87-1706 WHITE - CIT CLERK C NARV - DE ARTMENT CITY OF SA NT PAUL COl1flC1I M �A BIUE = MA R File NO.���I// � / Ordin IZCP. Ordinance N O. ��°�.� Presented Re rred To Committee: Date Ou �of Committee By Date (2) To be in a thoroughly safe condition for the trans- portation of passengers. ach vehicle shall be inG at the fire/ lice t services ara e located at 1675 Kasota Street, St. Pa , at a cost of fift dollars ($50.00) to be 'd the a licant. The ins tion shall include, but not be limi to, ins 'on of tires, brake s stem li hts, electrical s ste�n steerin , wheel ali t sus sion, exhaust s stem, en ine, transmission drive train and frame, in accor ce with standards ado ted ' the inspector. (3) To be clean and of ood a ance and well ' ted g Fa�n and varnished. (4) E�exy public vehicle shall ave a knob inside of each door, by means of which the door may be easily opened fran the inside. (5) Ewery taxicab shall be equi with safety belts for all passengers in both fron and rear seats. (6) Ewery taxicab, except those operat�d solely upon the hour basis, shall be equipped wi a taxi meter in good w�rking order, having a lig t, and sea.led, and so placed as to enable the passenger t all times to see the fare registered when operating o the meter basis. No taxicab shall be operated except u n the meter or hour basis. 2. COUN LME[V equested by Department of: Yeas Nays Drew i N��os� In Favor — Rettm n s�ne� i A ainst BY Sonne g Ted Wilso / orm Approved by ity Attorney Adopted by Co ncil: Date Certified Pass by Council Secretary BY By Approved by M or: Date A proved by a or for Submission to Council BY BY WHITE - CIT CLERK CiNARV - DE RrMENT GITY OF SA NT PAUL Council n�� �J�t,/^ BLU E -MA R File� N 0• (� // �/�� Ordin nce Ordinance N�. ��3��r Presented Re cred To Committee: Date Ou ,of Committee By Date (7) There shall be conspicuous y displayed in the cam�nt of the taxicab occupied by the passenger and on the outside right arvd left rear doors f the taxicab a printed card or sign shaaing the rate o fare charged, as hereinafter provided. (8) The license inspector shal make, or have made, by competent inGpectors, such examinati n and inspection before a license is issued. A lic se shall be refused to any vehicle found to be unfit or unsui for public patronage. Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days fro�n and after its passage, appraval and lication. 3. COUN ILMEN equested by Department of: Yeas �� Nays / 1_ (cs.SCv t z�� �'�� In Favor — Rett an s�ne� ei � Against By sonn �lMO�tJ�' wilso JAN �� �988 orm Approve by City Attorney Adopted by C uncil: Date Certified Pa y unc' Se ry BY By Appro e y o Date � � 7 �988 ppro ed y Mayor for Submission to Council B By �J�-�,Q,�-- P�l1S�E0 J A N 16 �988 . � � -��� i�� � / 7��,5- PROPOSED ORDIN CE AMENDMENT AN RESOL TION REGAR ING ST. PAUL LEGISLA IVE CODE 376.09 , � � ����� z . AFFECTED P RTIES The Ordinance Amendment an Resolution to be discussed di ectly affect the future livelihoo of the city' s 185 cab owners an drivers . Although the issues we will be discussing only di ectly affect the owners of cab li enses, it is impossible to se a�ate out rhe economic interests t the drivers as increased co ts for owners will also be spzead over the drivers . �9e are not ta king about some foreign corporati n here . We are talking abou�t 18 human beings who are owners and rivPrs of taxicabs . Nearly 90� of !these individuals reside in the C ' ty of St. Paul . The average in me for the great majori�ty is les �than $16, 000 . 