87-1770 WHITE - CI Y CLERK � PINK - FI �N�E , G I TY O F .SA NT PA U L Council CANARV - DE ARTMENT - B�UE . �r MA OR File NO• � O/ ftiZ/L nce Ordinance N�. � GcJ e��� �� Presented y R ferred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date I ' An ordinance amendi g the Civil Service iRules by establishing th classification of i policy analyst in the un lassified service. T E COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT P UL DOES ORDAIN: Sectio 1 . That Section 34 of the Civil ervice Rules of the City of S int Paul be and the same hereby ' s amended by adding a new sub- s ction 34T to read as follows: i "34T. The position of Policy Analyst is placed in the unclassified service of he City of Saint Paul . " � I Sectio 2. This ordinance shall take eff ct and be in force thirty (30) d�ys from and after its passage, a proval and publication. I I � I COUN ILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas � Nays � �� � �r,�� In Favoc — Rect a� s�ne ei �_ Against BY �Meuv'�R wu:q� ;" Ja� -6 '�8 orm Approved by City Attorney Adopted by C uncil: Date '_— / Z_�_ Certified Pas e uncil Sec r By JGLU� � �� By Approve by a r: e �N �5 198� pproved by Mayor for Submission to Council „ By By Pi�IISHED J A N 3 ti 19 88_ I � � Coui�cil Researcn Genter sonnel 0 �ce � ' � ' DEPAR7MENT N� _ 0�213 . NOV 2 01987 � �_ CONTACT ��— 77l� 98-4221 PHONE � 11-ZQ-87 - DATE e�� _ . e e ASSIGN N . ER FDR ROUTING ORDER Cli� Al1 Location , for Si nature : ' 1 Depart nt Director 4 Director of ManagementJMayor Financ . and Management Services Director � 5 City Clerk 2 Budget Director - - 3k/City torney . WHAT WILL E ACHI. VED BY TAKING ACTION ON THE ATTA HED MATERIALS? (Purpose/ Rationale) : Re: Fina� cia�l Analyst and Poli y Analyst See attac ed COST BENE T BUD6ETAItY AN(3 PERSONNEL IMPACTS ANTI IPATED: See ntta�c ed FINANCING OURCE AND BUDGET ACTIVITY NUNBER CHARG OR CREDITED: (Mayor's signa- ture not re- Total ount af "Trensaction: quired if under � $10,000) Fu�din S.ow,rce:: : Activi Number: • ATTACHMEN List and Number All Attachments : 1. Reso tton for �tn�nctal Anal��t 2. Reso tion for Pol�cy Ana�lyst 3. Copi ' for C��y C1erk _ 4. Atta nt as noted a�bQVe 5. Copi s of Advtsory Spectftc�t�ons for F�n�tnc al Anat1yst atnd ppl�cy �1n�lyst c1���iftca�t�Ans DEPAR�MEN REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY REYIEW _/ �Yes o Council Resolution Required? � Resolution Required? 'C Yes No Yes X o Insurance Required? Insuran�e Suffic,ient? Yes N�, Yes o Insurance Attached: �¢�,i.t��,u�e /Q�u.,u''2c� a.��n��,ax.e. k.c.c,Cual� _ L� Clu�r;�3 l Z�0 3,z. ; (SEE •REVERSE SIDE FOR IN TRUCTIONS) ���� � Revised 1 /84 - . ; ����'�7dr ' ' �r WHAT ILL BE ACHIEVED BY TAKING ACTION ON TH ATTACHED MATERIALS? The tached Resolution and Ordinance establ shes the classifications of Financial Anal t and Policy Analyst in the Unclassifi d Service of the City and also sets the mini qualifications and compensation leve for the classifications. � COST I ENEFIT BUDGE ARY AND P SONN I PAC S AN ICIPATED: Profe sional support positions in the City C uncil Investigation and Research Center are c rrently allocated to the Provisional R search Analyst I classification or are emplo ed under consulting contracts. Resear h Analysts are allocated to Grade 7 of the " rofessional Employees Non-Supervisory" Salary Schedule. The proposed Policy Analy t and Financial Analyst classification are allocated to Grade 10 of the "Pro ssional Employees Non-Supervisory" Sal ry Schedule. Grade 7 � A B C � E F G 10-Yr S-Yr 904.9 941.36 980.32 1028.54 1081.06 1135.25 1191.09 1226.65 1262.21 Grade 10 A B C D E � G 10-Yr 15-Yr 990.4 1028.54 1069.19 1123.36 1180.09 1239.35 1300.29 1340.09 1379.88 I I � � I I -t � I � ' �'�-�/-�77� � i . , • ' CODE: �,�/ , � I BU: 06 /�G���O