87-1667 City of St.Paul COLJNCIL F NO. FINAL ORDER IN �ENDED + � � By CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS 18471E-1 File No. In the Matter of Voting Ward 5 Acquiring a permanent utility easeme t in Block 8, Morton's Addition, Saint Paul Minnesota, described as the west 30 feet of Lots 9 and 30 and the portion of the vacated alley right-o -way between Lots 9 and 30, also the east 10 feet of the south 40 feet o Lot 30, also the west 15 feet of the south 18 feet of Lot 29. Also a per anent utility easement over, across and through the east 25 feet of the west SO feet of the south 50 feet of Lot 1, Block 1, Nevada Place. Also a per nent utility easement in vacated Nevada Avenue whose center line is 15 feet ast of the west line extended of Lot 9, Block 8, Morton's Addition and exte s from the south line to the north line of vacated avenue. Also temporary e sement shown on the plan on file in the office of Finance and Management ervices. Said temporary easements to expire December 31, 1988 or at t completion of construction whichever comes first. As a part of the Arli gton/Arkwright Storm Sewer Project. (North of Arlington between Arkwrig t and Westminster) under Administrative Order approved -- under Preliminary Order 87-1492 approved October 13, 1987 A public hearing having been had upon the above mprovement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint aul hereby orders said improvement to be made FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Council hereby deter ines tha.t tbe estate required Lor thie improvement be as describ- ed above, and LY,at the proper City otficers submit a report to the City Counoil fot Lhe purpoae of Lhe Counuil's making an award of damages for Lhe interest�and determination f assesaments, it any, against the benefited property. acquired COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council: Date NOV � � �7 YeasD$.�� Nays Nicosia � Certified P ed y ouncil Secretary Rettman Scheibel In Favor B �n Weida v Against Mayor i'T�.°A NOV l �J lg$� I���S�et t,�,.' "➢� � � . . �,.`- �7 �� �� Summary of Engineeri g Recommenda#ions Arlington / Arkwright Stor Sewer & Paving Project Project No. 88-S-802 (P-8018, V-8018) Report Prepared - ctober 16, 1987 Neighborhood Inforrnational eeting - November 5, 1987 Public Hearing - N vember 17, 1987 PROJECT: Construct a storm sewer system, water and ewer service connections and reconnections, street improvements and an rnamental lighting system in part of the Trout Brook Sewer System. The area is bou ded by Larpenteur, Payne, Brainerd, and l.S. 35E. EXISTING CONDITIONS: , The project area is presently served by a co bined sewer system. During periods of moderate to heavy rainfall, there have been eports of sewer backups into basements and surface flooding problems. Many of the streets within the project area h ve an oiled roadway surface with no curb. The driving surfaces are fair to poor and roa way widths vary because of iack of curb. Some street segments within the project are have curb. However, attempts made to salvage old curb when reconstructing road s rfaces have been unsuccessful in the past; therefore, we are proposing to remove xisting curb and construct new curb and gutter on oiled streets. PROPOSEDIMPROVEMENTS: Street improvements, street lighting and sto m sewer construction