87-1852 WMITE - CIITY CLERK PINK - FI ANCE G I TY O F SA I NT PA iT L Council /J /� CANARV - D�PARTMENT Flle NO. (' �_/v� BLUE - MAVOR � � ou cil Resolution Presented IBy ( R`eferred To Committee: Date Qut of Committee By Date WHEREAS: Notice has been received as to a change in officers and stockholders ' of an On Sale Liquor License currently issued to Wager Inc. DBA Gallivan's Restaurant at 354 Wabasha (Gerald D. Landreville, President, Wayne T. Belisle, Secretary) therefore be it R&SOLVED: That Wayne T. Belisle has resigned from all aspect of the On Sale Liquor License and Gerald D. Landreville remains sole officer and ' stockholder. CQUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas �pp�,•� Nays N�cosia ln Favor R�tttnan ��� � Against BY S+�nnen " �180n DEC � Q� ��� Form Approve b C' Atto ey Adopted y Council: Date Certified IYass by cil Se r BY By � r �� .; !? �{�$� Approved by ay for Submission to Council App v y AAavor: Date �¢,�� � By BY PU$USHED ��i i�i -� J 19$8 .. � �`�• e � lnana'"enent Services ; DEPARThiLNT. - ��'S1���' _ Ss . y � � Kris` er CONTACT � � - � t , 298-5 56 PHONE - 10, 1987 DATE ��i� �, e ASSIGN NU ER -FOR ROUTIN�G QRDER C1i All Locatio s €or S:i nature : � Depar ment Director Director of Management/Mayor � Finan e and Management Services Director � 3 City Clerk Budge Director 2 CaunGil Resc�arch 1 City ttorney . � WHAT WII,L BE ACHIEVED BY, TAKING ACTION ON TH� ATT CHED MATERIALS? (Purpose/ Rationale) : Noti has been r�eived frcm Wagex, Inc. ( a1d Lancireville, president and Wayne Beli le, secreta�) DB� Ga7.livan's Restauran that Mr. Belisle has resigned fran Wa.g , Inc. and r�o longex has any interest '' the On Sale Liquor License 'presently held at 354 Waba.sha. i�+tr. Landreville request�s that the C� Sale Liquor License presently held by Wager, Tsbc. (Gexald Landreville, pre�i.dent ar�d Wayne Belisle, �ecretaxX� be �.�-� �P.rs TriC.. CGG'rd�.Cl �.I'�7]:1,�.@rF.r.�x��i1t�.:: .� _ l:. ` ' ,. _ .y l COST BEN FIT BUDGETARY AND PERSONNEL IMPACTS AN ICIPATED: , N/A . i . FINANCI SOURCE AND BUDGET ACTIVITY NUMBER CHARjED OR CREDITED: (Mayor's signa- - , ture not re- Total Amou�t of 'Transaction: N/A quired if under � �10,000) Fund ng Saurce: N/� . Acti ity Number: N/A ; . ATTACHM NTS List and Number All Attachments : t Ch�ecklist Re lution � - . QEPART NT REVIEW CITY ATTORMEY REYIEW ,�Yes No Council Resolution Required? � Resolution Required? ✓Yes No Yes No Insurance Required? Insurance Sufficient? Yes No Yes �Ao Insurance Attached: (SEE •REVERSE SIDE FOR INSTRUCTIONS) Revise 12/84 - ; � . � • � �.���i� -y , .�. . �� �- . � �� . , � .. � UIVZSION OF LICENSE AND PERMIT ADMIIvISTRATION DATE 1( / /� � (�z �k`7 INT�,RDF.PARTMENTAL REVIEW CHECKLIST Appn Processed/Received by � i Lic Enf Aud // App�licaut � )� ` v��. _ Home Address �q,''� � �Q��, ,�- �3 C � \ � �o�� — 5 I L.�,� Bus�iness Name �--, A, � � � ;� ,,,1 � S�-t,�r�Home Phone Bu:�iness Address �.5�- � �� �h,.`,�- Type of License(s) �� Jc� �.tl . Bu$iness Phone\�.��"� � (p�p�� �- � sQ s�vcsm 1�- r L--�-c s��-_-�., Public Hearing Date _ License I.D. 41 � (�C� �_�( ati9:00 a.m. in the Council Chambers, 3rd floor City Hall and Courthouse State Tax I.D. �1 ��,(p ��C(� llate Notice Sent ��/�� ealer �� ln\/�_ to� Applicant �-' �-� ,� � � � Pederal Firearms 4� h � Public Hearing � * DATE IIvSPECTION REVI�,W VERFIED (COMPUTER) COMMENTS ' A roved Not A roved � Bldg I & D � ' � ��— Health Divn. ' � �� ! � —�— i , Fire Dept. � � i � �� I ' I Police Dept. I 1�1 �— ! License Divn. � Q� � ' City Attorney � � ' Date Received: Site Plan l� �(�- To Council Research ��� � �'� T.ease or Letter Date ,f rom Landlord � ' � i , ' � ' , . , . � , , , �. V. CURRENT INFORMATION NEW