87-1753 WHITE - C�TY CLERK PINK - FINA ce GITY OF SAINT PAUL Council p�����- CANqRV - DEP RTMENT rt r � BLUE - MAY R � File N V• �� � ,C uncil R olution Presented B Ref rred To Committee: Date . Out f Committee By Date SOLVED: That Application (I.D.#472g ) for the renewal of a Dance Hall and Game Room License by Wa e T. Belisle DBA The Library at 215 South Wabasha Street be and the same is hereby approved,! ��� COUN [LMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays � Nicos a [n Favor Rettm n Schei el � _ Against BY Sonne Weida Adopted by C uncil: Date DEC — � (987 Form Approved by City Attorney Certified Pas e y uncil , et BY By A►ppr ve � avor: Date ► � 1�? Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council B BY F °t,�lw�►� �. ._� :� `.: Finance � Management Sexvice a �� � �v°'� 1,';} �792 t ' DEPARTMENT �,� _ K�is �chw i_nler CONTACT 298-5056 PHONE � . 12/1/87 DATE ��`'� �� � ASSIGN MUMB R. FOR ROUTING ORDER C1i All Locations for Si natur� : . Depart nt Directow . Director` of Management/1Hayor Finance and Management Services Director - 3 City Clerk, Budget irector � _Councii R��e�rch: � City At orney - ,_ HAT WILL 6 �ICHIEVED BY TAKING AGTION ON THE ATTAC ED MATERIALS? (Purpose/ � . Ratjonale�: Mr. Wayne B lisle DBA The Lib�$xp has submitted the proper renewal notice an fees for a Restaurant, Dance Hall, and Game Room License at 21 South Wabasha. In accorda.ric�" wi,th legislative code 3T0.04, Mr. Belisle's Dance Hall d Game Room License must receive council app oval. T BENEFI BUDGETARY AND PERSONNEL IMPACTS ANTIC PATED; �INANCING S URCE AND BUDGET ACTIVITY NU{�ER CHARGED OR CREDITED: (Mayor's signa- ture not re- Total Am unt of �Transaction; quirect if undex Funding ourcg: � �10,00a} � Activity Number: = ATTACHI�{EtVTS Cist and Number All Attachments : � The Lice se � Perm�t Divi,sion�s report regarding Mr. Belisle's involvement �v�,th ��e establis ment known as The Library ' Notifica ion of adverse hearing • �� `� � qEP14RTMENT EVIEW CITY �ITTORNEI� REYIEW. . x Yes N Council Resolution Required? � Resolution Required? Yes No Yes �� N Inswrance Required? Insurartce Sufficient? Yes No Yes I�surar�ce Attached: T . (SEE �REVERSE SIDE FOR INST UCTIONS) Revised 12/ 4 .. . _ q � � � - ��� DIVIS ON OF LICENSE AND PERMIT ADMINISTRATION DATE �Zt � 1� / 1Z �. �f�I INTER F.PARTMFNTAL REVIEW CHECKLIST Appn Processed/Received by Lic Enf Aud Appli ant �_,�� ,�,�j �p QTg� H me Address � �(D So . _�n.n .� �t�rQ Busin ss Name � � H me Phone ��(� - 31 Q� Busin ss Address a �j So . l,vG�.��h� T pe of License(s) �t'.ti.�C�. Busin ss Phone �"� -� ��� Publi Hearing Date ��,� F ��j u-� L cense I.D. 4{ �'`�a K� at 9: 0 a.m. in the Council Chambers, � 3rd f oor City Hall and Courthouse S ate Tax I.D. �� �'"�� j C.e� llate utice Sent:• D aler 4� j/`�(� to Ap licant � . c� � -� 1T`�— I' deral F3.rearms 4� ��a Publi Hea�ring DATE INSPECTION EVIEW VERFIED (COMPUTER) CUMMENTS A proved Not A ro ed B1 I & D + � � � He th Divn. �lf ' � l°� I _ � r-c c ��. �sx�,� � G Fi Dept. �� ( � � U� I Po ice Dept. j� I� I vw r�cc��, Li ense Divn. � �z�� i r�.