87-1775 WHITE - CITV C ERK I PINK - FINAN �E COUIICII /� n � CANARV - DEPAR r,�E�IT GITY OF SAI T PAUL X p� BLUE -MAVOR � � F11C NO• v �—��`� ` � �'ouncil Re olution r - � ��� , ; � � Presented By 4� Refe red To Committee: Date Out f Committee By Date � ESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City� Council does hereby cons nt to and approve of the appoint ents, made by the Mayor, of the foll wing-named persons to serve on t e newly-established Yout Athletic and Sports Fund Board. These members to each serve a one- ear term which will expire Decem er 31, 1988. . OUTH REPRESENTATIVES ADULT REPRESENTATIVES ard 1 - Roger New � Ward 1 - Carol Perry . � ard 2 - Jeffrey Peltier � Ward 2 - Steven Elizondo Ward 3 - Bridget Murphy i Ward 3 - Richard John Weber � Ward 4 - Erik Woodbury Ward 4 - Samuel H. Walker � Ward 5 - Ray E. Schneider ; Ward 5 - Rathy Crea i Ward 6 - Richard Navarro Ward 6 - Terrance E. Truhler i Ward 7 - Nicole Marisa Van Ness I Ward 7 - Mary M. Westlock � I CO NCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Ni sia � [n Favor n Sc eibe]. �_ Against BY So ien We da �Ti 30ri �� 2 � Form proved y C' y rney Adopted y Council: Date � � �� � Certified as d by Council Secretary BY gy, • �� t Approve Mavor. Date ��� � ��gJ- Approved Mayor for Submi 'on t ouncil C B I B P1!�1�!� �Px r�! _ `? i98$ � I , . .,_:- G����7 ,� �_ r .. R , ' �I° 01 04.4 � Parks a Recreati n DEPARTMENT • �l. I � CONTACT NA1�tE 292-Z PHONE DATE ASS 0 R NG D R: (See reverse s e.) _ Depar ment Director 1 Mayor (or Assistant) _ Finan e and Management Services Director 4 City Clerk _ Budge Director � City Council President � City ttorney _ G UR (Clip all locations for signature.) W BY T NG C 0 0 TH C E I ? (Purpose/Rationale) � . 1 Adult nd 1 Youth appointed from each Ward in he Cit,y a5 a member of the riewly� establis ed Youth Athletics and Sports Fund Boar for a one year term. , 'ferm to expire Decembe 31 , 1988. �n`March. �, ���8���the'Sah�nt Pa 1 Ci ty Counci 1 establ i shed a speci al fur�d for the dministration and distribution of the p oceeds contributed by charitable gamblinp and on- le liquor establishments as snecified i Chapter 409 of the Leaislative Code. This ho d will oversee the expenditures of the funds. COST B N T U GE ND PERSONNEL M ACT • ��� 16 � ��Gti�� '�� (Mayor's sionatureNnot re uired ifTunder $100000.)D D T D: �'y�eq� $ q F� Tatal ount of Trans�ction: Activity Number: Fundin Sources ATTA H S: (List and number all attachments. 1 Council Resolution AD1rI S T V ROGEDURES _Ye X No Rules, Regulations, Procedure , or Budget Amendment required? _Ye _No If yes, are they or timetable attached? D REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY REVIEW X Yes _No Council resolution required? Resolution required? _Yes _No. �Yss _No Insurance required? Insurance sufficient? _Yes No _Yes _No Insurance attached?