87-1090 WHITE - C�TV CLERK PINK - FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT PAU L Council CANARV EPARTMENT Bk.LE �. ��AVOR File NO. �_/��� City A�ttny/JTH n i Res utZOn �"���''' r ' � Presented By �� � '� ..,��.�,...d iReferred To Committee: Date �Out of Com ittee By Date I I RESOLUTION AMENDING THE HRA PENSION PLAN � WHEREAS , by its Resolutions Nos . 281306 and 281307 adopted i December 22 , 1982 , the Council of the City of Saint Paul anproved the HRA Pension Trust Agreement and HRA Pension Plan Restatement ; ! and � WHEREAS , the Administration Committee of the HRA Pension Plan i has approved and has presented and recommended to the City of Saint Paul as a particix�ating employer under the HRA Pension Plan two � Pension Plan amendments entitled - � Amendment No . 1 io The 1983 Restatement Of The i Pension P1an of The Housing And P.edevelopment Authority Of The City Of Saint Paul, Minnesota, i i and Amendment No . 2 To The 1983 Restatement Of The � Pension Plan Of The Housing And Redevelopment i Authority Of The City Of Saint Paul, Minnesota; � and WHEREAS , said Amendment No . 1 amends Section 7 .3 of the Plan � relating to the Administration Committee and Section 8 . 1 of the Plan � relating to Amendment of the Plan and said Amendment No . 2 amends Section l .l(kk) defining Termination of Employment , Section 2 . 3 I relating to Termination of Active Participation, Section 6 .6 Withdrawal of Contributions , Section 6 .4 Method of Disbursement � and Section 6 . 7 relating to Application for, Commencement of and j Restrictions on Benefits ; and CIOUNC[LMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas j Drew Nays � Nicosia ln Favor j Rettman Scheibel I �f1f1e� __ Against BY redesco iWilson Form Approved by City Attorney Adopte� by Council: Date � ,� Certifie�l Yassed by Council Secretary BY By� i � Approved by Mavor. Date _ Approve Mayor for Submi on t , se�l BY - - — BY I I WHI7E _ �CITV CLERK COUIICII PINK kINANC�E GITY OF SAINT PALTL �7�D�l� � CANARV - DEPARTMENT � Bi�11G -- 1MAVOR F�le NO• � ! Council Resolution Presente� By ;Refecred To Committee: Date IOut of Committee By Date I -2- I I WHEREAS , Amendments Nos . 1 and 2 have been reviewed by the ' City Council. and it appearing that said amendments would effect certain housekeeping changes of the Pension Plan and certain jchanges regarding benefits distribution mandated by the 1986 Federal Tax Reform Act and other recent Federal Tax law amendments ; i now therefore, be it RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Saint Paul that said Amendment No . 1 and Amendment No . 2 in the form presented to and Iconsidered at this meeting are hereby adopted and approved and the proper City officers are authorized to execute the same on Ibehalf of the City . RESOLVED FURTHER that copies of Amendments No . 1 and No . 2 ibe retained in the City Clerk' s file and that a fully executed cony of each Amendment be filed wit�i the Department of Finance and Management Services . I I I I C UNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas p�@W Nays a ettman [n Favor Scheibel �nnen —�— Against BY Weida 11sor1 JUL 3 0 1981 Form Approved City Att n Adopted�by Council: Date Certified Pass b� cil Se ary BY g, y`�vV���.:� 1 f Approv y Mavor: Date Ir � ^ �R� App� ed by Mayor for Sub 'ssi n to Council Y g PllBltSl�ED AU G 8 1987 I I� , ��- �„ �� �i,��'7�a�l� , ;� , � S �`�*�"'`�'� � ��� ' ` CITY OF SAINT PAUL �.�� o,��v�. . . 2 4� 1�r� / �• *"' ��; OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY '� iu u inn ,: `�� `���j���l�� '� EDWARD P. STARR, CITY ATTORNEY ,. � `"�;:'r,";�:��°^'` 647 City Hall, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 GEORGE LATIMER 612-298-5121 IIviAYOR � July 9 , 1987 I Mr. Albert B. Olson ! City Clerk 386 City Hall j Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 RE: Amendment to the HR.A (City/PHA) ; Pension Plan Dear Mr. Olson: � The Administration Committee of the HRA Pension Plan is recommending to the City of Saint Paul and the Saint Paul Public Housing Agency i two amendments to the 1983 Restatement of the Pension Plan. These amendments are in response to the 1986 Federal Tax Act and house- keeping matters . I Amendment No . 1 amends Section 7 . 3 of the Plan changing the procedure for PHA Board appointment of the Administra�ive Committee member � I representing PHA hourly paid employees . Amendment No . 1 also adds a Section 8 . 1 , a general provision authcrizing Plan amendment by joint action of the City Council and PHA Board. I Amendment No . 