87-1654 M1NITE - CITY CLENK `
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0 inan e Ordinance N 0. - A..��
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Presented By � ' �r
Refe mmittee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
An Ordinance amending Chap ers 60 �hrough
64 and Section 66.405 of t 2 Saint Paul
- Legislative Code pertaini g to zoning.
Section l .
- That Section o0. 201 .A. of the aint Paul Legislative Code
definingr "accessory use" is amended b adding the following:
(13) Air Condi-cion..e_ng conden er.
Section 2.
That Section 50.201 .A. of the aint Paul Legislative Code
is amended by adding i.;�e following de initions :
Ar�ist ' s s-tudio. T� place d signed to be used, or usea.
as , �oth a dwellir�c� r�lace and a place of work by an artis�,
artisan or craf�s�erson, includ'ng persons engaged in the
application, ieacning, or perf rmance of fine arts such
as but not limi-ce�z to drawing, ocal or ins�trumental rnusic ,
painting, sculptu.re , and writing.
Sec'cion 3
That the fol?ovaing i.erms con ained in Sec�ion 60.204.�.
of the Sain� Paul Legisla�ive Co�e ar hereby amended as follows :
�welling, one-family. A b ilding designed exclusively
for and occupied exclusively b one farnily in one dwelling
COUNCILMEN R uested by Department of:
Yeas Nays
Nicosia [n Favor —
Scheibel A ainst BY
so��.� g
� wu�n
_ F rm Approv b City Attorn
Adopted by Council: Date
Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY
Approved by Mayor: Date pproved by or for Submission to Council
By BY .
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Dwelling, two-family. A building designed exclusively
for or occupied by no more than two (2) families living
independently of each other in two separate dwelling units .
Dwelling, three-family. A building designed exclusively
for or occupied exclusively by no more than three ( 3)
families living independently f each other in three separate
dwelling units .
Dwelling, four-family. A building designed exclusively
for or occupied exclusively by no more than four (4) families
living independently of each ther in four separate dwelling
Dwelling, multiple-family. A building, or portion
thereof, designed exclusivel for occupancy by five ( 5)
or more families living in ependently of each other in
individual dwelling units .
Dwelling unit. A buildin , or portion thereof, designed
for occupancy by one family for residential purposes ar3d
�ia�}r�g--eeel�}r3g--�ae}�}�}es u ed or intended to be used
for living, sleeping, and cook ng or eating purposes .
Dwelling, townhouse . A one family dwelling unit , with a
private entrance , which is par of a structure whose dwelling
units are attached horizontally in a linear arrangement ,
sepa�a�e�--��er-a--e�l�e�--dvae��} g--rxr����-�-�-�3��-�va-��--e�
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, r3e-���-r�,- an� having a t tally exposed front and rear
wall to be used for access , li ht , and ventilation.
Section 4.
That the term "Floor Area" con ained in Section 60. 206 of the
Saint Paul Legislative Code is amen ed to read as follows :
Floor area. The sum of the horizontal areas of each
floor of a building, measur d from the �x-t-�r-i-o-r- interior
faces of the exterior wall or from the centerline of
walls separating two building . The floor area measurement
is exclusive of areas of asements , unfinished attics ,
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attached garages , or space use for off-street parking or
loading, breezeways , and enc osed and unenclosed porches ,
elevator or stair bulkheads an accessory structures.
Section 5.
That the term "Housing for th elderly" contained in Section
60. 208 of the Saint Paul Legisla ive Code is amended to read
as follows :
Housing for the elderly. A multiple-family structure ,
controlled by either a publ ' c body, institutional body,
or non-profit corporation, 8 percent of whose occupants
shall be 65 years of age or over.- , or a multiple-family
structure where each unit � s occupied by at least one
person who is 55 years of age or over and is retired,
and where the rental arrang ment includes a requirement
that all members of each ho sehold consume at least one
meal per day in a congrega e dining facility contained
within the multiple-family str cture.
Section 6.
