87-1799 WHITE - CITV C ERK � PINK - FINAN -E GITY OF SAINT PAiTL Council. . CANARV - DEPAR MENT FI1C NO. �� �79�' BLUE - MAVOR � Council Resolution Presented By � �s Refe red To Committee: Date Out f Committee By Date WHEREAS, on October 13, 1987, Oneida Education Center otified the City, by letter, that it will terminate the ease of Riverside School with the City; and WHEREAS, the Department of Community Services will no onger use the Riverside School for recreational purpose; and WHEREAS, the Board of Education policy and procedures on isposal of School Properties in effect at the time of the riginal conveyance of Riverside School to the City of Saint aul (File DO-R, 5/19/81) provide for reversion of the roperty to the School District; and WHEREAS, School District programs have space needs which an be met by use of space in Riverside School; and WHEREAS, On November 10, 1987, Independent School istrict #625, through Board of Education authorization, has accepted conveyance of Riverside School back to School District; and WHEREAS, The property to be transferred is legally described as: Except Seventh Street, all of Block 22, West End Addition; NOW, THEREFOR BE IT RESOLVED, That the property City officials are hereby authorized and directed to transfer the above described land by Quit Claim Deed at no cost to Independent School District #625 . CO CILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Ni o�ia c� (n Favor ✓ Sc eib�l o Against So en We da Wl 3ori DEC Z � ��7 Form Appr ved by it Att rney Adopted b Council: Date .� ! . Certified as e uncil Secr ry BY gy. � �.,. _ A►pprove lVlavor: Date ���1 . �- {��� APPr e by Mayoc for Subm' si n t Council By l " `� ��i PUBIISH�� __�:-�.���� � . . ,�� � �F��7�9�,�,,� N° 010209 . Cammu�a 3ervices DEPARTMENT , - - - - - - Jerr i CONTACT NAME ' �° � . . , 7408 PHONE � 11 19 DATE . ASSIG �R FOR flOUTING ORDER: (See reverse s�de.) � Depa tment Director � Mayor (or Assistant) _ Fina ce and Ma�agament Ser�rices Director � �[ , City Clerk Budg t Director � � City ttarney , 1 (Clip sll locations for signature.) I �1 C ? <Furposej�ationale) � Authori e transfer of Riverside School back to l�'ndependent- Schooi District #625 z1���-��`_' � � `` � -a r-'•' ... � � .. ����.d�;�� If the ty retains ownership of this property, iwe will he respomsible f�qr ' ` mainten ce and utility costs, which.could be substantial. ��� � � 19�7 ; f I�iAYC1t�'S OFFICE ; � N VI C G C <Mayor's ignature aot required if under $10;000, � .^ : 3 . - Total t of Transaction: Activity Number: R�cEIUED Fundi�g aurce: DEC 2 j9$7 {List and number all attachments.) �'TY t�1`7�bAI c� � �`11 I TiIqG. Council solution Letter f m Jene Sigeertsen, Director, P1ant Plaxining and Mtce. , ISD 625 Recamffien tion of School Board '. Copq of tter fom Gerald Prill to Jene Sigvertse�t � ADMINIST V D _Yes No �ules, Regulations, Procedures, br Budget �lieaendment required? _Yes No If yes. are they or timetable at ached? DE ARTM NT �V W : CITY ATTORN�Y REVTEid �Yes No Council reaolution required? Resolution requiredP �Yes No _Yes �To Insurance required? Insurance sufficient? lYes �No Yes. o Insurance attached? . - . � �,c ��- i7�� � � �/ . . . - .. �1T��•\1T X • ZNDEPEIDE�TT SCHOOL DIS?RICT �625 �OARD OF EDUGSION ST. PAUL PL'BLIC 5;,'HOOLS . November I0, 1987 20 I�; Riverside School Building: Conveyance from City of St. Paul Back to _ Indepenc!ent �chool t7is•rict No 625 A• TEt'�INE�1T FACTS: I. !n accordance with Board of Education authorization of September 6, I9g3 (B•F• 12186) , the Riverside School building was conveyed to the City of St. Paul for public reuse having been declared surplus and no longer needed for educational purposes by the Board on July 6, 1982. 2. Oneida Education Center entered into a lease agreement with the City of St. Paul for use and management of the Riverside� building. Independent School District No. 625, Department of Community Education, in turn, leased space from Oneida for Community Education programs (SEED Program) . 3. The school district's lease for use of space at Riverside has been ter- minated by Oneida. Oneida Education Center has also terminated its agreement with the City of St. Paul and withdrawn from the Riverside property. 4. As stated in the attached November 2, 1987 letter from the Department of Community Services, the City of St. Paul desires to Quit Claim the Riverside property back to the school district and has inquired about the �+is*_ri�t'� ;,;t�;est in r�ccnveyance of the property back to the district. 