87-1694 WMITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE (j I Ty OF SA I T PA U L Council CANARV - DEPARTMENT /�y///;;; BLUE - MAVOR File NO. ��'��� Ord n CG + Ordinance N 0.��_ Presented By � � 6 J �O Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An Ordinance amending O dinance No. 16660, Council File 274795, ad pted May 20, 1980, designating the Histori Hill Heritage Preservation District a d setting iort'n the Preservation Distri t Design Guidelines : THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PA L DOES ORDRIN: Section l . Pursuant to the authority c ntained in Chapter 73 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code and u on the request of the Heritage Preservation Commission oi the C ' ty of Saint Paul , and aft,er having duly considered the matter at a public hearing held in accordance with said ordinan es , the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby amend Ordinance 1Vo. 16660 , Council File No. 274795, adopted May 2 , 1980 so as to include the following area within the design ted Historic Hill P-reservation District subject to the Sain� Pau Historic Hill Heritage Preser- vation District Design Guidelines as set forth in said Ordinance No. 16660 ; Lots 1 through 4, Block 80 Dayton and Irvine ' s �ddition (being the north half of he block bounded by Marshall Avenue , Western Avenue , Dayto Avenue and Virginia Street) . Sectio 2. This Ordinance shall take ffect and be in force �hirty days from and after its passage, proval and publication. COUNCILMEN Requested b Department of: Yeas �,� Nays �ww ���i�yr, in Favor Rettman S`ne'bei �' Against BY c.�,�,. ' �..o ;Dr�roN'.D wilson Adopted by Council: Date .JAN 14 1988 Form Approved by City Attorn Certified Pas e oun il Se t BY By �JAN 2 01988 PP Y/ Y ` Appro by Mayor: Da A rov a or for Submi •'on t Counc' B �IlBLtSN81 J a N � � 1988. F ' ,S � , _ � ,��p� ', .�� `� ' �V //l Y./I� (/ I� ' � � .�° ���o�s . �D � DEPARTMENT . - - - - - - Allan Tnrstensnn CONTACT NAMB 228-3397 PHONE � ctober 14� 198Z DATE ASSIGN-NUMBER FOR SOtJTING ORDER: (See reverse s de.) � Department Director� 4 Mayor (or Assistant) . _ Finance and Management Services Directar � City Clerk Budget Director �peaa�v Rej cher � � City Attorney 6 City Council TOTAL NTJMBER OF SIGNATURE PAGES: (Clip all locations for signature.) W B AG V NG C H ? (Purgose/Rationale) � The Historic Hill Heritage Preservation Distri t will be expanded to include the north half of the block bounded by Marsahll Av nue, Western Avenue, Dayton Avenue, - and Virginia Street. � l "��' �o�� `r�"� 0 T B B AND P 0 E CTS D: None. IN NC C D II C VITY C G 0 I D: (Mayor's signature not required if under $10,0 0.) Total Amount of Trans�ction: Activity Number: Funding Source: � ATTACHMENTS: (List and nwnber all attachment .) RECEIVED 1. Heritage Preservation Commission Resoluti n recommending designation. 0 C T 2 6 1987 2. Planning Commission Resolution recommend ng approval . 3. Minnesota Historical Society letter conc rring with de�ignation. 4. Staff Report with recommendation for app oval . �ITY ATT(�R�VEY ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURES _Yes X I3o Rules, Regulations, Proced es, or Budget Amendment required? _Yes _No If yes, are they or timeta e attached? DEPART�'�T ICEVIEW CITY AT�ORNEY REVIEW X Yes No Council: ordi-�ance xequired? Ordjt1�rlCe required? �Yes _No _Yes �No Insurance required? Insurance sufficient? _Yes _„No _Yes ,�No Insurance attached? � � � � � � � ���`�� •°"'•• CITY OF SAINT PAUL •�. '� HERITAGE PRESERVATION COMMISSION . w� �� 25 Wat FouRh Strcet.Saint Paul.Minna�a.55102 .... 612-292-1577 GEORGE UTIMER M/►YOR RECEIVED January 6, �9ss JAN 0 61988 Council President James Scheibel CITY CLERK and Members of the City Council City Hall Saint Paul� Minnesota 55102 RE: January 7, 1988, City Council Publi Hearing to consider an ordinance expanding the Historic Hill Heritag Preservation District to include the north half of the block bounded by rshall Avenue, Western Avenue, Dayton Avenue, and Virginia Street Dear President Scheibel and Members of e City Council: A public hearing has been scheduled for the January 7, 1988� City Council meeting to consider including the above referenced property, legally described as Lots 1-4, Block 80, Dayton and Irvin 's Addition, within the designated Historic Hill Heritage Preservation Dis rict. Maps showing the area of the proposed expansion are attached. The proposed expansion of the Hill Dist ict was requested by Rick Igo, an owner of property within the expansion area. Both the Saint Paul Heritage Preservation Commission and the Saint P ul Planning Commission have voted to recommend approval of the proposed dist ict expansion. Heritage Preservation Commission and Planning Commission reso utions recommending approval are attached. Also attached is a letter fr m the Minnesota Historical Society in support of the proposed expansion. Please call me at 228-3397 if you have any questions. Also, I will