87-1795 WHITE � ITV CLERK PINK - INANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL Council — CANARV - EPARTMENT F�Ie NO• ��� �� BLUE - AVOR Valuati ns — Room 2�8 Council Resolution (22-198 ) (RM) �F � / ���� �I Presente By ��'c4y.✓ ���� eferred To Committee: Date ut of Committee By Date WHEREAS , that upon the petition of Northwestern Chiropractic, per file number 22-1987, that part of the alley in Block 1 , Areadia bounded by Prior , Norfolk , Kenneth and Mississippi River Boulevard , hereinafter described , be and the same is hereby vacated and discontinued as public property. That the vacated area be described as follows: All that part of the alley in Block 1, Arcadia which lies easterly of a line drawn from the southwest corner of Lot 3 to the northwest corner of Lot 23 of said Block 1 , Arcadia ; also, All of the easement in the land necessary for the slopes, cuts and fills in the grading and surfacing of the alley in Block 1, Arcadia lying within or adjacent to the vacated area as described above and recorded as document number 1182854 . 1 . That the vacation be sub�ect to all the terms and conditions of Chapter 130, codified March 1 , 1981 , of the St . Paul Legislative Code , as amended . 2. That the petitioner shall pay the City of Saint Paul a $500 administrative fee for this vacation which is due and payable within 60 days of the publication date of this resolution. That no compensation be paid by the petitioner for the vacated area as the area to be dedicated for a new alley is equilvalent in size to the vacated area . C UNCILMEN Yeas rew Nays Requested by Department of: icosia Finance & Mana ement Se ices � ettman [n Favor cheibel onnen Against BY eida ilson Form Approve by 'ty Attor� Adopted by Council: Date C Certifie Passed by Council Secretary BY 1��6�$� By ti A►pprove by 1Aavor: Date Approv b Mayor for Submi 'on o Council By B � � � C��"�7-�7�'.5° L-�' 3 . That the petitioner shall dedicate to the City of Saint Paul an easement for alley purposes which is to be dedicated through the filing of a new plat or through a deed of dedication. Any such dedication will be subject to the approval of the Department of Publie Works and the City Attorney's office. The alley to be dedicated is described as follows : Al1 those parts of Lots 3, 22, 23 , Block 1 , and the adjoining vacated alley, ARCADIA, according to the recorded plat thereof, Ramsey County , Minnesota lying within the following described tract of land : Com mencing at the Northwest corner of said Lot 3; thence South 69 degrees 59 minutes East, assumed bearing, along the North line of said Lot 3 a distance of 5.05 feet to the actual point of beginning; thence South 12 degrees 08 minutes 41 seconds West 120 . 44 feet ; thence Southerly along a tangential curve , concave to the West , having a radius of 25 feet, a central angle of 36 degrees 52 minutes 43 seconds and on arc distance of 16.09 feet to the Southwest corner of said Lot 3 ; thence South degrees 14 minutes 06 seconds West 20.81 feet to the Northeast corner of said Lot 22; thence North 64 degrees 42 minutes West along the North line of said Lot 22 a distance of 70.05 feet to the Northwest corner of said Lot 22; thence South 35 degrees 45 minutes 51 seconds East 19 . 75 feet ; thence Northeasterly 104 . 46 feet along a nontangential curve , concave to the Northwest, having a radius of 45.00 feet, a central angle of 133 degrees 00 minutes and the chord of said curve bears North 78 degrees 38 minutes 41 seconds East ; thence North 12 degrees 08 minutes 41 seconds East , tangent to �aid curve 117.69 feet to the North line of said Lot 3 ; thence North 69 degrees 59 minutes West 20.19 feet along said North line to the point of beginning . 4 . That the petitioner shall file this new plat to inelude the above described alley easement or file a deed of dedication in a form to be approved by the City Attorney within one year from the date of publication of this resolution . 