99-624Council File # ��V G�� ������� RESOLUTION Green Sheet # 32337 OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By Referred To Committee: Date WxE2EA5 , The Mayor pursuant to Section 10.071 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul, dces certify that there are available for appropriation $931,596 in funds in excess of those esfimated in the 1999 budget; and 16 17 18 19 2� 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 WxHxEns , Counal File 277510, dated October 1, 1981, did establish certain Special Fvnd Policies; and 6 WxExens , Council File 281141, dated November 10,1983, did establish that Sewer Availability Charge (SAC) 7 revenue in excess of expenses should be used for sewer construction projects; and S 9 WxESEaS , SAC revenues in excess of expenses were received in 1997 and 1998; and 10 11 WxExEAS , Addiflonal spending authority is required to transfer this amount to the Capital Projects Fund where 12 construction payments will be properly disbursed; and 13 14 �yHEREAS , This net 1997 and 1998 SAC revenue was closed to retained eamings on December 31, 1998; and 15 WxExEns , The Mayor recommends that the following additions be made to the 1999 budget: Financing Plan 260 Sewer Service Enterprise Fvnd 9925 Use of Retained Eamings All other Financing the Same Total Financing Plan CurrentBudget Change $245,892 $931,59b $43,574,645 �0 $43,520,537 $931,596 Revised Budget $1,177,488 3 574 645 $44,752,133 S en ndinG Plan CurrentBudget Change Revised Budget 260 Sewer Service Enterprise Fund 22217-Q565 Transfer to Capital Pmjects Fund $1,502,770 $931,596 $2,434,366 All other Spending the Same $42,317,767 �0 2 317767 Total Spending Plan $43,820,537 $931,596 $44,752,133 Now, therefore, be it RESOLVE� , That the City Council adapts the above addifions to the 1999 budget. Benanav B a eT�y — Bostrom Coleman Harris Lantry Reiter 3� Yeas I� Nays II Absent Requested by Department of: Public Works By: rP ��0►� Approval Recommended by dge e tor: . � v v Adopted by Council: Date By: �j^� M `____ _� ( � Adoption Certified by Council S etary Form Approved by City Attorney: B y' T � � BY: _WlfK�( '(l ' `U - ' �s.�5.99 Approved By M ya ar: Date �� �� l� Approv�d by Mayor�For Submission to Council: B �'' <�� i%Yfx/�/� o� _ : �� r f�-FaR - TMENT/OFFICE/COUNCIL I Public Works CONTACT PEflSON & PHONE . 7oe Mneller, 2b6-6149 MUSf BE ON CWNCILAGENDA BY �DAT� DATEINITIATED GREEN SHEET 4/14/99 inmaVDate DEPARTMEM DIRECTO0. $ NUMBERFOR ASSIGN , � CRVATfORNEY FOUi1NG ��-zy � No. 32337 InNeUDat¢ COUNCIL CITY CIFRK ❑ FlNANCIALSEFiVICESDIR. •r�r'� _❑FINANCIALSERV/ACCTG 1� ❑ MAYORIOR ASSISTAM]/ L—L�� ❑ �� � ❑ SewerUOlRVManaaer� ` � h �� TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES ACTION pEQUESiED (CLIP ALL LOCATlONS FOR SIGNATURE) Approve Resolution transferring excess Sewer Availability Chazge (SAC) revenues and unreserved retained earnings to the 1998 Capital Projects Fund (C98-2T920) for sewer repau construcrion. RECOMMENDATIONSApprove (A) or Re�ec[ (R) A PLANNING COMMISSION CIBCAMMITTEE C�VIL SERVICE COMMI$SION Sewer UGliry StaH 1. Hasth�spersoNticmeverWOrketluntla/acoMraclbriMSCfepaNneM'+ YES NO 2. HasihispersoNfirtneverbeenacrtyemployee? VES NO 3. DoBS �his persoNhrm possESS a Skiil no� nortnally possessetl by any current u�y ¢mployee? YE$ NO 4 Is ihis persoNinm a targetetl ven0or? YES NO Exp7ein aN yes aMwen on saparote sheet a�W attacl� to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNIN (WHO. WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, WHV). Since the 1999 Budget was adopted, additional spending needs have arisen. This proposal is in accordance with Conncil File 281141, adopted November 10, 1983, which states that SAC revenues in excess of SAC exgenses should be used for sewer construction projects. SAC revenues have exceeded ac[ual SAC related spending by $411,941 and $369,655 for 1997 and 1998 respectively. Funding is needed for additional cosis related to two existing sewer repair projecis to be completed in 1999. The Riverview Pump Station Project estimate has incteased due to unanticipated shvctural and mechanical improvements and the increased site work related to those improvements. Funds were budgeted for sewer system telemetry improvements in 1998, but the budget established was for only a portion of [he work