EFFECTIVE: PROP�SED TITLE OF CLASS: � I POLICY ANALYST ( CLASSIFIED) i DESC�tIPTION OF WORK General Statement of Duties: Performs esponsible professional work involving collecting, compiling, a d analyzing data; prepares recommendations based on data research; and performs related duties as required. Supervision Received: Works under the eneral supervision of a unit or division head, or Council Membe . Supervision Exercised: None TYPI AL DUTIES PERFORMED 1'he isted examples may not include all the uties performed by all positions in t is class. i I��Researches and presents data concerning public policy at City Council meetings, hearings, and conferences. Composes correspondence and supplies in ormation concerning reports and/or 'data requested by City officials. Prepares tables, maps, graphs, spreadsh ets, and charts for visual presentation or to include in various r ports; prepare narrative, statistical, and financial sections of equested reports. Prepares and presents complex technical material or complex issues, or both, to nonspecialists. Conducts probing analyses of complex is ues which impact significantly on the effective development, interpretati n, or implementation of legislation and public policy. Evaluates long-range studies and develo s economic and technical analyses Irelating to a variety of issues. jResearches legal precedent and presents written and oral recommendations �concerning current and proposed legisla ion, rules, and regulations; Iconducts specific studies that require nterpreting legal information on complex issues of legislation. Investigates the operations of City dep rtments and agencies with reference to organization, budgetary requirements, and program analysis. KNO EDGE, SKILLS AND ABILITIES I (continued on r verse side) I POLICY ANALYST ( CLASSIFIED) I � ,� . ,I � • . �,/���-/77d � , • , • . � page 2 _ , , POLICY ANALYST ( CLASSIFIED) /75� �Knowledge of the legislative decision king process. Knowledge of pertinent research, analytical and statistical methodology. I Skill in conducting analyses involving ariables which impact significantly on the effective development, interpre tion, or implementation of important public policies. � Skill in preparing and presenting high complex technical material or highly complex issues, or both, to non pecialists. ISkill in assessing the political and i stitutional environment in which decisions are made and implemented. ISkill in dealing with the City Council and their immediate staff. Skill in interacting with other specia ists and experts in the same or related fields. i Considerable ability to effectively co unicate both orally and in writing. I ' Ability to explore and present fully t e many facets of a policy issue. MINI� QUALIFICATIONS ' Master's degree in Public Administrati n, Urban Studies, Planning, or related field; or be licensed to pract ce law in the State of Minnesota and be admitted to the Minnesota Bar; or B chelor's degree in Public Administration, Urban Studies, Plannin , or related field and two years' professional experience in Public Admi istration, Policy Analysis, or Community Development. (No substitutio for Bachelor's' degree.) � � � � i � POLICY ANALYST (UNCLASSIFIED) . ' �---� A�G�NDA I TEMS ----_= Q,r 7 17 7� ___________�________________;"- , _____ ____________________---- (/� � � ID#: 87-[53�3 ] DATE REC: [12/04/87] AGENDA DATE [00/0�/��] ITEM #: [ ] �7� � I SUBJECT: [0 D. ESTABLISHING CLASSIFICATION OF POLIC ANALYST - UNCLASSIFIED ] C.R. STAFF: [ �� ��+�'"'�SIG:[WEIDA ] OUT-[ ] CLER�7�] ��/� ORIGINATOR:[PERSONNEL ] CONTACT:[HAIDER - 4221 ] ACTION:[ ] C ] C.F.# [ ] ORD.# [ ] G.S. RETURNED 00/00/00] FILE CLOSED [ ] � � � � � � � � � � � FILE INFO: �[ORDINANCE/EXPLANATION SHEET/JOB SPECS ] � � C ] i � I � , I � � ; I