87-1718 WHITE - C TV CIERK PINK - FNANCE GITY OF S INT PAUL F1ecilNO• p.7_����Y C4NARV - O PARTMENT � BLUE - vOR Counci esol ion �,- - � Presented By / � � , , l _� eferred To Committee: Date ut of Committee By Date RESO ED, that in accordance with Sect on 77. 02 (as amended by Ordinance No. 1 662 , approved December l, 1970) ealing with Sewer Service Charges, the uncil does hereby set a public h aring on the proposed Sewer Service Char s for the year 1988 to be held o December 8, 1987 at 9 :00 a.m. , in the uncil Chambers, the City Clerk i hereby directed to publish notice of s 'd hearing; the publication of wh'ch is to be had at least seven days befo the hearing. � � C UNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays "os'a [n Favor Public rks (REB) ettman �Q ��� onnen —�__ Against BY �— i�son oEC ° � 'g$7 Form Appro e by City Attorney Adopted y Council: Date Certified as e ncil Se ry BY sy� Approv Navor: D te tr ^� � APP�o Mayor for Sub issi to�Council BY - - — Pt1B�ISH�D u�� 1 :� 1987 Public orks DEPARTMENT . ��7-�7��' N° 0 11 �_ CONTACT 292-613 PHONE Novembe 3, 1987 DATE f e�� ,, e ASSIGN N ER FOlt ROUTING ORDER Cli Al1 Locati s for Si ature : r � Director of Management/Mayor Fina e and Manageme t Services Director � 5 �ity Clerk � � City ttprney WHAT WIL BE ACHIEVED BY TAKING ACTION ON THE AT CHED MATERIALS? (Purpose/ Rationale) : Sets p lic hearing date for December 8, 1987 on Sewer 5ervice Charges for 1988. ��� �� ��� COST BEN FIT BUDGETARY AND PERSONNEL IMPACTS AN ICIPATED: RECEIVED Provid funds necessary for city sewer rvice. N�V 5 1987 6UDGE7 Of FICE . FINANCIN SOURCE AND BUDGET ACTIVITY NUMBER CHAR ED OR CREDITED: (Mayor's signa- ture not re- Total Amount of �Transaction: quired if under � $10,000) Fundi g Source: Sewer Service Fund - 16 Activ ty Number: 22200 . . ATTACHME TS List and Number All Attachments : l. Cou cil Resolution - REC���/�D NOV 5 1987 � . GITY �TT�(�N DEPARTME T REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY REVIEW �Yes No Council Resolution Required? ' Resolution Required? X Yes No Yes No Insurance Required? Insurance Sufficient? Yes No Yes No Insurance Attached: . . (SEE •REVERSE SIDE FOR I STRUCTIONS) Revised 2/84 ' ����r%�' ---- -------------------------- AGENDA ITEM -------------------------------- ---- -------------------------- -------------------------------- ID#: [461 ] DATE REC: [11/12/87] AGEN DATE: [00/00/00] ITEM #: [ ] SUBJ T: [SET PUBLIC HEARING ON 1988 SEWER S VICE CHARGES - 12/8/87 ] STAF ASSIGNED: [�G�l t!--� ] SIG:[�� ^ ] OUT-[ ] TO CLERK ¢6@'��i'66� /���� ORIG ATOR:[PUBLIC WORKS ] ONTACT:[ROY BREDAHL - 292-6138 ] ACTI :[ ] C ] C.F. [ ] ORD.# [ ] FILE COMPLETE="X" [ ] � � � � � � � � � � � FILE INFO: [RESOLUTION ] C ] [ 7 ---- -------------------------------------- --------------------------------- ---- -------------------------------------- ---------------------------------