required. The current telemetry system is failing and not reliable. The original plan was a phased approach to these upgrades. Engineering staff has since determined that the entire project ca� be completed much more cost effectively when done at one time. Additional efficiencies and advantages will also be derived from uniform construction because one vendor will make systemwide improvements, rather than the possibility of contract award to different vendors over a period of yeazs. $150,000 of unreserved retained eamings will supplement the use of SAC on one project. Increased costs for the Riverview Project are estimated to be: $318,596. Increased costs for the Sewer System Telemetry Project aze estimated to be: $613,000. ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: Excess Sewer Availability Chazge (SAC) receipts will be able to be used for sewer construction in accordance with City Council duection. The transfer of remaining SAC cash can be accomplished within the 1999 City Council adopted budget. DISADVAf�frAGES IF APPROVED: None. DISADVAN�AGESIFNOTAPPROVED. �j'.;;y . �. =w"`� The identified sewer projects will either not be constructed or will be deferred. _.,, ,� 4�ri- - � FINANqALINFORMATION(EXPIAIN) Z !' ; '^ is... _ �y% _'_�`�.�_ � f�7ALAMOUNTOFTRANSACTION$ 931,596 (�riyrtF�,�?,p6�2Sf.f1��!�1�TlREVENUEBUDGETED(CIRCLEONE) YES No FUNDING SOURCE 260-22209-9910 ACTIVmr NUMBER Spending in 22217-0565 JU�1�19�9 ��.._ Council File # ��V G�� ������� RESOLUTION Green Sheet # 32337 OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By Referred To Committee: Date WxE2EA5 , The Mayor pursuant to Section 10.071 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul, dces certify that there are available for appropriation $931,596 in funds in excess of those esfimated in the 1999 budget; and 16 17 18 19 2� 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 WxHxEns , Counal File 277510, dated October 1, 1981, did establish certain Special Fvnd Policies; and 6 WxExens , Council File 281141, dated November 10,1983, did establish that Sewer Availability Charge (SAC) 7 revenue in excess of expenses should be used for sewer construction projects; and S 9 WxESEaS , SAC revenues in excess of expenses were received in 1997 and 1998; and 10 11 WxExEAS , Addiflonal spending authority is required to transfer this amount to the Capital Projects Fund where 12 construction payments will be properly disbursed; and 13 14 �yHEREAS , This net 1997 and 1998 SAC revenue was closed to retained eamings on December 31, 1998; and 15 WxExEns , The Mayor recommends that the following additions be made to the 1999 budget: Financing Plan 260 Sewer Service Enterprise Fvnd 9925 Use of Retained Eamings All other Financing the Same Total Financing Plan CurrentBudget Change $245,892 $931,59b $43,574,645 �0 $43,520,537 $931,596 Revised Budget $1,177,488 3 574 645 $44,752,133 S en ndinG Plan CurrentBudget Change Revised Budget 260 Sewer Service Enterprise Fund 22217-Q565 Transfer to Capital Pmjects Fund $1,502,770 $931,596 $2,434,366 All other Spending the Same $42,317,767 �0 2 317767 Total Spending Plan $43,820,537 $931,596 $44,752,133 Now, therefore, be it RESOLVE� , That the City Council adapts the above addifions to the 1999 budget. Benanav B a eT�y — Bostrom Coleman Harris Lantry Reiter 3� Yeas I� Nays II Absent Requested by Department of: Public Works By: rP ��0►� Approval Recommended by dge e tor: . � v v Adopted by Council: Date By: �j^� M `____ _� ( � Adoption Certified by Council S etary Form Approved by City Attorney: B y' T � � BY: _WlfK�( '(l ' `U - ' �s.�5.99 Approved By M ya ar: Date �� �� l� Approv�d by Mayor�For Submission to Council: B �'' <�� i%Yfx/�/� o� _ : �� r f�-FaR - TMENT/OFFICE/COUNCIL I Public Works CONTACT PEflSON & PHONE . 