-� s�. _� Ci y Attorney � I Date Received: Site Plan In I q To Council Research ��� �� L�—� Leas or Letter � I� Date from Landlord f CURRENT INFORMATION NEW INFORMATION Current Corporation Name: New Corporation Name: Current DBA: New DBA: Current Officers: Insurance: Bond: Workers Compensation: New Officers: Stockholders: k' 7 ` / 7�� �. � i r z u r � A. 1 T r `�A U L � LIC-ID: 47286-7 LI CENSE RENEWAL NOTI CE INV-DT: 08/28/87 REMIT TO : CITY �F AINT PAUL 203 CITY HALL, SAINT PA L, MN 55102 PAYMENT DtTE DATE : 10/31/87 WAYNE T BELISLE MINNESOTA TAX ID # : 3718560� LIB Y LICENSE EXP. DATE : 10/31/87 215 S WABASHA ST ST PA , MN 55107 ' LICENSE NAME IT-COST #UNITS AMOIINT ---- ------------------------------ - ------- ------ --------- 2570 REST URANT 9HRS TO 25 SEATS - �}- 97.50 O1 97.50 2246 DANC HALL - TO 2500 SQ FT 62.50 O1 62.50 2311 GAME ROOM 259.50 O1 259.50 PLICATION FEE : 2.50 TOTAL : $422.00 �. �� �?� LIC-ID: 47286-7 � ($15.00 GE FOR RETURNED CHECKS) (IF 0 OF BUSINESS, PLEASE INFORl�-.US.�;�-`=;;> . � . . . ** LOWE SECTION MUST BE RETURNED WITH PA NT TO ASSURE PROPER CREDIT.** ���C. /O -� - �� . 5 ��"J— /7�� _ ��,*. o�; CITY OF SAINT PAUL '•' ' DEPARTMENT O FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES e : + ' � e DIVI ION OF UCENSE AND PERMIT ADMINISTRATION '.o�• � 'y ,��� I Room 203, City Hall Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 George Latim Mayor N vember 30, 1987 DEPARiMENT OF POLICE ST. P�JL, PAI��N. 55101 T : Lt. Coxcoran 1�V 30 1987 RECORUS u 1uL�+,�r+�r►►,u�r F OM: Kris Schweinler� �, • .._.... , NU ADJLT ARRE5T REtORD IN �tA�ISEY COUNTY . Record Check � �. �- , n connection with application for tTie r newal of a Game Room and Dance Hall icense at 215 S. Wabasha, a police reco d check is requested on the ollowing person: ayne T. Belisle 96 S. Mississippi River Blvd. irthdate: 10/7/40 S/lk ��-��7�_ � ���"""'""U� C ITY OF SA I NT PA U L _h.`�1TT O�:�4r 'e �; OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK s: � ii� Q: :,,+. � ALBERT B. OLSON, CITY CLERK � - ��°'��„m�"���'�� 386 City Hall,Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 CEORGE LATIM R 612-298-4231 MAYOR N ember 24, 1987 Mr. Joe Carchedi Li ense Inspector R m 213, City Hall De r Sir: Th City Council today adopted a resolutio granting the renewal of various licenses. Prior to adoption, t e license for a ga� room an dancehall at The Library at 215 So. W sha, was deleted from th resolution and laid over for two weeks to December 8, 1987 with a equest for a License Division report an investigation on this ap lication. � truly yours, �����:����.,��,r---- A rt B. Olson Ci y Clerk :th � � - � 7�� CITY OF SA NT PAUL INTERDEPARTMENTA MEMORANDUM December 1, 1987 T0: St. Paul City Council FROM: Joseph F. Car � � RE: The Library On June 11, 1986, an application fo a Dance Ha11 and Game Room License was submitted to the License & Permi Division by Mr. Wayne Belisle. Mr. Belisle completed and submitted he application as an individual and although he stated he would have a manager, he would be operating the business personally. Mr. Belisle's renewal notice was ret rned by mail with no indication of any change in ownership. During my nterview with Mr. Belisle, he produced certificates of stock and a ticles of incorporation of a Minnesota corporation "Library Night Club, Inc." Mr. Belisle stated that although the corporation was fo ed shortly after his initial application, he neglected to transfe the licenses from himself as an individual to his four children who re the sole stockholders of the corporation. Mr. Belisle has been told until proper applications by his children have been completed and rocessed and given council approval he is the I.icensee and perso responsible for the activities presently allowed at 215 South Wabash (The Library) . JFC/lk � / �� �y�.a.