87-1771 �NMITE - C�T CLERK PINK - FIN N�E G I TY O F SA NT PA U L Cou�cil CANARV - DE ARTMENT /{7 BLUE - MA OR File NO• � • • �l Council R solution ,.-� Presented y � d�l� 1 �� � R ferred To Committee: Date 0 t of Committee By Date � An Administrative R solution �mending the � Salary Plan and Rat s oF Compensation Resalution regardin the rate of pay for the classi�ication f Council Investigation and Research Center Director. i RESO�VED, �hat the Salar Plan and Rates of Compensation Resolution be amended in Section V, Unclassified Positions, by adding to the last paragraph, i proper alphabetical order, the classificat.9on of Councit Inv sticaation and Research Center � Director; and be it FUR �HER RESOLVED, that the Salary Pian and Rates of � Compensation ResQlution be f rther �mended in Section V, Subsection D, under the headi q "Professional Administrative Grou�" b� inserting �he followin GRAD 26 Council InvPStigation and Research Center Directar and be it FINALLY RESOLVED, that t is resolution shall take effect dnd be in force on the first pay periad after the passaqe, approval , and publicatian of thi resolution. I I C UNCILMEN Requested by Department f: Yeas �eW Nays "os'a `� In Favor m cheibel � onnen �_ Against BY l�l�d��' �i�� Adopted by Council: Date DEC 2 � �a� Form Approved by City Attorney B .T�..r.�.�- .Q- � `!�►/Lc�-��c�,l� / z- 3 -F3 � Certified P�ss by Counc.il Secretary Y B,• CLc�..�. � � �'- Appro y Mavor: D e — � ,�Cri 2 `r ��� Approve Mayor for Sub ' si tar6euncil Pt�i.lSHEiI J;�N - � i98$. I 4' ��-�az I N° 26 8 C unci l Research DEPARTMEI�i _ <� �J seph Hannasch CONTACT � � 2 8-4163 PHONE +., 1 - -8 DATE :; ����,, �Q ASSIGN NU FR FOR ROUTING ORDER C1i All Locatio s for Si nature : Depar ment Director , P�rsonnel Office ' 3 Director of Management/Mayor Finan e and Management Se vices Director � � City Clerk 2 ` - DJ� �4 Council Research, to go on Agenda City ttorney : WHAT WIL BE ACHIEVED BY TAKING ACTION ON THE AT CHED MATERIALS? (Purpose! ' Rationale) : n an earlier evaluation of the positi.on of D.irector of Council Research, he Personnel pffice had recommended tha the job be upgraded from its resent level of Grade 24 to Grade 26, P ofessional AcJmini`strative Grou���iV'CD� �-� DEC 0� 1987 � � I �-- GOST BEN FIT BUDGETARY AND PERSONNEL IMPACTS AN ICIPATED: ` MAYOR'S OFFICE t is not likely that this upgrading would impact the 19P7 Gener al Funds Budget. or 198$, however, it �routd. upgrade t'he osition from S�ep A at $37,�26 a y�a.r to: , tep A at $39,756. The five-year compa. isons would be: current Step at $49,352 o $52,364. The percentage increase a Step A is approximately 6� . ' he salary increase in the genera� fund budget has not been budgeted for. . ' FINANCIN SOURCE AND BUDGET ACTIVITY NUN�ER CHAR D OR CREDITED: (Mayor's signa- tare not re- Total Amount of 'Transaction: none in 1987. 1 88 not abte to quired if under be determi ed exact.ly; $10,00U1 Fundi g SOUr'Ce: . Genet°al Funds, OOOQ2-0114, KECEIVED , Acti 'ty Number: • �E� 4 1987 • ATTACHM TS List and Number Al l Attachments : BUDG�T OF�F�CF Resolution, one page - DEPARTM NT REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY REVIEW Yes No Council Resolution Required? � Resolution Required? Yes No Yes No Insurance Required? Insurance Sufficient? Yes No Yes No Insurance Attached: � (SEE •REVERSE SIDE FOR NSTRUCTIONS) Revised 12/84 I � � �/-�-a z-� ; �, � ���--� � �- . _ __ _ _ _ - _ _ __11�_ . _ _ _ _ _ __ _ WMIT6� - CIT ...CIERK' '_. V t`'I,gr� �'��11����Of �f�C� '��� PINK - FIN NcE G I TY OF SA NT PA U L Council C��NARV -OE ARTMENT BIUE -MAVOR File NO• � ouncil R solu�ion : ,-' _._ � � _ , Presented y ��' `` � Re�ferre o rn��'�'"E ���T Committee: Date ����''�� T- 0, t of ommittee By Date An Ac�ninistrative Resolu ion amending the Salary PTan and Rates of Compen tion Resolution regarding i the rate of pay for the lassification of Council i Investigation and Resear h Center Director. . I � RESOLVED, that the Salary Pi n and Rates of Compensation Resolution Ibe amended in Section �V, Unclassifi Positions, by adding ta the last jparagraph, in proper alphabetical o der, the classification of Cou�cil � IInvestigation and Research Center Oirector; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the lary Pian and Rates of Cort�ensation IResolution be further amended in S ction V, Subsection D, under the I � heading "Professional Ac�ninistrati e Group" by i�serting the followi�g G ADE 26 Council Investigation a d Research Center Director and be i� FINALLY RESOLVED, that this esolution shaii take effect and be�in force on the first pay period afte the passage, approval , and publication Iof this resolution. I C UNE:ILME[V Requested by Department of: Yeas Drew Nays N"°:'a [n Favor Rettman Seheibel ��,,,,, Against BY /.�1�,v/t Wilson Form prov by City Attomey Adopted by Councit: Date - . Certifie Passed by Council Secretary BY E;; Approve�d by 4lavor: Date Approved by Mayo� for Submission to Council I i ,! � � � -� ; ��-� � � WHITE - C� V CIERK �� R�J PINK - FI ANCE COUflCll (�f� CANARV - D PARTMENT GITY OF S INT PALTL File NO. BLUE - M vOR ...i ouncil esolution y� , , , Presented y ��-- - R ferre o �/4���'�''�n1�l�l T Committee: Date �'���� 0 t of ommittee By Date An Ac�ninistrative Resolu ion nding the Salary Plan and Rates of Compen ati Resolution regarding the rate of pay for the la sification of Council Investigation and Resear Center Director. RESOIVED, that the Salary P n and Rates of Compensation Resolution be amended in Section V, Unclas fi Positions, by adding to the last paragraph, in proper aiphabet"cal o der. the classification of Councii lnvestigation and Research enter D rector; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, t at the Sa ary Plan and Rates of Compensation Resolution be further nded i� Se tion V, Subsection D, under the heading "Professional Administrativ Group" by inserting the foilowing GR DE 26 Counci Investigation an Research Center Oirector and be it FINAIL RESOLVED. that this r soiution shaii take effect and be in force on the first pay period after the passage, approval , and pubiication of this resolution. CO NC[LMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays "°S'a � [n Favor heibel nnen Q __ Against BY �lJL�lAI?- ilson Adopted y Council: Date Form prove by City Attorney . Certified assed by Council Secretary BY B}� Approved by ;Wavor: Date _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By _ _ _ By I -------- ----------------------- AGENDA ITEMS =_ -------- ----------------------- _____________________________ ,���7�/ ID#: 87- 548 ] DATE REC: [12/10/87] AGENDA D TE: [00/00/00] ITEM #: [ ] SUBJECT: [AMEND SALARY PLAN -RATE OF PAY FOR COU CIL INVEST.& RESEARCH DIR. ] C.R. STA F: [N/A ] SIG:[SONNEN ] OUT-[X] CLERK�A9fA0] �,Z�� ORIGINA R:[COUNCIL RESEARCH ] CONT CT:[HA�'IhAS�H - 4163 ] ACTION: ] ' 7 C.F.# [ ] ORD.# [ ] G.S. RETURN D [00/00/00) FILE CL05ED � ] � � � � � � � � � � � � FILE IN 0: [RESOLUTION/COPY OF ORIG. RESOLUTION NOT APPROVED ] [ 7 [ ] _______ _______________________________________ ____________________________r. � `� d � s ���� �� R Q �' DEC 111987�' ��. C4UNCILM�MBER !t r KIKI SONNEN 4. �, N r I