87-1737 Wh11TE - CI CLERK PINK - FI NcE GITY OF SA NT PAUL Council � CANARV - DE ARTMENT BLUE - MA OR File NO. �� /�� 'i Council R solution _ � _ �- � Presented y ' �� � �r - _�-�--' R ferred To Committee: Date 0 t of Committee By Date ' An Administrative Resol tion establishing the rate of pay for Trainin and Development � Specialist in the Salar Plan and Rates of Compensation Resolution. i RESOLVED, that the rate of pay f r the title of Training and jDevelopment Specialist be set at the ate set forth in Grade 14, Section ID3, of the Professional Employees No -Supervisory Standard Ranges in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation and be it FINALLY RESOLVED, that this reso ution shall take effect and be in force on the first pay period after t e passage, approval, and publication of this resolution. i i C UNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Depa me of: ettman �— [n Favor NNEL cheibel _� Against — onnen eida Wilson ^� ,�$� Form Ap� by 'ty Attorney Adopted by Council: Date — Certifie Pass b uncil Secr BY � B}, �. Approv \4avor: Dat DEC�.0 �987 Approv by Mayor for Su 'ssi to Council B P„�����- �E C 1 � 1987_ Persbnne DE.PARTMENT ���73 7 N� _ 0 L• � CONTACT 298-4221 PHONE 10-27-87 DATE ej��' Q Q � . ASS GN NU ER FOR .R UTING ORDER C1 i. ,A11 Location for, Si nature :� Dep�rt nt Director " 4 Director of Management/Mayor Financ and Manag nt Services Director � 5 City Clerk to r �----- _ � . � City :torney _ WHAT WILL E AC�IEVED 8Y TAKING ACTION t�N THE ATTA HED: MI�TERIALS? (Purpose/ This resol tf.on esta�blt�hes the rate of pay for t title of �tionale) : Trnining d Dev,elop�ent Specialtst. This class s cr�eated �t the req�est �f� the Pe�^sonnel Director. This -title descl�tbes a �c�rne�r-le�rel p fes�ionnl respon�fible �'or d�vel`qping and conductin tra;ining for City ea�ployees; especiall supervisot*s dnd m�nngers. RE�EIVED '� ��� N(lU 0 41987 . 1` �, OST BENE T BUDGETARY AND PERSONNEL IMPACTS ANTI IPATED: M14'YOR'S OFFIeE This titl Nill 6e used in lieu of Person�el Assi tant III wf�ficF► is at tfie satme� gr�tde (Prqfessi a�l Non-SuperytSpry Gr�de 14). There i one poslti�on budgeted 1'or 1988. As thts ti'tl will be utflized in lteu of another t� le at the saiaAe pa�y, there ts no. a�dditianal cost to t `City. � Grade. 14 . alary; Bdse 5-llr. R te ' $1114.Q6 bfi-weekly �1464.5 bi-weekly . $28,965 a�nnual �38,075 annua�l FINANCING OURCE AND BUDGET ACTIVITY NU{rBER CHAR D OR CREDITED: (Mayor's signa- ture not re- Total ount of'Transacti�on: quired if under � �10,000} : Fu�►d3.n� Source;. Activi Number: . ATTACHMEN S List and Number All Attachments : l. Re luttan � z. c tor ctt� c�ertc hECEIVED RECEivE� : NQV 31987 QCT �g 1987 : � � COY�` HTTORNEYBUOG�� �r��cE DEPARTMEN REVIEW CITY ATTORAtEY REVIEW X Yes No Council Resolution Required? ' Reso�ution Re�uired? Yes No Yes X No Insurance Required? Insurance Sufficient? Yes No Yes X No Insurance Attached: � (SEE •REVERSE SIDE FOR I TRUCTIONS) Revised 1 /84 , . �,,���-��.�� . ______ _________________________ A(;ENDA ITEMS ID#: [ 48 � DATE REC: [11/09/877 AGENDA DATE: f00/00/007 ITEM #: f 1 SUBJEC : [RATE OF PAY - TRAINING AND DEVELOPME T SPECIALIST ] STAFF S5I GNED: [ �� � .�,� ] S I G:� '• ��` ✓v] OUT-[ ] TO CLERK E86�99f9�:�- //�3 l ORIGIN TOR:[PERSONNEL ] CO TACT:[SHERYL LE -4221 ] ACTION [ ] [ ] C.F.# ] ORD.# [ ] FILE COMPLETE="X" [ ] � � � � � � � � � � � FILE I F0: [RESOLUTION/ ] C ] [ ] ------ --------------------------------------- ------------------------------- ------ --------------------------------------- ------------------------------- � � � � ��V 1� �� � � �. : � � � �.i• �v � WHITE - CI CLERK COUIICIl Q PINK - FI N�-E GITY OF SA NT PALTL 7� 7 - CANARY - DE ARTMENT File NO. ��r/`v BF;UE +•MA OR Valuation —tRoom 218 Council R solution (FosterSt (RM) I� Presented y R ferred To Committee: Date 0 t of Committee By Date WHEREAS , the Council of he City of Saint Paul , by r solution C.F. 193515, approved A gust 11, 1959, vacated public r ' ght-of-way in the City of Saint aul described as follows : South Wheeler Street fr m the south line of St. Paul Avenue to the nor h line of Field Avenue, exeept that portion of S uth Wheeler Street lying between the north and so th lines of Wilmot Avenue and the north and sout lines of the alleys in Blocks 5 and 6, Granport ddition, according to the plat thereof on file and f record in the office of the Register of Deeds in and for Ramsey County, Minnesota WHEREAS, based upon utility easement Certificates of ntended Non-Use filed voluntarily on behalf of Northwestern Bell elephone Company, Northern State Power Company, Department of ublic Works, the Water Utility, Continental Cablevision, Western nion, and District Energy St. Pa l , Inc. and made a part hereof y this reference and filed in t e office of the City Clerk of aint Paul , the City for itself and on behalf of these orporations and departments aives the right to utility asements in the vacated area an described in the Certificates f Intended Non-Use. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, pursuant to Section 130.06 of he Saint Paul Legislative Code and on behalf of the City of aint Paul and those persons f r whom the city has reserved asements, the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby aive and release the retained u ility easements in the vacated ublic property as specified in t e Certificates of Intended Non- se described as follows : C UNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas D ew Nays N cosia R ttman [n Favor S heibel irector S nnen Against BY W ida lson Form App v by City At rney Adopted y Council: Date � + Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY ` < <�� Bp A►pprove by Ylavor: Date Approved by Mayor for Subm' io Council �- By � . � . �,,;� �.�_ � �;��` . - � Easement area released � Nor hern States Power Company Gas Division , Water Utility, estern Union and District Ener St . Paul , Inc . Vacated South Wheeler Street from the south line of St. Paul Avenue to the north line of Field Avenue , except that portion of So th Wheeler Street lying between the north and sou h lines of Wilmot Avenue and the north and south lines of the alleys in Blocks 5 and 6, Granport Addition, according to the plat thereof on file and of record in the office of the Register of Deeds in and for Ramsey County, Minnesota Easement area released � Con inental Cablevision All that part of vacat d Wheeler Street lying between Field Avenue and illmot Avenue except the East 5 feet of the South 3� feet , the East 3 feet of the North 28 feet of he South 62 feet and the East 5 feet of the North 6.84 feet. Easement area released by Pub ic Works All that part of vacated Wheeler Street from the south line of Wilmot Av nue to the north line of Field Avenue . � �..J ,��\��, 2