87-1698 WHITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FIN NcE GITY OF SAINT PALTL Council (//� / /�) C A N A R V - D E P R T M E N T F�1 e N O. �/ ��/r ��/ BLUE - MAV R , Co ncil R solution ,,-� Presented B � � Re rred To Committee: Dafe Ou of Committee By Date An Administrative Resolu ion establishing the rate of pay for the clas es of Fire Aide, Fire Prevention Inspecto I, and Fire Prevention Inspector II in the Sala y Plan and Rates of Compensation Resolution. RESOLVED, that the title of Fire A de be paid at the rate set forth in Grade 25, Section ID2, Technical Standa d Ranges, of the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the title o Fire Prevention Inspector I be paid at the rate set forth in Grade 35, Section ID2, Technical Standard Ranges, of the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the title o Fire Prevention Inspector II be paid at the rate set forth in Grade 41, Section ID2, Technical Standard Ranges, of the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation; and be it FINALLY RESOLVED, that this resolu ion shall take effect and be in force on the first pay period after the passage, approval, and publication of this resolution. COU CILMEN Yeas Nays � Requested by Department of: Nic sia [n Favor Ret man Sch ibel �'' _ Against BY — �' � So en - - Wei a i4,A�V, Wll Ori NOV � j} �87 Form pprove by ity Attorney Adopted by ouncil: Date Certified Pa s d uncil Sect ry BY � By, �� _ Approv d by A7avor: Date _ ��uy � � ��� Appro Mayor for Sub i ' n o Council —� B — PlfB1.�S!!�D '�-=�-'�� � �981 Personnel 0 fice �Pp��;�N�.. � C�I�I� �� _ ��2r1�. .jphn H_ Sho , CONTACT a98-422i PH4NE ; DATE Q'/ ,c� Q Q � SIGN NUlr6 R �bR ROUTING ORDER Cli All_Locatians for Si ature : . � Depart t Director 4 Director of Management/Mayor Finance nd Manag t Services Director � � City Clerk , 2 r ���. 3 City At , rney . WHAT WILL B ACHIEVED BY TAKING ACTION ON THE ATTAC ED MATERIALS? (Purpose/ . ' aationale) : Re: Fire A"i e RECEIVEp Fire Pr vention Inspecfior I Q Fire Pr vention Inspector II T'� `9 ��87 see at�ached � Q�OFf/CE RECEIVED COST BENEFI BUDGETARY AND PERSONNEL �MPACTS ANTICI ATED: ' OCT 9 1987 See attached BUDGET OFFICE • � �°� ��_ ` FINANCING SO RCE AND BUDGET ACTIVITY NUMBER CHARGED R CREDITED: (Mayor's signa- ture not re- � Total �Amo nt of "Tr�nsaction: � quired if under Funding S urce.: . � $10,000) Activity umber: ATTACHMENTS List and Number Al1 Attachments : 1 . Resolut' n � p � 2. Cog� .fo City Clerk . I�EC��'�`� 3. Attachm t as noted above . OCT 131987 � � CI�'Y ATTE�Ft�IEY DEPARTMENT R IEW CITY ATTORNEY REVIEW �_Yes No Council Resolution Required? ' Resolutlon Required? Yes No - Yes x No Insura�ce Required? Insurance Sufficient? Yes No Yes x No Insurance Attached: (SEE •REVERSE SIDE FOR INSTR TIONSj '. Revised 12/84 � ' ��7-1��� � ' s� This resolution establishes three new classifications. These classifications have resulted from a equest from the Fire Department to study the inspection po itions in the Fire Prevention Division and from a Comparable Worth ppeal submitted by AFSCME to review the Fire Technician I and II c assifications. The new Fire Aide classification replaces Fire Aid I and II and the new Fire Prevention Inspector I and II classif cations replace Fire Technician I, Fire Prevention Technic an II, and Fire Prevention Technician III. The old titles indic ted will be abolished except as to present incumbents. C ST BEN F 0 C There are twelve positions affected b this action:� one Fire Aide I� two Fire Aide IIs, five Fire echnician Is, two Environmental Health Technicians� and two Fire Prevention Technician IIIs. All of these positions should e allocated to the new Fire Prevention Inspector I class with two exceptions. The positions currently allocated to the Fire Preve tion Technician III class should be re-allocated to the Fire Pr ention Inspector II class. The new Fire Aide classification has en assigned to Technical Grade 25. It replaces the Fire Aide I and II classes which are in ' Technical Grade 22 and 28. The entry- evel salary for Technical Grade 25 is $20,586.28. The 5-year st p is $25,036.96, and the 25-year rate is $26,993.72. This repr sents a 7$ increase over the base salary for Fire Aide I and a 6$ crease from the base salary for Fire Aide II. The Fire Department indicates no plans to fill any positions at this level at this time. The current posit ons allocated to the Fire Aide I and II classes have been alloca ed to the new Fire Prevention Inspector I class. The incumbents wil be given the opportunity to test for the new classification. Ass ing that they test and pass, the results would be as follows: 1. The incumbent in the Fire Aide I c ass currently is paid $20,733.18 yearly. Upon appointme t to the Fire Prevention Inspector I class, the salary woul be $25�730.12 which reflects a 24$ increase. 