87-1096 WHITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINAN�E G I TY OF SA I NT YAU L Council� CANARV - DEPARiTMENT -/{� �j I//p� BI.UE - MAVOR,� FIIe NO. �` — ��/ / � � rdin�nce Ordinance N 0.� . � - Present By RefeFred To �'�''hmv t�l �T� +�L�f�. S. Committee: Date � r � ���P Out of Committee By Date An ordinance amending section 404. 10(17) of the Saint Paul Legislative Code pertain- ing to charitable gambling in private clubs . THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDRIN: Section l . That section 404. 10(17) of the 5aint Paul Legislative Code be am�nded to read as follows : (17) Shall pay to the City-wide organization designated by the City Council �A�6 10% of the net profits from selling of pull-tabs and tipboards to be distributed to other youth athletic organizations to be expended for such lawful purposes as specified in Minnesota Statutes , Chapter 349. Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days f�om and after its passage , approval and publication. COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas ��� Nays �a �Sr,,�i7� �— In Favor — Rettman � s�ne'bei Against BY Sonnen lyi�ao 'D�W�'AP.D � '""s°" MAR 1 0 1988 '� Form Appr ved y City Attor y Adopted;by Council: Date Certified Pa d b ouncil cre ryl/y1 BY gy � ��'1�v`% Approv , Mayor: Date � MAR 16 1988 Approve b ayor for Submission to Council By pl(�tISNED i;"r�� � �i 1988 • . , �� P..� ��—,/D , . , . � � y � , /75�1 � s��T�. ' CITY OF SAINT PAUL �~� __ '� OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY o ��^ ';� iiii�i:ii�i �_ -;m EDWARD P. STARR, CITY ATTORNEY °'�m,u,t��^!�o�"� 647 City Nall, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 1 612-298-5121 GEORGE LATIMER MAYOR July 22 , 1987 Council Member William Wilson Seventh Floor City Hall Dear Council Member Wilson: The Minnesota Legislature in 1987 amended the Charitable Gambling statute to prohibit cities from requiring charitable organizations from paying more than 10 percent of their net gambling profits tp a specified purpose. This is found in Chapter 327 , Laws of Minnesota for 1987 , a copy of which is attached for your information. Mark Voerding of your office requested that I prepare the neces- sary ordinance amendments so as to bring them into compliance with this new state legislation. The two ordinances affected by the law is the chapter dealing with private clubs (chapter 404) and the other is the chapter dealing with lawful gambling in on-sale intoxicating liquor establishments (chapter 409) . These ordinances presently require that charitable organizations which are permitted to conduct lawful gambling in bars or private clubs contribute 20% of the net gambling profits to the city- wide gambling organization established by the city, and the amend- ments which I have prepared changes those chapters to require payment of 10% of the net gambling profits . Please advise me if you have any further questions . Yo s very truly, �R . SEGA / Ass stant City Attorney � .cg Encl . .- . � .� . . . . . . ��� � ������ y �3 � Ch. 327 �sr� r�cisi.a� �� / 7SS�3 . Sec. 19. Mianesota Statutes 1986, section 349.19, . gambling, and may rec s�ibdivision 3, is amended to read: - - . _ exampt from licensinc Subd. 3. (EXPENDITiJgES. J All expenditures of bin e 'T` , g profits y� permit issued under t f�om 2awful aamblina must be itemized as to payee, purpose, authority qranted by amount, aad date of paymeat. � authority to require Sec. 20. Minnesota Statutes 1986, section 349.21, is organizations or sale a�nended to zead: board. The authority 3d9.21 [COtSPENSATION.j , include the authoritv Compensation to persons who participate ia the conduct of specific expenditures 