87-1828 WHITE - C�TV ckeRK COII[IC1I �/ PINK - FINANC'E CANARV - DEPARTMENT G_ITY OF SA�INT PALTL �J BLUE - MAVOR File NO. "� � �, ounc ' Resolution � � , Presented By Referred To Committee: __Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS� the City of Saint Paul has a commitment to the future and growth of the City; and, WHEREAS. the future of the City rests with a healthy and well educated workforce; and, WHEREAS, the City recognizes the children of the City as a valuable resource for our future; and, WHEREAS, the City recognizes that child health is more than physical well being, and includes social and educational well being; and, . WHEREAS„ the well being of children in our community is best addressed by a collaborative effort to improve the health and well being of children in our community; and, WHEREAS, the Child Health Initiative will bring together City, County, School District and private providers to develop a collaborative effort to improve the health and well being of children in our corr�nunity; THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the proper city officials are hereby authorized to apply for and accept a grant from the Saint Paul Foundation or other foundations or funding sources to fund the Child Health Initiative staffing and conference. COUNQILMEN Requested by Department of: Y eas N ays �-- N�ia � In Favor � �.. Sche,i.bel ��_ A gai n s t BY Sonnen w�aa �EC 2 9 1987 PP y y Adopt�� Focm rov b C't corn uncil: Date Gertified Pa si d by Co ncil Sec ry BY By A►pprove b Navor: Date Ci � � �� Approv y Mayoc for Submi io t�Council B PUBLISNED J A N - 9 19 88 ! � �d`�/��� o Comnuni,� $e�vices � �DEPARTMENT ` N. _ 0�4�1 : Gathi Lyman- kka � CONTACT � 292-7714 PHONE � . ' Navember 9, 981 _ DATE �i,� � ` e� � SIGN NUl9BER FOR ROtJTING.: ORDE.R C1 i A�11 Locations f r Si ature : �Departmen Director " Director of Management/Mayor � Finance a d Management Services Director � � 5 City Clerk , �,�, Budget Di ector City Atto ney WILL BE CHIEVED BY TAI�ING ACTION ON THE ATTACME � M�TERIALS? (Purpose/ ; Rationale) : Positive ac ion will a11ow the Division of PubTic H$alth to apply for and receive grant _ funding for the Child H.ealth Initiative f��G�11itD NOV 16 1987 . \\ �� I�� MAYOR'S OFF ` ICE . OST BENEFIT BUDGETARY AND PERSONNEL IMPACTS ANTICIPATED: '� Will financ an intern and a conference without addxtional expenditure of city dollars. Does aot r uitre any unplanned Division expenditure� � , RINANCING SOU CE AND BUDGET ACTIVITY NUIrBER CHARGED 0 CREDITED: (Mayor:s signa- ture not re- Total Amou t of"Transaction: �p quired if under � �t o,000) Funding So rce: Activity N mber: • TTACHI!�dTS i st and Number Al l Attactm�ents : 1. Counci Resolution � _ R�CEIVED 2. Grant - PPtfieatior� � : NOV 16 1987 x . � . CITY ATT�R�VEY qEPARTMENT RE IEW CITY ATTORNEY REYIEW �,Yes No Council Resolution Required? ' Resolution Itequired? Yes � No Yes No Insurance Required? Insurance Sufficient? � Yes No �/� Yes No Insurance Attached: (SEE •REyERSE SI'DE FOR IMSTR TIQNS) � ltevised 12/84 ' . � ________________________________ AGENDA ITEMS =___________________=______=____ �,Y�I��� G ID#: [494 ] DATE REC: [11/19/87] AGENDA DATE: [00/OQlpO] ITEM #: C 7 SUBJECT: [GRANT PERMISSION - PUBLIC HEALTH DIVISION - CHILD HEALTH INITIATIVE] ���.. STAFF ASS I GNED: [ �� ��-�.o ] S I G:{�,_ ] OUT-[ ] TO CLERK �[9A,[40�LII� � 2//� ORIGINATOR:�COMMUNITY SERVICES ] CONTACT:[LYMAN-ONKKA - 292-7714 ] ACTION:[ ] [ ] C.F.# [ ] ORD.# [ ] FILE COMPLETE="X" [ ] � � � � � � � � � � � � FILE INFO: [RESOLUTION �, �� ] [G�'�--.� "�� �-•`.--> '`1, �-� ���-- � �.-. �- �- s �-e.�� y G.�� " �'. ��t- ._..=-t�F' 7 __________________________________________________G -______________====�a��== P , , . �y /��f' , . , , � .