2 covers Tax Act generated changes defining Termination i of Employment and restating the basis of Termination of Active Participation in the Plan during leave of absence, Withdrawal of Contributions , Method of Disbursement and Tax Law required Benefits I Payment provisions . Thes2 Amendments have been approved by the Board of Commissioners of I the PHA, which employs approximately 200 Plan Participants . Some 34 City employees are covered by this Plan. Please place these proposed Amendments on the City Council Agenda. The writer is j available (5695) to answer any questions on the Amendments . A ' draft resolution approving the Amendments is enclosed. . 'I Yours very tru y, I � � J es T. Hart sistant City Attorney And Chair, � I ension Administration Committee Encs . I cc : �t�ro� Le:��mer iCouncilmembers �� �EPARTt�1ENT 1��`/l0 9U _ � �3� m�L ONTACT y� — HONE �V�� ��� — i O - `� DATE . (Routing and Explanation Sheet} Assi n Number for Routin Order Cli All Locations for h1a oral Si nature : Department Di rector Ci ty Attorr�ey 3 Director of Management/Mayor Finance and Management Services Director City Clerk Budget Di rector Wha Will be Achieved b iakin Action on the Attached Materials? (Pur ose/Ratianale : -fih� �1 Zt4 �-���. +��o�t. � 3 �} � � ���� �. . .� T� � ��� @.�c� � � ��'� � . �u�� � Fin ncial , B d etar and Personnel Im acts ;Antici ated: �� Fun in Source and Fund Activit Number Ch�r ed or Credited: � . . Att chments List and Number all Attachments : . ( . G►%w�.�.�a��au,,�/yGO. � Z` G���cr�r',dP''"`''''T �2r'. Z � C��r,N.�,�t�Z'o . -� - �� � � DEP RTMENT REVIEW . � . CITY ATTORNEY REVIE(�; Yes No Council Resolution Required? Resolution Required? _� Yes No Yes No Insurance Required? Insurance Sufficient? � Yes No Yes No Insurance Attached? � Revision of October, 1982 (�PP RP.VPt"CP Side for 'Instructions) � HOW TO USE THE GREEN SHEET The GREEN SHEET has several purposes: � 1. To assist in routinq documents and in securing ' required sign�tures 2 . To brief the reviewers of documents on the impacts of approval 3 . To help ensure that necessary supportinq materials are prepared and, if required, attached. ROUTING - �ASt GREEV SHEET actions must 'ae rzv_��aea 5y 3 �e�ar_:ae*�t �irec�or, �:�e City �t�orney, �he �ir�ctor oT :�ianageme�t, the . Director of Finance and Management. Services. Other possible reviewers/signatures are listed. BRIEFING • Most of the GREEN SHEET headings are designed to assist in developing a precis of the decision which the attachments represent. The headings are offered to remind users of some of the m4re critical elements of this brief. . The Financial , Budgetary and Per sonnel Impacts headinq provides � a space to explain the cost/benefit aspects of the decision. Costs and benefits relate both to City budget (General Fund and/or Special Funds) and to broader financial impacts (cost to users, � homeowners or other groups affected by the action) . The personnel impact is a description of change or shift of Full-Time Equivalent (FTE) positions. SUPPORTING MATERIALS � • In the Attaehments sectifln, list all attachments. If the GREEN SHEET is well done, no letter of transmittal need be included (unless signing such a letter is one of the requested actionsl • Note: Actions which require City Council resolutions include: a. . Contractual relationship with another government unit. � - b. Collective bargaining. � � • c. Purchase or sale of land, or lease of land. � � d. Issuance of bonds• by City. e. Eminent domain. , � � f: Assumption of liability by City, or qranting � by City of indemnification. � g. Agreements with State or Federal Government � under which they are providing funding. Note also: If an aqreement requires evidence of insurance/co- insurance, a Certificate of Insurance should be one • -. ' � I ` . � �7-�0 9� At�!ENDMENT N0. 