2'awfql gam.blinq may be paid only to active members of the _ - protits derived from ' conductinq orqanization or its auxiliary, or the spouse or subdivision, aet prot9 s�urvivinq apouse of an active member, except that nanmanaqement a_llowable expenses � � assiataats aho aze not active members or spouses may be hired to countv may not reauire . assist in the eonduct of lawful gambling in nonmanagement gamblina within its iu . positions if approved by a majority of the orqanization's city or countv as a co �embera. countv, except aa aqth The amounts of compensation vhich may be paid under this a. oz section 349.212. section ms�s� � be provided for in a schedule of compensation Sec. 22. (EFFECT �ldopted by the board by rule. In adopting tke a schedule the Section 1 i: effe� board must considez the nature of the participation and the Sections 2 to 13 and 1! types of lawful gamblinq participated in. Sectioa 14 is eftectiv� A licensed organization may pay a percentaqe of the qross t1PPmved May 29,198? seceipts from raffle ticket sales to a nonprofit organization _ vhich sells tickets for the licensed organization. � Sec. 21. Minnesota �Statutes 1986, section 349.213, subdivision 1, is amended to read: . �ubdivision l. (LOCAL REGIILATION. j A statutory or home rule city or county has the authority to adopt moze strinqent zequlation of any form of lawful qamblinq within its juzisdic:ion, including the prohibition of any form ot lawful � Underseorina and sta�ikesrt� are as shown in enrolled act , SJnde���a an ; 42 � � � ,'�., � � � : ., : . , . _ �--�iop���� f � . . i. , //✓ /� � � 1987 REGULAB 3ESSION �+h. 327 � � � qambling.� and a►ay cequire a pe=mit for the conduct of gambling exempt fr;om licensing under section 349.214. The fee for a permit issued under this aubdivision may not exceed $100. The , authorit�l qranted by this subdivision does not include the authority to require a license or per�ait to conduct gambling by organizatioaa or sales by distributors licensed by the board. The authority gzanted by this subdivision does not include �the authozity to reQUire an oraanization to make specitie' expenditures of more thaa ten percent from_its net � � � profits derived from laaful gamblina. For the purposes of_ this subdivision, net protits are profits less amaunts expended _for p a�lowab�e expeases A statutory or home sule charter city or a ? county may not reauire an oroanization conductina lawful � aambling vithin its �urisdiction to make aa expenditure to_the ( � citv or� couaty as a condition to o�erate within that city or ; county, except as authorized under section 349.16, subdivision � '4, or s'ectioa 349.212. ' Sec. 22. (EFFECTIVE DATE.J i � Sgetion 1 is effective the day followina finnl enactment. Sectior�s Z to 13 and 15 to 21 are effectivG June 3., 1987. Sec�ion 14 is effective Januarp 1. 1988. A�proved May 29� 1987 1 - V � , � , i, , � t ' � s Underseorina and sLrik�wis are u shown in enrolled aet ' 43 R � � �-+� , � �. � . �c�'- /09� • : . .• . ��ss�3 A G E N D A M A T E R I A L � COT�TCIL ID4� �� DATE RECEIVED 1� AGENDA DATE AGENDA ITEM �� SUBJECT � ' ORIGINATOR _ CONTACT RESEARCH STAFF ASSIGNED _ / DATE SENT TO CLERK 7� COUNCIL ACTION 1�'ASTER FILE INFO AVAILABLE ' � C� 3�� ��.--�°�.�, � bRD'IRESOL. �� ' DATE FILE CLOSED ' I � \� ; , . ��7-/D9G- V ��ww� " �. � . �755�� `��'t' °=` ' CITY OF SAtNT PAUL � � i�� ��Vby '" �' " OFFtCE OF TNE C[TY CLERK ?� ��Itnn ,' :a . y 111 i tt, ic 5 • ��"' "�' ALBERT B. OLSON, CITY CLERK ' ''•o., �..• 3 "•"�m"°"°�•'' 386 Ciiy Hall.