99-619ORIGINAL Council File # �—�p�� Green 5heet # 64019 RESOLUTION CITY Ptesenced Referred To Committee Date 1 WHEREAS, the I.egislative Hearing Officer recommends that license application (ID # 19990002746) for a 2 Second Hand Dealer-Motor Vehicle Parts License by Fred W. Jurgens, President, DBA Bumper Wuehouse, 3 Inc., 496 Prior Avenue North, be approved with the following conditions: 1) There shall be no exterior storage 4 of parts; 2) The removal or installation of bumpers on vehicles, at this location, is not petmitted under the 5 second hand dealer-motor vehicles parts license; therefore be it 6 RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby approves this license with the recommended 7 conditions. 9 10 11 12 13 14 Yeas Na s Absent Blakey � Coleman � Hams � Benanav f Reiter ✓- Bosffom � Lanti} ✓ O Requested by Department of: � Focm Approved by City Attorney By: 15 Adopted by Council: Date � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council 16 Adoption C'fied by Council Secr 17 By: 18 Approved by Mayor: Date ����� ���� 19 By: C�' � SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Z1 � _ t e l � �EPARTMENT/OFFICE/COUNCIL DATE INITIATED � � c�t caun��� 6-30-99 GREEN SHEET No 640�9 COMAC7 PERSON 8 PHONE IniHauDats Initlewate Gerry Strathman, 266-8575 . �,, �.,�� MUSTBEONCOUNqLAGENDABY(0.4T� July 7, 1999 ^'s'�" NUMBER FOR ❑ tltt ITiOPME'! ❑ GLYCCFRN RouTING ORp RWlC1AlflERVICEBWt f�W1C1AliEAYIACCTG � YAYORWRAR818T4M� � � � TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) CTION RE�UESTED '� � Approving application with conditions for a Second Hand Dealer-Motor Vehicle Parts License '' by Fred W. Jurgens, President, DBA Bumper Warehouse, Inc., 496 Prior Avenue North. x s;. e a � . RECOMMENDA ION Approve (A) or Rejeet (R) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACfS MUSTANSWER THE FOLLAWING QUESTIONS: 1. F1d5 tfUS Pe���m EYE( WOI�(Ed U11flEf a C011LIdC�tOf U115 dEpdfhhE{If? PLANNING CAMMISSION YES No CIBCOMMITTEE 2. HasthispersoNfirmevabcenacityemployee7 . CML SERVICE COMMISSION YES NO 3. Doestiris pe�soMmi possess a s1dN �wt �malfypossessed by any curteM city employee't YES NO 4. is fhis persoNfirm a targeted vendoR YES NO Explain atl yes answers on separate sheet and altach ta preen sheet INITIAiING PROBLEM ISSUE, OPPORNNITY (Who, What, When, Where, Why) ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED C9uncil r�asParch Gentes JUL 011999 DISADVAMAGESIFAPPROVFD � ' _ `^ ^��`^ . . .r- r " - � DI54WANTAGESIFNOTAPPRdJ� � -� TOtALAMOUNTOFTRANSAGT10N5 COST/REVQlUEBUDGETED(pRCLEON� YES NO FUNDING SOURCE ACTIYIiY NUMBER FlNkNCUJ.INFORMATION (EJ�I.NNj �1 ``�-��� MINUTES OF THE LEGISLATIVE HEARING BUMPER WAREHOUSE, 496 Prior Avenue North Wednesday, June 30, 1999 Room 330 Courthouse Gerry Strathman, Legislative Hearing Officer STAFF PRESENT: Corinne Martens, License, Inspections, Environmental Protection (LIEP) The meeting was called to order at 3:09 p.m. Corinne Martens reported the license being applied for is a second hand dealer-motor vehicle parts license. LIEP recomxnends the following conditions: 1) There shall be no exterior storage of parts; 2) The removal or installation of bumpers on vehicles at this location is not perniitted. Bruce Mitchell, 499 Lynnhurst Avenue West, appeared and stated he mailed photographs of the property to Gerry Strathman. The photographs show how the properiy always looks. They ha�e items stored all over. There is a mechanic repairing cazs in the alley and driveway. Ttus has been going on since last winter. Mr. Strathman asked has Mr. Mitchell made any efforts to contact anyone to have this matter dealt with. Mr. Mitchell responded many times. He has called the Mayor's Office on a regular basis. Mr. Mitchell was told that the business is licensed. There did not seem to be any response from the City. Has the situation gotten any better, asked Mr. Strathman. Mr. Mitchell responded it has been cleaned and picked up in the last few