�l 1�'_�� ��.� � �j t� � City of 'aint Pau1 �c� ���-P�') Department of Finance nd Management Services License and ermit Division 203 C ty Hall �(���j ��-� St. Paul, Minneso a 55102- 298•5056 APRLlCATION FOR LICENSE CASH CH CK CLASS NO. New enew a c� � Date ��' 19_�� Code No. Titie of License �� � From � ✓ �/ 19t?�1'o 19 ��:5 �� _ -� � - �o �` � ��� � � pplic U ompany Name 100 � c�Z� C��`�- L i,'�.M1 � � 100 Business Name ,00 � / �- �-- l,�a��-��> Business Address Phone No. 100 ' �.,(-`�1 F' �� - 100 Mail to Address Phone No. 100 Manager/Owner•Name 100 100 tilanagerlGwner•Home Address Phone No. 4098 Appli ation Fee 2. 50 Received the Su of 10/0 � ll� � ManagerlOwner•City,Slate& Zip Code 100 Total 100 License Insoector - � By/ Signature of Appticant � Bond: Company Name Policy No. �xpiration Date Insurance: Company Name oiicy No. Expiration Date Minnesota State I entification No. So ial Security No. Vehicle Informati n: Se�ial Number P�ale Number Other: THIS IS A RECEIPT FOR PPLICATION THIS IS NOT LICENSE TO OPERATE.Your application for license wili eith r be granted or rejected subject to the provisions of the zoning ordinanCe and Completion of the inspections by the Health, Fire, Zoning an lor License Inspectors. . , �-- � ��-��- r;s� � crT^� or T. Da�:. �/ �a O�P - D�ARTM�'�1T dF F'�.'*IAIICE MAftAGEI�.�iT SEFtVICES V LICIIQSE AND .� DNISI�N Th se statement `_'or:�s are issued in d�aglica e. Please answer all questions ftil�y and c pletely. T!:is appl=cation is thorough]y checked. My Palsification will be cai:se Po denial. Date � �. :c? 19 �� 1. Application Por r, �� � .l. c, iCc+a (License� (Permit) 2. Name of appli cant �� �.,�� j _ If BDDZ�CBAt is/has been a ��-x�ied .°easZ , l±st maiden name !+. Date of birth jG L 1 Age �/S Place or birth �f, /"��.� /�i s, h � ' 5. Are yau a citi.zen of the United States F' Aative Naturalized 5. Are you a registered voter E f� ere st�_ ,r���t / '. Home address , S � �J ffj . ; �� � Home telephone �o��/ R. Present business address � �-. �i �� �L, i3usinesa teltphone ��J o, Tncluding your present businesa/employmen , vhat busiaess�em�loyment have you ollowed for the past Pive years. Business/cmployment pd��eS � c �� -P J� �c l�r� � 7S�% Nv. G ����.�� T uc 1 10. � rriec? `�{'S Zf ansWer is "yes'�, list name and address oP spouse �► T — _ .� . / ! c>`�'� /i/ � 11. H ve you eve^ been arrested Por an ofPense that has resulted in a cocroiction4�1 I ans�+er is ";�es", list dates oP arrests, where, charges, convictiona and s ntences. D te o.* arrest 19 Where .GE CQ i�T�� .5�. � Da e �r arrest 19 �here "' .?tGt'. C^ :Z^^��-'" „ �Fj�rr�,•rr 1 12. List the names an3 a3�resses !i° Aarried, na�ae oP spouse alsa) oP all persor�s, corporat�o�s, pzrtnershiFs, assaciati�ns or organizations Whicn in ar.y Way hav�: a. A ;nort3age interest in the licensed premise, �i/�e ���rl�c �C - Ati �, �Y� - ��►., fr�•� f ;�vr �-.