87-1658 M�MITE - CITV �LERK
PINK - FINANCE G I TY OF A I NT PAU L Council /// /�`
CANARV - DEPARTMENT File N0._-__. .�/ -/�(J
Council esolution -
Presented By � �
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
WIiEREAS The Council of the City of Saint Paul did approve the Council File 87-357�
the 198'/ Spring Clean-up Fund to help neighbor ood clean-up efforts by paying dumping
fees and mileage to cooperating local trash ha lers; and
WHEREAS, the Administration has developed guid lines to implement the clean-up fund
pursuant to the City Council s directives; and
WHEREAS, the Council�did amend said guidelines in Council File 87-670 to allow up to
25X of each District s allocation to be used f r personnel and/or refreshments for
volunteers; and
WHEREAS, the Council further amended said guid lines on August 12 1987 in Council
File 87-1179 to allow the power washing of sid walks downtown; an�
WHEREAS the Metropolitan Transit Commission o July 29, 1987 issued a check in the amount
of $1,Ob0.00 to the City of Saint Paul, for th power washing of the downtown sidewalks,
WH$REAS, The Mayor, pursuant to Section 10.07. of the City Charter does certify that there
are_available for appropriation revenue in exc ss of those estimated� in the 1987 budget; and
WHEREAS, The Mayor recommends the following ch nges to the 1987 budget:
Current Amended
Budget Changes $udget
FINANCING PLAN ------------ ------------ ------------
225 Street�Maintenance Assessment Fund
_ 6905 Contributions � Donations- - Outsid 0 +1,000 1,000
(Metropolitan Transit -Commission) - -
Other Fund Financing 12,383,932 0 12,383,932
. ------------ ------------ ------------
12,383,932 +1,000 12,384,932
SPENDING PLAN _ _ ... _ _
225 Street Maintenance Assessment Fund
42325 Neighborhood Clean-up -
4232.5-0299 Other Misc Services 12,500 +1,000 13,500
Qther Rund Spending � 12,371,432 0 12,371,432
. ------------ ------------ ------------
12,383,932 +1,000 12,384,932
NET CHANGE: +1,000
RESOLVED, That the City Council approves these changes to the 1987 budget.
Approval xecommended
- --- :J_��
COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of:
Yeas �_ Nays
Nicosia Pub 11C WOrks
Rettman In Favo[ �
Scheibel �`
�nre� � __ Against BY
Wilson �O� � 7 �U7
Form Approved by City Attorney
Adopted by Council: Date �
Certified P•s y Council , ret BY
Approv d y Mavor: Dat � �v ! � �€7� Approved ayor for Submis ' t Council
B —
PUB�.US�lE� ;ti�,�`, : 1�8 7
. ��-�--���
� �� � .�I° �11003 �
�` �e�uti�� Ar�ni.nistration DEPARTMENT � - - - - - -
�Teanne Wiet�g CONTACT NAME
298-�323 PHONE �
10 26./87 DATE
� Department Director � Hayor (or Assistant)
_ Finance and Management Services Director � City Clerk �
et-�xerctorCS ��
City Attorney ��
TOTAL NUMBER OF SIGNATURE PAGES: 1 (Clip all locations far signature.)
W T 0 0 ? (PurposeJ&ationale)
� n ,�,,�c�1r�f��um � G'ar.nrr�u.n�� �2�n� G�.umcc:� C�(? �/��
�� �u�� �� � �� �o���
a�c,e-.a-�u� ��� ��1 � -�.��� , .
� $1000 received frcunn N�I'C will be deposited ' Street Mtc Assessr�nt �nd for Nei�borhood
clean u efforts-tx�ash rece les for down' area.
� � � �j�- u� � ,b� �v �.�. �cr,�x.. u�-
���. Spending authority for the Ne' rhood Clean-up activity(42325) r�ri.11 increased
by $1000 and finaneing plan for Street Mtc sessment �u�.d(225) will be increased $1000.
