87-1674 WHITE �• CITV CLERK e�x , - FINANCE GITY OF SA NT PALTL Council C JARV -iJEPARTMENT • BLUE - MAVOR File NO• �� �� � Counci solution ==J � . , ; , � . Presented By Referre Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An administrative Resolu ion amending the Civil Service Rules concerning filling vacancies. RESOLVED, that the Civil Service Rules e amended in Section 8.A, Filling Vacancies, so that the first paragraph be id ntified as 8.A.1 and that the second paragraph of said section shall read as foll ws: '-'I�eWe*aer;-#€-ea�-emg�e�ee;-#n-�l�e- ��a#��ea-Wl�ere-�ke-�aeeeae�-l�es eeeesrre�;-#s-ea-t�ee-�remet#ea-�#s� -kefsl�e-s�e��-ke*ae-ebse���e pre€erexee-#a-k#r#ag-ea�-ae-aEl�er- effie�-ske��-be-g#eea-�e-��e eppe#t��#�g-eeztker#t��.---��#s-pre��s ea-aks��-ae�-epp�y-�e-pea#�#eae #a-�ke-�refe�a#eae�-,4�#a#a�re��*�e berga#a#ng-t�a�t�s;-ea�bk-��ee e�eep�#ea-e€-�ke-�#��e-e€-A€€#ee-8 �*a#ees-P�e�ni#rr#s�rst�er-6�tper�a�aer; er-e�#g#b�ee-�er-pes��#ans-#a-e�ea ea-#a-�k�ek-e�per#eaee-es-e 6e�gea�er-#s-qtte�#�p#ag:--�ffip�e�ee -�a�eae-pes#�#eas-ke*�e-�eea ree�e9s#f#ee�-#a-aeeer�eaee-�a��k-6e �#e�-��.-6-e€-��ese-�ez�ea-ske�� l�e*ae-p�e€ereaee-�a-eer�#�#ee�}en-t -�ke�r-pes#t#eas-€reffi-t�ke �reue�#ea-�#s�-#rreapee��*ae-e�-��Ce r-s�e��#r�g-ea-�ke-��s�: 8.A.2 The Director ma authorize an a o ntin authorit to romote an incumbent without further com etitive examin tion to a classified osition which has been reallocated to a different cl ssification because of changes in 'ob duties and res onsibilities, which are not the result of lanned mana ement action. This authorization ma oc ur only if the incumbent has erformed the critical duties of the hi her osi ion for one ear or more, meets the minimum ualifications, has romot on rights, and has demonstrated satisfactor erformance in his he osition. 8.A.3 Vacant ositions shall be filled f om a romotion eli ible list or from a list of romotion eli ibles on an en list in the followin manner: The CQUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays [n Favor _ __ Against BY Adopted by Council: Date Form Approved by City Attorney Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY gy, Approved by Mayor: Date _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council sy _ — By WNITE � CITV CLERK PIN�C �� - FINANCE G I TY OF SA NT PA LT L Council / CA�JARV - bEPARTMENT (/n �/J(J�[ • BLUE - MAVOR File NO. �� /v " / Council R solution � Presented By `� Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date -2 8.A.3 Personnel Office shall certif to he a ointin officer a list of eli ibles (cont'd. ) which shall include the to 3 eli bles, lus the to 3 eli ibles from the a ointin division lus ties. If the to 3 certified eli ibles are from the appointing division, no further na es shall be certified. If the to 3 certified eli ibles a e not from the a ointin division, then the certification shall be ex ande to include the required number of eli ibles from the a ointin divi ion. The term 'division' used in this p ragraph shall mean 'department' in all cases where a department is not di ided into divisions. For the purpose of this paragraph's provisions, the f llowing are considered to be divisions of the Mayor's Office; Human and Civi Rights; Personnel. For the purpose of this provision, Legislative Operat ng shall be considered a separate department; Fire Equipment Service shall be considered a division of Fire and Safety Services Department, th Department of Public Works shall be considered as one division, the De artment of Planning and Economic Development shall be considered as one division, and the Department of Finance and Management shall be co sidered as one division. 