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�NHITE I- CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE COUflCll /J CANARV - DEPARTMENT G I TY OF SA I NT PAU L J[� BI.UE - MAVOR File NO. ^' ��� � Coun ' Resolution . -�- Presenked By � Referred To Committee: Date ' Out of Committee By Date � , RESOLVED: That the Restaurant License currently issued to A�ietro Square Lounge, Inc. DBA P.J, Clark's at 450 Robert Street be and the same is hereby b • suspended until such time as the City Health Division certifies to the City Council that the restaurant facilities are in ', co�liance with th� food and health code provisions, and upon such certification the suspension shall be automatically � lifted. I �OUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Dr'2W . Nays �• �Rettman '� [n Favor Scheibel o Sonnen Against BY Weida 'wilson J�L � 9 '(9�7 Adopted by Council: Date Form Approved by City Attorney Certified Pass d y uncil S tar BY By Approve {Vlavor: Dat � �U�.. 3 1 �� APProved by Mayor for Submission to Council Y B B $ Y � Pll`�IIS r,�� � � � 1 � �-� � . . � ����, �.�� � �� °��,��� ��� � � D VISION O�F LICENSE AND PERMIT ADMINISTRATION DATE � � l � , I TERDEPARTMENTAL REVIEW CHECRLIST A�{plicant -{-�( ��Z�c,KOy�...�c-.Home Address ( 3opo (> , .e,�r;o �c4 ' � U �-� �S3a--1 Bu�siness Name� . � • �tG�Y� �O Home Phone ��"� � ��t � Bysiness Address �'� U So -� U�9..�'� � e of License(s) �p�-�-����-:.-�' I Business Phone ao1.��_ -Sa G� � ���`e— P�blic Hearing Date c�� , t�L'��'( License I.D. � I o � �j at 10:00 a.m. in the unc 1 Chambers, 3$d Floor Citq Hall and Courthouse State Tax I.D. � ��5 C� �3�r� � VIEW DATE DATE INSPECTION ' APPN REC'D VERFIED COMPUTER) COMMENTS raved Not ed Hbusing & Bldg f C de Enforcement � �\c� � Public Health � � or� ���%�°e � �-�-c� r � F�re Prevention � � � � i P�olice � � i I (�ity Attorney � , I �NS � ��� � � 300 Foot Notice . I � �� � � �,icense Inspector's Comme�� � HAVE BEEN GIVEN A COPY OF THIS NOTIFICATION AND UNDERSTAND THAT MY ATTENDANCE AT '�'HE PUBLIC HEARING IS REQUIRID. . -' . :a� . .. � ."7� ,. ' - . . . . . . _. . . .. - . . . .. . . .. , . . . . . . CURRENT INFORMATION NEW INFORMATION Current Corporation Name: New Corporation Name: Current DBA: New DBA: Current Officers: Insurance: Bond: New Officers: Stockholders: , , � � ��7�o�' A G E N A M A T E R I A L S COUNCIL ID4� —�� DATE RECEIVED � r s � � � I AGENDA DATE AGENDA ITEM 4� SUBJECT � � � , � ORIGINATOR �� CONTACT RESEARCH STAFF ASSIGNED l�� DATE SENT TO CLERK � COUNCIL ACTION I MASTER FILE INFO AVAILABLE ��� ",�,�,� / �G ���/�i����� ' ORD�RESOL. �� DATE FILE CLOSED I , a`� G� � � u , ���" �W�. ��� ,��� � , � � , . . �r�7��}�% ���=�e, . CITY OF SAINT PAUL "� J= DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES ; �ii ;� �. ,. DIVISION OF LICENSE AND PERMIT ADMINISTRATION � ,��� Room 203, City Hall Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 Geo�e Latimer Mayor ', July 1, 1987 � Metro Square Lounge, Inc. P. J. Clark's �I 450 North Robert Street � Saint Paul, MN 55101 Dear Sirs: As License Inspector for the City of Saint Paul, it is my responsibility to notify you that on July 22, 1987, a public hearing wi11 be held before the City Council. This hearing will be held in the Saint Paul Council Chambers, third floor of the City and County Court House at 10:00 a.m. At this hearing it will be the Division of Environmental__Health�s recom- � ._ mendation to the Saint Paul City Council to revoke ynu�Restaurant . __ __ _ . - - . - License which you hold for the premise at 450 North '.Robest Stzeet where -. .