87-1683 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL FI NO. �7 ���� FINAL ORDER � � BY �:' i AMENDED ORDER File No. 18481 Voting In the Matter of constructing the SIDNEY/STAT -- ANNAPOLIS/KANSAS AREA STORM Ward SEWER SYSTEM PROJECT. 2 Also, improving the following stre ts with bituminous paving, concrete _ curb and gutter, driveways, outwal s, trees and a street lighting system: Wyoming Street from Robert Street to Oakdale Street; Winona Street from Robert Street to the Cul—de—sac; Belvidere Street from Robert Street to Oakdale Avenue; Curtice Street from Robert Street to Oakdale Avenue; Riverview Avenue from Sidney Street to Page Street; Page Street from State treet to Oakdale Avenue; State Street from Robert Street to Concord Street; Sidney Street from Robert Street to Oakdale Avenue; Kansas Street from Belvid re Street to Winona Street and `' Page Street from Robert Street to State Street, to be known as the SIDNEY/STATE — ANNAPO IS/KANSAS AREA STREET PAVING AND LIGHTING SYSTEM. . under Preliminary Order 87-1493 approved October 13, 1987 E The Council of the City of Saint Paul has conducted a public hearing upon the above improvement, due notice thereof having been given as prescribed by the City Charter; a d WHEREAS, The Council has heard all persons, objections nd recommendations pertaining to said proposed improve- ment and has fully considered the same; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby order that the above-described improvement be made, and the proper City officers are hereby directed and a thorized to proceed with the improvement; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That upon the completion of aid improvement, the proper City officers shall calculate all expenses incurred therein and shall report the same to the City Council in accordance with Chapter 14 of the City Charter. COUNCIL PERSON Adopted by the Council: Date NOV 1 9 1987 Yeas � Nays � Nicosia Certified P d b Council S e Rettman Scheibel In Favor Sonnen � Against Weida Wilson N�V 2 3 �8� Mayor PUB!I��ED f'��'b� ? � 198 7 . � ��i��� Summary of Engineering ecommendations ANNAPOLIS/KANSAS STORM SEW R & PAVING PROJECT CITY PROJECTS 88-5-80 1 & 88-P-8027 Neighborhood Informational Meeting - Monday, November 2, 1987 Public Hearing Nove er 19, 1987 Report Prepared Ju y 9, 1987 PROJECT• , Construct a storm sewer system, street improvements in two areas of the Riverview Sewer System. One area ounded by Sidney, Morton, Woodbury and Lafayette Freeway; the ot er by Annapolis, Curtice, Brown and Lafayette Freeway. EXISTING+ CONDITIONS: The project area is presently served b a combined sewer system. During periods of moderate to heavy ra'nfalls, there have been reports of surface flooding and erosion proble s. Generally the streets within the proje t area are unimproved or have an oiled roadway surface with no curb. The driving surfaces are fair to poor and roadway widths vary becaus of lack of curb. PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS: Street improvements and storm sewer e struction are proposed for Kansas� from Winona to Belvidere. Sto sewer construction and restor.ati.on is proposed for Andrew fr Page to Morton and for Brown from Morton to Baker, both streets ar unimproved. ALTERNATES• To do nothing would be inconsistent w'th the city's commitment to improve existing neighborhoods. Additional street improvements are pl nned in the future and will be facilitated by the proposed improveme ts at this time. POSITIVE BENEFITS: With the completion of the city's sew r project, the vhance of surface ' flooding and the erosion problems wil be reduced. ADVERSE EFFECTS• Normal problems associated with const uction, such as noise, dust and genfral disruption, will be present. _.