(Mayor's signature aot required if under $10 000.)
Total Amount of Trans�ction: $1000 Activity Number: ��T 3� 1987
Ma�r��, .
_ Funding Source: 6905 Contr3butions � Donat ons - Outside ��FFICE
(l�etropolitan 'I`ransit Co ssion)
° ATTACHNENTS: (List and nwaber all attachmen s.)
1. CF' #8�f357,67_Qi1179 adopting/mpdifying guide ines/policies for the Neighborhood Clean-Up
Activities. '
�V es _No Rules, Regulations, Proced res, or. Budget Aa�tendment required? �
es _No If yes, are. they or timeta le attached? �
t/ Yes _No Couneil re'solution required? Resolution required? Yes _No
=Yes ,,,��To Insurance required? Insura�ce sufficieatY _„Yes _No
Yes �No Insurance attached?
, fjINK�.' � � NANCE ^ �
�.-�.ARY � EPI.N TMEN T .. . COII�ICfI �
a��E�i'j�MAYOR _ CIT7� OF S INT PALTL File N0. ' �7' '��S �
. -
��'>��������-=�=� Council esolution �'�7����
,.:� �� � �
Presented By - , . ���
�` ���
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date — °��"� 'a•-
z;;, :, : . � .
�i A�:,��m.r � :a•
A Resc�t ut f o Lreat i nq NII�� �� 1981
"fhe t°�7 C eanup Fur�d
:�Ehere�s, spr i n� C!t?3nUp3 e hance �,a_i yhborh�ocl s. �r��c�.�r.���es
ne i ghGOr-f�o�ci pr i d� and 34s i �ts i n ou� oromot i c�n cr St. P:�u 1 3_°• �
" 1 i v�t�t e" c i ty: 3r�d
Whereas, reg.�rdless vf s aw canditions. there is an
3ccumulation or litter, garbage. ead vepetaticn an+� othpr debris
that is difficvit to collect over the winter mcnths; and
Whereas. �t. Pau1 Uistri t Counciis have tradition3il✓
bPen involved in c�operstive �ffo ts tQ ciesnup th�ir n�ight+s�r-
hoads each vear and ha�e i der�t�f ect the i r needs t=or suppor± and
�ssi�tance; NUW, THERFORE, BE tT
Resolved. the the City cf t. Pau! hereby establishes the
l987 CiPanup Fund to heip aff At the cost oi- neighborhood
cieanue= by aQsi�ting in PaYin dumping fees :�nd miiea�c '�.:,
ccoperatzna lccai garbaqe hauiers ar�d be 9t further
Reso i✓er�. that sa i d fund w� 1 i b? sucporte� bv � f�.�nd
tr�nster from contingent r�Pserve in the amount of $I25,1�U�; anh
be it further
Resoived, that the Oepa me�t of Pubiic wo�k3 Ki # 1 �
edminister the fund and set for h rules and rQgulatian�. �
including the roilQwing:
Yeas � Nays Requested by Department oE:
Oraw -
�' [n Favor
Rettman -
Scheibel /
so��a� Against BY
Adopted by Council: Date
Eo�m Approved by City Attorney
Certified P�ss d by Council Secretary By
By' �7- ��'•i :� r.�. � �1�t. '�`�► i
Appioved by Navor: Date _ Appcoved by Mayorfot Submission to Council -
By � gy
,cfNKl` .�. �7NANCE . • COIIflCIl
� :.'ANARV,-OE�wRTMENT GITY OF S INT PAUL .�.� _ •� •7
eu:e; _«�voa . File N�. " '
. : i � � . Council esolution G��-��-%���'
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
11 E�r_h or the 17 District t�ou�cit� witl
r�cr��i t 3nd cccr i nate a�rb�ae 113U i PT'S �ncf
vc�I unt�er, i� th .i r d i�tr i c�� . f�cus i nq or►
h�u 1 er� th3t s�r i ce the 3rna ��n � r��c�u t�r
b��.i �:
� ► �::3c*� :�i -�tr, ,:_i- ._ x�rci 1 m��: ;��rnit: �cr r►�w
Le��rtrnent ��f- P �[r 1 i c Work� i nvO 1(�A�; r�r
dum�i ng fees .� d m i l eacle .ar, � r3t? r�ot
tC exr_eed �.5i.i p r rtti l�;
3) f uncis w i f t be d i tr i but Pd Pqtt t t�b i y u�i ng the�
Uis�rict Council funding f�ormula:
�) Mu�t hnid their spring cl�anup n^ �.3ter
than UCtaqer- 15r ;
. 51 A f ! T"r?L7UP.StS fc�r p�vmPnt muGt k�r r��Qi•.-A�
no I�ter th3n Na pTlit'iAi i:t:
b} Mite�ge shaii be calr_ulated frotn a centr�l
s i te i n eact� p an�i�a d i str i�t- to thP
r�umping (oc3tion
' ) txc�ss funds w il be r-�turnea tc the
general fund.