That the term "Lot coverage" contained in Section 60. 212
of the Saint Paul Legislative Code ' s amended as follows :
Lot coverage. The part o percent of the lot occupied
by the above grade portion of buildings �r-�-��c��r�g-aeeesse��
�ti}��}�gs .
Section 7 .
That Section 60.443(2) of the aint Paul Legislative Code is
amended to read as follows :
Rooming and rooming and oarding houses v��hich are not
community residential faciliti s ; provided, that �r-�-ad�}��e�
�e-�l�e-�e�-a�ea-€e�-��ie-dwe��� g-�r�}�;-a-�e�-a�ea-}s-p�e�}ded
e�--er�e-�-��iet�saxd--�;9AA--�c��� e-€e�t--�-o-r=-���-g�e��--�eex�
}r3--�%R-�-t=�-o�-��re-��}--gties�- �r�. a minimum lot area of
5 , 000 square feet be provi ed for the first two guest
rooms and 1 , 000 square fee for each additional guest
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Section 8.
That Section 60.452(2) of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is
amended by renumbering it to 60.452(3) .
Section 9.
That Section 60.452 of the Sai t Paul Legislative Code is
amended by adding the following:
(2) Support services with'n elderly housing as defined
in Section 60.208 .H. includin limited food service , beauty
salon and retail goods sales reas not to exceed 5 percent
of the designated community ro m area.
Section 0.
That Section 60.462( 5) of th Saint Paul Legislative Code
is amended by renumbering it to 60. 62(6) .
Section l .
That Section 60.462 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code
is amended by adding the following:
( 5) Support services wit in elderly housing defined
in Section 60. 208 .H. includin limited food service , beauty
salon and retail goods sales areas not to exceed 5 percent
of the designated community ro m area.
Section 2 .
That Section 60. 532(2) (e) o the Saint Paul Legislative
Code is amended to read as follows :
(2) (e) Theaters , assembl halls , auction halls , bingo
halls , concert halls , rece tion halls or similar places
of assembly when conducted completely within enclosed
buildings .
Section 13.
That Section 60. 542(6) of th Saint Paul Legislative Code
is deleted in its entirety.
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(6) Ser3��ae�e�s'-sl�eps ,--�e- ta�s}de-s�e�aQe .-
Section 4.
That Sections 60. 542(7) to 60. 5 2(14) of the Saint Paul Legis-
lative Code are amended by bein renumbered as 60. 542(6) to
60. 542(13) .
Section 5.
That Section 60. 543 and Sect on 60 . 544 of the Saint Paul
Legislative Code are amended by being renumbered as Section
60. 544 and Section 60. 545 respectively.
Section 6.
That the Saint Paul Legisla ive Code is amended to add
Section 60. 543 as follows :
60. 543 . Required conditi ns. All business , storage,
servicing or processing, ex ept for off-street parking,
loading, and those open air u es indicated as being subject
to special conditions in 60. 544 below shall be conducted
within completely enclosed bui dings .
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'�'.�at Section 60.�13(3) of th ��Saint Paul �gislative 4 Code
is amen�ed to read as fc3�llows : �r, �4:
.� °�,� ,
O Outdoor st�rage areas sh�,ll be fence'�1 or wall�d.
On t se sides of `°Lthe dis rict �ext abuttin�, a publ?:�c
thorou fare or any �,, district oth�:� than an '��ndustri�,l
district the fence sh�ll be totally `'�obscuring to -a heigh''�
of six ( feet . O�t-c�c�o-r--s� �age-�-x���3�g-r�-at��eFaeb���:
s�e�age- �-�-��-be--e-��r- �-�a��--��i�ee-��d-r�-�3�}fl�-€ee�`:.
at Sect ' on 60. 623�(2) of t� Saint Pat�l Legis�:�tive Coc,�e
is amen ed to r�d as follt�ws :
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��) Outd` r storage �may be pe�rmitted, but sha 1 be
fence2�,, or wal ' d. On th�se sides �;of the di`�trict ext
abuttin a publ � thoroughf�^r or any"-; district 'c�ther an
an indus�rial dis ict the f' ce shallY���e totall �bscur
�; � , � Y , 9
to a heigl� of six ��6) feet , e ' ept where �"�nusual to�ograph c
conditions tl~�ender tHt� effect �� fencing ``t,zseless . ''��ta��ee��,
s�e�age-��-l�-�e�--b��=-e�ese�- ��--�l��ee-�rt�'�-f-�4C��--�ee���:.