- _ _ /��3 , �,��7 COST ESTIMATES: 5-8021 - ANNAPOLIS/KANSAS STORM SE ER Construction $2 1, 200 Engineering & Inspection 4,800 Miscellaneous 9 000 3 5, 000 P-8027 - ANNAPOLIS/KANSAS GRADING PAVING Construction $1 2,000 Engineering & Inspection 2,000 Miscellaneous 6 000 $1 0,000 V-8027 - ANNAPOLIS/KANSAS LIGHTIN Construction $ 12,700 Engineering & Inspection 2 300 15,000 PROJECT TOTAL $480,000 ESTIMATED FINANCING: S-8021 - ANNAPOLIS/KANSAS Grants and Loans $ 16,700 SSSC 08 300 25,000 P-8027 $ 36, 000 CIB (1988) 67, 000 SSSC 37 000 $ 40, 000 V-8027 - ANNAPOLIS/KANSAS LIGHTIN Assessments $ 3,700 1988 CIB 11 300 $ 15,000 PROJECT TOTAL $480, 000 SOURCE OF ADDITIONAL INFORMATION For additional information, contact J e Muelle�r at 292--6149 RECOMMENDATION• The Department of Public Works engine ring recommendation is for approval oF the project and financing ' Respectfully submitted, Donald E. Nygaard Director of Public Works ; , , • , ; ��7-I(��-3 �, �� � �� � r � � r . � � c"' � � � , =� � � . Q� - � � � _ �� � � ~ � � , ° �" S . �' �V � . .�{ � � � � � � � ��� Q o � ; � . � �,, V) z H �� _. -.; .;.. a Z x W � .:;�� S r r Q z w y1. `I S N`I}I ' - N Y t,-I ✓ .✓ ,J t Z -�fY, l; � cn O � � ' . � ai � H H z� 0 o w _` I a � c�n � cn � ' � •. ..•_ - - � Q a ci� 2 Q�a' I� ` � z ° �'�� Z O C] � o • r �v, I I J J Z 2 Z W c, -•_ ' � � � i � I _ �,,, a Y: � � � a ,� �O ? "�7 � �c � f.:' � , o.. � � ^, .,0 �. W W W : � ~ ~ �� W W H �. `" �' I ' Cf� Ul �� ~ L1$ J � . !i'C/10 W ;� �1~ . - � � ? �� � � I 1 H H � ,. a � I c!� (!� Ul . �. �n IcL ' , � . :� -�-'�Z J01 3d ,N •Lw �' � [� rY W J � � � � C1 ' . — {� � pv E �-- / � I ^ A�E � � / - � " nI,K " _ – - , , � � / i . �.� '- � � I ` � ,�! � ; � • / — `'' � � � M 3 v� � � � / = �-� 1 1'1 r i � � / — � V ; ' � _ �l .— a38^.b S Z i / _ � ; yl L yJS �� �-� �� � n n � o , � � ►+ .y !�i/�I � �o;�� z_.-.� � ���.,�---, �-; � n I �W�"L�J Y � � o � � � �� , I � � 'Ir�aO� 1 3�r� �-- — 1 r j , J W�U = - - - - �=7��"r�" - - —1 ��n:'-1 �� �1 � � c � !. . ��.:e.a+y+�ar .:;.:t+�k.iru+:a+�n.N-,a-&�.�:,-.�,. .. '_ -��.t.. :�+A{�^A�WW-»AawMw.. ���. . ... � .-�4tart!•.1+3.'�.n.*���c.�� . , r. :-�`MVH'�/`Af^�MIp��S#e+".IsfAaRd!�9 !,k'• �`��y, ai�i+ 4_i_ � � .. .� � �'. .. . � . � . ...,; �. .. .. . . .. . ,. . .. . . � . . . . . .. ... .. . . w . ��_.. .. . . �' ,. , .. .. .. . , e , . . ... . Q / /V� ��r���� . � �� ����� CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCI FILE NO. , FINAL ORDER ��� gy ,: --..._ ,, �-�-�.;�� - F'e No. 1�►8i Voting In the Matter o Constr�ting the SIDt1Eif - A1�l1APOLZS/LAl1�1S � S'T�4 Ward $� ��� 2 Also, iarpx� the fo2lawing atrs� s y�3:t�. bitnr�iarms �sriag, concr�te cnrb aad gnt •r, dri�e�naya, out�ral , tress, au�d a stre:t liSLting syStu: i�l�coo�ing Strest fzo� xobsrt St et to Ostdal� Street; i�taoaa Stre�t frv� �bes�t St aet to tLe C�1-d�-sac; Eslrii.dara Strsat fra� �ta�ert St aet to Oakd:l� l�ease; Cnrtica ffit�ce�st ro� ltobert St a�t to Oakdala �veaw�; 8tv�er�risr A��nue cr� Sidiuy St s!t to ?ase Strset; Pa�e Street f State litr t to �lcdale A�►eaas ; 3tsta Stre:t f �absrt St tet to Concord Stx�t; Sidns� Stze�t frc� ltolaert S t to Oatdale A�ea�es sad �nsas 8t�set froa l�ride Street ta Wiaona StrssC, to �e � as =� sirn�clsint$ - s/�sa� a��s sraagr Pevu�c AMD LIGB?IUC SlSSSM. a under Preliminary Order "��� approved /� ����� The Council of the City of Saint Paul has conducted a public hearing upon the above improvement, due notice thereof having been given as prescribed by the City Charter; a d WHEREAS, The Council has heard all persons, objections nd reco endations pertaining to said proposed improve- ment and has fully considered the same; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby\order that the above-described improvement be made, and the proper City officers are hereby directed and a thorized to '�i�oceed with the improvement; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That upon the completion of aid improvemc��►t, the proper City officers shall calculate all expenses incurred therein and shall report the same to the City Council in accor�iance with Chapter 14 of the City Charter. � COUNCIL PERSON Adopted by the Co cil: Date Yeas �r Nays ��� � Certified Passed by Co ncil Secretary �ettsstt Sc�it11'+el In Favor By Sonaen �Qi� , Against Wilson Mayor _ ST. PAUL CIT COUNCIL c���� , �'�"`� ! ������ PUBLIC HEARI G NOTICE PUBLIC IMPROVEMEN . CONSTRUCTION City Council District ��2 Dear Property Owner: District Planning Council 4�3 File No. 18481 XSSAKCS088 To decide whether or not to proceed with construction of a storm sewer to be known as the SIDNEY/STATE-ANNAPOLIS/KANSAS STREET P U R PO S E �A STORM SEWER PROJECT. Also, to decide on whether or not to proceed with the SIDNEY/ TATE-ANNAPOLIS/KANSAS STREET AREA PAVING A N D pROJECT inclufii�g 'concre e curb and gutter bituminous paving, concrete driveways and o twalks and a street lighting system for the streets 3isted on th back of thi��e.. :� .,a,;,.__ LOCATION _� ��..._ _._. Thursday, November 19, 1 87, at 9:00 A.M. H EA RIN G City Council CYtambers, d Floor City Hall - Court House If the Council approves this project, a portion of the costs will be assessed against ben fitted properties after ratification. The estimated assessments f r this project are as follows: ESTIMATED CONSTRU TION COSTS for Storm Sewer $ 530,000 for Lighting E1,000 FIN ANCIN G for Roadway Impro ements, Grade and Pave 912,040 IN FO R M A TIO N TOTAL COST ESTIMATE $1,503,040 ESTIMATED FINANCI G: Assessments $ 112,800 Storm Sewer Serv'ce Charge 305,900 State and Federa Grants and Loans 354,100 Minnesota State id (1988) 357,520 Public Improveme t Aid (1988) 46,520 Capital Improvem nt Budget (1988) 326,200 TOTAL FINANCING $1,503,040 NO STORM SEWER ASSESSMENT FOR THIS PROJECT The first 150 feet on he long side of residential corner lots will not be assessed p ovided that the short side has been assessed under this p ing of oiled streets program. Should you request a ew storm sewer connection, sanitary sewer connection or water c nnection, it will be assessed at actual cost per connection. If you own vacant property which you plan to develop soon, we s ggest that you request that we construct these connections at his time. Construction: 92-6277 Assessments: 298-4513 Q U E S TIO N S Also, City staff will e available to answer any last minute questions on this project in Room 218 City Hall from 8:30 - 9:00 ,\ A.M. on the same day s the hearing. \ �, f.._. Senior Citizens may defer their assessments until the property is sold. We will send further details at the time of the ratification of assessments or you may call 298-5125 for information. v � � � � '� 'd� yv, y � �rv �� CO . t �.. q�� , � ..f � I � P TT ST. `�� QD.