attachment 1). It is
understood, however, the GRANTEE remains solely responsible to the STATE for providing the products and
services described.
B, identification of source of funding. Ali reports, materials, conference document�, and any other products
made available through this projecY, shall carry an acknowledgment that is was funded under provisions of
the State of Minnesota (Community Oriented Policing Grant Program) and give credit to other pafij's
XII. OWNERSHIP OF DOCUMENTS AND PRODUCTS. Any reports, studies, photographs, negatives, instruments,
curriculum, videotapes, training manuais, media messages, or other documents or products (hereinafter called
documents or products) prepared by or for GRANTEE in the pertormance of its obliga6ons under this agreement
shall be exciusive property of the STATE. Ali such documents or products shail be remitted to the STATE by
GR.4NTEE upon completion, termination, or cancellation of this agreement. GRP.NTEE shali not use, wiliingly
ailow, or cause to have such materials used for obligations u�der this agreement without the prior written consent
of the STATE.
Xlil. OWNERSHIP OF COPYRIGHT. AI! right, ti�e and interest in ail copyrightabie material which GRANTEE shaii
conceive or originate either individualiy or jointiy with others, and which arises out of the pefiormance of this
agreement, will be the property of the STATE and are by this agreement assigned to the STATE along with
ownersfiip of any and aii copyrights of the copyrightable materiai. GftAN7EE also agrees, upon the request of the
STATE, to execute all papers and perform alI other acts necessary to assist the STATE to obtain and register
copyrights on such materials. Where appiicable, works of authorship created by GRANTEE for the STATE in
perfortnance of this agreement shail be considered'1'vorks made for hire" as defined in the U.S. Copyright Act
XIV. AMENDMENT. Any amendments to this agreement shaii be in writing, and shati be executed by the same pa�'ties
who executed the originai agreement, or their successors in office. Y
)N. LIABILITY. To the ext2nt permitted by law, GRANTEE agrees to save and hold the STATE, its agents, and
empioyees harmiess from any and ail claims or causes of action rising irom the performance of this agreement by
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Weed and Seed Initiative St. Paul Police Department �Summit-UnicersiLy)
GRANTEE or GRANTEE'S agents or employees. This clause shall not be construed to bar any Iegai remedies
GRANTEE may have for the STATE's failure to fulfili its obligations pursuant to this agreement
XVI. WORKER'S COMPENSATION. The STATE aTfirtns that GRANTEE provided acceptable evidence of compliance
with the workers' compensation insurance coverage requirements of Minnesota Statutes, '176.'181. Subdivision 2.
XVII. DATA PRIVACY ACT. It is expressly agreed that GRANTEE is not a member of or included within the health,
education, criminal justice, or welfare systems for purposes of the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act as a
result of this agreement If GRANTEE is independently required to comply with any requirements of the
Minnesota Govemment Data Pracfices Acf, GRANTEE acknowledges that STATE sh2li not be liable for any
violation of any provision of Yhe Minnesota Government Data Practices Act indirectiy or directiy arising out of,
resulting from, or in any manner attributable to actions of GRANTEE.
GRANTEE agrees to indemnify and save and hold the STATE, its agents, and employees harmless from all
claims arising out of, resu{ting from, oc in any manner attributable to any violation of any provision of the
Minnesota Statutes, Sections 13.0'I-'13.87, including Iegal fees and disbursements paid or incurred to enforce the
provisions of this agreement.
A. When purchasing equipment authorized by this Agreement, GRANTEE shall comply with all procurement
procedures and laws that apply to the GRANTEE's purchase of similar equipment in the performance of its
duties other than its duties under this Agreement.
B. Any equipment purchased under this Agreement shall be used for law enforcement purposes during the life
of the equipment. The GRANTEE may not deviate from this requirement and may not dispose of any
equipment unless GRANTEE has first obtained written permission from the STATE.
C. The GRANTEE shall be responsible for all operating, maintenance, and repair costs of equipment unless
GRANTEE has first obtained written permission from the STATE.
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Weed and Seed Initiative St. Paul Police Department (Summit-Uaiversity)
!N WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have caused the grant to be duly executed intending to be bound thereby.
,vrrr�vv �u
By: , , . � B y' .
Title: Title:
Date: 1 � Date
Date '
Approved to sign on behalf
of the Attomey Generai
as to form and executio�
By: B Y
Date: Date:
Person(s) signing the agreement and obligaGng GRANTEE to the conditions of the agreement, must be authorized. A
certified copy of the resolution authorizing the GRANTEE to enter into this agreement and designating person(s) to
execute this agreement must be attached hereto.
NOTICE TO GRANTEE: If GRANTEE is other than a govemment agency, it is required by Minnesota Statutes, Section
270.86, to pro��de the social security number or Minnesota tax identification number if it does business with the State of
Minnesota. This information may be used in the enforcement of federai and state tax laws. Supplying these numbers
couid result in action to require you to file state tax retums and pay delinquent state tax Iiabilities. These numbers iii be
available to federai and state tax authorities and state personnel invoived in the payment of state obliga6ons.
6 of 6
Weed and Seed Initiative St. Paul Police Department (Summit-Universityl
Application Cover Page
July 7, 1997 — JUne 30,1999
>Iicant P (vrith which contract wili be executed): c�;.,r D...
Au`hcrized Oficiai ( Address � Phone
Attachment 1
Page i of 6 � � �
William K. Finney 100 East Eleventh St. (612) 292-3588 (612) 292-3540
Chief of Police Saint Paul, MN 55101
CUnCa::i Person: Same _
A�er.c/ �ddress Phore Fax Emaii
�pereting Agency (if differen? tnan applicant):
Legai Name � Address
Summit University I 627 Selby Avenue
Planning Council Saint Paul, MN 55104
Soundaries of Weed and Seed Site Project Funds Minnesota Federal Tax
Requested Tax IDn iD �
northern - University Avenue Year1:� 75,p00
eastern - John Ireland Boulevard
southern.- Su�it Avenue 802509 41-6005521
western - Lexington Parkway
Year 2: �
1 certi�y that the information contained
tfiat I submit this application on behalf
Signaf4re of Authorized Official:_
TItl2: Chief of Police
t� the best of my knowiedge and
Community Description '
The Summit University Planning Council (SUPC), is the Saint Paul Planning Councii for the area
in the city which has a history of being one of the most culturally and economically diverse
districts in the city. It is home to more residents of color than any other neighborhood and has
been so for a longer time than the city's other diverse neighborhoods. According to the 1990
census 56 percent of the area's population are peo�le of color including 40.6 percent African
Americans, 11.5 percent Southeast Asians, 2.5 percent Hispanic and 1.1 percent American Indian.
There is 2reat pride �vithin this community on its lon�standing diversity and it is the hallmark of
the community.
The 1990 censu=, indicates a total population of 13, 301. Afrer the 1970 census, the population
decl:ned by almost one third, more than any other nei�hborhood in the city. But, by 1990 the area
had stabilized and population had rebounded and increased by IS.S percent.
While crime appears to be on the decline all across the city, in the SU community there is still a
�reat cause for concern. Just under ten percent of the 41,000 offenses reported in the city
occurred in the community's ei�ht police grids.'' Summit-University (SU) comprises only 6.8
percent of the total city population, however, 9,3 percent of all reported crimes occurred in the
The most alarming statistic is the amount of violent crime committed within the community. In
1994 six of the 29 homicides occurred in SU. Twelve percent of the a�ravated assaults occurred
there alon� with 117 of the 881 robberies and 27 of the 285 reported rapes. There is a warranted
suspicion that the often unreported crime of assault, particularly domestic assault is high.
Low income, elderly, single heads of households with dependent children, refugees, at risk youth
and residents of community residential faci(ities, including transitional housin� make up a large
part of the population residing within the SUPC. The district also embraces an upper income
population residing in the Ramsey Hill area and alon� Summit Avenue. The diversity of the
neighborhood is a great stren�th as well as the major challenge.
The SU neighborhood is one of the oldest in the city. A neighborhood once known for its
prosperity, it experienced serious decline and consequently, more recently, renovation and
redevelopment. Its history and people have created a multiplicity of interests and needs.
Formerly an Urban Reaewal Area, a Model Cities target are� a Neighborhood Strategy Area and
recently a tJRt1P area, SU has a lon� tradition of organized decision making dating back over
thirty years.
' See US Census Data, Saint Paul Council Research.
� From Saint Paul Police Department Research and Development Unit Police Stafistics.
Needs Assessment
Analysis of crime stats, unemployment rates, buildin� conditions and property values provide
crucial evidence of the need for a Weed and Seed program in the SUPC community. There are,
however, other important factors that speak to why the SUPC community should receive Weed
and Seed fundin�.
• Historically, the SUPC community has had little or no funds to support pro�rammin�
�vhich responds to the breadth and magnitude of problems the Weed and Seed Program
seeksto address.
Because of a ne�v emphasis on grants-�vritin� , this year represenis the first time that the
SUPC has beer� able to adequately fund a full-time professional community
or?anizerlcrime prevention coordinator.
In addition, several components of the Weed and Seed Pro�ram have recently been funded
which now enable SUPC to "hit-the-�round-running". Only now does the SLJPC
community have the capacity to apply for and to successfully implement a Weed and Seed
Program. With atl of these components in place and at full capacity, the probability of
success is positive.
• The Aurora-St. Anthony Neighborhood Devetopment Corporation, a seasoned
nei�hborhood organization, has a lon� and successful history in respondin� to its
nei�hborhood problems. A partnership with them strengthens SUPC's ability to work
to�ether with the Aurora-St. Anthony community to respond to their many ongoing needs.
The SUPC has long been convinced of the connection between nei�hborhood development,
property improvement and crime in the community. The Nei�hborhood Property Improvement
Pilot Program (PIP) will work well with the requirements of the "weeding" part of the Weed and
Seed program. SUPC's Neighborhood Development Committee, as part of this year's strategic
plan supported the creation of PII' with the goal to promote and provide a minimal standard of
maintenance and improvement of the exterior physical infrastructure of targeted neighborhoods.
Beyond providin� information and serving as liaison with the Neighborhood Development
Committee and public and private community development agencies, PIP staffwould work
proactively with Saint Paul Public Health Code Enforcement, neighborhood residents, block clubs
and other community groups in non-adversaria( and pro-active ways to solve ongoing or potentia(
code violations such as trash and garbage removal, identification and removal of abandoned cars,
unwatered trees, uncut grass, weeds, and other impediments to the community's visual health.
Direct services wouid be provided to residents to avoid summary abatement for a reduced sum of
money (or as a community service project). This could be a potential source of incoaie for the
program. PIP would contract for minor repairs to be done on seiect properties by using
established criteria. PIP staff, the Gime Prevention Coordinator, the NDC and the Selby Area
CommuniYy Development Corp (SACDC) wouid develop a monthly work plan alonJ with
�a -�
residents and other Weed and Seed stakeholders.
SACDC has committed to donaYing a percentage oftime oftheir maintenance staffto perform
needed repairs. In addition, PIP would work with SUPC's Crime Prevention Coordinator.and the
Saint Paul Police Department on issues related to graffiti and problem properties.
The followin� represents a number of resources or seeds that would be planted -- or better yet
watered -- in conjunction with the weeding.
• The Youth Service Community Institute located at 917 Selby is a coalition of community-
based youth serving or�anizations that are committed to empowering and promotin� the
welfare ofyouth in the SU and Fro�town communities.
• A newly created SU InfoTmation and Community Service Office has been working to
make available and to provide information on community volunteer opportunities.
• A barter pro�ram provides opportunities for neiahbor-to-nei�hbor exchan�e of tatents and
services without an exchan�e of money and the SU Youth Service Corp provides
volunteer experiences for 12-15 year old youth in the community.
• The newly funded Community Improvement and Safety Program and its coordinator,
in addition to creatin� and maintaining a network of block clubs, provides information on
crime/violence prevention, victim resources and deals with nei�hborhood problem
• An innovative Juvenile Restocative Justice Proeram has begun the work of recruiting and
trainin� people from communities of color for trainin� in mediation and family group
conferencin� to assist victims and offenders in SU.
• Additional funding was recently received from the Minnesota State Court Administrator's
Office to expand program services to adult victims and offenders in SU.
Weed and Seed funding would enable the SUPC to join together in a unique partnership with
neighborhood organizations, agencies and programs to effect very real, visible, and tang'ible
results in targeted areas within the SUPC community.
Now, more than ever before in recent history, the SUPC is primed to fashion a dynamic
response, pullin� together the best of the newly created and proposed resources in the
community. Not oniy would Weed and Seed funding further strengthen and provide an
important focus but it would also further enable the SUPC to continue the search for innovative
responses to both the rea] and perceived issues that have long faced the community.
Page 5 of 6
/� q �� �S
Planning Process
SUPC �vill pull together the organizational and other institutional entities within the SU
community to form a Weed and Seed Steering Committee which will engage in a strategic
plannin� process in order to address the four elements of a Weed and Seed program:
• law enforcement involvement in the community
• community policin�
• prevention, intervention and treatment
• revitalization and restoration
Since these four areas have been"addressed within the community, as mentioned in the above
needs assessment, the ptannin� process would be�in immediately and a strate�ic plan would be in
place by the fall of 1997.
Yage 6 oY 6
q,�-� 3S
Budget Page _
1TEi1�1 Year Ona Request Year Two Request � Total Request
Salary I �
8enefits �
Equipment �
In-State Travel
�ther Expensas .
Total Amount
Requested 575,000 $75,000 5150,000
Budget description (descri�e each lirie item as needed):
At this time, without any significant strategic planning, the Summit University
neighborhood is reluctant to specify how the funding would be allocated. The
followino are areas which would be included after a planning process:
FORCE Unit Sweeps
Code Enforcement Activity for housing deterioration
Coordination of the program by specific staff
Office and supplies for the progran
AG28:99 v7
�a �� 3S
m o£ this amendment, the tenns and conditions of the orginal Grant Agreement and Amendment # 1 aze expressly
Except as heteia amended, the provisions of the original Grant Agreement and Amendment # 1 remain in full force
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have caused this aznendment to be executed intending to be bound thereby.
By: ' BY�
Title: Chief of Police � Title:
�. .
Date: . _ � � �� Date .
s .
Date .
$y . Date:
2 of 2
Weed and See:i Initiati-�e/St. Paul Police DepartmentiSUmmit-i3/Plnendment �€2
a - �.
� ��
� �P
Aicohol &
Bureau of
Capitol Security
Driver & Vehicle
State Fire
Pipeline Safety
State Patrol
Traffic Safety
Office of the Gommissioner � - G�� .���v�
445 Minnesota Street, Suite 1�00, North Central Life Tower, St. Paui, Minnesota 55101-5000
Phone:657/296-6642 FAX:651.297.5728 TTY:651/282-6555 .
lnternet: httpJlwww.dps.state.mn.us
�E�'�i\�r� �
June i, 1999
�� l� :'� i� % ;"�i:�
Amy Brown
City of St. Paui
St. Paul Police Department
100 East 11th St.
St. Paul, MN 55101
Re: Weed and Seed Railroad Isiand Amendment #1
Dear Ms. Brown:
CHitr 5 GrFICE
Enciosed you will find three copies of Amendment #1 to your agencies' Weed and
Seed Grant Agreemenf. These three copies must be signed where indicated by the
individual{s) authorized in your agencies resolution to execute the amendment for
the St. Paul Police Department.
After the appropriate signatures are obtained, please return a(I three copies of the
Grant Amendment to: Pam Docken, Grants Administrator, Minnesota Department
of Public Safety, Law Enforcement and Community Grants, 445 Minnesota St., Suite
1000 North Central Life Tower, St. Paul, MN 55101-5000.
The end if the state biennium is June 30, 1999. Please return the signed
amendments to me immer/iate/y for fina/ processing.
Please contact me at 651/297-1697 with any questions you may have. Thank you.
Pamela Docken
Grant Administrator
�.�. -c�'
`- SFY `'1998 ':`�Fund 100 ° Agency Number P07 Org/Sub 6510 Appr. UnR 68i -
Entry Locn Object Code 5B00 Requisdion No. 6000-72 ConVact No. 6000-77 Order No. 6000 77 "-
Vendor Number 066790002 00 � Commodrty Code Tatal Obiigation ;'122,404.00 Reporting Category
Sfafe of Minnesota
Department of Public Safety
City of St. Paul
St. Paul Police DeparEment
100 East 11th Street
St. Paul, MN 55101
Amount - 0 -
WHEREAS, the State of Minnesota, Department of Public Safety (STATE) has a Grant Agreement identified as
Agreement Number6000-77 with the City of St. Paul, St. Paui Police DepartmenE, 100 East 11th SEreef, St.
Paul, MN 55101 (GRANTEE), pertaining to the Weed and Seed Initiative, and
WHEREAS, the STATE and GRANTEE have agreed that additional time is necessary for the satisfactory
compietion of the grant agreement; and
THAT, Clause II, Section A, Paragraph 3, of the Grant Agreement shail be amended to read:
3. The totai obligation of the STATE for all compensation and reimbursements to GRANTEE shail not
exceed EiqhN-Two Thousand Seven Hundred Four pollars ($82 704.00) from July 1, 1997, through
June 30, 1998 and Thirtv-Nine Thousand Seven Hundred Dollars ($39.700.001 from July 1, 1998
through '""�,�o���� �cember 31. 1999. Funds �ot expended by GRANTEE during the first
year of this grant agreement may be expended in the second year of this agreement.
THAT, Clause VI, of the Grant Agreement shall be amended to read:
VI. TERMS OF GRANT. This grant contract shali be effective upon the date that the finat required
signature is obtained by the STATE pursuant to MS 16B.06, Subd 2., and shali remain in effect
untii '� -- �0-",�9 December 31. 1999, or until all obligations set fo�th in the grant contraEt�fiave
been satisfactorily fulfiiled, whicfiever occurs first. The GRANTEE may claim reimbursement for
expenditures incurred for services performed on or after July 1. 1997.
St. Paul Police DepartmenURailroad Island / 1998 Weed & Seed Grant Amendment #{ I
.�� ' , � � �a-�3�
By execution of this amendment, the term's and conditions of the originai Grant Agreement are expressiy
reaffirmed. Excepf as herein amended, the provisions of the original Granf Agreemenf remain in fuii force and
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have caused this amendment fo be executed intending to be bound thereby.
By: �`�� �` By:
Title: Chief of Police Title:
Date: �° l �' l � / Date
By: Date:
� ----
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St. Paul Police DepartmeuVRailroad Island / 1998 Weed & Seed Grant Ameudment #I
��t O� Pb
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a m
9T `�OFM�� ES �
Offiice of the Commissioner
445 Minnesota Street St., Suite 1000, North Central Life Tower, St. Paul, Minnesota 55101-5000
Phone:612/296-6642 FAX:612.297.5728 TTY:612/282-6555
Internet: http:!/www.dps.state.mn.us
MAR 2 6 1998 ��
Alcohol &
Bureau of
Capitol Sewrity
Driver & Vehicle
Management /
State Fire
Pipeline Safety
State Patrol
Traffic Safety
March 24, 1998
Amy Brown
St. Paul Police Department
100 East 11th Street
St. Paul, MN 55101
Dear Ms. Brown:
Enclosed you will find a fully executed copy of the Weed and Seed grant for
the Railroad Isiand site. As I indicated to you via voice mail, the grant
agreement for Summit U has been forwarded for signature and should be
returned by the end of the first week in April. As i stated in my Ietter dated
March 9, 1998, I will need an updated budget for Summit in order to process
invoices and process the award of additional funds.
if you have any questions, please feei free to contact Denise Sjoberg at 297-
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Rosalind R. Sullivan
Grants Coordinator �O i�1/�� �—\��,
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Equal Opportuni[y Employer
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Weed and Seed Initiative
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SFY '1998 Fund 100 Agency Number P07 Org/Sub 6890 Appr. Unit 68'1
Entry Locn Object Code 5600 Requisition No. Coniract No. Order No.
�� �x� --� a -��
Vendor Number Commodity Code Total Obligation Total Obligation for FY 98
066790002 $122,404.00 582,704.00
THIS COOPERATIVE AGREEM��T, by and between the State of Minnesota, Department of Public Safety, (hereinafter
called the STATE) and St. Paui Police Department, 100 E. 11th Street, St. Paul, MN 55'10'I, (hereinafter called
GRANTEE), witnesseth that:
WHEREAS, the DepaRment of Public Safety is the agency rasponsible fcr administration of funds available to the State of
Minnesota under provisions of Minnesota Statutes 299A.63 for the Weed and Seed Grant r ro9ram; and
WHEREAS, the STATE is authorized under provisions of Minnesota Statutes 299A.63 to make contracts from state funds
to qualified applicants; and
WHEREAS, GRANTEE is authorized to accept state funds for this purpose; and
WHEREAS, GRANTEE represents that it is duly qualified and willing to carry out the tasks associated with the Weed and
Seed Initiative;
NOW, THEREFORE, the STATE and GRANTEE agree as follows:
SCOPE, PURPOSE, AND TASKS OF AGREEMENT. GR.4NTEE wili carry out the tasks described below in this
agreement and the tasks described in the grant application as stated in Attachment 1 of this agreement which is
hereby incorporated by reference and made a part of this agreement.
A. GRANTEE must form a steering committee, comprised of a balance of public o�ciais, non-profits,
businesses, community organizations, residents, the State Weed and Seed Director and others. This
committee must meet regularly. This steering committee is responsible for determining the strategy for each
of the four elements of the Weed and Seed initiative; implementing the strategy; making budget decisions or
recommendations; and making other decisions required for the initiative. Meetings of the stesring committee
shall be held within the boundaries of the Weed and Seed site whenever possible.
B. Shouid GRANTEE receive additional grant funds from the Federal Weed and Seed Program, the GRANTEE
must, within � 0 days of notificatio� of award, notify the STATE in writing of the award and the amount of the
award. The STATE shall then tiave the option to terminate and/or reduce this grant agreement.
C. Funds may not be used to pay fees to administer this grant agreement.
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Weed and,Seed Initiative St. Paul Police Department - Railroad Zsland
I.eighborhood '
A. Consideration for ali services performed and goods or materials supplied by the STATE as follows.
'I . Compensation shal( be consistent with the Pro9ram Line Item Budget, included in Attaehment 1 of this
2. Reimbursement for travel and subsistence expenses actuaily and necessarily incurred by GRANTEE in
performance of this agreement in an amount not to exceed N/A dollars (5 N/A ; provided, that
the GRANTEE shall be reimbursed for travel and subsistence expenses in the same manner and in no
greater amount that provided in the current "Commissioners Pfan" promulgated by the Commissioner of
Employee Relations. GRANTEE shall not be reimbursed for travel and subsistence expense incurred
outside of Yhe State of Minnesota unless it has received prior written aporoval for such out of state travel
from the STATE.
The tot21 obligation of the STATE for all compensation and reimbursements to GRANTEE shall not exceed
Eig htv-two thousand seven hundred four dollars (582.704_001 from July 1, 1997, through June 30,
'1998, and Thirtv-nine thousand seven hundred dollars (539.700.00), from Ju!y 1, 1998 , through June
30, 1999. Funds not expended by GRANTEE during the first year of tt�is grant agreement mzy be
expended in the second year of this agreement.
B. Terms of Payment.
1. Payments to the GRANTEE wiii be made by the STATE quarterly on a quarterly cos! reimbursement
2. Payments shall be made by fhe STATE promptly after GRANTEE'S presentation of invoices for services
3. Upon GRANTEE'S request, an advance payment may be made after agreement execution, in an amount
not to exceed 25% percent of the first years budget total as determined necessary for execution of
GRANTEE obligations.
4. Invoices for reimbursement shall be identified in approved budoet categories and submitted on a quarterly
basis in a form approved by the Department of Public Safety. Im�oices shall be sent to: Rosalind R.
Suilivan, or her successor in o�ce, Department of Public Safety, O�ce ef the Commissioner, 445
Minnesota Street Suite 1000, North Central life Tower, St. Paul, MN 55 1 01-21 2 8.
5. Payments are to be made from State funds oEtained by the STATE through the Weed and Seed Grant
Initiative authorized by Minnesota Statutes 299A.63. If at any time such funds become unavailable, this
agreement shall be terminated immediately upon written notice ot such fact by the STATE to GRANTEE.
In the event of such termination, GRANTEE shail be entitled to payment, determined on a pro rata basis,
for services satisfactorily performed for which State funds are available. The GRANTEE agrees to return
any unused funds to the STATE.
6. The GRANTEE will expend grant funds allocated for this project according to the attached project budget
included in Attachment 1 of this agreement. The GRANTEE will submit a revised budget for any deviation
of 10% or more between the aliowable funding categories. The revised budget must be approved by the
STATE before any expenditures can be made based on the revised budget.
The GRANTEE agrees to return any unused funds to the STATE unless prior approval for an extension
has been granted by the Grants Administrator and an amendment to the grant agreement has been duly
executed. Unused funds must oe returned to the STATE within 30 days of the endir�g date of the
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Weed and�eed Initiative St. Paul Police Department -
Neighborhood '
Railroad Zsland
III. CONDITIONS OF PAYMENT. All services provided by GRANTEE pursuant to this grant shall be performed to
the satisfaction of the STATE as detertnined in the sole discretion of its authorized agent, and in accord with alI
appiicable federal, state, and local laws, ordinances, rules and regulatlons. GRANTEE shall not receive payment
for work found by the STATE to be unsatisfactory, or performed in a violation of federal, state, or local law,
ordinance, rule, or regulation.
IV. FAILURE TO COMPLY. The GRANTEE agrees to retum funds to the STATE for any work the STATE in its sole
discretion determined to be unsatisfactory or performed in violation of federai, state or Iocai law, ordinance, rule
or regulation.
V. REDUCTION, SUSPENSION, OR TERMINATION OF FUNDING. If a GRANTEE does not fulfill obligations under
the agreement in a timely and proper manner, or if Gr�ANTEE violates conditions of the agreement, the STATE
may reduce, suspend, or terminate funding with a 30-day notice of the effective date of the acfion. GRANTEE
shall be entitled to payment for work or service satisfactorily performed for which state funds are available.
VI. TERNIS OF GRANT This grant contract shall be effective upon the date that the final required signature is
obtained by the STATE, pursuant to MS 166.06, Subd. 2, and shall remain in effect until June 30. � 999, or until all
obligations set forth in this grant contract have been satisfactorily fulfilled, wh�chever occurs f rst. fhe GRANTEE
may claim reimbursement for expenditures incurred for services performed on or after July �. � 997.
VII. STATE'S AUTHORIZED AGENT. The STATE's authorized agent for the purposes of this agreement is Rosalind
R. Sullivan, or her successor in office, Department of Public Safety, Office of the Commissioner, 445 Minnesota
Street, Suite �000, North Central Life Tower St. raul, MN 55101-2128. Such agent shall have final authority for
acceptance of GRANTEE'S services.
VIII. REPORTING. GRANTEE will advise the STATE concerning project progress through such reasonable means as
the STATE may find convenient. These will include the foilowing, and shall be submitted to: Rosalind R. Sullivan,
or her successor in office, Department of Public Safety, Office of the Commissioner, 445 Minnesota Street, Suite
1000, North Centrai Life Tower St. Paul, MN 55101-2128.
A. The GRANTEE must provide the STATE with a fi�al, and STATE approved strategic plan and budget
pertaining to this grant agreement by January 15, 1998. The final strategic pian and budget to be approved
by the STATE must show measurable objectives, budget, and time lines for describing tasks stated in
Attachment 1., of this agreement: This final strategic plan and budget must also be in a format approved by
the STATE and must include the four elements of the Weed and Seed strategy: 1) Law enforcement 2)
community policing, 3) prevention, intervention and treatment, and 4) revitalization and rehabilitation. Failure
to provide the STATE with a STATE approved final strategic plan by January 15, 1998, may result in the
termination of this grant agreement. All parties to this agreement understand that the STATE approved final
strategic plan shall be binding and shall become part of this grant agreement.
B. The GRANTEE will advise the STATE concerning the project progress through the submission of quarterly
reports as required by :he STATE's Authorized Agent.
C. Submission of a final evaluation report within 30 days after the termination date of this agreement.
D. Submission of a final expenditure report within 30 days after the termination of this agreement.
E. GRANTEE shall make any and all project records, reports and other data availabie to the STATE upon
request; this includes submission of copies of any reports, data, surveys (including survey instruments), or
other materials for review and comment before they are prepared in finai form, and six copies of all materials
produced by the project following production of the materiais.