$aiqt Pau��Mifl�lesOq 551Q2 GEORGf LI►TI�vtER 6�2_29g-�2;� MAYOR NO�ICE OF HEARING TO ALL PERSONS OR ORGANIZATIONS LICENSED FOR C�'ARITABLE GAMBLING IN LIQUOR ESTABLIS9MENTS OR PRIYATE CLUBS AND ORGANIZATIONS LICENSED FOR BINGO �he St. Paul City Council will hold a pub3ic hearing on the IZth day of �'ebruary, 1988 at 9:00 A.M. in the City Council Chaa�ers on the 3rd f].00r of City Hall to consider ordinances changing from 20 percent to 10 percent the amount of net profits that shall be allowed paid to the �ity�wide organization designated by the City Council to be expended for �outh Athletic Orqanizations. The amendments will bring the St. Paul Ordinance in compliance with State law which was amended in the I987 Legislature. An ordinance will also be considerec7 providing that organizations licensed for bingo shall pay 10 percent of the net profits �rom bingo to the city-wid� organization to be distributed to Youth �lthletic Organizations. A copy of the proposed ordinances is on the �reverse side of this notice. At said time� all persons may be heard �elative to this matter. � . N � y � ��.,�, . _ . -- , w.�ITE — C�TY CLERK • P ~K - ��~�N�E G I TY O F wSA I NT ��A LT L Council �7_ /3G'i � =ANARr -DEPARTMENT BLUE � MAVOR � F1IC �O. /� . . .���.-'r.. ! ' � Or ZIZG��IZCP. OrdinanceNO. _. . Jx��� Uresented B �- �_._ Referred To Committee: Date ,. .._ Out of Committee By � Date - An Ordinance amending Chapter 402 of the - Saint Paul Legislative Code pertaining to lawful gambling. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Secti,on l . That Section .402.10 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code per- taining to lawful gambling, use of gambling an� pro�its, Ue and is hereby amended to read as follows: 402.10. Use of Gambling Profits. Profits from lawful . gambling may be expended only for lawful purposes as authorized at a regular meeting of the conducting organization. �rganizations licensed by the state or permitted by the City of Saint Paul to conduct bingo shall pay to the city-wide organization established pursuant to 5ection 409.23 and desi� nated by the City � Council 10� of the net profits from bingo to be dis- tributed to youth athletic or anizations and to be ex- pended for such lawful purposes as s.pecified in Minne- sota Statutes, Chapter 349. "—'- � Section 2. _ This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days from and after its passage, appr.oval and publication. COU[�CIL1�iFN : �,as Nay�s Requested by Department of: Dieev Nicasia ln Favor — • Rettman Sche�bel Against BY Sonnsn Tedesco Wilson •�-;�•,�;;ed by Cvuncil: Date Form Approv by City Att ey •;��i�ed Passed by Council Secretary BY ''' --- ,.,�:��:ed 'r�•� �S�*�.�_�r: Dai? Approved 14layor Eor Snhmission to Conncil . • ` i " . . � V r � � �' . . . • . ...._....___.'-'- ——_'- ':-._.��� � --' -' --- - - � CIT�v CI .. .... . _' _ _"_'. . . . __..__. _ ....___ ._. _. . . . _ .. . _ , +rHtTE IERK � � � PtNK � FINANtE COUIICLI p� °� CnNAqt� �OEPAO�TMENT GITY ' OF SAII�TT ��ALTL G� �_ aLUE �IdA1lOq � - File N0._,_.,.� � .' d • � ; � Z1ZGIIZCP. Ordinance N0. � � , � �resented By . � • .�.� Referred To � Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An ordinance amending section 404.10(17) ; of the Saint Paul LegisZa�ive Code pertain- � � ing to charitable gambling in private clubs. THE �COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: . � Sec�ion 1. That section 404.10(17) of the Saint Paul Legislative Code be amended to read as follows: � (17) Shall pay to the City-wide organization � designated by the City Council �A°,� 10°� of the net profits from selling of pull-tabs and � tipboards to be distributed to other youth athletic organizations to be expended for �uch lawful purposes as specified in Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 349. ; Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days from and after its passage, approval and publication. � 'COU�ICIL,ti�F,N . •`eas Nays Requested by Depactment of: prlw ruteos�a In F'avor � "'Rejttman s`�1°'bg� Against BY� . So,nnen �qdasco YJifsan •. 