00 �er year. Th own homes, raise families and p y taxes in St . Paul . They are ou neighbors . They have a problem nd they are asking your help as bus ' nessmen, as neighbors, ' and as fe low citizens of St . Paul . II . HISTORICAL B KGROUND In December of 1982 �he so called Taxicab Ordinance was ame ded to require that all used veh cles to be put into service hav an odometer reading of 50, 000 m les or less as of January 1 of �he licens� year. . . etc . (See Exhibi A) . This unique mileage pro ision began to im�-nediately cause both practical and financial pro lems for license holders, and, a the years wen�t by many began to icense cabs ��hat had or may have had in excess of 50, 000 miles . In he summer and £all of 1987 the 1 ' cense inspector for the City of St . Paul began �to aggressively enfor e ��:.he 50, 000 miles provision and demanded that all cabs curren��ly in violation of the ordinance � � �� � ��'/-����� be replaced by the end of 1987 or f ce revocation of �their license by the end of 1987 . Th�s ultimatum affec�ed approximately 70-80g o� th tnen licensed cabs . The cab ow ers are before you 'today to ask yo to change the pr_esently existin ordinance in such a way as to re ieve �them of an excessively burd nsome mileage requirement while at �the same time not compromising t e condition of �the cabs pr sently operating in �he City. T e owners are also asking for a le s severe civ�_1 penalty for their violation of the present or inance and you will find that as a resolution befo�e you today. We cannot exp�ess strongly enough t e devastating impact that a fa lure to pass this resolution wou d have on many of �the license ho ders . III . THE PROBLEMS WITH A 50, 00 MILE REQUIREMENT While it is clea� �hat th add�ng of the 50, 000 mile �e uirement to this ordinance in 19 2 was cer-i:ainly a well in� entioned act, it has not and will not directly br�ng about the pr vision of safe and mechanically sound cabs for this Ci�ty. To the be t of �he knowledge oi the Intern tional Taxicab Association we ar the only City to their knowledg with such a requirement . (See Ex ibit B) One of the main reasons for �this is that mileage ba �cally has nothing direc�ly to d wi�th the condition of the ve icles . At the p�eseat time ever- cab licensed in St . Paul is in pec'ced by the City of S�t . Paul w ekly every Thursday for basic sa ety and condition . Then annuall , at the City' s own garage wi�th th City' s own mechanics, each cab is put through a painstaking in pect�on (see Exhibit C) and must pass this inspection before -2- � �� �� ��� re ewing their_ l�cense. The questi n o� whe�ther a vehicle has 40 000, 50, 000 , or 70, 000 miles cle rly pales in comparison to �he te ts that any vehicle which wishes to be licensed as a cab must pa s . Since each cab is allowed to be kept on for up to four model ye rs from date of issue and since ach cab accumulates a� roximately 100, 000 miles per yea , there are cabs with 250, 000 to 35 , 000 miles passing this inspecti n annually while we are qu' bbl�ng abou� whe�her they should have 40, 000 or 60, 000 m�_les for or ginal issue of the license . IV. FIPdANCIAL CON IDERATIONS It is becoming increas�_ng y difficult for license holders 'h�r�e� to find affordable cars not more th n ` model years old with less �th n 50, 000 miles . Wi�th the extend d warranties ( 5/50, 6/60 anci 7/ 0) now being offered by the comp nies fewe�� and fewer people are tr ding in vehicles with less than 0, 000 miles . Leasing companies as well are holding the cars for mo e miles . The result is those ve icles that have less than 50, 000 miles command a prem�um price. A witch from original issue cabs w' th 75, 000 miles to cabs with 35 000 miles would cost several tho sand dollars per replacement . Un ortuna�ely from the license hold rs perspective the cos't increase do s not end there. Driving vehicl