�a Ini l�t��1�c.N JTaem •,� --�— � �"`--�r-y�,," . I! ST ' 'i: ��E�. I,�.�,� ��� B� ��� -�'-''� � ' 1 ' � u��� =, . � �EETS Io P� A�E��£D 1 ;'�+`.:' ` ` i: �2 PAV//�lG o� �I�HTS � � � � '" � W t � . MuN�c�ra� ��o cT��- T� >. � '� _ , � � pA���.o ati c L��Nrs ` Afo �SSE,<<M EN�t' � � . R� V` "•� .�` ..� � �� , EL� ,�• � �.��.�. � E , S�M �p �.�►�P L6�+.. �+'Y�R•r. � p � tir� �•:;�� i � c � � �; 'F1r Y � E• NN O '�;i � :. + _ '- STREETS TO BE IMPROVED Wyoming Street from Robert Street to Oakdale Avenue . Winc�na Stree� from Fcobert �treet to Cul-de-sac Belvidere Street from Robert Street to Oakdale Avenue Curtice Street from Robert Street to Oakdale Avenue Riverview Avenue from Sidney Street to Page Street Page Street from State Street to Oakdale Avenue Sidney Street from Robert Street to Oakdale Avenue Kansas 6treet from Belvidere Street to Winona Street State Street from Robert Street to Concord Street (MSA Route - No Assessment) To insure an effective sewer separation program and to comply with state and federal �andateu all rainleaders (downspouts) must be disconnected from the �anitary sewer. Your building's rainleaders are connected if exterior downspouts connect to an under- ground pipe or if your roof drains through the interior of your building. Some apart- ments, commerical and industrial buildings will require a separate storm sewer connec- tion and you should request a connection stub from the main sewer to the property at this time to avoid a substantially higher cost to have it installed later. For more information, call the Sewer Division at 292-6024 (residential property) or 292-b247 (commercial property). Notice sent October 23, 1987 bv the Valuation and Assessment Division Department of Finance and Management Services 218 City Hall Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 _ � �eauiBu3 �aefad ae��eny� so� `�(�eae�u�g . •s�noy sseuisnq �e�n6ea Buunp g� 9-�6Z �$ a�t�W �P aeeuiBue �aefoad ��ea uea no�( 'Bui�eew Z�eqwenoN ey� eao�e uoi�ewao;ui eaow J�uB peeu no�(�� •Buusey isui o pe���3ou eq ��iN► pessesse eq r�rnn oyM saeunno /Gaedad 'LB6l `6l aeqwenoN ao; pe�n y�s ��en�le;ue� `�puno� 1��� �ned }ui�g eu}�o Buueeu �i�qnd �er��o u� � epew eq �}� �efoad siyl�o �le ao �ue �aru�suo� o}�ay}synn uo suo�s.r�ep ��u�� •�({uo ��uoi�euuo�u� s o�no�( Bu�;�nui ea,eM Bui�sew eyl •xe� eu��vs�eS e�e�s yi�4 �o� P!� �4 It!�► ;uewenoadwi �eea�s sry;�o�siso� •uoi�ru�sua�ea ao�p ne� eq ��iM sluews�esse ou `e�noa (dSW) P!b e}E�S IEdr��unw e se pe�euBisep s� p�a� o� o} Ueqob wo�� •�S e�E� eau�S •uoi�8wao}ui ua�aru�suo� pe����ep aao�u .►o� s�i�ou s�yl�o epis esaena� ey� uo d� eyi ees esea�d '.tes�(�ed pZ�$;o �SO� 8BEJ8AE UE l� `�seae�ui y�inn 'sase�( pZ�eno�o ed eq uso �unowe s�yl 'p�0 l$ e4 p�nonn Bui}y6�� pus �ee�}s nneu e ao� siuewssessy •6ui�y6�� pus s�a�}s nneu �o� peine� S�UBlUSSBSSE 8q ���M 8J8u,j, "tJ01�1'U�SUOJ J8M9S. 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