8.A.4 Section 8.A.3 shall not a 1 to t tles re resented b the Professional Em lo ees bar ainin unit or the P ofessional Su ervisor Em lo ees bargaining unit. ; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that all remaining p ragraphs in Section 8.A shall be identified as 8.A.5; and be it COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: In Favor _ __ Against BY — — Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date — Certified Yassed by Council Secretary BY By, Approved by Mayor: Date _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council BY - — BY WHITE i- CITV CLERK � �INK � - FINANGE GITY OF SAINT 1 AUL COUIICI! CbNARy -�DEPARTMENT � /A BLUE - MAVOR File�.� NO. �7�/W � Council R solution � , Presented By '� Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date 3- FINALLY RESOLVED, that the Civil Serv'ce Rules be further amended in Section 8, by striking out in its entirety Subsection 8. .2 and deleting the second sentence of 8.0 so that said section shall read as fol ows: "8.-$:� i�eee��-pe�#t�eas-s�e��-be-� ��ee�-€re�n-e-prea�e�#ea-��s�-�r�-�t�e-�e��e�a�ag �aer��ce�:--�ke-�e�seaae�-A€€# e-si�e��-eerh#€y-�e-�l�e-sppe�t���ag-ef�#eer �l�e-�kree-e�#g#b�es-er�-�l�e- �#g�b�e-�#e�-reee#*a#ag-�l�e-k#gl�es�-seerea; €reffi-emeag-ia�t�e�t-��e-e�pe#� �r�g-e€�#ee�-ma�-egpe#a�-e��-eae-e�-��e�-bkree e��g�b�es.---�e-�ersercne�-A €#ee-ske��-ae��€�-��re-�kree-e�#g#b�ea-ef �ke#r-ee��#€#ee�#ear 8.0 The appointing officer may eject the eligibles if fewer than three entrants are listed. I�e�ae� r;-#�-€e�aer-��esa-��eree-ere-eer��€#e�-€re�-e g�ea�e��e�-��s�T-��e-eppe�a� ag-e�€}eer-usa�-eppe�a�-eae-e€-��e e�#g#b�es.- However, if few r than three are certified from a romotion list for a title re resente b the Professional Su ervisor Em lo ee Bar ainin Unit, and if an ointment is made, the a ointin officer must a oint one of the eli ibles. Adopted by the Civil Service Commission on �3��24/87. `�. !��G�C''��' C�G��c� Chair COUNCILMEN CIVIL S VICE COMMISSION Yeas �. Nays Request ' artment of: Nicosia ln Favor Rettman � ° . Scheibel __ Against BY — Sonnen - Weida W11SOI1 NOV � Q '�7 Form A prov b 'ty Attorney Adopted by Council: Date � , . Certified Pass d cil Se BY ' By, ��� � ii �i���; Appro ed by Mayor for Sub 'ss n to Council Approve iVlayor: Date � BY - — �—� ����,�� _ _;;.� i987 Personnel Office DEPARTMENT � �'�� ����� N° _ 0844� , Rafael Viscasillas �� CONTACT �iZ2t � PHONE . 11=18-87 . DATE ��� �� ASSIGNiNUhBER FOR ROUTING- ORDER C1i -All Location for Si nature : � �� � b � ?_ Departmen�t Directar 3 Director of t�an�ent/Mayor FinancQ and Management Services .Director � 4 Cit,y Clerk , , , � Buc�g�t. DireCtor 5 Civil 5ervi.ce Commi.ssio,n 2,_ Cit;,y Attarney . . ,_ HAT WILL B� ACHIEYED BY TAKING ACTION ON THE ATTA ED MATERIALS? (Purpose/ - i Rationale) : Depart nts an.d department heads will now be able o promote employees on a more timely basis. The nu�er of emp��yees in inappropriate or incorr ct. posit�ions will be. reduced. 