87-1784 WHITE - CITY CLE K CO1111C1I /J/�J PINK - FINANCE CANARV - OEPART NT GITY OF SAINT PALTL �/ / � BLUE - MAVOR FIIC NO. �+ • -/�� � , , Co cil Resolution , � � Presented By ��� Referr To Committee: Date Out of ommittee By Date RESOLVE : That Application (I.D.#18667) for an Off Sale Malt Beverage License by M.A. Food Store at 694 Rice Street be and the same is hereby approved. COUNC LMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Nicc�s a � In Favor Schei 1 � Against BY Sonne G�leida Wi130 DEC 2 r; ��7 Form Appro d ity t rney Adopted by Co ncil: Date Certified Y s d by Council Secretary BY I � y, ,. ,.,� A►pp ved vor: Date � '� - �' '��� Appro y r for Submi ion o Council By �«� _ : !._!,,,1 . � � �-��7� �1T° 0'7344 •Financ� Mana erient Sexvic�es DEPARTf�lENT . . • ' Kris ' er , , CONTACT // - !/ 298-5056 PHON� . , Navesnbex 20, 1987' ' DATE' ' ���� ► Y e Q ASSIGN NUNBE . FOR ROUTING QRDER Cli All Locations f r..Si nature : Departmen Director Director' of Management/Mayor Finance a d Management Services Director � � City Clerk - , � Budget, ,Di ecto;r � � 2 Cauncil Research City At.t ney ; �. _ ; , ; WHAT WILL BE CHI�VED �Y. TAKING ACTION ON THE ATTACHE MATERIALS? {Purpose/ Rationale) : Mr. d Haaaj is requ�esting apprc�val of his a licatian for an Off Sale 3.2 Malt B�rerage Licen.�e. Mr. Hawj preseritly opexates M. �,. Food Store at 694 Rice '� Street wishes tlo �d 3.2 beer to the itans p�esently offers far sale at his strore. . GOST BENEFIT BUDGETARY AND PERSONNEL IMPACTS ANTICIP TEDt � 1�1/�, i . � � _ . i - • ; ` ; . FINANCING SOU CE AND BUDGET ACTIVITY NUNBER CHARGED 0 CREDITED: (I�yor's signa- ture not re- : Tota1 Amau t of "Transaction: tv/'� � quired if under - � _ � �10,00Q) Funding S r�ce: ��p� � Activity N ber: N�� . . ATTACHMENTS ist and Number All Attachments : CYbeckli,St R�soluti . ; - - AQ'Q�� ,� ,. . . ' ! . ;. � , DE ARTMENT RE EW � CITY ATTORNEY REVIEW Yes No ouncil Resolution Required? � � Resolution I�quired? ✓ Yes No Yes �No nsurance Required? ! Insurance 5ufficient? Yes No Yes �/ No nsurance Attached: i ; (SEE •REVERSE SIDE FOR INSTRUC�IONS) Revised 12/84 ; _ ,� �,/_�7-f 7�`/,� / l/ DIVISIO OF LICENSE AND PERMIT ADMINISTRATION DATE / � a ��-? INTERDF ARTMFI�TTAL KEVIEW CHECKLIST Appn Processed/Received by Lic Enf Aud Applica it �1rn , � , ��� ,�j--��� Aome Address ',]�j'S 1 n«-y�� � , Rusines Name ��g, Home Phone �� / - 1 � �J Busines Address. ���-i� ��,,.��� . Type of License(s) ��� Scti�. - Busines - Phone Z�a _�j (�� Public earing Date �� • / 5 - �� License I.D. �l i �(�(�� at 9:00 a.m. in the Council Chamber , 3rd fl r City Ha11 and Courthouse State Tax I.D. �l �(j�5��� llate N ice Se �� Dealer 4� n I/a to App icant SS ,.� /g��7 �Federal Firearms 4� �� Public earing DATE INSPECTION R IEW VERFIED (COMPUTER) CONIMENTS A roved Not A roved � Bldg I & D �V/ � � Heal h Divn. � � � l y � � � i Fire Dept. i � � 1° � `� i o i Poli e Dept. I 1� �� � � Lice se Divn. � '��� i 0 City Attorney � I Date Received: Site P an � I �� � �6� To Council Research ,t ( t.�� � '�� � Lease r Letter,, Date from L ndlord "r�� ��, '-',,. ,- , , � � . . CURRENT INFORMATION NEW INFORMATION Current Corporation Name: New Corporation Name: Current DBA: New DBA: Currer.t Officers: Insurance: Bond: Workers Compensation: New Officers: Stockholders: . � . ' ��-���r � � . CITY OF ST. PAUL � DEPAR27�IT OF' FIl�ANCE AFD MAA�1' SBRVICES LICENSE AND PEEtI�'r DIVISIOA These st temer�t farm,s are issued in dnglicate. Please aasaer all qnestions ttiil�}r aad complete . This application ia thorough�y cbecked. Any falsilicstion vill be cause for deni . Date September 18, 19 87 l. Appl cation for _ ���- �G/s�T �F.� 5.¢cc=' 3..2 (License) (Permit) 2. Pame of applicsnt Donald Eiawj 3. If a plicant is/haa been a mnrried Pemsle, list maiden name �+. Date of birth 3/3/4 7 p8e 4 0 p�� ot birth Lao s 5. Are ou a citizea ot the United States Y_ Asti�e __turalized __ 6. Are o�u a registered voter Yes Where District 65A 7. Hooe a�ddress 595 Thomas Ave. St. Paul � ���e 291-7193 �. Pres t busiaess addreas 694 Rice Street 29 7 Buainess telfp6one _ 9. Incl ing your present basiness/employment, vhat bnsiaess/eaployseat ha�e yar foll tor the past tive yaars. Buainess/F�eploymerrt qd��� i�t.A Fooci Store 694 �ice Street, St. Paul L o Family Cor.u:lunity 976 �1. Minnehaha Ave. St. Paul S . Paul