87-1727 WHITE - CITV CL RK PINK - FINANC COQI�CIl �A_ � - CANARV - pEPART ENT GITY OF SAIN PAUL � / i qz7 BLUE -MAVOR File ' NO. � Council Res lution � Presented By , Referr d__To ommittee: Date Out of ommittee By Date RESOL . That the Building Contractor Lice se currently issued to Judith � Jan Williams DBA Superior Roofing Inc. be and the same is hereby suspended for the following reaso : 1. Violation of St. Paul Legisla ive Code 326.07 Subdivision 2 Failure to Provide a Valid $2,500.00 Bond COU[VC[ EN R uested by Department of: Yeas � Nays Nicosia ln Favor Rettcnan � Against Y Sonnen -�ales�n WllSOn �E{� ' �- �8T Fo m Approv d y t At rney Adopted by Coun il: Date Certified Pass n '�Secret Y sy �� � �._ A► ro e by Mav r: Date '�':__� �" ' ����� Ap roved y ayor for Submission to Council Y PL���..��� ; '�:_:_: '� ` 198 7 � � .��,�-�r�-� �o ' Finance anent Servioes DEPARTMENT �� �, xr�s ',� e� CONTACT 298-5056 PHONE Nov�r 2, 1987 DATE ee�r� � ee ' �lSSIGN N ER FOR ROUTING ORDE�R . Cli. All Locati.ons f r Si ature : . .. Depar�men Director Director of Management/Mayor Finance a d Management Services Director � 3 Gi:ty Clerk Budget Di ector 2 Co�ci1 Resea�ch . �; City Atto ney . � WHAT WILL BE CHIE�ED BY TAKING ACTION ON THE AT7ACHE MATERIALS? (Purpose/ Rationale) : Notice beexi reoeived fran '1*ransam�erYCa �nsur e Oatq�any that as o£.October 28, 1�87, they cance].lecl the boryd of S�.iperior Roofing; T.nc. (,Tudi.th & �an Tnii.l.Iia¢ns) . Saint Paul Legi lative Cade 326.07, Subdi�siqa 2, r es that a Building Cemtractor ha�re a valid $ ,500.00 bor�d in force dur.uxx� the licens period. COST BENEFIT BUDGETARY AND PERSONNEL IMPACTS ANTICIP TEO: N�'A � FINANCING SOU E AND BUDGET ACTIVITY NUMBER CHARGED 0 CREDITED: (Mayor's signa- - ture nat re- Total Amou of 'Transaction: N/A quired if under � $10,000) Fundi ng• So ce: 1vfA� Activity N ber: N/A . ATTACHMENTS 'st and Number Al1 Attachments : Resoluti , DEPARTMENT RE EW CITY ATTORNEY REVIEW Yes No uncil Resolution Required? ' Reso�ution Required? Yes No Yes No nsurance Required? Insurance Sufficfent? Yes No Yes No nsarance Attached: (SEE •REVERSE SIDE FOR INSTRUC IONS) Revised 12/84 � � ����� � � �/ TiIVISI N OF LICENSE AND PERMIT ADMINISTRATION DATE ( "ot(`6'� /��( �� INTERD PARTMENTAL REVIEW CHECKLIST Appn Processed/Received by Lic Enf Aud Applic nt �� L�,� Ho e Address � Busine s Name � -v �Ho e Phone Busine s Address a, 11 4, ,� ,� , � Ty e of License(s.) -��- Busine s Phone Public Hearing Date � , c�� �� �") Li ense I.D. �� a� oZ Cp at 9:0 a.m. in the Council Chambers, 3rd fl or City Hall and Courthouse St te Tax I.D. 4t llate N tice Sent; De ler 4/ � I/.�. to App icant �pU . ( a , �� �� Fe eral Firearms 4� h 1� Public earing DATE INSPECTION R IEW VERFIED (COMPUTER) COMMEENTS A roved Not A rove � Bldg & D n 1 � � � Healt Divn. ' � 1 � I i Fire ept. i � i �' � I i Polic Dept. � I � �'( Licen e Divn. � � City ttorney � I Date Received: Site P1 n ��� To Council Research (` I �"�� �(� Lease o Letter Date from La dlord � 1� ,. ,,,_.. ...,,_,,. . ,.. _ . � CURRENT INFORMATION NEW INFORMATION Current Corporation Name: New Corporation Name: Current DBA: New DBA: Current Officers: Insurance: Bond: Workers Compensation: New Officers: Stockholders: � � ' (;��i�7�7 a�;� CITY OF SAINT PAU � �''� '� DEPARTMENT O F1NANCE AND MANAG�MEN...T SERVICES 3a y �,+ "����u e DIVI ION OF LICENSE AND PERMIT ADMINISTRATION � Room 203. CitY Hall �... Saint Paui,Minnesota 55102 George Lati Mayor No ember 12, 1987 Su erior Raofing, Inc. 27 7 East 32nd Street Mi neapolis, �IN 55406 De r Sirs: As License Inspector for the City of Saint Paul, I am hereby notifying you th t on December 2, 1987 a public hearing ill be held before the Saint Pa 1 City Council. This hearing will be h ld in the Council Chambers, th rd floor of the City and County Court H use at 9:00 a.m. At this hearing, the License Inspector wil recommend that the Saint Paul Ci y Council suspend the Building Contract r License you hold for the City of Saint Pau1. The License Inspector's of ice will base its recammendation on the following: (1) Your current bond was cancelled e rective October 28, 1987, and a replacement bond was never eceived. Yo may be represented at this hearing by n attorney or other represen- ta ive of your choice. You and/or your at orney/representative wi11 be al owed to cross-examine witnesses and pre ent