87-1754 w�,��= - c�TV CLERK COUIICIl � J PNK - FINANCE GITY OF AINT PALTL % CANARV - D�EPARTMENT File NO. � ° �`�� ' BLUE - MAVOR � Counc� � e tion � Presente By � '� eferred To Committee: Date ut of Committ By Date irJHEREAS, cer�ain property (h reinaf�er referred to as Ecolotech) loca'ted in -�ne City of Saint Paul, Rar�lsey County, was and continues to be -�he suloje t of a hazardous waste clean-up order issued by the Minneso'ca Pol tion Control Agency (nereinaf-ter referred to as the ��IPCA) . ^nis s te i_s cortu.zonly ,cnown as 765-769 and 775 Front Avenue, S�. Paul, N± nneso�a ana lec�ally d.escribed as : Lots 6, 7 an 8 Block 14 Roya^_1 Oaics nd; VJHEP.LAS, a clean-up of some of the hazardous was'ces on ��he ite �`ook place in late 1984 and e rly 1985; and TnIHER�AS, this site includes th ee vacan� and par�tially boarded � uildinqs that are enclosec� .with a plywood/chain link fence; and WHEREAS, City officials have b en informe� that 'the soil beneath t e existing buildings and the gro ndwater itself remain contaminated a the site; and tn1HEREAS, the people in the nei hbor:nood �f �he Ecolotech site h ve been and presently are concer ed about their families ' health a d safety if �he site continues in i��s present unresolved sta��us� a d WHEREAS, title to the Ecolotech properties has been 'transferred t the County of Ra�sey and State o Minnesota through tax forfeiture p oceedings; and -1- COUNC LMEIV uested by Department of: Yeas Nays [n Favor Against BY F rm Appr ved City AttoC� Adopted by Cou cil: Date Certified Yassed by CounciJ Secretary Y � By. tApproved by 1Aav r: Date Ap rov by Ma r fo u "ssion to Council By . ,� � - . ,��r�, j�;;� . � �' WHEREAS, in order to prevent ny unknowing purchaser or developer from exposing the neigh orhood to further possible contamination from this site, it ill be necessary for the County of Ramsey, on behalf of it elf or the State of Minnesota, to file an affidavit with the Ram ey County Recorder to identify he Ecolotech site as a hazardous waste site and to specify limit- tions applicable to the property' s use, all in compliance with he provisions of Section 115B.16, Subdivision 2 of the Minnesota tatutes; and WHEREAS, in order to make the colotech site more safe and ecure, it would be necessary to d molish the existing structures nd remove all contaminated soils r demolish the structures and i ediately place an impermeable t p over the contaminated soils; a d `���. �o�z��� -a- WH1� - C TV CLERK PINK - F NANCE � COUIICll C CANARV - PARTMENT GITY OF S �INT PALTL File NO. � �� ���� BIUE -M VOR � � Council esolution Presented y R fecred To Committee: Date 0 t of Committee By Date NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, the Council of the City of aint Paul requests Ramsey County and any other responsible arties to take immediate action o do the following: 1. Immedia�ely file �the affidavit identifying the Ecolotech site as hazardous waste site pursuant to the provis 'ons of Section 115B.16, Subd. 2 of the Minneso a Statutes; and 2 . Within sixty ( 60) days begin the cleanup of the site including the demolition of the structures on the site and the removal of contaminated soils or he demolition of the structures on the site and installation of an impermeable seal or to cover over the contam- inated soils; and 3 . Proceed with any furth r remedial action and monitoring required by the MPCA; and 4 . If the property is sold before the above can be accomplished, that the ounty require the buyer of this property to com ly with these terms and conditions and �imetabl . -3- COUNC LMEN equested by Department of: Yeas Nays � In Favor � Against BY Adopted by Cou cil: Date DEC — 9 �7 F rm Approve by City Attomey Certified Pa- cil ret BY � � By �� A►ppro by Ma or: Date ' , C �`t.��%! A proved Mayor ubmis ' n to Council C B �sk °��`� . . - ��, �. � �987 �:�.o,; �:�_�� • , , . • �� � � ���� ' � � --------------------- AGENDA IT MS - -----------------_________ ID#: [420 ] DATE REC: [10/30/87] AG NDA DATE: [00/00/00] ITEM #: [ ] SUBJECT: HAZARDOUS WASTE CLEAN-UP - ECOLO ECH J STAFF ASS GNED: [ ] SIG: [RE MAN ] OUT-[ ] TO CLERK [11/02/87] ORIGINATO : [RETTMAN ] CONTACT: [ ] ACTION: [ ] � ] C.F. # [ J ORD. # [ ] FILE COMPLETE="X" [ ] * * * * * * * * * * * * FILE INFO: [RESOLUTION (3 PGS) ] � ] � ]