��••• CITY Of SAINT PAUL �� ' DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY SERVICES ; ;. � � � ° DIVISION OF PUBUC HEALTH .... SSS Cedar Street,Ssint Paul,Minnesota 55101 George Latimer (612)292•7741 Mayor . November 9, 1987 Paul Verret The Saint Paul Foundation 1120 Norwest Center Sai�nt Paul , Minnesota 55101 Dear Paul : I am pleased to submit this application to the Saint Paul Foundation for funding of the Child Health Initiative. The Saint Paul Division of Public Health has struggled with the visible, tangible signs of poverty and urban decay. little has been done to define and address the underlying problems leading to adult poverty and too early parenthood which often accompanies it. Most of the pro- grams have given attention to young women once they become pregnant. Nunerous studies have shown that investments made in the prenatal and early years of childhood lead to better educated, better functioning adults. Administrative staff are seeking a means to avert some of the problems they now try to remedy. We are requesting 520,025 for intern staffing and a conference in February, 1988 which will launch a ten year drive to have healthier kids in Ramsey County by 1998. We have begun the project already, bringing together participants from a num!ber of jurisdictions to begin the planning process; we will need funding for staff beginning December 1, 1987 through December 1, 1988 to ensure that we f ollow our timeline for launching this project. We have begun to secure commitments from other organizations but need Saint Paul Foundation support to fund the conference and dedicated intern staff. The City of Saint Paul , Division of Public Health will be the fiscal agent for this grant and we will spend the funds solely f or the purpose stated in t he attached appli- cat'ion; the Division will also make such reports as required by the Foundation. Cathi �yman-Onkka will be the project contact person at the Division of Public Health. Cathi can be reached at 292-7714 if you require additional information while researching this grant application. As you know, the City of Saint Paul is a tax exempt organization as a govierrmental unit. We understand that ar�y payment of funds granted wi 11 be at the conveni ence of the Foundat ion, i ncl udi ng modi fi cat ions of previousl y agreed upon payment schedules should modifications be deemed necessary by the Foundation. This should not impair the City's ability to undertake this project in any way. � � � ' . �Paul Verret -2- November 9, 1987 �l�� /�:�� � Again, I appreciate the opportunity to w bmit this grant to the Saint Paul Foundation and look forward to the Foundation's participation in this exciting and significant initiative. More than 30,000 children now under age 5 will benefit from our foresight and concern. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, Kat hleen Stack Director Department of Community Services JB,/am c: Mayor Latimer Cathi Lyman-Onkka Sue Guse � �. • ' ' ������� '�T'H�►T C�1ILD HEAI�TH NEEmS AND WAI'S OF ME�TING 'I�-�.SE NEEmS ARE NOT ACLUSIVEL,1' I�DICAL ISSUES; TNAT Q�IILD HEr'1LTgI MUST BE VIEWE[) IN A �L� SOCIAL AND F.t�'�'IROh'��'I'E1L CONI'�..'�I'; THAT EE�D(,TIVE APPkOACI�S TO A SIGNIFICANT PROPORTIOIV OF MAJOR UNI�T CHILD HFALTH PROBLII�.S, UTILIZING CCJRREtV`I7,1' AVAILABLE SGIII�TIFIC I�IOWLIDGE, CIPT ACRU6S PROFF�SIONAL, DISCIPLINFS AND HII.PING SYST'�LS, AND RDQUIRE ATT�V'I'ION T�O ISSUFS IN T� REAI,M OF I�DICINE AIvTD HEALTH, MENTAL, HEALTH, EDUCATION, SOCIAL SF�tVICES, CORR�(,'TIONS, II�IAYI�VT, INOOh� DISTR,IBUTIOIV, HOUSING, AND DAY CARE." MONIT�DRING CHILDREN'S HF.ALTH: kEY INDICATORS C. ARDEtv MILLER et al. . , Application to the Saint Paul Foundation for Child Nealth Initiative ���7 ���� Ax�licant: City of Saint Paul Depsrtment of Community Services Division of Public Health 555 Cedar Street Saint Paul, Minnesota 55101 The Division of Public Health is com�nitted to providing health promotion, protection and prevention to individuals and neighborhoods of the City of Sa.int Paul. Services are targeted in the following areas: �suring that environmental health ffood, housing, water, animal/pests, neighborhood hazards and worksite) protection is pro�-ided to residents and visitors; containinq comrnunicable diseases includin� sexually transmitted disea.se and AIDS; promoting the health of residents through innovative, cost-effective public health education efforts aimed at disease and injury reduction; providing health services to special high risk residents including those without access to preventive health care (on an interim basis); ar�d promoting a comprehensive, city-wide