be available for questions at the January 7, 1988, City Council Public Hearing. Yours truly, � � . Allan L. Torstenson City Planner ALT:ss Attachments cc: Mayor George Latimer Kenneth Johnson, Director� PED � . Albert Olson, City Clerk ` Peggy Reichert, Deputy Director, lanning Jerry Segal, Assistant City Atto ey , . � � � . � � �. � � �-��i� �� � CtTY OF SAINT PAUL , HERITAGE PRESERVATION COM ISSION RESOLUTION FILE NUMBER 87-3 DATE March 12, i9s� WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Heritage Preservatio Commission is authorized by Chapter 73 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code to recommend d stricts to the City Council for addition to the City's list of Heritage Preservation Sites an Districts; and WHEREAS, the Heritage Preservatioa Commiss'on has determined that the north half of the block bounded by Marshall Avenue, Western A enue, Dayton Avenue and Yirginia Stroet, legally described as Lots 1-4, Block 80, Dayton nd Irvine's Addition, meets the eligibility criteria for incorporation into the Historic Hill Heritage Preservation District because of its unique, highly visible location as part of the Se by-Western area, an established and familiar historic visual feature of the neighborhood an the City of Saint Paul; and WHEREAS, the proposed expansion area is con iguous to, and compatible with, the Historic Hill Heritage Preservation District; and WHEREAS, the proposed expansion was reque ed by an owner of property within the expansion area; and WHEREAS, the Candidates Committee of the eritage Preservation Commission met on March 9, 1987, and voted unanimously to reco mend eapansion of the Historic Hill Heritage Preservation District to include the above def ned area; and WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Heritage Preservat'on Commission conducted a public hearing on said expansion of the Historic Hill Heritage P eservation District on March 12, 1987, pursuant to the requirements of Chapter 73 o the Saint Paul Legisiative Code; and WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Heritage Preservat on Commission has not received formal comments from the State Historic Preservatio Office; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, tha the Heritage Preservation Commission recommends expansion of the Historic Hill H ritage Preservation District to include the above defined area contingent upon State Hi toric Preservation Office concurrence. MOVED BY Committee � SECONDED BY IN FAVOR 6 AGAINST 0 ABSTAIN 1 . . � � � � � , . � � ;�=�7-�c��� city�of saint paul . planning commission resoluti file number 8�-4� . date _� 24. 19 g� WHEREAS, Section 73.05(3) of the Saint Paul Legislative Code requires Planning Commission review of proposed designation o Heritage Preservatfon Sites for consistency with the Saint Paul Comprehensi e Plan, effect on the surrounding neighborhood, and any other planning consid ration which may be relevant to the proposed designation� together with its rec mmendation of approval, rejection or modification of the proposed designation; a d �. WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Planning Commission has reviewed.the proposed expansion of the Historic Hill Heritage Preservation Dis rict to include the north half of the block bounded by Marshall Avenue, Western enue, Dayton Avenue, and Virginia Street, legally described as Lots 1-4, Blo 80� Dayton and Irvine's Addition; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has found the proposed expansion to be consistent with the Saint Paul Comprehensive Plan; an WHEREAS, the local designation of the expa sion are will encourage reinvestment and growth within the neighborhood; NOW, THEREFORE� BE IT RESOLVED, by the Sai t Paul Planning Commission, that designation of this area as part of the Hi toric Hill Heritage Preservation District is consistent with the Saint Paul Comprehe sive Plan; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED� that the Planning ommission recommends approval of the proposed expansion; and ; FURTHER, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Plannin Commission's findings be transmitted to � the Heritage Preservation Commission, May r, and City Council for their : consideration. moved by Zieman sE;conded by in favor �-u S . against- . � � � ��j_-/l� ��� � M I N N ESOT H I STO R I CA L SOC I ETY FOUNDED IN 1849 F rt Snelling History Center,St. Paul, MN 55111 • (612)726-1171 September 11, 1987 Mr. John Manillo St. Paul Heritage Preservation Comm ssion 25 West Fourth Street St. Paul , Minnesota 55102 Dear Mr. Manillo: Re: Proposed expansion of Historic Hill Heritage Preservation District to include Lots 1-4, Block 80, Dayton's & Irvine's Addition, St. Paul, Ramsey Co nty MHS Referral File Number: DD 767 Thank you for the opportunity to c mment on the above referenced expansion. It has been reviewed p rsuant to Minnesota Statutes s471.193 subd. 6, and 73.05. (4) of St. Paul ' s Leqislative Code. Review of the material