5 . That the petitioner, its successors or assigns shall pay 2 ��� I � 2 WHITE - ITV CLERK PINK i- INANCE COUIICII /� CANARV - EPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PALTL �/ j � BLUE - AVOR File �0. � �" � Val ati nsy-tRoom 218 Council Res�`u�i�n (22-198 ) (RM) Presente By 4 eferred To Committee: DaLe ut of Committee By Date all costs and expenses for construction of the new alley includi� but not limited to costs related to grading, paving, curb cuts, sidewalk installation, and drainage needs all to the approval of the Department of Public Works . 6 . That the petitioner, its suceessors or assigns shall pay all costs and expenses for the removal of the existing entrance to the vacated alley at Prior Avenue including but not limited to costs related to new curb, sidewalk and boulevard . 7. That the petitioner , its successors or assigns , by acceptance of the terms and conditions of this vacation, agrees to indemnify, defend and save harmless the City of Saint Paul , its officers and employees from all suits , actions or claims of any character brought as a result of in3uries or damages received or sustained by any person , persons , or property on account of this vacation , including but not limited to a claim brought because of any act of omission, neglect or miseonduct of said petitioner or because of any claims or liability arising from any violation of any law or regulation made in accordance with the law whether by the petitioner or any of its agents or employees . 8. That the petitioner shall within 60 days of the publication date of this resolution file with the City Clerk an acceptance in writing of the conditions of this resolution and shall within the period (s) specified in the terms and conditions of this resolution comply in all respects with these terms and conditions . C UNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays � N cosia ,� Fi c Mana ement ervi [n Favor S heibel � Director S nnen Against BY W ida W lson DEC 2 ? �a� Form Appr ed City Atto ey Adopted y Council: Date �. � Certified Pass d y ncil Secr BY 2 � �� By - Ap rov y Navor: Date ��� y `� �7 Appro d y Mayoc Eor Submi ion to Cpuncil B PUB�.oSNED J��;;< — :-: i 9 8� _____ _______________________= AGENDA ITEMS =_______________________________ �� /` /7 �S ID#: -[550 ] DATE REC: [1"L/10/87] AGENDA DATE: [00/00/00] ITEM #: [ ] SUBJE : [VACATE ALLEY-AREA BOUNDED BY PRIOR, NORFOLK, KENNETH & MISS.RVR BVD] C.R. AFF: [N/A ] SIG:[WEIDA (DREW) ] OUT-[X] CLERK {9�f8E�@�] ��-��� ORIGI TOR:[FINANCE ] CONTACT:[MC CANN - 5317 ) ACTIO :[ ] c � C.F.# [ ] ORD.# [ ] G.S. RETURNED [00/00/00] FILE CLOSED [ ] � � � � � � � � � � � � FILE I F0: [RESOLUTION <3PGS) ] C � [GREE SHEET #99 ] . _ �,�,_�7� a�on�x�on Fina�ace � iKg�t. servicea ii-3 8 ` �� : ������ 1 � WO.0��Q�� o�u+rr�Hr a�cron 2 w►va,roA�ss�r,v+,� Di�k M Cacul AS61QN �` �a Mawo�rrr sa+v�s o�oA 3 cm«.�m �cr no. NUMBER FOR - _ AOII'1'�IG euocier oxa�c:ran F#ss� &: �,. Ser 298-5317 ��: -.«�,��aw� - ` Adbp reeolution vacatfng �part of the alley n B1ock 1, Arcadia which �as approved by th� uncil on Dec l, 1987. The vaceted are is bounded bq Prior, Norfold, Reaneth a�d Miss sippt River Bouldvard. :(�PD�{A)a fiyect(R)) COI!lICL REP�iT: - OOI�ION . CIVIL SERYICE COM411S310N . DATE IN- � DATE OUf � ANAIYST � - PlIOME N0. � - .. .. �LMMNO , . . 19D 8?8 SCHOOI BOARD - .. . . � . . . . . . . . $rAfi - . . G1AfiTF.R COAAMISSfOPI.. . .. . CAMPLETE A6 I . AODL 1tiF0.ADDED* .. : _ �.AODt�0� _�AOOFD• � �. DIBTNK.T� . . � . . *Qcw.�w►Tar�: �v�l Y'tL� eur�t�nra nn+xxi os�ecnve� . Located sn.waFd 3 ; ��� � � 1987 . . I����.�"� Mq YOR�S 4 ��%�"'� OFFICE � ; wrt�►� �.a.�nient�anr�.w�.wi,�,.rw,.b.w►n�r _ I ; � . i : N/A � , , _ , -. _ _ _ • . ' _ + q . � � '�`.- i��,�� ��YalI�B.���i�: . . � .. . . ..... ..,. . . . �.,. ' , .. . . .� . . .. . . . . . � . . . j � � . � � . i Nle ` ' ; �►"^rr►.�� - rr UE� � 1.9R7 _ � vrr�:�Tow�wna: : _ '� � A� �=•1AJ'!lfT ��e1�? , 4 N`A `�''�p�f+El1t t ,����5 � . a .. : � ; : . � , �rnw��reE: ; : �os. � ca+s.: . ; ; i , i � : �omr i S. 0. P. , ��[s: , : � , � . . . :. _ . � . . _. . `. _. . _ � .,-.P��� � � . "� , '�f �� . � ��+�rYSW/����� �: . . � s .�� ". � . � :'^ .. � .. . {?. ' . ._ � , . � ����(� . . . . �$�}�1(+.—��.��'�. ..�WNl�?(Y/� .,.�'_ .,...-:.: {�A�A�($UIIY1181�LY F�fl AfglYilfiMlfBj . . �� . - � ': - . rr.. . r. � . . . . . . . ' � . _. ' � ' . .. . . . � � � . . � . . J . 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