87-1857 WHITE � CITV CLERK �PINK � F�NAN�-E GITY OF SAINT PAUL Council Q^� CANARV DEPARTMEN7 X BLUE -� MAVOR F11E NO. �J � / �� � . C u �il Resolution Presented By _ ', Re o • Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, the Ma.yor, pursuant to Section 10.07.1 of the City Charter, does certify that there are available for appropriation revenues in excess of those estimated in the 1987 budget; and WHEREAS, the Ma.yor recommends the following changes to the 1987 budget: Current Amended Budget Changes Budget FINjANCIAL PLAN IGL-126-36Q23-3699 Heritage Preservation Commission Minnesota Historical Society Grant $15,000 $ 900 $15,900 GL-126-36023-6999 Outside Private Donations -0- 900 900 $15,000 $ 1,800 $16,800 SPE�tDING PLAN ' P6-126-36023-0219-64037 Professional consulting services (Designing self-guided tour brochure) $15,000 $ 1,800 $16,800 NET CHANGE + $ 1,800 RES�IOLVED, That the City Council approves these changes to the 1987 budget Financing is Available Approval Recommended �.. � '`' � �� � � � irec or of Fi a ce � Budget ir ctor �z-FD�e� CjOUNCILMEN Requested by Depart ent of: Yeas Nays � �-� icosia [n Favor �,ettman �1 � Against By '�U•a - Sonnen Weida 118Un D�C � � �7 Form Approve y Ci Attorney Adopte by Council: Date Certifie Pas e ;b ' Sec r BY By Approve Mavor: Date � �' � � 7 1�D� Approve b Mayor for Submis t ounci By BY PUBIISHED J a iJ - 9 1988 ,� _ �.�, �,� ��- i��� � � �t° 013153 � , Pl�. �. , e� � - - - -.- _ 3.�.��_.� �:�sa�.��_:`���e�,Q� DEPARTlsENT • ,. n 60NT�llCT NAME 2 PHO1�B , � e r 1 87 DATE S N ' N 0 : (See rave se side.) p�CE OF� DIRECTOR ; DEPARTME{�tT ��FMANCE �J� 1 Departmeat Di�Cector �pt��,di�� ��� inance ax�d M�nage nt Services Directo� � City Clerk " Wr � � _ ity Attorney TU : �,_ (Cli all locations for sig�ature.) W C D ? (Purpose%�t#,arnale) The 1987 budget �ri11 be amended to include he receipt of a grant from the Minnesota His orical �ociety and donations fram priva e souxces to be used to hire grap�iics and historical consultants to design a self guided walking tour brq,��� and int rpretive plaque program for Lov�ertawn a d to print the broch�:� � � 1 � 1987 3���jo��ane '�' �-�'r� DEC ^ � L86C �j �3d C S N UD D P S D: �pYOR'S U�rFICE Rec ipt of a $6,000 grant ($900 to be used n 1987 and $�,100 to be us�l in 198����3� Rec ipt of $900 for private donations. Ant c�pated spend3ng of $1,8U0 for designing a s lf-guided walking tour of tfie district nterpreting the historic themes that mar its significance. R�CEiYED , � �E� z`= 1981 N E C V C G T D: (l�ia r•s signatur8 aot required if under $1 .A00.) BUDGET QFF�CE T al Amount of Trans�ction: $1,800 Activ�t�,�!ber: 126-36023 G�' Q C�%� PED Operations Fund ' F ding Source: C��� �C�,� �O S: (LiBt and number all attachme ts.� ��� ���� �A� 1. Council R�so]:ut�on an�endtng budget. �� 2. Attachment A of the Minnesota Historica Society, Grant Contr�� for $6,000. AD JI ' T V R C U Yes �No Rules, Regulations, Proce ures, or� Budget Amendment required? Yes ,,,,,_No If yes, are they or timet ble attached? - D P NT W CITY ATTORNEY RBVIEW � x es _No Council resolution required Resolution required? ,_Yes _Na es X No Insurance required? I�nsurance sufficient? `Yes _No es X No Insurance attached? �, �. . C.r ����5� - ; T _ . .._.. . _. . __. 