'The Civil Service Rules will provide greater flexibnli.ty to anagers to achieve their work unit gosls by havijng their employees in appropriate classific tions. Removes absolute department preference and modifies the exist.ing absolute de.partmental (d vision) preference. It .al,so modifies the appointment rule of promotion eligibles,;?�#�hF�he rofessional supervisory baragaining group excludejd, to conform to existing language for open eligible positions. COST B EFIT BUDGETARY AND PERSONNEL IMPACTS ANTI IPATED: None . < _ FINANCI G SOURCE AND BUDGET ACTIVITY NUN�ER CNARGE OR CREDITED: (Mayor's signa- ture not re- Totafl Amount .of,"Transaction: quired .if- under . � �10,000) . Fund�ing. Sou�^ce: Actiyity Number: ATTACH(�NTS (List and �Number All Attachments) : 1 . Res lution 2. Cop�• fo�r City Glerk. . , - � . i _ � , . ; � „_ . _ . . °.. DEPARTM NT REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY REVIEW x Yes No Council Resolutian Required? ` Resolution I�quired?-� Yes No Yes X No Insurance Required? Insurance Suffici-ent? Yes No Yes �ix No Insurance Attached: � � 1 ' (SEE •REVERSE SIDE FOR� INS tlCTIONSj � Revised': 12/84 a` � � , ; , ����"=�/�1 � Y ', �;`� ���� � /% /?-�7 _ ---__ _ __ _ /� _ WMITE - CITV CIERK ��� ��. . .. . . .. _ � _.� .. . . �� .. _... . /�.//J PINK - FINANCE COURCIl I �D�J �/ CANARV - DEPARTMENT G I TY OF SA NT PAU L /J / / BLUE - MAVOR File NO• U L ` � � �� ou cil R solution Presented By ��� �;.� •. Referred To \` Committee: Date .� Out of Committee � Date administrative Resol tion amending the Civil \ Snrvice Rules concernin filling vacancies. RESOLVED, that the ivil Service Rules be amended in Section 8.A, Filling Vacancies, so that the sec d paragraph of aid section shall read as follows: ���eHe�e�3-#€-e��-ea�g�e}e ;-}�-�l�e-�#�# }er�-��ere-��e-*aeear�ey-�ss eee�trree�;-�s-en-�kc-�ren�e 'ea-�#s�;-�e ske-�ke��-l�e�e-ebse�e�e pre€ereaee-��c-l�#�#ag-a��-ae e�ker-�effie -sks��-be-g#*aca-�a-��e eppe#r��#ag-e�tl�er���.---�l��s- �ev�s#ea- ke��-ae�-egp��-�e-pes#�#e�s #a-�l�e-��e�ess#eae�-A�m#a#s�r b�v�-ber e�n#ng-et���s;-�a#t�-��e e�eep�#e�-e€-tke-�#��e-e€-A€€# -Se�*a� es-�4���t�s�re�er-6�sper*a#ser; e�-e�#g#b�es-€er-pes��#eas-#�-e sses- n-�ai�#ek-e�per#eaee-es-e 6erpea�e�-#e-q�e�#€�#ag.---�n�p�e�e s-�1� se-pes#�#eaa-�teve-beer� ree�ess�€#e�-#�-seee��eaee-�a#��-Se �#e -��.-6-e�-�l�ese-�e�es-ske}} �e�e-pre€ereaee-�a-eer�#€#ee��ea-�e �k #r-pes#�#eas-fren�-t��e �reffie�#ea-�#s�-��respee�#*ae-e€-��e#� ea�#�g-e�-�l�e-�#s�: The Director ma authorize an a oint authorit to romote an incumbent to a reallocated classified sition without further com etitive examination if the incumbent has erfo d the critical duties of the hi her osition for one ear or more, meets t e inimum ualifications, has romotion ri hts, and has demonstrated satisfact r erformance in his/her osition. Vacant ositions shall be filled from rom tion eligible list or from a list of romotion eli ibles on an o en list in the fo lowin manner: The Personnel Office shall certif to the a ointin office a list of eli ibles which shall include the to 3 eli ibles, lus the to 3 el' ibles om the a ointin division lus ties. If the to 3 certified eli ible are from the a ointin division, no further names shall be certified. �, If the to 3 certified eli ibles are n t from