87-1761 WMITE - C�T �LERK PINK - FIN NcE G I TY OF SA NT PAU L Council CANARV - DE ARTMENT (/,.� BLUE - MAVOR File NO. ��-// � Cou cil R s lution ; , .e �,,: Presented Re erred To Committee: Date Ou of Committee By Date WHEREAS, the City has contracted with Municipal. ode Corporation for updating and printing the City's Legislative and Administrati e Codes, and WfiEREAS, $10,000 was included in the City Attorn y's Office 1986 budget to pay a portion of the c sts for the code revision but never spe t due to delays in printing, and WHEREAS The City Attorney"s Office and the City Clerk have determined that there is demand- � r additional copies of the codes than o iginally estimated, and WfiEREAS, The City Attorney's Office outside prin ing budget for 1987 contains only $5�000- 0 . the $10,000 due Municipal Code Corpora ion for completion-of updating and printing the codes, and The Mayo pursuant to Section 10.07.4 of the Ci y Charter recommends the following transfers for the �87 General Fund BudgeL: , - TRANSFER FROM: Genera Government Accounts Cont ngent Reserve Special . 0906 -0537 Operating Transfer Out -5,000 _ . . _ Current Amended Budget Changes Budget ------------ ------------ ------------ TRANSFER T0: Office f the City Attorney 0020 City Attorney-General Operations 0020 -0241 Printing Outside 30,000 +5,000 35,000 0020 Al1 Other Spending 1,360,31.5 --0 1,360,315 _ ------------ ------------ ------------ 1,390,315 +5,000 1,395,315 . _. _ . _. . NET CHAN E 0 RESOLVED That the City Council approves these c anges to the 1987 budget. Approval Recommended -��-��-t--����-- Budget �i�Flector COU C[LMEN Requested by De rtment of: Yeas Nays � N�c s�a Office f the City t Ret man In Favor Sch ibel � son e� __ Against BY �4A Adopted by ouncil: Date DEC � 0 �� Form Approv City Att r ey Certified a • Council Secret BY gy, Approv Vlavor: Date _��j� �vl Ap o e by Mayor for S iss n cil BY - - — �� � ,,_ . 't �� 1987 8' 7 - /76/ � , .N°_ 010964 � City ttorneX ; DEPARTMEN� - Joann Rettner CONTACT NAME � 11— PHONE � DATE ASS G R RO RDE : (See reverse ide.) � Dep tment D.irector 4 Mayor (or Assistant)' Fin ce and l�lanagement Services Director 5 City Clerk � Bud t Director � Cit Attorney _ 0 Z OF SlGNATURE PAGES: 1 (Clip al locations for signature.) W V D B G T 0 C D ? (Purpose/Rationale) � City will be able to p y t e i incurre wit unicipa Code Corp. on contract to revise and print City's Legislative and Administrative Codes. $10,000 b dgeted in 1986 for printing the odes was never spent. $5,000 r mains in 1987 printing budget bu bill is f $10,000 . �z�1�� �' u OS UDGET AN PERSONNEL C PA D: $5,000 wil be transferred from Contingent eserve 5pecified to City Attorney' s outside pr nting budget. Net affect on Gen ral Fund is 0 . FIN C N D U A TIVI NUMB R C E 0 CREDITED: (�iayor's signature not required if under $10�00 .) From 09061 to Total ount of Trans�ction: $5,000 .00 Activity Number: 00200 Fundin source: 09061, Contingent Res ve Specified � ATTAC S: , (List and number all attachments.) 1. Re so 1 t ion. 2 . 