network of public health services which meet the changing needs of Saint Paul residents. Cont,act Person: Cathi Lyman-Onkka, Health Analyst 292-7714 Pro.ieLct Title: Child Health Initiati�e staffin,� and conference Stat�nent of Pur�aose: To encourage particigation of policyrt�akers and to establish a model for interdisciplinary and multi-jurisdictional collaboration to e�sure improved child health in Ramsey County by 1998 for an estimated 37,585 children under age five. Backt�round/Problem Statement: For the past several years the focus of much public policy debate has centered on welfare reform and self sufficienc�•. Those efforts have largelv been focused on women who find themselves on Aid to Families with Dependent Children (A��C) . While many of these individuals are successful in leavint! AH�C, little has been done to define and address the underl,ring problems leading to adult povertv end too early parenthood which often accompanies it. Most of the progrsms have given attention to young women once thev become pregnant. T7ie Saint Paul Division of Public Health has struggled with the visible, tangible signs of poverty and urban decay. Staff, tired of doinq little more than putting on band-aids, are seeking a mea.ns to avert some of the problems they now try to remedy. This led to the proposal to have the healthiest children in Minnesota bS 1998. N�unerous studies have shown that invesLnents ma.de in the prenatal and early years of childhood lead to healthier, better educslted, better functioning adults. We ha�ve l�own for man�v years that good, early preriatal care, adequate nutrition, safe housing, stable care giving, ar�d age appropriate social ea-periences produce children who are most able to succeed in our society. Yet, - there are manp children in our societ� who lack these basic needs. A major barrier is poverty and nearly 22X of our children live in poverty. Recent, unpublished, data on children in Raa�sev Countp suggests that children living just above poverty (1009b - 200% of poverty) may be at even greater risk of some problems that children living in poverty. � ', A. recent report published by the Wilder Foundation indicates that even children � who live° in families above 517,000/year (roughly 1859K of poverty for a family • of �'ee) are at risk. The following table highlights some significant � ��;�� f indiings: �" >17,000 <17,000 <Poverty Child has ever had a bad accident or in jury 1196 1296 6.5X Child has ever had a ph��sical, emotional or mental coridition that interfers with development or daily activities 2.5% 9°� 8% Child age 0-4 is up to date on immunizations 93� 91% 8796 Child age 3-5 drinks 24 ounces of milk or more per day (rec�ended) 3796 43X 4U% Child age 4-5 has never had a . dental checkup 16% 19.5X 13� Source: "Health and Well Being of Children: A report from the Needs Assessment of Children in Ramsey County, Minnesota" Mueller arid Cooper h'ilder Research Center, 9/87 These findings have more than health significance. Children with developmenta.l delavs and handicaps significantiv impact school s�stems as they struggle with limited financial resources to pro�-ide the mandated equal educational oppartunities and individualized educational plans these children reyuire. These problems also affect the ability of mothers and other care�i��ers to enter the work force because of the limited availabilit� of dat care for handicapped infstzts and children. This may ser�•e to keep families in po��ert�- and dependent on countv hLmian services and welfare. It may also limit the social contacts of these children needed for them to succeed socially and educationally. Manp model programs have been developed to improve children's lives. They are not S11 public health programs. Some involve the educational communitv, some social services, some the medica.l comnunity, but each needs the support of policy mal;ers at different levels to achieve success. Because the imp�ct of these problems crosses political jurisdictions and ser�-ice areas of go��ernment, the best solutions �.