87-1786 WHITE - CITV CI.ERK PINK - FINA CE COUIICll �� -/ CANARV - DEP RTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAUL �� BLUE -MAV R . - File � N�O. � ncil tion Presented B '-� Re rred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESO ED: That Application (I.D.#86318) for the transfer of an Auto Body Repair Garage License from Charles Hinze DBA Payne Avenue Body Shop at 860 Payne Avenue to Mallard Teal DBA Mallard Teal's Payne Avenue Auto Body at the same address be and the same is hereby a���e�e�. � denied. COU CILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Nico ia �/ "T In Favor Sche bel � A ainst BY Sonn n � g Wils n ��� 2 � '� Form Appr by y A rney Adopted by ouncil: Date Gertified P� sed by Co cil Sec ary BY By ' Approve 1Aavor: Date OF�, 2 �t AW Approved b a for Submission to Council By BY 1�'��!'�° !��?� �:�:::_. � . ��-i��b L✓'. . � • N° �11330 � � � DEPARTMENT , - - - - - - CONTACT NAMF. .. , PHON� . `- _ l a DATE ` 1��° , G' DE : .;; (See reverse ide.) _ Dep tment�.`Director Maqor (or Assistant) � _ Fi ce a� Management Sernices Director � C ty Clerk _ Budg t Director � n „_: -.�.�,D -�Q,Qa��_ _0, ,L Citq Attorney _ a�A , (Clip all locations for signature.) �1 0 C ? (Purpose/Rationale) " —T� ls�.-�,�.Qc�-+v-�. CL2. w�. .� ,.��sL+-� w� �_ cµ.olc�i cte� �Oe�C C� C.b ) ��- h��e l� 4 - � � �'�" , COST U AND PERS L C S D: � n I�- i FIN S URC A TIVI C G D 0 REDIT : (Mayor's ignature not required if under $10,000. Total t of Transgction: (n �F� Activity Nwnber: V1 �cE Funding ource: (� (� j ' � ATTA (List and number all attachments.) '�" � ��G \� � ,�o� ADM NIS' IV� PROCEDURES � �,� � i _Yes No Rules, Regulations, Procedures, r Budget Amendment required? _Yes No If yes, are they or timetable at ached? DEPAR NT V W ' CITY ATTORNEY REVTEW �'es No Council resolution required? Resolution required? ��fes _No _Yes No Insurance required? Insurance sufficient? `Yes ,_No . , Yes o Insurance attached? '} `�� , �i�t ti�nt+�;� � }' �r�'� ° �:�r .� �.fi:. ,. , , � y-� ��� � . � UIVI ION OF LICENSE AND PERMIT ADMINISTRATION DATE � � � / � Iz-�! �`] INTE DF.PARTMENTAL KEVIEW CHECKLIST Appn Processed/Received by Lic Enf Aud Appl'cant "���,«Q��.p�,Q Home Address ''� �l.,Q ��, . l����.; 1�0�-�-r.u� �'� � Rusi ess Name �C�,�,Qw,_��� '�,� Home Phone �,��( - ��j 15" ��.�v Zl,c�� �,, . Busi ess Address �l.pU ��,w,�U Type of License(s) ��U 1�ocQ,����.,� Busi ess Phone � � � - �°�l..e ( �,,�.� �,.,,�,� '�Yih� , , Publ c Hearing Date License I.D. 4F �( o � j at 9 00 a.m. in the Council Ch mbers, 3rd loor City Hall and Courthouse State Tax I.D. �t ��'j a���O 7 llate Notice Sent; �' Dealer 4� � � to A plicant ��.3 d ag/$Z� Federal F3.rearms �� '✓1 �/�' Publ c Hearing DATE INSPECTIUN REVI�,W VERFIED (COMPUTER) COMMENTS A proved Not A roved � B1 g I & D i IU� /� �� � He lth Divn. � I . � iY1J� i Fi e Dept. i � I � � Po 'ce Dept. I �� � y� � Lic nse Divn. ip � � ►� i e Cit Attorney � f Date Received: Site lan Z� �Z,(� �Q,"� To Council Research (O � Z..� I K7 Lease or Letter Date f rom andlord �s�ne�o�oe_. �r{�,e�,,�,dr �c�� �� � � l 3�3c� . ' CURRENT INFORMATION NEW INFORMATION Current Corporation Name: New Corporation Name: Current DBA: New DBA: Current Officers: Insurance: Bond: Workers Compensation: New Officers: Stockholders: ..:..�--,v. �, . �1. . . v ° CI'?"I ('+Y .ST• PEtNu � ' � `' DE.r,�RT�T OF r'L'4AI�CE AND MANAG':M�.*tT S'RVICFS LICENSE AND PER�.IT DIVISION Th e statement °or..,s are issued in duolicate. Please ansWer all questions Pul]y and c letely. T'r.is appl:cation is thorough�y checked. Any Palsftication xiL be cause Po denial. �t� SEPTEMBER 18 19 $� 1. Application Por License ��,"���, {� ����_ (License) (?ermit) 2. Name of applicant Mallard ri. Teal , :f applicant isihas been a married °emale, list �siden name '-. Date oP bir�h 9/2/52 �e 35 piace o� birtn Cumberland, WI r 5. Are you a c?tizen of the U�'iited States YES Rative X Naturslized 5. Are you a reg�stered voter YES Where VADNAIS HEIGHTS , MINNESOTA '. Home address 776 E. COUNTY ROAD F. , VADNAIS HEIGH�� telephone 429-8915 Q. ?resent business address 776 E. COUNTY ROAD F . �8lneas telephone 429-5726 9. Including yo�.