87-1832 3 � � GTY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL FI NO. /_ 0 � PRE;LIMINARY ORDER � ► By File No. 18496-W Voting In the Matter of Constructing a water main in Bidwell Street 40 feet north of Ward Curtice Street to 50 feet south of Curtice Street. Also construct water � service connections. 2 Also, install Water Service Connections to the vacant properties fronting on the East side of Bidwell Street between Wyoming and Winona Streets. The Council of the City of Saint Paul having received the report of the Mayor upon the above improvement, and having considered said report,hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is$ 3,750 , financed by assessments $1,875 and City Aid $1,875. Water Service Connections assessed at cost at $815 per connection 2. That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 26th day of January, 1988 ,at ni�lex�i8�o'clock a.m., in the Council Chambers of the City Hall and Court House Building in the City of Saint Paul. 3. That notice of said public hearing be given to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter,stating the time and place of hearing,the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. COUNCIL PERSON Adopted by the Council: Date �EC � � �8� Yeas�- Nays Nicosia Certified P sed b Council Secretary -�e�an- L-'--� Scheibel J In Favor By Sonnen Weida � Against Wilson Mayor DEC 4 � 1987 plf9ltSNEQ J AN - 9198fl_ Z . j� , r .� . C//""_ ��'�` O �� • Publi� Works � DEPARTMENT N� � 1137 Thom�s Kuhfeld C4NTACT ` � - . 292-6276 PHONE �een i�V� December 4, 1987 DATE ASS�GN NUMBER FOR ROUT�G ORDER (,CIiR, All _4ocations for Signature�,: ;�;Z%u-d� Q''c/ � _ ' Department Director � : �>- Director of Mana4 JG(/ Finance and Management Services Director � City Clerk �a— v� 9�� BUdg@t Dlf@CtOt 2 . Bette Reitter : City attorney WHfiT WILL BE ACHIEVED BY TAKING ACTION ON THE ATTACHED MATERIAL? (Pt _ - �_ �,�,,.�_: _.. - _ . . , .,��: � - .�� �;.. Pubiic hearing will be held to decide on proceeding with improving Bidwell from Annapolis to �nona and sanitary sewer in Bidwell from Annapolis to 30 feet south � of Sidney. Also, constructing a water main in Bidwell from 40 feet north of Curtice to , 5a feet south of Curtice. :'� ' COST/BENEFIT. BUDGETA Y AND PE�jSO�INEL IMPACTS ANTICIPATED: Estimated costs are $125,465.00. - ., .- : - ., , . . ..: . ,. �.:;_. ,� : �IN__q�t�1N �;SO�IRGE AND BUDGET AGTIVITY NUMB�R(=HARCED OR CREDITEn; (Mayor's signature not required if under$10,Q44) Total Amount of Transaction: $125,465.00 ,� . . . . . . , <4 .t- ..�.. ... a . �_-..... . . . .. : .. . -�..�. - ...� �.w'"'�`yhj S :R t ��' C Funding Source: $34,175.00 Assessment � ` . �.. .� . ;�� ..�� .u� . . �. Activity Number: $91,290.00 City�Aid �� � . ,����� . _ . ATTACHMENTS {Lis�and Number All Attachements�: ` 1. Preliminary/Final Order for street improvement and sanitary sewer. 2. Prelinimary/Fina! Order for water main. , - �g�TMF.�11..8. VIEW CITY ATTORNEY REVIEW Yes X I� Council Resolution Required? Resolution Required? Yes Na Yes �,,, No Insurance Required? lnsurance Required? Yes No Yes ,�„_ No Insurance Attached: - � . - � �.� Revised 12184 'r�'� �* �� , x + �, � : b:,• . � � _ . .. . . � Z � � " � "' ... ., *`P' . . ,. . ._�. . � � . : . . . . . .. a r � �. �.. ' :�: F�� � � -� . . � . . ..