�3E I T F I P�ALLY RE50LV��, tha a rss�i s�t i on sha i f be cirawn up
bv the 8udaet Director effecting the fund �ran�r�r t=cr .3porov�i �
b� th� C i ty �:,ounc i 1 .
Yeas o�� �. Nays Requested by Depa�tment oE:
Nie� �
' [n Favor
Rettma� .
so��.� �_ Against BY
Adopted by Council: Date ,�'�� f � ���� Focm Approved by City Attorney
Certified Yassed by Council Secretary By
':=�; :.' . �`�,� A roved b Ma or for Submission to Couricil
Approved by Mavor. Date PP Y Y --
By _ _ ` By_ .
.t�><•:�1 , �i . . , .., .. fx��, .� . . + .. � . ... `� .
w�i TE°���C�TV GLEMK � .. �i, • .-�
�INK{ •i� �FINANGE�:� ky_`'ia . x� e r. li 2�i ', F��� �� �.? :
y1�GANARY- OEPARTMENT �'Y z G-ITY�'� ►' A•. • ' YA'UL�-:,�4� �'"'�r` ���� . .
a�VE ti M�YC�R . '..p. .. :n.�y.aA'i�:.7� N,. ''�. �� Fl�Cy �O. -�.-. �.
. � � � � :Council-:,`R 'solutionu �� : :`�:����-�s�
� . � + ,. ,t , .�, ., , . . •
Presented By
. +, i � ,��,='!� aeA°,c_ ,�,4 �� �:� _ .
Referred To � � � � Committee: Date � � � �
Out of.Committee By Date
WHEAEAS, The Council of the City of S int Paul did approve the
198? Spring Clean-up Fund to help nei hborhood clean-up efforts
by paying dumping fees and mileage to cooperating local trash
haulers; and
WHEREAS, The Administration has devel ped guidelines to implement
the clean-up fund pursuant to the Cit Council's directives;
WHEREAS, Many neighborhood representa ives have requested more
flexibility in the guidelines to allo neighborhoods to hire
people to assist with organizing and romoting their neighborhood
clean-up days; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT
RESOLVED, That upon the recommendatio of the �Mayor, the Council �
of the City of Saint Paul does hereby amend the guidelines of
. the Neighborhood C1ean-up, Fund to all w up to 25 percent of
� each district's allocation to be used `for �personnel and/or refreshments �
for the neighborhood clean-up day vol nteers.
- . �
. ;
� i
COUNCILMEN Requested by Department ot:
Yeas� Nays � — � ,
1O°"' In Favor �
Rettman • �
��.,,� Against BY i
T.aa� � - � i
w���� �
�Fona Approved by City Attorney . ••
Adopted by Council: Date ....��: - . • . . ,. . ,
,� ,�..�,-
Ce�titied Passcd by Council Secretary � � _ .:.;.: •:.�s^ .a�'w :By � .