the ointin division, then the certification shall be ex anded to inc ude the re u ed number of eli ibles from the appointing division. COUNCILMEN Requested by Departm nt of: Yeas Nays In Favor _ __ Against BY Form Approved by City Attor ey Adopted by Council: Date . �, Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY ' By, Approved by Mayor: Date _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council BY - — BY t • � t ' 4 ---- , • – – – – – _ – – - – - - _ __ __ _ _ - —----- � WHITE - C�TV GLERK PINK. - FINANCE G I TY OF� SA NT PA U L Council � �. ��- CANARV - DEPARTMENT File NO.� � � BLUE - MAVOR Council R solution Presented By Referre�To Committee: Date Out of Com� 'ttee By Date The term �d�vision� used in this paragr ph shall mean �department� in all cases where a depa�tment is not divided into ivisions. For the purpose of this paragraph's pr�ovisions, the following a e considered to be divisions of the Mayor's Office;``;Human and Civil Rights; Personnel. For the purpose of this provision, Legis��ative Operating shall e considered a separate department; Fire Equipment Services, shall be considered division of Fire and Safety Services Department, the Dep�rtment of Public Wo ks shall be considered as one division, the Department of Plannii�� and Economic Dev lopment shall be considered as one division, and the Dep�.,x�tment of Finance and Management shall be considered as one division. ; and be it '�, FURTHER RESOLVED, that the�`•Givil Servic Rules be further amended in Section 8, by � striking out in its entirety Subseqtion 8.B. and deleting the second sentence of 8.0 , so that said section shall read as forllows: "8:$r� i�eee��-pes#�#ens-s�e��-b'�€#� e�-€�effi-e-preme��ea-�#s�-#a-��e-€e��eW#ag mea8err--��e-�e�sease�-A€�#ee ske��-eer�#€�-�e-�ke-eppe#r���t�g-e€€#ee� ��te-���ee-e�#g#��es-e�-�l�e�e� g�b�e-�#s�-�eee#�#ag-��e-�#gl�e��-see�es; �rem-eueag-�a�#ek-�ke-eppe#r�� g-e��#eer-me}-eppe#a�-sr��-ene-e�-�l�e-�kree e��g}��es:--��e-�e�ae�r�e�-A€ ee-s�e��-r�e�#€�-��e-�i�ree-e��g�b�es-e€ �l�e#r-ee�����ee�}e�: `'� � } 8.0 The appointing officer may re'ec� the eligibles if fewer than three entrants are listed. I�e�ae*aer -��€eWer-�l�sa-�l�ree-are-ee��#�#e�-€�em-e p�effie�#ea-�#s�3-�ke-eppe�r��#a -e��eer-g�t�s�-appe#t��-ene-ef-��e e�#g#b�es.- � ; \ \ �, ;` \ \ COUNC[LMEN Requested by epartmen of: Yeas Drew Nays P Nicosia ln Favor Rettman Scheibel Sonnen __ Ag8lllst Tedesco Wilson Form Appro d �ty Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY � • sy, Approved by Vlavor: Date _ Appro ed y Mayo o Submi 'on to Council � BY - - — ��+ ':. .-...e N ♦�.:V . t.: Yl°^.3 '"✓. ., ;. ; , . ..,..:- -qqp� : r�.'�:... � , . .. ,"`' `{,�Gc � ' P.' � � 1�MlTE �_'����„ c��+e . ,. .., ��. ,.. . � i�w, . � . Council�. ��. �PINK - i1NANC£ � ... .. CANAIiV,-��DEPARTM�NT �4 �."�.T.� (�� �� , ���.y,r�'����J�1 � � C . 9�UE —w�A�vOR . � �"'' :: File .:1�10:.� . . . � � . . � � �,.:. . .. - _ � Council solutio�i �� �: �� :. .. P[eSettted By ' ` . � Referred To � Committee: Date �' Out of Committee By . Date � : 'tLa �sa '`i��►tsi�+a* �Ml is tW +�t11 siao '��r�r+ott' i� s1I +mr�s Y �ss a #p►arts�et !s �st 11�f�i int�s �ri�i�s. Ide t'� �rpa +�f tAt� :,�:, ' tasqta�t*s �i+a�s, t!a tollv�it� e�ri�Mtr�1 te � �i*3s#�oes af t� �a�or�s E#tie�; 16a�+n isi Ciai]. Rt�htsi htsw�l. �r tiw �ss^�ess s! tiwis ' �►ro�►i�ias, Ls�tslati� t�rait3s� s1at12 orasl�inyi t �rar�t: �spasl�st= T� . E�si}r�t �r�K+es� s�all L� �sla�r�i di�isio� of !