87-1792 WHITE - C TV CLERK PINI( - ANC-E � CO�CII CANARV - PARTMENT � GITY . OF SAINT PALTL �7/7�� BLUE - AVOR File �O. PED - C / unity Development Council Resolution Presente By ' � � eferred To Committee: -! Date ut of Committee By Date YHEREAS, as part of the 1988 Capital Improvement Budget, prior years' Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds were appropriated for activities ineluded in the 1988 Capital Improvement Budget; and WI�gEAS, a technical error was made during the budgeting process that appropriated additional funds to the Neighborhood Housing Services project, resulting in a $75,000.00 and an $$0,000.00 increase in the project budget, funding in excess of the intent of the Mayor and City Council in the adoption of the 1988 Capital Improvement Budget; and iiE�EEAS, there now exists a need to correct this error, and appropriately allocate the funds identified from previous CDBG years; now, therefore be it BESOLVED, that on the recommendation of the Mayor, with the advice of the Capital Improvement Budget Cormnittee, the Couneil of the City of Saint Paul does hereby approve the following amendments to the Community Development Block Grant Program and the 1988 Capital Improvement Budget: CD Year X Current Increase Revised Project Title Budget (Decrease) Budget Housing Development Opportunity Fund $250,000.00 (250,000.00) -0- P6-10o-39012-0537-61231 CD Year XI Housing Development Opportunity Fund $200,000.00 (30,000.00) 170,000.00 P6-100-39112-0537-61231 Totals $450,000.00 $(280,000.00) $170,000.00 CO NCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays � �'lanning and Economic D eio nt -Cl�p71T- [n Favor _ Against BY `-�� � Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted y Council: Date Cerlified assed by Council Secretary BY By Approved y Mavor: Date Appcoved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY WNITE - ITV CLERK PINYL - �NANC�E G I TY O F SA I NT PA LT L F le�i1N 0. �� -1��°� � CANARV - EPARTMENT BLUE - AVOR � PED - C mmunity Development Council RGS������/� Presente By .... eferred To Committee: Qate ut of Committee By Date Page 2 of 2 Transfer to CD Year XIV $ 280,000.00 CD Year XIV Homestead Assistance -0- 280,000.00 280,000.00 Program P6-100-39412- 0537-61283 Transfer from CD Years X and XI 280,000.00 (280,000.00) -0- Totals $280,000.00 -0- $280,000.00 and be it FUg?HEE RESOLVED, that the transfer identified in the 1988 Capital Improvement Budget and Program listed under the category "Years X and XI Community Development Block Grant - Department of Planning and Economic Development - NHS Revolving Loan Fund" of $80,000.00 be eliminated. Approved: Approved: � � Direc r, Department of Fi nc� Bud�e� r tor , �� Paul Long-Rang_ ap �.t p,��,����,t a nagement Servic�s � ��_i �o�r,id��� rcc�i.�-ec? t�iis -�... .�- •t� ,�., ��I�J-�- ) T � _ _.::. �l'L3'�/t�"c...^�/��� O� dliQ?'_'`Cr:i�'£1:...'A� /�� C UNCILMEN Signed: ' �� � � Yeas Nays �%!/ 04� ' N cosia � ,,, Planning and con D lopment In Favor S heibel � "�� "" r S nnen � _ Against B Rd ida W 150n DEC °� .� `�7 Form Ap City or� Adopted by Council: Date L � Gertifie Pa,s ouncil Se ar BY By Approv Mavor: D � z' Approv y Mayoc for Subi ' si to Cbuncil B BY PUBIISHED J t��`d � ? I a r� - .. DEPARTMENT ����--/�9� ,� _ 09065 � � �" CONTACT � ;> PHONE .. . � �e� ee DATE � A�SIGN N hBER FOR ROUTI�V6 0 R Cli All Locati ns for Si nature : � Depa tment Director ` �i Director of Management/Mayor Fina ce and Management Services Director � � City Clerk ` r � ,(�/, 'ty Attorney � WitA'f WIL BE ACHIEVED BY TAKING ACTION OM THE AT ACHED MATERIALS? (Purpose/ Rationale) : 'T ADdPt'� �°1� �:�Ph'A�.�to#r6'r er1�iT'k�NS '�i'��1. Gfl�Gr iT�1S w�4�C.N �'�71'10�"� S �. � I►�'�'•�LIrLD�'i {�t1.��Ct�1i��'{"�Ai�S�. O� ��Ok. �►f�� �ORW�AR� �h Q 1 W�RP RIATi LY 1 NC�'iCD TM� �{� �dT. d ���9 Rl�o1.�t�T1oN GORR S t�vrM Ol� TNl�iE l�, T BEN FIT BUD C�%'�"�a `�� . ' GETARY AND PERSOI�NEL IMPACTS AN ICIPATED: �1.z�j l� T�t3 �i'�WlT10T� WILL C 1�EGT TH� G�'��s ��,�N oF -rµ� l9�$ GR ir�eu. 1 MaRo�e� �q�F'�.�� . �p Np�2 � �- . � p FF�CF'pF 1987 FiP{ANCI SOURC� AND BUDGET ACTIVITY NU{�ER CH GED OR CREDITED: (NA�Ei� T�tb��REC7�R , ture n�A�j�u� rNqN Tota Amou�t of Transaction: g�g 'R!'�rt'�eat quired if uncs�" �£R��`S � �10,000) Fund ng Sto�rce: G ptXs Acti ity Number: 5� f��roVU.Siot� . ...�. �_ . �:��.�_:',',." . ATTACH NTS List and Number All Attachments : P�OV ��' - i9rs7 � 1�� �t.t,Ttw*l , t�R.�i�D t.�l7f�1.�C11. w �9A�YCr � . ; ' .�v .: .f_,��_ ; �; ' , D�PARTM NT REVIEW , CITY ATTORNEY REVIE41 Yes Nv Cbuncil Resolution Required? � Resolution Required? kYes No Yes o Insurance Required? Insurance Sufficient? �Yes No Yes Insurance Attached: (SEE •REVERSE SIDE FOR NSTRUCTIONS) ' Revised 12/84 ����i��� . � - � � �.. ���. � �� . - AGENDA ITEM5 -------------------------- � ==�C 9 1987►�► I�#: 87-� 24 1 DATE REC: (12/02/871 AGENDA DATE: [00/00/00] ITEM #: 7K��SOIYNEN�R 1 SUBJECT: CORRECTION IN CDBG PORTION OF 1988 CIB BUDGET �' ... C.R. STA : [ � � <z;� ] S I G:[SONNEN ] OUT-[ ] CLERK=�t@ /,t,,,J1 f � ORIGINATO :[COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ] CONTACT:[BOB HAMMER - 3255 ] ACTION:[ � [ ] C.F.# [ � ORD.# C 7 FILE COMPLETE="X" [ ] � � � � � � � � � � � � FILE INFO [RESOLUTION ] C ] C ] _______�_ ____________________________________________________________________