��y:. .
_. ,j..
:r.. •..��: . . . . . _ .;i, .
B� ' . .: � 1 . -`�. .� . . . . . . ' ., .
. . 4 -� � �� r I'.�*' .
+ •�<�'- . . . Appco by blayor for.Subm's t Council. '' . .
APProved by Mavo�: Oate . ,,,. � g r . `s ?�.�' •-�r . �;:.Y. ' = y���x -__ -
"' �`�i • ' .Y�. � . •• .:.y'... _(.'..`4.9
B� . _ . . � � . 'i:��Ya4�7- S.' "f: s .
y ' ��: .a.8yt; �� . . . . ' � � .. . . • . . !
, . ... .. . ..- .... .. . _. _ � . . ...... . ,
BLUE -•-MAYOR File �NO. • /���
. � - � � � � Gouncil esolution ��-=���s�
Presented By �' �
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
WHEREAS, the Council of the City of Saint Paul did approve
in Council Resolution Number 7-357 the 1987 Spring Clean-Up
Fund to help neighborhood clea up efforts by paying dumping
fees and mileage to cooperating 1 cal trash haulers; and
WHEREAS, the Administratio has developed guidelines to
implement the clean-up fund p rsuant to the City Council 's
directives; and _
WHEREAS, the Council did end said guidelines in Council
File Number 87-670 to allow up o 25 percent of each District' s
- allocation to be used for perso el and/or refreshments for vol-
unteers; and
WHEREAS, the Downtown Co unity Development Council has
requested additional changes to he guidelines to allow the power
washing of sidewalks and the p rchase of trash receptacles for
the downtown area; and �
WHEREAS, the City Council wishes to expand said request
to include all other District C uncils as well; now, therefore,
be it
RESOLVED, that upon the r commendation of the Mayor, the
Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby amend the guidelines
of the Neighborhood Clean-Up Fun to allow the Downtown Community
Development Council to pay for the power washing of downtown
sidewalks and the purchase of t ash receptacles, within the pre-
viously approved budget of $5, 40.00 provided to the downtown _
area for their clean up; and, be 't
COUNCIL1�tEN Requested by Department of:
Yeas Nays _
In Favor
Against BY
Adopted by Council: Date Form Approved by City Attorney
Certified Passed by Council Sec�etary BY
Approved by Mavor: Date Appcoved by Mayor for Submissioo to Courtcit
By _ By
��''NAq�'; OEPARTMENT GI.TY OF S INT PAUL Council � /�A /
BIUE MAVOR File �0.-��/ // / �
�. �. ,�.� � � � � �uncil esolution . ���s�
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
FURTHER RESOLVED, that th aforementioned guidelines be
amended to allow all other Di trict Councils to also pay for
power washing of sidewalks and he purchase of trash receptacles
within their previously approved udgets:
.':r.•s -BL�ty.� Nays Requested by Department of:
Nicosia {��
Rettman In Favor
S�nnen � _ Against By
W11SOI1 Q�JCj � Z '�$7 Form Approved by City Attorney
:�do��ted t�y Cuuncil: Date
�^rtified V�s•�� Counci , cr By
i r.r:oved : avor: Date 1 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council
�iti'~` $Y
' PlSB�.�S�D ��1�; � � 1987
-------------------------------- AGENOA ITEMS -------------------
ID#: [440 ] DATE REC: [11/04/87] AGEND DATE: [00/00/00] ITEM #: [ ]
STAFF ASSIGNED: [ 7� —Y (/_S' ] SIG:[ OUT—[ ] TO CLERK—{�A8f68�0] !�/,6
[ ]
C.F.# [ ] ORD.# [ ] FILE COMPLETE="X" [ ]
� �r � � � � � � � � �
FILE INFO: [RESOLUTION/C.F. #'S 87-357,670,1 79 ]
C ]
C ]
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