F. Permitting periodic site visits by the STATE's Authorized Agent, other STATE staff or other employees of the
3 0£ 6
Weed and Seed Initiative St. Paul Police Department - Railroad Zsland
State of Minnesota on behalf of the STATE_
G. If initiated, participation in statewide data coilection and cooperation with a designated evaluator on behalf of
the STATE, for the purpose of statewide evaluation efforts and assistance with individua! project evaluation
H. Participation in training and evaluation workshops may be required.
A. GRANTEE will estabiish a separate account of this project and wilf maintain fiscal records in accordance with
generally acceptable accouniing principies. GRANTEE's records, documents, and accounting procedures
and practices for this project shall be subject to the examination of the STATE's authorized agent and by the
Legislative Auditor. Fiscal records shail be retained for a period oi three years foliowing submission of the
final report.
B. The books, records, documents, and accounting procedures and practices of any GRANTEE and/or
consultant relevant to this agrAement shall be subject to examination by STATE's authorized aoent and the
legisla:ive auditor. .
X. NONDISCRIMINATION. As a condition of receiving support for this project, GRANTEE assures that it will meet
ali applicable requirements of the Civil Rights Act of'1964, as amended (ncndiscriminatiori on the basis of
handicapping conditions), and of any appiicable state civii rights statutes.
XI. ASSIGNMENT. GRANTEE wiil neither assign nor transfer any rights of obligations under this agreement without
the prior written consent of the STATE.
A. GRANTEE may subcontract to provide services as described in the work plan (Attachment 1). It is
understood, however, the GRANTEE remains solely responsibie to the STATE for providing the products and
services described.
B. Identification of source of funding. All reports, materials, conference documents, and any other products
made available through this project, shall carry an acknowledgment that is was funded under provisions of
the State of Minnescta (Community Oriented Policing Grant Program) and give credit to other party's
Xll. OWNERSHIP OF DOCUiv1ENTS AND PRODUCTS. Any reports, studies, photographs, negatives, instruments,
curriculum, videotapes, training manuals, media messages, or other documents or products (hereinafter called
documents or products) prepared by or for GRANTEE in the performance of its obligations u�der this agreement
shali be exciusive property of the STATE. All such documents or products shall be remitted to the STATE by
GRANTEE upon completion, termination, or cancellation of this agreement. GRANTEE shaii not use, willingly
allow, or cause to have such materiais used for obligations under this agreement without the prior written consent
of the STATE.
XIII. OWNERSHIP OF COPYRIGHT. All right, titte and interest in all copyrightable materizl which GRANTEE shall
conceive or originate either individually or jointly with others, and which arises out of the performance of this
agreeme�t, will be the prope[ty of the STATE and are by this agreement assigned to the STATE along with
ownership of any and ail copyrights of the copyrightable material. GRANTEE afso agrees, upon the request of the
STATE, to execute alI papers and perform all other acts necessary to assist the STATE to obtain and register
copyriyhts on such materials. Vdhere applicabie, works of authorship created by GRANTEE for the STATE in
performance of this agreement shall be considered 'tivorks made for hire" as defined in the U.S. Copyright Act.
XIV. AMENDMENT. Any amendments to this agreement shall be in writing, and shall be executed by the same parties
who executed the originai agreement, or their successors in office.
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Weed and�eed Initiative St. Paul Police Department - Railroad Island
Neighborhood '
� �, � �S
XV. �LIASILI7Y. To the extent permitted by law, GRANTEE agrees to save and hold the STATE, its agents, and
employees harmless from any and all ciaims or causes of action rising from the performance of this agreement by
GRANTEE or GRANTEE'S agents or employees. This clause shall not be construed to bar any legai remedies
GRANTEE may have for the STATE's failure to fuifill its obligations pursuant to this agreement.
XVi. WORKER'S COMPENSATION. The STATE affirms that GRANTEE provided acceptable evidence of compliance
with the workers' compensation insurance coverage requirements of Minnesota Statutes, 976.'18'I, Subdivision 2.
XVII. DATA PRIVACY ACT. It is expressly agreed that GRANTEE is not a member of or included within the health,
education, criminal justice, or welfare systems for purposes of the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act as a
result of this agreement. If GRANTEE is independently required to comply with any requirements of the
Minnesota Government Data Practices Act, GRANTEE acknowiedges that STATE shall not be Iiabie for any
vioiation of any provision of the Minnesota Govemment Data Practices Act indirectiy or directly arising out of,
resulting from, or in any manner attrib��table to actions of GRANTEE.
GRANTEE agrees to indemnify and save and hold the STATE, its agents, and employees harmless from all
claims arising out of, resulting from, or in any manner attributable to any violation of any provision of the
Minnesota Statutes, Sections � 3.0�-13.87, including Iegai fees and disbursements paid or incurred to enforce the
provisions of this agreement. ,
A. When purchasing equipment authorized by this Agreement, GRANTEE shali comply with all procurement
procedures and laws that appiy to the GRANTEE's purchase of similar equipment in the performance of its
duties other than its duties under this Agreement.
B. Any equipment purchased under this Agreement shall be used for law enforcement purposes during the life
of the equipment The GRANTEE may not deviate from this requirement and may not dispose of any
equipment unless GRANTEE has first obtained written permission from the STATE.
C. The GRANTEE shall be responsibie for all operating, maintenance, and repair costs of equipment uniess
GR.4NTEE has first obtained written permission from the STATE.
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Weed and�Seed Initiative St. Paul Police Department - Railroad Island
Neighborhood '
iN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hzve caused the grant to be duly executed intending to be bound thereby.
'I. G NT F
Date: �
Approved to sign on behaif
of the Attorney General
as to form and executior.
OriGina� sianPd
Title: � (/
Date �� ! 15�'i �7�� l,Y l'''� �� �
3� i� l�
ORiGIi�lAt SIG�+��
8y rerncia S. f�iolte
Person(s) signing the agreement and obligating GRANTEE to the conditions of the agreement, must be authorized. A
ceRified copy of the resolution authorizing the GRANTEE to enter into this agreement and designating person(s) to
execute this agreement must be attached hereto.
NOTICE TO GRANTEE: If GRANTEE is othe� than a government agency, it is required by Minnesota Statut�s, Section
270.66, to provide the sociai security number or Minnesota tax identification number if it does business with the State of
Minnesota. This information may be used in the enforcemenY of federal and state tax Iaws. Supplying these numbers
could result in action to require you to file state tax returns and pay delinquent state tax liabilities. These numbers iil be
available to federal and state tax authorities and state personnel involved in the payment of state obligations.
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Weed aad�..ed Znitiative St. Paul Police Department - Railroad Zsland
Neighborhood '
Applicafion Cover Page
July 1, 1997 — June 30, 1999
Applicant Agency (with which contract wiil be executed):
Authorized Official Address
Chief Wm. K. Finney 100 E. ? 1'" Street
Saint Paul Police Department Saint Paui, MN. 55101
Contact Person:
Lt. Nancy Di Perna
Address Phone
100 E. 11"' Street 292-3712
Saint Paui, MN. 55101
Operating Aqenc�(if diffierent than appiicantl:
Legal Name Address Phone
Saint Pau! Police Department 90� E. 91�' Street 292-3588
Saint Paul, MN. 55101
Attachment I
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I� /�
Boundaries of Project Funds MN. Tax Fed. Tax
Weed and Seed Site Requested I.D. # I.D. #
Railroad Island Nghbd. Year 1: $82,704.00 802509 41-6005521
Saint Paul, MN. Year 2: $39,700.00
I ce�tify that the information contained herein is true an ac rate to the best of my knowledge
and that I submit this application on behalf of the ap icant agency:
Signature of Authorized Officiai:,
- ,
Pa�e 2 of 7
Community Description: Borders of proposed site, demographics, other descripfors (one page) .
Raiiroad Island is locafed in the southwest tip of the Payne-Phalen area on Saint Paui's East
Side. The communi#y is bordered by the old Buriington Northern railroad fracks on the west,
Sush Avenue on the north, Swede Holtow Park on the easi, and East 7"' Street on the south. ft
is approximately 180 acres in size with a population of roughly 2100. The community currently
has 43 businesses, and two parks within its boundaries.
The nearly 500 residentiai properties on the Island had once been predominantly ewner
occupied by generations of families who had risen from the depths of poverty after immigrating
fo this country. For over 100 years the Raiiroad Island community was a hub of activity. By the
eariy 1900's the pristine neighborhood was comprised of approximately 70% F�me o�,vnership
and 30% rentai property. Smaii business abounded along the entire Payne Avenue strip and
along the outer parameters of the community in genera�. The natien wide recession of the
1980's created a harsh impact on the health and stability of the community_ Large industries
with good paying jobs left the area at aimost the exact same time fhe majority of the population
hit retirement age. People began to leave the area enmasse, forcing the neighborhood to
undergo dramatic changes. Aimost overnight, residency ratio's directly reversed to 30% home
ownership, and 70% rental property. Slowiy the unpretentious properfies began showing signs
of severe neglect, eventualiy creating visual blight.
As the community became more distressed, need for a number of government services
increased. Over 90% of the children attending East Consolidated Elementary School, the
nearest public school to the community, are on the fed�ral free lunch program. Greater than
75% of these children wiil not last the full school year, but instead wiil suffer the effects of
transiency when their care givers move on. A 1992 sfudy concluded that of ali neighborhood
adults over age 25, 29% never completed high school and 38% have only a high school
education. Further, 42.8°/a of Railroad Island's population falis below income guidelines for
poverty - struggling just to keep food on the table.
The community is a broad mix of cultural and racial diversity. However, age groups fall
predominantly in the 0- 30 or 55 and up ranges indicating a strong lack of middle age
individuals. While this may not appear to be of importance, statistics indicate that we most
advance and stabilize ourselves in careers, income, family buiiding, and home ownership
between the ages of 30 and 50.
Railroad Isiand is a beautifui and seciuded community in desperate need of repair. Efforts to
create a stronger tax base, a greater perrzntage of home owners willing to invest in the
community, stronger relationships with gavernment agencies who can help, deeper
commitments firom area organizations and each other, and aggressive tactics to rid the
community of the criminai element it suffers from can go a long way in assuring the revitalization
of the historic neighborhood.
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� � � S lj �
Needs Assessment: Describe the problems and strengths that make the site a suitable
candidate for funding, including informafion on crimes, decrease in livability, exisfing efforts fo
improve the neighborhood and other factors affecfing the proposed site. (Two Pages)
In large part the neighborhood began feeling the effects of n2gative change during fhe recession
of the 1980's. Prices of goods, services, and faxes, increased at the same time jobs were being
lost and incomes were being cut. As people scrambled to move ctoser to new jobs, or in some
cases into retirement communities, numerous homes in Railroad Island were sold to investors
looking to turn a profit in the rental busi�ess. Competition from large retailers and chain stores
began driving out smail business�in the community. Soon, a community that once provided a
solid tax base for leveraging needs, became trapped in a transient turnstile. In this middle :o low
income neighborhood the ons(aught of change was foo mucfi.
f2eacting to losses never before experienced, and fearful that the market would get worse, long
time business owners began selling out. Absentee landlords showed little concern toward the
general health of the community they were not emotionally invested in. Frequentiy renting to
tenants who had not been screened, they soon began experiencing problems with vandalism,
theft, and "skip outs", leading them to conclude any upkeep of their properfy was not worth the
effort or money. Homeowners remaining in the community had little cash to spend on
beautification and quickly Yired of making improvements to homes that were now being
surrounded by I'�tter, debris, and social misfits. As fime passed the problems increased, creating
a community that is presently plagued with problems of drug trafficking, crack houses, property
vandalism, lewd conduct, gambling, child neglect, increasing gangs, and domestic assaults.
The housing stock is in sore need of repair, in fact property values decreased by 30% between
1980 and 1995. Large numbers of children are suffering from lead paint poisoning, elementary
schoo! classroom tumover rates range as high as 80%, and social conditions are sad due in part
to a lack of funding for a recreation center, more community services, and intervention,
prevention, and treatrnent programs. Compounding these issues is the lack of living wage
employment opportunities in or near the community, or reasonable and regular transportation
methods to offset this probiem.
Still, there remains a faction of residents, community leaders, area organizations, and business
owners committed to restoring the community to the heaith and vitality it enjoyed for over a
century. Almost as quickly as the decline began, a neighborhood based task force united. With
the assistance of the Saint Paul Pianning and Economic Development stafF and the consulting
firm of Sanders Wacker Wehrman Bergly, Inc. the Raiiroad Island Smail Area Pian began
development. On November 16, 1994, the City Councii officially adopfed the plan put together
by these committed individuals. The plan piainly identifi2s the needs of the community that is
situated in a Federai Enterprise Zone. The City of Saint Paui Sales Tax And Revitalization
(STAR} program and Tax Increment Finance (TIF) funds are availabie to assist in the restoration
- �
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_ ���,�
of the communify, the carefial expenditure of these funds o�erseen by the Raiiroad Isiand Task
Railroad Island became the pilot site for a Weed and Seed strafegy in Saint Paui in July of
1996_ The State funded plan was embraced by agencies, organizations, and individuals, who
were instrumental in cr@ating a program that has become internationaliy recognized. In a year
end report submiited to the Railroad Island Weed and Seed Steering Commi#tes in August,
1997, the commifinenf to the neighborhood was obvious. Determined invoivemen# from area
residents and business owners, community organizations, and government agencies included;
the Saint Paul Police Departrrient, Code Enfiorcement, Saint Paui Fire Prevention, Pianning and
Economic Development, Ramsey County Public Health, Ramsey County Attorneys Office,
Attomey Generals Office, United States Attorneys Office, Merrick Community Center, Raifroad
island Citizens Patrol, ftailroad Island Task �orce, Nabitat for Humanity, and countless others.
Saint Paul's Public Works Department impiemented the Residential Street Vitality Program in
1996, a program designed fo improve 12 miles of unpaved streets over the�next 15 years.
Excited about the Weed and Seed program a�d all fhe positive activity occurring in the
community, Councilmember Dan Bostrom worked to move Railroad island io the tcp of the list
for this program. The community is now s(ated to receive improvements that include, paved
st�eets, curbing, storm sewer inlets, boulevard trees, boulevards sodded, street lighting,
repiacement of lead water pipes, and upgraded NSP gas facilities in sp�ing of 1998.
Work has begun to address lead paint concerns. Between spring of 1996 and fail of 1997 seven
new singie family dwellings, historicaily sensitive to the neighborhood, will be completed. The
process has begun for three additionai properties to be purchased for demofition or restoration.
in 1996 some 40 homeowners received home improvement grants, and currently over 100
applicants are an a waiting list to receive low interest home improvemsnt loans. Area residents
work with staff at the Safe Haven for assistance with employment issues, anci literacy, parenting,
interventian, prevention, and social activity programs are being impiemented.
Additionaily, an aggressive revitaliza6on project knom�n as the Phalen Corridor Inifiiative is taking
piace on Saint Paui's East Side wifh the western tip of the muiti-miilion dollar project beginning
in Railroad island. The area, fondly remembered as Wiiliams Hill, will become home to a light
industrial park an6cipated to provide roughly 400 new jobs. Last year pianning members of the
Phalen Conidor partnered with the Merrick Community Center, which is also the Safe Haven
for Railroad Island, to form a job bank and offer related services to the community. As the
Corridor winds eastwar�, Railroad Island also benefits from new housing, a bike path, new
roadways, and beautified entrances.
Sustained involvement from fhese new and oid partners wili allow us to further enhance the
quality of living in the neighborhood over the ne�.�t year. Happily, all participants have strongly
stated that tfiey wish to continue thsir involvement in the reclamation of Raiiraad Island as we
enter a second year of Weed and Seed. Federal recognition and funding wifi make contfivation
ofthis process possible, however, additionai doilars are needed to complete some of the goals
lisfed for fiscal year 1997 -'1998.
- '- ,
Pa�e 5 of 7
�� �� ��
Budget Page
Print/Copy •
In-State Travel
Total Amount
Year One Request
Year Two Request
Toiai Request
Budget Description (describe each line item as needed):
The salary and benefits categories total $63,000 for the biennium. The funding is necessary to
continue Weeding efforts and will be used for police overtime, police training!#ravel activities,
and fo� pofice sponsored tandiord training sessions. Phone expenses are to supply the Railroad
island Citizens Patrol with ceUular units and air time while on Patrol business. Supply expenses
irclude $600.00 in the first year fior o�ce supplies for fhe coordinator including paper, prinfer
cartridges, and otner misceilaneous items. An additionai $800.00 for each year is being
requested for purchase of Citizen Patroi jackets and hafis and promotional brochures. Funds that
would ailow our Safe Haven to be open three additionai nights per week for sports activifies for
youth are being requested under contracted services. Other expenses include $27,404.00 to
begin physical restoration of the historic 1854 Benjamin Brunson home, $15,000.00 for
instaliation of three lantern style lights in the tot !ot area of Eileen Weida Park by Sainf Paul
Parks and Rec., and $1,200.00 each year to use toward suppiies and activities necessary to
ensure a ftailroad tsland Community Peace and Unity Festival for residents.
Pa�e 6 of 7
Planning process: Describe how fhe sfrategy wi(( be deve(oped , who will be invotved, from
what organ'izafion. Succes.sfui strategies will be as inclusive as possible, utilizing the expertise
of a wide variefy of communify residenfs, government leaders, non-profits, businesses,
community groups, and others (one page}.
(Piease note: By October 15, the Weed and Seed sfrategy must be submitted. This plan will
outline objectives and measurabie outcomes for each of the four required elements. The Weed
and Seed Director wili assist your group as needed in developing these objectives and
As was the case last year, the Weed and Seed strategy has beer, de•reloped through joint
efforts between the Coordinator and the Steering Committee. These participants meet on a
monthly basis to review prog�ess ard to adjust plans as needed. Partners as ef August '1, 1937
Ron Nadeau,
RoseMarie Bomersine,
Mike Yarusso,
George Hinrichs,
Joe Garcia,
Janet Garcia,
Lt. Nancy piPema,
Sgt. Brian Coyle,
Sgt. Dave Korus,
Pat Fish,
Richard Lippert,
Charles Votel,
Kay Wittgenstein,
Mark Ponsolle,
Patrick Hest,
Denise Sjoberg,
Jeanne Cooney,
Vince O'Connor,
Rita Jesse,
Chris Vendel,
Celia Shaughnessy,
Ed Olsen,
Sheryi PemberEon-Hoiby,
Sheryl Kabat,
Scott Rensfrom,
Resident and Railroad Isiand Task Force member
Resident and Railroad Island Task Force member
Resident and Railroad Island Task Force member
Resident and Railroad Island Task Force member
Resident and Railroad island Task Force member
Resident and Railroad Island Task Force member
F.O.R.C.E. Unit, Saint Paul Police Department
F.O.R.C.E. Unit, Saint Paul Police Department
East 7eam, Saint Paui Police Department
Fire Prevention, Saint Paul Fire Department
Code Enforcemenf
Code Enforcemen#
Ramsey County Department of Pubiic Heaith
Ramsey County Attorney's Office
Ramsey County Attorney's Office
Minnesota Attorney General's Office
United States Attorney's Office
Merrick Community Center
District 5 Planning Council, Crime Prevention
District 5 Planning Council, Youth
East Side Neighborhood Development Company
Saint Paul Division of Parks and Rec.
Planning and Economic Development
Weed and Seed Coordinator
Aide to Counciimember Dan Bosirom
• - - �
' • . Page 7 of 7
_ _ �� J � 3 �
During iscal year `96PS7 goals for the Weed and Seed strategy in Railroad (sland were
developed by reviewing the Railroad (sland Small Area Plan, holding monthiy Steering
Cammittee meetings, and through confinuous in#erviews wifh area residenis and business.
owners fo r�etermine fheir needs. As a resu{t of thesa practices an aggressive �eeding"
process was begun involving tFte Saint Pau! Police Department and Code Enforcement
While working overfime fhat fiotaled 9,563 hours, fhe police made 919 arrests, 21 detox runs,
86 assists for transport, 1B5 traffic stops, 59 warrant arresfs, 105 fraffic tags, 5 housing assisis,
99 premisa checks, i7 knock and talks, 3 search watrants, 78 field ID cards, 54 curfew/truarrt
picic-ups, adv�sed 25 domestic situations, impiemented 15 foot patrols, 1 bike patroi, and
recovered b�andguns and 3 to 4 ounces of crack.
Through �ode Enforcement the .entire neighborhood was canvassed for code violations
resulting in over 160 orders for comDlianCe being issued on the first sweep and an additional
90 orders being issued on the second. Roughly twelve of these files remain open today. Over
50 letters of appreciation to property owners were also issued.
Because of these ambitious efforfs and others, "seeding" activities long held off in the
community began to take place. Habitat for Human'rty signed a Memorandum of Agreement with
Weed and Seed to construct andlor rehabilitate up to 5 new homes in #he neighhorhood, two
new builds are currentiy under construction. Activities of the Railroad Island Task Force movad
fon+vard with 40 grants issued to Qroperty owners for home improvement�, and four new homes
were buili wifh city funds allocafed to the community. The Merrick Communify Center agreed
to be the Safie Haven for the community and has begun several new programs for intervention
and prevention purposes including; GELI classes, parenting classes for parents of teens and
parents of tots, open gym/basketball in the evenings with hours designated to various age
groups, a�#s and crafts classes, childcare services, and a community choir.
While formulation of a successful Weed and Seed strategy is always a work in progress, some
definite goals for fiscaJ yEar `97/'98 have bean sstablished for the second ysar of Weeti and
Seed in Railroad Island. These include; cantracting with an individual to act as overall
coordinator of the program who will; work to build and ereate partnerships, act as a liaison and
resource person between residents and government, assist in obtaining funds to sustain fhe
effort, and promote the p�ogram and the community whene�er possible; continued zero
tolerance efforts from the police department, supplemented with overtime hours, to perpetuafe
a perceived and real sense of sacurify and to sggressively eradicate criminal activity from the
area; sustai�ed code ertforoement adivi�es, suppleme�ted vrith ovartime hours, fo assure safety
and stability of the housing stock and to promote positive quality of life in the neighborhood;
investing funds in the Safe Haven whenever possible to bui{d more programs {inc{uding those
involving treatment), services, activities, events and socials, to further promote a sense of
community in the neighbofioad: and to co�tinue to meef as a Steering Committee on at least
a monthly basis to further contribute to the resto�ation of the community known as Railroad
�- ,
Retum Copy To: O R� V 1 N A L
PoGce Dept. Accounting
Presented By:
coU�C;► �]e u � ( o� J
Green Sheet # 8205
Referred To: Commit[ee:Date:
1 WfIEREAS, the Saiat Paal Police Department received a total of $122,404 for the Railroad 7sland area and
2$200,000 for the Summit University area from State Weed and Seed grants for the period July 1,1997 thmngh
3 June, 30,1999; and
5 WFIEREAS, the Police Deparlment needs to increase the 1999 financing and spending plans for these
6 granta due to unspent grant funds from 1998; and
8 WHEREAS, the Railroad Island and Summit University Weed and Seed grants are being eatended thmugh
9 December 31,1999; and
11 WFIEREAS, The Mayor pursuant to Section 10.07.1 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul, dces certdy tLat
12 there are available for appropriarion funds of $62,689 in eacess of those estimated in the 1999 budget; aud
14 WHEREAS� The Mayor recommends that the following addition be made to the 1999 budget:
18 436 - Poflce Special Projects Fhnd
19 34103 - Weed & Seed-Railroad Lvland
20 3400 - State Direct Grants in Aid
21 3A142 - Weed & Seed-Summit University
22 3400 - State Direct Grants in Aid
436 - Police Special Pmjects Fund
341�3 - R'eed & S�d-Railroad Island
054� - Payment to Subrnntractor
34142 - Weed & Seed-Summfr University
0141- Overtime
0439 - Fringe Benefita
0547 - Payment to Subcontractor
0558 - Transfer to Special Revenue Fund
60,604 14,847 75,451
115,717 47,842 163,559
176,321 62,689 239,010
14,847 14,847
- 23,700 23,700
- 6,300 6,300
101,717 2,892 104,609
14,000 14,950 28,950
34 , ,
36 THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the City CouncII appmves these changes to the 1999 budget
Requeated by
Adopted by Council:Date:
Adoptioy�Ce�ed by Coi
partment ofl
_ � � � I��
imende by Financial Services Director:
by C' Attorney:
s � ��„ sy:
Appmved by Mayor:Date• r}t J � Ap�
BY� �!�i�i in>�/si�i B�
roL:cE osro�n999 GREEN SHEET No. 8205
C11iefFinney292-3588 7 oerantroirowECron 5 cwca C t'�3S
E�$t�P ❑3 rnranoa�r_�G "��^� ❑arxaexrt
�meve¢s �' �m�vinecre
�anvaa�on.ussr �� - ❑xrnwwcxrs
Signatures requested on the attached Council Resolufion amending the 1999 financing and
spending plan for the Weed and Sced grants at the Railroad Tsland/Summit-University azeas.
1. Has this persoNfirtn ever worked umler a coniract fw ihis depaAmeM?
C4B COMMITTEE 2. Has ihis personKfin ever been a ciry employee?
3. Dces [his person/firm possess a slall not normally possessed by any current cdy employee�
4. Is Nis persoMirtn a targeted vendoR
E�lain all yes answere on separate sheet and attach to green sheet
The Saint Paul Police Department received $122,404 for the Railroad Island azea and $200,000 for
Suuunit Univeisity area from State Weed and Seed Grants from July 1, 1997 t}uough Iune 30, 1999.
These grants aze being extended tthrough December 31, 1999.
The 1999 budget for these grants needs to be increased due to nnspent grant funds.
Abiliry to use Weed and Seed Grant funds to improve the Railroad Island and Snmmit- University azeas of
Saint Paul.
None � � � - � � �
VVUdI{� il !! 4
G�tr�a�a�bie��mm,�a. JUN 2 $ ���9 � _ - u_� _ �,___ '�`��"
� ��� �
4 ��Nt%ti�
A��oho� &
Bureau of
Apprehension :
Capitol Secutity
Driver & Vebicle
State Pire
Pipefine Safety
State Patrol
Traffic Safety
Office of the Commissioner � �� -G35
445 Minnesota Street, Suite 1000, North Central Life Tower, St. Paui, Minnesota 55101-5000
Phone:651/296-6642 FAX:651.297.5728 TTY:651/282-6555 �
Internet: http://ww�.v.dps.state.mn.us
�—�: i( :• �' 1 � V
�'� ��1s� �
.:.. L ' f-::_.y l
May 20, 1999
Amy Brown
St. Paui Police Department
100 E lith Sfireet
St. Paul, MN 55101
Dear Amy:
Enclosed you will find three copies of Amendment #1 to your agencies' Weed
and Seed Grarrt AgreemenC. These three copies must be signed where
indicated by the individual(s) authorized in your agencies resolution to execute
the amendment for the St. Paui Police Department.
After the appropriate signatures are obtained, please return all three copies of
the Grant Amendment to my attention at: Department of Public Safety, Law
Enforcement and Community Grants, 444 Cedar Street, Suite 100, St. Paul, MN
Do not hesitate to contact me with any questions you may have at 651-297-
Thank you.
I — I L�''r"_�-_�' " �- j "�
Pamela Docken
Grant Administrator �' ', �, �
� Endosures L.�' j , � �
� ��� �.1� v���ti ` /�
''t��� C,�� `� `�t �
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' . , `
. � '
- ��-C�
SFY 1998 Fund 700 Agency Number � P07 OrglSub 68'10 Appr. Unit 68�
�Entry Locn ��� Object Code �5604 ftequisition No. 60005 . � Agreement No. 6000-'1'1 Order No. 6000-14 .