�ill also cross these jurisdictions. In Saint Paul there are three elected bodies responsible for policy affecting children: the City Mayor and Council; the Countsr Board of C.om�nissioners; and, the School Board. Each operates from a different perspective. Any policy of the County Board will impact all communities in the county and must be supported by special interest groups throughout the countv. The �chool districts, county human service program and the county public health programs all must answer to their respective state conmissioners. The challenge, and ultimate problem is: To develop a consensus building model in which elected officials can negotiate policy which can then be implemented in their various jurisdictions. A collaborative effort amoru� counties, school districts, and municipalities could more efficiently use the liunited resources available to each. A collaborative effort across political boundaries also raises the public importance of an issue. Levels of government are rarelv seen as collaborators, they are more often seen as competitors. Successful collaborative efforts are rare. Q � Y - ' , � 1����_��'�� Pro.iect Description: The objective of this project is to develop a model which will lead to a col�aborative effort by municipalities and school districts in Ramsey County and Ramsey County to achieve the goal, "By 1998 Ramsey County will have the healthiest kids in Minnesota." Leadership for this project ha.s been from M�yor George Latimer, City of Saint Paul. To achieve a collaborative effort Ma.yor Latimer has im�ited the assistance of Commissioner Diane Ahrens, Chair, Ramse�� Coulzty Board of Comnissioners; Superintendent David Bennett, Saint Paul Public Schools; ar�d Hamline Universitv's Graduate Program in Public Administration. Support for this initiative throughout the county will be initiated at a conference at Hamline Universitv on February 12, 1988. This conference will be co-sponsored by the Conm�issioner, the Mayor, and the Superintendent. The purpose of the conference is to provide policyma,kers from throughout the cou#rtv an opportunity to learn the status of young (0-6 years) children in R�m�ev County. Strategies w�hich have been tried in other areas of the countr,r to improve the health and well-being of children will be presented. The desired outcome of the conference is a com�nit.a►ent of policyma.kers from all three units of government to work collaboratively to reach the goal of the "Hea►lthiest Iiids". A second outcome of the conference will be a consensus building model to achieve collaboration among units of �overnment. � The rationale for a conference format to achieve collaboration is the ability to bring the same information base to each policy-maker regardless of their unit of government. The format will include opportunities for facilitated discussion of policy and program options among policyir�akers in similar units of government so that thev may return to their respective jurisdictions prepared to �ommit to collaborative efforts. A foliuh-uP session will be held in late spring, 1988 to report on policies and programs in process and in place and to re-commit to the Initiative. Attendance at the February conference will be limited to elected or appointed public officials, their kev policy staff, representatives of minority groups underrepresented among the public officials, and a very limited number of community leaders including business and foundation representatives. The group will be kept as small as possible to facilitate consensus building and to limit media involvement until the collaborative relationships are firmly established. OBJECT'IVES• 1) Brinq the issue child health to the attention of key policyma�:ers in Ramsev County. 2) Get polic�-mal:ers to co�nit to a collaborative plan of action to address child health needs in Ramsey Countv. 31 Set up a forum for policymakers (175 invited to conference) 4j' �.sure followup on action steps bv co�nitted agencies 5) Monitor progress toward improving child health as reflected by key indicators. FIJNDING: We a.