days. Mr. Mitchell stated one of the photographs shows spent oil, which is being dumped in the alley. The understanding when they moved in was that Bumper Wazehouse is a bumper exchange place; they take merchandise in and ship merchandise out. Shortly thereafter, they started filling up the lot. They must rent space on the corner because one of the photographs shows a fenced in area filled with bumpers. Is the fenced in property at 506 Prior commercial or residential, asked Mr. Strathman. Mr. Mitchell responded it is hard to tell. There aze people that live in the building that rent out space for musicians to practice. Greg Deegan, 6 Oakley Avenue, appeared and stated the property has been an eyesore for a while. If the storage and working on cars continues, the business should not be issued a license. Mr. Strathman asked if the conditions were complied with, would that address his conceras. Mr. Deegan responded yes, but it does not appear the condirions can be accomplished due to the size of the building and the amount of bumpers stored outside. He assumes the business would have the bumpers inside the buiiding if they could do so. Mz. Strathman asked about the fenced area Mr. Deegan responded there is occasional storage there, but it moves back and forth. Sometimes there aze tires there. Mr. Strathman read into the record a letter signed by nine people dated 6-4-99. The letter was accompanied by ten photographs. The letters concerns are cars on jacks in the alley, bumpers stored outside, and trash. °��` BUMPER WAREHOUSE LEGISLATIVE HEARING OF 6-30-99 Page 2 Fred 7urgens, manager, appeazed and stated the business ran short of space in the begnning. At tUat time, the bumpers were stored outside. Products are coming and going on a daily basis; therefore, items are not there permanently. The fenced in area at 506 Prior has been rented, but half the space there belongs to another tenant. In the last month the disposal company Evergeen has recently sold to Gopher Disposal. ConsequenUy, Bumper Wazehouse was without pickup for over a month. One photograph shows a trailer full of bumpers ready for pickup by the disposal company. That trailer has since been emptied. Additional garages have been rented. A record on this property has been checked and there have been complaints, stated Mr. Strathman: 2-12-99, exterior storage is not in compliance; 4-13-98, too many bumpers and caz parts behind the building. This does appeaz to be a continuing problem. He asked are there plans to operate without outdoor storage in the future. Mr. Jurgens responded he is not plamiing to have outdoor storage at all. His understanding is that a small amount is acceptable if it is in a neat and orderly fashion, and he does not expect to go over that. He realizes the bumpers in the fenced area need to be removed. Mr. Strathman asked about the oil in the alley. Mr. Jurgens responded it is not from Bumper Warehouse. That azea is a favorite dumping spot for tires and other items. Regardless, that problem is being handled. Mr. Mitchell responded some of the oil comes from the repair of automobiles. T'here are plenty of abandoned or stored autos on the property. This is not a used caz lot. When items and cars are stored, people do dtive by and throw tires, oil, and debris there. Mr. Strathman asked are the recommended conditions acceptable. Mr. Jurgens responded yes. He plans to discontinue the installation and repair of automobiles. Gerry Strathman recommended approval of the licenses with the following condifions: 1) There shall be no exterior storage of parts; 2� The removal or installation of bumpers on vehicles, at this location, is not pernutted under the second hand dealer-motor vehicles parts license. Mr. Strathman is satisfied that the condifions agreed to by the owner will address most of the problems. If the conditions are not complied with, the City has the authority to take acrion against the license. The meeting was adjourned at 3:26 p.m. rrri