Vendor Number 066790002 00 Commoddy Code - _ Tofal Obligation 5200,000.00 Reporting Category
State of 3v�innesota
Depaztrnent of Public Safett�
St. Paul Police Department
100 East i lth Street
St. Paul, MN �5101
Amount - 0 -
WHEREAS, the State of Minnesota, Depazhnent of Public Safety {STATE} has a Grant Agreemen[ identiE"ied as Gontract
Numbei 60b0-i l with the St. Paul Polica Department (GRANTEE),'per(aining [o the Weed and Seed Tnititative , and
WHEREAS, the STATE and GRANTEE have ageed that additional time is neccessary for the satisfactory completion of the
grant aereement; and . '
THAT, Clause II, Section A, Paragraph 3, of Amendment # I of this Grant A�eement shall be amended to read:
3. The total obligation of the STATE for ail compensation and reunbursements to GRANTEE shatl not exceed
Ei�itv Feur Thousand Tcao Hundred Eivhtv'I'hiee Dollars ($84283.001, from July 1, 1997, through June 30,
1998 and One HL*+dred Pif�i Thousand Seven Hundn� Seventeen Dollazs ($ t I 5.717.00) from Iuiy 1 1998
tluough -imri,=�z �"'» December 31.1999. Funds not expended by GRANTEE during the fust year o£ this
grant agreement may be expended in the second year of this agreement.
THAT, Clause VI, of the original Grant Agreement shall be amended to read:
VL TERMS OF GRANT. This grant contract shall be effecticz upon the date thatthe final requued signeture
is obtained by the STATE, pursuant to MS 16B 06, Subd 2, and shall remain in effect unli; ��3�' —
December 31. 1999 or until all obligations set forth in the grant contract have bezn satisfactorily fulfilled,
whichever occurs first. The GRANTEE may ctaun reimbursement for expenditures incuired for secvices
perFormed on or after July 1, 1997.
1 of 2
Weed and Seed Initiative/St. PauJ Police Depar'_ment;S:-mmit-U/Rmend.ment #2
� �.... , ^ . . , a�-��s
By exec+:tion of this amendment, the terms and conditions of the orginal Giant Agreemeni and Amendment # I aze e�cpressly
reagGne3 Escept as he�in amended, the provisions of the original Grant Agreement and Amendment � 1 remain in full £orce
and effect
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have caused this amendment to be executed intending to be bound thereby.
BY� � BY-
Tide: Chief of Police � Title:
Date: . �!� �� Date .
By: .
Title: -
$y; Date:
, t _____ _ .
2 of 2
Weed and Seed InitiativelSt. Paul Police DepartmentlSUmmit-U/Amendment #2
' Txty�
i ,t. ....:.:.:� �
.:: ...,,,,.. , ;,,;
=-; ; � �
:� :
" d_.' � ; " =, , '! .'�.�`
'';;: :M U �. y:�i:
:1'!'fO1:�El' GFS\I>.RAl,
July 16, 1998
Amy Brow�n
Office of the Chief
Sc. Paul Police Department
l00 E. I ltl� Street
St. Paul, MN �5101
Deaz Amy:
J 11 t_ 2 0 1998
�`� �C'��
❑h,\I]li \ I.Ifl;Ctil\L SE('I IU�
:Z:I'aNF}"IBbtll '
�l�l� 4. $IXI
ti I. i'.\Il..>i\>i111i.�ilq
TFI.Fi912�h: lR � 31'Y i 4n>I�
Enclosed please find three copies of Amendment No. 1 to Contract Order Number 6000-] l
(Summit-University Weed and Seed). Once you have obtained the appropriate signatures, return
them to me and I will forward the Contract on to the approp:iate people at the State. Once the
�rant has been fully executed, I will send you a copy for your records. If you have any questions,
don't hesitate to call me at 297-4038 or send an email to me at: shipero@ag.state.mn.us. My
mailing address is: Office of Minnesota Attorney Genexal, 525 Pazk Ave., Suite 500; St. Paul,
n�Si�' �5103-2106.
S' cerely, � •' r
�,�U� ��'��v�, v�,��,�.t11
Rowzat �' ipchan !er
�Veed and Seed Grants Coordinator
cc: Pamela Docken, Departrnent of Public Safet;�
Anthony Carter, Summit-University Weed and Sec-d
R�c.,in�ile. IG i? 1 2�)7-1i7G :I'�}} lfil?)'-S?-1i?S .'�ol! Free Lmee 18001 6i',-2iF' t�tuce). (F007 i66A81'_ (TTYl • w��.. :�__ .i ur nm.u.
An Equ.d Opnonw�tl� Entpiocet q hn \'.�lue. ihre:'��tp CJ PrintrJ on $O�ir rcevdeJ paprr 11 i�., p�nl oummnrr enn!enii
Agency Num�er P07
• s.. .
State of Minnesota
Department of Public Safety
St. Paul Po[ice Department
100 East llth Street
St. Paul. 11'IIV SSI01
Unit .68�
Order No.
Total Obliaation for FY 98
�.�� 5 84,283.00
(S50.000.00 increase)
WHEREAS, the State of hlinnesota, Depar[ment of Public Safety (STATE) has a Grant A�reement
identi£ed as Contract Number 6000-I 1 with the St. Paul Police Department (GRANTEE), pertaining to
the Weed and Seed Initiative. and
Wf�REAS, the STATE has a�varded additional funds for the initiative: and
THAT, Gause !I. Section A. Pazaeraphs 1 and 3. of the Grant Aereement shall be amended to read:
Compensation shall be con�istent with the Revised Program Line Budget, inciuded in Attachment
l., of this agreement. The Revised Program Line BudQet is 6erebv i¢corporated bv
reference and made a part of this a�reement. '
3. The total obligation oi the STATE for ail compensation and reimbursemenu to GRANTEE shafl
not exceed ' Ei�hcv Four Thousand, Two Hundred
Ei�hri Three Doliars (584,283_00) from July 1, 1997, throu2h June 30, 1998, and-�auowu�€ua
�keus�d c,'elaars {�:5.8«�A.99� Une Hundred Fifteen Thousand Seven Hundred Seventeen
DotIars (5115,717.00). from Juty l, 1998. through Iune 30. 1944. Funds not expended by
GRANTEE during the first year of this grant aereement may be expended in the second year of
this agreement.
THAT, Paee I of Attachment 1. tit(ed, "�'Jeed and Seed Application Cover Page," column titled "Project
Funds Requested." sha11 be amended to read:
Project Funds Requested Yeaz 1:-�'.-S,9p.9,AA 584,283.00 and Year 2: �9l�9,A9 5115,717.00.
Weed and Seed Iniciativc Sc. Pail Policz Department (Summi[-University)
�f� -�3S
By execution of this ar,�endment, the te; ms and conditions of the original Grant Aereement are expressly
Except as herein amended, the provisions of the original Grant Aereement remain in full force and effect.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have caused this amendment to be execuced in[endine to be bound
Date N
Approved to si� on behalf
of :he Attorney General
as to form and execution
By: By:
2 of 3
t;eec aad Seed ?nitiative St. Paul Police Departmeac (SUmmit L'aiversity)
Revised Program Line Budget � q
Page 6 of F
WF:FD .^.�iD S£ED
Bud2et Page �`
ITENI � Year One Request � Year Two Request Total Request
Salan� � -0- � -0- -0-
Benenu -0- i -0- -0-
EauiDment $2,000 � $4.3Q0 $6,300
PrinUCopy $1,000 $3,300 $4300
PhoneiPostaee �3,000 � $6,000 $9.000
Suppiies 5750 � $2,000 $2.750
Convacted Services � $34,SQ0 $9,000 �43.�00
In-State Travel �
Other Exoenses
Out oi State Travel �1,500 4,000 �5,500
Rent $1,350 3,000 4,350
Allev Gean Up $I,300 $S,d00 56,300
Rehab/Renovation $15,780 $25,000 $40,780
Trauune $1,680 $3,000 $4.680
Code Enforcement $5,000 $10,000 515,000
Communirv Forums $8,000 �23,000 S31.000
Youth Stipends $2,800 $10,000 $12.800
Other $5,623 $8.117 $13,740
Total Amount �49A-- �Z�A�4 � 115.717 �' ����� 200,000
Budeet Description (describe each line item as needed)
•' y' -- - -
. r...4.
3 0� 3
Weed anc Seed Initiacive St. Pau1 'rolice Departmenc (Summit U^ive=s_Ly)
"Revised Program Line Budgex"
Budgec Pa�e
This bud2et pa2e inciudes two budgets - one for the money (575.000 per year) we have been awarded
and one �vith the money �ve have been allocaced a�7d the additional funds we are requesting. We are
requestin� an additional $25_000 a year for a tocal of SZ00,000 over t�vo vears.
thac has been an addi[ional I thaz haz been ( an additionat
Yet to be Yet to be
determincd deceratmed
Oui-of-Sta[e Travel
Alley Clean-up
Code Enforcement
Communirv Forums'•*
Youth Stioends
Other =
. ...
1350 2140
+ n
] 0,000
*The Rehab/Renovation line-item would be used to assist existine agencies such as Habitat for Humaniry
and Rondo Land Communiry Land Trust in their etiorts in housing development.
**The St. Paul Pubiic Depamnent of Health has committed to train three Summit-University residents in
code enforcement procedures and allow them to conduct exterior inspections. We �vould use these
stipends to pay the peopie who would be doing our code enforcement.
***Includes communitv events. sponsorships �atherines ecc includin� speakers soace rental
food ana ctuld care.
NOther inctudes buttons. oromotionai items, flierine, incidentals.
Aoolicant Ager
William K. Finney
Chief oz Police
(612) 292-3558
WE�� A1VD Sc��
Appiication Cover Page
July 1, 1997 — June 30. 9999
wnicn conirac: �viil be executed):
! Address ! Phone
100 E. Eleventh St.
Saint Pau1, .*IN 55101
(612) 292-3540
Contact Person: same
Agency . � Address � Phone I Fax ( Emai(
erating Agency (if different than applicant):
Legal Name � Address
Summit-University 627 Selby Ave.
Planning Councii Saint Pau1, �L'V 55104
(612) 22H-1S55
(612) 225-1108
Boundaries of Weed and Seed Site Project Funds Minnesota Federal Tax
4 Requesteti I Tax ID# ID #
Year 1: $
Northern -- University Ave. $25,000 802509 41-6005521
Eastern -- Dale St. additional
Southern -- IIague
Western -- Lexington Farkway
� Year2: $ 25,000 (add` )
i certify that the information contained herein is true
that I submit this application on behalf of plic
Signature of Authorized O�cial:
Chief of Police
to the best of my knowiedge and
November 25 1997
c�� _ c 3s
Community I3escription
The Summit University Planning Council (SUPC), is the Saint Paut Planning Council for the area
in the city which has a history of being one of the most culturatly and economically diverse
districts in the city. It is home to more residents of color than any other neighborhood and has
been so for a longer time than the city's other diverse neighborhoods. According to the 1990
census', 56 percent of the area's population are people of color inctuding 40.6 percent African
Americans, ll.S percent Sootheast Asians, 2.5 percent Hispanic and I.1 percent American Indian.
There is great pride within this community on its longstanding diversicy and it is the hallmark of
the community.
The 1990 census. indicates a total population of 1 S, 301. After the 1970 census, the population
decGned by almost one third, more than any other neighborhood in the city. But, by 1990 the area
had stabilized and population had rebounded and increased by iS.S percent
Whi(e crime appears ro be on the decline all across the city, in the SU community there is still a
grea[ cause for concern. Just under ten percent of the 41,000 offenses reported in the ciry
occurred in the community's eight police grids' Summ+t-University (SU) comprises on(y 6.8
percent of tlie total city poputation, however, 93 percent of all reported crimes occurred in the
The most alarming statistic is the amount of violent crime committed within tne community. In
1994 six of the 29 homicides occurred in SU. Twelve percent of the aggravated assaults occurred
there alon� with 117 of the 881 robberies and 27 of the ZSS reported rapes. There is a warranted
suspicion that the often unreported crime of assauit, particularly domestic assault is high.
Low income, elderly, sing(e heads of households with dependent children, refugees, at risk youth
and residents of community residential facilities, including transitional housin� make up a large
part of the population residin� within the SUPC. The district also embraces an upper income
population residing in the Ramsey Hill area and alon� Summit Avenue. The diversity of the
neighborhood is a great strength as well as the major challenge.
The SU neighborhood is one of the oldest in the city. A neighborhood once known for its
prosperity, it experienced serious decline and consequently, more recently, renovation and
redevelopment. Its history and people have created a multiplicity of interests and needs.
Formerly an Urban Renewal Area, a Model Cities target area, a Neighborhood Strategy Area and
recently a URAP area, SU has a long tradition of organized decision making dating back over
thirty years.
' See US Cens�u Data, Saint Paut Council Research.
' From Saint Paul Polic� Department Research and Development Unit Police Smtistics.
��� � 3 S
Needs Assessment
Analysis oi crime stats, unemployment rates, building conditions and property values provide
cruciai evidence of the need for a Weed and Seed program in the SUPC community. There are,
however, other important factors that speak to wE�}� the SUPC community should receive Weed
and Seed fundin�.
• Historically, the SUPC community has had little or no funds to support pro2ramming
which responds to the breadth and ma,nitude of problems the �Veed and Seed Program
seeks to address. �
• i3ecause of a new emphasis on grants-�vriting , this year represents the first time that the
SUPC ]ias beeu able to adequately fund a fulf-time profession2l community
organizedcrime prevention coordinator.
• In addition, several components of the Weed and Seed Pro,ram have recently been funded
which no�{� enable SUPC to "hit-the-ground-runnin�". Only now does the SUPC
communiry have the capacity to appiy for and to successfully implement a 1�Jeed and Seed
Pro�ram. With all of these components in piace and at fuli capacity, the probability of
success is positive.
• The Aurora-St. Anthony Neighborhood Development Corpora[ion, a seasoned
nei�hborhood organization, has a long and successful history in respondin� to its
neighborhood problems. A paRnership widi them strengthens SUPC's ability to work
togeti�er witli the Aurora-St. Anthony community to respond to tlieir many on�oino needs.
The SUPC has long been convinced of the connection between neighborhood development,
property improvement and crime in the community. The Neighborhood PropeRy Improvement
Pilot Program (PIP) will work well with the requirements of the "weeding" part of the Weed and
Seed program. SLTl'C's Neighborhood Development Committee, as part of this year's s[rategic
pian supported the creation of PII' with the goal to promote and provide a minimal standard of
maintenance and improvement of the exterior physical infrastructure of targeted neighborhoods.
Beyond Qroviding information and serving as liaison with the Neighborhood Development
Committee and public and private community development agencies, PIP staffwouid work .
proactively with Saint Paul Public Heatth Code Enforcement, neighborhood residents, block clubs
and other community groups in non-adversarial and pro-active ways to solve ongoing or potential
code violations such as trash and garbage removal, identification and removaf of abandoned cars,
unwatered trees, uncut grass, weeds, and other impediments to the community's visual health.
Direct services would be provided to residents to avoid summary abatement for a reduced sum of
money (or as a community service project). This coufd be a potentiaf source of inco�e for the
program. PIP would contract for minor repairs to be done on select properties by using
established criteria. PIP scaff, che Crime Prevention Coordinator, the NDC and the Selby Asea
Community Development Corp (SACDC) would devetop a monthly work plan alon� with
residents and other Weed and Seed stakeholders.
SACDC has commitfed to donating a percentage of time of their maintenance staffto perform
needed repairs. In addition, PIP would work with SUPC's Crime Prevention Coordinator and the
Saint Paul Police Department on issues refated to grafriti.and problem properties.
The following represents a number of resources or seeds that would be planted -- or better yet
tia�atered -- in conjunction with the weeding.
• The Youth Service Community Institute located at 917 Selby is a coa!ition of community-
based youth servin� organizations that are committed to empowering and promoting the
welfare of youth in the SU and Fro�town communities.
• A nervly created SU lnfotmation and Communiry Service O�ce has been working to
make availabie and to provide information on community volunteer opportunities.
• A barter pro�ram provides opportunities for neiehbor-to-neighbor exchan�e of talents and
services without an exchan�e of money arid the SU Youth Service Corp provides
vo(unteer experiences for 12-15 year old youth in the community.
• The newly funded Community Improvement and Safety Program and its coordinator,
in addition to creating and maintaining a network of block clubs, provides information on
crime/violence prevention, victim resources and deals with neighborhood problem
• An innovative Iuvenile Restorative Justice Program has begun Ilie work of recruiting and
training people from communities of color for trainin� in mediation and family group
conferencin� to assist victims and offenders in SU.
• Additional funding was recently received from the Minnesota State Court Administrator's
Office to expand program services to adult victims and offenders in SU.
Weed and Seed funding would enable the SUPC to join together in a unique partnership with
neighborhood organizations, agencies and programs to effect very reai, visible, and tangible
results in targeted areas within the SUPC community.
Now, more than ever before in recent history, the SUPC is primed to fashion a dynamic
response, putling together the best of the newly created and proposed resources in the
community. Not only would Weed and Seed funding further strengthen and provide an
important focus but it would also further enable the SUPC to continue the search for innovative
responses to both the real and perceived issues that have long faced the community.
Planning Process
The �Veed and Seed Steering Committee iornied in Seocember of 1997. SL C. ihe �urora-St.
i�nthonv �iei�hborhood Development Association and �he Selby Area Community Deceiopment
Curporation called the tirst Weed and Seed meeting on September 15.
Approsimately 30 people attended the first meeting and a steering committee was fornled. The
��'eed and Seed steerin� conmlittze includes a wide arrac of community and ;overnmental leaders.
The committee consists of acti�e residents, block club ieaders, business �wners, landlurds,
representatives from non profit agencies, �'linnesota attorney General's Office, St. Paul Police,
the Ramsey Cuunty Attorney's Office, St. Paul Depaament�of Public Health. St. Pauf Fire
Prevention and other agencies. 4Ve have been quite pieased with the high percentage of residents
participating in formulating the Weed and Seed stratem,�. A list �f steerin� committee members
and their affiliations is included ��ith the strategic plan.
During the months of September and October, the Weed and Seed steering committee met six
times to put toeether a strate,ic plan for die neact two yzars. The tirst step in the planning
process was to identify the problems the neighborhood faced. Then the commictee articulated
several �oals includina: providing constructive activities for youth; cleaning up trash from the
nei�hborhood; promoting economic development; impro�ing communication between the police
and residents: and reducinD nuisances such as boom car, speeders, street-level dru, dealing, and
prostitution. y
In urder to better �ififl our �oals and objectives, the steering committee would like to request
additional funds. Tllese additional funds would be used for more police overtittie, coordinator
salary (so we could hire a fult time coordinator) and money for rehabilitation and renovation of
Budget Page
Tl�is bud,et page inciudes two bud�ets — one for the money (57�,000 per year} we have been
a�varded and one «ith the monev we have been allocated af�d the additionai funds we are
requestina. `�'e are requestin� an additional 525,000 a��ear for a totai of $260,000 over two
(Mone}• that has (With an additional (Mone�� that has been (�Vith an additional
been a�carded) �2�.OD0) mcarded) 25 O00)
Yct to be detennincd Yet to be
S�ilan (30 hrs/nk) 35+50 (dU lus/�ok) 31-410
Bcnefits '
E m ntent 200U 2UU0
PrinUco c 600 600
Phonz/ osta z 2500 2500
Su lies � r .7J0 ;Sil
Convac[ed Senices ` ISuqO� 22-L8�1
(Police Ocertime) ��-
In-Statc Tra��el
Ot(tcr Ezpcnscs
Rcn[ 2100 2f00
AIICt' CIC1I1-UP li00 I300
RchablRcnoration* 10000 1=i30
Trainmg 1000 1630
Code Eniorcement /inOU �nu0
Stipcnds** — �
Ol11CC �)OO� (�I��
Totat 75,U00 IOO.00U 75AU0 100.000
� 9�3 � �?'7 `�
�'� � %/S `7I'�
* Tlie Rehab/Renuvation line-Yte�i�vould be used to assist existing ageficies such as Habitat for
Humanity and Rondo Land Community Land Trust in their efforts in housin� development.
** The St. Paul Public Department of Health has committed to train three Summit-University
residents in code enforcement procedures and allow them to conduct exterior inspections. We
would use these stipends to pay the peopie who would be doing our code enforcement.
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Council File t;_ / � - �✓ / v
Gmen Shee[ - <�'+��
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\� Presented
WHERE. e City of Saint aui It�s received a arant from the Department of
Public Safe for $75,D00 fo Weed and Seed Program in the Summit i�niversity
neighborhoo ' of Saint Paul,and
WHEREAS the DeparEment of Public Safety requests a designated authority for
Execution of agreements with that department, and
WI3EREAS the acceptance of the grant award will alIow the Summit Universify
neighborhood to begin its Weed and Seed program in 1998,
THEREF012E BE IT RESOLVED that the Saint Paul City Councii accept the
grant arvard in the amount of $75,000 for the Summit University Weed and Seed
Program, and authurize the proper city officials, including Chief Finney to enter
14 into an agreement with the Department of Public Safety.
33 -
eGueste y'D ent of Police:
By: v-J. � �N
i '
rh;<v�ar,n��.,, v c;....e.,�
Recommended byJBua?s� Director:
Adopted by Cou il _Dace: v"� •�`� �`� � Form Approved by City Att rney:
Adoption Certified by CounciTSecretary:
B i � /L-5-9
�� (� n
By' --� � { `.�.�.��-.�_ _�
Approved by Mayor. Date: Aporov by M o for Submi sion t�ncil:
By: _ le,�. �� _ By:
Weed and Seed initiative
�1� -� 3�
SFY 1998 Fund 100 Agency Number p07 Org/Sub 6810 Appr. Unit 681
Entry Locn Object Code 5B00 Requisition No. Contract No. Order No.
6000-5 { N Q 'rc� � 6000-11
Vendor Number Commodity Code Total Obligation Total Obligation for FY 98
06679000200 5150,000.00 $75,OQ0.00
THIS COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT, by and between the State of Minnesota, Department of Public Safety, (hereinafter
called the STATE) and St. Paul Police Department , 100 East 11th Street, St. Paul, Minnesota 55101, (hereinafter
called GRANTEE), witnesseth that: '
WHEREAS, the Department of Public Safety is the agency responsible for administration of funds available to the State of
Minnesota under provisions of Minnesota Statutes 299A.63 for the Weed and Seed Grant Program; and
WHEREAS, the STATE is authorized under provisions of Minnesota Statutes 299A.63 to make contracts from state funds
to qualified applicants; and
WHEREAS, GRANTEE is authorized to accept state funds for this purpose; and
WHEREAS, GRANTEE represents that it is duly qualified and willing to carry out the tasks associated with the Weed and
Seed Initiative; �
NOW, THEREFORE, the STATE and GRANTEE agree as follows:
SCOPE, PURPOSE, AND TASKS OF AGREEM�NT. GRANTEE will carry out the tasks described below in this
agreement and the tasks described in the grant application as stated in Attachment 1 oi this agreement which is
hereby incorporated by reference and made a part of this agreement.
A. GRANTEE must form a steering committee, comprised of a balance of public offciais, non-profits,
businesses, community organizations, residents, the State Weed and Seed Director and others. This
committee must meet regulariy. This steering committee is responsible for determining the strategy for each
of the four elements of the Weed and Seed initiative; impiementing the strategy; making budget decisiors or
recommendations; and making other decisions required for the initiative. Meetings of the steering committee
shati be held within the boundaries of the Weed and Seed.site whenever possible.
B. Should GRANTEE receive additional grant funds from the Federai Weed and Seed Program, the GRANTEE
must, within 10 days of no6fication of award, notify the STATE in writing of the award and the amount of the
award. The STATE sfiali then have the option to terminate andlor reduce this grant agreement.
C. Funds may not be used to pay fees to administer this grant agreement.
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Weed and Seed Initiative St. Paul Police Department (SUmmit-University)
A Consideration for all services performed and goods or materials supplied by the STATE as follows.
Comperisation shatl be consistent with the Program Line Item Budget, included in Attachment 1 of this
2. Reimbursement for travel and subsistence expenses actually and necessarily incurred by GRANTEE in
perPormance of this agreement in an amount not to exceed N/A dollars ($ N/A ; provided, that
the GRANTEE shall be reimbursed for travel and subsistence expenses in the same manner and in no
greater amount that provided in the current "Commissioners Pian" promulgated by the Commissioner of
Employee Relations. GRANTEE shall not be reimbursed for travel and subsistence expense incurred
outside of the State of Minnesota unless it has received prior written approval for such oui of state Vavel
from the STATE.
3. The total obligation of the STATE for all compensation and reimbursements to GR.4NTEE shall not exceed
Seventy-fve thousand dollars ($75.0001, from July 1, 1997, through June 30, 1998, and Seventy-five
thousand doliars ($75.000), from July 1, 1998 , through June 30, 1999. Funds not expended by
GRANTEE during the first year of this grant agreement may be expended in the second year of this
B. Terms of Payment.
1. Payments to the GRANTEE will be made by the STATE quaRerly on a quarterly cost reimbursement
2. Payments shall be made by the STATE promptfy after GRANTEE'S presentation of invoices for services
3. Upon GRANTEE'S request, an advance payment may be made after agreement execution, in an amount
not to exceed 25% percent of the first years budget total as determined necessary for execution of
GRANTEE obligations.
4. Invoices for reimbursement shall be identified in approved budget categories and submitted on a quarterly
basis in a form approved by the Department of Public Safety. Invoices shall be sent to: Rosalind R.
Sullivan, or her successor in office, Department of Public Safety, Office of the Commissioner, 445
Minnesota Sfreet Suite 1000, North Centrai Life Tower, St. Paui, MN 55101-2128.
5. Payments are to be made from Stafe funds obtained by the STATE through the Weed and Seed Grant
Initiative authorized by Minnesota Statutes 299A.63. If at any time such funds become unavailable, this
agreement shall be terminated immediately upon written notice of such fact by the STATE to GRANTEE.
in the event of such termination, GRANTEE shall be entitled to payment, determined on a pro rata basis,
for services satisfactorily performed for which State funds are availabie. The GRANTEE agrees to return
any unused funds to the STATE.
6. The GRANTEE wit4 expend granY funds allocated for this Qroject according to the attached project budget
included in Attachment 1 of this agreement. The GRANTEE wiii submit a revised budget for any deviation
of 10% or more between the ailowable funding categories. The revised budget must be approved by the
STATE before any expenditures can be made based on the revised budgeL
7. The GRANTEE agrees to retum any unusad funds to the STATE uniess prior 2pp�ovai for an extension
has been granted by the Grants Administrator and an amendment to the grant agreement has been duly
executed. Unused funds must be returned to the STATE within 30 days of the endingdate of the
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Weed and Seed Initiative St. Paul Police Department (Summit-University)
. . �� - ��
III. CONDITIONS OF PAYMENT. All services provided by GRANTEE pursuant to this grant shall be performed to
the satisfaction of the S7ATE as determined in the sole discretion of its authorized agent, and in accord with all
applicable federal, state, and loca! laws, ordinances, rules and regulations. GRANTEE shall not receive payment
for work found by the S7ATE to be unsatisfactory, or performed in a violation of federal, state, or local law,
ordinance, rule, or regulation.
IV. FAILURE TO COMPLY. The GRANTEE agrees to �etum funds to the STATE for any woric the STATE in its sole
discretion determined to be unsaGsfactory or performed in violation of federal, state or local 1aw, ordinance, rule
or regulation.
V. REDUCTION, SUSPENSION, OR TERMINATION OF FUNDING. if a GRANTEE does not fu1fill obliaations under
the agreement in a timely and proper manner, or if GRANTEE violates conditions of the agreement, the STATE
may reduce, suspend, or terminate funding with a 30-8ay notice of the efEective date of the action. GRANTEE
shall be entitled to payment for work or service satisfactorily performed for which state funds are avaiiable.
VI. TERMS OF GRANT This grant contract shall be effective upon the date that the final required signature is
obtained by the STATE, pursuant to MS 16B.06, Subd. 2, and shall remain in effect until June 30. 1999, or unti� 211
obligations set forth in this grant contract have been satisfactorily fulfilled, whichever occurs first The GRANTEE
may claim reimbursement for expenditures incurred for services performed on or after Julv 1 1997.
VII. STATE'S AUTHORIZED AGENT. The STATE's authorized agent for the aurposes of this agreement is Rosalind
R. Sullivan, or her successor in office, Department of Pubiic Safety, O�ce of the Commissioner, 445 Minnesota
Street, Suite 1000, Nocih Central �ife Towe� St. Paul, MN 55101-2128. Such agent shail have final authority for
acceptance of GRANTEE'S services.
VIII. REPORTING. GRANTEE will advise the STATE concerning project progress through such reasonable means as
the STATE may find convenient. These will include the foliowing, and shall be submitted to: Rosalind R. Sullivan,
or her successor in o�ce, Depa[tment of Public Safety, Office of the Commissioner, 445 Minnesota Street, Suite
1000, North Central Life Tower St. Paul, MN 55101-2128.