`frf +�a�t l�af�t�r S�r+rieas D���es+t, CM �t of ih�lic i'to �I! ►s ceuid+t� ss mrs riti�aa, ti� � D�searet af F2�aias �md �d.c lewru�t al�sll � e�sri�tar� ss o�w ji�riato�. awd t�s �art�st o! ti�a�scs a�i �t tl�all De �sid�sad ss eu � �i�►'Iysioa. � a�d � it : . �.a � � �0�.!!�►, t�t t1wR 6t�il 3� �al� 6s'�aes sMai+�i 3�s �a�� �: 17 �».,.,�� �: ,. , . ststtia� o�st 3,s its �antirot� �e��ti�a �.s. aad d�e�tti� t�r asc+ow� a�at�aca of.i.�C � ` �o tl�st sa�.+d aet3o� aba2i r�M a� ta�le�rs: '�.; , "�4 ` n� �;�,, �, �, •��� . � . .. + .....�� � � - !y ' .. . " � . . . ... � ,. t� � � ♦ . ' � . . � ... . _ i.e 3'�. a�poiatias o�#ie�r aa� r� a� e�e :13�31►1.� i! fa�r.� �1tsw� : ;:.: - �aersuts ars iit�tt�i. �:_ +�1�� � . � . � �� � � . . . , �1 .. � . � .. ..;, `.�b. .. � '. � i . � g "� COUNCILMEN s�; Yeas Dnw Nays Requested by �e�rtment,of: ' _ . ��'e� In Favor �,; s�r►e�bei � .. "':�: so��e� .t Against ``�_ ` F: T�a�� .�� Wilaon - � � Form Approved by City Attorney , •�� '�-�ldopted by Council: Date t Certified Passed by Counc.il Secretary BY � • By � Approved by Mayor fa��iih"�sc�ion to Council . , Approved by 1Aavor: Date „�1 .'� ;+ � _ �Y _ • _ ,_. � , . .,.� ._ ._o, „ ,.... . ;., .. . .. . . ..--,-- Y� _.�_., , � . � _ �, � � td4�,. B ..: ., . � „ �.. . .. . . .� . .. .. � � . �.-: , � .:.: - . i� . . 51... ...�_...�.,, .. . . .. ':"'. ' ... . . ... , .- . . . . . . _ .... ... ......_. .. . . .. .. ..._ ., _i� P�rsonn�l Office . DEPI�;RTMENT `. . � ���0'7� �O _ �� .�r�r� R,afael �Vis�asillas �� CONTACT .�. 4221 � PHONE. � 9-28-87 DATE - e�� ,, �,, � RSSIGN NUNBER F�R ROUT.ING ORDER C1i All Locations for. Si n�ture : _ - �Department Director ' 3 Director of Management/Nlayor' � Finance and Management Services Director � 4� City C1erk. Budget Dit^eCtol^ 5 Civil S�rvic� Coau�ission 2 City A�torney WHAT WILL 6� ACHIEVED BY TAKING ACTION ON TME ATTAC ED MATERIALS? (Purpose/ Rationale) : Departments and department heads will now be able t promote employees on a more t�mely� basis. The number of employees in inappropriate or incorre t_ positions will be reduced. The .Civ.'il Service Rules will provide greater flexibility to nagers to achiev.e their wozk unit gosis by having their employees in appropriate classific ions. Removes :absolute department preference and modifies the existing absolute departmental (di ision) preference. IC also modifies the �ppointment rule of promotion eligibles to conform o existing language for open eligible positions. J . COST BENEFIT BUDGETARY AND PERSONNEL IMPACTS ANTI PATED: RECEIVED None . 5 1987 . . OCT O . � N�AYOR'S OFFICE FINANCING 50URCE AND BUDGET ACTIVITY NUNBER CHARGE OR\CREDITED: (Mayor's signa- ture not re- Totai Amoun.t of"Transaction: quired if under � � ��o,000) Funding Source: Activity Number: ATTACHMENTS (List and Number All Attachments) : 1 . Resolution � 2. Copy for City ,Cl.erk - DEPARTMENT REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY REVIEr! Yes No Council Resolution Required? - ' Resoaution Required? Yes No Yes No Insurance Required? Insurance Sufficient? Yes No Yes No In�urance Attached: (SEE •REVERSE SIDE FOR INS RUCTIONS) Revised 12/84 � :'� Albert Olson � ��/� 7y ' +�' City