are proposed for the following streets: STREET FR TO California Edg rton Payne Idaho Wh lock Ridge Edgerton lowa Wh elock Ridge Edgerton Hoyt Ark right Payne Wheelock Ridge Wh elock Parkway Idaho Montana Ark right Desoto Nebraska Ark right Bradley Nevada Ark right Edgerton Arkwright Neb aska Hoyt Desoto Neb aska Wheelock Pkwy Bradley Nev da Nebraska (continued) � � � �7- /��7 (Arlington / Arkwright Storm Sewer) Cottage Des o Edgerton Ivy Des o Jessie Burr Brai erd Ariington Bradley Ivy Cottage Jessie Brai erd Cottage Storm sewer�construction and r i n in in is proposed for the following streets: Payne Hoyt lowa Ar4cwright Ar1in ton Nebraska Desoto Ivy Cottage Westminster Cott ge Sherwood Cottage Wes minster Edgemont (Sewer Easement- Arlin ton Nevada between Westminster and Ar{cwright) The new storm sewer construction is part of a long-range storm sewer project which will result in a separated storm and sanitary ewer system for the Trout Brook area. The street and lighting improvements propo ed would compliment the storm sewer construction. New bituminous roadways wit concrete curb and gutter are being proposed. The standard roadway width of 2 feet has been reduced for some of the streets to fit with the existing conditions and minimize the number of tree removals. The following is a list of the proposed street widths: STREET FROM TO WIDTH California Edgerton Payne 32 Idaho Wheelock idge Edgerton 32 lowa Wheelock idge Edgerton 32 Hoyt Arkwright Payne 32 Wheelock Ridge � Wheelock arkway Idaho 32 Montana Arkwright Desoto 30 Nebraska Arkwright Bradley 30 Nevada Arkwright Edgerton 32 Arkwright Nebraska Hoyt 30 Desoto � Nebraska Wheelock Pkwy 30 Bradley Nevada Nebraska 30 Cottage Desoto Edgerton 30 Ivy Desoto Jessie 30 Burr Brainerd Arlington 32 Bradley Ivy Cottage 32 Jessie Srainerd Cottage 32 2 �� -��/�� 7 (Arlington / Arkwright Storm Sewer) All driveway aprons will be reconstrvcted wit concrete and a new concrete outwalk will be constructed for each home. Boulevar s will be regraded and sodded. A new energy efficient sodium vapor lighting system will be installed. Trees will be planted in the boulevard areas as needed io reforest th area. ALTERNATES To do nothing would be inconsistent with the ity's committment to improve existing oiled streets, and to separate the combined ewers. Constructing sewers without street improvements has not been effective i the past, in that the existing oiled streets are not capable of withstanding the constru ion activity necessary to construct the sewers, and merely restore the trench areas Improving the roadways in conjunction with sewer construction will save time, mone and inconvenience later. POSITIVE BENEFITS: With the completion of the city's sewer proje , the chance of sewer backups into basements and surface flooding will be redu ed, and after rainleader disconnections, sewer backups into basements will be elimi ated. General improvement of the public right-of-way in conjunction with street const ction will enhance and add quality to the neighborhood. Street oiling would be elimin ted on new bituminous roadways. ADVERSE EFFECTS: Normal problems associated with construct on, such as noise, dust, and general disruption will be present. COST ESTIMATES: Construction $1,106,000.00 Engineering & Inspection 157,000.00 Misc. 55A44�4 $1,318,000.00 