�e requesting $20,025 to finance salary for an intern ($10,400) , costs for the conference in Februarv 1988 ($5,500?, and follow-up costs ($625) . Because it is a multi-jurisdictional effort it will be a complex project to mar�a�e and requires dedicated staffing. In addition, outside funding for the conference will encourage attendance and full p�rticipation by invitees. �� . � . � ' � /�,���_���� U`� In-kind funding will be provided bv the Saint Paul Division of Public Health in the form of staffing and clerical support, along with resources cam►itted bv the Hamline University Graduate Program, Ram,sey County Public Health and the Saint Paul Independent School District #625. We anticipate that other in-kind resources will be available as the project pro�resses and commitments are ma,de. The proposed budget is as follows: Rec�uiested from Saint Paul Foundation Graduate student intern - 1040 hours x $10/hour $10,400 Conference support costs - 100 attendees a S25 2,500 Conference speal�ers - Est 3@ $1500 4,500 Printing/duplica.ting/postage 2,000 Follow-up session - 25 attendees C $25 625 Total Requested $20,025 In-Kind Supt�ort City of Saint Paul: Health Analyst .25 FTE $11,898 Clerical Support .10 FI'E 2,250 I�ata Services .10 FTE 4,519 Assistant to the Mas-or .10 FTE 4,500 Office of Cable Communications Video Production �.000 Tota.l Citv In-hind $27,167 Hamline University Graduate Program in Public Administration Director .10 FI'E $ 3,200 Administrative Support .05 FTE 700 Facilities 250 Total Hamline In-kind S 4,150 Ramses• Countv Health Coordinator .1 FTE $ 4,212 Independent School District .1 FTE g Z�ggp TOTAL IN-KIND $38,409 The f�unds will be spent solely for the purposes stated in the application and the S�int Paul Division of Public Health will make such reports as are required by th� Foundation. OONTIhiUATIO:V OF T}IE PR0.TECT: This is a ten year project which will require the commitment ar1c1 active particip�tion of the agencies and jurisdictions involved. We anticigate that after the first year the participating organizations will provide the needed funding to continue the project. . � �� ���� . . � �- TZMELINE: This project has been started and now requires additional funding to ensure that the following timeline can be met, hence our request to the Saint Paul Foundation: PROPOSED TIMELINE FROM OCTOBER 23, 1987 - APRIL 1988 10-28-87 Initial meeting of support staff (City, County, schools) to begin preparation of background packet and identification of speakers 11-06-87 Funding application inquiries sent 12'-18-87 Draft Invitation ready 12-24-87 Invitations sent 01-25-88 Draft background packet prepared 01-04-88 Speakers identified and secured (two facilitators already confirmed) funding secured 01-18-88 RSVP from invitees Confirmation of speakers 1-24-88 Background Packet mailed to attendees 2-01-88 Follow-up call to attendees to remind of conference, answer questions about packet Follow-up call to speakers 2-11-88 Kickoff in evening 2-12-88 All day session 3-01-88 Follow-up packet sent to attendees � 4- -88 Half-day session to confirm commitments, establish linkages, set checkpoints STAFF COMMITMENTS Division of Public Health - Cathi Lyman Onkka . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . .. 292-7714 Mayor's Office - Sue Guse . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . 292-4736 Hamline University, Vera Vogelsang-Coombs . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . .. .. . . . . 641-2900 School District 625 - Verne Melberg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . 293-5275 Ra�msey County Public Health - Betty Kaplan . . . . . . . . .. . . . .. . .. .. . . 777-1211 Ramsey County Human Services (unfilled) .. � , r . . , ��,_l'�°�� The Division of F'ublic Health will provide primary staffing and coordination of this project. The school district, countp and Ma��or's Office staff will caoperate in research, analysis, desiqn, and implementation of the confererice. Hamline University will provide academic support and handle conference housekeeping details. Still needed are representatives from the minority co�►unities to assist in identification of ket� indicators and resources within those cormnunities. SU$MITTID BY• -��/ ; /, ; ;�-r, � % ; , Iiathleen Stack, Director Departmerit of Communitv Services COriiTACT PERSON/PROJEGT M?,NAGER: �`,�%�._�;�.Z,e,�w: �a,. _� �- Catherine Lyman a, Health Analvst Saint Paul Divi��o� of Public Health