Technical Vocational Inst. 235 �Iarshall Ave. St. Paul 10. Marr d No If ana�+�er is ",ves", list n�e and address o! spause 11. !iave ou ever been arnsted Por an offense that t�as resulted in a coavictioo! NO I! a wer is "yes", list dates of arrests, �rhere, chargee, cotrvictioos snd aent ces. Dste f arreat 19 Hhere CHAF. CONN � Date : arnst I9 Where CHAR CONV IOil g�� . ��7 r y� 12. L st the names and addresses (if married, name o! spause slso) of all persans, ,, c rporations, partntrships, associations or organizations wttich in an,y Wsy have: a A mortgage interest in the l.icer�aed premise, Donald Hawi , �ti'illiam B. YanQ and Yao Lo b A security interest in tbe licensed premisea, licenae, or h�rnishings of the licensed premise, No c A pro�issory note for funds loaned for the aperation of the licensed pre�ise or the pnrchase ot'the license, No d Financially contributed to the purchase of the premise or the license it- self No e ArLy other interest either direct or indirect, either Pinancial or otherwise i in the licensed premise or the license itaelf, No Attach a copy hereto of arry attd all documents referred to in this affidavit. 1?. G ve nemes and addresses of two persons, resideats ot 3t. Paul, Minnesoka, vho c give information coacerning you. 1�AI� ADDRFSS Chia Koua Van �R1 Concord St. St. Paul ��� Sa Pha �:han 721 'Virainia St. St. Paul 14. A dreas o! premises tor `rhSch License or Permit is made A dreas 694 Rice St. St. Paul, �IN. Zone claaaificstion Business 15. tween What cross streets Rice & Pennsyvani�Jhi:h side of street Right �. � 16. under which this buainess rrill be conducted T�t.A Fo�D Store 17. ai�ss telephone number 292-9157 1¢. tach to thia application, a detailed description of the design, location, and uare Pootage oP the premises to be licensed 1700 sctuare feet '9. re oremises nrnr occupied Yes What business Oriental Grocer�a� long 7 Years . _. ��y<7�'`� .t �-• .�20. Li t license whicb you currently hold, or for�r�y held, or msy have an intere - in State Retail Food Handler License City A2 Grocery Lincese 21. Ha e any of the licenses listed by you in No. 2� ever been revoked. Yes No . If anarer is "yes", list dates aad reasoaa: 22. Do you have an interest oP ar{yr type ia any other busineas or business premises. I.° answer is "yes", list business, business address aad telephone number. No 23. If business is incorporated, give date of incoxporatioa 19 an attach copy of Articles of Incorporation a� ffinutes of first meeting 24. Li t all ofPicers oP the corporation giving their names, ottice held, hame sd ss, and home and bvsineas telephone numbera: 25. If usiness is partnerahip, liat pnrtner{s) address and tel�ephone n�bers: �7illiam B. Yang Addreas 1285 Park St. g�l.Fo. 488-2832 _� Yao Lo 770 Englewood 489-1861 —� 26. Is here a�yone else who will have an i�ereet 3n this buainess o� premises4 Zf swer is yes", give name, hame address, telephozie a�bers and in �at r is tbeir intereat: None 27. A you goin�t to operate this businesa peraonal�}r Yes it ao�t, xho xill operste it• R Home addresa Te1.Ao. �_ , . . . ����7�� . / ' � � , T. �T L% S �Zi� T P.�_UZ C �T .� COUN� TL PUBLLC KL� �T�TG NO �ICL 6 � LI �ENSE �a_PP�TCA�ION � � �� T0: All C ncerned Parties =�� V�. 18667 Application for an Off Sale Malt License ���� �E �p p�I 2,��' Donald Hawj DBA M. A. Food Store L�Ca ,,y �j� 694 Rice Street December 15, 1987 9:00 a.m. ���-� �TC Citq Council Chambers, 3rd iloor City �:aii - Court cIouse 3y License and Per.ait Division, Deoart�ent o= �:aance ar.d �Q� � Ci:� s �:�l �ana�ement Services, 3oom 203 City dall - Court :ouse, — Saiat P2u1, �„innesota Z98-5056 This d te may be changed without t:�e cor_sent zr_c/or :r:ew?edge of t�e Licens and Permit Division. It 's suggested t:�a� vou ca1= t;�e Cit-r Clzr.c' Of�ice at 298-4231 ir you wis� cor_.:_~zat_or_. : , ' , . , , . . ,. � �, G - y�'/ -----c------ ------------------ AGENDA ITEMS --- --------------------____ � 0 � � ID#: 87-[503 ] DATE REC: [11/23/87] AGENDA DATE: [00/00/00] ITEM #: [ ] SUBJECT: [OFF SALE MALT LICENSE - M.A. FOOD STORE - 694 RICE ] C.R. STAFF: [ ONE ] SIG:[ ��- ] OUT-[X] CLERI�-{-0�8] /� / 2-. ORIGINATOR:[L CENSE DIV. ] CONTACT:[SCHWEINLER - 5056 ] ACTION:[ ] [ ] C.F.# [ ] ORD.# [ ] FILE COMPLETE="X" [ ] : � ,� � � � � � +� � � � FILE INFO: [R SOLUTION/CHECKLIST/APPLICATION ] [ ] C ]