87-1102 �: WHITE - UTV CLERK ' PINK - FiNANCE COVIICIl �/f CANARV - D�EPARTMENT G I TY OF SA�I NT PA LT L File NO. �` ^ IIO� p� BLUE - MAVOR City Attriy/JTH . . ' nc�l olution Presented By � � � Referr To Committee: Date Qut of Committee By Date III RESOLUTION REQUESTING INITIATION OF A REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT STUDY I WHEREAS , by P.esolution Council File No . 87-693 the City Council requested that the Saint Paul Planning Commission conduct a 40 acre study regarding the salvage yard operations within an area bounded by Arlington, Jacicson, Maryland and I-35E; and , WHEREAS , in a June 2 , 1987 letter to the City Council the P�ayor, citing a June 1, 1987 memorandum from the Planning Director, concluded that a zoning study would not adequately resolve the salvage yard issues and suggested that the Council might want to consider other means of dealing with these issues ; and WHEREAS , it apnears that a redevelopment project undertaking may be such an appronriate means and that information gathering and planning, financial and legal analysis preliminary to the drafting and formal consideration of a redevelopment plan should be initiated; jnow therefore , be it P�,ESOLVED that the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby Irequests that the Administration initiate the planning and other iactivities necessary to the prenaration of a redevelopment project ',rroposal and draft redevelopment project plan for the area bounded 'bX Arlington and Maryland Avenues , Jackson Street and Interstate Highway No . 35E in the City of Saint Paul and renort monthly to the Council on its progress in this initiative. COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas DY'�W Nays � �� In Favor Rel�tman Sct�eib�l � Against BY Sor�nen We'da Wl SOri AU6 J� �� 1987 Form Approved by City Attor ey Adopted by Council: Date Certified P#ass d b uncil ecre y BY � By ' A►ppro b� 1Aavor: Date � G 6 1987 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council B By PI16�iS#fl�ED n�G 1 � 1987