87-1697 WHITE - CITV CLERK � , PINK - FINA� CE C I TY OF SA I NT PAU L Council ///��� /J CANARV - DEP RTMENT �� // �� BLUE - MAY �R File NO. ��Q � . C ncil R solution Presented B red To Committee: Date_ Out of Committee By Date WHERE S: Prentiss Hamilton DBA University usement Inc, is currently renewing a license for a Mechanic 1 Amusement Device Operator, 16 Mechanical Amusement Devices a d 5 Music Machines (I.D.#12585) at 925 Selby Avenue expiring 10/3 /88, and currently holds a Cigarette and I-VM License (I.D.#17076) at 27 Selby Avenue expiring March 31, 1988 WHERE . On October 27, 1987, Prentiss Ham lton appeared before the City Council and agreed to conditions being ad ed to the licenses held by him. Therefore be it RESOL ED: That the following conditions be dded to licenses held by Prentiss Hamilton at 923, 925, and 927 Sel y Avenue 1. Sales from vending machines s all be made only to persons employed by the licensee while they ar working on the premises. 2. Mr. Hamilton and repair perso nel are the only persons allowed on the premises. 3. Nv bws�.v�e�s�s v�heti �han �he ne cwc �hap w,i,22 be candu.c,ted vv� �he ph2m�c�S P�5. COUN ILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas � Nays Nico ia �_ [n Favor Ret � Sche 'bel Against BY Sonn n V�eid VJils ri �QV 2 � �� Form Approv by City Attorney Adopted by uncil: Date Certified Pas b uncil Secr y BY B, ��.� S Approve b � avor: Date _ �Q� � � ��7 Approv d y Mayor for Submission to Council B — BY PUB�tSlIfD J�C � 1987 � • • _ �����" 7 �����°�°��UO CITY OF SAINT PAUL —=:`C,tT 0, �, ;e� ;-, �` OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ;� i���m ;: �; � %: ,.�� `,� ' ALBERT B. OLSON, CITY CLERK �,• _ ��0a�q�imR•!��'''� � '''^, �- 386 City Hall,Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 ' 612-298-4231 GEORGE LAT MER �`yY. MAYOR tober 27, 1987 r. Joseph Carchedi icense Inspector oom 203, City Hall t today's City Council meeting, a heari g was held to consider a tition alleging a nuisance for propert es at 923-925-927 Selby venue. Mr. Hamilton appeared and agr to close all retail business t that address, to conduct only a repai shop and that the only rsons on the premises would be himself and repair persons. Mr. amilton also agreed to a layover of fou weeks to November 24, 1987 n the petition alleging a nuisance. A tion was adopted accepting he conditions agreed to by the applican with these conditions to placed on the license and with the un erstanding that any violations ould result in a hearing for adverse a ion. Will you please have repared the proper resolution implemen ing this action. � ly ours, A1 rt B. Olson � City Clerk ABO:th cc: City Attorney � �'�'7�/�0�7 .o • FRTT�Fice & ana ement Services �,PARTMENT ` ' � . N. _ 0'7299 l Kris Schwe nler �� CONTACT 298-5056 PHONE � _ , 11/16/87 . DATE . �� ASSIGN NUMB FOR ROUTING QRDER Cli A11 Locations or.Si nature : �part t Director ' Director of'Management/Mayor Fi.nance nd Management Servi.ces Director � � City ,Clerk Budge�. 'r'�Ctor _ ,� Counci l Research 1 C i ty ��t r.ney ` ' WMAT WILL B ACHIEVED BY TAKING ACTION OPI THE ATTAC ED MATERIALS? (Purpase/ Rationale) : The at ch�d reso�ution finalizes .the agreemen reached by neighbors, City Council , and Mr. Pre iss Hamilton DBA University Amusement nc. , by placing an Mr. Hamilton's Mechanical usement Operator's license the followi g agreed-upon stipulations: 1. Sales from vending machine shall be made only to persons employed by the li ensee while they are working on the premises. -2. Mr. Hamil�on & repair pers nnel are. the only persons allowed on the prem-_ COST BENEFI BUDGETARY AND PERSONNEL IMPACTS ANTIC PATED: ises. 3. Na bua.i,vr.e,ad o�he�c �han �he nepa.ih. ehap w.i,�C be candu�.ted an �he pne�n.i,aea. N/A FINANCI G URCE AND BUDGET ACTIVI�Y NUhBER CHARGE OR CREDITED: (Mayor's signa- ture not re- Tota� , ur�t of 'Transact:ion: N/A quired if under ' � $10,000): Fundin.g Source: �� N/A Activit Number: N/A ATTACHMENT List and Number All AttacMnents : Resolut on � DEPARTMEN REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY REVIEkI Yes o Council Resolution Required? ' Resolution RequiredY Yes No Yes o Insurance Required? Insurance Sufficient? Yes No Yes No Insurance Attached: : . � _ . (SEE •REVERSE SIDE FOR IN TRUCTIONS)� 'evised 1 /84 , ' -.------- AGENDA I TEMS �����1 _____±_____ ____________________ ____— —_________________________ ID#: [485 ] DATE REC: [11/18/87] AGENDA DATE [00/00/00] ITEM #: [ ] SUBJECT: [ CH. AMIUSEMENT OPERATOR'S LIC. STIPULATI 5 — INVIVERSITY AMUSEMENT� STAFF ASSI6 ED: [NONE ] SIG:[WILSON ] UT—[X] TO CLERK..�B>OQTQO] /�,�Z,3 �iodE�dIMAT�R: Lt�.lE7��E fstw. ] IL.I�IITAB::� ��.1�JIEdP�EIFo — �II� j ACTION:[ ] C l C.F.# [ ] ORD.# [ ] FILE COMPLE7E="X" [ ] � � � � � � � � � � � � FILE INFO: RESOLUTION/LETTER, AL OLSON TO CARCHEDI ] [ D C ] ----------- --------------------------------------- -------------------------- ----------- --------------------------------------- -------------------------- � � �� � �� , �!� �