Construction $1,071,000.00 Engineering & Inspection 209,000.00 Misc 53,000.00 Reforestation 42.000.00 $1,375,000.00 V-8008 - Arlington /Arkwright Liqhtina Construction $194,000.00 Engineering & Inspection 36A40.00 $230,000.00 3 (Arlington / Arkwright Storm Sewer) �,� �7 /(� � 7 ESTIMATED FINANCING: S-8023 State & Federal Grants & Loan $941 ,000.00 Sewer Service Fund Surcharge 214,000.00 Storm Sewer Service Charge 63,000.00 Assessments 100.000.00 $1 ,318,000.00 P_8008 Assessments $390,000.00 CIB (1988) 910,000.00 Storm Sewer Service Charge 75.000.00 $1,375,000.00 V_8008 Assessments $ 58,000.00 ciB ��s$s> >�2.000.00 $230,000.00 R E F ADDITI NAL INF RMATI For additional information, contact: General Leon Pearson (292-6277) Marvin Sorvala, Bonestroo & ssoc. (636-4600) Lighting Mike Klassen (292-6293) RECOMMENDATION: The Department of Public Works feels that his is a necessary and worthwhile project, and the Engineering recommendation is fo approval of the order. Respectfully submitted, Donald E. Nygaard Director of Public Works � _ � �►� - — � � ` - - - �-�� i� �� �� ��� � i � � � � v~i ,h�� ,.�,,�,,,•� <�� � --- •'"� , 'P� �S� �''+C��0 I A _AV E . . � •�..i''"� •��'�� 90 'p � QQ� ..: `' _ -_ � �,j�' •1-.�;a,.:•:::.�:::::.;•.. ( '�, .�., � '� kz:+. a'�'t''; z o '�`.�V�` �.� �L . h ;i ao w ,�,r :�i'•::• ( Q,. I ��w � + ' �? �� °�F •.V �• G'� ►- ��' OY T - - �. .•� �\ . � . a y • r• C - -E 'iai�bf�?'�t#7` '�\�� �s��c,y. !- AYE r Z �. Cti� N �.,, W - - ' ' :1., _� � � o - -e - .I'r�ti:�ia�'d�'� • 0 NEBR < _ 1..�.�.�l •.«..:+..::i:i�:ww � Y' �..� �... � � . . . `� � � N - AVE. , . , � � , � '� , � . , ' HER OD , � AV. � , , . ��� ��� L T TA �, . _ � ':«+t•xiiM++fra•: :• '; W W � -= Pa� � � < � S�� �� . �- W � I W � . . . �� �. � ntersta � � " ''�' `s`��� .. � ti N : ►-:'�-, ::�� ��*��' � z ,r' '�....' :M I 35 �� A�E. � � �-� '� :� � E • ,- -�- - - ::1 � . N _ ;.;_, . � o� `.��..� ta� E,� �� 3 t �`P\�I - ,. 0 I HAWTHORN � � � :�� � ! � J s��s °� t MARY�;N° � ARLIN6TON / ARKWRI6HT L� ��� �p„ , -- - - OILED STREETS TO E PAYED IN '88' 3.2 HILES OILED STREETS -- PAYIN6 DELAYED 0.3 f11LES ����� SEWER CONSTRUCTtON ON OILED TREETS 1.8 h11LES 10/16/87 ON 'NON- ltED' STREETS 1.0 HILES TRT 10 , , ��� �,,� � � J" °"` , � / � City of St.Paul COUNCIL FILE NO. �7��'�� FINAL ORDER IN r'l �' '" ,�.�'° By . � :,�,'�; '��„—_""...,. CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS �,p File�No. 1�i47 �—Z �. .� V��s�,g In the`�latter of �� �`�, Ac�a3xi�g a p�r���t uCil�.t� sasa� i�+ Bi+�ck 5, Nartc►m�'s A�ditian. $ai�t Psul Eii.n��ta, dsa¢rilNed as t'h� t 3fl �est af Lot� 9 aa�d �4 a�d t�: �r�i� o# �e �a�+�tad nll�r�► rig�l��-�a e�y �et�res� Lotu 9 ��d 30, a1�s� the� tsst 10 fs�t �r�' that ��t�� 4Q isgt � LaL �0, a3�a tbe west 1S i��t of the s�►�tt� 1� f*e� Lot 29. Also �c pe at nti�ity a�se�nt o�rsr, earo�s a�c! thrc�ugh thr asst 5 fsst of tt�+� rr�st SQ te�t of th� s�th 5t1 �e�et +�f Lot 1. �1aek 1, �+�ada �c+�, A1�o a �u t atili�y► saaea��t i� racate�3 i�evada �4�neaae x�tos� ctrr►tet i�e ir 1S t�e� �t� �� the rest lina eutRnded o� Lat 9, Block S, Mort+c�a'� Add �� a� sxt �r f ros ehe ssrut� 1#.ae to tA� �rtt+ line c�t �ra�ated �v+er►na. QIs tsa�orar� �e s,ra�rnt shosr� �+u tt►e plan oa f31e i� tha olfi�s at Fin+naet�e wd s�at �rvfces� S�1d tempc►sary sase��ta ta e�cpire t�a�.emb�rr 31, I�8 �s at