11/10 Rettner/Blees me� 3. Conti gent Reserve Specified Status Rep rt DM N VE P CEDURES f!7j,es _No Rules, Regulations, Procedures or Budget Aanendment required7 1/Yes _No If yes, are they or timetable ttached? D PAR VI i1 CITY ATTORNEY REVIEW �es �° Council resolution required? Resolution required? _Yes TNo _Yes ✓ o Insurance required? Insurance sufficient? _Yes _130 Yes No Insurance attached? �`7 - �7 �� :t�.: CITY OF SAI T PAUL INTERDEPARTMENTAL MEMORANDUM November 10, 1987 M E M O R A N D U M TO: Gregory Blees Budget Director FROM: Joanne Rettner��� Office of City Attorney RE : 1987 Budget Transfer - Out ide Printing As you know, the City has contra ted with Municipal Code Corpora- tion of Tallahasse, Florida fo updating and printing of the City' s Legislative and Adminis rative Codes. Our budget for 1986 contained $10, 000 to pay portion of the costs for this revision. However, due to unav idable delays in printing, that amount was not billed until t is year. In addition, Ivars Krievans of our staff and Al Ol on determined that based on the number of outside firms that had expressed an interest in obtain- ing copies of the revised Codes it would be necessary to order an additional 100 copies printed which, of course, has increased the amount we originally anti ipated. We need to make an additional $10, 000 payment to M nicipal Code Corporation before the end of the year. We have $5 , 000 remaining in our outside rinting account which can be u ed for this purpose, but need o have the additional $5 , 000 t ansferred into our budget. We ereby request authorization for that transfer and ask that you irect your staff to prepare the ecessary City Council Resolution pproving this transfer. f you have any questions, please call me. Thank you for your ssistance. 'r �tE�Ef�4�� C10V 1 u `EJ�7 BUDG�E� ��'�'��= ��/- /7�v/ oov�c�L �o� i s� Bv�c�r SPEQFIID COI�I'INGF�!' VE (09061-537) as of Nave�nber 19, 1987 Counc'1 Changes/Transfers c� ------------------------- 1987 Council Budge File Date Atciaunt Available ------- -- -------- ------ ------------ ------------- Salary Res e (contracts arid year-end accrual ) 3,030, 67 -Property Taxatiar� Research & Analysis 87-1324 9/10 50,000 -Tuition eimbursen�nt 87-1378 9/22 15,000 -Printing Legis & Admin Codes perxling (5,000 2,960,667 Ca►�arable orth:AFSCME Contract 575, 90 575,790 Fair Labor tar�da�ls Act (� e� Worker's sati� (See Bal e) 'Ibrt Liabil'ty (� e� Gasoline/Oi Price Increase 75, 00 75,000 Council s(#129) 20, 00 20,000 Council Co ideratio�(Hiunan Rights Attorney, 95, 42 95,142 Set Aside Police Co�nrnanity Relations) Work Siur�le (Refine Guidelines) 50, 00 50,000 Printing islative Code 20, 50 87-135 2/5 (20,250) 0 ------- --- ------------ ------------- Total 3,866, 49 (90,250) 3,776,599 ------- --- ------------ ------------- ------- --- ------------ ------------- penr3ing - ing action by the Finance Cca�mittee o identif ied but not yet submitted by e department. reccmm. - am�ded by the Finance Camnittee for ppraval. �S/jeanVt . /RESER 11/19/87 �' 7 - /7 l i __________ _____________________ A+�EfV[�A ITEM',� ____ ___________________________ ID#: 87-[51 ] DATE REC: [11/30/877 AGENDA DAT : (00/00/00) ITEM �: f I SUBJECT: (1 87 BUDGET CHANGE - PAY MUNI. CODE CORP. FOR PRINTING CONTRACT ] C.R. STAFF: [�"O7/� �j--�� ] SIG:[NICOSIA ] OUT-[ ] CLERK [Cl0•L89tflQ� i-� /.Z ORIGINATOR:[CITY ATTORNEY ] CONTAC :[J. RETTNER - 4121 ] ACTION:[ ] c � C.F.# [ ] ORD.# [ ] FILE COMPLETE="X" [ ] � � � � � � � � � � � � FILE INFO: RESOLUTION/MEMO, RETTNER TO BLEES/CONTI G. RESERVE REPORT ] f � C �