1 TO THE 1983 RESTATEMENT OF THE PENSION PLAN OF THE HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF' THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA The Ebusing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Sriint Priul, Minnesota, the Public Nousing Agency of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, and the City of � St. P�ul , Minnesota, pursuant to the power of amendment reserved to them under .the Penaion Plan of the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of � Saint Priul, Minnesota, and pursuant to the orders of their governing bodies, . hereby adopt this Amendment to said Plarr. - I Section 1. Section 7.3 ahall be amended to read as follows: Section ?.3 Administrative Committee. �e kiministrative Commit�ee shall ihave authority to control and manage the operation and adrainistration of the Plan. It ahall consiat of five (5) persons. �e Plan's penaion committee , members as of the date of execution of thia restateraent shall serve as the ! Ad�inistrative Gommittee until their successors are appointed. The PHA Board ahall appoint one member nominated �ointly by Locsls 70 and 132 (which are ,, collective bargaining units which have bar�ained into the Plan prior to the ' Effective Dste of this Restatement) or, in the event these Locals fail to timely make such nomination, by election by PHA employees represented by Locals �, 70 and 132 Who are Participants, for a three year term couuaencing July 1, 198�; one member on its own nomination for a three year term commencing July 1, 1985; and one member nominated by election by PNA administrative F}nployees who are � IParticipante, for a three year term commencing July 1, �986. �he City Council of the City of Saint Paul shall appoint one member on its own nomination for a three year term commencing July 1, 1984; and one member nominated by election Iby City �nployees who are Participants, for a three year term commencing July 7, 1g85. Rt�ereafter appointments for aubsequeat three year terms and vacancies in an unexpired te nn shall be filled in the seiee msnner iz which the initial �IBoard and Council appointments were made. �e appointing body shall� presaribe the time and manner of any nominstion or election required hereunder. �Secti�7 2. An Artic2e VIII concsrning Amendment of L'ne Plan wss insdvertently left out of the Plan. �he Plan is , therefore, emendec� to include the omitted jArticle V_TII, which st-,ali read as follows: Article VIII. i AMENDMENT OF PLAN Section 8. 1 Amendment of Plan. The Participating 6nployers reserve the j�ight to amend the Plan in whole or in part at any time by joint action of their governing bodies. The amendment shall be effect when executed by pe.sons authorized by those governing bodies to execute document3 on beha2f of the I�pplicable Participating �nployer ; provided, however, that except as m�y be permitted under Section 10. 1, no. such alteration or amendment, under any cir- cumstances, may be adopted, the effect of which would be to either revest in a � �articipating 6nployer any interest in the assets of the Trust F1ind or any psrt �hereof; or to chac�,�e the rights, powers or duties of the Trustees without �heir aritten consent . Ssetion 3. �is amendment is ef:ective gs of January 1, �986, , except that �ertaia provisions are effective as of other dates as specified in the amendment. ; I • -�•. . • � IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL has caused its name to be hereto subscribed by � its , and attested by its , the PUBLIC HOUSING AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAINT�PAUL has cauaed its name to be hereunto subacribed by � ita , and attested by , its , and the CITY OR SAINT PAUL has caused its name to be 'hereto subscribed by , its , and , its , . � HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL Atteat: By; . Sts Its ,'; PUBLIC HOUSING AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL Attest: gy,; � � Its Its CITY OF SAINT PAUL BJ's • Its By: � rts • STATE OF MINNESOTA ) � • � ) SS. � " COUNTY OF RAMSF,Y ) . On this day of , 1986, before me personally appeared ' and , to me personally known, who, -being by me first duly sworn, did depose and say that they are the and of thz HOUSING AND REDEVELOPM�NT AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, an agency named in the foregoing inatrument; and that said instrument was signed on behalf of said �;ency by authority o£ its Board of Commissioners; and they acknowled�e said instrument to be the free act and deed of said agency. . , . �,r-,�-����� , AMENDMENT N0. 2 TO THE 1983 RESTATEMENT OF THE I PENSION PLAN OF THE HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA i �' The Public Housing Agency of the City of Saint Paul, and the City of Saint Paul, pursuant to the power of amendment r�served to them under Section 8.1 of the Pension Plan of the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, and pursuant to the orders of their� governing bodies, hereby adopt this A�iendment to said Plan. • Section 1. Section 1. 