Section � 9-:
That Section 60.622(1 ) of the Saint Paul Legislative Code
is amended to read as follows :
(1 ) Any uses f-i-�t permi ted in the I-1 District as
"principal uses permitted" exc pt group day care and "princi-
pal uses permitted subject t special conditions" provided
that they meet at least th minimum conditions imposed
in each district.
Section .
That the chart in Section 61 101 of the Saint Paul Legis-
lative Code is amended to read as f llows :
1 ) Add the letter "j " in t e "Minimum Width of Structures
In Feet" column on the RT-l .
2) Add note "g" to the "Area in Square Feet" column
on the "RM-3 Multiple Family esidential" line to reference
bonus provisions for in-struct re parking, etc .
Section .
That Section 61 . 101 (h) of th Saint Paul Legislative Code
is amended to read as follows :
(h) In an RM-1 , RM-2 , or RM-3 District , when two or
more buildings are constructe on the parcel , there shall
be a distance of at least 30 f et between principal buildings .
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Section .
That the chart in Section 61 . 05 of the Saint Paul Legis-
lative Code is amended to read as fo lows :
Add the letter "c" follo ing the figure "4" in the
Minimum Yard Setback, Front column in the P-1 Vehicular
Parking row.
_ ;
Section 3.
That Section 62. 102(a) of the Saint Paul Legislative Code
is amended to read as follows :
(a) Intent. It is the 'ntent of this code to permit
legal nonconforming lots , s ructures , or uses existing
on October 25 , 1975 , to con inue until they are removed
but not to encourage their survival . It is recognized
that there exist within the istricts established by this
code and subsequent amendme ts , lots , structures , and
uses of land and structures hich were lawful before this
code was passed or amended which would be prohibited,
regulated, or restricted un er the terms of this code
or future amendments .
For the purposes of this sec ion, use means the principal
purpose for which land or a building is being occupied.
A use will be presumed leg lly nonconforming if it can
be demonstrated by clear a d convincing evidence that
prior to December 13 , 1976 he use was established, con-
verted, or enlarged and oc upied pursuant to building
permits issued by the city f Saint Paul ; or if it can
be demonstrated by clear a d convincing evidence that
the particular use had bee in existence continuously
for 20 years prior to Decem er 13 , 1976. The burden of
proof shal l be on the a����e� �--��-�-}�n�rrt-o�-ee����}ea�e
e�-eeetzpar-ie�-as-��ie-ease-r�a�-b .- property owner.
Such uses are declared by his code to be incompatible
with permitted uses in the districts involved. It is
further the intent of this c de that nonconformities shall
not be enlarged upon, expan ed or extended, nor be used
as grounds for adding other structures or uses prohibited
elsewhere in the same distr ' ct. A nonconforming use of
a structure , a nonconforming se of land, or a nonconforming
use of a structure and land sh 11 not be extended or enlarged
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after passage of this code y attachment on a building
or premises of additional si ns intended to be seen from
off the premises , or by the addition of other uses of
a nature which would be prohib ted in the district involved.
To avoid hardship , nothing i this code shall be deemed
to require a change in the pla s , construction or designated
use of any building on which ac ual construction was lawfully
begun prior to the effective ate of adoption or amendment
of this code and upon which actual building construction
has been diligently carried on. Actual construction is
hereby defined to include he placing of construction
materials in permanent positi n and fastened in a permanent
manner; except that where emolition or removal of an
existing building has been s bstantially begun preparatory
to rebuilding, such demolitio or removal shall be deemed
to be actual construction, rovided that work shall be
diligently carried on until completion of the building
� �
Section �.