- _ , you do business as P. J. Clarks. The Division of EavrirQUmeatal_Health's :. ` . _.._ _ recommendation is based on the following: ..x�..v:.,- -,..�: _� � ,_ � _. _ (1) See attached Division of Public Health Inspectinn Regort,�:.: --. ,, - ' pages 1, 2, and 3, dated June 10, 1987. - The Saint Paul Citp Council wi11 also be told by the�Divf.sion-o£_Enuf- .-�- _ ro�ental Health of your history of violations. -:.� �.._ _=.:�` - .._ ;_ : .. : ;..- ._',_ _ You may be represented a� this hearing by an attomey�;o�:othex�.�epreaea--. �r __ ____ ° ' -' tative of your choice. You and/or your attomey/representative wi11 be _ , -- allowed to cross-examine witnesses and present evidence through witnesses and documents at this hearing. - ' --=•-�- - - Enclosed is a memorandum of procedures used bq the Saint Pau1 City Council for hearings on license revocations, suspensions, and denials of new licenses. Very truly yours, � � Joseph F. Carchedi ', License Inspector JFC/lp Enclosure cc: Council Members ' Jerrq Segal - City Attorney's Office Frank Staffenson - Environmental Health A1 Olson - City Clerk John Conaelly - Council Research . , . . , • ! '. � .`i � � • � • ' 1 • / . • � �� _.: ' - � � �., � ��a .�'n � ���� � ' �J ,.•�x: nY. � e�� w il�: ' r.� v �,- • •- ra• / _� f � � � ' / � . •• �• � � l�.11r�� /.4. ` �> -- . .- i • v � � r•• � i r. . �• r � � ti � � �- � i � i � � � � � . i .J � � ��_....,. ./_ � . _ � ' �.:�'�.�• .. I� . • ��. /�.. • , � � � .�• :�I � � - �/L��I1LC � _/L � �� / � � ,R�ii��ili �1� � .Jj . .� � � �ii'�i►�� %��� �:L:� L.1�:�� � . ��.i�' � � � .�s�_ � .li�Jil/' /.'<L���:!r��!L��.C�.!� ._: ���►,;� . , �� - /'�/�-�••i �� , /' ' .• �:'/�_. .L/.�L _:.a. ♦.//.,!�/. .:�:ta�/�'i, ��.�If��','�1/t.���i�l f•y ' . i� . 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OUDLEY WILLIAM hH-O�'H C G.WILLIAM SMITN � MARK UhE}JNE'"' �' STE?JEN C.OP.klEll ,�..�' �' July 20, 1987 � �. q ^7 HAND DELIVERED I Mr. Joseph F. Carchedi ' License Inspector City of Saint Paul Department of Finance and Management Services Division of License and Permit Administration Room 203 , City Hall ' Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 Re: P. J. Clarks Dear Mr. Carchedi: This letter will confirm our telephone conversation of this morning wherein I informed you that I am the general corporate counsel for P. J. Clarks. I would appreciate a one week continuance of this matter as I am scheduled for court in Anoka on the date and, there- fore, have a conflict with the hearing scheduled for July 22, 1987 at 10: 00 a.m. I Thank you for your cooperation and assistance. Very truly yours, DUDLEY AND SMITH, P.A. c- r.�_ � _. --r r..;: II G' ' r,.� Q seph J. dley, Jr. ',';,� � < ::, --_ -n r__ C� JDJ:kuob =r� w a .. "`�`'_r; �}e cc: Mr. Jesse Miller •`� =-, �� r;� .�:.`. '^,,.] il