��c<'/����Q�-- b. A secc:rity interest �n the iicensed premises, license, or riirnishings of the licensed premise, /I��n� c. A prxr.issory note Yor Punds loaned for the aperation of the licensed premise or the purchase oP �he license, ��i�, d. F�nanciall contributed o he�p"urchase of the premise or the license it- self ��i��..��4.� �� ��/-� _ e. Any ot'r.er interest either 3irect or iadirect, either .°inancial or otherwise i in the licensed premise or the license itself, `��i� -� _ �t�ac�: a copy hereto oP any and a11 doruments rePerred to in this affidavit. 1?. Give names and addresses of two persons, residents oP St. Pau1, Minnesota, who can give infor�ation concerning you. NpME ADDRFSS f/�' � ;� �,�t'/�-, �G�`f-r� c�✓c �cc ! JT�:. �t' /JG•Gi/L ��-� .S� �� ,���.,- /��3 �_� g/ /T<</, � '� ��. Address o_° premises Por Whi�ch License or Permit is ma,�e � / A�dress ,��•� -ro.. L����rd.�" '� Zone classi°icatioa SS!C` � ?5. 3etween What cross streets Whi^h side of street 16. Qa�e under Which this business will be conducted %��� �i�ru r �-i ?7. Business telephone number /U.��e� y.p T � 1°. Attach to this application, a detailed 3escription of the design, location, and square ,°ootage of the pre�ises t� be licensed _. . �re. premises noW occupied /�C�What business Ho� iong ' 1 '� � ���7�� . ?0. List license w�:ich y�u currently. ho , or fozr�er�r held, or may have an intere .. i n �? /Z?,P v ;1� ' /,�,Z � -� � , / 21. Have an .f the liceas�s li.sted by y u in No. 20 ever been revoked. Yes Na If ensver is "yes", list dates and reaaons: 2. TJo you have an interest oY arry type i any other business er business premises. I° answer is "yes", list business, b iness address and telephoae number. � � , G v� Cc: �x � �o � �/� ��r .S i-;h�t �.�r� %�v-� ..,� . If business is incorporated, give dat of incorooration 19 and attach ccey eP Articles of Incarp ration and mirnrtes of rirst meeting. 2 . List all oP�icers of the co�oration iving their aames, oPPice held, hame address, and home and business teleph ne numbers: C�U�� % . / .�' / �' -- ,.�.; �L .I/•� ,r� � �.l//f/f- C � G - - Su� -� 25 If business is partnership, list partn (s) address and telephoae n�bers: N� � Addr ss T+e1.Ao. -_ 25. Is there arLyone else vho will have an i erest fn this businesa or premises? If answer is "yes", give nsme, h�e� ss, telephone'n�bers aad in what manner is their interest: d �- - � . ' '.J r.. .1� ' j�27. Are you goinR �o operate this business rsonally f�� it aot, vho vill operate it: R� H address '!�el.Ao. , . Are you goin„ to have a Mana�er or assistant in this business? IP ansWer is ��yes", give nac:e and ?�o:ze ac�dress and home telephone rn:mber: � .� r� r. _ �i t O Name �� p� F�'..�3'r_. C..'' Home address�� �e1.No. ,. (� �Z�. ?9. Has anyone you have named in questions 22 throu�h 26 ever been arrested? If answer is "yes", list name of person, dates of arrest, where, cha.Tges, convic- tions and sentence ;i�G�1� 'Z-_ ?0. I �� -- �� F �� ;�� �r .f��- understand this premise may be in- spected by the police, :ire, health and other city officials at ar�r and aII times �hen the business is in o�eration. State of ?dinnesota) � )SS Coi:aty of Ramsey ) :' , � !-' ' / � Si a�ure o Applicant r � � L �� 'L`LJ'( being first duly swo:n, deposes and says upon oath that e has read the foregoing state�nent bearing his si�ture and !