87-1728 WHITE - CI V CLERK CO11RC11 ///}}} PINK - FI ANCE G I TY OF SA I NT PAU L � CANARV - D ARTMENT •���/ 7� � � BI.UE -M oR � File NO ��� , � ouncil esolution Presented .��� , Y _ . R ferred To Committee� Date 0 t of Committee By Date RES LVED: That the Building Contractor L'cense currently issued to Joseph J. Naidyhorski DBA Naidyhorski Co struction Co. be and the same is hereby suspen�ed for the follo ing reason: 1. Violation of St. Paul Legi lative Code 326.07 Subdivision 2 Failure to Provide a Valid $2,500.00 Bond CO NCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Nic sia [n Favor Ret � Against BY Sa en � Wil ri ��C ' L �87 Form Appro e by City Attorne Adopted b Council: Date Certified ss d cil Sec r BY . gy. Approve ;Navor: Dat • -�� ,��; Approv d y Mayor or Submission to Council _ By PUBlO��� ��;_.�� _�_ 19�7 ------ ------------------------ AGEI�A ITEMS ------------------------------ �� �7°2� ------------------------ ------------------------------ ID#: [ 0 ] DATE REC: [11/18/87] AGENDA ATE: [00/00/00] ITEM #� [ ] SIIB�IEI'. : [SUSPE7� �t.IILQIN6 CLINTRACTI]f► LIC.— NA YHIlR�KI l.'t11W�TRUCTIIIN l.'il. ] STAFF SIGNED: [NONE ] SIG:[WEIDA ] OUT—[X] TO CLERK `[�,�88f9�j l' � i � ORIGINI OR:[LICENSE DIV. ] CO TACT:[SCHWEINLER — 5056 ] ACTION [ J C � C.F.# ] ORD.# [ ] FILE COMPLETE="X" [ ] � � � � � � �e � � � � FI�E I 0: [RESOLUTION/CHECKLIST/NOTIFICATION ] C 7 [ � ------ -------------------------------------- ------------------------------- ------ -------------------------------------- ------------------------------- I � . & M,ana. ement Services DE PARTMENT ' , ��' `�7-�7� _ 0'7 2 9 2 �,� � � Kri Schweinl,er �_CONTACT C/ 298 056 PHONE , . 12 1987 .'. DATE ��� e Q � ASSIGN N MBER FOR ROUTING ORDE-R C1i ,All Locati ns �or ��i nature : Depa tmeht Director Director of Management/Mayor � Fina ce and Management Services Director � 3 City Cler.k Budg t. :�irector . 2 Cour�cil Research 1 City Attorn�y HAT WIL 6E ACHIEYED BY� TAKING ACTION ON THE AT ACHED MATERIALS? (Purpose/ Rationale) : Noti �Yias b�en received fr:cm United Fi.ace Ca,sualtY Ca�anY that a� Q£ Octcabex 23, 1987 t1a�y hav�e cancel3ed Naidyhorski Cons 'on Cc�npany's (,7'oseph ,?. Naidyi�arSJci) bond Sarnt Pau1 Legisl�ative Cbde 326.07, ' isY.on 2, requires that a �.i�ld�ng Con r hav�e a valid $2,500.00 bond in f during the licensi.ng per�od. COST BEN IT BUDGETARY AND PERSONNEL IMPACTS ANT CIPATED: � N/A � FINANCIN SOURCE AND BUDGET AC'FIVITY NUN�ER CNARG D OR CREDITED: (Mayor's signa- ture not re- Total ount of"Transaction: N/A quired if under _ � �10,000) : Fur�din �aurce:: _ N/�, Activi y Number: N/A � ATTACHMEN S List and Number All Attachments : Resol tian . DEPARTMEN REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY REVIEW Yes o Cnuncil Resolution Required? � Reso}utlon Required? Yes No Yes o Insurance Required? Insurance 5ufficient? Yes No Yes o Insurance Attached: (SEE •REVERSE SIDE FOR INS RUCTIONS) Revised 12 84 - , I��-�-���� � DI ISION OF LICENSE AND PERMIT ADMINISTRAT ON DATE �;'1 ,�_ / 't�'`d� I ERDF.PARTMFNTAL REVIEW CHECKLIST App�rocessed/Received by Lic Enf Aud Ap licant w Home Address � Bu iness Name �(,�t ��nrS��, l-�m'� Qv�iome Phone Bu •iness Address � � Type of License(s)�,� ,�� �.f� 11 Bu iness Phone Pu lic Hearing Date �. a k ��j � License I.D. �� ��� at 9:00 a.m, in the Council Chambers, 3r floor City Hall and Courthouse State Tax I.D. 4t lla e Notice Sent; Dealer 4� ��� to Applicant �{�)�� . �2` � �� ��] Federal F3.rearms 4� �'� Pu lic Hearing DATE INSPECTIO REVIEW VERFIED (COMPUT R) CUMMENTS A proved Not A roved ldg I & D � � ealth Divn. ' I � i 're Dept. i � � � � lice Dept. I 'cense Divn. , � C'ty Attorney � I Date Received: Sit Plan To Council Research 'f�� Lea e or Letter Date fro Landlord �G� T e� �.''