ORIGINAL Council File # �—�p�� Green 5heet # 64019 RESOLUTION CITY Ptesenced Referred To Committee Date 1 WHEREAS, the I.egislative Hearing Officer recommends that license application (ID # 19990002746) for a 2 Second Hand Dealer-Motor Vehicle Parts License by Fred W. Jurgens, President, DBA Bumper Wuehouse, 3 Inc., 496 Prior Avenue North, be approved with the following conditions: 1) There shall be no exterior storage 4 of parts; 2) The removal or installation of bumpers on vehicles, at this location, is not petmitted under the 5 second hand dealer-motor vehicles parts license; therefore be it 6 RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby approves this license with the recommended 7 conditions. 9 10 11 12 13 14 Yeas Na s Absent Blakey � Coleman � Hams � Benanav f Reiter ✓- Bosffom � Lanti} ✓ O Requested by Department of: � Focm Approved by City Attorney By: 15 Adopted by Council: Date � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council 16 Adoption C'fied by Council Secr 17 By: 18 Approved by Mayor: Date ����� ���� 19 By: C�' � SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Z1 � _ t e l � �EPARTMENT/OFFICE/COUNCIL DATE INITIATED � � c�t caun��� 6-30-99 GREEN SHEET No 640�9 COMAC7 PERSON 8 PHONE IniHauDats Initlewate Gerry Strathman, 266-8575 . �,, �.,�� MUSTBEONCOUNqLAGENDABY(0.4T� July 7, 1999 ^'s'�" NUMBER FOR ❑ tltt ITiOPME'! ❑ GLYCCFRN RouTING ORp RWlC1AlflERVICEBWt f�W1C1AliEAYIACCTG � YAYORWRAR818T4M� � � � TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) CTION RE�UESTED '� � Approving application with conditions for a Second Hand Dealer-Motor Vehicle Parts License '' by Fred W. Jurgens, President, DBA Bumper Warehouse, Inc., 496 Prior Avenue North. x s;. e a � . RECOMMENDA ION Approve (A) or Rejeet (R) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACfS MUSTANSWER THE FOLLAWING QUESTIONS: 1. F1d5 tfUS Pe���m EYE( WOI�(Ed U11flEf a C011LIdC�tOf U115 dEpdfhhE{If? PLANNING CAMMISSION YES No CIBCOMMITTEE 2. HasthispersoNfirmevabcenacityemployee7 . CML SERVICE COMMISSION YES NO 3. Doestiris pe�soMmi possess a s1dN �wt �malfypossessed by any curteM city employee't YES NO 4. is fhis persoNfirm a targeted vendoR YES NO Explain atl yes answers on separate sheet and altach ta preen sheet INITIAiING PROBLEM ISSUE, OPPORNNITY (Who, What, When, Where, Why) ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED C9uncil r�asParch Gentes JUL 011999 DISADVAMAGESIFAPPROVFD � ' _ `^ ^��`^ . . .r- r " - � DI54WANTAGESIFNOTAPPRdJ� � -� TOtALAMOUNTOFTRANSAGT10N5 COST/REVQlUEBUDGETED(pRCLEON� YES NO FUNDING SOURCE ACTIYIiY NUMBER FlNkNCUJ.INFORMATION (EJ�I.NNj �1 ``�-��� MINUTES OF THE LEGISLATIVE HEARING BUMPER WAREHOUSE, 496 Prior Avenue North Wednesday, June 30, 1999 Room 330 Courthouse Gerry Strathman, Legislative Hearing Officer STAFF PRESENT: Corinne Martens, License, Inspections, Environmental Protection (LIEP) The meeting was called to order at 3:09 p.m. Corinne Martens reported the license being applied for is a second hand dealer-motor vehicle parts license. LIEP recomxnends the following conditions: 1) There shall be no exterior storage of parts; 2) The removal or installation of bumpers on vehicles at this location is not perniitted. Bruce Mitchell, 499 Lynnhurst Avenue West, appeared and stated he mailed photographs of the property to Gerry Strathman. The photographs show how the properiy always looks. They ha�e items stored all over. There is a mechanic repairing cazs in the alley and driveway. Ttus has been going on since last winter. Mr. Strathman asked has Mr. Mitchell made any efforts to contact anyone to have this matter dealt with. Mr. Mitchell responded many times. He has called the Mayor's Office on a regular basis. Mr. Mitchell was told that the business is licensed. There did not seem to be any response from the City. Has the situation gotten any better, asked Mr. Strathman. Mr. Mitchell responded it has been cleaned and picked up in the last few