tt� co�aplst�.o�a of �toanetrt�ett�aa s�rhichevv�r coo�s tirst. As +t p��c oi' Arli tsa/Arkk�rsghL �tar�e se�rer Proja�z. ClRorth c►t Arliugt�n t���asn i�h sad it�t.ml.nst��� \ . � under Administrative Order approved � under Preliminary Order �7`�7�°� approved �� �� �7 A public hearing having been had upon the above ' provement u on due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having full considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint ul hereby orders said improvement to be made k�X� FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Council hereby deter nes that the estate req red Wr thie imptonement be as describ- ed above, and LLat the proper City officers aubmit a repoct o the City Counoil tot t e purpose ot the Council's making an award of damages for the interest�and determination o asaeasmenta, if any, aga nst the benetited property. acquired ; COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council: Date Yea�e� Nays p��p$i8 Certified Passed by Council Secretary Art C t�an SCheibel In Favor By So:tn�n �i,� Against �iiZse� Mayor : . � - , - a „ ; . ; F, ,-.n,,. , . .,.: , . .. , _ . . _ . . � ,. . �' � , .. . � �� , _ ._ , . . ;. � =� - , � . . 13G City of St.Pattl � :; � ����< � ; " CbUNCII. FILE NO. �� ��� • ftNAL OI�DER 'iN . . , .;_.� z; > ' rr� �` . �, �.� .� N � . �Y ;s-+�` :_ } A�a:,.3� . CONaEMNATIO.N PROCEEDINGS gile��o. t �"� 1�� ,. - In the`�a#ter of i ���� ,,` ` "" . �,.���r «�s��r � ur.� �,� � ��. ���� � .;'� , �.� �u ��. � �o � �r- t�► � �r�wc m � � ��r�r► .� �.r� �r �.�w.► �s �t a�t �, �. �. : �r to � +� a�e �► �o �t� �c �� .�t�r t� ..� �� �r .� r� :� � �i �+r� � ��. �1�a► � �i�i� �+�t �r;� �,�#; . �. � t1M +�st �a�t �! �1�r �i� � � � t#w� �► !4 !� i� �rMt: 1:, � i�iW�t 1,� � ` : . t�a� s r�tlit�! s�a�e t�► �1 firrr+��- � .� : � �l�n► +��� t� �3 �t�t � 1� �trrt � � r�# �.�► ; � � ��, �•� a�E �� �s a� � trr 1� �c�i !� : . . �.:�+�t �. t�a�s�ur� t r�r� � �t � � �#� � fr� � ��� . 1i�f��► ss# � � ��Ilta �i#et t�'ii�' �Milili�lqC#:'`� . ` �pq►�x'a I�s !l, i �c a� a11��l►�!`tl� r! +�t�til:#IMlfi'��t ' ; , .. , � �i�a�. � s �a�tt o� �s �rr� � M�s�r '�"!�t'+�,��sdt� . - :: � ` t� �' Aar�.� 1� �r! �#�w�aets�� , . : ; � .. - . . � . . . . . .Y:.. " . � � . . . ' � ... '-; �. . . .. ;. . . . . �� : .. . ' . .. . . �_ .� '.:���. .:.: , . . . . . . � S.. under Adminisfrative Order . •••• approved �":•� '=; � - . . , � Y under Prelimir►ary Oix1e"r �7'" /y�`'� approved �� /..,�_�� _ A public hearing having been had upon the above ' provement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint ul hereby orders said improvement to be made FUItTHEIi RE30LVED.TLat the Coaaoii heeeby det as tLat the estate reqaired!pr this improvemsnL De ae deseriM ed above. ana cba.s cne �roper cisy oma�e snbmit a repott the City Cow�il tae tLe pnrpose ot tha Connoil'e msl�ing an aAaM ot damages tor Lha iMerest x�l�and determiaaLlon o aesesaments, it sny, against the beasfited ptopsrty. acquired COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council: Date Yea�Ctlfit Nays � �� Certified Passed by Council Secretary �ttst� $aj�,�y�� In Favor By �� Y�tda A�►st �� , Mayor � • 5�1NT NAUL CiT COUNCiL � t.