A. The GRANTEE must provide the STATE with a final, and STATE approved strategic plan and budget
pertaining to this grant agreement by October 31, 1997. The final strategic pian and budget to be approved
by the STATE must show measurable objectives, budget, and time lines for describing tasks stated in
Attachment 1., of this agreement. This final strategic plan and budget must also be in a format approved by
the STATE and must include the four elements of the Weed and Seed stra!egy: 1) Law enforcement 2)
community policing, 3) prevention, intervention and treatment, and 4) revitalization and rehabilitation. Failure
to provide the STATE with a STATE approved final strategic plan by October 31, 1997, may result in the
termination of this grant agreement. All parties to this agreement understand that the STATE approved finai
strategic plan shali be binding and shall become part of this grant agreement.
B. The GRANTEE will advise the STATE concerning the project progress through the submission of quarterly
reports as required by the STATE's Authorized Agent.
C. Submission of a finai evaluation report within 30 days after the termination date of this agreement
D. Submission of a final expenditure report within 30 days after the termination of this agreement.
E. GRANTEE shaii make any and ali project records, reports and other data available to the STATE upon
request; this inciudes submission of copies of any reports, data, surveys (inciuding survey instruments), or
other materials for review and comment before they are prepared in final form, and six copies of all materiais
produced by the project following production of the materials.
F. Permitting periodic site visits by the STATE's Authorized Agent, ofher STA7E staff or other employees of the
State of Minnesota on behalf of the STATE.
3 of 6
Weed and Seed Initiative St. Paul Police Department (Summit-University)
G. If initiated, participation in statewide data collection and cooperation with a designated evaluator on behalf of
the STATE, for the purpose of statewide evaluation efforts and assistance with individual project evaivation
H_ Participation in training and evaluafion worksfiops may be required.
A GRANTEE will establish a separate account of this project and wili maintain fiscal records in accordance with
generally acceptable accounting principles. GRANTEE's records, documents, and accounfing procedures
and practices for this project sfiall be subject to the examination of the STATE's authorized agent and by the
legislative Auditor. Fiscal records shall be retained for a period of three years foliowing submission of the
final report.
B. The books, records, documenYs, and accouniing procedures and practices of any GRANTEE and/or
consultant relevant to this agreement shall be subject to examination by STATE's authorized agent and the
Iegislative auditor.
X. NONDISCRIMINATiON. As a conditidh of receiving support for this project, GRANTEE assures that it will meet
all applicable requir=ments of the Civil F2i�hts Act of 1964, as amended (nondiscrimination on the basis of
handicapping conditions), and of any applicable state civil rights statutes.
Xi. ASSIGNMENT. GRANTEE will neither assign nor transfer any rights oT obligations under this agreement without
ihe prior written consent of the STATE_
A. GRANTEE may subcontract to provide services as described in the work plan (Attachment 1). It is
understood, however, the GRANTEE remains solely responsible to the STATE for providing the products and
services described.
B, identification of source of funding. Ali reports, materials, conference document�, and any other products
made available through this projecY, shall carry an acknowledgment that is was funded under provisions of
the State of Minnesota (Community Oriented Policing Grant Program) and give credit to other pafij's
XII. OWNERSHIP OF DOCUMENTS AND PRODUCTS. Any reports, studies, photographs, negatives, instruments,
curriculum, videotapes, training manuais, media messages, or other documents or products (hereinafter called
documents or products) prepared by or for GRANTEE in the pertormance of its obliga6ons under this agreement
shall be exciusive property of the STATE. Ali such documents or products shail be remitted to the STATE by
GR.4NTEE upon completion, termination, or cancellation of this agreement. GRP.NTEE shali not use, wiliingly
ailow, or cause to have such materials used for obligations u�der this agreement without the prior written consent
of the STATE.
Xlil. OWNERSHIP OF COPYRIGHT. AI! right, ti�e and interest in ail copyrightabie material which GRANTEE shaii
conceive or originate either individualiy or jointiy with others, and which arises out of the pefiormance of this
agreement, will be the property of the STATE and are by this agreement assigned to the STATE along with
ownersfiip of any and aii copyrights of the copyrightable materiai. GftAN7EE also agrees, upon the request of the
STATE, to execute all papers and perform alI other acts necessary to assist the STATE to obtain and register
copyrights on such materials. Where appiicable, works of authorship created by GRANTEE for the STATE in
perfortnance of this agreement shail be considered'1'vorks made for hire" as defined in the U.S. Copyright Act
XIV. AMENDMENT. Any amendments to this agreement shaii be in writing, and shati be executed by the same pa�'ties
who executed the originai agreement, or their successors in office. Y
)N. LIABILITY. To the ext2nt permitted by law, GRANTEE agrees to save and hold the STATE, its agents, and
empioyees harmiess from any and ail claims or causes of action rising irom the performance of this agreement by
4 of 6
Weed and Seed Initiative St. Paul Police Department �Summit-UnicersiLy)
GRANTEE or GRANTEE'S agents or employees. This clause shall not be construed to bar any Iegai remedies
GRANTEE may have for the STATE's failure to fulfili its obligations pursuant to this agreement
XVI. WORKER'S COMPENSATION. The STATE aTfirtns that GRANTEE provided acceptable evidence of compliance
with the workers' compensation insurance coverage requirements of Minnesota Statutes, '176.'181. Subdivision 2.
XVII. DATA PRIVACY ACT. It is expressly agreed that GRANTEE is not a member of or included within the health,
education, criminal justice, or welfare systems for purposes of the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act as a
result of this agreement If GRANTEE is independently required to comply with any requirements of the
Minnesota Govemment Data Pracfices Acf, GRANTEE acknowledges that STATE sh2li not be liable for any
violation of any provision of Yhe Minnesota Government Data Practices Act indirectiy or directiy arising out of,
resulting from, or in any manner attributable to actions of GRANTEE.
GRANTEE agrees to indemnify and save and hold the STATE, its agents, and employees harmless from all
claims arising out of, resu{ting from, oc in any manner attributable to any violation of any provision of the
Minnesota Statutes, Sections 13.0'I-'13.87, including Iegal fees and disbursements paid or incurred to enforce the
provisions of this agreement.
A. When purchasing equipment authorized by this Agreement, GRANTEE shall comply with all procurement
procedures and laws that apply to the GRANTEE's purchase of similar equipment in the performance of its
duties other than its duties under this Agreement.
B. Any equipment purchased under this Agreement shall be used for law enforcement purposes during the life
of the equipment. The GRANTEE may not deviate from this requirement and may not dispose of any
equipment unless GRANTEE has first obtained written permission from the STATE.
C. The GRANTEE shall be responsible for all operating, maintenance, and repair costs of equipment unless
GRANTEE has first obtained written permission from the STATE.
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Weed and Seed Initiative St. Paul Police Department (Summit-Uaiversity)
!N WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have caused the grant to be duly executed intending to be bound thereby.
,vrrr�vv �u
By: , , . � B y' .
Title: Title:
Date: 1 � Date
Date '
Approved to sign on behalf
of the Attomey Generai
as to form and executio�
By: B Y
Date: Date:
Person(s) signing the agreement and obligaGng GRANTEE to the conditions of the agreement, must be authorized. A
certified copy of the resolution authorizing the GRANTEE to enter into this agreement and designating person(s) to
execute this agreement must be attached hereto.
NOTICE TO GRANTEE: If GRANTEE is other than a govemment agency, it is required by Minnesota Statutes, Section
270.86, to pro��de the social security number or Minnesota tax identification number if it does business with the State of
Minnesota. This information may be used in the enforcement of federai and state tax laws. Supplying these numbers
couid result in action to require you to file state tax retums and pay delinquent state tax Iiabilities. These numbers iii be
available to federai and state tax authorities and state personnel invoived in the payment of state obliga6ons.
6 of 6
Weed and Seed Initiative St. Paul Police Department (Summit-Universityl
Application Cover Page
July 7, 1997 — JUne 30,1999
>Iicant P (vrith which contract wili be executed): c�;.,r D...
Au`hcrized Oficiai ( Address � Phone
Attachment 1
Page i of 6 � � �
William K. Finney 100 East Eleventh St. (612) 292-3588 (612) 292-3540
Chief of Police Saint Paul, MN 55101
CUnCa::i Person: Same _
A�er.c/ �ddress Phore Fax Emaii
�pereting Agency (if differen? tnan applicant):
Legai Name � Address
Summit University I 627 Selby Avenue
Planning Council Saint Paul, MN 55104
Soundaries of Weed and Seed Site Project Funds Minnesota Federal Tax
Requested Tax IDn iD �
northern - University Avenue Year1:� 75,p00
eastern - John Ireland Boulevard
southern.- Su�it Avenue 802509 41-6005521
western - Lexington Parkway
Year 2: �
1 certi�y that the information contained
tfiat I submit this application on behalf
Signaf4re of Authorized Official:_
TItl2: Chief of Police
t� the best of my knowiedge and
Community Description '
The Summit University Planning Council (SUPC), is the Saint Paul Planning Councii for the area
in the city which has a history of being one of the most culturally and economically diverse
districts in the city. It is home to more residents of color than any other neighborhood and has
been so for a longer time than the city's other diverse neighborhoods. According to the 1990
census 56 percent of the area's population are peo�le of color including 40.6 percent African
Americans, 11.5 percent Southeast Asians, 2.5 percent Hispanic and 1.1 percent American Indian.
There is 2reat pride �vithin this community on its lon�standing diversity and it is the hallmark of
the community.
The 1990 censu=, indicates a total population of 13, 301. Afrer the 1970 census, the population
decl:ned by almost one third, more than any other nei�hborhood in the city. But, by 1990 the area
had stabilized and population had rebounded and increased by IS.S percent.
While crime appears to be on the decline all across the city, in the SU community there is still a
�reat cause for concern. Just under ten percent of the 41,000 offenses reported in the city
occurred in the community's ei�ht police grids.'' Summit-University (SU) comprises only 6.8
percent of the total city population, however, 9,3 percent of all reported crimes occurred in the
The most alarming statistic is the amount of violent crime committed within the community. In
1994 six of the 29 homicides occurred in SU. Twelve percent of the a�ravated assaults occurred
there alon� with 117 of the 881 robberies and 27 of the 285 reported rapes. There is a warranted
suspicion that the often unreported crime of assault, particularly domestic assault is high.
Low income, elderly, single heads of households with dependent children, refugees, at risk youth
and residents of community residential faci(ities, including transitional housin� make up a large
part of the population residing within the SUPC. The district also embraces an upper income
population residing in the Ramsey Hill area and alon� Summit Avenue. The diversity of the
neighborhood is a great stren�th as well as the major challenge.
The SU neighborhood is one of the oldest in the city. A neighborhood once known for its
prosperity, it experienced serious decline and consequently, more recently, renovation and
redevelopment. Its history and people have created a multiplicity of interests and needs.
Formerly an Urban Reaewal Area, a Model Cities target are� a Neighborhood Strategy Area and
recently a tJRt1P area, SU has a lon� tradition of organized decision making dating back over
thirty years.
' See US Census Data, Saint Paul Council Research.
� From Saint Paul Police Department Research and Development Unit Police Stafistics.
Needs Assessment
Analysis of crime stats, unemployment rates, buildin� conditions and property values provide
crucial evidence of the need for a Weed and Seed program in the SUPC community. There are,
however, other important factors that speak to why the SUPC community should receive Weed
and Seed fundin�.
• Historically, the SUPC community has had little or no funds to support pro�rammin�
�vhich responds to the breadth and magnitude of problems the Weed and Seed Program
seeksto address.
Because of a ne�v emphasis on grants-�vritin� , this year represenis the first time that the
SUPC has beer� able to adequately fund a full-time professional community
or?anizerlcrime prevention coordinator.
In addition, several components of the Weed and Seed Pro�ram have recently been funded
which now enable SUPC to "hit-the-�round-running". Only now does the SLJPC
community have the capacity to apply for and to successfully implement a Weed and Seed
Program. With atl of these components in place and at full capacity, the probability of
success is positive.
• The Aurora-St. Anthony Neighborhood Devetopment Corporation, a seasoned
nei�hborhood organization, has a lon� and successful history in respondin� to its
nei�hborhood problems. A partnership with them strengthens SUPC's ability to work
to�ether with the Aurora-St. Anthony community to respond to their many ongoing needs.
The SUPC has long been convinced of the connection between nei�hborhood development,
property improvement and crime in the community. The Nei�hborhood Property Improvement
Pilot Program (PIP) will work well with the requirements of the "weeding" part of the Weed and
Seed program. SUPC's Neighborhood Development Committee, as part of this year's strategic
plan supported the creation of PII' with the goal to promote and provide a minimal standard of
maintenance and improvement of the exterior physical infrastructure of targeted neighborhoods.
Beyond providin� information and serving as liaison with the Neighborhood Development
Committee and public and private community development agencies, PIP staffwould work
proactively with Saint Paul Public Health Code Enforcement, neighborhood residents, block clubs
and other community groups in non-adversaria( and pro-active ways to solve ongoing or potentia(
code violations such as trash and garbage removal, identification and removal of abandoned cars,
unwatered trees, uncut grass, weeds, and other impediments to the community's visual health.
Direct services wouid be provided to residents to avoid summary abatement for a reduced sum of
money (or as a community service project). This could be a potential source of incoaie for the
program. PIP would contract for minor repairs to be done on seiect properties by using
established criteria. PIP staff, the Gime Prevention Coordinator, the NDC and the Selby Area
CommuniYy Development Corp (SACDC) wouid develop a monthly work plan alonJ with
�a -�
residents and other Weed and Seed stakeholders.
SACDC has committed to donaYing a percentage oftime oftheir maintenance staffto perform
needed repairs. In addition, PIP would work with SUPC's Crime Prevention Coordinator.and the
Saint Paul Police Department on issues related to graffiti and problem properties.
The followin� represents a number of resources or seeds that would be planted -- or better yet
watered -- in conjunction with the weeding.
• The Youth Service Community Institute located at 917 Selby is a coalition of community-
based youth serving or�anizations that are committed to empowering and promotin� the
welfare ofyouth in the SU and Fro�town communities.
• A newly created SU InfoTmation and Community Service Office has been working to
make available and to provide information on community volunteer opportunities.
• A barter pro�ram provides opportunities for neiahbor-to-nei�hbor exchan�e of tatents and
services without an exchan�e of money and the SU Youth Service Corp provides
volunteer experiences for 12-15 year old youth in the community.
• The newly funded Community Improvement and Safety Program and its coordinator,
in addition to creatin� and maintaining a network of block clubs, provides information on
crime/violence prevention, victim resources and deals with nei�hborhood problem
• An innovative Juvenile Restocative Justice Proeram has begun the work of recruiting and
trainin� people from communities of color for trainin� in mediation and family group
conferencin� to assist victims and offenders in SU.
• Additional funding was recently received from the Minnesota State Court Administrator's
Office to expand program services to adult victims and offenders in SU.
Weed and Seed funding would enable the SUPC to join together in a unique partnership with
neighborhood organizations, agencies and programs to effect very real, visible, and tang'ible
results in targeted areas within the SUPC community.
Now, more than ever before in recent history, the SUPC is primed to fashion a dynamic
response, pullin� together the best of the newly created and proposed resources in the
community. Not oniy would Weed and Seed funding further strengthen and provide an
important focus but it would also further enable the SUPC to continue the search for innovative
responses to both the rea] and perceived issues that have long faced the community.
Page 5 of 6
/� q �� �S
Planning Process
SUPC �vill pull together the organizational and other institutional entities within the SU
community to form a Weed and Seed Steering Committee which will engage in a strategic
plannin� process in order to address the four elements of a Weed and Seed program:
• law enforcement involvement in the community
• community policin�
• prevention, intervention and treatment
• revitalization and restoration
Since these four areas have been"addressed within the community, as mentioned in the above
needs assessment, the ptannin� process would be�in immediately and a strate�ic plan would be in
place by the fall of 1997.
Yage 6 oY 6
q,�-� 3S
Budget Page _
1TEi1�1 Year Ona Request Year Two Request � Total Request
Salary I �
8enefits �
Equipment �
In-State Travel
�ther Expensas .
Total Amount
Requested 575,000 $75,000 5150,000
Budget description (descri�e each lirie item as needed):
At this time, without any significant strategic planning, the Summit University
neighborhood is reluctant to specify how the funding would be allocated. The
followino are areas which would be included after a planning process:
FORCE Unit Sweeps
Code Enforcement Activity for housing deterioration
Coordination of the program by specific staff
Office and supplies for the progran
AG28:99 v7
�a �� 3S
m o£ this amendment, the tenns and conditions of the orginal Grant Agreement and Amendment # 1 aze expressly
Except as heteia amended, the provisions of the original Grant Agreement and Amendment # 1 remain in full force
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have caused this aznendment to be executed intending to be bound thereby.
By: ' BY�
Title: Chief of Police � Title:
�. .
Date: . _ � � �� Date .
s .
Date .
$y . Date:
2 of 2
Weed and See:i Initiati-�e/St. Paul Police DepartmentiSUmmit-i3/Plnendment �€2
a - �.
� ��
� �P
Aicohol &
Bureau of
Capitol Security
Driver & Vehicle
State Fire
Pipeline Safety
State Patrol
Traffic Safety
Office of the Gommissioner � - G�� .���v�
445 Minnesota Street, Suite 1�00, North Central Life Tower, St. Paui, Minnesota 55101-5000
Phone:657/296-6642 FAX:651.297.5728 TTY:651/282-6555 .
lnternet: httpJlwww.dps.state.mn.us
�E�'�i\�r� �
June i, 1999
�� l� :'� i� % ;"�i:�
Amy Brown
City of St. Paui
St. Paul Police Department
100 East 11th St.
St. Paul, MN 55101
Re: Weed and Seed Railroad Isiand Amendment #1
Dear Ms. Brown:
CHitr 5 GrFICE
Enciosed you will find three copies of Amendment #1 to your agencies' Weed and
Seed Grant Agreemenf. These three copies must be signed where indicated by the
individual{s) authorized in your agencies resolution to execute the amendment for
the St. Paul Police Department.
After the appropriate signatures are obtained, please return a(I three copies of the
Grant Amendment to: Pam Docken, Grants Administrator, Minnesota Department
of Public Safety, Law Enforcement and Community Grants, 445 Minnesota St., Suite
1000 North Central Life Tower, St. Paul, MN 55101-5000.
The end if the state biennium is June 30, 1999. Please return the signed
amendments to me immer/iate/y for fina/ processing.
Please contact me at 651/297-1697 with any questions you may have. Thank you.
Pamela Docken
Grant Administrator
�.�. -c�'
`- SFY `'1998 ':`�Fund 100 ° Agency Number P07 Org/Sub 6510 Appr. UnR 68i -
Entry Locn Object Code 5B00 Requisdion No. 6000-72 ConVact No. 6000-77 Order No. 6000 77 "-
Vendor Number 066790002 00 � Commodrty Code Tatal Obiigation ;'122,404.00 Reporting Category
Sfafe of Minnesota
Department of Public Safety
City of St. Paul
St. Paul Police DeparEment
100 East 11th Street
St. Paul, MN 55101
Amount - 0 -
WHEREAS, the State of Minnesota, Department of Public Safety (STATE) has a Grant Agreement identified as
Agreement Number6000-77 with the City of St. Paul, St. Paui Police DepartmenE, 100 East 11th SEreef, St.
Paul, MN 55101 (GRANTEE), pertaining to the Weed and Seed Initiative, and
WHEREAS, the STATE and GRANTEE have agreed that additional time is necessary for the satisfactory
compietion of the grant agreement; and
THAT, Clause II, Section A, Paragraph 3, of the Grant Agreement shail be amended to read:
3. The totai obligation of the STATE for all compensation and reimbursements to GRANTEE shail not
exceed EiqhN-Two Thousand Seven Hundred Four pollars ($82 704.00) from July 1, 1997, through
June 30, 1998 and Thirtv-Nine Thousand Seven Hundred Dollars ($39.700.001 from July 1, 1998
through '""�,�o���� �cember 31. 1999. Funds �ot expended by GRANTEE during the first
year of this grant agreement may be expended in the second year of this agreement.
THAT, Clause VI, of the Grant Agreement shall be amended to read:
VI. TERMS OF GRANT. This grant contract shali be effective upon the date that the finat required
signature is obtained by the STATE pursuant to MS 16B.06, Subd 2., and shali remain in effect
untii '� -- �0-",�9 December 31. 1999, or until all obligations set fo�th in the grant contraEt�fiave
been satisfactorily fulfiiled, whicfiever occurs first. The GRANTEE may claim reimbursement for
expenditures incurred for services performed on or after July 1. 1997.
St. Paul Police DepartmenURailroad Island / 1998 Weed & Seed Grant Amendment #{ I
.�� ' , � � �a-�3�
By execution of this amendment, the term's and conditions of the originai Grant Agreement are expressiy
reaffirmed. Excepf as herein amended, the provisions of the original Granf Agreemenf remain in fuii force and
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have caused this amendment fo be executed intending to be bound thereby.
By: �`�� �` By:
Title: Chief of Police Title:
Date: �° l �' l � / Date
By: Date:
� ----
2 of 2
St. Paul Police DepartmeuVRailroad Island / 1998 Weed & Seed Grant Ameudment #I
��t O� Pb
e s
a m
9T `�OFM�� ES �
Offiice of the Commissioner
445 Minnesota Street St., Suite 1000, North Central Life Tower, St. Paul, Minnesota 55101-5000
Phone:612/296-6642 FAX:612.297.5728 TTY:612/282-6555
Internet: http:!/www.dps.state.mn.us
MAR 2 6 1998 ��
Alcohol &
Bureau of
Capitol Sewrity
Driver & Vehicle
Management /
State Fire
Pipeline Safety
State Patrol
Traffic Safety
March 24, 1998
Amy Brown
St. Paul Police Department
100 East 11th Street
St. Paul, MN 55101
Dear Ms. Brown:
Enclosed you will find a fully executed copy of the Weed and Seed grant for
the Railroad Isiand site. As I indicated to you via voice mail, the grant
agreement for Summit U has been forwarded for signature and should be
returned by the end of the first week in April. As i stated in my Ietter dated
March 9, 1998, I will need an updated budget for Summit in order to process
invoices and process the award of additional funds.
if you have any questions, please feei free to contact Denise Sjoberg at 297-
�������� � �,� �nn r�. �s�--
Rosalind R. Sullivan
Grants Coordinator �O i�1/�� �—\��,
V Y � 1`��� ���:
�b -i, tTe � �,
��,�� -� �
� ��
�.�: b x 1�'��
�,a,�c._ �5ro�
Equal Opportuni[y Employer
��,� �--
Weed and Seed Initiative
ti �
SFY '1998 Fund 100 Agency Number P07 Org/Sub 6890 Appr. Unit 68'1
Entry Locn Object Code 5600 Requisition No. Coniract No. Order No.
�� �x� --� a -��
Vendor Number Commodity Code Total Obligation Total Obligation for FY 98
066790002 $122,404.00 582,704.00
THIS COOPERATIVE AGREEM��T, by and between the State of Minnesota, Department of Public Safety, (hereinafter
called the STATE) and St. Paui Police Department, 100 E. 11th Street, St. Paul, MN 55'10'I, (hereinafter called
GRANTEE), witnesseth that:
WHEREAS, the DepaRment of Public Safety is the agency rasponsible fcr administration of funds available to the State of
Minnesota under provisions of Minnesota Statutes 299A.63 for the Weed and Seed Grant r ro9ram; and
WHEREAS, the STATE is authorized under provisions of Minnesota Statutes 299A.63 to make contracts from state funds
to qualified applicants; and
WHEREAS, GRANTEE is authorized to accept state funds for this purpose; and
WHEREAS, GRANTEE represents that it is duly qualified and willing to carry out the tasks associated with the Weed and
Seed Initiative;
NOW, THEREFORE, the STATE and GRANTEE agree as follows:
SCOPE, PURPOSE, AND TASKS OF AGREEMENT. GR.4NTEE wili carry out the tasks described below in this
agreement and the tasks described in the grant application as stated in Attachment 1 of this agreement which is
hereby incorporated by reference and made a part of this agreement.
A. GRANTEE must form a steering committee, comprised of a balance of public o�ciais, non-profits,
businesses, community organizations, residents, the State Weed and Seed Director and others. This
committee must meet regularly. This steering committee is responsible for determining the strategy for each
of the four elements of the Weed and Seed initiative; implementing the strategy; making budget decisions or
recommendations; and making other decisions required for the initiative. Meetings of the stesring committee
shall be held within the boundaries of the Weed and Seed site whenever possible.
B. Shouid GRANTEE receive additional grant funds from the Federal Weed and Seed Program, the GRANTEE
must, within � 0 days of notificatio� of award, notify the STATE in writing of the award and the amount of the
award. The STATE shall then tiave the option to terminate and/or reduce this grant agreement.
C. Funds may not be used to pay fees to administer this grant agreement.
1 of 6
Weed and,Seed Initiative St. Paul Police Department - Railroad Zsland
I.eighborhood '
A. Consideration for ali services performed and goods or materials supplied by the STATE as follows.
'I . Compensation shal( be consistent with the Pro9ram Line Item Budget, included in Attaehment 1 of this
2. Reimbursement for travel and subsistence expenses actuaily and necessarily incurred by GRANTEE in
performance of this agreement in an amount not to exceed N/A dollars (5 N/A ; provided, that
the GRANTEE shall be reimbursed for travel and subsistence expenses in the same manner and in no
greater amount that provided in the current "Commissioners Pfan" promulgated by the Commissioner of
Employee Relations. GRANTEE shall not be reimbursed for travel and subsistence expense incurred
outside of Yhe State of Minnesota unless it has received prior written aporoval for such out of state travel
from the STATE.
The tot21 obligation of the STATE for all compensation and reimbursements to GRANTEE shall not exceed
Eig htv-two thousand seven hundred four dollars (582.704_001 from July 1, 1997, through June 30,
'1998, and Thirtv-nine thousand seven hundred dollars (539.700.00), from Ju!y 1, 1998 , through June
30, 1999. Funds not expended by GRANTEE during the first year of tt�is grant agreement mzy be
expended in the second year of this agreement.
B. Terms of Payment.
1. Payments to the GRANTEE wiii be made by the STATE quarterly on a quarterly cos! reimbursement
2. Payments shall be made by fhe STATE promptly after GRANTEE'S presentation of invoices for services
3. Upon GRANTEE'S request, an advance payment may be made after agreement execution, in an amount
not to exceed 25% percent of the first years budget total as determined necessary for execution of
GRANTEE obligations.
4. Invoices for reimbursement shall be identified in approved budoet categories and submitted on a quarterly
basis in a form approved by the Department of Public Safety. Im�oices shall be sent to: Rosalind R.
Suilivan, or her successor in o�ce, Department of Public Safety, O�ce ef the Commissioner, 445
Minnesota Street Suite 1000, North Central life Tower, St. Paul, MN 55 1 01-21 2 8.
5. Payments are to be made from State funds oEtained by the STATE through the Weed and Seed Grant
Initiative authorized by Minnesota Statutes 299A.63. If at any time such funds become unavailable, this
agreement shall be terminated immediately upon written notice ot such fact by the STATE to GRANTEE.
In the event of such termination, GRANTEE shail be entitled to payment, determined on a pro rata basis,
for services satisfactorily performed for which State funds are available. The GRANTEE agrees to return
any unused funds to the STATE.
6. The GRANTEE will expend grant funds allocated for this project according to the attached project budget
included in Attachment 1 of this agreement. The GRANTEE will submit a revised budget for any deviation
of 10% or more between the aliowable funding categories. The revised budget must be approved by the
STATE before any expenditures can be made based on the revised budget.
The GRANTEE agrees to return any unused funds to the STATE unless prior approval for an extension
has been granted by the Grants Administrator and an amendment to the grant agreement has been duly
executed. Unused funds must oe returned to the STATE within 30 days of the endir�g date of the
2 of 6
Weed and�eed Initiative St. Paul Police Department -
Neighborhood '
Railroad Zsland
III. CONDITIONS OF PAYMENT. All services provided by GRANTEE pursuant to this grant shall be performed to
the satisfaction of the STATE as detertnined in the sole discretion of its authorized agent, and in accord with alI
appiicable federal, state, and local laws, ordinances, rules and regulatlons. GRANTEE shall not receive payment
for work found by the STATE to be unsatisfactory, or performed in a violation of federal, state, or local law,
ordinance, rule, or regulation.