7oe Mneller, 2b6-6149 MUSf BE ON CWNCILAGENDA BY �DAT� DATEINITIATED GREEN SHEET 4/14/99 inmaVDate DEPARTMEM DIRECTO0. $ NUMBERFOR ASSIGN , � CRVATfORNEY FOUi1NG ��-zy � No. 32337 InNeUDat¢ COUNCIL CITY CIFRK ❑ FlNANCIALSEFiVICESDIR. •r�r'� _❑FINANCIALSERV/ACCTG 1� ❑ MAYORIOR ASSISTAM]/ L—L�� ❑ �� � ❑ SewerUOlRVManaaer� ` � h �� TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES ACTION pEQUESiED (CLIP ALL LOCATlONS FOR SIGNATURE) Approve Resolution transferring excess Sewer Availability Chazge (SAC) revenues and unreserved retained earnings to the 1998 Capital Projects Fund (C98-2T920) for sewer repau construcrion. RECOMMENDATIONSApprove (A) or Re�ec[ (R) A PLANNING COMMISSION CIBCAMMITTEE C�VIL SERVICE COMMI$SION Sewer UGliry StaH 1. Hasth�spersoNticmeverWOrketluntla/acoMraclbriMSCfepaNneM'+ YES NO 2. HasihispersoNfirtneverbeenacrtyemployee? VES NO 3. DoBS �his persoNhrm possESS a Skiil no� nortnally possessetl by any current u�y ¢mployee? YE$ NO 4 Is ihis persoNinm a targetetl ven0or? YES NO Exp7ein aN yes aMwen on saparote sheet a�W attacl� to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNIN (WHO. WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, WHV). Since the 1999 Budget was adopted, additional spending needs have arisen. This proposal is in accordance with Conncil File 281141, adopted November 10, 1983, which states that SAC revenues in excess of SAC exgenses should be used for sewer construction projects. SAC revenues have exceeded ac[ual SAC related spending by $411,941 and $369,655 for 1997 and 1998 respectively. Funding is needed for additional cosis related to two existing sewer repair projecis to be completed in 1999. The Riverview Pump Station Project estimate has incteased due to unanticipated shvctural and mechanical improvements and the increased site work related to those improvements. Funds were budgeted for sewer system telemetry improvements in 1998, but the budget established was for only a portion of [he work required. The current telemetry system is failing and not reliable. The original plan was a phased approach to these upgrades. Engineering staff has since determined that the entire project ca� be completed much more cost effectively when done at one time. Additional efficiencies and advantages will also be derived from uniform construction because one vendor will make systemwide improvements, rather than the possibility of contract award to different vendors over a period of yeazs. $150,000 of unreserved retained eamings will supplement the use of SAC on one project. Increased costs for the Riverview Project are estimated to be: $318,596. Increased costs for the Sewer System Telemetry Project aze estimated to be: $613,000. ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: Excess Sewer Availability Chazge (SAC) receipts will be able to be used for sewer construction in accordance with City Council duection. The transfer of remaining SAC cash can be accomplished within the 1999 City Council adopted budget. DISADVAf�frAGES IF APPROVED: None. DISADVAN�AGESIFNOTAPPROVED. �j'.;;y . �. =w"`� The identified sewer projects will either not be constructed or will be deferred. _.,, ,� 4�ri- - � FINANqALINFORMATION(EXPIAIN) Z !' ; '^ is... _ �y% _'_�`�.�_ � f�7ALAMOUNTOFTRANSACTION$ 931,596 (�riyrtF�,�?,p6�2Sf.f1��!�1�TlREVENUEBUDGETED(CIRCLEONE) YES No FUNDING SOURCE 260-22209-9910 ACTIVmr NUMBER Spending in 22217-0565 JU�1�19�9 ��.._ Council File # ��V G�� ������� RESOLUTION Green Sheet # 32337 OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By Referred To Committee: Date WxE2EA5 , The Mayor pursuant to Section 10.071 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul, dces certify that there are available for appropriation $931,596 in funds in excess of those esfimated in the 1999 budget; and 16 17 18 19 2� 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 WxHxEns , Counal File 277510, dated October 1, 1981, did establish certain Special Fvnd Policies; and 6 WxExens , Council File 281141, dated November 10,1983, did establish that Sewer Availability Charge (SAC) 7 revenue in excess of expenses should be used for sewer construction projects; and S 9 WxESEaS , SAC revenues in excess of expenses were received in 1997 and 1998; and 10 11 WxExEAS , Addiflonal spending authority is required to transfer this amount to the Capital Projects Fund where 12 construction payments will be properly disbursed; and 13 14 �yHEREAS , This net 1997 and 1998 SAC revenue was closed to retained eamings on December 31, 1998; and 15 WxExEns , The Mayor recommends that the following additions be made to the 1999 budget: Financing Plan 260 Sewer Service Enterprise Fvnd 9925 Use of Retained Eamings All other Financing the Same Total Financing Plan CurrentBudget Change $245,892 $931,59b $43,574,645 �0 $43,520,537 $931,596 Revised Budget $1,177,488 3 574 645 $44,752,133 S en ndinG Plan CurrentBudget Change Revised Budget 260 Sewer Service Enterprise Fund 22217-Q565 Transfer to Capital Pmjects Fund $1,502,770 $931,596 $2,434,366 All other Spending the Same $42,317,767 �0 2 317767 Total Spending Plan $43,820,537 $931,596 $44,752,133 Now, therefore, be it RESOLVE� , That the City Council adapts the above addifions to the 1999 budget. Benanav B a eT�y — Bostrom Coleman Harris Lantry Reiter 3� Yeas I� Nays II Absent Requested by Department of: Public Works By: rP ��0►� Approval Recommended by dge e tor: . � v v Adopted by Council: Date By: �j^� M `____ _� ( � Adoption Certified by Council S etary Form Approved by City Attorney: B y' T � � BY: _WlfK�( '(l ' `U - ' �s.�5.99 Approved By M ya ar: Date �� �� l� Approv�d by Mayor�For Submission to Council: B �'' <�� i%Yfx/�/� o� _ : �� r f�-FaR - TMENT/OFFICE/COUNCIL I Public Works CONTACT PEflSON & PHONE . 7oe Mneller, 2b6-6149 MUSf BE ON CWNCILAGENDA BY �DAT� DATEINITIATED GREEN SHEET 4/14/99 inmaVDate DEPARTMEM DIRECTO0. $ NUMBERFOR ASSIGN , � CRVATfORNEY FOUi1NG ��-zy � No. 32337 InNeUDat¢ COUNCIL CITY CIFRK ❑ FlNANCIALSEFiVICESDIR. •r�r'� _❑FINANCIALSERV/ACCTG 1� ❑ MAYORIOR ASSISTAM]/ L—L�� ❑ �� � ❑ SewerUOlRVManaaer� ` � h �� TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES ACTION pEQUESiED (CLIP ALL LOCATlONS FOR SIGNATURE) Approve Resolution transferring excess Sewer Availability Chazge (SAC) revenues and unreserved retained earnings to the 1998 Capital Projects Fund (C98-2T920) for sewer repau construcrion. RECOMMENDATIONSApprove (A) or Re�ec[ (R) A PLANNING COMMISSION CIBCAMMITTEE C�VIL SERVICE COMMI$SION Sewer UGliry StaH 1. Hasth�spersoNticmeverWOrketluntla/acoMraclbriMSCfepaNneM'+ YES NO 2. HasihispersoNfirtneverbeenacrtyemployee? VES NO 3. DoBS �his persoNhrm possESS a Skiil no� nortnally possessetl by any current u�y ¢mployee? YE$ NO 4 Is ihis persoNinm a targetetl ven0or? YES NO Exp7ein aN yes aMwen on saparote sheet a�W attacl� to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNIN (WHO. WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, WHV). Since the 1999 Budget was adopted, additional spending needs have arisen. This proposal is in accordance with Conncil File 281141, adopted November 10, 1983, which states that SAC revenues in excess of SAC exgenses should be used for sewer construction projects. SAC revenues have exceeded ac[ual SAC related spending by $411,941 and $369,655 for 1997 and 1998 respectively. Funding is needed for additional cosis related to two existing sewer repair projecis to be completed in 1999. The Riverview Pump Station Project estimate has incteased due to unanticipated shvctural and mechanical improvements and the increased site work related to those improvements. Funds were budgeted for sewer system telemetry improvements in 1998, but the budget established was for only a portion of [he work required. The current telemetry system is failing and not reliable. The original plan was a phased approach to these upgrades. Engineering staff has since determined that the entire project ca� be completed much more cost effectively when done at one time. Additional efficiencies and advantages will also be derived from uniform construction because one vendor will make systemwide improvements, rather than the possibility of contract award to different vendors over a period of yeazs. $150,000 of unreserved retained eamings will supplement the use of SAC on one project. Increased costs for the Riverview Project are estimated to be: $318,596. Increased costs for the Sewer System Telemetry Project aze estimated to be: $613,000. ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: Excess Sewer Availability Chazge (SAC) receipts will be able to be used for sewer construction in accordance with City Council duection. The transfer of remaining SAC cash can be accomplished within the 1999 City Council adopted budget. DISADVAf�frAGES IF APPROVED: None. DISADVAN�AGESIFNOTAPPROVED. �j'.;;y . �. =w"`� The identified sewer projects will either not be constructed or will be deferred. _.,, ,� 4�ri- - � FINANqALINFORMATION(EXPIAIN) Z !' ; '^ is... _ �y% _'_�`�.�_ � f�7ALAMOUNTOFTRANSACTION$ 931,596 (�riyrtF�,�?,p6�2Sf.f1��!�1�TlREVENUEBUDGETED(CIRCLEONE) YES No FUNDING SOURCE 260-22209-9910 ACTIVmr NUMBER Spending in 22217-0565 JU�1�19�9 ��.._