87-1704 � �ciTY oF sr. Pa,u� COUNCIL FILE N0. 0 �'��B � F NAL ORDER /� ; � . ; By �'�'" —=-✓ ��- --.. i 18�ia4 i File No. � Voting I the Matter of Gradin� aad paving the �+a►r thJeaet-��e�alleys in Ward Eloct 1, 1Cin�s �rca�e Par�r. � iihealoct Psrl�y, b lrcu�s Street, Sherrood �ren�a Valsh Streat) � unde� Preliminary Order �7�� approved ° 0 °�� �� i � The Council of the City of Saint Paul has conducted a public hearing upon the above improvement, due notice ther of having been given as prescribed by the City Charter; and WHEREAS, The Council has heard all persons, objectio s and recommendations pertaining to said proposed improve- me and has fully considered the same; now, therefore, be it ! RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint P ul does hereby order that the above-described improvement be ' ade, and the proper City officers are hereby directed an authorized to proceed with the improvement; and be it I FURTHER RESOLVED, That upon the completion f said improvement, the proper City officers shall calculate all xpenses incurred therein and shall report the same to the C'ty Council in accordance with Chapter 14 of the City Charter. � COUNCIL PERSON Adopted by the Council: Date ��V 2 `� �a� 'Yeas 8lew Nays YiCOSiB � Certified sed b} Council Secretary 8etta+an , =eheibel In Favor By Sonnea �„ i �leida Against � Mayor � NQV � �; ���?� Pll��_��� _ __ � v e;��! - �- �-�—� �I o 5� Summary of Engineering Rec mmendations Report Prepared - Octob r 5, 1987 Publ ic Hearing - Novemb r 24, 1987 P T G ade and pave the "T" shaped alleys in BLOC 1, KINGS ARCADE PARK b unded by Wheelock, Sherwood, Walsh and cade. �ondemning and taking an easement in the 1 nd necessary for slopes, cuts d fills, including right of removal of late al support from subject land r remainder thereof, occasioned by excava ions thereof or construction of lopes in the grading and paving of the abo referenced alley. NITIAT NG A TION his improvement was initiated by a petition signed by 17 of the 26 ssessable lots, representing 67R of the a utting property. �XI ST I NG CONDI T IONS . These alleys are p)atted 20 feet wide and ere graded in 1932 and a sewer 'was constructed in the North-South alley. The East-West alley appears to be quite flat, with marginal drainage, but there is no large areas of standing water. The present surface is oi ed and has become rutted. PROPOSED IMPROVEMENT Pave the aliey with bituminous material o a width of 16 feet. We are anticipating that this alley can be const cted to drain without installing additional sewer. SPECiAL CONDITIONS This a{ley was originaliy constructed with a very flat grade and garages were constructed to match the ailey. W will not be able to change the grade of the alley and therefore a new a ley may develop "bird baths" when completed. ' ��'�7- � yUy IM 0 T AN FINANCING Construction Costs S 14,500.00 Valuations and Assessments Services 500.00 Total Expenditures s 15,000.00 Rate per Assessable Foot s 14.00 Financed by assessment only. UR F ADD I T I ON I NF RMAT I ON or additional information, contact Jack Da is at 292-6281. DATION he Department of Public Works feels that this is a worthwhile project nd recommends approval of the order. espectfully submitted, Dona i d E. Nygaard Director of Public Works � � � I , L''���i���/ � , ti , � ;;,��;.� . �V � t _ _ � r , � . � . � � --� I � i. , ! `',. - —-- - - - _ _ - - _ � � 1 .�L"�7��� .� i � . ,�i -- - - - - � � I � ' � � � •- - �? - C. . --- - - - - i �� -- -- - ----°'Q_ `" r�� ' ' ' .' 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V � � � � •V I . . . ; 1 R v E A D � I �, ���r_� G1TT s� . ��� C._ (�.�� �t�'� m1 • 1 o , � a SAI�JT PAUL CITY CO NCIL �/�—�7_���[� � iiii�ltiii >' �, a ^ Pt;BLIC HEARING N TICE +es• , PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT CO STRUCTION _ City Council District # 6 District Planning Council # 5 File No. 18484 & 18484-S Dear Property Owner: To decide on whether o proceed with grading and paving the PURPOSE alleys (north-south/e st-west) in Block 1, King's Arcade Park (bounded by Wheelock arkway, Arcade Street, Sherwood Avenue AND and Walsh Street}. lso slope c�nstruction and a temporary LOCATION construction easemen in the grading and paving of said north-south/east-wes alley. HEARING Tuesday, November 2 , 1987, at 9:00 A.M. City Council Chamber , 3rd Floor City Hall - Court House If the Council appro es this project, a portion of the costs FINANCING wi.11 be assessed (af er construction) against benefitted INFORMATI N properties. Tne estimated assessments for this project are as follows: ESTIMATED CONST UCTION COSTS $15,000 ' ESTIMATED FINA CING: $15,000 Rate per assessabl foot $14.00 The City Council w 11. hold another hearing after the construc- tion to ratify the assessments. You will receive a notice at that time advis ng you of the exact amount that you will be required to pay. QUESTI S Construction: 292-6281 Assessments: 298-4513 Also, City staff ill be available to answer any last minute questions on this project in Room 218 City Nall from 8:30 - 9:00 A.M. the saie dav as the hearin . MAP NOtiCe sent November 6, 1987, __.__ _ _ ___ �vr,--- --- --�M'*frf�-e'8',s---,"-�4R�Nfdfl�*--- by th Valuations and '" I = --e.l. . qJ::�la°_ , Asses ment Oivision, "° �� ;`'��';�• " �'- ' — ' �- �— �'_-' -- ` 1 �u ��~ '�� � i Depar ment of Fi nance I f * I y, �' �S � g � - `-S - � /d �r ��✓ `�.i ie i/ io l J 7 (�3) L ' and M nagement Services, ��� ��! ��� -"-�` - - _ ' -_. L: �s) (NI (�� (nl IW IW (�I 6J R`� , - -s- � Saint Paul , Minnesota 55102 „,; ,;:, �»; ,.�; �::� -- -i -. � ,�� �,,, �,., �,,; �.; �.,, .:�, ��.,� �,., T .��;�Q � , / I 12 - z� tf" r6. z� xe �� �d �y za �� z2 x9 z4 z� zrJ (a.l� . . 1 � Au�v Y� [� ��p►�v� c� ,,. �6 ___ __ __ _: �._ t,: __ __ -� -=- -_- -= __ _, �.; ,.t., . �vES� ti SNERWOoI7 � „} __ __ _ __ ., . _ w _,_._ ; :- :, ,, , ,. , . _ . . . ,:-,. i.- . . :. . . ri� I r�� ♦ � �. ; , _ , ,_ � d� p 3 x � �/J /J i.l iy /3 Cc // /o D d 7N (�) t. i . .__.. ..____... t 1 leel �W aq (zA (aJ (x) 6� (D9 6A �,i fe'> (� (7,1 f�:') ��•� 3 � C./�-�. a���?� 1 ���� 5���,4 � . ; _ � a SAIiJT PAUL CIT�( CO P�CIL ���-�7U� a uulltnn � ' � uutuu � � ^ PI;ELIC HEARING PJ TICE iss• � PUBLIC IMPROVEhIENT CO STRUCTIOI� Ci ty Counci 1 Di stri ct # 6 District Planning Council # 5 File Mo. 18484 & 18484-S Dear Property Owner: To decide on whether t proc ed �oith grading and paving the PURPOSE alleys (north-south ' st-we ) in Block 1, King's Arcade Park (bounded by Whe ck rk Arcade Street, Sherwood Avenue AND and Walsh Str o construction and a temporary LOCATION constructi .e n he grading and paving of said nor so / st- st alley. HEARI G Tuesd ;� �Novem 1987, at 9:00 A.Pi. Cit un 1 ers 3rd Floor Citv Hall - Court House the ouncil �pprov s this project, a portion of the costs FINANCING 11 be assessed (aft r construction) against benefitted INFORMATIO operties. Tne est ated assessments for this project are as follows: ESTIMATED CONSTR CTION COSTS $15,000 ESTIMATED FINANC NG: $15,000 Rate per assessable f��ot - Residential - $14.00 Rate per assessable foot - Commercial - $21.00 The City Council will. hold another nearing after the construc- tion to ratify the ssessments. You �aill receive a notice at that time advisi g you of the exact amount that you will be required to pay. QUESTION Construction: 92-6281 Assessments: 298-4513 Also, Cit}• staff �,i 1 be available to answer any last minute questions on this p oject in Room 21E C:ity Hall from 8:30 - 9:00 A.M. the same dav as the hesrin^. MAP �$ Notice s nt November,f� 1987, vrr— kFMfrEL a&/�---l�R Rla�lxlA�r--- by the luations and "" �. .yIF�1l4 Assessm t Division, . �• .... i ,� :.;:,; :,:; .� ��- --: : , - . ,� j >.. . .._� � ;� _ _ 1 N�♦ • •/ De artm �it of Finance J * � � . �� , � � '� `' ` � p .., .. '.. '.� ,r .� .o v ., � ��,� = I I and Man �gement Servi ces, I���(�-�I .� ��� -:'` - ' ' '. [!: t,� i�xl !�1 I�.i J IW IN ("� 1�1 IW ��_� Saint P ul , Minnesota 55102 - .` - _:�'' �"''.r�'' `- - -i�-. : Inl 1�.1 ('.,1 lea (�.�, (�) fut U•1 (u) (•i 1�9 �.n �hq (�o� ,� (�,1� � / I-- ��.ie' ' N tl zd. t/ YJ // /s /Y c4l I/ �t2 t3 34 [� �f � (•-)s; 1 AU�y Y� C'� �NDt�v�e � _ . _ :: r. �!: : _ : ,_ -- _: _. _=;� ,.s'6 .. �vE�z C SNE.Rw0o1J � y� . ..__ _. _ . _ „.�. • ri Ii • ii I ��� • �/� � ' ' ' �. � ' .,, � � -- /- 1� � 3 c i Y `// i6 i� i�/ /.l� (t i/ /:r Y ! / �,c�� t i _ � ie-1 �n . . . a lxl l�,:J (�.1 U�l � �'q �� la.l ��'1 ��.1 3 . .. 1 !".! 1.�1 l_.1 �� . .__ ... �!. ._ ..... .._ _ � � � � (� �� %� � ��'`� , . � ,, < :��<r�.:� _ � . � . :1'�N�' -.4 �t tzi t:,; �i . ._ �, ... � . . * �a �l�tl'}y�� rdWi�iY '� t,i ..Sl.�F V(�±F':� ��r��$,����iC08�8 .. . . 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