days. Mr. Mitchell stated one of the photographs shows spent oil, which is being dumped in the alley. The understanding when they moved in was that Bumper Wazehouse is a bumper exchange place; they take merchandise in and ship merchandise out. Shortly thereafter, they started filling up the lot. They must rent space on the corner because one of the photographs shows a fenced in area filled with bumpers. Is the fenced in property at 506 Prior commercial or residential, asked Mr. Strathman. Mr. Mitchell responded it is hard to tell. There aze people that live in the building that rent out space for musicians to practice. Greg Deegan, 6 Oakley Avenue, appeared and stated the property has been an eyesore for a while. If the storage and working on cars continues, the business should not be issued a license. Mr. Strathman asked if the conditions were complied with, would that address his conceras. Mr. Deegan responded yes, but it does not appear the condirions can be accomplished due to the size of the building and the amount of bumpers stored outside. He assumes the business would have the bumpers inside the buiiding if they could do so. Mz. Strathman asked about the fenced area Mr. Deegan responded there is occasional storage there, but it moves back and forth. Sometimes there aze tires there. Mr. Strathman read into the record a letter signed by nine people dated 6-4-99. The letter was accompanied by ten photographs. The letters concerns are cars on jacks in the alley, bumpers stored outside, and trash. °��` BUMPER WAREHOUSE LEGISLATIVE HEARING OF 6-30-99 Page 2 Fred 7urgens, manager, appeazed and stated the business ran short of space in the begnning. At tUat time, the bumpers were stored outside. Products are coming and going on a daily basis; therefore, items are not there permanently. The fenced in area at 506 Prior has been rented, but half the space there belongs to another tenant. In the last month the disposal company Evergeen has recently sold to Gopher Disposal. ConsequenUy, Bumper Wazehouse was without pickup for over a month. One photograph shows a trailer full of bumpers ready for pickup by the disposal company. That trailer has since been emptied. Additional garages have been rented. A record on this property has been checked and there have been complaints, stated Mr. Strathman: 2-12-99, exterior storage is not in compliance; 4-13-98, too many bumpers and caz parts behind the building. This does appeaz to be a continuing problem. He asked are there plans to operate without outdoor storage in the future. Mr. Jurgens responded he is not plamiing to have outdoor storage at all. His understanding is that a small amount is acceptable if it is in a neat and orderly fashion, and he does not expect to go over that. He realizes the bumpers in the fenced area need to be removed. Mr. Strathman asked about the oil in the alley. Mr. Jurgens responded it is not from Bumper Warehouse. That azea is a favorite dumping spot for tires and other items. Regardless, that problem is being handled. Mr. Mitchell responded some of the oil comes from the repair of automobiles. T'here are plenty of abandoned or stored autos on the property. This is not a used caz lot. When items and cars are stored, people do dtive by and throw tires, oil, and debris there. Mr. Strathman asked are the recommended conditions acceptable. Mr. Jurgens responded yes. He plans to discontinue the installation and repair of automobiles. Gerry Strathman recommended approval of the licenses with the following condifions: 1) There shall be no exterior storage of parts; 2� The removal or installation of bumpers on vehicles, at this location, is not pernutted under the second hand dealer-motor vehicles parts license. Mr. Strathman is satisfied that the condifions agreed to by the owner will address most of the problems. If the conditions are not complied with, the City has the authority to take acrion against the license. The meeting was adjourned at 3:26 p.m. rrri