IV. FAILURE TO COMPLY. The GRANTEE agrees to retum funds to the STATE for any work the STATE in its sole
discretion determined to be unsatisfactory or performed in violation of federai, state or Iocai law, ordinance, rule
or regulation.
V. REDUCTION, SUSPENSION, OR TERMINATION OF FUNDING. If a GRANTEE does not fulfill obligations under
the agreement in a timely and proper manner, or if Gr�ANTEE violates conditions of the agreement, the STATE
may reduce, suspend, or terminate funding with a 30-day notice of the effective date of the acfion. GRANTEE
shall be entitled to payment for work or service satisfactorily performed for which state funds are available.
VI. TERNIS OF GRANT This grant contract shall be effective upon the date that the final required signature is
obtained by the STATE, pursuant to MS 166.06, Subd. 2, and shall remain in effect until June 30. � 999, or until all
obligations set forth in this grant contract have been satisfactorily fulfilled, wh�chever occurs f rst. fhe GRANTEE
may claim reimbursement for expenditures incurred for services performed on or after July �. � 997.
VII. STATE'S AUTHORIZED AGENT. The STATE's authorized agent for the purposes of this agreement is Rosalind
R. Sullivan, or her successor in office, Department of Public Safety, Office of the Commissioner, 445 Minnesota
Street, Suite �000, North Central Life Tower St. raul, MN 55101-2128. Such agent shall have final authority for
acceptance of GRANTEE'S services.
VIII. REPORTING. GRANTEE will advise the STATE concerning project progress through such reasonable means as
the STATE may find convenient. These will include the foilowing, and shall be submitted to: Rosalind R. Sullivan,
or her successor in office, Department of Public Safety, Office of the Commissioner, 445 Minnesota Street, Suite
1000, North Centrai Life Tower St. Paul, MN 55101-2128.
A. The GRANTEE must provide the STATE with a fi�al, and STATE approved strategic plan and budget
pertaining to this grant agreement by January 15, 1998. The final strategic pian and budget to be approved
by the STATE must show measurable objectives, budget, and time lines for describing tasks stated in
Attachment 1., of this agreement: This final strategic plan and budget must also be in a format approved by
the STATE and must include the four elements of the Weed and Seed strategy: 1) Law enforcement 2)
community policing, 3) prevention, intervention and treatment, and 4) revitalization and rehabilitation. Failure
to provide the STATE with a STATE approved final strategic plan by January 15, 1998, may result in the
termination of this grant agreement. All parties to this agreement understand that the STATE approved final
strategic plan shall be binding and shall become part of this grant agreement.
B. The GRANTEE will advise the STATE concerning the project progress through the submission of quarterly
reports as required by :he STATE's Authorized Agent.
C. Submission of a final evaluation report within 30 days after the termination date of this agreement.
D. Submission of a final expenditure report within 30 days after the termination of this agreement.
E. GRANTEE shall make any and all project records, reports and other data availabie to the STATE upon
request; this includes submission of copies of any reports, data, surveys (including survey instruments), or
other materials for review and comment before they are prepared in finai form, and six copies of all materials
produced by the project following production of the materiais.
F. Permitting periodic site visits by the STATE's Authorized Agent, other STATE staff or other employees of the
3 0£ 6
Weed and Seed Initiative St. Paul Police Department - Railroad Zsland
State of Minnesota on behalf of the STATE_
G. If initiated, participation in statewide data coilection and cooperation with a designated evaluator on behalf of
the STATE, for the purpose of statewide evaluation efforts and assistance with individua! project evaluation
H. Participation in training and evaluation workshops may be required.
A. GRANTEE will estabiish a separate account of this project and wilf maintain fiscal records in accordance with
generally acceptable accouniing principies. GRANTEE's records, documents, and accounting procedures
and practices for this project shall be subject to the examination of the STATE's authorized agent and by the
Legislative Auditor. Fiscal records shail be retained for a period oi three years foliowing submission of the
final report.
B. The books, records, documents, and accounting procedures and practices of any GRANTEE and/or
consultant relevant to this agrAement shall be subject to examination by STATE's authorized aoent and the
legisla:ive auditor. .
X. NONDISCRIMINATION. As a condition of receiving support for this project, GRANTEE assures that it will meet
ali applicable requirements of the Civil Rights Act of'1964, as amended (ncndiscriminatiori on the basis of
handicapping conditions), and of any appiicable state civii rights statutes.
XI. ASSIGNMENT. GRANTEE wiil neither assign nor transfer any rights of obligations under this agreement without
the prior written consent of the STATE.
A. GRANTEE may subcontract to provide services as described in the work plan (Attachment 1). It is
understood, however, the GRANTEE remains solely responsibie to the STATE for providing the products and
services described.
B. Identification of source of funding. All reports, materials, conference documents, and any other products
made available through this project, shall carry an acknowledgment that is was funded under provisions of
the State of Minnescta (Community Oriented Policing Grant Program) and give credit to other party's
Xll. OWNERSHIP OF DOCUiv1ENTS AND PRODUCTS. Any reports, studies, photographs, negatives, instruments,
curriculum, videotapes, training manuals, media messages, or other documents or products (hereinafter called
documents or products) prepared by or for GRANTEE in the performance of its obligations u�der this agreement
shali be exciusive property of the STATE. All such documents or products shall be remitted to the STATE by
GRANTEE upon completion, termination, or cancellation of this agreement. GRANTEE shaii not use, willingly
allow, or cause to have such materiais used for obligations under this agreement without the prior written consent
of the STATE.
XIII. OWNERSHIP OF COPYRIGHT. All right, titte and interest in all copyrightable materizl which GRANTEE shall
conceive or originate either individually or jointly with others, and which arises out of the performance of this
agreeme�t, will be the prope[ty of the STATE and are by this agreement assigned to the STATE along with
ownership of any and ail copyrights of the copyrightable material. GRANTEE afso agrees, upon the request of the
STATE, to execute alI papers and perform all other acts necessary to assist the STATE to obtain and register
copyriyhts on such materials. Vdhere applicabie, works of authorship created by GRANTEE for the STATE in
performance of this agreement shall be considered 'tivorks made for hire" as defined in the U.S. Copyright Act.
XIV. AMENDMENT. Any amendments to this agreement shall be in writing, and shall be executed by the same parties
who executed the originai agreement, or their successors in office.
4 of 6
Weed and�eed Initiative St. Paul Police Department - Railroad Island
Neighborhood '
� �, � �S
XV. �LIASILI7Y. To the extent permitted by law, GRANTEE agrees to save and hold the STATE, its agents, and
employees harmless from any and all ciaims or causes of action rising from the performance of this agreement by
GRANTEE or GRANTEE'S agents or employees. This clause shall not be construed to bar any legai remedies
GRANTEE may have for the STATE's failure to fuifill its obligations pursuant to this agreement.
XVi. WORKER'S COMPENSATION. The STATE affirms that GRANTEE provided acceptable evidence of compliance
with the workers' compensation insurance coverage requirements of Minnesota Statutes, 976.'18'I, Subdivision 2.
XVII. DATA PRIVACY ACT. It is expressly agreed that GRANTEE is not a member of or included within the health,
education, criminal justice, or welfare systems for purposes of the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act as a
result of this agreement. If GRANTEE is independently required to comply with any requirements of the
Minnesota Government Data Practices Act, GRANTEE acknowiedges that STATE shall not be Iiabie for any
vioiation of any provision of the Minnesota Govemment Data Practices Act indirectiy or directly arising out of,
resulting from, or in any manner attrib��table to actions of GRANTEE.
GRANTEE agrees to indemnify and save and hold the STATE, its agents, and employees harmless from all
claims arising out of, resulting from, or in any manner attributable to any violation of any provision of the
Minnesota Statutes, Sections � 3.0�-13.87, including Iegai fees and disbursements paid or incurred to enforce the
provisions of this agreement. ,
A. When purchasing equipment authorized by this Agreement, GRANTEE shali comply with all procurement
procedures and laws that appiy to the GRANTEE's purchase of similar equipment in the performance of its
duties other than its duties under this Agreement.
B. Any equipment purchased under this Agreement shall be used for law enforcement purposes during the life
of the equipment The GRANTEE may not deviate from this requirement and may not dispose of any
equipment unless GRANTEE has first obtained written permission from the STATE.
C. The GRANTEE shall be responsibie for all operating, maintenance, and repair costs of equipment uniess
GR.4NTEE has first obtained written permission from the STATE.
5 of 6
Weed and�Seed Initiative St. Paul Police Department - Railroad Island
Neighborhood '
iN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hzve caused the grant to be duly executed intending to be bound thereby.
'I. G NT F
Date: �
Approved to sign on behaif
of the Attorney General
as to form and executior.
OriGina� sianPd
Title: � (/
Date �� ! 15�'i �7�� l,Y l'''� �� �
3� i� l�
ORiGIi�lAt SIG�+��
8y rerncia S. f�iolte
Person(s) signing the agreement and obligating GRANTEE to the conditions of the agreement, must be authorized. A
ceRified copy of the resolution authorizing the GRANTEE to enter into this agreement and designating person(s) to
execute this agreement must be attached hereto.
NOTICE TO GRANTEE: If GRANTEE is othe� than a government agency, it is required by Minnesota Statut�s, Section
270.66, to provide the sociai security number or Minnesota tax identification number if it does business with the State of
Minnesota. This information may be used in the enforcemenY of federal and state tax Iaws. Supplying these numbers
could result in action to require you to file state tax returns and pay delinquent state tax liabilities. These numbers iil be
available to federal and state tax authorities and state personnel involved in the payment of state obligations.
6 of 6
Weed aad�..ed Znitiative St. Paul Police Department - Railroad Zsland
Neighborhood '
Applicafion Cover Page
July 1, 1997 — June 30, 1999
Applicant Agency (with which contract wiil be executed):
Authorized Official Address
Chief Wm. K. Finney 100 E. ? 1'" Street
Saint Paul Police Department Saint Paui, MN. 55101
Contact Person:
Lt. Nancy Di Perna
Address Phone
100 E. 11"' Street 292-3712
Saint Paui, MN. 55101
Operating Aqenc�(if diffierent than appiicantl:
Legal Name Address Phone
Saint Pau! Police Department 90� E. 91�' Street 292-3588
Saint Paul, MN. 55101
Attachment I
Page I of 7 ��
I� /�
Boundaries of Project Funds MN. Tax Fed. Tax
Weed and Seed Site Requested I.D. # I.D. #
Railroad Island Nghbd. Year 1: $82,704.00 802509 41-6005521
Saint Paul, MN. Year 2: $39,700.00
I ce�tify that the information contained herein is true an ac rate to the best of my knowledge
and that I submit this application on behalf of the ap icant agency:
Signature of Authorized Officiai:,
- ,
Pa�e 2 of 7
Community Description: Borders of proposed site, demographics, other descripfors (one page) .
Raiiroad Island is locafed in the southwest tip of the Payne-Phalen area on Saint Paui's East
Side. The communi#y is bordered by the old Buriington Northern railroad fracks on the west,
Sush Avenue on the north, Swede Holtow Park on the easi, and East 7"' Street on the south. ft
is approximately 180 acres in size with a population of roughly 2100. The community currently
has 43 businesses, and two parks within its boundaries.
The nearly 500 residentiai properties on the Island had once been predominantly ewner
occupied by generations of families who had risen from the depths of poverty after immigrating
fo this country. For over 100 years the Raiiroad Island community was a hub of activity. By the
eariy 1900's the pristine neighborhood was comprised of approximately 70% F�me o�,vnership
and 30% rentai property. Smaii business abounded along the entire Payne Avenue strip and
along the outer parameters of the community in genera�. The natien wide recession of the
1980's created a harsh impact on the health and stability of the community_ Large industries
with good paying jobs left the area at aimost the exact same time fhe majority of the population
hit retirement age. People began to leave the area enmasse, forcing the neighborhood to
undergo dramatic changes. Aimost overnight, residency ratio's directly reversed to 30% home
ownership, and 70% rental property. Slowiy the unpretentious properfies began showing signs
of severe neglect, eventualiy creating visual blight.
As the community became more distressed, need for a number of government services
increased. Over 90% of the children attending East Consolidated Elementary School, the
nearest public school to the community, are on the fed�ral free lunch program. Greater than
75% of these children wiil not last the full school year, but instead wiil suffer the effects of
transiency when their care givers move on. A 1992 sfudy concluded that of ali neighborhood
adults over age 25, 29% never completed high school and 38% have only a high school
education. Further, 42.8°/a of Railroad Island's population falis below income guidelines for
poverty - struggling just to keep food on the table.
The community is a broad mix of cultural and racial diversity. However, age groups fall
predominantly in the 0- 30 or 55 and up ranges indicating a strong lack of middle age
individuals. While this may not appear to be of importance, statistics indicate that we most
advance and stabilize ourselves in careers, income, family buiiding, and home ownership
between the ages of 30 and 50.
Railroad Isiand is a beautifui and seciuded community in desperate need of repair. Efforts to
create a stronger tax base, a greater perrzntage of home owners willing to invest in the
community, stronger relationships with gavernment agencies who can help, deeper
commitments firom area organizations and each other, and aggressive tactics to rid the
community of the criminai element it suffers from can go a long way in assuring the revitalization
of the historic neighborhood.
Page 3 of 7 �
� � � S lj �
Needs Assessment: Describe the problems and strengths that make the site a suitable
candidate for funding, including informafion on crimes, decrease in livability, exisfing efforts fo
improve the neighborhood and other factors affecfing the proposed site. (Two Pages)
In large part the neighborhood began feeling the effects of n2gative change during fhe recession
of the 1980's. Prices of goods, services, and faxes, increased at the same time jobs were being
lost and incomes were being cut. As people scrambled to move ctoser to new jobs, or in some
cases into retirement communities, numerous homes in Railroad Island were sold to investors
looking to turn a profit in the rental busi�ess. Competition from large retailers and chain stores
began driving out smail business�in the community. Soon, a community that once provided a
solid tax base for leveraging needs, became trapped in a transient turnstile. In this middle :o low
income neighborhood the ons(aught of change was foo mucfi.
f2eacting to losses never before experienced, and fearful that the market would get worse, long
time business owners began selling out. Absentee landlords showed little concern toward the
general health of the community they were not emotionally invested in. Frequentiy renting to
tenants who had not been screened, they soon began experiencing problems with vandalism,
theft, and "skip outs", leading them to conclude any upkeep of their properfy was not worth the
effort or money. Homeowners remaining in the community had little cash to spend on
beautification and quickly Yired of making improvements to homes that were now being
surrounded by I'�tter, debris, and social misfits. As fime passed the problems increased, creating
a community that is presently plagued with problems of drug trafficking, crack houses, property
vandalism, lewd conduct, gambling, child neglect, increasing gangs, and domestic assaults.
The housing stock is in sore need of repair, in fact property values decreased by 30% between
1980 and 1995. Large numbers of children are suffering from lead paint poisoning, elementary
schoo! classroom tumover rates range as high as 80%, and social conditions are sad due in part
to a lack of funding for a recreation center, more community services, and intervention,
prevention, and treatrnent programs. Compounding these issues is the lack of living wage
employment opportunities in or near the community, or reasonable and regular transportation
methods to offset this probiem.
Still, there remains a faction of residents, community leaders, area organizations, and business
owners committed to restoring the community to the heaith and vitality it enjoyed for over a
century. Almost as quickly as the decline began, a neighborhood based task force united. With
the assistance of the Saint Paul Pianning and Economic Development stafF and the consulting
firm of Sanders Wacker Wehrman Bergly, Inc. the Raiiroad Island Smail Area Pian began
development. On November 16, 1994, the City Councii officially adopfed the plan put together
by these committed individuals. The plan piainly identifi2s the needs of the community that is
situated in a Federai Enterprise Zone. The City of Saint Paui Sales Tax And Revitalization
(STAR} program and Tax Increment Finance (TIF) funds are availabie to assist in the restoration
- �
Page 4 of 7
_ ���,�
of the communify, the carefial expenditure of these funds o�erseen by the Raiiroad Isiand Task
Railroad Island became the pilot site for a Weed and Seed strafegy in Saint Paui in July of
1996_ The State funded plan was embraced by agencies, organizations, and individuals, who
were instrumental in cr@ating a program that has become internationaliy recognized. In a year
end report submiited to the Railroad Island Weed and Seed Steering Commi#tes in August,
1997, the commifinenf to the neighborhood was obvious. Determined invoivemen# from area
residents and business owners, community organizations, and government agencies included;
the Saint Paul Police Departrrient, Code Enfiorcement, Saint Paui Fire Prevention, Pianning and
Economic Development, Ramsey County Public Health, Ramsey County Attorneys Office,
Attomey Generals Office, United States Attorneys Office, Merrick Community Center, Raifroad
island Citizens Patrol, ftailroad Island Task �orce, Nabitat for Humanity, and countless others.
Saint Paul's Public Works Department impiemented the Residential Street Vitality Program in
1996, a program designed fo improve 12 miles of unpaved streets over the�next 15 years.
Excited about the Weed and Seed program a�d all fhe positive activity occurring in the
community, Councilmember Dan Bostrom worked to move Railroad island io the tcp of the list
for this program. The community is now s(ated to receive improvements that include, paved
st�eets, curbing, storm sewer inlets, boulevard trees, boulevards sodded, street lighting,
repiacement of lead water pipes, and upgraded NSP gas facilities in sp�ing of 1998.
Work has begun to address lead paint concerns. Between spring of 1996 and fail of 1997 seven
new singie family dwellings, historicaily sensitive to the neighborhood, will be completed. The
process has begun for three additionai properties to be purchased for demofition or restoration.
in 1996 some 40 homeowners received home improvement grants, and currently over 100
applicants are an a waiting list to receive low interest home improvemsnt loans. Area residents
work with staff at the Safe Haven for assistance with employment issues, anci literacy, parenting,
interventian, prevention, and social activity programs are being impiemented.
Additionaily, an aggressive revitaliza6on project knom�n as the Phalen Corridor Inifiiative is taking
piace on Saint Paui's East Side wifh the western tip of the muiti-miilion dollar project beginning
in Railroad island. The area, fondly remembered as Wiiliams Hill, will become home to a light
industrial park an6cipated to provide roughly 400 new jobs. Last year pianning members of the
Phalen Conidor partnered with the Merrick Community Center, which is also the Safe Haven
for Railroad Island, to form a job bank and offer related services to the community. As the
Corridor winds eastwar�, Railroad Island also benefits from new housing, a bike path, new
roadways, and beautified entrances.
Sustained involvement from fhese new and oid partners wili allow us to further enhance the
quality of living in the neighborhood over the ne�.�t year. Happily, all participants have strongly
stated that tfiey wish to continue thsir involvement in the reclamation of Raiiraad Island as we
enter a second year of Weed and Seed. Federal recognition and funding wifi make contfivation
ofthis process possible, however, additionai doilars are needed to complete some of the goals
lisfed for fiscal year 1997 -'1998.
- '- ,
Pa�e 5 of 7
�� �� ��
Budget Page
Print/Copy •
In-State Travel
Total Amount
Year One Request
Year Two Request
Toiai Request
Budget Description (describe each line item as needed):
The salary and benefits categories total $63,000 for the biennium. The funding is necessary to
continue Weeding efforts and will be used for police overtime, police training!#ravel activities,
and fo� pofice sponsored tandiord training sessions. Phone expenses are to supply the Railroad
island Citizens Patrol with ceUular units and air time while on Patrol business. Supply expenses
irclude $600.00 in the first year fior o�ce supplies for fhe coordinator including paper, prinfer
cartridges, and otner misceilaneous items. An additionai $800.00 for each year is being
requested for purchase of Citizen Patroi jackets and hafis and promotional brochures. Funds that
would ailow our Safe Haven to be open three additionai nights per week for sports activifies for
youth are being requested under contracted services. Other expenses include $27,404.00 to
begin physical restoration of the historic 1854 Benjamin Brunson home, $15,000.00 for
instaliation of three lantern style lights in the tot !ot area of Eileen Weida Park by Sainf Paul
Parks and Rec., and $1,200.00 each year to use toward suppiies and activities necessary to
ensure a ftailroad tsland Community Peace and Unity Festival for residents.
Pa�e 6 of 7
Planning process: Describe how fhe sfrategy wi(( be deve(oped , who will be invotved, from
what organ'izafion. Succes.sfui strategies will be as inclusive as possible, utilizing the expertise
of a wide variefy of communify residenfs, government leaders, non-profits, businesses,
community groups, and others (one page}.
(Piease note: By October 15, the Weed and Seed sfrategy must be submitted. This plan will
outline objectives and measurabie outcomes for each of the four required elements. The Weed
and Seed Director wili assist your group as needed in developing these objectives and
As was the case last year, the Weed and Seed strategy has beer, de•reloped through joint
efforts between the Coordinator and the Steering Committee. These participants meet on a
monthly basis to review prog�ess ard to adjust plans as needed. Partners as ef August '1, 1937
Ron Nadeau,
RoseMarie Bomersine,
Mike Yarusso,
George Hinrichs,
Joe Garcia,
Janet Garcia,
Lt. Nancy piPema,
Sgt. Brian Coyle,
Sgt. Dave Korus,
Pat Fish,
Richard Lippert,
Charles Votel,
Kay Wittgenstein,
Mark Ponsolle,
Patrick Hest,
Denise Sjoberg,
Jeanne Cooney,
Vince O'Connor,
Rita Jesse,
Chris Vendel,
Celia Shaughnessy,
Ed Olsen,
Sheryi PemberEon-Hoiby,
Sheryl Kabat,
Scott Rensfrom,
Resident and Railroad Isiand Task Force member
Resident and Railroad Island Task Force member
Resident and Railroad Island Task Force member
Resident and Railroad Island Task Force member
Resident and Railroad island Task Force member
Resident and Railroad Island Task Force member
F.O.R.C.E. Unit, Saint Paul Police Department
F.O.R.C.E. Unit, Saint Paul Police Department
East 7eam, Saint Paui Police Department
Fire Prevention, Saint Paul Fire Department
Code Enforcemenf
Code Enforcemen#
Ramsey County Department of Pubiic Heaith
Ramsey County Attorney's Office
Ramsey County Attorney's Office
Minnesota Attorney General's Office
United States Attorney's Office
Merrick Community Center
District 5 Planning Council, Crime Prevention
District 5 Planning Council, Youth
East Side Neighborhood Development Company
Saint Paul Division of Parks and Rec.
Planning and Economic Development
Weed and Seed Coordinator
Aide to Counciimember Dan Bosirom
• - - �
' • . Page 7 of 7
_ _ �� J � 3 �
During iscal year `96PS7 goals for the Weed and Seed strategy in Railroad (sland were
developed by reviewing the Railroad (sland Small Area Plan, holding monthiy Steering
Cammittee meetings, and through confinuous in#erviews wifh area residenis and business.
owners fo r�etermine fheir needs. As a resu{t of thesa practices an aggressive �eeding"
process was begun involving tFte Saint Pau! Police Department and Code Enforcement
While working overfime fhat fiotaled 9,563 hours, fhe police made 919 arrests, 21 detox runs,
86 assists for transport, 1B5 traffic stops, 59 warrant arresfs, 105 fraffic tags, 5 housing assisis,
99 premisa checks, i7 knock and talks, 3 search watrants, 78 field ID cards, 54 curfew/truarrt
picic-ups, adv�sed 25 domestic situations, impiemented 15 foot patrols, 1 bike patroi, and
recovered b�andguns and 3 to 4 ounces of crack.
Through �ode Enforcement the .entire neighborhood was canvassed for code violations
resulting in over 160 orders for comDlianCe being issued on the first sweep and an additional
90 orders being issued on the second. Roughly twelve of these files remain open today. Over
50 letters of appreciation to property owners were also issued.
Because of these ambitious efforfs and others, "seeding" activities long held off in the
community began to take place. Habitat for Human'rty signed a Memorandum of Agreement with
Weed and Seed to construct andlor rehabilitate up to 5 new homes in #he neighhorhood, two
new builds are currentiy under construction. Activities of the Railroad Island Task Force movad
fon+vard with 40 grants issued to Qroperty owners for home improvement�, and four new homes
were buili wifh city funds allocafed to the community. The Merrick Communify Center agreed
to be the Safie Haven for the community and has begun several new programs for intervention
and prevention purposes including; GELI classes, parenting classes for parents of teens and
parents of tots, open gym/basketball in the evenings with hours designated to various age
groups, a�#s and crafts classes, childcare services, and a community choir.
While formulation of a successful Weed and Seed strategy is always a work in progress, some
definite goals for fiscaJ yEar `97/'98 have bean sstablished for the second ysar of Weeti and
Seed in Railroad Island. These include; cantracting with an individual to act as overall
coordinator of the program who will; work to build and ereate partnerships, act as a liaison and
resource person between residents and government, assist in obtaining funds to sustain fhe
effort, and promote the p�ogram and the community whene�er possible; continued zero
tolerance efforts from the police department, supplemented with overtime hours, to perpetuafe
a perceived and real sense of sacurify and to sggressively eradicate criminal activity from the
area; sustai�ed code ertforoement adivi�es, suppleme�ted vrith ovartime hours, fo assure safety
and stability of the housing stock and to promote positive quality of life in the neighborhood;
investing funds in the Safe Haven whenever possible to bui{d more programs {inc{uding those
involving treatment), services, activities, events and socials, to further promote a sense of
community in the neighbofioad: and to co�tinue to meef as a Steering Committee on at least
a monthly basis to further contribute to the resto�ation of the community known as Railroad
�- ,
Retum Copy To: O R� V 1 N A L
PoGce Dept. Accounting
Presented By:
coU�C;► �]e u � ( o� J
Green Sheet # 8205
Referred To: Commit[ee:Date:
1 WfIEREAS, the Saiat Paal Police Department received a total of $122,404 for the Railroad 7sland area and
2$200,000 for the Summit University area from State Weed and Seed grants for the period July 1,1997 thmngh
3 June, 30,1999; and
5 WFIEREAS, the Police Deparlment needs to increase the 1999 financing and spending plans for these
6 granta due to unspent grant funds from 1998; and
8 WHEREAS, the Railroad Island and Summit University Weed and Seed grants are being eatended thmugh
9 December 31,1999; and
11 WFIEREAS, The Mayor pursuant to Section 10.07.1 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul, dces certdy tLat
12 there are available for appropriarion funds of $62,689 in eacess of those estimated in the 1999 budget; aud
14 WHEREAS� The Mayor recommends that the following addition be made to the 1999 budget:
18 436 - Poflce Special Projects Fhnd
19 34103 - Weed & Seed-Railroad Lvland
20 3400 - State Direct Grants in Aid
21 3A142 - Weed & Seed-Summit University
22 3400 - State Direct Grants in Aid
436 - Police Special Pmjects Fund
341�3 - R'eed & S�d-Railroad Island
054� - Payment to Subrnntractor
34142 - Weed & Seed-Summfr University
0141- Overtime
0439 - Fringe Benefita
0547 - Payment to Subcontractor
0558 - Transfer to Special Revenue Fund
60,604 14,847 75,451
115,717 47,842 163,559
176,321 62,689 239,010
14,847 14,847
- 23,700 23,700
- 6,300 6,300
101,717 2,892 104,609
14,000 14,950 28,950
34 , ,
36 THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the City CouncII appmves these changes to the 1999 budget
Requeated by
Adopted by Council:Date:
Adoptioy�Ce�ed by Coi
partment ofl
_ � � � I��
imende by Financial Services Director:
by C' Attorney:
s � ��„ sy:
Appmved by Mayor:Date• r}t J � Ap�
BY� �!�i�i in>�/si�i B�
roL:cE osro�n999 GREEN SHEET No. 8205
C11iefFinney292-3588 7 oerantroirowECron 5 cwca C t'�3S
E�$t�P ❑3 rnranoa�r_�G "��^� ❑arxaexrt
�meve¢s �' �m�vinecre
�anvaa�on.ussr �� - ❑xrnwwcxrs
Signatures requested on the attached Council Resolufion amending the 1999 financing and
spending plan for the Weed and Sced grants at the Railroad Tsland/Summit-University azeas.
1. Has this persoNfirtn ever worked umler a coniract fw ihis depaAmeM?
C4B COMMITTEE 2. Has ihis personKfin ever been a ciry employee?