1(hh) shall be amended to read ds fbllows: "(hh) Termination of Employment. A "Termination of � Employment" of an Employee o an Emgloyer shall occur whenever his status as an Employee of such Employer ceases for any reason � other than his death. An Employee who is on leave of absence,• ' military leave, layoff with right of recall or other similar status shall not be considered to have incurred a Termination of i Employment while in that status but shall be deemed to have incurred a Termination of Employment when such status ends unless he returns to active employment by the Employer. " i Section 2. Section 2. 3 shall be amended to read as follows: i "Section 2. 3 Te�mination of� Active Partici �ation. An � , Employee shall cease to e an Active Participant in t e Plan upon I the Employee' s Termination of Service, the Employee's death, the Employee's leave of absence, military leave, layoff with right of recall or other similar status, the Employee' s ceasing to be a � Permanent Employee or the Employee' s otherwise ceasing to be eligibie to be an Active Participant under Section 2.1, or on account of termination of the Plan. " I Section 3. Section 6. 6 shall be amended to read as fc�llows: � "Section 6.6 Withdrawal of Contributions. � • � I ' � (a) . A Participant who has not incurred a Termination of Service may make withdrawals from time . to time of his ! Supplemental Employee Contributions, subject to such limitations as the Administrative Committee may prescribe under uniform rules with respect = to the time, frequency and amount of such withdrawals . However, a Participant 's withdrawal under this subsection -shall noz exceed the lesser of (1) his Supplemenzal i Employee Contributions, less the sum of any previous withdrawals, or (2) the value of the portion of his Trust Fund Share attributable to his Account C. I I (b) A Participant who has incurred a Termination of Service and reached his Early Retirement Date may make withdrawals of his Employee Contributions which were previously subject to tax and were not "picked up" by his Participating Employer as described in Section 3.1, subject to such limitations as the Administrative Committee may prescribe under uniform rules with respect to the time, frequency and amount of such withdrawals. However, a Participant 's withdrawal under this subsection shall not exceed the lesser of (1) such Employee Contributions, less ' the sum of any previous withdrawals of those contributions, or (2) the value of the portion of his Trust Fund S�are attributable to those contributions. " Section 4. Section 6.4 of t�e �lan shall be amended to read as follows: - "Section 6.4 Method of Disbursement. (a) A Participant's Vested Share may be disbursed by any of the following methods selected by the Administrative Committee: (1) a single sum of cash or securities or a combination thereof; (2) a series of substantiaily equal and periodic installments; or (3) any combination of the above methods. (b) If payments are made in the form of installments, payment shall be subject to the following , conditions: (1) payments must begin by the date provided in Section 6 .7; and ( 2) payments must� be made over the life of the Participant or the lives of such Participant and a designated Beneficiary (or over a perion not extending beyond the life expectancy of such Participant or the life expectancy of such Participant and a designated Beneficiary) . (c) If payments are in the form of insta2lments, payment shall be subject to the following additional conditions: (1) For purposes of determining the period over which the installments may be paid, the determination of the life .expectancies may be made either once or periodically, but not more 2 �' ' r , . � � . • �,�-'`" �7-�O 9v I' Life ex ectancies shall frequently than annually. p ' be computed by use of the return multiples � contained in Section 1.72-9 of the Income Tax ; Regulations. � � ( 2) The amount to be distributed each ' calendar year must be at least an amount equal to � � the quotient obtained by dividing (A) the Vested Share of the Participant at the time the , distribution is made by (8) the longes.t period certain permitted under subsection (c) (1) . ' However, no distributions need to be made in any ' year (or a lesser amount may be distributed) if the . � aggregate amounts distributed by the end of that . , year are at least equal to the aggregate of the minimum . amounts required to have been distributed � by the end of such year under the prior provisions ' of this subsection. ; (3) The �orm of distribution selected for a � Participant must be such that the present value of the payment to be made to the Participant during ' his lifetime is greater than fifty pe�cent (50$) of ' the present value of the total payments to be made � to the Participant and his Beneficiary; provided, however, that that rule shall not be deemed to have � been violated, even though the Participant' s � Beneficiary may be someone ot�er than his spouse,. ' if the Administrative Committee determines to have � the Participant's beneEit paid over a� period ; certain not exceeding the joint life and last survivor expectancy of the participant and his spouse (as of the date of the initial payment of ' the Participant ' s benefits) . " I Section 5. Section 6.7 shall be amended to read as fpllows: ' "Section 6.7 A��lication for , Commencement of and � Restrictions on Benefits. I, (a) The payment of a Participant ' s Vested Share shaZl commence upon any date selected by the Administrative Committee after giving due consideration to all circumstances ! known to the Administrative Committee relating to such Participant 's welfare and any request received from the � Participant (or the Participant 's spouse or Beneficiary) ; i provided, however, that payment of a Participant ' s Vested Share shall commence by any date required under the following ' provisions of this section. (b) (1) Unless the Participant requests otherwise under. subsection (b) ( 2) , the payment of the � Participant ' s Vested Share (other than a death benefit) � 3 . •,.- � . , shall begin not later than the sixtieth day after the close of the Plan Year in which the latest of the following events occurs: (A) the Participant' s Normal Retirement Date; ' and (B) the date the Participant incurs a Termination of Service. ' ( 2) Any Participant who desires to have the payment oF the Participant' s Vested Share begin after the date prescribed under Section 6.7(b) (1) shall submit to the Administrative Committee a written statement, signed by the Participant, specifying the date to which the Participant wishes the commencement of the payment � of the Participant's Vested Share to be ��� deferred. In no event may a Participant specify a date .: under the foregoing which will have the result, in the event of the Participant' s death, of benefits with ' respect to the Participant being payable in an amount which is more than "incidental" (within the meaning of that term as used in Income Tax Regulations Section 1.401-1(b) (1) (i) , as amended or revised, from time to time) . (c) Notwithstanding the foregoing provisions of this section, distributions to a Participant must commence by April 1 of the calendar �,►ear following the last day of the calendar year in which the Participant attains age 70= whether or not a Participant has incurred a Termination of Service. (d) The following provisions are applicable in the event of the Participant ' s death: (1) If a Participant dies before benefits commence to the Participant under the Plan, the Vested portion of his Trust Fund Share (as determined under_.________ Section 6.5) � must be distributed to his Beneficiary within five years after his death unless one of the • following two exceptions applies: ' • � (A) The five-year rule shall not apply if ( i) any portion of the Participant' s Trust Fund Share is payable to (or for the benefit of) an individual des•ignated as Beneficiary, (ii) the portion of that Trust Fund Share to which such Beneficiary is entitled will be distributed over a period not -extending beyond the life expectancy of the Beneficiary and ( iii) distributions commence no later than one year (or such longer period as may be permitted by regulatiort under appropriate circumstances such as that the Beneficiaries cannot 4 • -• r . - �� , � " . . �y,�-,�7 ia9C , be 2ocated) after the date of the Participant's I death. If distribution is made in installments, ' the minimum distribution to be made each year to each Beneficiary shall be an amount equal to the , quotient obtained by dividing the portion of the j , Participant 's Trust Fund Share to which the Beneficiary is entitled at the beginning of the - year of distribution by the Beneficiary's life � expectancy. That life expectancy shall be computed . I in the first year of distribution and shall be � ' teduced by one for each year after that first year. � (B) The five-year rule also does not I apply if the Beneficiary is the surviving spouse of the Participant