That Section 62. 102(�) of th Saint Paul Legislative Code
is amended to read as follows :
(�) Nonconforming lots . I any district in which single-
family dwellings are permitte , notwithstanding limitations
imposed by other provisions f this code , a single-family
dwelling and customary acces ory buildings may be erected
on any single lot of record at the effective date of adoption
or amendment of this code . This provision shall apply
even though such lot fails to meet the requirements for
area or width, or both, that re applicable in the district ;
provided that yard dimensio s and other requirements not
involving area or width, or oth, of the lot shall conform
to the regulations for the district in which such lot
is located. Yard requirem nt variances may be obtained
through approval of the board of zoning appeals .
�-:If three or more lots or co binations of lots and portions
of lots with continuous stre t frontage in single ownership
are of record on the effecti e date of this code or amend-
ments thereto , and if all or part of the lots do not meet
the requirements for lot w' dth and area as established
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by this code, the lands involved shall be considered to
be an undivided parcel for t e purpose of this code , and
no portion of said parcel sh 11 be used or occupied which
does not meet lot width and rea requirements established
by this code , nor shall an division of the parcel be
made which leaves remaining any lot with width or area
below the requirements stated i this code .
Section .
That Section 62. 102(e) (8) of the Saint Paul Legislative
Code is amended to read as follows :
(8) In any R-1 , R-2 , R-3 , and R-4 District, an existing
two family residential use shall not be nonconforming
as to the use of structure a d land, and may be enlarged,
extended, reconstructed or ltered provided the minimum
yard setback requirements o the �}s��}e�--�r3--wk�e13--��
�s--�eea�e� RT-1 District a e met and that the maximum
percentage of the lot occupi d by the main building does
not exceed that allowed.
Section .
That Section 62. 103(b) of th Saint Paul Legislative Code
is amended to read as follows :
(b) Site plan required. No---bt�i�.-�-i�--�e����;--e�eep�
�e�--er3e--ar3d--�vae--€�r�t�-��- ��ir�,---s�.�1-1--�-����ed--�e�
��ie--cor�s-tr��ti-o-r�--o�-a��--�� -o�-�=-s��ee�--par�i�g-�a���}���
e�-��e--���3g--e�-���r-�x3.�3 -�i��--�o-t,- No off-street
parking facility shall be esta lished, nor shall any existing
unimproved lot be paved un ess and until the planning
commission has approved a sit plan for the facility meeting
the standards and regulatio s contained in this section.
Section 62. 104, and Section 62. 108 . Site plans for one
ar3d-��o to four family dwelling units -s��a-1-1 may be approved
by the zoning administrator.
f �.
Section ��-.
That Section 62. 104(3) of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is
amended to read as follows :
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(3) Parking facility locat ' on: non-residential . Off-
street parking for other th n residential use shall be
either (a) on the same zoning lot, (b) in a P-1 Vehicular
Parking District, or (c) withi the same or a less restric-
tive zoning district as the rincipal use and within 300
feet of the building it is intended to serve , measured
from the nearest point of he building to the nearest
point of the off-street parkin lot .
� �
Section .
That Section 62. 104( 11 ) of the Saint Paul Legislative
Code is amended to read as follows :
(11 ) Setback. Except as therwise provided in Section
6A.-��� 60. 573( 3) or Section :-3-0-3-(� 61 . 103(a) , off-street
parking spaces shall not be within a required front or
side yard and shall be a m' nimum of four feet from any
side lot line.
Section �33.
That Section 62. 106(2) of th Saint Paul Legislative Code
is amended to read as follows :
(2) Accessory buildings , tructures or uses shall not
be erected or established i �r� a required yard except
a rear yard.
On corner lots , accessory buil ings , structures , or uses
shall be set back from the str et a distance equal to that of
the principal structure.
When an accessory building st ucture , or use is constructed
in a rear yard which adjoin a side or front yard, the
accessory building, structur or use shall be set back
from the interior lot line a distance equal to the minimum
side yard required in the dist ict in which located.
