87-1764 WHITE - CITV LERK PINK ,- FINA �E GITY OF SAI T PAUL FlecilNO. ����7� '� CANARV - DEPA TMENT BLUE - MAVOR Council R olution Presented B �� � Ref rred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, Council File No. 86-112 established residential permit parking on several streets adjacent t the College of St. Thomas; and WHEREAS, during the public heari g process, testimony was given tha parking demands may shift from t e streets having these parking res rictions to adjacent residential streets without parking res rictions; and WHEREAS, a petition has been su itted to add an additional str et to this residential permit pa king area. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that additional parking reg lation shall be in effect in the residential area around St. Tho as College : l. Except by permit, or unless otherwise posted, One Hour Parking on the following st eet: West side of Cleveland Aven e from Dayton Avenue to Marshall Avenue. CO NCILMEN Requested by Department of: � �J Yeas Nays N cosia ln Favor Pu lic Work -Tr - nia R ttman ry' �' S heibel S nnen � __ Against BY �'�%�L� T esco Adopted b uncil: Date DEC 1 0 ��� Form Approv by City A orney Certified a s d y ouncil et BY By� °� ( Approved avor: Date ' � �i Appr Mayor for S ' s' n to '1 p���_;�� u�� 19 1987 Public Works DEPARTMENT � 7 -�7�� N� ' 4497 Kar]. N Johnson CONTACT _ \ . V 292-62 PHONE � �� Octc�be 28, 1987 DATE „� e�r ASSIGN NU ER FOR ROUTING ORDER Cli All Location for Si nature : tor 3 Director of Management/Mayor Financ and Management Services Director 4 City Clerk Budget Director 5 City Council � Cit torney WHAT WILL� E ACHIEt�ED BY TAKING ACTION ON THE ATTA HED MATERIALS? (Purpose/ Rationale) : Upon pa sage, the west side of Cleveland Avenue from Dayton Avenue to Marshall Avenue ould be incorporated into the pe mit parking area adjacent to the College; of St. Thomas. ��`g� RECEIVED ,,� � - - - ` NOV 031987 COST/BENEF T, BUDGETARY AND PERSONNEL IMPACTS ANTI IPATED: MA�YOR'S OFFICE Reside ts on �the annexed street would be permitted to purchase parking permit at a cost of $10. 00 each. This harge is applied to the costs incurr d in the administration and imple entation of the permit parking progr FINANCING OURCE AND BUDGET ACTIVITY NUNIBER CHARGE OR CREDITED: (Mayor's signa- ture not re- Total ount of Transaction: quired if under $10,000) Funding Source: N/A Activit Number: ATTACHMENT List and Number All Attachments : Resolu ion RECEIV�D OCT 301987 DEPARTMEN REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY REVIEW x Yes o Council Resolution Required? Resolution Required? Yes No Yes X o Insurance Required? Insurance Sufficient? Yes No Yes No Insurance Attached: (SEE REVERSE SIDE FOR IN TRUCTIONS) Revised 1 /84 � 7 - �7� � ------ ------------------------- AGENDA ITEMS ID#: [ 49 ] DATE REC: [11/09/87] AGENDA DATE: [00/00/00] ITEM #� C ] SUBJEC : [PERMIT PARKING AREA BY ST.THOMAS COL EGE - CLEVELAND/DAYTON-MARSHAL] STAFF SSIGNED: [ ;t.5 r l-�d ] SIG:[ u] OUT-[ ] TO CLERK -E8Af68f�� // � g ORIGIN TOR:[PUBLIC WORKS ^ ] CO TACT:[KARL JOHNSON - 292-6291 ] � � , ACTION [ ��:, ., F r,fi..p �-_-�,�.� ' 7 C ] C.F.# ] ORD.# [ ] FILE COMPLETE="X" [ ] � � � � � � � � � � � FILE I F0: [RESOLUTION/ ] C 7 [ 7 ------ --------------------------------------- ------------------------------- ------ --------------------------------------- ------------------------------- /