and (i) the portion of the Participant's Trust Fund Share to which the spouse is entitled will be distributed over the life of I such spouse (or over a period not extending beyond the life expectancy of the spouse) and (ii) distribution is commenced no later than the date on I which the Participant would have attained age 70�. If distribution is made in installments, the minimum amount to be distributed each calendar year shall fie determined in the same manner as for the Participant under Section 6.4(c) . If the surviving I spouse dies before payments to the spouse are required to commence or are completed, then the preceding rules of this subsection are to be , applied as if the surviving spouse were the ' Participant. ( 2) If distributions have commenced to the I Participant before the Participant ' s death, the Participant ' s Trust Fund Share must be distributed to the Participant ' s Heneficiary at least as rapidly as ' under the method of distribution used at the time of I Participant ' s death. (e) If the amount of a payment cannot _be____ _.._ ascertained by the date provided in the preceding subsections ' or if the Participant cannot be located (after reasonable � effort) , a payment retroactive to such date may .be made, � provided that such payment must be made no later than sixty • . days after the earliest date on which such amount can be '. I asce.tained under the Plan or the date on which the Participant is located (whichever is applicable) ; provi�ed, however, if all or a portion of such amount has been lost by reason of ' escheat under� state law, the Participant shall � cease to be entitled to the portion so lost. " Section 6. This amendment is effective as of January 1, 1987. ; I I 5 r • . ' IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the HOUSING HND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA has caused its .name to be hereto subscribed by , its , and attested by , its , the PUBLIC SOUSING AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL has caused its name to be hereunto subscribed by , its , and attested by . its , and the CITY OF SAINT PAUL has caused its name to be ereto subscribed by , its , and , its . HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Attest: By: Its � Its: PUBLIC KOUSING AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL Attest: By: Its: Its: CITY OF SAZNT PAUL By: Its: By: - Its: STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ' ) SS. � COUNTY OF RAMSEY ) On this day of , 1987, before me • personally appeared and , to me personally known, who, being by me first duly sworn, d1d depose and say that they are.-the and of the HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AU`PHORITY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA, an agency named in the foregoing instrument; and that said instrument was signed on behalf of said agency k�y� authority of its Board of Commissioners, and they acknowledge said instrument to be the free act and deed of said agency. � . ` .: 1 � � _ � � . � ������� , �. � � �STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ' ) SS. COIINTY OF R.AMSEY ) • On this day of . 1986, before me personally appeared and , to me personally known, who, eing by me irst uly sworn, did depose and say that they are the and of PUBLIC HOUSING AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, an agency named in the foregoing instrument; and that said instrument was signed on behalf of said agency by authority of its Board of Commissioners; and they acknowledge said instrument to be the free act and deed _ of said agency. , i !STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) SS. COUNTY OF RAMSEY ) On this day of . 1986, befo�e me personallg appeared and , to me persnna+ly known, who, eing by me� first uly sworn, did depose and say that they aof THE C TY eOF the and SAINT PAUL, the city named in the foregoing instrument; and that said instrument was signed on behalf of said city by authori�y of its City Council; and he acknowledged said instrument to be the free act and deed of said city. Ili -----_.-- ----- ----._ , . ; �-���o�'� i A G E N A M A T E R I A L S i ------------- �OUNCIL ID�� ��— DATE RECEIVED / 1�.GENDA DATE AGENDA ITEM �� �UBJECT � �� JJ�����_�,,.� ��_� C�RIGINATOR �� (� CONTACT �� .�� �'� .�L ��J � ��1�ESEARCH STAFF ASSIGNED `� DATE SENT TO CLERK QOUNCIL ACTION I�ASTER FILE INFO AVAILABLE �� �C,�� tCc�� � _,c.. I ,���,���L.� . v i URD�RESOL. �� DATE FILE CLOSED I i �), f �� .x . i , ', �