s tha�t have a value of $3, 000 in tead of 55, 000 has other risks a collision coverage is not re dily available for cab owners . See Exhibit D) No� only is �the co �t of l�ability coverage exo�•bita t, but the lack of collision co erage causes most banks to no�t f ' nance �hese vehicle . This means th t �the request by �che Ci�ty means n immedia�e and substantial out -3- C���-���� of Pocket cash outlay for replaceme t cabs . Many of the owners can si ply not afford this . If done, � en most will be driving more ex ensive vehicles that cost more t repair if they are involved in an accident . V. THE FLAW IN THE PR S�NT ORDINANCE Because the mileage provi ion in the cu-rrent ordinance was me ely added as an addition to the odel year �equirement, it is de ined as "as of January 1 oi the icense year. " It ap,pears that th present state of the ordinance ould ma?�e it difficult or im ossible to provide the proof nec ssary �to establish a violation . We only point this out for informat on and it is not our desire to ni -pick. We are asking for reason ble change. VI . THE PROPOSED AME DED ORDINANCE You have before you the n oposed Amended Ordinance . In sh rt, what has been done is �that t e mileage requirement has been re oved and more stringent inspecti n requiremen�ts have been added. I� is our bel�_ef �hat this version � the ordinance will be more ef ective than the present ordinanc wn providing safe and . me hanically sound taxicabs for the City of S�t . Paul . A more de ailed explanation of the change ' s iound in attached Exhibzt E. VII THE PROPOSED ESOLUTION ' j�lhile the Amendment of th Ordinance is imnor�tant to the fu ure of taxicabs in St . Paul, the method of enforcement against li ense holders who are currently i violation of �tne ordinance is . -4- � � �'��-i���v at least as critical a problem for hem. For many of these license ho ders, it is a matter of staying � n business or giving up. We are no asking ior acceptance or condon tion of ��hose in violation but on y for a civil penalty which more accu�ately reflects the se iousness of the violation. We a e asking that you impose a civil pe alty of two times the annual lic nse fee and require them to re lace the vehicles by January 1, 989 . This will at least give Lh m time to budget for replacemen�t of �he vehicles . For many of th se drivers �the present option of replacing 'the vehicles i ediately or having their license revoked gives them no al ernative �ut to go ou�t of busine s . We believe this to be an ex essive punishr.lent for their erro in judgment and the resul-t wo ld be of benefit to no one. The financial impact of the proposed xe alution would still be substanti l , bu� it wouldn ' � pu�t them out of bus?ness . ' Dougl s B. Fink At�or ey at Law 386 N rth Wabasha, Suite 1350 St. P ul, Minnesota 55102 292-0 73 -5 v�,,�� .` tLCSrr, , � � � � .^ t.�..tAyCC: � ! / C6NiRT .. �'l+AiO'f'�RSTQ� y�ey� � -• 91fi�.�� � •JA � . '�i ft �� 'iJs� � - Lf?L3[!C� �ld�����pS�i„A yr ��� ��.�:{i �'1�Y ��. �� u"�?'`..�� I " � � 9�'�"#�'�/� i :t F���� - .� e�t�a� �t a._____�_"���/ I f�red '�o _ Coc�mi tt�e: Dats � df �t.+�",s;fk 3 tfi� �' � 4 ---_ ~_ �F�'�e .t _.'_____---------__— e�rt ��aimanca �8ncling Seetion 4i8.09 oi tho �t. Pau� Le�qis3atfve Code ��c'��8e� a� tex�enbs. ertainfng �Go vehie�.e� - ' TT� GQF�'i�T4:IL OF � CIT� QF' g,y PAUI, DOE,S Q�DAIN; Seet on i. Thz�t Section �16.09a P�ra,� �ph ���fi_� ���i x�.ve Ca�e, as �.���cIe�l b� ��) o� the St. P�ul ' ��ar. �;1��x �ended ta re�t? � and tlze s�,me ie �RrQ�� �e follo s; ��� �'��'3' vehiele licQn�ed initia�2 t��.eab shal2 be a new vehie�� o�,ag a � vehie�e not �nQ�$ �h� a ueed o�d �.nd wit?►s �.