ORIGINAL Council File # �—�p�� Green 5heet # 64019 RESOLUTION CITY Ptesenced Referred To Committee Date 1 WHEREAS, the I.egislative Hearing Officer recommends that license application (ID # 19990002746) for a 2 Second Hand Dealer-Motor Vehicle Parts License by Fred W. Jurgens, President, DBA Bumper Wuehouse, 3 Inc., 496 Prior Avenue North, be approved with the following conditions: 1) There shall be no exterior storage 4 of parts; 2) The removal or installation of bumpers on vehicles, at this location, is not petmitted under the 5 second hand dealer-motor vehicles parts license; therefore be it 6 RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby approves this license with the recommended 7 conditions. 9 10 11 12 13 14 Yeas Na s Absent Blakey � Coleman � Hams � Benanav f Reiter ✓- Bosffom � Lanti} ✓ O Requested by Department of: � Focm Approved by City Attorney By: 15 Adopted by Council: Date � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council 16 Adoption C'fied by Council Secr 17 By: 18 Approved by Mayor: Date ����� ���� 19 By: C�' � SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Z1 � _ t e l � �EPARTMENT/OFFICE/COUNCIL DATE INITIATED � � c�t caun��� 6-30-99 GREEN SHEET No 640�9 COMAC7 PERSON 8 PHONE IniHauDats Initlewate Gerry Strathman, 266-8575 . �,, �.,�� MUSTBEONCOUNqLAGENDABY(0.4T� July 7, 1999 ^'s'�" NUMBER FOR ❑ tltt ITiOPME'! ❑ GLYCCFRN RouTING ORp RWlC1AlflERVICEBWt f�W1C1AliEAYIACCTG � YAYORWRAR818T4M� � � � TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) CTION RE�UESTED '� � Approving application with conditions for a Second Hand Dealer-Motor Vehicle Parts License '' by Fred W. Jurgens, President, DBA Bumper Warehouse, Inc., 496 Prior Avenue North. x s;. e a � . RECOMMENDA ION Approve (A) or Rejeet (R) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACfS MUSTANSWER THE FOLLAWING QUESTIONS: 1. F1d5 tfUS Pe���m EYE( WOI�(Ed U11flEf a C011LIdC�tOf U115 dEpdfhhE{If? PLANNING CAMMISSION YES No CIBCOMMITTEE 2. HasthispersoNfirmevabcenacityemployee7 . CML SERVICE COMMISSION YES NO 3. Doestiris pe�soMmi possess a s1dN �wt �malfypossessed by any curteM city employee't YES NO 4. is fhis persoNfirm a targeted vendoR YES NO Explain atl yes answers on separate sheet and altach ta preen sheet INITIAiING PROBLEM ISSUE, OPPORNNITY (Who, What, When, Where, Why) ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED C9uncil r�asParch Gentes JUL 011999 DISADVAMAGESIFAPPROVFD � ' _ `^ ^��`^ . . .r- r " - � DI54WANTAGESIFNOTAPPRdJ� � -� TOtALAMOUNTOFTRANSAGT10N5 COST/REVQlUEBUDGETED(pRCLEON� YES NO FUNDING SOURCE ACTIYIiY NUMBER FlNkNCUJ.INFORMATION (EJ�I.NNj �1 ``�-��� MINUTES OF THE LEGISLATIVE HEARING BUMPER WAREHOUSE, 496 Prior Avenue North Wednesday, June 30, 1999 Room 330 Courthouse Gerry Strathman, Legislative Hearing Officer STAFF PRESENT: Corinne Martens, License, Inspections, Environmental Protection (LIEP) The meeting was called to order at 3:09 p.m. Corinne Martens reported the license being applied for is a second hand dealer-motor vehicle parts license. LIEP recomxnends the following conditions: 1) There shall be no exterior storage of parts; 2) The removal or installation of bumpers on vehicles at this location is not perniitted. Bruce Mitchell, 499 Lynnhurst Avenue West, appeared and stated he mailed photographs of the property to Gerry Strathman. The photographs show how the properiy always looks. They ha�e items stored all over. There is a mechanic repairing cazs in the alley and driveway. Ttus has been going on since last winter. Mr. Strathman asked has Mr. Mitchell made any efforts to contact anyone to have this matter dealt with. Mr. Mitchell responded many times. He has called the Mayor's Office on a regular basis. Mr. Mitchell was told that the business is licensed. There did not seem to be any response from the City. Has the situation gotten any better, asked Mr. Strathman. Mr. Mitchell responded it has been cleaned and picked up in the last few days. Mr. Mitchell