Clerk 386 City Hall CITY OF SAINT PAUL St. Paul, MN 55102 INTERDEPARTMENTAL EMORANC To: Bargaining Units Representing City Employees � �� � ___. �, Fr: Mark Robertson �K`� , -- ,_ Saint Paul Personnel Office r`'', � Re: City Council Meeting November 5, 1 87 � - ,'a �,� :::::� Date: November 3, 1987 At the City Council Meeting of October 29 1987, the City Council heard presentations regarding proposed changes o the existing Civil Service Rules, specifically Section 8 regarding Filling acancies. . The Council has directed our Office to no ify all bargaining units which represent City employees of the proposed hanges. Our Office requests that if you wish to d scuss any part of the proposed changes, that you contact either Michael oley or me at 298-4221 prior to the date of the second reading before City Co ncil. To afford you sufficient time, if needed, to review the proposed change, we have requested that the second reading be laid over until Thursday, November 12, 1987. Please find attached the changes as they re being proposed. Attachment cc: Rafe Viscasillas LeeAnn Turchin William Wilson Department Heads/Office Directors . ��,��r=i� �� , Saint Paul Su ervisors p , . Oran� ation P•0. BOX 291, SAINT PAUL, MN. 55102 g P.l�:y���rril�a•r.•.�i�- :I.;:'., 1.�>'�(3'1 1?�:�a r�� (::t��..i n r_:i '1 m r:.a rri 1-.;c=r�a i..i��:� <�C�i::I 1.'�'.7.(::)f't c':1.I. 3.'L".i.�rrti c.;r7 t c�;�:1�.a;a '4:> r'�e}E�i-�r�a ��rn F�n c::l=� ��:i�t:_fi i r.:;s°i (::3 t::�� 1-.I��c.� C�i v i. '1 :��r�•✓i c_Fa 1=��..t:I.c��:�� '1't�x i�� f�rn•r_�i�r r.i ir�-!r�t w i '1 '1 #i�v a a n �r�v�r�s e� i rr7..._ p r_�i:_t: c:r ri t:h F� ��. E='. '_i� �:l� t:.:i.:,r��t�.E�_�r:��:::�1:: �v i.t_I°� �h F��f::� l:::i.•k:y. (�!F-� f c a�:l t°.t�t�1: �l°.t���� ��m�t�c�int�r�t cl-�Ear�Wr��: t�hE� 1��:-�r-m::� c.a� �kl�°E� t:wc�ntr�c_�r wi tl°�Fc��.t�k ��rz t�r. G:c_;E-i<�.>�.i:L t.�t i a rf aa a.t.t-� Wi� F�'� f::;� i�i„ :L' �:-�m ��4::i n q -�I-�a�t t 17 i<.>> F�:e��::s c�a 1 i..�fi_:i c��r..� I:�N� :I. �:4 i r� ��a v�r� f i�r� � t r� ,� V`J[�?F?�:cv V�JI'13. .I.r.r �°.{i=:� C:�l::.:C::l.t�ir: 'F:.I'lFi::� ].t17�:lc:t(":'I:. 4d'J.'F:.I'3 t�L.IY" c�'�.�'_C3{"'fif.'y �ar�rr.J fif'lE".' �'f�r-s:sr.�r�iipl i�tf�:t i::c�. 'i�h� r.�}�{=;c�r-t:.�.u°��:i.�_>>� �t:c:; r1 i�W�_u��� th i r_ i�s�.i� wc-�� . _ .. .... .... . . _ . . _ �- _ � • . C.�7 V t'('i '.f_) . 1�' ��n - :-i.� �...�, ,. ::.� I..l I"1 7.".:�i a h'1 J.`.::i i:".C]l.t P"�:.1-��i'`,,' tpJ ci�i f'i Cl� c3>;1�c�n�E�c.i �t.c� �:�. 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T . .�, r f"rl , O �:� _._� • --- ---=------------------------ AGENDA ITEMS =______________________________ ��I-��75� . - -�---------------------------- , ,� � dD#: �319 ] DATE REC: [10/06/87] AGENDA DATE: [00/00/00] ITEM #: [ ] �p�"'� rll.y ....._ _ ,. SUBJECT: [AMEND CIVIL SERVICE RULES - FILLING F VACANCIES ] � �� . STAFF ASSIGNED: [6Lf� /d" 'r ] SIG:[ ' ] OUT-[ ] TO CLERK [00/00/00] QRIGINATOR:[PERSONNEL ] CO TACT:[VISCASILLAS - 4221 ] ACTION:[ ] C ] C.F.# [ ] ORD.# [ ] FILE COMPLETE="X" [ ] � � � � � � � � � � � FILE INFO: [RESOLUTION (2PGS) ] C ] [ � ---------------------------------------------- ------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------- ------------------------------- � �� , ��''a c Q. . 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