2. One incumbent in the Fire Aide II lass is currently paid $27,283.36 yearly. Upon appointme t to the Fire Prevention Inspector I class, the salary woul be $29,235.96 which reflects a 78 increase. The other incumben is currently paid $27,997.32 yearly. Upon appointment to the n w classification, the salary would be $31�923.58 which reflects a 148 salary increase. 3. The cost to the City for the remai der of the year, assuming the positions are filled by November 1, 1987, would be $1,673.20. . ������ The new Fire Prevention Inspector I c ass has been assigned to Technical Grade 35. It replaces Fire Technician I in Technical Grade 30 and Fire Prevention Technici n II in Technical Grade 34. The entry-level salary for Technical rade 35 is $25,730.12. The 5-year step is $31�923.58, and the 25 year rate is $34�299.98. This represents a 148 increase in the base salary over Fire Technician I and a 38 increase over the base sala for Fire Prevention Techni- cian II. There are 7 positions that ave been allocated to the new Fire Prevention Inspector I class. e incumbents in the Fire Technician I and Environmental Health Technician classes will be given the opportunity to test for the new class. Assuming that they test and pass, the results would be a follows: 1. In the Fire Technician I class th re are five incumbents whose positions have been allocated to he new Fire prevention Inspector I class. There are two incumbents currently paid $29�508.70 yearly. Upon appointm nt to the new classification, . the salary for the two incumbents would be $32,741.80 each. This represents an 118 salary inc ease. There -is one incumbent currently receiving $28�017.86 ye rly. Upon appointment to the new class� the incumbent would re eive $30,538.04 yearly. This reflects a 98 increase. Another ncumbent is receiving $24,635.26 yearly and following a pointment to the new class, that incumbent would receive $26� 42.12. This represents a 98 ealary increase. The final incum ent in the Fire Technician I class is receiving $22�706.32 yea ly and following appointment to the new class� that incumbent ould receive $25�730.12 yearly. This represents a 138 sa ary increase. 2. In the Environmental Health Techn cian class there are two incumbents whose positions have b en allocated to the new Fire Prevention Inspector I class. Bo h incumbents are being paid $30,979.26 yearly. Upon appointm nt to the new class, their salaries would be $31,923.58. Th s represents a 3$ salary increase. 3. The additional cost to the City f r the remainder of the year, assuming the positions are filled y November 1, 1987, would be $2,555.56. The new Fire Prevention Inspector II c ass has been assigned to Technical Grade 41. It replaces Fire revention Technician III in Technical Grade 38. The entry-level s lary for Technical Grade 41 is $30,075.50. The 5-year step is $37,423.88, and the 25-year rate is $20,199.38. This represents an 8 1 28 increase in the base rate. There are currently two positions that have been allocated to the Fire Prevention Inspector II class. B th incumbents are Fire Technician Is who are receiving out-of title pay as Fire Prevention Technician IIIs. If the Fire Departme t decides to keep the status quo and pay these two positions out-of title pay as Fire Prevention Inspector IIs, the results would be as follows: ' ' ���I�G� , 1. The two positions allocated to th Fire Technician III class are receiving $1166.45 biweekly. Upo appointment to the new class, they would receive $1262.56 biwee ly. This represents a $96.11 increase or 88. 2. If the incumbents take the test r the new Fire Prevention Inspector I class, their salaries would go from $28,017.86 yearly to $30,538.04 which repres nts a 9$ increase. 3. The additional cost for the remai der of the year would be $775.44 plus $704.16 in out-of-ti le pay or $1479.60. In summary, the total additional year y cost to the City resulting from this action would be approximate y $32,000. The cost to the City for the remainder of the year wo ld be approximately $5700. Average overall increase in salary wo ld be approximately 11$. The average increase in the base salary r the Fire prevention class . series would be 6.68. � • _______ ________________________ AGENDA ITEMS = ___--------------------------- �0 7��o� --------------------------- ID#: [3 ] DATE REC: [10/20/87] AGENDA ATE: [00/00/00] ITEM #: [ ] SUBJECT ' [ESTABLISH PAY RATE-FIRE AIDE,FIRE PRE . INSP. I,FIRE PREV. INSP. II] / " .�-. STAFF A S I GNED: [ .� � �a -�,� ] S I G:[.�;;:�G'���'� 'jl] OUT-[ ] TO CLERK -E88�AA�A4] �f .S ORIGINA OR:[PERSONNEL ] CON ACT:[SHOCKLEY - 4221 ] ACTION: ] ] C.F.# [ ] ORD.# [ ] FILE COMPLETE="X" [ ] � � � � �e +� � � � � � : FILE IN 0: [RESOLUTION/EXPLANATION SHEET ] C ] [ ] ------- --------------------------------------- ------------------------------ ------- --------------------------------------- ------------------------------ � � �� ,���.t � � Nov s 1987 CUUNCtLMAN JAMES SCH�IBEL