87-1712 WHITE - CIT CLERK PINK - FIN NC�E CO�II�CIl / CANARV - DE RTMENT GITY OF SA NT PAUL / ` - BI.UE - MA R . � File NO. � • �� � o ncil R solution - � Presented R erred To Committee: Date Ou of Committee By Date WHEREAS, The Mayor ,pursuant to Section 10.07.01 of the City Charter,does certify that there are avai able for appropriation revenues on exce s of those estimated on the 1987 Budget; and WHEREAS, The Mayor recommends the following chan es to the 1987 Budget: CURRENT AIt1ENDED FINANCIN PLAN BUDGET CHANGES BUDGET 436- SP IAL PROJECT POLICE 98 Undesignated Fund Balance 308,548 30,000 338,548 - 73 Transfer in from Sp.Rev.Fund 20,000 -0- 20,000 - Al1 other Financing 563,721 -0- 563,721 892,269 30,000 922,269 SPENDIN PLAN 436 -SP IAL PROJECT POLICE -34 1 EMPLOYEE ASSISTANCE PROGRAM -34 21-0219 Consultant Fee -0- 28,000 28,000 -34 21-0259 Travel /Training -0- 2,000 2,000 -34 21 Al1 other Spending 1,450 -0- 1,450 436 - -All Other Spending 890,819 -0- 890,819 892,269 30,000 922,269 �TET CHANGE �,000 R�96fl�i�� , That the City Council approves these hanges to the 1987 budget and FINANCING IS AVAILABLE APPROVAL RECON�'IENDED � � t � . � Director Finance Budg t irector CO CILMEN Yeas Nays R sted by Department of: �ii sia � � [n Favor Re man �- � Sc ibel Against BY ' So en We' a � tl NQV 2 5 '�a7 Form Approve City Attorn Adopted b Council: Date Certified s �b C cil � ta BY By� ! '' �? � �a� Approved by Mayor or Submission to Coancil A►pprove Mavor: Date � � �' Y B B r�;..� ::� I��1 y . G���7��- . , . . Poli e - � _ �I° 013107 � DEPARTMENT � - - - � Wm. lnne CONTACT NAME ' PHQNE � DATE S � � �NG ORDER: (See reverse side.) , � De artment Director Maxor (or Assistant) Fi nce and I�anagement Services Director � City Clark ' Bu et Director _ Ci Attorney _ O G � (Clip a 1 locations for signature.) � T W V G C ION T D ? (Ptt�pose/Rationale) , , Fundi g for the fmployee Assistance Program's consultant fees and travel/ trai ng costs. C S B UDG ND NNEL MP CT I To nd the budget for 34121 by the amounts ndicated on the attached Counc 1 Resolution. RECEtVED , I T AC VI ER C GED 0 CRED D: 0 CT 2 61987 (Mayor' signature not required if under $10,00 .) OfF,CE BUDGET Total ount of Trans�ction: $30,000 Activity Number: 34121 Fundin Source: 436 - 9890 Undesignated Fund Balance ATT C S: (List and nwaber all attachments.) � 1 . One (1 ) Counci 1 Resol uti on RECEIVED 0 . NOV � 1��1 INSF� � P CDU S x Yes No Rules, Regulations, Procedures or Budget Aanendm��t required? � X Yes No If yes, are theq or timetable ttached? . pARTM REVIEW GITY ATTORNEY REVIEW X ' _Yes � No Council resolution required? Resolution required? _Yes _No _Yes No Insurance required? Insurance sufficient? _Yes _No Yes No Insurance attached?