=z� present businesa/emplvyment, vhat business�eaq�loyme� have you fo?loti+ed .°or �he past Pive years. Business/Etr,ployment qd��Bs AT PRESENT EMPLOYMENT FOR LAST 9 YEARS SAME AS ABOVE 10. �farriec? YES If anss�er is "yes'�, list name aad address of spouse DEBRA K. TEAL - SAME AS #7 '_1. ave you ever been arrested Por an ofPense that ;ias reaulted in a cflnviction? NO f anss+er is ";,�es", list dates of arrests, s�here, charges, convictiona and entences. ate o.° arrest 19 Where .GE - ��I�T_��� S2+ �' _te �° arrest 19 ��ere ' : RGr .^�N�'I!..:'��.' �:i�?'�T��' . � � `�����' � 2. List the na.�nes and a3:resses (i° :aa.*�ri.ed, name of spouse also) of a1Z per,ans^, corporat�oas, �u�tnerships, associations or organizations which in ar.y vay •have: a. A mortgage :nterest in the Licensed prerise, NONE b. A security interest in the lictnsed preaises, license, or �rnishin�s of the licensed premise, PENDING (Possibly purchasing new paint booth) c. � pr�!issory note for Punds loaned for the operation of the licensed premise or the purchase oP �he licease, NOT AT THIS TIME d. F'_nancial'_y contriSuted to the purchase of the premise or the license it- sel* NONE e. Any otner interest eit!�er d�rect or ?ndirect, eit;:er ,°inancial or other�rise i in the licensed premise or the license itself, .ttac'.: a copy hereto oP any and all do"uaents rePerreC ta in t;:is af°idavit. ? Cive names and addresses of t;�o persons, residents oP St. Paul, Minnesota, Who can give in.`.or.nation c�ncerning you. HAME ADDRFSS Iyv Serlin - SERLIN' S CAFE 1124 PAYNE AVE. ST. PAUL Howard Belmont - 2021 Edgerton St. MAPLE4d00D ormer y Y-D �. Address o_° premises Por Whi,ch License or Permit is made 860 Payne Ave . Address St. Paul , MN ?one ciassi°icatior. 5. 3etween �at c-oss streets tiJHITALL & WELLS '�Jhi:h side of street EAST ` 6. Ya�e undeT which this busiaess srill be conducted Mallard Teal 's Payne Ave. u o o y �?. B+isiness telephone n�ber 771-1961 �. Attac� to this application, a �etailed description of the desiEm, location, and sq�sare °ootage oP the oremises to be Iicense� =:r. 're �re�ises noW OCCliD:ed YES What bLSiness AUTOBODY Ho� lon�47 YEARS -._. --5. . ��- �7 � l 1/ , , , � :� , � 0. List license w'.:ich you c�rrently hold, or forrser?y held, or may have an intere • _ in I�ONE 2 . Have any of the licenses listed by you in No. 20 ever been revoked. Yes N� X IP ansWer is "yes", list dates and reaaoas: ?_ . TJo you have an interest oP ar�y type in arLy other businesa or business premises. I° answer is "yes", list business, business address. and telephene number. NO 2 I.° bcsiness is incorporated, give date o° incorporation N�A 19 and attach copy oP Articles oP Incorporation and mirnttes ot first meeting. 2 . List a11 oY�icers o� the corporation giving their names, oPPice held, hr�ae address, and home and business telephone numbers: . N/A 25 If business is partnership, list partner(s) address and telephene n�bers: N� Address T+e1.Fo. 25 Is there arLyone else who will have an interest in this business or premises? :f answer is "yes", give name, h�e adciress, telephone n�bers aad in what manner is their intertsL: ?7 Are you goin� to o�erate this business peraonally YE S iS not, �rho vill operatt it: R� H�ne address �e1.Ao. . . - �� - � ��' � ------ ------------------------- AGENDA ITEMS -------------------------------- ------------------------- -------------------------------- ID#: [ 12 ] DATE REC: [10/29/87] AGENDA DATE: [00/00/00] ITEM #: [ ] SUBJEC : [TRANSFER AUTO BODY REPAIR GARAGE LICENSE TO MALLARD TEAL'S PAYNE AV] STAFF SSIGNED: [NONE ] SIG:[RETTMAN ] OUT-[X] TO CLERK {-A9f96f98} /c�L 9 ORIGIN TOR:[LICENSE DIV. ] CONTACT:[SCHWEINLER - 5056 ] ACTION [ ] C ] C.F.# ] ORD.# [ ] FILE COMPLETE="X" [ ] � � � � � � � � � � � � FILE I 0: [RESOLUTION/CHECKLIST/APPLICATION ] L ] � ]