'c,.�teci i,ylC�uncil: Date Focm Appr ved y City Attom � "rfced F�pssed by Council Secretary By � , - - - �p,-�ued:kpr "�iayor: Date Approve b tayor for Submission to Council ; o.. o.. ��+tTE — C�TV CIERK � � � .. . � . . . . . . .. . . . .... . . "'NK � i1NANCE • � COLLt1C1I ��^�Apr -OEPARTMENT G�TY OF SAI �'T YALTL �� �'plf�-� --.VE -M4YOR � ' ' - . File N 0. O/ �Z1L�/`CG Ordinance N O. - _ ��cJ 7"� � ,. . _ :�sented By � Refecred To Committee: Date Qut of Committee By � Date An ordinance amending section 409.22(r) of the Saint Paul Legislative Code pertaining to charitable g�m?�ling in liquor establish- ments. _ THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SRINT PAUL DOES ORDAII�T: Section 1 . That se�tion 409.22(r) of the Saint Paul Legislative Gode be amended to read as follows: (rl Snall pay to the City-wide organization designated by the City Council �8�6 10% of the net profits from selling of pull-tabs and tipboards to be distributed to other youth athletic organizations to be expended for suEh lawful purposes as specified -in Minn. Stat. , Ch. 349. • Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days from anc� after its passage, approval and publication. COUNCIL4lF,N � .;S Nass Fteques[ed by Departmenc of: prew N+�as�� [n Favor — Rettman Schaibel Sonnen Ag8lilSt . BY � Tedesco Wilson rpte� by Council: Date _ _ Form Approved y ity Attorney �.ir�d Passed by Council Seccetary By „ , ;,1 _ ;�*n,+ed by Mayor: Date Approved b M yor for Submission to Council . . By tresc_ v.x:-+-� � Members: ��� ��lo Janice Rettman,��� GITY OF SAINZ` PgUL g��� yy��son I 11 f II:i � � ' OFFICE OF THE CI'rY GOIINCIL BOtj Lpng , , ' � Date: March 3, 1988 : JANICE RET'�'MAN RECEIVED �up��� Committee Report MAR 0 31988 To: Saint Paul Cit Council y cinr cr.�c F�om : Gommunity and Human Services Committee - Janice Rettman, Chair The second meeting of the Community and Human Services Committee was held on Wednesday, March 2, 1988. T�he following were in attendance: Janice Rettman, Chair Bill Wilson, Councilmember Bob Long, Councilmember Roger Goswitz, Councilmember Terry Sullivan, City Attorney's Office Barbara Benson, Secretary - 1. An ordinance amending Section 409.22(r) of the Legislative code pertaining to charitable gambling in liquor establishments and reducing from 20� to 10� the amount paid to the City Youth Organization Fund. �: � � c ar ta `�"e �gam6"�i i�'"�„ '9r'Y . ,��� ..'�.� . . ��� fi:. . "�ti--,�.� � . .. ... .. ... ..... � . . . . .. . . . . . � . -.�..��_�.���-.�. _... ... . . . ;2. An ordinance amending Chapter 402 of the Legislative Code pertaining to lawful gambling (use of gambling profits) and providing that organiztions licensed for bingo shall pay 10� of net profits to the City Youth Organization fund. 3-1 Yes, as amended (e�-�e�a����e�-b}-��te-6���-e€-8s�rr�-PBn�). �' ; 3. Position Paper: The Diyision of Parks and Recreation's role in providin g ; child care. Discussion was held. � � , C[TY HALL ROOM NO. SAtNT PAU[., MINNFSOTA 55102 6t2/298-5289 , s..��4s � i � � ---� ______,. _ _.__°---- _ _._._.T..�. �_._�. _ _ _. .,_ ___a,,_,,,a,�.,_ �--^--�+�..r+�... � r , _ _ j • , a, . _ .� r " , , „ , � lst '� �_�" �r''� ' � ,� nd � l/` � � . — � -# - �d �3 . � c � Adopted " °�,°��'� Na�-J�� �' eas DREW �� : N���A � � `� 0 9 � ; xE� �75� SCHEIBEL SONNEN WILSON . MR. YRESIDENT TEDESCO � � .�,.,..r�a.-.. . _ _. . . . _ : - _ . ...-.. � . . , � . � __�, ,. � . . � °�_.