87-1783 WHITE - C TV CLERK PINK - FNANCE GITY OF SAINT PAITL Council CANARV - D PARTMENT � /y � BI.UE - M VOR File NO. ��/S �� � u Cou cil R olution - � � °��3I Presented By � eferred To Committee: Date ut of Committee By Date SOLVED: That Application to transfex a Genexal Repair Garage License (I.D.#54665) by Steve Chisholm DBA Steve's Auto Service at 1111 Payne Avenue be and the same is hereby transferred from 719 Payne Avenue. C NCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays iv' osia � [n Favor S eibel � Against BY S n2n Gv 'cla W� SOiI �EC, 2 � r�7 Form Approve y i A Adopted y Council: Date Certified . ed by Council Secretar BY g�,, �/✓d��c. � � ��+-��� "' ' ���� Approv d y Mayor or Submissi to A►ppro by Navor: Date -�,;,;•,,, PU�! . � ,� i��8 � S,�D �`�`'� , ��7 /7�� o ; FiY e '& Management Services DEPA�TMENT �• Og�26 -r--.==. _ � ' einler , CONTACT � 298= 56 � , � PHON� � _ DATE �/��� �, ir . � - � ASSIGN N MBER FOR ROUTING ORDER C1 i Al l :Locati� ns� for S#` nature : ., Depa tment Director I f Director of Management/Nlayor Fina ce and Management Seryices Director � � City Clerk Budg t Director �' Council Research ` � City Attorney ; i ', ., - HAT WIL BE ACHIEVED BY TAKING ACTION ON THE AT�ACHED MATERIALS? (PurposeJ . � Rationale) : Mr. Stev Chisholm dba Steve's Auto Service pres�ntly holds a General Repair Garage �i�cense at 719 Payn Avenue. Mr. Chisholm requests Council ermission to transfer his license to lIl'1 Payne Av nue. , - OST BEN FIT BUDGETARY AND PERSONNEL IMPACTS ANI�ICIPATED: N/A � i � � � � � . f � . � . . � .. i i �'INANCIN SOURCE AND BUDGET ACTIVITY NUMBER CHAR ED OR CREDITED: (Mayor's signa- - N�A ture not r�e� Total ount of "Transaction: quired �f under � N�A " $10,000) � Fundi Source: � , Activi y Number: N�A � . ATTACHME S list and Number All Attachments : , Resoluti � � Applicati n Checklis - _. . O�PARTMEN REVIEW CITY ATTORIV�Y t�YIEW X Yes No Council Resolution Required? � Resolution Required? Yes No �Yes No Insurance Required? Ii�surance Sufficient'? Yes No TYes No Insurance Attached: (SEE �REVERSE SIDE FOR I TRUCTIONS) Revised 1 /84 � . t �� ��'�'—t7�3 � <<� o, CITY OF SA1NT PAtJL� �'� ' DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES �e ;� : s�i' i1p ;p ,+. „�� DIVISION OF LICENSE AND PERMIT ADMINISTR/1TION �r �. . Room 2Q3, City Hall ' Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 George tatimer M or November 23, 1987 Steve Chisholm 1285 North Grotto St. Paul, MN 55117 Dear Mr. Chisholm: A review of the investigations which were made in connection with your application has been completed. It wi11 be my recommendation that your license(s) be granted. A hearing on your application for General Repair Garage Transfer License(s) , ID �6(s) 54665 will be held before the Saint Paul City 6ouacil on. December 22, 1987 at 9:00 A.M. in the Third Floor Council Chambers, City and County Court House. This date may be changed without the License & Permit Division`s consent and/or knowledge. Therefore, it is suggested that you call the City Clerk's Office at 298-4231 to confirm this hearing date. Your presence is required at this hearing in order to respond to any questions that may arise. The City Council may have and/or receive other information which I am pzesently not aware of that may cause them not to follow my recommend- ation. Ver truly your ) , , �/�1 ,.O � �. � ✓ � , �.� ,;,,..r, .�..�...c.... J[fseph F. Carchedi License Inspector JFC/lk � ��7- /7�3 - � UIV SION OF LICENSE AND PERMIT ADMINISTRATION DATE / INT;RDF.PARTMFI�TAL REVIEW CHECKLIST Appn Processed/Received by Lic Enf Aud App icant �..� t,.