INFORMATION Current Corporation Name: New Corporation Name: Current DBA: New DBA: Current Officers: Insurance: Bond: Workers Compensation: New Officers: Stockholders: J , . ���7���- _ 3�`�,;.,,. � • � CITY OF SAINT PAUL ~ � DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES : ����uu ;� ,� „� DIVISION OF LICENSE AND PERMIT ADMINISTRATION � �� � Room 203, City Hall F��-r� Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 George'latimer , .1 ' , Mayor � (�� � . ' November 30, 1987 Wayne T. Belisle 215 So. Wabasha St. ' Saint Paul., MN 55107 Dear Mr. Belisle: As License�Z�s�et�e the City of Saint Paul, I am herebq notifying you that on December 8, 1 7 a public hearing will be held before the Saint Paul nc his hearing will be held in the Council Chambers, third floor of the City and County Court House at 9:00 a.m. At this hearing, the License Inspector will recommend that the Saint Paul City Council deny renewal of the Restaurant License you presently , hold at 215 So. Wabasha St. The License Inspector's office will base its recommendation on the following: (1) Failure to make proper arrangements for required Iiealth ' inspections. You may be represented at such hearing by an attorney or other repre- sentative of your choice. You and/or your attorney/representative will be allowed to cross-examine witnesses and present evidence through witnesses and documents at this hearing. ' Enclosed is a memorandum of procedures used by the Saint Paul City ' Council for hearings on license revocations, suspensions, and denials of � new licenses. Very truly yours, � . ' Joseph F. Carchedi License Inspector , JFC/mb Enc. cc: Council Members Jerry Segal - City Attomey's Office Karen Swanberg - Minnesota Dept. of Revenue A1 Olson - City Clerk Joe Hanuasch - Council. Research ._ � • �:� , . �� , . � . � � ��y i�se'� ,�.=,o, CITY OF SAINT PAUL `� ' DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY SERVICES +• '�'� e� DIVISION OF PUBIIC HEALTH "" 555 Cedar Street,Saint Paul,Minnesota 55101 Ceotge Latimer (612)292-7741 Mayor November 17, 1987 Joseph Carchedi License Inspector Room 203, City Hall Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 Dear Mr. Carchedi: The Restaurant license, application #47286, 215 South Wabasha Street is not approved for the following reason: On numerous occasions we have attempted to inspect your establishment ' and have found it closed. See the attached letter. ' , Your" truly, ' J � � , , � i��"�" � _ �c -'��-'� rank Staffenson / Environmental H alth Director FAS/ms , Enclosure ' c: Ray Ciagne Environmental Health Specialist . �,' , . �"�7���' . . , , , � "`���""`° CiTY OF SAINT PAUL �-••�,..,;W,. "� ��" DEPARTNSENT OF COMMUNITY SERVICES �., - �e ;�.. E� ��nn,m �E ;,��in1�ii �� _ DIVISION OF PUBLIC HEALTH �""z���f r � 555 Cedar Street,Saint P�ul,Minnesota 55101 GeQrge Latimer (612)292Ji41 ' Mayor October 14, 1987 ; Wayne T. Belisle � 215 Wabasha Street S. ' Saint Paul, Minnesota 55107 � Dear Mr. Belisle: On numerous occasions we have attempted to inspect your ' establishment and have found it closed. • Please contact this office as soon as possible for an ' inspection. We cannot renew your license application unless a complete inspection is made. Our telephone number is 292-7717. ' Thank you for your prompt attention. Yours truly, , , ��� ���s�� William F. Gunther Environmental Program Manager WFG/ms c: Ray Ciagne i - � � • `�`�aR�'WC,'u � ��/ -�d �J I"''C' U� RE: ?