87-1732 WMITE - CITV LERK PINK - FINA c�E CITY OF SAINT PAUL Council ///JJJ y /� CANARV - DEP TMENT 1 u �/��/_/ � BLUE - MAV� Flle 1�0. "'���� � Council R solution �� �� . AR Presented B • ��/a�sl� Ref rred To Committee: Date Out f Committee By Date TP1fiEREAS, tiie City of Saint pau�, is mandated tQ promulgate and enforce motor vehicle parki g ordinances witizin tlie City; and �V�HEREAS, the parking regulation are necessary to assure orderly traffic flow and promote commer e; and ��'�lY3EREAS� tnere are approximatel seven tnousand parking citations issued to motor vehicles regist red to corporations or businesses . that remain outstanding in the ity of Saint Paul; and WHEREAS, the proposed statute w uld strenc�then parking ordinance enforcement, ease collection of outstanding citations, and generate revenue; THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT he City of Saint Paul supports legislation that would require usinesses to pay all outstanding citations issued to that motor ei3icle before they could receive a license plate or tab for tha vehicle. COU CILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays � Nic �ia Ret man In Favor �ch ibel � Sn �� Against BY Wei a W].1 On �EC "'� �87 Form Approv d y City At ey Adopted by ouncil: Date Certified P� - e cil Se ry BY By '� Approv lVlavor: Date DEC � G ��87,� Approv y Mayor for S sio to Council By B . ppBIISHED u t C 1 9 1987 � �� �7�° 0'73'78 MAY�R` OFFICE-IGR ' DEPARTMENT � : _ . r�r nxT� CONTACT � � 4323 PHONE DAT� ���� �Q, � � ASSIGN NUMB FOR ROUTING ORDER Cli All Lo.cations or Si nature : Departme t� Director 1 Director of Management%Mayor Finance nd Management Services Director - � City Clerk Budget D r'eCtor 3 Council. Fr•esident � City Att rney WFtAT WILL BE ACHIEVED BY TA�CING ACTION ON THE ATTACH D MATERIALS? (Purpose/ Rationale) : I�egi.slat -on wi,ll �esul,t �;� co�,le�t�;P� Q� aripa�,d �a�'k�;� �i.x�e�� W�h,�ch are not asily recavera�b7,e, The �tate an authp��.ze� ��,ce�;s�r,�c� ac�e�ci:.e� in the s ate would be requi�ed to �e�use o �;ssue or renew z� �Qtp� y�eh�c�.e license o. the owner of the �eTiicle uz�les outstaizd�n� �a�ki�c� cXtat�tp�$ are paid COST BENEFIT BUDGETARY AND PERSONNEL IMPACTS ANTICI TED: Co1l.ecti n and en�pXcez�e�t aost,s �,� �aint aul. ,wa,�,]. be �educed. FIRIANCIN6 SO CE AND BUDGET ACTIVITY NUWBER CHARGED 0 CREDITED: (Mayor's signa- ture not re- Total Amau t of "Transaction: quired if under � �10,000) � Funding So rce: . Activity N mber: . ATTACHMENTS ist and Number All Attact�nents : , ' DEPARTMEN7 RE EW CITY ATTORNEY REVIEW Yes No uncil Resolution Required? ' Resolution Required? Yes No Yes No nsurance Required? Insurance Sufficient? Yes f�o Yes No nsurance Attached: (SEE •REYERSE SIDE FOR INSTRUC IONS) R�vised 12/84