3. Dces [his person/firm possess a slall not normally possessed by any current cdy employee�
4. Is Nis persoMirtn a targeted vendoR
E�lain all yes answere on separate sheet and attach to green sheet
The Saint Paul Police Department received $122,404 for the Railroad Island azea and $200,000 for
Suuunit Univeisity area from State Weed and Seed Grants from July 1, 1997 t}uough Iune 30, 1999.
These grants aze being extended tthrough December 31, 1999.
The 1999 budget for these grants needs to be increased due to nnspent grant funds.
Abiliry to use Weed and Seed Grant funds to improve the Railroad Island and Snmmit- University azeas of
Saint Paul.
None � � � - � � �
VVUdI{� il !! 4
G�tr�a�a�bie��mm,�a. JUN 2 $ ���9 � _ - u_� _ �,___ '�`��"
� ��� �
4 ��Nt%ti�
A��oho� &
Bureau of
Apprehension :
Capitol Secutity
Driver & Vebicle
State Pire
Pipefine Safety
State Patrol
Traffic Safety
Office of the Commissioner � �� -G35
445 Minnesota Street, Suite 1000, North Central Life Tower, St. Paui, Minnesota 55101-5000
Phone:651/296-6642 FAX:651.297.5728 TTY:651/282-6555 �
Internet: http://ww�.v.dps.state.mn.us
�—�: i( :• �' 1 � V
�'� ��1s� �
.:.. L ' f-::_.y l
May 20, 1999
Amy Brown
St. Paui Police Department
100 E lith Sfireet
St. Paul, MN 55101
Dear Amy:
Enclosed you will find three copies of Amendment #1 to your agencies' Weed
and Seed Grarrt AgreemenC. These three copies must be signed where
indicated by the individual(s) authorized in your agencies resolution to execute
the amendment for the St. Paui Police Department.
After the appropriate signatures are obtained, please return all three copies of
the Grant Amendment to my attention at: Department of Public Safety, Law
Enforcement and Community Grants, 444 Cedar Street, Suite 100, St. Paul, MN
Do not hesitate to contact me with any questions you may have at 651-297-
Thank you.
I — I L�''r"_�-_�' " �- j "�
Pamela Docken
Grant Administrator �' ', �, �
� Endosures L.�' j , � �
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. � '
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SFY 1998 Fund 700 Agency Number � P07 OrglSub 68'10 Appr. Unit 68�
�Entry Locn ��� Object Code �5604 ftequisition No. 60005 . � Agreement No. 6000-'1'1 Order No. 6000-14 .
Vendor Number 066790002 00 Commoddy Code - _ Tofal Obligation 5200,000.00 Reporting Category
State of 3v�innesota
Depaztrnent of Public Safett�
St. Paul Police Department
100 East i lth Street
St. Paul, MN �5101
Amount - 0 -
WHEREAS, the State of Minnesota, Depazhnent of Public Safety {STATE} has a Grant Agreemen[ identiE"ied as Gontract
Numbei 60b0-i l with the St. Paul Polica Department (GRANTEE),'per(aining [o the Weed and Seed Tnititative , and
WHEREAS, the STATE and GRANTEE have ageed that additional time is neccessary for the satisfactory completion of the
grant aereement; and . '
THAT, Clause II, Section A, Paragraph 3, of Amendment # I of this Grant A�eement shall be amended to read:
3. The total obligation of the STATE for ail compensation and reunbursements to GRANTEE shatl not exceed
Ei�itv Feur Thousand Tcao Hundred Eivhtv'I'hiee Dollars ($84283.001, from July 1, 1997, through June 30,
1998 and One HL*+dred Pif�i Thousand Seven Hundn� Seventeen Dollazs ($ t I 5.717.00) from Iuiy 1 1998
tluough -imri,=�z �"'» December 31.1999. Funds not expended by GRANTEE during the fust year o£ this
grant agreement may be expended in the second year of this agreement.
THAT, Clause VI, of the original Grant Agreement shall be amended to read:
VL TERMS OF GRANT. This grant contract shall be effecticz upon the date thatthe final requued signeture
is obtained by the STATE, pursuant to MS 16B 06, Subd 2, and shall remain in effect unli; ��3�' —
December 31. 1999 or until all obligations set forth in the grant contract have bezn satisfactorily fulfilled,
whichever occurs first. The GRANTEE may ctaun reimbursement for expenditures incuired for secvices
perFormed on or after July 1, 1997.
1 of 2
Weed and Seed Initiative/St. PauJ Police Depar'_ment;S:-mmit-U/Rmend.ment #2
� �.... , ^ . . , a�-��s
By exec+:tion of this amendment, the terms and conditions of the orginal Giant Agreemeni and Amendment # I aze e�cpressly
reagGne3 Escept as he�in amended, the provisions of the original Grant Agreement and Amendment � 1 remain in full £orce
and effect
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have caused this amendment to be executed intending to be bound thereby.
BY� � BY-
Tide: Chief of Police � Title:
Date: . �!� �� Date .
By: .
Title: -
$y; Date:
, t _____ _ .
2 of 2
Weed and Seed InitiativelSt. Paul Police DepartmentlSUmmit-U/Amendment #2
' Txty�
i ,t. ....:.:.:� �
.:: ...,,,,.. , ;,,;
=-; ; � �
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:1'!'fO1:�El' GFS\I>.RAl,
July 16, 1998
Amy Brow�n
Office of the Chief
Sc. Paul Police Department
l00 E. I ltl� Street
St. Paul, MN �5101
Deaz Amy:
J 11 t_ 2 0 1998
�`� �C'��
❑h,\I]li \ I.Ifl;Ctil\L SE('I IU�
:Z:I'aNF}"IBbtll '
�l�l� 4. $IXI
ti I. i'.\Il..>i\>i111i.�ilq
TFI.Fi912�h: lR � 31'Y i 4n>I�
Enclosed please find three copies of Amendment No. 1 to Contract Order Number 6000-] l
(Summit-University Weed and Seed). Once you have obtained the appropriate signatures, return
them to me and I will forward the Contract on to the approp:iate people at the State. Once the
�rant has been fully executed, I will send you a copy for your records. If you have any questions,
don't hesitate to call me at 297-4038 or send an email to me at: shipero@ag.state.mn.us. My
mailing address is: Office of Minnesota Attorney Genexal, 525 Pazk Ave., Suite 500; St. Paul,
n�Si�' �5103-2106.
S' cerely, � •' r
�,�U� ��'��v�, v�,��,�.t11
Rowzat �' ipchan !er
�Veed and Seed Grants Coordinator
cc: Pamela Docken, Departrnent of Public Safet;�
Anthony Carter, Summit-University Weed and Sec-d
R�c.,in�ile. IG i? 1 2�)7-1i7G :I'�}} lfil?)'-S?-1i?S .'�ol! Free Lmee 18001 6i',-2iF' t�tuce). (F007 i66A81'_ (TTYl • w��.. :�__ .i ur nm.u.
An Equ.d Opnonw�tl� Entpiocet q hn \'.�lue. ihre:'��tp CJ PrintrJ on $O�ir rcevdeJ paprr 11 i�., p�nl oummnrr enn!enii
Agency Num�er P07
• s.. .
State of Minnesota
Department of Public Safety
St. Paul Po[ice Department
100 East llth Street
St. Paul. 11'IIV SSI01
Unit .68�
Order No.
Total Obliaation for FY 98
�.�� 5 84,283.00
(S50.000.00 increase)
WHEREAS, the State of hlinnesota, Depar[ment of Public Safety (STATE) has a Grant A�reement
identi£ed as Contract Number 6000-I 1 with the St. Paul Police Department (GRANTEE), pertaining to
the Weed and Seed Initiative. and
Wf�REAS, the STATE has a�varded additional funds for the initiative: and
THAT, Gause !I. Section A. Pazaeraphs 1 and 3. of the Grant Aereement shall be amended to read:
Compensation shall be con�istent with the Revised Program Line Budget, inciuded in Attachment
l., of this agreement. The Revised Program Line BudQet is 6erebv i¢corporated bv
reference and made a part of this a�reement. '
3. The total obligation oi the STATE for ail compensation and reimbursemenu to GRANTEE shafl
not exceed ' Ei�hcv Four Thousand, Two Hundred
Ei�hri Three Doliars (584,283_00) from July 1, 1997, throu2h June 30, 1998, and-�auowu�€ua
�keus�d c,'elaars {�:5.8«�A.99� Une Hundred Fifteen Thousand Seven Hundred Seventeen
DotIars (5115,717.00). from Juty l, 1998. through Iune 30. 1944. Funds not expended by
GRANTEE during the first year of this grant aereement may be expended in the second year of
this agreement.
THAT, Paee I of Attachment 1. tit(ed, "�'Jeed and Seed Application Cover Page," column titled "Project
Funds Requested." sha11 be amended to read:
Project Funds Requested Yeaz 1:-�'.-S,9p.9,AA 584,283.00 and Year 2: �9l�9,A9 5115,717.00.
Weed and Seed Iniciativc Sc. Pail Policz Department (Summi[-University)
�f� -�3S
By execution of this ar,�endment, the te; ms and conditions of the original Grant Aereement are expressly
Except as herein amended, the provisions of the original Grant Aereement remain in full force and effect.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have caused this amendment to be execuced in[endine to be bound
Date N
Approved to si� on behalf
of :he Attorney General
as to form and execution
By: By:
2 of 3
t;eec aad Seed ?nitiative St. Paul Police Departmeac (SUmmit L'aiversity)
Revised Program Line Budget � q
Page 6 of F
WF:FD .^.�iD S£ED
Bud2et Page �`
ITENI � Year One Request � Year Two Request Total Request
Salan� � -0- � -0- -0-
Benenu -0- i -0- -0-
EauiDment $2,000 � $4.3Q0 $6,300
PrinUCopy $1,000 $3,300 $4300
PhoneiPostaee �3,000 � $6,000 $9.000
Suppiies 5750 � $2,000 $2.750
Convacted Services � $34,SQ0 $9,000 �43.�00
In-State Travel �
Other Exoenses
Out oi State Travel �1,500 4,000 �5,500
Rent $1,350 3,000 4,350
Allev Gean Up $I,300 $S,d00 56,300
Rehab/Renovation $15,780 $25,000 $40,780
Trauune $1,680 $3,000 $4.680
Code Enforcement $5,000 $10,000 515,000
Communirv Forums $8,000 �23,000 S31.000
Youth Stipends $2,800 $10,000 $12.800
Other $5,623 $8.117 $13,740
Total Amount �49A-- �Z�A�4 � 115.717 �' ����� 200,000
Budeet Description (describe each line item as needed)
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3 0� 3
Weed anc Seed Initiacive St. Pau1 'rolice Departmenc (Summit U^ive=s_Ly)
"Revised Program Line Budgex"
Budgec Pa�e
This bud2et pa2e inciudes two budgets - one for the money (575.000 per year) we have been awarded
and one �vith the money �ve have been allocaced a�7d the additional funds we are requesting. We are
requestin� an additional $25_000 a year for a tocal of SZ00,000 over t�vo vears.
thac has been an addi[ional I thaz haz been ( an additionat
Yet to be Yet to be
determincd deceratmed
Oui-of-Sta[e Travel
Alley Clean-up
Code Enforcement
Communirv Forums'•*
Youth Stioends
Other =
. ...
1350 2140
+ n
] 0,000
*The Rehab/Renovation line-item would be used to assist existine agencies such as Habitat for Humaniry
and Rondo Land Communiry Land Trust in their etiorts in housing development.
**The St. Paul Pubiic Depamnent of Health has committed to train three Summit-University residents in
code enforcement procedures and allow them to conduct exterior inspections. We �vould use these
stipends to pay the peopie who would be doing our code enforcement.
***Includes communitv events. sponsorships �atherines ecc includin� speakers soace rental
food ana ctuld care.
NOther inctudes buttons. oromotionai items, flierine, incidentals.
Aoolicant Ager
William K. Finney
Chief oz Police
(612) 292-3558
WE�� A1VD Sc��
Appiication Cover Page
July 1, 1997 — June 30. 9999
wnicn conirac: �viil be executed):
! Address ! Phone
100 E. Eleventh St.
Saint Pau1, .*IN 55101
(612) 292-3540
Contact Person: same
Agency . � Address � Phone I Fax ( Emai(
erating Agency (if different than applicant):
Legal Name � Address
Summit-University 627 Selby Ave.
Planning Councii Saint Pau1, �L'V 55104
(612) 22H-1S55
(612) 225-1108
Boundaries of Weed and Seed Site Project Funds Minnesota Federal Tax
4 Requesteti I Tax ID# ID #
Year 1: $
Northern -- University Ave. $25,000 802509 41-6005521
Eastern -- Dale St. additional
Southern -- IIague
Western -- Lexington Farkway
� Year2: $ 25,000 (add` )
i certify that the information contained herein is true
that I submit this application on behalf of plic
Signature of Authorized O�cial:
Chief of Police
to the best of my knowiedge and
November 25 1997
c�� _ c 3s
Community I3escription
The Summit University Planning Council (SUPC), is the Saint Paut Planning Council for the area
in the city which has a history of being one of the most culturatly and economically diverse
districts in the city. It is home to more residents of color than any other neighborhood and has
been so for a longer time than the city's other diverse neighborhoods. According to the 1990
census', 56 percent of the area's population are people of color inctuding 40.6 percent African
Americans, ll.S percent Sootheast Asians, 2.5 percent Hispanic and I.1 percent American Indian.
There is great pride within this community on its longstanding diversicy and it is the hallmark of
the community.
The 1990 census. indicates a total population of 1 S, 301. After the 1970 census, the population
decGned by almost one third, more than any other neighborhood in the city. But, by 1990 the area
had stabilized and population had rebounded and increased by iS.S percent
Whi(e crime appears ro be on the decline all across the city, in the SU community there is still a
grea[ cause for concern. Just under ten percent of the 41,000 offenses reported in the ciry
occurred in the community's eight police grids' Summ+t-University (SU) comprises on(y 6.8
percent of tlie total city poputation, however, 93 percent of all reported crimes occurred in the
The most alarming statistic is the amount of violent crime committed within tne community. In
1994 six of the 29 homicides occurred in SU. Twelve percent of the aggravated assaults occurred
there alon� with 117 of the 881 robberies and 27 of the ZSS reported rapes. There is a warranted
suspicion that the often unreported crime of assauit, particularly domestic assault is high.
Low income, elderly, sing(e heads of households with dependent children, refugees, at risk youth
and residents of community residential facilities, including transitional housin� make up a large
part of the population residin� within the SUPC. The district also embraces an upper income
population residing in the Ramsey Hill area and alon� Summit Avenue. The diversity of the
neighborhood is a great strength as well as the major challenge.
The SU neighborhood is one of the oldest in the city. A neighborhood once known for its
prosperity, it experienced serious decline and consequently, more recently, renovation and
redevelopment. Its history and people have created a multiplicity of interests and needs.
Formerly an Urban Renewal Area, a Model Cities target area, a Neighborhood Strategy Area and
recently a URAP area, SU has a long tradition of organized decision making dating back over
thirty years.
' See US Cens�u Data, Saint Paut Council Research.
' From Saint Paul Polic� Department Research and Development Unit Police Smtistics.
��� � 3 S
Needs Assessment
Analysis oi crime stats, unemployment rates, building conditions and property values provide
cruciai evidence of the need for a Weed and Seed program in the SUPC community. There are,
however, other important factors that speak to wE�}� the SUPC community should receive Weed
and Seed fundin�.
• Historically, the SUPC community has had little or no funds to support pro2ramming
which responds to the breadth and ma,nitude of problems the �Veed and Seed Program
seeks to address. �
• i3ecause of a new emphasis on grants-�vriting , this year represents the first time that the
SUPC ]ias beeu able to adequately fund a fulf-time profession2l community
organizedcrime prevention coordinator.
• In addition, several components of the Weed and Seed Pro,ram have recently been funded
which no�{� enable SUPC to "hit-the-ground-runnin�". Only now does the SUPC
communiry have the capacity to appiy for and to successfully implement a 1�Jeed and Seed
Pro�ram. With all of these components in piace and at fuli capacity, the probability of
success is positive.
• The Aurora-St. Anthony Neighborhood Development Corpora[ion, a seasoned
nei�hborhood organization, has a long and successful history in respondin� to its
neighborhood problems. A paRnership widi them strengthens SUPC's ability to work
togeti�er witli the Aurora-St. Anthony community to respond to tlieir many on�oino needs.
The SUPC has long been convinced of the connection between neighborhood development,
property improvement and crime in the community. The Neighborhood PropeRy Improvement
Pilot Program (PIP) will work well with the requirements of the "weeding" part of the Weed and
Seed program. SLTl'C's Neighborhood Development Committee, as part of this year's s[rategic
pian supported the creation of PII' with the goal to promote and provide a minimal standard of
maintenance and improvement of the exterior physical infrastructure of targeted neighborhoods.
Beyond Qroviding information and serving as liaison with the Neighborhood Development
Committee and public and private community development agencies, PIP staffwouid work .
proactively with Saint Paul Public Heatth Code Enforcement, neighborhood residents, block clubs
and other community groups in non-adversarial and pro-active ways to solve ongoing or potential
code violations such as trash and garbage removal, identification and removaf of abandoned cars,
unwatered trees, uncut grass, weeds, and other impediments to the community's visual health.
Direct services would be provided to residents to avoid summary abatement for a reduced sum of
money (or as a community service project). This coufd be a potentiaf source of inco�e for the
program. PIP would contract for minor repairs to be done on select properties by using
established criteria. PIP scaff, che Crime Prevention Coordinator, the NDC and the Selby Asea
Community Development Corp (SACDC) would devetop a monthly work plan alon� with
residents and other Weed and Seed stakeholders.
SACDC has commitfed to donating a percentage of time of their maintenance staffto perform
needed repairs. In addition, PIP would work with SUPC's Crime Prevention Coordinator and the
Saint Paul Police Department on issues refated to grafriti.and problem properties.
The following represents a number of resources or seeds that would be planted -- or better yet
tia�atered -- in conjunction with the weeding.
• The Youth Service Community Institute located at 917 Selby is a coa!ition of community-
based youth servin� organizations that are committed to empowering and promoting the
welfare of youth in the SU and Fro�town communities.
• A nervly created SU lnfotmation and Communiry Service O�ce has been working to
make availabie and to provide information on community volunteer opportunities.
• A barter pro�ram provides opportunities for neiehbor-to-neighbor exchan�e of talents and
services without an exchan�e of money arid the SU Youth Service Corp provides
vo(unteer experiences for 12-15 year old youth in the community.
• The newly funded Community Improvement and Safety Program and its coordinator,
in addition to creating and maintaining a network of block clubs, provides information on
crime/violence prevention, victim resources and deals with neighborhood problem
• An innovative Iuvenile Restorative Justice Program has begun Ilie work of recruiting and
training people from communities of color for trainin� in mediation and family group
conferencin� to assist victims and offenders in SU.
• Additional funding was recently received from the Minnesota State Court Administrator's
Office to expand program services to adult victims and offenders in SU.
Weed and Seed funding would enable the SUPC to join together in a unique partnership with
neighborhood organizations, agencies and programs to effect very reai, visible, and tangible
results in targeted areas within the SUPC community.
Now, more than ever before in recent history, the SUPC is primed to fashion a dynamic
response, putling together the best of the newly created and proposed resources in the
community. Not only would Weed and Seed funding further strengthen and provide an
important focus but it would also further enable the SUPC to continue the search for innovative
responses to both the real and perceived issues that have long faced the community.
Planning Process
The �Veed and Seed Steering Committee iornied in Seocember of 1997. SL C. ihe �urora-St.
i�nthonv �iei�hborhood Development Association and �he Selby Area Community Deceiopment
Curporation called the tirst Weed and Seed meeting on September 15.
Approsimately 30 people attended the first meeting and a steering committee was fornled. The
��'eed and Seed steerin� conmlittze includes a wide arrac of community and ;overnmental leaders.
The committee consists of acti�e residents, block club ieaders, business �wners, landlurds,
representatives from non profit agencies, �'linnesota attorney General's Office, St. Paul Police,
the Ramsey Cuunty Attorney's Office, St. Paul Depaament�of Public Health. St. Pauf Fire
Prevention and other agencies. 4Ve have been quite pieased with the high percentage of residents
participating in formulating the Weed and Seed stratem,�. A list �f steerin� committee members
and their affiliations is included ��ith the strategic plan.
During the months of September and October, the Weed and Seed steering committee met six
times to put toeether a strate,ic plan for die neact two yzars. The tirst step in the planning
process was to identify the problems the neighborhood faced. Then the commictee articulated
several �oals includina: providing constructive activities for youth; cleaning up trash from the
nei�hborhood; promoting economic development; impro�ing communication between the police
and residents: and reducinD nuisances such as boom car, speeders, street-level dru, dealing, and
prostitution. y
In urder to better �ififl our �oals and objectives, the steering committee would like to request
additional funds. Tllese additional funds would be used for more police overtittie, coordinator
salary (so we could hire a fult time coordinator) and money for rehabilitation and renovation of
Budget Page
Tl�is bud,et page inciudes two bud�ets — one for the money (57�,000 per year} we have been
a�varded and one «ith the monev we have been allocated af�d the additionai funds we are
requestina. `�'e are requestin� an additional 525,000 a��ear for a totai of $260,000 over two
(Mone}• that has (With an additional (Mone�� that has been (�Vith an additional
been a�carded) �2�.OD0) mcarded) 25 O00)
Yct to be detennincd Yet to be
S�ilan (30 hrs/nk) 35+50 (dU lus/�ok) 31-410
Bcnefits '
E m ntent 200U 2UU0
PrinUco c 600 600
Phonz/ osta z 2500 2500
Su lies � r .7J0 ;Sil
Convac[ed Senices ` ISuqO� 22-L8�1
(Police Ocertime) ��-
In-Statc Tra��el
Ot(tcr Ezpcnscs
Rcn[ 2100 2f00
AIICt' CIC1I1-UP li00 I300
RchablRcnoration* 10000 1=i30
Trainmg 1000 1630
Code Eniorcement /inOU �nu0
Stipcnds** — �
Ol11CC �)OO� (�I��
Totat 75,U00 IOO.00U 75AU0 100.000
� 9�3 � �?'7 `�
�'� � %/S `7I'�
* Tlie Rehab/Renuvation line-Yte�i�vould be used to assist existing ageficies such as Habitat for
Humanity and Rondo Land Community Land Trust in their efforts in housin� development.
** The St. Paul Public Department of Health has committed to train three Summit-University
residents in code enforcement procedures and allow them to conduct exterior inspections. We
would use these stipends to pay the peopie who would be doing our code enforcement.
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Council File t;_ / � - �✓ / v
Gmen Shee[ - <�'+��
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\� Presented
WHERE. e City of Saint aui It�s received a arant from the Department of
Public Safe for $75,D00 fo Weed and Seed Program in the Summit i�niversity
neighborhoo ' of Saint Paul,and
WHEREAS the DeparEment of Public Safety requests a designated authority for
Execution of agreements with that department, and
WI3EREAS the acceptance of the grant award will alIow the Summit Universify
neighborhood to begin its Weed and Seed program in 1998,
THEREF012E BE IT RESOLVED that the Saint Paul City Councii accept the
grant arvard in the amount of $75,000 for the Summit University Weed and Seed
Program, and authurize the proper city officials, including Chief Finney to enter
14 into an agreement with the Department of Public Safety.
33 -
eGueste y'D ent of Police:
By: v-J. � �N
i '
rh;<v�ar,n��.,, v c;....e.,�
Recommended byJBua?s� Director:
Adopted by Cou il _Dace: v"� •�`� �`� � Form Approved by City Att rney:
Adoption Certified by CounciTSecretary:
B i � /L-5-9
�� (� n
By' --� � { `.�.�.��-.�_ _�
Approved by Mayor. Date: Aporov by M o for Submi sion t�ncil:
By: _ le,�. �� _ By:
Weed and Seed initiative
�1� -� 3�
SFY 1998 Fund 100 Agency Number p07 Org/Sub 6810 Appr. Unit 681
Entry Locn Object Code 5B00 Requisition No. Contract No. Order No.
6000-5 { N Q 'rc� � 6000-11
Vendor Number Commodity Code Total Obligation Total Obligation for FY 98
06679000200 5150,000.00 $75,OQ0.00
THIS COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT, by and between the State of Minnesota, Department of Public Safety, (hereinafter
called the STATE) and St. Paul Police Department , 100 East 11th Street, St. Paul, Minnesota 55101, (hereinafter
called GRANTEE), witnesseth that: '
WHEREAS, the Department of Public Safety is the agency responsible for administration of funds available to the State of
Minnesota under provisions of Minnesota Statutes 299A.63 for the Weed and Seed Grant Program; and
WHEREAS, the STATE is authorized under provisions of Minnesota Statutes 299A.63 to make contracts from state funds
to qualified applicants; and
WHEREAS, GRANTEE is authorized to accept state funds for this purpose; and
WHEREAS, GRANTEE represents that it is duly qualified and willing to carry out the tasks associated with the Weed and
Seed Initiative; �
NOW, THEREFORE, the STATE and GRANTEE agree as follows:
SCOPE, PURPOSE, AND TASKS OF AGREEM�NT. GRANTEE will carry out the tasks described below in this
agreement and the tasks described in the grant application as stated in Attachment 1 oi this agreement which is
hereby incorporated by reference and made a part of this agreement.
A. GRANTEE must form a steering committee, comprised of a balance of public offciais, non-profits,
businesses, community organizations, residents, the State Weed and Seed Director and others. This
committee must meet regulariy. This steering committee is responsible for determining the strategy for each
of the four elements of the Weed and Seed initiative; impiementing the strategy; making budget decisiors or
recommendations; and making other decisions required for the initiative. Meetings of the steering committee
shati be held within the boundaries of the Weed and Seed.site whenever possible.
B. Should GRANTEE receive additional grant funds from the Federai Weed and Seed Program, the GRANTEE
must, within 10 days of no6fication of award, notify the STATE in writing of the award and the amount of the
award. The STATE sfiali then have the option to terminate andlor reduce this grant agreement.
C. Funds may not be used to pay fees to administer this grant agreement.
1 of 6
Weed and Seed Initiative St. Paul Police Department (SUmmit-University)
A Consideration for all services performed and goods or materials supplied by the STATE as follows.
Comperisation shatl be consistent with the Program Line Item Budget, included in Attachment 1 of this
2. Reimbursement for travel and subsistence expenses actually and necessarily incurred by GRANTEE in
perPormance of this agreement in an amount not to exceed N/A dollars ($ N/A ; provided, that
the GRANTEE shall be reimbursed for travel and subsistence expenses in the same manner and in no
greater amount that provided in the current "Commissioners Pian" promulgated by the Commissioner of
Employee Relations. GRANTEE shall not be reimbursed for travel and subsistence expense incurred
outside of the State of Minnesota unless it has received prior written approval for such oui of state Vavel
from the STATE.
3. The total obligation of the STATE for all compensation and reimbursements to GR.4NTEE shall not exceed
Seventy-fve thousand dollars ($75.0001, from July 1, 1997, through June 30, 1998, and Seventy-five
thousand doliars ($75.000), from July 1, 1998 , through June 30, 1999. Funds not expended by
GRANTEE during the first year of this grant agreement may be expended in the second year of this
B. Terms of Payment.
1. Payments to the GRANTEE will be made by the STATE quaRerly on a quarterly cost reimbursement
2. Payments shall be made by the STATE promptfy after GRANTEE'S presentation of invoices for services
3. Upon GRANTEE'S request, an advance payment may be made after agreement execution, in an amount
not to exceed 25% percent of the first years budget total as determined necessary for execution of
GRANTEE obligations.
4. Invoices for reimbursement shall be identified in approved budget categories and submitted on a quarterly
basis in a form approved by the Department of Public Safety. Invoices shall be sent to: Rosalind R.
Sullivan, or her successor in office, Department of Public Safety, Office of the Commissioner, 445
Minnesota Sfreet Suite 1000, North Centrai Life Tower, St. Paui, MN 55101-2128.
