87-1794 WMITE CITV CLERK PINK FINANC£ GITY OF SAI�NT PAUL Council� �.�_�7�. / CANARV DEPARTMENT �j/ BLUE MAYOR . Flle NO. � 1 Council Resolution - �, � o Present d By Referred To Committee: �_ Date Out of Committee By Date Pursuant to Cnapter 101 of the Saint Paul Adm,inistrative Code, as amended, to allo�� for three Civil Service Comr�lission Alternates. RESOLVED, tlZat the Saint Paul City Council does i�ereby consent to and approve of the appointments, made by the Mayor, of tne following-named people to serve as alternates for the Civil Service Commission. ar Jean Anderson - Serving a 4-year texm to expire December 31, 1991 �Iabel Evans Cason - Serving a 2-year terzn to expire December 31 , 1989 enneth r2. Za - Serving a 6-year term to expire December 31, 1993 COU CILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays � Nic sia [n Favor Sch ibel � Against BY So en wei a W].l n DEC 2 � ��� Form rove by City to y Adopted by ouncil: Date � Certified Pa e uncii Secr BY By �. � C �p A►ppro by avor: Date DC�► � �t �V7; Approve Mayor for Submission o o il B PU�LlSHE�J : ���.���� " �98$ May r Latimer's Of f ice • U`' �7 /7 g� �° 0'7382 DE PARTMEN � ' - - .. Ora e Patterson CONTACT � 298- 323 PHONE Dec er 3, 198'7 DATE ��i�' �e ASSIGN UhBER_ FOR ROUTIN� ORDER Cl i Al l Locat ns for.Si nature s . De tment Director 1 director of Management/Mayor � Fina ce and Management Services Director � � 4 City Clerk Budg t Director � 3 City Council President 2 City Attorney WHAT WIL BE ACHIEVED BY TAKING ACTION ON THE AT1`ACHED MATERIALS? (Purpose/ Rationale) : Pursua t to Chapter 101 0� th.e Sa�;nt �a��, Ad�in�..stx�at�,ye. Cpde, aS' at�te�dec'�, to all w for three Civi1 Servi.ce ComntYS, 3on A7.t,e�nate�t Three erson w�"11 be appo�,nted to sexve i�s G�,�ri:� �e�vsce ��nm3�s�s�;Qn A�texnates: Mary J n Andexson�4 y�, term, expi��ng ece.mher 3I, 1991, Mabel E ans Cason-2�-y�. term, expiri,ng D �ember 31, I989, Kex�ne.th �I. Za��-6-yx. COST BENE T BUDGETARY AND PERSONNEL IMPACTS ANTI IPATED: �e�� ex�i,��,�n Decem�e� 32, �4�� N/A y . � 4 � . . . � .. : . . fIN CING S tJRCE AND BUDGET ACTIVITY NU{�ER CHARGED� OR CREDITED: (Mayor's signa- ture not re- Total Am unt of�Transaction: quired if under - $�o,000) Funding rce:. Activity umber: ATTACHMENTS List and Number Al1 Attachments : V . � GOU�7,C�.�, R�30�.U'kl,pll . , ` DEPARTMENT RE IEW CITY ATT4I�NEY REVIEW �Yes No Council Resolution Required? ' Resolution Required? � Yes No Yes x No Insurance Required? Insurance Sufficient? Yes No Yes No nsurance Attached: (SEE •REYERSE SIDE FOR INSTRUC IONS) Revised 1Z/84 � 1 . ���- � 79� iO- • �`• �- CITY OF SAINT PAUL INTERDEPARTMENTAL MEMORANDUM TO: Council President Kiki Sonnen Saint Paul City Councilmembers FROM: Ora Lee Patterson Assistant to the Mayor DATE: December 3, 1987 RE: ALTERNATES/CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION Mayor Latimer requests your consideration and approval of the following resolution appointing three members to serve as alternates to the Civil Service Commission pursuant to C.F. 87-767, an ordinance (No. 17465) amending Chapter 101 of the Saint Paul Administrative Code, which adds a "new section establishing alternates for the Civil Service Commission. " Mary Jean Anderson - to serve a 4-year term which expires December 31, 1991 Mabel Evans Cason - to serve a 2-year term which expires December 31, 1989 � Kenneth M. Zapp - to serve a 6-year term which expires December 31, 1993 Applications for the above persons are attached. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me at 298-4323. LP/drm ttachment c: A1 01son, For Council Agenda Rafe V�scasillas - - (��7-� 79�� _______ _______________________=' AGENDA ITEMS =_______________________________ . ID#: 87-.531 ] DATE REC: [12/03/87� AGENDA DATE: f00/00/00] ITEM #: f l SUBJECT: [CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION ALTERNATES - ANDERSON, CASON, ZAPP ] C.R. STA F: [ I� I�( ] S I G:[SONNEN ] OUT-[ ] CLERK {�1�9�� /��/ ORIGINAT :[MAYOR J CONTACT:[ORA PATTERSON - 4323 ] ACTION:[ � f. ] C.F.# [ ] ORD.# [ ] G.S. RETURNED [00/00/OU] FILE CLOSEU [ � � � � � � � � � � � � � FILE INFO: [RESOLUTION/TRANSMITTAL MEMO ] [ ] C ] f-- � ry� s� ,��� �� �. �: DEC 71987'' ,;. cauruc,«wEMaEa r� .. KIKI SONN�N ;. �