7►ttacLmsnt A j PROJECT DESCRTV�r+T�nt sitv of St. Paul Federal Grant �Z7-g�-20019.009 Time Period: October 1, 1987 - July 3�, 1988 ', Project Scone: The project will consist of a public education proqram related to the National Register Lowertown Historic Dis- trict in St. Paul. It wfll consi�t of the following elements: 1. a written fnterpretive plan based on a review of exist- � � inq research on the district which will recommend an , interpretive framework for the two elements that � ` lollow; . ', 2• a publfshed self-guided walkinq tour of the distrfct interpretfnq the historic themes that mazk ftB eig- nificance 3• production of a desiqn for a historic plaque .for use. _on - properties in tt�e district. �� " , The City will contract with a historian or architectural hie- ' torian who meets the Secretary of the Interfor's Professional � � Qualifications Standards to carry out the work of the project. Appropriate procurement standards (see Attachment O of OMB Cir- cular A-102) will be followed in contracting for this service. Grant administration will be handled by City staff, and Heritaqe Preeervatfon Commissioners and members of other City commissions will also contribute volunteer review time to the project. '�onsultations end Proaress Reports: The City will submit w=itten ' proqress reports to the Society on or before January 15, and Aprfl 30, 1988. The Society may request other written progress reports and on-site reviews of project progress. rcduct: The final products of the project, outlined in �� h�t�e�C ty's qrant application to the Society (see A-1 flroducts portion 1 appended to this attachmentj , include information documentinq the procurement of consultants for -the project, five copies of the wrftten interpretive plan, a copy of the design for the Lcwertown Dfstrict plaque, and ten copies of the self-quided walking tour publicatfon. These materials will be submitted with the Request �or Reimbursement. - Einal Report: The Final Report will include a brief description of the administration of the project. Five copies of this report will be submitted to the Society with the Request for Reimburse- �nent (see part III of the Grant Agreement) . .. ; . � ��- � ,-��s� .._ . . _ ,_._.. _._ . _� ......_ _ _----. -. - - - __. Proiect Budget: Federal lHPF1 Apnlicant i �dminiBtration & review 90 hrs @ $11.30 , $1,017 - Interpretfve planninq I 50 hrs e $20 $ 750 $ 250 ' Research i writinq 75 hre @ $20 $ 750 $ 750 i Graphics (publication) . $ 250 $ 250 � Production/printinq (publication) $2,250 : $1,750 �g`12.o9 Desiqn (plaques) S2.0oo S2.000 ' $6,000 $6,017 , Total Budqet $12 017 � � �� Refmbursement Schedule: The City will be reimbursed for the ac- , tual amounts expended under the federal (HPF) portion of the ' project budqet alter the project is completed and a Request !or Reimbursement with appropriate supportinq documentation has been , eubmitted to and approved by the So�iety. ThiB request must be submitted by Auqust 15, 1988. Work must be completed by July 31, 1988. , ' I i ! � C���i�s� � ..-----_ �� �---�--'�---°°_=______'°—_= AGENDA I T EMS ID#: 87�[596 ] DATE REC: [12/23/87� AGENDA DATE: [00/00/OU� IiEM #: ( 1 SUES.,�GT: fl'�87 BLIC�t�ET C�HL�.—It�II:LLIC�E HIStC1RIGAL �Ol'.IETY GRAt�T s:$+�,(ir;�U+Dt��ATIIIf��� G.R. STAFF: [N/A ] SIG:[WILSON ] OUT—[X] CLERK -[.�eaxo�� i�-�z B' r�rslr�ar�t:.[�a � r.«rrrar.r:�r��srEr��oN - ���-�.��37 � ACTION:[ r. � � �,•F•# [ ) ORD.# [ ] G.S. RETURNED �UO/UO/00] FILE CLOSEU [ ] � � � � � � � � � � � � FILE INFU: [RESOLUTION\pROJECT DESL'RIIPTION C ) [ ] _____________________________________________________________________________, :,