*� oc��m�t r�re� e� model Y�trs mf�s or e���-, ze o � o#. �� Ye�r � .�e� ,� b��� �� i��`P� }� Q �w�n�a c�eel�r, in �.ceord.a�.noe .'ct�i �' � �au�k������� h� ��e iiQer�ee in��ocs� � st�'�'�rds �.t�o�ated ' ���xatin� cc�n�it��n. � � �ie �� s ea�'� ! li`oense� I2 tru�icsb v����l� � ��i� expire�,. i�e-,. Ja�a� '1� o� �e ao�l.►� = Feara..�ro� , ,E �r�.� f:r�+� p�x:�,���;e �.� �;5.�.,� �'�ir. " A "nen� q��z��.�� � �� a vehicl� in a nex r��g�`��� �� ��f.���� � d uansec� cr�on��t���. ' ��:eti� �, � ,�w,,s .. � �z:.�r� �r.��;.���r�t�� �►�7�z�I t�:lc�e ��' s�c�t ��rt tr� �l� fc�xc��� .'ci� aazv�3 a�'�e�r i r:r� ,�+����s��ar ��s,�ro �� � x:;.�w:� �c� �a�t#�l��.t fn��� . � ��_..__��4if�C� '��;�� ` _ _"�=._—.___..`==..����..._�,..� �� , ....."T • �'��� "�--• -----�—_..._....,...___...._._.__�. • . . _..._._.__.�._y- r,�5.� _"_""-_-�----,---------_--- . ..._. --..,�. �"i'1P�MYf�+±i �,r'"" iM!Ri$� �t �)t±.�IL�E'f:� R�. _'_ . _._.. d K�r.,�'My� ..�..yk:"'"� �ri F � �d:�°.'1'f� :»�•«._..... i�`VQ: l. .._--._......y. ..r � ��>a,;s t�: _...,.._....... ....,.... v,��,s,� '°°""'—"—.--.,�,.. .�i��»3:WTi� �� �� �� � �t.bi;,'y'�ri, I�' " ""°"'-'------ ._.._..,......�.._._ _. ...., '� '=3' r•Y �� �d3[t!� 7. �`�' ?�6 d:� ;� �...__....._ ,� � � �'�'is �„��.�v.� � ^,�� l� }•'f'J f • hJ «! (� � �t�-=�������F ��F�� 4..Il��N� }. :t 'At wi.44.., � .;�� 4 ',� ` • .....re..+,w....�........ yj � y )�1i�A:'�j2T5�." � � � �it`�� �° i � � z � �► • � �rd't� #� ��,�k, r� !�.��+�Jl �F` � � �' � a +ti p�� �, v'R•t :� .�.o�'r`����^"� .�.,�,�,,, ,__,?.. � ,� � �c s�W&.4 `4 t. � 1 J�� ( K ,.. �i t�„ t ��G �' ^w,��� � 4. 1 .... _..�e� '+r{�. ��x i ;,� a p i ���..w..•ww.w�.. . ~ t 1 �. ty� , �' � �� k�"ir....�........ �d w ,. .....«.�„«....«.,......,......� � .Mi t j '.�..5 : �Y Ca g�'.. x ~� � i?l.��y ... . . . . `�. ��c � r�, � * . �� y.�"'-�...�, . ...�� .c . .,.. . .. .,».....�. �, '�C"5'-"�_�r�d:f y� Y� C � �g n a e t �+•f Pr '4 , p.}.��A; . , �� f!.�!���{�'.' K,a! .. +�-r, i:: {� t� ..� � . � � �x�t� t 'S`;t p'�-RS� :. • .. .. .e . . .. ..e�A" I.� P sM.�.�. ,.y;� '�y t . � � . , ,.,.....,..,,,,<... �.. +1 f'��. . .. ,ti •� _.....,,,._,.-......�..__ _._.�...... • ,� .. r ; * � , ,. _... ,......_. _ ....._..... . .�.. .. �. ' ,. .. . - . . ;::� , � . . �,.�, .....�: „__ .. �— . .... , , „ .�..... .. .:r ,_. ,r .. .. " . , -.�... � �.. , ���� ��-�- � . � Gr��- ��e� � � at'['ERNATIO AL TAXICAB A330C�IATION � 3849 Farragut Avenue�Kensin on, Maryland 20895�Telephone(301)946-5700 � T�o ember 19, 1987 ' M . Anne Lyman D mond Cab Company ' 1 5 University Avenue S . Paul, MN 55104 D r Mrs. Lyman: T is letter is a response to your inquiry concerning limitations on vehicles t t can be used as taxicabs in major U.S. cities. M �st cities only require that vehicles li ensed as taxicabs pass periodic s fety inspections conducted by city empl yees. 0 er the past several years, a few ma�or ities have adopted a model year v hicle limitation. For example, Boston imits vehicles used in taxicab s rvice to be a maximum of four model yea s old while in Alexandria, VA, a v hicle cannot be placed into taxicab se ice unless it is two or fewer model y are old and peaaes their safety inapect on. I am not aware of any community that plac s a mileage limitation of any kind o taxicabs. City inspections are the no , and in some cases limitations v hicle model yeara are being adopted. I you have any other questions,. please d n't hesitate to contact me. S ncerely, � :�-�`. �- � � � � �.