� �' l�, � � ?UBLIC H�ARIN NOTICE � �i�%l� �7 PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT ACQUISI�ION , City Council District ��5 District Planninr� Cot�n�;l 166 Dear Property Owner• File No. 18471E-1 To decide whether t proceed with a permanent utility easement in . . F`��'�'��� Block� R, Morton's A dition, Saint Paul, Minnesota described as the � west 30 feet of Lot 9 and 30 and the portion of the vacated alley right-of-way betwee Lots 9 and 30, also the east 10 feet of the south 40 feet of Lo 30, also the west 15 feet of the south 18 fee of Lot 2�9. Also a ermanent utility easement over, across and through the east 25 feet of the west 50 feet of the south SO feet of Lot 1, Block 1, evada Place. Also a permanent utility ease- ' ment utility easeme t in vacated Nevada Avenue whoe ce�crter line is 15 feet east of the west line e�tended of Lot 9, Block 8, Morton's -� Addition and extend from the south line to the north line of va- cated avenue. Also temporary easement shown on the plan on file in the office of Fi ance and Management Services. Said tempozary easements to expire December 31, 1988 or at the completion of construction whiche er comes fir t. A Arkwright Storm Sew r Project. (North of Arlington between Arkwright ---- -- -- -- _ _ ..------. .._ . _ �c��, T ��` an es minster � � � L Tuesday, November 1 , 1987, at 9:00 A.M. � Call 298-4513 and r fer to the File �6 above. City staff will t be available to ans er any last minute questions on this project ���}E�T I r��`'-t r+ in Room 218 City Ha 1 from 8:30 - 9:00 A.M. the same day as the hearing. , �T�f��` �/�, � E. NEBRASKA / } J.X / 'I l� , _.: --"' I u � os� ,�1 :i5; iG-`¢' .., ,2 3! . �I Io I 11 li 12'I 3� M � _I '� , � 3 ; � ' ' ; '.,ey I �'� �!.`t� i (r�i�r!f:a�l t�ui �I�rr� (r.�it� P u-r �� �-�' �..=.. ..�,_.,._.,{ ea�AN� s�Mf.�v-r � ,r=—:-�� ����*,?,:;,, j=���.�',:i�. .�,e�z:Y�.�. (]as {.�,,.,.�::,�s,.; � oe.;;r e.n�'.SCnu�3i..J �—;� sac i -uri�� � "'-'� EVAOA �° �'�� 1�EMP°��V EASEM��tt � ;:,,,�-,.-� .,.� �-�` �� � :�.,, _.- - ; `��- �::��`" � — ,; .. ::-: �� ,� ��' Notice sent October 30, 1.987 a;��.�z?�';:�: � „� ,� �,�`1�5 �� �t ie :� I � by the Valuation and Assessment Division ��,,,�s.�mn:' ` i � Department of Finance & Management Services �" .��—:;;- � '°`-='=-„�,;� Room 218 Cit Hall - Court House � �� v Y "'"' ' � � y �i; . � Q. St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 ,;:;;;� "_ 2' zs �r'•`` �5 2•`!z3 » >� �! � ,.�`s*.?;_. u fl Rl.l NGTo N r • . . . � ;� �/" ,j, ,7 �/� �,i%`j. �':7' �� � _ tu-,z #+� �;tytt :�.t :.:z ' � �;c��, , § �, ,` -�[� , - � - ,.�.,, `' � : �, �t,. '' � C'OU}tl��l;i+�a,�y4���.r�$'�''y� �y.� '"F �' w ;� A i[3,'�1E'�. ��X �, a ': � 1�,�� ,�k��- . � - Ad�ion.�Sa#ast�$pq,t1� �� _ � . the ortion a!f � p t�r.v�aCe�&C�d {�, YO#eet of . < . . , _,. ; �. Yx„ .. � '�'. e:-- . .. ttie. ;: � � . : , :; •� - :,., �, � �? ' ��en�fr�#,�' � �t��� +�:�i� � �'c+s��.:pl��� ; ., �p�i� ,.. � �� ��� ��t� �. #.f �ot' �� * � { � df � Arkv.��.,� t�'�es�'�*"' "- ��; A��� �E � � . � �� ���a� ,� 4� � �.- �H , .�,��,�T ,� J � +�+f��"x<s �r�^r.+i <_ X ..� � * �� �.?r ,� � N,. � F; . ��� } � ris ;,,. � , '� �1iiR+��+i�e se�ane �t�ere� 'i rt�: � ,, , �st the�eo� ; . . _ ���� � . l• • �:,� . _'�;.� ` ..s�`'.` �; ��-"` . : , . �s - r:'�..• �� �.:.: . . , ,� ; .. ,.�. , . . . . _._ ._;,. �".�>`�;: File Nt�: 1847iL-1' ��'qF:�y����„t`��.t_ �''.7`�"'l� 1 " µ"� ��I, ��-Q�o�r 20;i8$�'. , - �{3Ctb t�"��jF�lct413L�a#f .�3'� i'�.c3u;�Y..,*!���.:.°.....