5. Payments are to be made from Stafe funds obtained by the STATE through the Weed and Seed Grant
Initiative authorized by Minnesota Statutes 299A.63. If at any time such funds become unavailable, this
agreement shall be terminated immediately upon written notice of such fact by the STATE to GRANTEE.
in the event of such termination, GRANTEE shall be entitled to payment, determined on a pro rata basis,
for services satisfactorily performed for which State funds are availabie. The GRANTEE agrees to return
any unused funds to the STATE.
6. The GRANTEE wit4 expend granY funds allocated for this Qroject according to the attached project budget
included in Attachment 1 of this agreement. The GRANTEE wiii submit a revised budget for any deviation
of 10% or more between the ailowable funding categories. The revised budget must be approved by the
STATE before any expenditures can be made based on the revised budgeL
7. The GRANTEE agrees to retum any unusad funds to the STATE uniess prior 2pp�ovai for an extension
has been granted by the Grants Administrator and an amendment to the grant agreement has been duly
executed. Unused funds must be returned to the STATE within 30 days of the endingdate of the
2 of 6
Weed and Seed Initiative St. Paul Police Department (Summit-University)
. . �� - ��
III. CONDITIONS OF PAYMENT. All services provided by GRANTEE pursuant to this grant shall be performed to
the satisfaction of the S7ATE as determined in the sole discretion of its authorized agent, and in accord with all
applicable federal, state, and loca! laws, ordinances, rules and regulations. GRANTEE shall not receive payment
for work found by the S7ATE to be unsatisfactory, or performed in a violation of federal, state, or local law,
ordinance, rule, or regulation.
IV. FAILURE TO COMPLY. The GRANTEE agrees to �etum funds to the STATE for any woric the STATE in its sole
discretion determined to be unsaGsfactory or performed in violation of federal, state or local 1aw, ordinance, rule
or regulation.
V. REDUCTION, SUSPENSION, OR TERMINATION OF FUNDING. if a GRANTEE does not fu1fill obliaations under
the agreement in a timely and proper manner, or if GRANTEE violates conditions of the agreement, the STATE
may reduce, suspend, or terminate funding with a 30-8ay notice of the efEective date of the action. GRANTEE
shall be entitled to payment for work or service satisfactorily performed for which state funds are avaiiable.
VI. TERMS OF GRANT This grant contract shall be effective upon the date that the final required signature is
obtained by the STATE, pursuant to MS 16B.06, Subd. 2, and shall remain in effect until June 30. 1999, or unti� 211
obligations set forth in this grant contract have been satisfactorily fulfilled, whichever occurs first The GRANTEE
may claim reimbursement for expenditures incurred for services performed on or after Julv 1 1997.
VII. STATE'S AUTHORIZED AGENT. The STATE's authorized agent for the aurposes of this agreement is Rosalind
R. Sullivan, or her successor in office, Department of Pubiic Safety, O�ce of the Commissioner, 445 Minnesota
Street, Suite 1000, Nocih Central �ife Towe� St. Paul, MN 55101-2128. Such agent shail have final authority for
acceptance of GRANTEE'S services.
VIII. REPORTING. GRANTEE will advise the STATE concerning project progress through such reasonable means as
the STATE may find convenient. These will include the foliowing, and shall be submitted to: Rosalind R. Sullivan,
or her successor in o�ce, Depa[tment of Public Safety, Office of the Commissioner, 445 Minnesota Street, Suite
1000, North Central Life Tower St. Paul, MN 55101-2128.
A. The GRANTEE must provide the STATE with a final, and STATE approved strategic plan and budget
pertaining to this grant agreement by October 31, 1997. The final strategic pian and budget to be approved
by the STATE must show measurable objectives, budget, and time lines for describing tasks stated in
Attachment 1., of this agreement. This final strategic plan and budget must also be in a format approved by
the STATE and must include the four elements of the Weed and Seed stra!egy: 1) Law enforcement 2)
community policing, 3) prevention, intervention and treatment, and 4) revitalization and rehabilitation. Failure
to provide the STATE with a STATE approved final strategic plan by October 31, 1997, may result in the
termination of this grant agreement. All parties to this agreement understand that the STATE approved finai
strategic plan shali be binding and shall become part of this grant agreement.
B. The GRANTEE will advise the STATE concerning the project progress through the submission of quarterly
reports as required by the STATE's Authorized Agent.
C. Submission of a finai evaluation report within 30 days after the termination date of this agreement
D. Submission of a final expenditure report within 30 days after the termination of this agreement.
E. GRANTEE shaii make any and ali project records, reports and other data available to the STATE upon
request; this inciudes submission of copies of any reports, data, surveys (inciuding survey instruments), or
other materials for review and comment before they are prepared in final form, and six copies of all materiais
produced by the project following production of the materials.
F. Permitting periodic site visits by the STATE's Authorized Agent, ofher STA7E staff or other employees of the
State of Minnesota on behalf of the STATE.
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Weed and Seed Initiative St. Paul Police Department (Summit-University)
G. If initiated, participation in statewide data collection and cooperation with a designated evaluator on behalf of
the STATE, for the purpose of statewide evaluation efforts and assistance with individual project evaivation
H_ Participation in training and evaluafion worksfiops may be required.
A GRANTEE will establish a separate account of this project and wili maintain fiscal records in accordance with
generally acceptable accounting principles. GRANTEE's records, documents, and accounfing procedures
and practices for this project sfiall be subject to the examination of the STATE's authorized agent and by the
legislative Auditor. Fiscal records shall be retained for a period of three years foliowing submission of the
final report.
B. The books, records, documenYs, and accouniing procedures and practices of any GRANTEE and/or
consultant relevant to this agreement shall be subject to examination by STATE's authorized agent and the
Iegislative auditor.
X. NONDISCRIMINATiON. As a conditidh of receiving support for this project, GRANTEE assures that it will meet
all applicable requir=ments of the Civil F2i�hts Act of 1964, as amended (nondiscrimination on the basis of
handicapping conditions), and of any applicable state civil rights statutes.
Xi. ASSIGNMENT. GRANTEE will neither assign nor transfer any rights oT obligations under this agreement without
ihe prior written consent of the STATE_
A. GRANTEE may subcontract to provide services as described in the work plan (Attachment 1). It is
understood, however, the GRANTEE remains solely responsible to the STATE for providing the products and
services described.
B, identification of source of funding. Ali reports, materials, conference document�, and any other products
made available through this projecY, shall carry an acknowledgment that is was funded under provisions of
the State of Minnesota (Community Oriented Policing Grant Program) and give credit to other pafij's
XII. OWNERSHIP OF DOCUMENTS AND PRODUCTS. Any reports, studies, photographs, negatives, instruments,
curriculum, videotapes, training manuais, media messages, or other documents or products (hereinafter called
documents or products) prepared by or for GRANTEE in the pertormance of its obliga6ons under this agreement
shall be exciusive property of the STATE. Ali such documents or products shail be remitted to the STATE by
GR.4NTEE upon completion, termination, or cancellation of this agreement. GRP.NTEE shali not use, wiliingly
ailow, or cause to have such materials used for obligations u�der this agreement without the prior written consent
of the STATE.
Xlil. OWNERSHIP OF COPYRIGHT. AI! right, ti�e and interest in ail copyrightabie material which GRANTEE shaii
conceive or originate either individualiy or jointiy with others, and which arises out of the pefiormance of this
agreement, will be the property of the STATE and are by this agreement assigned to the STATE along with
ownersfiip of any and aii copyrights of the copyrightable materiai. GftAN7EE also agrees, upon the request of the
STATE, to execute all papers and perform alI other acts necessary to assist the STATE to obtain and register
copyrights on such materials. Where appiicable, works of authorship created by GRANTEE for the STATE in
perfortnance of this agreement shail be considered'1'vorks made for hire" as defined in the U.S. Copyright Act
XIV. AMENDMENT. Any amendments to this agreement shaii be in writing, and shati be executed by the same pa�'ties
who executed the originai agreement, or their successors in office. Y
)N. LIABILITY. To the ext2nt permitted by law, GRANTEE agrees to save and hold the STATE, its agents, and
empioyees harmiess from any and ail claims or causes of action rising irom the performance of this agreement by
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Weed and Seed Initiative St. Paul Police Department �Summit-UnicersiLy)
GRANTEE or GRANTEE'S agents or employees. This clause shall not be construed to bar any Iegai remedies
GRANTEE may have for the STATE's failure to fulfili its obligations pursuant to this agreement
XVI. WORKER'S COMPENSATION. The STATE aTfirtns that GRANTEE provided acceptable evidence of compliance
with the workers' compensation insurance coverage requirements of Minnesota Statutes, '176.'181. Subdivision 2.
XVII. DATA PRIVACY ACT. It is expressly agreed that GRANTEE is not a member of or included within the health,
education, criminal justice, or welfare systems for purposes of the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act as a
result of this agreement If GRANTEE is independently required to comply with any requirements of the
Minnesota Govemment Data Pracfices Acf, GRANTEE acknowledges that STATE sh2li not be liable for any
violation of any provision of Yhe Minnesota Government Data Practices Act indirectiy or directiy arising out of,
resulting from, or in any manner attributable to actions of GRANTEE.
GRANTEE agrees to indemnify and save and hold the STATE, its agents, and employees harmless from all
claims arising out of, resu{ting from, oc in any manner attributable to any violation of any provision of the
Minnesota Statutes, Sections 13.0'I-'13.87, including Iegal fees and disbursements paid or incurred to enforce the
provisions of this agreement.
A. When purchasing equipment authorized by this Agreement, GRANTEE shall comply with all procurement
procedures and laws that apply to the GRANTEE's purchase of similar equipment in the performance of its
duties other than its duties under this Agreement.
B. Any equipment purchased under this Agreement shall be used for law enforcement purposes during the life
of the equipment. The GRANTEE may not deviate from this requirement and may not dispose of any
equipment unless GRANTEE has first obtained written permission from the STATE.
C. The GRANTEE shall be responsible for all operating, maintenance, and repair costs of equipment unless
GRANTEE has first obtained written permission from the STATE.
5 of 6
Weed and Seed Initiative St. Paul Police Department (Summit-Uaiversity)
!N WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have caused the grant to be duly executed intending to be bound thereby.
,vrrr�vv �u
By: , , . � B y' .
Title: Title:
Date: 1 � Date
Date '
Approved to sign on behalf
of the Attomey Generai
as to form and executio�
By: B Y
Date: Date:
Person(s) signing the agreement and obligaGng GRANTEE to the conditions of the agreement, must be authorized. A
certified copy of the resolution authorizing the GRANTEE to enter into this agreement and designating person(s) to
execute this agreement must be attached hereto.
NOTICE TO GRANTEE: If GRANTEE is other than a govemment agency, it is required by Minnesota Statutes, Section
270.86, to pro��de the social security number or Minnesota tax identification number if it does business with the State of
Minnesota. This information may be used in the enforcement of federai and state tax laws. Supplying these numbers
couid result in action to require you to file state tax retums and pay delinquent state tax Iiabilities. These numbers iii be
available to federai and state tax authorities and state personnel invoived in the payment of state obliga6ons.
6 of 6
Weed and Seed Initiative St. Paul Police Department (Summit-Universityl
Application Cover Page
July 7, 1997 — JUne 30,1999
>Iicant P (vrith which contract wili be executed): c�;.,r D...
Au`hcrized Oficiai ( Address � Phone
Attachment 1
Page i of 6 � � �
William K. Finney 100 East Eleventh St. (612) 292-3588 (612) 292-3540
Chief of Police Saint Paul, MN 55101
CUnCa::i Person: Same _
A�er.c/ �ddress Phore Fax Emaii
�pereting Agency (if differen? tnan applicant):
Legai Name � Address
Summit University I 627 Selby Avenue
Planning Council Saint Paul, MN 55104
Soundaries of Weed and Seed Site Project Funds Minnesota Federal Tax
Requested Tax IDn iD �
northern - University Avenue Year1:� 75,p00
eastern - John Ireland Boulevard
southern.- Su�it Avenue 802509 41-6005521
western - Lexington Parkway
Year 2: �
1 certi�y that the information contained
tfiat I submit this application on behalf
Signaf4re of Authorized Official:_
TItl2: Chief of Police
t� the best of my knowiedge and
Community Description '
The Summit University Planning Council (SUPC), is the Saint Paul Planning Councii for the area
in the city which has a history of being one of the most culturally and economically diverse
districts in the city. It is home to more residents of color than any other neighborhood and has
been so for a longer time than the city's other diverse neighborhoods. According to the 1990
census 56 percent of the area's population are peo�le of color including 40.6 percent African
Americans, 11.5 percent Southeast Asians, 2.5 percent Hispanic and 1.1 percent American Indian.
There is 2reat pride �vithin this community on its lon�standing diversity and it is the hallmark of
the community.
The 1990 censu=, indicates a total population of 13, 301. Afrer the 1970 census, the population
decl:ned by almost one third, more than any other nei�hborhood in the city. But, by 1990 the area
had stabilized and population had rebounded and increased by IS.S percent.
While crime appears to be on the decline all across the city, in the SU community there is still a
�reat cause for concern. Just under ten percent of the 41,000 offenses reported in the city
occurred in the community's ei�ht police grids.'' Summit-University (SU) comprises only 6.8
percent of the total city population, however, 9,3 percent of all reported crimes occurred in the
The most alarming statistic is the amount of violent crime committed within the community. In
1994 six of the 29 homicides occurred in SU. Twelve percent of the a�ravated assaults occurred
there alon� with 117 of the 881 robberies and 27 of the 285 reported rapes. There is a warranted
suspicion that the often unreported crime of assault, particularly domestic assault is high.
Low income, elderly, single heads of households with dependent children, refugees, at risk youth
and residents of community residential faci(ities, including transitional housin� make up a large
part of the population residing within the SUPC. The district also embraces an upper income
population residing in the Ramsey Hill area and alon� Summit Avenue. The diversity of the
neighborhood is a great stren�th as well as the major challenge.
The SU neighborhood is one of the oldest in the city. A neighborhood once known for its
prosperity, it experienced serious decline and consequently, more recently, renovation and
redevelopment. Its history and people have created a multiplicity of interests and needs.
Formerly an Urban Reaewal Area, a Model Cities target are� a Neighborhood Strategy Area and
recently a tJRt1P area, SU has a lon� tradition of organized decision making dating back over
thirty years.
' See US Census Data, Saint Paul Council Research.
� From Saint Paul Police Department Research and Development Unit Police Stafistics.
Needs Assessment
Analysis of crime stats, unemployment rates, buildin� conditions and property values provide
crucial evidence of the need for a Weed and Seed program in the SUPC community. There are,
however, other important factors that speak to why the SUPC community should receive Weed
and Seed fundin�.
• Historically, the SUPC community has had little or no funds to support pro�rammin�
�vhich responds to the breadth and magnitude of problems the Weed and Seed Program
seeksto address.
Because of a ne�v emphasis on grants-�vritin� , this year represenis the first time that the
SUPC has beer� able to adequately fund a full-time professional community
or?anizerlcrime prevention coordinator.
In addition, several components of the Weed and Seed Pro�ram have recently been funded
which now enable SUPC to "hit-the-�round-running". Only now does the SLJPC
community have the capacity to apply for and to successfully implement a Weed and Seed
Program. With atl of these components in place and at full capacity, the probability of
success is positive.
• The Aurora-St. Anthony Neighborhood Devetopment Corporation, a seasoned
nei�hborhood organization, has a lon� and successful history in respondin� to its
nei�hborhood problems. A partnership with them strengthens SUPC's ability to work
to�ether with the Aurora-St. Anthony community to respond to their many ongoing needs.
The SUPC has long been convinced of the connection between nei�hborhood development,
property improvement and crime in the community. The Nei�hborhood Property Improvement
Pilot Program (PIP) will work well with the requirements of the "weeding" part of the Weed and
Seed program. SUPC's Neighborhood Development Committee, as part of this year's strategic
plan supported the creation of PII' with the goal to promote and provide a minimal standard of
maintenance and improvement of the exterior physical infrastructure of targeted neighborhoods.
Beyond providin� information and serving as liaison with the Neighborhood Development
Committee and public and private community development agencies, PIP staffwould work
proactively with Saint Paul Public Health Code Enforcement, neighborhood residents, block clubs
and other community groups in non-adversaria( and pro-active ways to solve ongoing or potentia(
code violations such as trash and garbage removal, identification and removal of abandoned cars,
unwatered trees, uncut grass, weeds, and other impediments to the community's visual health.
Direct services wouid be provided to residents to avoid summary abatement for a reduced sum of
money (or as a community service project). This could be a potential source of incoaie for the
program. PIP would contract for minor repairs to be done on seiect properties by using
established criteria. PIP staff, the Gime Prevention Coordinator, the NDC and the Selby Area
CommuniYy Development Corp (SACDC) wouid develop a monthly work plan alonJ with
�a -�
residents and other Weed and Seed stakeholders.
SACDC has committed to donaYing a percentage oftime oftheir maintenance staffto perform
needed repairs. In addition, PIP would work with SUPC's Crime Prevention Coordinator.and the
Saint Paul Police Department on issues related to graffiti and problem properties.
The followin� represents a number of resources or seeds that would be planted -- or better yet
watered -- in conjunction with the weeding.
• The Youth Service Community Institute located at 917 Selby is a coalition of community-
based youth serving or�anizations that are committed to empowering and promotin� the
welfare ofyouth in the SU and Fro�town communities.
• A newly created SU InfoTmation and Community Service Office has been working to
make available and to provide information on community volunteer opportunities.
• A barter pro�ram provides opportunities for neiahbor-to-nei�hbor exchan�e of tatents and
services without an exchan�e of money and the SU Youth Service Corp provides
volunteer experiences for 12-15 year old youth in the community.
• The newly funded Community Improvement and Safety Program and its coordinator,
in addition to creatin� and maintaining a network of block clubs, provides information on
crime/violence prevention, victim resources and deals with nei�hborhood problem
• An innovative Juvenile Restocative Justice Proeram has begun the work of recruiting and
trainin� people from communities of color for trainin� in mediation and family group
conferencin� to assist victims and offenders in SU.
• Additional funding was recently received from the Minnesota State Court Administrator's
Office to expand program services to adult victims and offenders in SU.
Weed and Seed funding would enable the SUPC to join together in a unique partnership with
neighborhood organizations, agencies and programs to effect very real, visible, and tang'ible
results in targeted areas within the SUPC community.
Now, more than ever before in recent history, the SUPC is primed to fashion a dynamic
response, pullin� together the best of the newly created and proposed resources in the
community. Not oniy would Weed and Seed funding further strengthen and provide an
important focus but it would also further enable the SUPC to continue the search for innovative
responses to both the rea] and perceived issues that have long faced the community.
Page 5 of 6
/� q �� �S
Planning Process
SUPC �vill pull together the organizational and other institutional entities within the SU
community to form a Weed and Seed Steering Committee which will engage in a strategic
plannin� process in order to address the four elements of a Weed and Seed program:
• law enforcement involvement in the community
• community policin�
• prevention, intervention and treatment
• revitalization and restoration
Since these four areas have been"addressed within the community, as mentioned in the above
needs assessment, the ptannin� process would be�in immediately and a strate�ic plan would be in
place by the fall of 1997.
Yage 6 oY 6
q,�-� 3S
Budget Page _
1TEi1�1 Year Ona Request Year Two Request � Total Request
Salary I �
8enefits �
Equipment �
In-State Travel
�ther Expensas .
Total Amount
Requested 575,000 $75,000 5150,000
Budget description (descri�e each lirie item as needed):
At this time, without any significant strategic planning, the Summit University
neighborhood is reluctant to specify how the funding would be allocated. The
followino are areas which would be included after a planning process:
FORCE Unit Sweeps
Code Enforcement Activity for housing deterioration
Coordination of the program by specific staff
Office and supplies for the progran
AG28:99 v7
�a �� 3S
m o£ this amendment, the tenns and conditions of the orginal Grant Agreement and Amendment # 1 aze expressly
Except as heteia amended, the provisions of the original Grant Agreement and Amendment # 1 remain in full force
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have caused this aznendment to be executed intending to be bound thereby.
By: ' BY�
Title: Chief of Police � Title:
�. .
Date: . _ � � �� Date .
s .
Date .
$y . Date:
2 of 2
Weed and See:i Initiati-�e/St. Paul Police DepartmentiSUmmit-i3/Plnendment �€2
a - �.
� ��
� �P
Aicohol &
Bureau of
Capitol Security
Driver & Vehicle
State Fire
Pipeline Safety
State Patrol
Traffic Safety
Office of the Gommissioner � - G�� .���v�
445 Minnesota Street, Suite 1�00, North Central Life Tower, St. Paui, Minnesota 55101-5000
Phone:657/296-6642 FAX:651.297.5728 TTY:651/282-6555 .
lnternet: httpJlwww.dps.state.mn.us
�E�'�i\�r� �
June i, 1999
�� l� :'� i� % ;"�i:�
Amy Brown
City of St. Paui
St. Paul Police Department
100 East 11th St.
St. Paul, MN 55101
Re: Weed and Seed Railroad Isiand Amendment #1
Dear Ms. Brown:
CHitr 5 GrFICE
Enciosed you will find three copies of Amendment #1 to your agencies' Weed and
Seed Grant Agreemenf. These three copies must be signed where indicated by the
individual{s) authorized in your agencies resolution to execute the amendment for
the St. Paul Police Department.
After the appropriate signatures are obtained, please return a(I three copies of the
Grant Amendment to: Pam Docken, Grants Administrator, Minnesota Department
of Public Safety, Law Enforcement and Community Grants, 445 Minnesota St., Suite
1000 North Central Life Tower, St. Paul, MN 55101-5000.
The end if the state biennium is June 30, 1999. Please return the signed
amendments to me immer/iate/y for fina/ processing.
Please contact me at 651/297-1697 with any questions you may have. Thank you.
Pamela Docken
Grant Administrator
�.�. -c�'
`- SFY `'1998 ':`�Fund 100 ° Agency Number P07 Org/Sub 6510 Appr. UnR 68i -
Entry Locn Object Code 5B00 Requisdion No. 6000-72 ConVact No. 6000-77 Order No. 6000 77 "-
Vendor Number 066790002 00 � Commodrty Code Tatal Obiigation ;'122,404.00 Reporting Category
Sfafe of Minnesota
Department of Public Safety
City of St. Paul
St. Paul Police DeparEment
100 East 11th Street
St. Paul, MN 55101
Amount - 0 -
WHEREAS, the State of Minnesota, Department of Public Safety (STATE) has a Grant Agreement identified as
Agreement Number6000-77 with the City of St. Paul, St. Paui Police DepartmenE, 100 East 11th SEreef, St.
Paul, MN 55101 (GRANTEE), pertaining to the Weed and Seed Initiative, and
WHEREAS, the STATE and GRANTEE have agreed that additional time is necessary for the satisfactory
compietion of the grant agreement; and
THAT, Clause II, Section A, Paragraph 3, of the Grant Agreement shail be amended to read:
3. The totai obligation of the STATE for all compensation and reimbursements to GRANTEE shail not
exceed EiqhN-Two Thousand Seven Hundred Four pollars ($82 704.00) from July 1, 1997, through
June 30, 1998 and Thirtv-Nine Thousand Seven Hundred Dollars ($39.700.001 from July 1, 1998
through '""�,�o���� �cember 31. 1999. Funds �ot expended by GRANTEE during the first
year of this grant agreement may be expended in the second year of this agreement.
THAT, Clause VI, of the Grant Agreement shall be amended to read:
VI. TERMS OF GRANT. This grant contract shali be effective upon the date that the finat required
signature is obtained by the STATE pursuant to MS 16B.06, Subd 2., and shali remain in effect
untii '� -- �0-",�9 December 31. 1999, or until all obligations set fo�th in the grant contraEt�fiave
been satisfactorily fulfiiled, whicfiever occurs first. The GRANTEE may claim reimbursement for
expenditures incurred for services performed on or after July 1. 1997.
St. Paul Police DepartmenURailroad Island / 1998 Weed & Seed Grant Amendment #{ I
.�� ' , � � �a-�3�
By execution of this amendment, the term's and conditions of the originai Grant Agreement are expressiy
reaffirmed. Excepf as herein amended, the provisions of the original Granf Agreemenf remain in fuii force and
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have caused this amendment fo be executed intending to be bound thereby.
By: �`�� �` By:
Title: Chief of Police Title:
Date: �° l �' l � / Date
By: Date:
� ----
2 of 2
St. Paul Police DepartmeuVRailroad Island / 1998 Weed & Seed Grant Ameudment #I
��t O� Pb
e s
a m
9T `�OFM�� ES �
Offiice of the Commissioner
445 Minnesota Street St., Suite 1000, North Central Life Tower, St. Paul, Minnesota 55101-5000
Phone:612/296-6642 FAX:612.297.5728 TTY:612/282-6555
Internet: http:!/www.dps.state.mn.us
MAR 2 6 1998 ��
Alcohol &
Bureau of
Capitol Sewrity
Driver & Vehicle
Management /
State Fire
Pipeline Safety
State Patrol
Traffic Safety
March 24, 1998
Amy Brown
St. Paul Police Department
100 East 11th Street
St. Paul, MN 55101
Dear Ms. Brown:
Enclosed you will find a fully executed copy of the Weed and Seed grant for
the Railroad Isiand site. As I indicated to you via voice mail, the grant
agreement for Summit U has been forwarded for signature and should be
returned by the end of the first week in April. As i stated in my Ietter dated
March 9, 1998, I will need an updated budget for Summit in order to process
invoices and process the award of additional funds.
if you have any questions, please feei free to contact Denise Sjoberg at 297-
�������� � �,� �nn r�. �s�--
Rosalind R. Sullivan
Grants Coordinator �O i�1/�� �—\��,
V Y � 1`��� ���:
�b -i, tTe � �,
��,�� -� �
� ��
�.�: b x 1�'��
�,a,�c._ �5ro�
Equal Opportuni[y Employer
��,� �--
Weed and Seed Initiative
ti �
SFY '1998 Fund 100 Agency Number P07 Org/Sub 6890 Appr. Unit 68'1
Entry Locn Object Code 5600 Requisition No. Coniract No. Order No.
�� �x� --� a -��
Vendor Number Commodity Code Total Obligation Total Obligation for FY 98
066790002 $122,404.00 582,704.00
THIS COOPERATIVE AGREEM��T, by and between the State of Minnesota, Department of Public Safety, (hereinafter
called the STATE) and St. Paui Police Department, 100 E. 11th Street, St. Paul, MN 55'10'I, (hereinafter called
GRANTEE), witnesseth that:
WHEREAS, the DepaRment of Public Safety is the agency rasponsible fcr administration of funds available to the State of
Minnesota under provisions of Minnesota Statutes 299A.63 for the Weed and Seed Grant r ro9ram; and
WHEREAS, the STATE is authorized under provisions of Minnesota Statutes 299A.63 to make contracts from state funds
to qualified applicants; and
WHEREAS, GRANTEE is authorized to accept state funds for this purpose; and
WHEREAS, GRANTEE represents that it is duly qualified and willing to carry out the tasks associated with the Weed and
Seed Initiative;
NOW, THEREFORE, the STATE and GRANTEE agree as follows:
SCOPE, PURPOSE, AND TASKS OF AGREEMENT. GR.4NTEE wili carry out the tasks described below in this
agreement and the tasks described in the grant application as stated in Attachment 1 of this agreement which is
hereby incorporated by reference and made a part of this agreement.
A. GRANTEE must form a steering committee, comprised of a balance of public o�ciais, non-profits,
businesses, community organizations, residents, the State Weed and Seed Director and others. This
committee must meet regularly. This steering committee is responsible for determining the strategy for each
of the four elements of the Weed and Seed initiative; implementing the strategy; making budget decisions or
recommendations; and making other decisions required for the initiative. Meetings of the stesring committee
shall be held within the boundaries of the Weed and Seed site whenever possible.
B. Shouid GRANTEE receive additional grant funds from the Federal Weed and Seed Program, the GRANTEE
must, within � 0 days of notificatio� of award, notify the STATE in writing of the award and the amount of the
award. The STATE shall then tiave the option to terminate and/or reduce this grant agreement.