�oWS the contents thereo�, and that the ssme is true of his own kno`+ledge except as to those �atters therein stated upon infor,nati�n and belieP an to those matters he be- lieves them to be true. � ,� i Subscribed and svorn to Poze me �- i' �/ / Si�na� oP Ap lca.at this Q day of �1r1� 1? �� Nota J _�.:b ic, Ramse� County, Minnesoia '�y co�ission expires r RICHARD C. SALMEN �,l,t NOTARY PUBIIC-M�NNESOTA RAMSEY COUNTY _ NIY Commission ExPitM OsC.3.1988 � � o�a.i5 �� Y � 7�� _4��«*� ,: CITY OF SAINT PAUL ������ DEPARTMEN OF FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERViCES � �� '.' �FER�Itt �1V. + �� � �,���{�SE IVISION OF LICENSE AND PERMIT ADMINISTRATION �• ,... A � 3� Room 203, City Hall �Q� � 30 � Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 George L timer w May June 23, 1986 T0: Lt. Winger FROM: Kris Schweinler RE: Record Check In connection with application for Game Room License and a Dance Hall License at 215 South Wab sha, a police record check is requested on the following perso . Wayne T. Belisle 196 South Mississippi River Blvd N� �p�tT ARR�ST REC�RD Birthdate: 10-7-40 p;►�Yv tN RA�AS�Y C , ►.:� � KS/t i � DEPART,�;���-����� ST. Pl�UL, ;�;�;;,i: ���Ol JUN 2� 1986 RECO;'��;, ._. ,, . .,,,,;t IOh ... WIi1TE - C TV GLERK : . ` � _. .. . � /� ` . PINK � F NANCE : �' ' � COIIDCil ` �v �.N.A� - o PAATMEN T ~ G I TY O F S I NT PA U L � a��E _,M roa F1Ic N0. �(� --�J , ouncil esolution -�7 ��y �� Presented By �� i j R ferred To Committee: Date � 0 t of Committee By Date �c / �s Z�tL d�s �I.D. l472�i) tos a Dae��ilY.�� �oo� ✓ aae�i�`�a � I�s�r S. tsl3sL D� Li� at 2IS �. �a 3t. asi t� sa�s t� 6as� �.. � � _ � � � �� C D �,.,, - �� � �4 �i'!� ~ Q ui :C' � COUN ILMEN equested by Department of: Yeas orew Nays Nicosi � Rettm n [n Favor Scheib I so��e �J Against BY Ted Wilaon J��„ ? F '�(� orm Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Co ncil: Date Certified Yass d by Counc.il Se�Fetary BY .� i �... = � � � � gy. � i . , ?� Approved by INa or: Date � � �� A proved by Mayor for Submission to Council __ By By .�T•.� C1TY OF SAINT PAUL '. DEPARTME OF FiNANCF AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES �� �'�I ' °� . „ DIVISION OF LICENSE AND PERMIT ADMINISTRATION _ ,.. Room 203, City Hall _;,` Saint Paul,Minnesoa 55102 George timer /�,.� � — M,y L�-'C��f��5� November 30, 1987 Wayne T. Belisle 215 So. Wabasha St. Saint Paul, 1�IN 55107 Dear Mr. Belisle: As License Inspector for the Citq f Saint Pau1, I am hereby notifying you that on December 8, 1987 a pub ic hearing wi11 be held before the Saint Paul City Council. This hea ing will be held in the Couacil Chambers, third floor of the City d County Court House at 9:00 a.m. At this hearing, the License Inspe tor will recommend that the Saint Paul City Council deny renewal of e Restaurant License you presently hold at 215 So. Wabasha St. The L cense Inspector's office will base ( ( its recommendation on the followin : (1) Failure to make proper angements for required Health inspections. You maq be represented at such hear g by an attorney or other repre- sentative of your choice. You and/ r your attorneq/representative will be allowed to cross-examine witness s