submitted i your letter of 17 July 1987 reveals that there appears to be s fficient historic linkage for the boundaries of the Historic Hil eeritage Preservation District to be expanded to include Lots 1-4, Block 80, Dayton's and Irvine's Addition. While we recognize the practical onstraints in adequately studying the entire boundary of a large district such as this one, we continue to feel that the soundest method of considering a revision of boundaries is to st dy the district as a whole. A district comprises a "significant and distinguishable entity whose components may lend individ al distinction", and a justifiable boundary needs to ref ect that whole entity, rather than individual accretions. We w uld urge that any future , expansion proposed take this broa approach. Sincerely Dennis A. Gimmestad Deputy State Historic Preservati n Officer DAG:dmb , , . . . ��� ���� �.��T•�•`;�� CITY OF SAINT PAUL e~ �;� HERITAGE PRESERVATION COMMISSION , Ill�illln �� - a a ' "p 25 West Fourth Street,Saint Paul,Minnesou.55102 "" 612-292-1577 GEORGE UTIMER MAYOR STAFF REPORT DATE: March 12, 1987 T0: Heritage Preservation Commission FROM: Allan L. Torstenson RE: Rick Igo Request to Expand the His oric Hi11 District at Marshall and Western C� �� � em —s�x� LOCATION: Mr. Igo has proposed an expansion f the Historic Hill Heritage Preserva- tion District to include the north half of t e block bounded by Marshall Avenue, Western Avenue, Dayton Avenue, and Virginia treet. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lots 1-4, Block 80, Dayt n and Irvine's Addition AREA DESCRIPTION: The area of the proposed expansion incYudes wo apartment buildings (219 and 227 Virginia) , one frame house (358 Marshall) , a d a two story commercial structure with a storefront on the first floor and an apart ent above (224-226 Western) with an ad- jacent one story filling station. The entir area is zoned RM-2 Medium Density, Low-Rise Multiple-Family Residential. Saint Joseph's Academy, a designated herita e preservation site, abuts the area on the north, across Marshall Avenue. The Ita ianate Saint Joseph's Academy buildings , are built of local yellow limestone and dat from between 1861 and 1884. The Historic Hill Heritage Preservation Dis rict is adjacent to the area on the south. The south half of the block bounded by Marshall, Western, .Dayton, and Vir- ginia is within the Historic Hill District nd includes four apartment buildings. The Rectilinear style buildings at 204 and 08 Western were built in 1919 and are categorized as supportive to the Hill Distr ct. The classical revival style build- ings at 203 and 207 Virginia were built in 905 and are also categorized as supportive to the Hill District. . . . - � , � � � , � � � � � , G,�-�7 i� �� BUILDING INVENTORY: 358 Marshall Constructi n Date: 19�2 Original U e: House Architect al Style: Victorian Vernacular HPC Categ Supportive 219-227 Virginia Construct on Date: 1937 Original se: Apartments Architect ral Style: Colonial Revival HPC Categ ry: Non-Contributive 224-226 Western Construct on Date: 1886 Original se: Apartment/Store Architect ral Style: Italianate Commercial HPC Categ ry: Supportive Original se: Filling Station HPC Cate ory: Intrusive SIGNIFICANCE: The area of the proposed expansion is signif cant because of its location between the Saint Joseph's Academy Heritage Preserva ion Site and the Historic Hill Heritage Preservation District. The corner of Marsha 1 and Western is a highly visible entrance to the Selby-Western area of the Hi 1 District, an area which contains a large concentration of pivotal structures an is the focus of a major restoration effort. The proposed expansion area meets t e designation eligibility criteria be- cause of its unique location as a highly vis ble entrance and part of the Selby- Western area, an established and familiar hi toric visual feature of the neighbor- hood and the City of Saint Paul. The proposed expansion was requested by an er of property within the expansion area. He thinks it is important that the a ea be supportive to the Selby-Western area of the Hill District and hopes to acco plish that by moving a supportive apart- ment building to the southeast corner of Ma shall and Western. , STAFF RECOI4iENDATION: Staff recommends exp nsion of the Historic Hill Heritage Preservation District to include the above efined area. � �,/ -,d �`;��� v ua '+. /�( \ CY °�/�i.� > �.r-���:__ ',\� � i`\�_ 'C _' . ! ,,O _ ._ - - 7 7�tl�yliiys�Ol'rJ o. `�;�,j� I �?. �. 1S �NIMIIM y \�.�-'_`` . jl .� / � o • v� 1�l' �.i ✓:V�'�-� �� ''I~��I � � ,` . . � I � � • • y� a '_ C lu .� �1 —� '�.,� i � , ,� . � ��. � C � � I �.J,ll,�'� . :r . �� , ' a�{/�O,� e .� Q� O 1�.��. ...'� j , ,. • i I `�"'�. ..�4, 4�y 'b�'' ' �� 6j� I C' . J'�I ' i .y �� • f . ' m _'#JO \ 4 O� - .'w0 O,O J. /: /� . �J .. .J J J O O. ..... � \�, N � � \� � • •• ..i �1S M�331 sv�� _ � y \� `— — _ �� '• � � =�W Q . �� ._:.s>- °�f, j/. 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