� «�� �. A red B. �LaGasse, III E ecutive Vice President A L:jet � •�u��is�s ;o asBa io; - au�8ug •£Z � ) � ) •ssau�y8�� io3 suo���auuo� :uo��tpuo� - 8u�zz� TB�����aT3 'ZZ � ) � ) •sdmeT� pus 'sia8usq , 'sad�d 's�ot�3^m 'fPt�3xunm ;o •eau�q�F pu� uox��puo� - �a�m�S �en*qxg 'tZ � ) � ) (isa� p8aza TEnsnun 3o s �s ;z x�au�) •�uamuB�Ts TaayM •pZ ( ) ( ) (��adsu� o� as��) •s��es� zo sxEasq �o; s�u�ssaq Su�iaa�s paT as pus 's�ax�os TTsq 'smis Toi�no� zaMO1 puE iaddn •su�dBuF� - pua �uoz3 '6T ( ) � ) •�eTd an�ssa�xa �03 - 8u�saa�S '8T ( ) � ) •���us �a is o� Bu�TTnd ��apuEM - 8u��aa�S 'LT ( ) � ) • •uo��EZado E uoz�ipuo� - sdo�s �u�uin� pus �sxutj szp �spua po� at� �s�s 8u�iaa�S '9T � ) � ) •ssau�u�,� - s�Toq 8ut�unom zEaB Suiiaa�S 'SI � ) � ) •smnzp puE szapu�T�� TaaqM ' aoqs 's8u�u�T a�s�q ;o uo���puo� •qT ( ) ( ) •TanaT rnT� so3 - �apu�T�� �a�ssm a�EZS '6i � ) � ) � •pTou �aq��si 'an.=asa� a� nbaps puE IIO���E - 2)jEIQ �IIT?I2Ed 'ZT ( ) ( ) •an�asas �8nbaps pu8 uo�zas - tBp�d ax8=g 'TT � ) � ) •uo���pno� pus �ssaua�n�as �s�Ea io; - sau�T �CTddns ma�s.Ss axE�g 'Ot ( ) � ) •s 8usT3 �uaq so3 - sm�s pus sTaa� •6 ( ) ( ) (uo��sT�u� 'sEar, 'sas�n.xq �s�n� �pga�� ` TTsr. io�ia�xg) uo���puo� - sa��Z •g ( ) ( ) •uoz�s�ado �03 - uzog •L ( ) ( ) •ssauasn�as pus uoF��puo� so3 - sio��aT;as �uB�Z •9 : ( ) ( ) •smBaq Mot pus uBFU 3o sn�o3 zado d �o; �saZ - �ua�uu�zTs �uB�TpsaH 'S ( ) ( ) •iaqssT3 �isr,-.zno3 pus s�axism a�us�EaT� �a�gTd asua��T �s�uBiT dn��8q �TTE� 'do�s 'TBUO���a.x�p Taued 'amop �s�u8�Tp8at� - s�uB�Z •+� ( ) ( ) •uo��EZado .zo� st8u��s puE � �Li��'[ �IITII3EM �S�IIamt1��SIIT Z'3IIEd '£ ( ) ( ) •ssau�u8�1 pBE `uo��s.zoT �s�p �sx�e.z� - s�osz�m pue sseT9 'Z � ) � ) , •saPETq Pus �adzr� pTa'F�iSPu�M 'T � ) � ) , , �iI�d� ��1?IC uoi ��asxi ��z saqam� asua�i7 CIE,TXE,j, �1T; zaq�nH uo��sz�sz8ag aT�iqad uoF��adsul 3o a�sQ zac�mnH uot�B�i;��uapl aT�Tual' � ��G 14�� a88aiiy� TaPoT� Pua axEyy aT�iva� AY RE- pp=R ) ( ) 24. Engine - smoothness, acceleration, knocks and other unusual noises, over- heating, oil pressure. ) O 25. Clutch - engagemeat, drag, grab, slip, and noises. i ) ( ) 26. Clutch pedal - for free play and travel. (When applicable) : � •;.. ) O 27. Transmission - ease in shifting, noises, jumping out of gear. (Automat�ic �; shift at the speeds speci fied by manufacturer.) '�' ) ( ) 28. Transmission - for secureness, leaks, cracks, shift lever and linkage • condition. (For additional service requirements for automatic transmissions, refer to manufacturer's specifications.) ' ) ( ) 29. Drive shaft(s) center bearings - flanges and universal joints to include u-bolt t�.ghtnesa. ) ( ) 30. Differential(s) - for leaks, bolts and nuts for tightness. ) ( ) 31. Drive train - unusual noises, excessive heat. ' ) O 32. Engine - oil pan and bearing seals for leaks. �` . ` �::. ) ( ) 33. Body mounting bolts - tightness. •�X ) ( ) 34. Frame and cross members - for cracks or other damage. ) ( ) 35. Springs - permanent set, broken leaves or center bolts, leaf clips, u-bolts for tightness, shackles and pins. ) O 36. Shock absorbers - mounting and bushings. � ) ( ) 37. Body condition. ;PAIRS NEEDED: JTHORIZED DEALERSHIP: )DRESS :LEPHONE i bWNER'S SIGNATURE . � AUTHORIZED MECHANIC SIGNATURE �x�, ��f a . . . , � C�,������� EKBLAD, PARDEE 8z BE ELL, INC. INSURANCE/BONDS 2050'WHITE BEAR AVENUE ST. PAUL, MINNES TA 55109 PHONE: (612) 777-8381 Dou las Fink 11/23/87 386 N. Wabasha, Suite 1350 St. Paul, MN. 55102 To om It May Concern: Lia ility Insurance for taxi cabs is availa le in this state through the Min esota Assigned Risk Plan. The e are two companies that will write the e type of risks. United States Fire, and CNA Insurance Co. Both of these compani s must charge the same rate based on he same underwriting information. Th rate for $325,000 CSL is: $3533.00 BI&PD $208.00 PIP $19.00 UN&UM $3760.00 Total per Veh. No : If there is one moving violation� the increase i.s � additional 15�. If