� l/y1 ;5��1,�,,., Home Address ���rj (�,� . ��� Ru iness Name S�� ��4 0 ��� Home Phone ��_,�C D l U Bu iness Address �,��_ Type of License(s)��j� �: e �,,,, ��Q� Bu iness Phone �� - (��� nr, ;,, �r Pu lic Hearing Date � '� License I.D. 4{ S�(��� at 9:00 a.m. in the Counci�Chambers, —r 3r floor City Hall and Courthouse State Tax I.D. �� 5� 11C'� b � lla e 1�TOtice Sent; I� Dealer 4� � �- to Applicant 5� �7 � Pederal F3_rearms 4� {(�'lpr Pu lic Hearing - —� � DATE IIvSPECTION REVIEW VERFIED (COMPUTER) CUMMENTS A roved Not A roved ldg I & D � l � � � � ealth Divn. ' I ' � , � �,� �, � ire Dept. i � I � �� a � � � olice Dept. I il� �-� v License Divn. � >> (ao �� a � City Attorney �,1 I � � ! U � Date Received: S te Plan � �I�(i l�'� To Council Research �a � � �-� L ase or Lette� Date— f om Landlord y� �� . . CURRENT INFORMATION NEW INFORMATION Gurrent Corporation Name: New Corporation Name: Current DBA: New DBA: Current Officers: Insurance: Bond: Workers Compensation: New Officers: Stockholders: % 1`� r'�S ., . . ' . ` ��Z�/7'�3 � • � CITY OF ST. PAUL , / DEPARTI�N'P OF FIl�AACE APD MlAliAGS�i'P SBRYICES L/ LIC�iiSE ARD PIItI�QT DIVISIOA Thea statement forrns are issv�ed in duplicste. Pleaae aasver all qnestio�s !'1il�y aad ca� etely. This applicstion ia thorough�y cbecked. Any falsilicstioa Mil7, be csuse for eaial. Date I/ /.� 19 .L�L �. , ' pplication tor � , �yi���� ���t� � � ; � � ' ' 2. of spplicant - " 3. f applicsnt is/ha� bee3 s a�..-�;�d �e�le, lis�C maiden name �+. te o! birth __� /�rJ/,L� Age�! p1s�e of birtti �y ) , �� 5. you a citizen of tbe United States (��Cj Rsti�e _�_ __ r- 6. you a registered voter P Where 7. adareas ���c c�a � Y` �C� �lome te �}88�5(o�D R. aerit business addreas 7l`1 ,p�y�y� �d/��-P �7 __� — Business telephaoe �i=� . 9. cluding your present bnsinesa/employment, vbat bnsin�ess/e�ploymeat ha�e ycn . f llo�ned for the paat five years. Business/E�ployment Address (� • . .ev�P , .d r .� '`�� � �av�{�� (4 W �P � 10. .ied /�� IP ansver is "ves", I:.�t r�ame aad adrlre�s of speuse . 11. . ve yau ever been arrested for an otlense that has resulted in a cooa►ietion! ansMer is "yes", list dates of arrests, vh�ere, chargas, comrictio�ns and a tenees. te o! arreat ���/��19_ Where .GE ICTION g� e �: urest 19 Where RGr CO It TIOiI S�p� � ,. ! 12. List the names and addresses (if married, name o! spoase also) ot all persans, corporations, partnerships, associations or organizations which in aqy �+�y have: a. A mortgage interest in the l.icenaed pranise, !1(�����Q b. A security interest in the licensed preoises, licenae or t�rnishings of the li censed premis�, �O f9 ��a C� '7"c Y �t��.. a�. y��( �an .�-f a h S,bk r/ ) c. A prvtnissory note for ttuids loaned !or the aperation of the licenaed premise or the parchaae of 'the license, �d�"e d. Financislly contributed to the purchsae of the premise or the license it- se12' nr'D . 1-2 e. Ar�y other interest either direct or indirect, either financisl or otturrrise i _ in the licenaed premise or the license itself, /y.�0i(/-P Attach a copy hereto of any aad all documenta referred to in this attidavit. 1?. Give names aad addresses of two peTaons, residertta of St. Paul, Mi�esots, who can give information concerning you. � ADD�3 l 7 1 `T�I�'� � ' � -�-e C..c.�� � � �- r�n e r � 3�'�l S�, S-�� ��.�� �r�� ' 4 i r� Q o lc� C� a �f-e. �• S+ , p 4_ .� 1 �v�,;���; � ��G ��:�-��7 14. Addreas of premises !or which License or Permit is made %���� i��Zp �',.�� —T � Address �� - ' 'L� � Zone clsasificstion � � 15. Between �+liat croas streets .�.��ihi=h side of atreet �� 16. fta�ae under vhich this busineas �r+ill be conducted�� -�-��-s a.