evidence through witnesses an documents at this hearing. En losed is a memorandum of procedures use by the Saint Paul City Council fo hearings on license revocations, suspe sions, and denials of new li enses. Ve q truly yours, �� Jo eph F. Carchedi Li ense Inspector JF /lp En . cc Council Members Jerry Segal - City Attorney's Office Al Olson - City Clerk Joe Hannasch - Council Research Dick Amey - Building Department (�= ��7 �� 7 _ �«==o, C1TY Of SAINT PAUL�� '� ' DEPARTMENT F FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES �'- i i i ,: DI ISION OF LICENSE AND PERMIT AOMINISTRATION 'h �... Room 203, City Hall Saint Paui,Minnesota 55102 George Lati r Mayor vember 12, 1987 S perior Roofing, Inc. 2 17 East 32nd Street M nneapolis, MN 55406 D ar Sirs: A License Inspector for the City of Sain Paul, I am hereby notifying you t at on December 2, 1987 a public hearing will be held before the Saint P ul City Council. This hearing will be eld in the Council Chambers, t ird floor of the City and County Court ouse at 9:00 a.m. A this hearing, the License Inspector wi 1 recommend that the Saint Pau1. C ty Council suspend the �,License you hold for the City o Saint Paul. The License Inspector's o fice will base its recommendation o the following: (1) Your current bond was cancelled ffective October 28, 1987, and a replacement bond was never received. Y u may be represented at this hearing by an attorney or other represen- t tive of your choice. You and/or your a torney/representative will be a Iowed to cross-examine witnesses and pr sent evidence through witnesses a d documents at this hearing. E closed is a memorandum of procedures us d by the Saint Paul City Council f r hearings on license revocations, susp nsions, and denials of new 1 censes. V ry truly yours, ���� J seph F. Carchedi L ense Inspector J /lp E . c : Council Members Jerry Segal - City Attorney's Office Ai Olson - City Clerk Joe Hannasch - Council Research Dick Amey - Building Department i, ������� 7 __ <<.= o, ' C�TY OF SAINT PAUL �O~•` �y DEPARTMENT F FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES + "���" o DIVISION OF LICENSE AND PERMIT ADMINISTRATION p• w 'y '••' il FILE Room 203, City Hall Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 George Lati r i i ' ' C� Mayor �� ' . , � A ust 20, 1987 J ' ith & Jan Williams S erior Roofing, Inc. 2 7 East 32nd Street M neapolis, MN 55406 D r Judith & Jan Williams: As License Inspector for the City of Saint Paul, I am hereby notifying you t t on September 2, 1987 a public hearing will be held before the Saint P 1 City Council. This hearing will be h ld in the Council Chambers, th rd floor of the City and County Court H use at 9:00 a.m. At this hearing, the License Inspector wil recommend that the Saint Paul Ci y Council suspend the Building Contract r License you hold for the City of Saint Paul. The License Inspector's of ice will base its recommendation on the following: I (1) Your current insurance certificat was cancelled effective June 8, 1987, and replacement ins rance coverage was never received. Yo may be represented at this hearing by n attorney or other represen- ta ive of your choice. You and/or your at orney/representative will be al owed to cross-examine witnesses and pre ent evidence through witnesses an documents at this hearing. En losed is a memorandum of procedures use by the Saint Paul City Council fo hearings on license revocations, suspe sions, and denials of new licenses. Ve y truly yours, � • Jo eph F. Carchedi Li ense Inspector JF /lp En losure cc Council Members Jerry Segal - City Attorney's Office A1 Olson - City Clerk Joe Hannasch - Council Research , Dick Amey - Buildings Depazt�ent . ����1�� ----------- A6ENC�A ITEMS =-- ---------------------------- --------- ---------------------- ---------------------------- ID#: [478 ] DATE REC: [11/18/87] AGENDA DA E: [00/00/00] ITEM #: [ ] SUBJECT: SUSPEND BUILDING CONTRACTOR �ICENSE - S PERIOR ROOFING, INC. ] STAFF ASS GNED: [NONE ] SIG:[WEIDA OU�t-[X] TO CLERK .�8E3,�A8,�9A-}-- /�//9 L1RI6INAT :[LIL'ENSE DIV. ] CONTA T:[5l.'HWEINLER - St156 ] ACTION:[ � C l C.F.# [ ] ORD.# [ ] FILE COMPLETE="X" [ ] � � � � � � � � � � � FILE INFO: [RESOLUTION/CHECKLIST/NOTIFICATION ] [ ] L ] --------- --------------------------------------- --------------------------- --------- --------------------------------------- ---------------------------