and present enidence through witnesses aad documents at this he ing. Enclosed is a memorandum of procedu es used bq the Saint Paul City Council for hearings on license rev cations, suspensions, and denials of new Iicenses. Very truly yours, � • Joseph F. Carchedi License Inspector JFC/mb Enc: cc: Council Members Jerry Segal - City Attorney's ffice <� Karen Swanberg - Minnesota Dep . of Revenue A1 Olson - City Clerk Joe Sannasch - Council Researc � 7-- � 7� � ,� _=o. CITY OF SAINT PAUL �' � DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY SERVICES : • - Mt � ��� �� ,• � DIVISION OF PUBUC HEALTH "� 555 Cedar St►eet,Saint Paul,Minnesoq 55101 (612)292•7741 Ceo Latimer Y� •November 17, 1987 Joseph Carchedi License Inspector Room 203, City Hall Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 Dear Mr. Carchedi: The Restaurant license, application 1�47 86, 215 South Wabasha Street is not approved for the following reaso : On numerous occasions we hane attempted to inspect your establishment land have found it closed. See the atta hed letter. c Your� truly, '� 7 i , � .lG��(, �� ��,��-!� ��/!L �rank Staffenson Environmental H alth Director FAS/ms Enclosure c: Ray Ciagne Environmental Health Specialist � �'�- ���� � � �'��'��'�' CITY OF SAINT PAUL ^<•••'`•n,;w<�. �:� '"' ';s. DEPARTlvSENT OF COMMUNITY SERVICES !. uuuoi E y�� n �l,�tu eG DIVISION OF PUBLIC HEALTH ���� � 555 Cedar Street,Saint Poul,Minnesota 55101 Geo ge Latimer �6�2)292'�'4� ayor October 14, 1987 Wayne T. Belisle , � 215 Wabasha Street S. Saint Paul, Minnesota 55107 � Dear Mr. Belisle: On numerous occasions we have attempt d to inspect your ' establishment and have found it close . Please contact this office as soon as possible for an inspection. We cannot renew your lic nse application unless a complete inspection is made. Our telephone ( number is 292-7717. Thank you for your prompt attention. Yours truly, . < < ,: ,,. T�-- '41�(.l.�a �C'�Lc'k,i�..�� William F. .Gunther Environmental Program Manager WFG/ms c: Ray Ciagne \. . .. `��� y L g '�"_ _ � - - - -- - - ��.� ✓ ; _ _ _ __ a_� - - _ _ _ _ WMiTE - CIT �LEpK � � � p�NK. - FIN NCE C��wRr -DE �.RTMENT C I T F SA I NT PAU L Council BLJE -MA� OR � F�IL NO � _ �' Cou ' olution ' � ., --.....,.,� � - � Presented �� ;' Re erred To Committee: Date _ Ou of Committe 'By Date RES LVED: That the renewal of the variou On Sale Liquor, On Sale Sunday Liquor, On Sale Wine, supporti g Class III licenses and various Class III licenses at the addr sses stated per the attachment be and the same are hereby grante . �� ` � ,� K��� D�� �- ,�.�# �p � v�'/1 � �,�,k, s ?o I z�r.�� . 7 F��w► � �- �.� COUN ILMEN � Requested by Department of: ~ Yeas Nays � In Favor — � Against BY Adopted by C uncil: Date Form Approved City Attorney Certified Pas n il S ary By By Approved by M vor• Date Approved b ayor for Submission to Council By By — �- �•� t- . � � t-• , .. ... �. � Lj+ ,al Y � � 1 .� .� . . •� . . :. � .�:.� � . �,.'. : �'; __p o±�n�v m m ti m .'o.:a n�e���e� w a�o- r n :� . •o n.c n o w-�b; . � � � �. . . . ._.,� :�'�': ��/a ena . � .. �vnury�r �nrvnu�n�• vn.;s.r•�-riy .�Y-r �f-ev • , ., . _ _�.__. ___ � ! � ; � � i � ---- . _ _ _._ _ r� ! j ! ; i I � � i � ! i 1. 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