5• Board policy and procedures on Disposal of School Properties in effect at the time of original conveyance of Riverside to the City of St. Paul (File DO-R, 5/19/81) provide for reversion of the property back to the school district. . District programs have space needs which can be satisfied by use of space in the Riverside building. . Requested by Jene T. Sigvertsen, Executive Director, Plant Planning and Maintenance, and Curman Gaines, Associate Superintendent, Administrative Services. • � • L�e�'�7—/ 7` S � , �.. B. RECOMMENDATION: " It is recommended the Board of Education authorize its proper officers to proceed with obtaining conveyance of the Riverside property i�gally described as: � Except Seventh Street, all of Block 22, West End Addition back from the City of St. Paul to Independent School District No. 625 by appropriate Quit Claim Deed. , _ . _ ,,. .,.._... . . F: ' . , t : . � ^ . ���T�7� ° 5711'lt t�7UL t�lJ�7LIC � SCI'1�OOL5 �� . - .t/� � w. � PLANT PLANNING AND IVIAINTENANGE ` � 360 Colborne Streef St.Paul, Minnesota 55102 Te/ephone (612) 293-5140 , .' , November II, 1987 j � . � r ���14/�'Ly , ;�: N�� I;i 1987 Mr. Gerald W. Prill {� Division of Parks- and Recreation ! �li+:�`�a.-�,,,., ., 300 City Hali Annex ; "`"` "�'�''T2�� 25 West Fourth Street St. Paul, MN 55102 Re: Riverside School Building ' Uear Mr. Prill: On November 10, 1987 the Board of Education authorized accepting conveyance of the Riverside School property back from the City of St. Paul to Independent School District No. 625 by appropriate Quit Claim Deed. For your information, I am forwarding herewith a copy of the November 10 Board agenda item pertaining to this matter. Please arrange for preparation and execution of the Quit Claim deed transferring the Riverside property from the City of St. Paul to Indepen�ient School District No. 625. Also, please determine and advise me of the specific anticipated date of transfer of ownership so that we may proceed with necessary preparations related to the district's assuming management of the building. If you have any questions on this matter, please advise. Sincerely, �' �� , �` v.lene T. Si er't Executive irector JTS/jmg Enc. cc: Curman Gaines Jeffrey Lalla Clint Hall Dennis Shelstad . .:..... . . . .:.,, 1 � �' �"�` i' �.��,���a} �� ��i�� � _':s�,��n,� ��: . :_��. ,. »��������� , , •. � �• �- . C.�—�//79/j l/ E�"�'�����'' CITY OF SAINT PAUL , C4.` • 'ii'', . �: :; DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY SERVICES $, i�it ii �_ �%' �_- DIVISION OF PARKS AND RECREATION '���' '��� � 3011 C�ty Hall ^nne*. 25 K'FSt Fourth$treeY '�a�. ' GfORGE L iI�1tR � St Paul, Minnesota 55102 MAY R b11292J4pp November 2, lgg7 C:"r;�� OF ;iCT:GG� � .� P1.ANNINr ANI� i,�p;����crvArrCE „-„ � Jene T. Sigvertsen, Executive Director hv:' v Plant Planning anci Maintenance � •;t1�'� Independent School District �625 �`�1����•' 360 Colborne Street � � � ' " Saint Paul , Minnesota 55102 _ Dear Mr. Sigvertsen: This is to inform you that Oneida Education Center, which has managed the River�ide School building, has broken its lease with the City of Saint Paul . We will no longer program recreational activities at Riverside, and desire to Quit Claim Deec3 the building back to the School District at no cost to the District. Please advise me at your earliest convenience if the School District is interested in the Riverside School building reverting back to the District. If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to call . Sincerely, - ''� ��� �� �� Gerald W. Prill cc: R. Piram D. Nelson :cm/10 ���� ` ��O . , . . , y _______ ________________________ AGENDA ITEMS =_______________________________ '� � � ID#: 87 [539 ] DATE REC: [12/04/87] AGENDA DATE: [00/00/00] ITEM #: [ ] SUBJECT: [AUTHORIZE TRANSFER OF RIVERSIDE SCHOOL BACK TO ISD #625 ] G.R. STA : [ nl l�} ] 5I6:[Sl.'I-EIBEL ] 177�iT-C ] CLERFC �fi1�tJ��Y#E��- �Z�� � ORIGINAT R:[COMMUNITY SERVICES ] CONTACT:[JERRY PRILL - 740$ ) ACTION:[ ] [ ] C.F.# [ ] ORD.# [ ] G.S. RETURNED [00/00/00] FILE CLOSED [ ] � � � � � � � � � � � � FILE INFO [RESOLUTION/SCHOOL BOARD RESOLUTION/LETTER-SIGVERTSEN TO PRILL/ ] [LETTER-P ILL TO SIGVERTSEN ] C ] ���� V' '� � o�� � � � ��`�`� G\��`P���. J� �G� G��5 �P --- .�.�. s�....�. _ .:—_----