stated one of the photographs shows spent oil, which is being dumped in the alley. The understanding when they moved in was that Bumper Wazehouse is a bumper exchange place; they take merchandise in and ship merchandise out. Shortly thereafter, they started filling up the lot. They must rent space on the corner because one of the photographs shows a fenced in area filled with bumpers. Is the fenced in property at 506 Prior commercial or residential, asked Mr. Strathman. Mr. Mitchell responded it is hard to tell. There aze people that live in the building that rent out space for musicians to practice. Greg Deegan, 6 Oakley Avenue, appeared and stated the property has been an eyesore for a while. If the storage and working on cars continues, the business should not be issued a license. Mr. Strathman asked if the conditions were complied with, would that address his conceras. Mr. Deegan responded yes, but it does not appear the condirions can be accomplished due to the size of the building and the amount of bumpers stored outside. He assumes the business would have the bumpers inside the buiiding if they could do so. Mz. Strathman asked about the fenced area Mr. Deegan responded there is occasional storage there, but it moves back and forth. Sometimes there aze tires there. Mr. Strathman read into the record a letter signed by nine people dated 6-4-99. The letter was accompanied by ten photographs. The letters concerns are cars on jacks in the alley, bumpers stored outside, and trash. °��` BUMPER WAREHOUSE LEGISLATIVE HEARING OF 6-30-99 Page 2 Fred 7urgens, manager, appeazed and stated the business ran short of space in the begnning. At tUat time, the bumpers were stored outside. Products are coming and going on a daily basis; therefore, items are not there permanently. The fenced in area at 506 Prior has been rented, but half the space there belongs to another tenant. In the last month the disposal company Evergeen has recently sold to Gopher Disposal. ConsequenUy, Bumper Wazehouse was without pickup for over a month. One photograph shows a trailer full of bumpers ready for pickup by the disposal company. That trailer has since been emptied. Additional garages have been rented. A record on this property has been checked and there have been complaints, stated Mr. Strathman: 2-12-99, exterior storage is not in compliance; 4-13-98, too many bumpers and caz parts behind the building. This does appeaz to be a continuing problem. He asked are there plans to operate without outdoor storage in the future. Mr. Jurgens responded he is not plamiing to have outdoor storage at all. His understanding is that a small amount is acceptable if it is in a neat and orderly fashion, and he does not expect to go over that. He realizes the bumpers in the fenced area need to be removed. Mr. Strathman asked about the oil in the alley. Mr. Jurgens responded it is not from Bumper Warehouse. That azea is a favorite dumping spot for tires and other items. Regardless, that problem is being handled. Mr. Mitchell responded some of the oil comes from the repair of automobiles. T'here are plenty of abandoned or stored autos on the property. This is not a used caz lot. When items and cars are stored, people do dtive by and throw tires, oil, and debris there. Mr. Strathman asked are the recommended conditions acceptable. Mr. Jurgens responded yes. He plans to discontinue the installation and repair of automobiles. Gerry Strathman recommended approval of the licenses with the following condifions: 1) There shall be no exterior storage of parts; 2� The removal or installation of bumpers on vehicles, at this location, is not pernutted under the second hand dealer-motor vehicles parts license. Mr. Strathman is satisfied that the condifions agreed to by the owner will address most of the problems. If the conditions are not complied with, the City has the authority to take acrion against the license. The meeting was adjourned at 3:26 p.m. rrri