��� ,��r v<c� � 17. Bus i ness telephor�e n�aber �? �fr- o ��-� lQ. Attach to this application, a detailed descriptio��oP the design� location, and square Pootage of the premises to be licensed �.� � �in -��_ 29. �re oremises nrnr occupied �Yo What business � H� loag���- � //,�7 / (� ��! ,��.G'r/�r i[-�j �Lr�r/�� �i � '^� / CQit.(J"�(.��rC/_1 �..�.�, L'a� �. / T � i � 4', / i e.��,c���7�c-�t�7� �/l �C��i� L'�z,Cp , ��'`� �'-'�'� � ✓� d r ��.,��-���� S'��� .� , ��// ��"'7 �7 �� .��f-�z�� • . O� � V • ('�---�7—� 7�� �� £0 �� Liat ense which you cur ntly hold, or fon�er]y held, or mey have an intere �� iA _� '�--�J�� Q' u� �o_i-u r�^� � � `;1 :'�:L� (a r.P Q a ��t� T �-�-��„�„1.,,,_ _ ' M� � -� t c: � � ���s-� �. � �}�� � � � �► !t�`.�v�S e�i�r�-�• �a s�} 21 Have ariy,,of the licenses listed by yeu in No. 20 ever been revoked. Yea No f/ . If anarrer is "yes", list dates aad reasoaa: 22 Do you have an intereat of a�r type in a�r other busineaa or business premiaes. 2° ansWer is "yes", list business, bnsineae address aad telephone number. 1�� 23 If business is incorporated, give date of incorQoration _��i P 19_ and attacb capy oP Articles ot Incarporatioa ar�d mirnrtes of firsL meetiag. 24 List all otPicers of the corporation giving their aames, oftice held, hame address, and home and busineas telephone numbers: _/�/O/f/Q . 25. If busiaess is partnership, list partner(s) address and telepho�e n�bers: Na� �i/� ,r/-� Addreas 11e1.Ro. - - 2b. Is there a�yone else who will have an i�ereat in tlzis busiaeas or premises? If answer is "yes", give name, home address, telepho�e n�bers and in vhst maIIner is tbefr interest: _L(T/�_>^'� /`� 27. Are you goin�t to operate this business peraonal]y�� it not, xho xill vperate it: � " N�e �. � Haoe address Te1.Ro. 7�8�-0�&7 \ •,� ir V Are y�u�going to have a Mans�er or assistaat in this business? If sas�rer is "yes", give name and ho�e address and home telephone mvaber: Name �/� r'�/Yo Nome address Tel.No. 29. Has ar�yone you have named in questions 22 through 25 ever been arrested? If aaswer is "yes", list naiae of person, dates oP arrest, where, charges, comric- tions and sentence ii'l� 30. I � � �� -� c � �(��� B �V� understaad this premise may be in- �spected by t � police, fire, health a�d other city ofticials at a�r and aI.I times when the business is in aperation. State of Minnesota) )SS County of Ramsey ) .. � � • -e�-�-2 � ' being first duly sworn, deposes and says upan � h that he has read the foregoing statement bearing his signatwre and lmo�+s the contents thereoP, and tha.t the same is true of his own lmowledge exce�pt as to those matters therein stated upon information and belieP and as to those matters he be- lieves them to be true. � �- � Subscribed and svorn to bePoze me -�---� ` � � �'" Signature oY Applicsnt this S�"= day of �a <, • 19� ' , r• - ��„�;;;_ l�RIST!NA L.S�I�AfBt�M.ER �'+� , � . .< <:,;_�„�_,•. L„T.,R';FU6Ul:-MINNESOTA �ti�>:�i�' D'::�:OTA COl!k�(Y No�ry ?ublic, Ramsey Couaty, Minnesota � '��-' �.;�;ce,�w�.e:Pi�����v.2,»2 S ,. 11VYW� •'. 'pN'w uiy coma�tssion expires �� . a < < ,� ... . _. __ � � � AGENDA ITEMS ____ ___________________________ ________________________________ �`��/7 3 . ID#: 87-[543 ] DATE REC: [12/09/87� AGENDA DATE: f��%U�/0�7 ITEM #: ( 1 SUBJ CT: [TRANSFER GEN. REPAIR GARAGE LIC. TO 1111 PAYNE-STEVE'S AUTO SERVICE] C.R. STAFF: [NONE ] SIG:[NICOSIA ] OUT-[ ] CLERK {.,8�,�98fE3E�} /�/� ORIG NATOR:[LICENSE DIV. ] CONTACT:[SCHWEINLER - 5055 ] ACTI N:[ ] [ ] C.F. [ ] ORD.# [ ] G.S. RETURNED [00/00/00] FILE CLOSED [ ] � � � � � � � � � � � � FILE INFO: [RESOLUTION/APPLICATION/CHECKLIST/NOTICE OF HEARING ] C � [ ]