� . � GTY OF.SAINT PAU ' ° »: DEPARTME T OF FiNANCF AND MANAGEMENT SERVIC �; . �� i�iia � `� �� DIVISION OF LICENSE AND PERMIT ADMINI � ' ' STRATION Room ?03, City Hall Geo�ge atimer Saint Paui,Minnesota 55102 M or �,,��-/���' November 12, I987 Naidyhorski Construction Company 2081 Highwood Avenue Saint Pau1, �1 55119 Dear Sirs: As License Inspector for the City of S int Paul, I am hereby notifying you that on December 2, 1987 a public hear ng will be held before the Saint Paul City Council. This hearing will e held in the Council Chambers, third floor of the City and County Cou t House at 9:00 a.m. At this hearing, the License Inspector iIl recommend that the Saint Paul City Council suspend the Building Contr ctor License you hold for the City of Saint Paul. The License Inspector's office will base its recommendation on the following; �I) Your current bond was cancelle effective October 23, 1987, and a replacement bond was nev r received. You may be represented at this hearing y an attorney or other represen- tative of your choice. You and/or your attorney/representative will be llowed to cross-examine witnesses and p esent evidence through witnesses nd documents at this hearing. nclosed is a memorandum ot procedures u ed by the Saint Paul City Council or hearings on license revocations, sus ensions, and denials of new icenses. ery truly yours, �� � oseph F. Carchedi 'cease Inspector C/lp c. � : Council �Iembers Jerry Segal - City Attorney's Office �l Olson - City Clerk Joe Hannasch - Council Research Dicic Amey - Building Department �.r���r 7a� � .' CiTY OF SAINT PAI��L' =:•` °'; �v �� DEPARTM NT OF FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES + _�� o DIVISION OF LICENSE AND PERMIT ADMINISTRATION �''�n �� w� Room 203, City Hall Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 Geo� Latimer Y� November 12, 1987 Naidyhorski Construction Company 2081 Highwood Avenue Saint Paul, MN 55119 Dear Sirs: As License Inspector for the City of Saint Paul, I am hereby notifying you that on December 2, 1987 a public he ring will be held before the Saint Paul City Council. This hearing wi be held in the Council Chambers, third floor of the City and County C urt House at 9:00 a.m. At this hearing, the License Inspec or will recommend that the Saint Paul City Council suspend the se you hold for the City of Saint Pau1. The License Inspect 's office wiZl base its recommendation on the following: (1) Your current bond was canc Iled effective October 23, 1987, and a replacement bond was ever received. You ma.y be represented at this hear" g by an attorney or other represen- tative of your choice. You and/or our attorney/representative will be allowed to cross-examine witnesses d present evidence through witnesses and documents at this hearing. Enclosed is a memorandum of procedu es used by the Saint Paul Gity Council for hearings on license revocations, suspensions, and denials of new licenses. Very truly yours, �� • Joseph F. Carchedi Licease Inspector JFC/lp Enc. cc: Council Members Jerry Segal - City Attorney's ffice A1 Olson - City Clerk Joe Hannasch - Council Researc Dick Amey - Building Departmen