there are two violations or one ma or violation, additonal 35�. Th e two companies do not offer and will n t write any Physical Damage coverage. Th Physical damage market is very limited. If a company would write this type of risk, the charge is usually 15� of the lue of the car. You also have policy fe is and surplus lines tax added to this c rge. I ve placed the insurance on 35 cars. I ave been able to place Physical Damage co erage on 6 cars. These six cars are own d by thre�: different parties. The ma n reason that coverage can.not be pl.ace 's due to loss ratio. Th deductible for these coverages is: $500.00 Coll. $500.00 Fire & CAC rs Truly ��, ' / Do glas W. Dehler _. 20 0 White Bear Ave. � St Paul, MN. 55109 u /noEnr � ��°` ��ii�r7` � � StINMARY OF P POSID P.�TDN� TO ` (,� r ' • TAXI ORDINANCE ��a � / ��r SDC'rION 1. A. 376.09 (1) Z'he deletion of the s icken language r�ves the "50,000" mile require�nt fran the 1 st of requireznents which must be met by a vehicle initially li ensed as a cab. � The requirement that a cab initially licensed shall not be more than three model ears old is retained in the ordinance, as w�ell as the requir nt that the cabs be removed from service after they are m�re than five years old. The deletion of the s icken language also solves a problem regarding enforc�zt f the existing ordinance, in that the existing ordinance on ts face allaws for licensure of a cab with over 50,000 miles provided the cab had less than 50,000 on January 1 of the ye in which the license application is made. The license ins tor has enforced this section as if it read to require a c have less than 50,000 miles on the odometer at the actual time of licensing which, despite the language of the ord' ce, may woell be what was intended at the time the mileage r ' ement was passed in 1982. B. 376.09 (2) In this section, which previously was the one sentence requiremeizt of safe v icle condition, a requireznent of an inspection by the city is added to the ordinance as a condition for initial icensure of a cab. The inspections of cab to be licensed will be conducted at the fire/police equi nt services garage where annual inspections of licens cabs already occur. The ordinance is amend to specify certain mechanical systems of each vehicle which st be inspected by the city. The items listed in�lu�de, general category, each and every mechanical systan in autcmobile. Utilizing language requiring that these i be inspected but not limiting the inspection to this lis of items, allaws the license inspector to adopt s ards which specify particularly which items in these general categories of systems shall be checked. The initial inspectio is modeled after and and probably w�uld be similar to the ann 1 inspections already required for each cab in the city purs t to section 376.12 (h) of the Legisiative Code. Th se inspections are quite thorough. Each inspection invol s checking 37 different it�ns on the cab and is a ric�orous safety check. " SDGTION 2. This section pravides the ffective date of the ordinance will be thirty days after its pass e, approval, azul publication. , . �. 1����,r�� ,5�� 7.,.. ` J�J',�l�"l P +' I I'::�''— r . , , NOTtCE AE PUB HEA@� : . �' =. _ i N_otice is hereby given that a Public he n� r` �. . . _ Couacai on De�r�bes 3 1�7;at:9•00� : . t B;will be held brfare�t�e CIt� City Hali' n o� oyse o consi er � C��`�o��il�l4e��;�rd Fioor,:.. < and S�ection 66.4U5 of Etie Legislative Code rtai�nu�g#������ - Amendments VI), At said time and place,• 1� a°�'� �T�t relative to this prop�al: '�uacil v�i11 t�ar all Fersoas= ' Dated November 18, 1987: ° ; ' ALBERT B. OLSON,City Clerk : . . ,.. °`' • i � _ .. {November 21, 7) i •