C. Funds may not be used to pay fees to administer this grant agreement.
1 of 6
Weed and,Seed Initiative St. Paul Police Department - Railroad Zsland
I.eighborhood '
A. Consideration for ali services performed and goods or materials supplied by the STATE as follows.
'I . Compensation shal( be consistent with the Pro9ram Line Item Budget, included in Attaehment 1 of this
2. Reimbursement for travel and subsistence expenses actuaily and necessarily incurred by GRANTEE in
performance of this agreement in an amount not to exceed N/A dollars (5 N/A ; provided, that
the GRANTEE shall be reimbursed for travel and subsistence expenses in the same manner and in no
greater amount that provided in the current "Commissioners Pfan" promulgated by the Commissioner of
Employee Relations. GRANTEE shall not be reimbursed for travel and subsistence expense incurred
outside of Yhe State of Minnesota unless it has received prior written aporoval for such out of state travel
from the STATE.
The tot21 obligation of the STATE for all compensation and reimbursements to GRANTEE shall not exceed
Eig htv-two thousand seven hundred four dollars (582.704_001 from July 1, 1997, through June 30,
'1998, and Thirtv-nine thousand seven hundred dollars (539.700.00), from Ju!y 1, 1998 , through June
30, 1999. Funds not expended by GRANTEE during the first year of tt�is grant agreement mzy be
expended in the second year of this agreement.
B. Terms of Payment.
1. Payments to the GRANTEE wiii be made by the STATE quarterly on a quarterly cos! reimbursement
2. Payments shall be made by fhe STATE promptly after GRANTEE'S presentation of invoices for services
3. Upon GRANTEE'S request, an advance payment may be made after agreement execution, in an amount
not to exceed 25% percent of the first years budget total as determined necessary for execution of
GRANTEE obligations.
4. Invoices for reimbursement shall be identified in approved budoet categories and submitted on a quarterly
basis in a form approved by the Department of Public Safety. Im�oices shall be sent to: Rosalind R.
Suilivan, or her successor in o�ce, Department of Public Safety, O�ce ef the Commissioner, 445
Minnesota Street Suite 1000, North Central life Tower, St. Paul, MN 55 1 01-21 2 8.
5. Payments are to be made from State funds oEtained by the STATE through the Weed and Seed Grant
Initiative authorized by Minnesota Statutes 299A.63. If at any time such funds become unavailable, this
agreement shall be terminated immediately upon written notice ot such fact by the STATE to GRANTEE.
In the event of such termination, GRANTEE shail be entitled to payment, determined on a pro rata basis,
for services satisfactorily performed for which State funds are available. The GRANTEE agrees to return
any unused funds to the STATE.
6. The GRANTEE will expend grant funds allocated for this project according to the attached project budget
included in Attachment 1 of this agreement. The GRANTEE will submit a revised budget for any deviation
of 10% or more between the aliowable funding categories. The revised budget must be approved by the
STATE before any expenditures can be made based on the revised budget.
The GRANTEE agrees to return any unused funds to the STATE unless prior approval for an extension
has been granted by the Grants Administrator and an amendment to the grant agreement has been duly
executed. Unused funds must oe returned to the STATE within 30 days of the endir�g date of the
2 of 6
Weed and�eed Initiative St. Paul Police Department -
Neighborhood '
Railroad Zsland
III. CONDITIONS OF PAYMENT. All services provided by GRANTEE pursuant to this grant shall be performed to
the satisfaction of the STATE as detertnined in the sole discretion of its authorized agent, and in accord with alI
appiicable federal, state, and local laws, ordinances, rules and regulatlons. GRANTEE shall not receive payment
for work found by the STATE to be unsatisfactory, or performed in a violation of federal, state, or local law,
ordinance, rule, or regulation.
IV. FAILURE TO COMPLY. The GRANTEE agrees to retum funds to the STATE for any work the STATE in its sole
discretion determined to be unsatisfactory or performed in violation of federai, state or Iocai law, ordinance, rule
or regulation.
V. REDUCTION, SUSPENSION, OR TERMINATION OF FUNDING. If a GRANTEE does not fulfill obligations under
the agreement in a timely and proper manner, or if Gr�ANTEE violates conditions of the agreement, the STATE
may reduce, suspend, or terminate funding with a 30-day notice of the effective date of the acfion. GRANTEE
shall be entitled to payment for work or service satisfactorily performed for which state funds are available.
VI. TERNIS OF GRANT This grant contract shall be effective upon the date that the final required signature is
obtained by the STATE, pursuant to MS 166.06, Subd. 2, and shall remain in effect until June 30. � 999, or until all
obligations set forth in this grant contract have been satisfactorily fulfilled, wh�chever occurs f rst. fhe GRANTEE
may claim reimbursement for expenditures incurred for services performed on or after July �. � 997.
VII. STATE'S AUTHORIZED AGENT. The STATE's authorized agent for the purposes of this agreement is Rosalind
R. Sullivan, or her successor in office, Department of Public Safety, Office of the Commissioner, 445 Minnesota
Street, Suite �000, North Central Life Tower St. raul, MN 55101-2128. Such agent shall have final authority for
acceptance of GRANTEE'S services.
VIII. REPORTING. GRANTEE will advise the STATE concerning project progress through such reasonable means as
the STATE may find convenient. These will include the foilowing, and shall be submitted to: Rosalind R. Sullivan,
or her successor in office, Department of Public Safety, Office of the Commissioner, 445 Minnesota Street, Suite
1000, North Centrai Life Tower St. Paul, MN 55101-2128.
A. The GRANTEE must provide the STATE with a fi�al, and STATE approved strategic plan and budget
pertaining to this grant agreement by January 15, 1998. The final strategic pian and budget to be approved
by the STATE must show measurable objectives, budget, and time lines for describing tasks stated in
Attachment 1., of this agreement: This final strategic plan and budget must also be in a format approved by
the STATE and must include the four elements of the Weed and Seed strategy: 1) Law enforcement 2)
community policing, 3) prevention, intervention and treatment, and 4) revitalization and rehabilitation. Failure
to provide the STATE with a STATE approved final strategic plan by January 15, 1998, may result in the
termination of this grant agreement. All parties to this agreement understand that the STATE approved final
strategic plan shall be binding and shall become part of this grant agreement.
B. The GRANTEE will advise the STATE concerning the project progress through the submission of quarterly
reports as required by :he STATE's Authorized Agent.
C. Submission of a final evaluation report within 30 days after the termination date of this agreement.
D. Submission of a final expenditure report within 30 days after the termination of this agreement.
E. GRANTEE shall make any and all project records, reports and other data availabie to the STATE upon
request; this includes submission of copies of any reports, data, surveys (including survey instruments), or
other materials for review and comment before they are prepared in finai form, and six copies of all materials
produced by the project following production of the materiais.
F. Permitting periodic site visits by the STATE's Authorized Agent, other STATE staff or other employees of the
3 0£ 6
Weed and Seed Initiative St. Paul Police Department - Railroad Zsland
State of Minnesota on behalf of the STATE_
G. If initiated, participation in statewide data coilection and cooperation with a designated evaluator on behalf of
the STATE, for the purpose of statewide evaluation efforts and assistance with individua! project evaluation
H. Participation in training and evaluation workshops may be required.
A. GRANTEE will estabiish a separate account of this project and wilf maintain fiscal records in accordance with
generally acceptable accouniing principies. GRANTEE's records, documents, and accounting procedures
and practices for this project shall be subject to the examination of the STATE's authorized agent and by the
Legislative Auditor. Fiscal records shail be retained for a period oi three years foliowing submission of the
final report.
B. The books, records, documents, and accounting procedures and practices of any GRANTEE and/or
consultant relevant to this agrAement shall be subject to examination by STATE's authorized aoent and the
legisla:ive auditor. .
X. NONDISCRIMINATION. As a condition of receiving support for this project, GRANTEE assures that it will meet
ali applicable requirements of the Civil Rights Act of'1964, as amended (ncndiscriminatiori on the basis of
handicapping conditions), and of any appiicable state civii rights statutes.
XI. ASSIGNMENT. GRANTEE wiil neither assign nor transfer any rights of obligations under this agreement without
the prior written consent of the STATE.
A. GRANTEE may subcontract to provide services as described in the work plan (Attachment 1). It is
understood, however, the GRANTEE remains solely responsibie to the STATE for providing the products and
services described.
B. Identification of source of funding. All reports, materials, conference documents, and any other products
made available through this project, shall carry an acknowledgment that is was funded under provisions of
the State of Minnescta (Community Oriented Policing Grant Program) and give credit to other party's
Xll. OWNERSHIP OF DOCUiv1ENTS AND PRODUCTS. Any reports, studies, photographs, negatives, instruments,
curriculum, videotapes, training manuals, media messages, or other documents or products (hereinafter called
documents or products) prepared by or for GRANTEE in the performance of its obligations u�der this agreement
shali be exciusive property of the STATE. All such documents or products shall be remitted to the STATE by
GRANTEE upon completion, termination, or cancellation of this agreement. GRANTEE shaii not use, willingly
allow, or cause to have such materiais used for obligations under this agreement without the prior written consent
of the STATE.
XIII. OWNERSHIP OF COPYRIGHT. All right, titte and interest in all copyrightable materizl which GRANTEE shall
conceive or originate either individually or jointly with others, and which arises out of the performance of this
agreeme�t, will be the prope[ty of the STATE and are by this agreement assigned to the STATE along with
ownership of any and ail copyrights of the copyrightable material. GRANTEE afso agrees, upon the request of the
STATE, to execute alI papers and perform all other acts necessary to assist the STATE to obtain and register
copyriyhts on such materials. Vdhere applicabie, works of authorship created by GRANTEE for the STATE in
performance of this agreement shall be considered 'tivorks made for hire" as defined in the U.S. Copyright Act.
XIV. AMENDMENT. Any amendments to this agreement shall be in writing, and shall be executed by the same parties
who executed the originai agreement, or their successors in office.
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Weed and�eed Initiative St. Paul Police Department - Railroad Island
Neighborhood '
� �, � �S
XV. �LIASILI7Y. To the extent permitted by law, GRANTEE agrees to save and hold the STATE, its agents, and
employees harmless from any and all ciaims or causes of action rising from the performance of this agreement by
GRANTEE or GRANTEE'S agents or employees. This clause shall not be construed to bar any legai remedies
GRANTEE may have for the STATE's failure to fuifill its obligations pursuant to this agreement.
XVi. WORKER'S COMPENSATION. The STATE affirms that GRANTEE provided acceptable evidence of compliance
with the workers' compensation insurance coverage requirements of Minnesota Statutes, 976.'18'I, Subdivision 2.
XVII. DATA PRIVACY ACT. It is expressly agreed that GRANTEE is not a member of or included within the health,
education, criminal justice, or welfare systems for purposes of the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act as a
result of this agreement. If GRANTEE is independently required to comply with any requirements of the
Minnesota Government Data Practices Act, GRANTEE acknowiedges that STATE shall not be Iiabie for any
vioiation of any provision of the Minnesota Govemment Data Practices Act indirectiy or directly arising out of,
resulting from, or in any manner attrib��table to actions of GRANTEE.
GRANTEE agrees to indemnify and save and hold the STATE, its agents, and employees harmless from all
claims arising out of, resulting from, or in any manner attributable to any violation of any provision of the
Minnesota Statutes, Sections � 3.0�-13.87, including Iegai fees and disbursements paid or incurred to enforce the
provisions of this agreement. ,
A. When purchasing equipment authorized by this Agreement, GRANTEE shali comply with all procurement
procedures and laws that appiy to the GRANTEE's purchase of similar equipment in the performance of its
duties other than its duties under this Agreement.
B. Any equipment purchased under this Agreement shall be used for law enforcement purposes during the life
of the equipment The GRANTEE may not deviate from this requirement and may not dispose of any
equipment unless GRANTEE has first obtained written permission from the STATE.
C. The GRANTEE shall be responsibie for all operating, maintenance, and repair costs of equipment uniess
GR.4NTEE has first obtained written permission from the STATE.
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Weed and�Seed Initiative St. Paul Police Department - Railroad Island
Neighborhood '
iN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hzve caused the grant to be duly executed intending to be bound thereby.
'I. G NT F
Date: �
Approved to sign on behaif
of the Attorney General
as to form and executior.
OriGina� sianPd
Title: � (/
Date �� ! 15�'i �7�� l,Y l'''� �� �
3� i� l�
ORiGIi�lAt SIG�+��
8y rerncia S. f�iolte
Person(s) signing the agreement and obligating GRANTEE to the conditions of the agreement, must be authorized. A
ceRified copy of the resolution authorizing the GRANTEE to enter into this agreement and designating person(s) to
execute this agreement must be attached hereto.
NOTICE TO GRANTEE: If GRANTEE is othe� than a government agency, it is required by Minnesota Statut�s, Section
270.66, to provide the sociai security number or Minnesota tax identification number if it does business with the State of
Minnesota. This information may be used in the enforcemenY of federal and state tax Iaws. Supplying these numbers
could result in action to require you to file state tax returns and pay delinquent state tax liabilities. These numbers iil be
available to federal and state tax authorities and state personnel involved in the payment of state obligations.
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Weed aad�..ed Znitiative St. Paul Police Department - Railroad Zsland
Neighborhood '
Applicafion Cover Page
July 1, 1997 — June 30, 1999
Applicant Agency (with which contract wiil be executed):
Authorized Official Address
Chief Wm. K. Finney 100 E. ? 1'" Street
Saint Paul Police Department Saint Paui, MN. 55101
Contact Person:
Lt. Nancy Di Perna
Address Phone
100 E. 11"' Street 292-3712
Saint Paui, MN. 55101
Operating Aqenc�(if diffierent than appiicantl:
Legal Name Address Phone
Saint Pau! Police Department 90� E. 91�' Street 292-3588
Saint Paul, MN. 55101
Attachment I
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I� /�
Boundaries of Project Funds MN. Tax Fed. Tax
Weed and Seed Site Requested I.D. # I.D. #
Railroad Island Nghbd. Year 1: $82,704.00 802509 41-6005521
Saint Paul, MN. Year 2: $39,700.00
I ce�tify that the information contained herein is true an ac rate to the best of my knowledge
and that I submit this application on behalf of the ap icant agency:
Signature of Authorized Officiai:,
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Community Description: Borders of proposed site, demographics, other descripfors (one page) .
Raiiroad Island is locafed in the southwest tip of the Payne-Phalen area on Saint Paui's East
Side. The communi#y is bordered by the old Buriington Northern railroad fracks on the west,
Sush Avenue on the north, Swede Holtow Park on the easi, and East 7"' Street on the south. ft
is approximately 180 acres in size with a population of roughly 2100. The community currently
has 43 businesses, and two parks within its boundaries.
The nearly 500 residentiai properties on the Island had once been predominantly ewner
occupied by generations of families who had risen from the depths of poverty after immigrating
fo this country. For over 100 years the Raiiroad Island community was a hub of activity. By the
eariy 1900's the pristine neighborhood was comprised of approximately 70% F�me o�,vnership
and 30% rentai property. Smaii business abounded along the entire Payne Avenue strip and
along the outer parameters of the community in genera�. The natien wide recession of the
1980's created a harsh impact on the health and stability of the community_ Large industries
with good paying jobs left the area at aimost the exact same time fhe majority of the population
hit retirement age. People began to leave the area enmasse, forcing the neighborhood to
undergo dramatic changes. Aimost overnight, residency ratio's directly reversed to 30% home
ownership, and 70% rental property. Slowiy the unpretentious properfies began showing signs
of severe neglect, eventualiy creating visual blight.
As the community became more distressed, need for a number of government services
increased. Over 90% of the children attending East Consolidated Elementary School, the
nearest public school to the community, are on the fed�ral free lunch program. Greater than
75% of these children wiil not last the full school year, but instead wiil suffer the effects of
transiency when their care givers move on. A 1992 sfudy concluded that of ali neighborhood
adults over age 25, 29% never completed high school and 38% have only a high school
education. Further, 42.8°/a of Railroad Island's population falis below income guidelines for
poverty - struggling just to keep food on the table.
The community is a broad mix of cultural and racial diversity. However, age groups fall
predominantly in the 0- 30 or 55 and up ranges indicating a strong lack of middle age
individuals. While this may not appear to be of importance, statistics indicate that we most
advance and stabilize ourselves in careers, income, family buiiding, and home ownership
between the ages of 30 and 50.
Railroad Isiand is a beautifui and seciuded community in desperate need of repair. Efforts to
create a stronger tax base, a greater perrzntage of home owners willing to invest in the
community, stronger relationships with gavernment agencies who can help, deeper
commitments firom area organizations and each other, and aggressive tactics to rid the
community of the criminai element it suffers from can go a long way in assuring the revitalization
of the historic neighborhood.
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Needs Assessment: Describe the problems and strengths that make the site a suitable
candidate for funding, including informafion on crimes, decrease in livability, exisfing efforts fo
improve the neighborhood and other factors affecfing the proposed site. (Two Pages)
In large part the neighborhood began feeling the effects of n2gative change during fhe recession
of the 1980's. Prices of goods, services, and faxes, increased at the same time jobs were being
lost and incomes were being cut. As people scrambled to move ctoser to new jobs, or in some
cases into retirement communities, numerous homes in Railroad Island were sold to investors
looking to turn a profit in the rental busi�ess. Competition from large retailers and chain stores
began driving out smail business�in the community. Soon, a community that once provided a
solid tax base for leveraging needs, became trapped in a transient turnstile. In this middle :o low
income neighborhood the ons(aught of change was foo mucfi.
f2eacting to losses never before experienced, and fearful that the market would get worse, long
time business owners began selling out. Absentee landlords showed little concern toward the
general health of the community they were not emotionally invested in. Frequentiy renting to
tenants who had not been screened, they soon began experiencing problems with vandalism,
theft, and "skip outs", leading them to conclude any upkeep of their properfy was not worth the
effort or money. Homeowners remaining in the community had little cash to spend on
beautification and quickly Yired of making improvements to homes that were now being
surrounded by I'�tter, debris, and social misfits. As fime passed the problems increased, creating
a community that is presently plagued with problems of drug trafficking, crack houses, property
vandalism, lewd conduct, gambling, child neglect, increasing gangs, and domestic assaults.
The housing stock is in sore need of repair, in fact property values decreased by 30% between
1980 and 1995. Large numbers of children are suffering from lead paint poisoning, elementary
schoo! classroom tumover rates range as high as 80%, and social conditions are sad due in part
to a lack of funding for a recreation center, more community services, and intervention,
prevention, and treatrnent programs. Compounding these issues is the lack of living wage
employment opportunities in or near the community, or reasonable and regular transportation
methods to offset this probiem.
Still, there remains a faction of residents, community leaders, area organizations, and business
owners committed to restoring the community to the heaith and vitality it enjoyed for over a
century. Almost as quickly as the decline began, a neighborhood based task force united. With
the assistance of the Saint Paul Pianning and Economic Development stafF and the consulting
firm of Sanders Wacker Wehrman Bergly, Inc. the Raiiroad Island Smail Area Pian began
development. On November 16, 1994, the City Councii officially adopfed the plan put together
by these committed individuals. The plan piainly identifi2s the needs of the community that is
situated in a Federai Enterprise Zone. The City of Saint Paui Sales Tax And Revitalization
(STAR} program and Tax Increment Finance (TIF) funds are availabie to assist in the restoration
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of the communify, the carefial expenditure of these funds o�erseen by the Raiiroad Isiand Task
Railroad Island became the pilot site for a Weed and Seed strafegy in Saint Paui in July of
1996_ The State funded plan was embraced by agencies, organizations, and individuals, who
were instrumental in cr@ating a program that has become internationaliy recognized. In a year
end report submiited to the Railroad Island Weed and Seed Steering Commi#tes in August,
1997, the commifinenf to the neighborhood was obvious. Determined invoivemen# from area
residents and business owners, community organizations, and government agencies included;
the Saint Paul Police Departrrient, Code Enfiorcement, Saint Paui Fire Prevention, Pianning and
Economic Development, Ramsey County Public Health, Ramsey County Attorneys Office,
Attomey Generals Office, United States Attorneys Office, Merrick Community Center, Raifroad
island Citizens Patrol, ftailroad Island Task �orce, Nabitat for Humanity, and countless others.
Saint Paul's Public Works Department impiemented the Residential Street Vitality Program in
1996, a program designed fo improve 12 miles of unpaved streets over the�next 15 years.
Excited about the Weed and Seed program a�d all fhe positive activity occurring in the
community, Councilmember Dan Bostrom worked to move Railroad island io the tcp of the list
for this program. The community is now s(ated to receive improvements that include, paved
st�eets, curbing, storm sewer inlets, boulevard trees, boulevards sodded, street lighting,
repiacement of lead water pipes, and upgraded NSP gas facilities in sp�ing of 1998.
Work has begun to address lead paint concerns. Between spring of 1996 and fail of 1997 seven
new singie family dwellings, historicaily sensitive to the neighborhood, will be completed. The
process has begun for three additionai properties to be purchased for demofition or restoration.
in 1996 some 40 homeowners received home improvement grants, and currently over 100
applicants are an a waiting list to receive low interest home improvemsnt loans. Area residents
work with staff at the Safe Haven for assistance with employment issues, anci literacy, parenting,
interventian, prevention, and social activity programs are being impiemented.
Additionaily, an aggressive revitaliza6on project knom�n as the Phalen Corridor Inifiiative is taking
piace on Saint Paui's East Side wifh the western tip of the muiti-miilion dollar project beginning
in Railroad island. The area, fondly remembered as Wiiliams Hill, will become home to a light
industrial park an6cipated to provide roughly 400 new jobs. Last year pianning members of the
Phalen Conidor partnered with the Merrick Community Center, which is also the Safe Haven
for Railroad Island, to form a job bank and offer related services to the community. As the
Corridor winds eastwar�, Railroad Island also benefits from new housing, a bike path, new
roadways, and beautified entrances.
Sustained involvement from fhese new and oid partners wili allow us to further enhance the
quality of living in the neighborhood over the ne�.�t year. Happily, all participants have strongly
stated that tfiey wish to continue thsir involvement in the reclamation of Raiiraad Island as we
enter a second year of Weed and Seed. Federal recognition and funding wifi make contfivation
ofthis process possible, however, additionai doilars are needed to complete some of the goals
lisfed for fiscal year 1997 -'1998.
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Budget Page
Print/Copy •
In-State Travel
Total Amount
Year One Request
Year Two Request
Toiai Request
Budget Description (describe each line item as needed):
The salary and benefits categories total $63,000 for the biennium. The funding is necessary to
continue Weeding efforts and will be used for police overtime, police training!#ravel activities,
and fo� pofice sponsored tandiord training sessions. Phone expenses are to supply the Railroad
island Citizens Patrol with ceUular units and air time while on Patrol business. Supply expenses
irclude $600.00 in the first year fior o�ce supplies for fhe coordinator including paper, prinfer
cartridges, and otner misceilaneous items. An additionai $800.00 for each year is being
requested for purchase of Citizen Patroi jackets and hafis and promotional brochures. Funds that
would ailow our Safe Haven to be open three additionai nights per week for sports activifies for
youth are being requested under contracted services. Other expenses include $27,404.00 to
begin physical restoration of the historic 1854 Benjamin Brunson home, $15,000.00 for
instaliation of three lantern style lights in the tot !ot area of Eileen Weida Park by Sainf Paul
Parks and Rec., and $1,200.00 each year to use toward suppiies and activities necessary to
ensure a ftailroad tsland Community Peace and Unity Festival for residents.
Pa�e 6 of 7
Planning process: Describe how fhe sfrategy wi(( be deve(oped , who will be invotved, from
what organ'izafion. Succes.sfui strategies will be as inclusive as possible, utilizing the expertise
of a wide variefy of communify residenfs, government leaders, non-profits, businesses,
community groups, and others (one page}.
(Piease note: By October 15, the Weed and Seed sfrategy must be submitted. This plan will
outline objectives and measurabie outcomes for each of the four required elements. The Weed
and Seed Director wili assist your group as needed in developing these objectives and
As was the case last year, the Weed and Seed strategy has beer, de•reloped through joint
efforts between the Coordinator and the Steering Committee. These participants meet on a
monthly basis to review prog�ess ard to adjust plans as needed. Partners as ef August '1, 1937
Ron Nadeau,
RoseMarie Bomersine,
Mike Yarusso,
George Hinrichs,
Joe Garcia,
Janet Garcia,
Lt. Nancy piPema,
Sgt. Brian Coyle,
Sgt. Dave Korus,
Pat Fish,
Richard Lippert,
Charles Votel,
Kay Wittgenstein,
Mark Ponsolle,
Patrick Hest,
Denise Sjoberg,
Jeanne Cooney,
Vince O'Connor,
Rita Jesse,
Chris Vendel,
Celia Shaughnessy,
Ed Olsen,
Sheryi PemberEon-Hoiby,
Sheryl Kabat,
Scott Rensfrom,
Resident and Railroad Isiand Task Force member
Resident and Railroad Island Task Force member
Resident and Railroad Island Task Force member
Resident and Railroad Island Task Force member
Resident and Railroad island Task Force member
Resident and Railroad Island Task Force member
F.O.R.C.E. Unit, Saint Paul Police Department
F.O.R.C.E. Unit, Saint Paul Police Department
East 7eam, Saint Paui Police Department
Fire Prevention, Saint Paul Fire Department
Code Enforcemenf
Code Enforcemen#
Ramsey County Department of Pubiic Heaith
Ramsey County Attorney's Office
Ramsey County Attorney's Office
Minnesota Attorney General's Office
United States Attorney's Office
Merrick Community Center
District 5 Planning Council, Crime Prevention
District 5 Planning Council, Youth
East Side Neighborhood Development Company
Saint Paul Division of Parks and Rec.
Planning and Economic Development
Weed and Seed Coordinator
Aide to Counciimember Dan Bosirom
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During iscal year `96PS7 goals for the Weed and Seed strategy in Railroad (sland were
developed by reviewing the Railroad (sland Small Area Plan, holding monthiy Steering
Cammittee meetings, and through confinuous in#erviews wifh area residenis and business.
owners fo r�etermine fheir needs. As a resu{t of thesa practices an aggressive �eeding"
process was begun involving tFte Saint Pau! Police Department and Code Enforcement
While working overfime fhat fiotaled 9,563 hours, fhe police made 919 arrests, 21 detox runs,
86 assists for transport, 1B5 traffic stops, 59 warrant arresfs, 105 fraffic tags, 5 housing assisis,
99 premisa checks, i7 knock and talks, 3 search watrants, 78 field ID cards, 54 curfew/truarrt
picic-ups, adv�sed 25 domestic situations, impiemented 15 foot patrols, 1 bike patroi, and
recovered b�andguns and 3 to 4 ounces of crack.
Through �ode Enforcement the .entire neighborhood was canvassed for code violations
resulting in over 160 orders for comDlianCe being issued on the first sweep and an additional
90 orders being issued on the second. Roughly twelve of these files remain open today. Over
50 letters of appreciation to property owners were also issued.
Because of these ambitious efforfs and others, "seeding" activities long held off in the
community began to take place. Habitat for Human'rty signed a Memorandum of Agreement with
Weed and Seed to construct andlor rehabilitate up to 5 new homes in #he neighhorhood, two
new builds are currentiy under construction. Activities of the Railroad Island Task Force movad
fon+vard with 40 grants issued to Qroperty owners for home improvement�, and four new homes
were buili wifh city funds allocafed to the community. The Merrick Communify Center agreed
to be the Safie Haven for the community and has begun several new programs for intervention
and prevention purposes including; GELI classes, parenting classes for parents of teens and
parents of tots, open gym/basketball in the evenings with hours designated to various age
groups, a�#s and crafts classes, childcare services, and a community choir.
While formulation of a successful Weed and Seed strategy is always a work in progress, some
definite goals for fiscaJ yEar `97/'98 have bean sstablished for the second ysar of Weeti and
Seed in Railroad Island. These include; cantracting with an individual to act as overall
coordinator of the program who will; work to build and ereate partnerships, act as a liaison and
resource person between residents and government, assist in obtaining funds to sustain fhe
effort, and promote the p�ogram and the community whene�er possible; continued zero
tolerance efforts from the police department, supplemented with overtime hours, to perpetuafe
a perceived and real sense of sacurify and to sggressively eradicate criminal activity from the
area; sustai�ed code ertforoement adivi�es, suppleme�ted vrith ovartime hours, fo assure safety
and stability of the housing stock and to promote positive quality of life in the neighborhood;
investing funds in the Safe Haven whenever possible to bui{d more programs {inc{uding those
involving treatment), services, activities, events and socials, to further promote a sense of
community in the neighbofioad: and to co�tinue to meef as a Steering Committee on at least
a monthly basis to further contribute to the resto�ation of the community known as Railroad
�- ,