87-1760 WHITE - CI v CIERK PINK - FI ANCE GITY OF S INT PAUL Council �7Cv� CANARV - D PARTMENT �ry� BIUE - M vOR File NO. � , ou cil esolution .. (�� Presented By � eferred To Committee: Date ut of Committee By Date WHEREAS� The Mayor, pursuant to Section 10.07.3 f the City Charter, does certify that there are ava lable for appropriation revenue in egcess of those estimated in the 1987 budget; and WHEREAS, The Mayor recommends the following cha ges to the 1987 budget: Current Amended ___Budget Changes __Budget____ FINANCI G PLAN --- ------------ O50 pecial Projects-General Government Fund - - Z99 Transfer From General Fund 0 +28,000 28,000 0p erating Transfer �0ut from 00100) ther Fund Financing - ., 710,355 0 710,355 ------------ ------------ ------------ . _ _ _ _ 710,355 +28,000 738,355 SPENDIN PLAN _ O50 pecial Projects-General Government Fund - 0102 Better Neighborhoods: Human Servic Initiatives 0102-0114 Full Time Appointed - 0 +28,000 28,000 01-02 Other- Activity Spending 61,700 - 0 61,700 ther Fund Spending 648,655 0 648,655 ------------ ------------ ------------ 710,355 +28,000 738,355 _. . NET C GE: +28,000 RESOLV , That the City Council approves these changes to the 1987 budget. Approval Becommended -- -- -�rL�� Budget D re tor C UNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays � Nicosia Executive Adm' ration Rettman In Favor , Scheibel � Sonnen __ Agalllst uw►i'� Adopted by Council: Date �E� � � �� Form Approv y City Attorney Certifie Pa. • ouncil Se ary BY By. Appr v Mavor: Date t � Appro ed ayor for Submi on C cil By _ sy ��p�. :_� _ F v �;is j �► ,: . � ��7 �7�ti N.°_ Q11045 � Execu ive AdministrationDEPARTMENT - B o b K s s 1 e r CONTACT NAME 2 9 8-4 2 3 _PHONE � N ov ni 'e 10 '19 8 7 DATE S � ( 0 ,�VG ORDER: (See reverse s e. , � � De artment Director NOV ;� . �9$7 � Mayor (or Assistant) Fi ance and I�anagament Services Director ,� City Clerk Bu get Director MAYO 'S OFFICE .._ _Ci y Attorney _ . 0 O i (Clip 11 locations for signature.) v C ? (Purpose/Rationale) � � This i�li transfer $28t000 from the Ma or' s Office General Fund to the Mayo ' s Office Special Fund-Better Nei hborhoods Program. ����. RECEIVED 11`� NOV 18 1987 C S U G Y . ND E SO CT . BUDGET OFFICE This transfer wi1Z provide the funds ecessary to support the activities of t e Better Neig'hborhoods Program f r the remainder of the 1987 Budget Year. F N ING S C BU T C V TY N BER 0 E : (Mayo 's signature �ot required if under $10,000.) To 1 Amount of Trans�ction: $2g,000. 00 Activity Number: 30102 F ing Source: 729g Transfer from Ge eral Fund (00100 Mayor 's Office) ATT NT : (List and 'number all attachmen s.) 1. e s o 1 u t�.o n REC EI 1��D R�G�I�/�'Q 2. orresponding General Fund Resolu ion y 3. 1/3/87 Patton/Kessler Memo NOV `� �OV � � '��1 � 319�7 .. ADM IS T V OCEDURES �r Y�Y , ~ X Yes _No Rules, Regulations, Proce res, or Budget Amendment required? ' � X Yes _No If yes. are they or timet le attached? � D A Z 1T R V EW CITY ATTORNEY ,REVIE4T X es _No Council �esolution required Resolution required? _Yes _No es �No Insurance required? Insurance �ufficient� Yes _No es �No Insurance attached? M�♦ � � /I , .< < � �� � � ' • ' ' ! Z�F CITY OF 5/11 T PAUL , INTEROEPARTMENTAL MEMORANDUM ovember 3, 1987 O: William Q: Patton Deputy Director' for Commun ty Development ROM: Bob Kessler ��)` Better Neighborhoods E: Mayor's Office Utilization of McKnight TRANSITIONS Funds 've discussed the transfer of fu ds from the McKnight RANSITIONS Grant with Tom Meyer, Ron Kline and Jacqui Shoholm. e agree that the procedure shoul be for PED to transfer $28,000 from TRANSITIONS to the Mayor's O fice General Fund Budget. Then he Budget Office will initate a udget amendment to provide $28,000 from the Mayor's Office G neral Fund Budget to • Special Fund 30102--Better Neighb rhoods. he rationale for PED to provide RANSITIONS funds to the Mayor's Office is based on the support t t the Mayor's Office has provided throughout the developm t, preparation, presentation, implementation and evaluation �of he McKnight TRANSITIONS Grant. Mayor's Office staff, including he Mayor, have been involved since the program was funded by cKnight. Mayor's staff have provided assistance with the eva uation plan, promotion of job placements for TRANSITIONS worke s, and liaison with employee unions and Personnel staff. In the coming months, the Mayor' Office will direct the re-submission of the second year proposal and the placement of approximately 15 graduates in pu lic employment positions through . the Personnel Office. � We based our calculations of the level of support on the following: 5o Mayor's Time $ 3,000 10� Executive Assist nt. 6,940 20� Senior Mayor's A de 9, 120 10� Clerical Support 3, 120 Fringes (26�) 5.766 TOTAL $27,946 . �'� - i7� � ,�-� : ����` , , � ��� ��� r / !�; � . .. , . _=====r-_ _______________________ AGENDA ITEMS =_ -___________________�=_�_�_� J+. j�;;i I'� ID#: 87- 517 ] DATE REC: [11/30/87] AGENDA D TE: [00/00/00] ITEM �1� �`�]� � ' ` "'' . � , 5 ,iv ��-:� SUBJECT: [1987 BUDGET CHANGE - PROVIDE FUNDS FOR BETTER NEIGHBORHOODS PR�f4Ai14],„�T Y�,,r�. ' � • `,,�.�= � i ' -- �.� C.R. STA F: [ �'r� ��-�a ] S I G:[SONNEN ] OUT-[ ] CLERK [09�98706�' ;��-�� ' �- ORIGINAT R:[EXEC. ADMIN. ] CONT CT:[KESSLER - 4323 ] ACTION:[ ] [ ] C.F.# [ ] ORD.# [ ] FILE COMPLETE="X" [ ] � � � � � � � � � � � FILE INF : [RESOLUTION/CORRESPONDING RESOLUTION/ EMO, PATTON-KESSLER ] C ] [ ] -------- --------------------------------------- ----------------------------- -------- --------------------------------------- -----------------------------