D00770CITY OF �'JAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE M.AYOR • ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER BUDGET_ REVISION No.: V.J�I� 1V Date: ( ��li �� �s #: 34460 ADNIINISTRATIVE ORDER Consistent with the authority granted to the Mayor in Section 10.07.4 of ihe City Charter and based on the request of the Director of the Department of �� i� We�l�.s to amend the 19 o i. budget of the furd, the Direcror of the DepartmeM of Fnance and Management Services is auth rized to ame said udget in the following manner: Curcent B�et FINANCING PLAN C94-2T026 County Aid Contingency 1994 CA � , J SPENDING PLAN C94-2T026 County Aid Contingency Construction FINANCING PLAN C93-2A009 White Bear-3rd-Old Hudson '1993 CA 1992 CA 1994 CA 1993 MSA 1993 PIA 1992 PIA ._��, 48,904.88 -15,839.52 33,065.36 48,90G.88 -15,839.52 33,065.36 48,904.88 -15,839.52 33,065.36 48,904.88 -15,839.52 33,065.36 375,000.00 375,000.00 100,000.00 100,000.00 15,539.52 15,539.52 46,000.00 46,000.00 4,000.00 4,000.00 4,000.00 4,00�.00 529,000.00 15,839.52 544,839.52 • CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF T'HE MAYOR • ADMINISTRA'LIVE OADER r,o.: _ � ��� Date: I� � I �`'�� GS #: 34460 �. 2Ur 2 ADMITTISTIZATIVE �RDER, Consistent with the authority granted to the Mayor in Section 10.07.4 of ihe City Charter and based on the request oi the Director of the Department of Public Works toamendthel9 �4 bucigetofthe Capital ProjecCS fund,theDirectoroftheDepartmerrt of Fina�ce and Ma�agement Services is autho�zed to amend said budget in the following manner: Cwrent Budge[ SPENDING PLAN C93-2A009 • White Bear3rd-Old Hudson Construction /� �// ��%/� � v! ..':.. ., / ,i , .:. � v . - - 529,000.00 15,839.52 544,839.52 529,000.00 15,839.52 544,839.52 n�„m�� ey: a� 2- $� �{� � Public Works �uNCi� ��orz7�s � GREEN SHEET ���� 34460 . COMACTPERSON&PHONE �NR ATE INRIAl/DAT � ' M1C}1�CI I. E ' Q3 DEPARTMENTDIRECTOR � CIT'COUNGIL ae g gum 266-6143 N ^� "�� �CITYATfORNEY � cmc�aK MUSTBEONCOUNCILAGENDABV(DAT� ROU7ING ❑6 BUOGETOFFICE O FINANCEACCOUNTIN � �MAVOR(OfiASSISTANn keEggum AL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES � (cuv au �ocnno's wn sw�uTUnq � c � � ❑2 DEPMTMENrAIX:OUM ACTION REWESTED Approval of aaached Adminisuative Order �ransfeiring 1994 Co�mry Aid fimding from Coimry Aid Contingency to ffie R'hite Bear - 3rd to Old Hudson project REmMMFNDq71oNSApprwe (!Q or Rejett (RJ PERSONAL SEHVICE CONTfiACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: PLANNINGGOMMISSION_CNILSERVICECOMMISSION �. Hysmisperson�firmeverworkedunderacmmactforihisdepamnent7 -- CIB COMMRTEE YES NO q srqFF 2. Has this personJfirm ever been a dry employee? — — YES N� _ DisiR�CicOUNCiL _ 3. Does 7his persoNfirtn possess a skill not normaly possessed by any currentciry empioyee? SUPPORTSWHICHCOUNCILO&IECTIVE? YES NO Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attaeh to green shael INR�ATING Pp08LEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, NhiYJ: Acquisition cosu in connection with the paving portion of this project are higher than originally budgeted. Additional County Aid funding is needed to pay for these costs. This administrative order uansfers County Aid funding from the County Aid Contingency account. ADVAN7AGESIFAPPROVED: Acquisifions will be completed for this ptoject. ����;X� �l��J 1 ���� BUDGET OFFiCE DISADVANTAGES IFAPPROVEO: None. RECEIVE� DEC 111995 CITY CLERK DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVEO: Funding for payment of acquisiGon of property will be lacking. Property owners will not receive gaymenc TOTALAMOUNTOFTRANSACTIONS 158�952 (bSTlFiEVENUEBUDGE7ED(CIRCLEONE) YES xo ING SOURCE 1994 Counry Aid ACTIVITY NUMBER C94-2T026 & C93-2A009 FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) Transfers - $15,839.52 dW