-oce�?ur_s �Jsed by the Cit� Counc:l for 3ear:ngs oa License �evoc�cions, Susaensions, aad Deaials oc vew �pplications and Persoa-co-?erson Trans=ers. The hear=r.g is a quas�-judicial or adversary �iearing. It is brougac 5e�ore che City Counci� co consider whether a license snould 'oe revo[ced, suspeaded, or conditioned; or wnether a trans�er should 'oe de�ied; or *�rhether an apolicacion for a Iicense snould 'oe denied. �eco�endacions may be made by the Licease Iaspeccor or ocher C�cq deparLmeats. This near�ng is in many respects similar co a trial. You may �e represenced 'oy an attorney or other representacive oi your choice. The grounds cor calc�ng adverse act�on against che licensee or aoplicanc wil7. be Svelled ou� in writ�ag ia a letter to cae licensee or zDDlicaat. Genera?ly, Couacii wi1? noc oo beyond those ,charoes or ;rouads whica �ave oeen sec out in : wr=ting and rurnisned to the licensze or app�icant bezore the hearin;. I� some important aad pertinenc new information comes up duriag the course of the hearing, the Council may consider recaiving the in=o�aation, and providin� the Iicensee (aoolicant) an ooportunicy to rzspond at a Iater date. Generally, the case Lor adverse actior. is represent_d by the Licznse Laspector, wno aroceeds iirst crith his �.ritnesses, alI ot *«hom are under oath. �11 sucn witnesses may be questioned by members or tne Counc�I, and cross-esamized by tha Iicensee or 2is actorney. - Followin; that, t:�e licensee (applicant) has the opportuaitp to oresent wE�atever witnesses or testimony ne may desire, which similarly will be taken under oath. Any such *.�itnesses are also subject to questioniag by members of che Couaci�, and to cross-esaminacion by counsel �or che License Inspector. Ac che conclusioa o= the evideace, eac� part�� �s given a brie= opportuai.cy to su�arize thei� oosiC:on. �he proceedings :�ill be recorded by a court ra�orter, and transcr�pts (i� desired) must be ordered and paid ��r by t�e nart-� request�ng t�em. The Cit7 Council �oliows ti�e avident_ary standard spelled out in t�e Stat� Administracive ?rocedures Act, whicn al?ows the admission o= ��2V:dence �E�ich oossessas probative value co�only accepted by reasonable prudent caen ?a the conduct oi their a=�airs." This includes �earsay cestj.mony. It =s wit:�in the discretion o= t:�e Council to exclude repetit�ous, immaterial, �rrel_vant, and incam�ecenc �vidence. Ii action _s takea oy the Council, its action is incorporaced :n a proposed resoiucioa and �resented at c:�e Counc�?'s zest �eet_ng. �t che Couacil session, eac:� oart3 ma.y present argument and co�enc on t:�e proposed resolu.t�on. Vor�ally the Counc�l does aoc take additional cestimoay or evidence, reiying upaa che record aade at the aear'_ng. A?1 stacemencs or objections �ust oe made througn t�e Chair, and aay questions other than your di�ect or c=oss-eYami.aation ;�ust be made �!�rougn c�e Ch2ir as weil. It is in your interest and in che interest oi the Council that you be r�prese^_cau by an a�toraey during the hear;ng. ;To I_ceusee or applicant snouid, aowever, s;�ow up on the eay o= c�e hearing «-i,thout an at�orney and e:cpect chat _:�e oroceed.�gs will be �ostponed anless ��at iicensee or applicanc. has asiced che C�uncil �or a delay at least severa? days :n advance oi �E:e �zesriag. A � ---- *--==--------------=-----== AGENDA ITEMS --- ------------------------ "����`SJ'� �__�i,_____________ _ ___________________�______�_� ID#: �477 ] DATE REC: [11/18/87] AGENDA DATE: [00/00/00] ITEM #: [ ] �L�N.lE�lf: [��FN�IIVI�� J�II �11-1F,6l,� - E+�.L�1�,Al+Y"� If�E°�� � - :�l 9�41�t ] STAFF ASSIGNED: [NONE ] SIG:[SCHEIBEL ] OUT-[X] TO CLERK .�9�},�99�8A}-///� C � ORIEIh�ATI�t:[LICENSE DIV. � �ONTALT:[5Ci-N�II�ER - SfJ56 ) ACTION:[ ] C ] C.F.# �[ ] ORD.# [ ] FILE COMPLETE="X" [ ] � � � � � � � � � � � � FILE I�VFO: [RESOLUTION/CHECKLIST ] C ' l C 7 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ! RC� D ' �d01f 1 91987 COUNCILMAN JAMES SCHEIBEL � i