On all other lots , accessor buildings shall be set back
at least three feet from all i terior lot lines .
This setback requirement of three feet from all interior
lot lines shall be waived when a maintenance easement
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is recorded on the deeds of all affected properties and
when proof of such recorded easement is provided at the
time of application for a bu' lding permit. The recording
of the maintenance easement hall be interpreted to mean
that the following intents nd purposes of this setback
requirement are met:
(a) Adequate supply of sunlight and air to adjacent property;
(b) Sufficient space for mai tenance of the building from
the same lot ; and
(c) Prevention of damage to adjoining property by fire
or runoff from roofs .
� T�
Section .
That Section 62. 106(5) of th Saint Paul Legislative Code
is amended to read as follows :
(5) In those instances w ere the rear lot line or a
side lot line is coterminous with the alley right-of-way
the accessory building shall not be closer than one foot
to such rear lot lines .
- `^�
Section ?r� .
That Section 62. 108(a) (7) o the Saint Paul Legislative
Code is amended to read as follows :
(7) All off-street parkin facilities -�-o-�=-�er�-�r=-a�e�e
s�aees .- except as noted in sec ion 62 . 103(b) .
, s�a
Secti n �.
That Section 62 . 108(d) of th Saint Paul Legislative Code
is amended to read as follows :
(d) Compliance and time requirements . The planning
commission may make such r quirements with respect to
the above matters as to ssure compliance with them.
When changes are required, the revised site plan shall
be submitted within six mont s from the date the applicant
was notified of required chan es . The planning administrat-
or may grant extensions . The property must be brought
1 .
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into compliance with the ap roved site plan within one
year of the date of approv 1 or as otherwise specified
by the zoning administrator.
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Section 3.
That Section 62. 112 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code
is amended to read as follows :
62. 112. Corner clearance. No fence , wall , shrubbery,
sign or other obstruction to vision above a height of
two (2) feet from the es�a ��sl�ed--�tn�t-��s average
grade of the property shall b permitted within the triangu-
lar area formed at the inters ction of any street right-of-
way lines by a straight line drawn between said right-of-
way lines at a distance along each line equal to the minimum
setback lines from their point of intersection.
Section �4-.
That Section 64. 300 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code
is amended by renumbering 64. 300(e) through 64. 300(g) as 64. 300(f)
through 64. 300(h) .
Section �5.
That Section 62. 113 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code
is moved in its entirety and ren mbered as subd. � of Section
64. 300(�) . �
Section '�6.
That Section 63 . 107 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code
is amended to read as follows :
63.107. Projection into yards . (a) Overhangs , ar��
decorative details , and bay windows may project into a
required yard sixteen (16) inches plus two (2) inches
for each foot of width of the required side yard.
(b) Open, unenclosed, uncover d steps or platforms not ex-
ceeding two feet in height may project three ( 3) feet
into a required yard.
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(c) Ramps for the handicapped are exempted and may project
into required yards .
(d) Chimneys and fireplaces may project one foot into
a required yard.
(e) Attached vestibules an greenhouses not exceeding
twenty (20) square feet in ar a may project into a required
front or rear y
Section ,'�.
That Section 64. 100 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code
is amended to read as follows :
64.�� �
� . Enforcement. he director of the division
of �io�-a���g-�-�il�i-�g-c.��- r}€-c}�c-er�ter-�� building inspection
and design within the depa tment of community services
shall enforce this code and i hereby designated the zoning
Section .
66 .405 . Exemptions . T e following signs shall not
require a ��ee�se permit . These exemptions shall not
be construed as relieving th owner of the sign from the
responsibility of its erect ' on and maintenance, and its
compliance with the provisi ns of this chapter or any
other law or ordinance regulat ng the same.
(1 ) The changing of the displa surface on a pointed or
printed sign only. Howeve , this exemption shall apply
only to poster replacement and/or on site changes in-
volving sign painting else here than directly on a
(2) Signs six square feet or 1 ss in size .
( 3) Lettering on motor vehicle when not utilized as a parked
or stationary outdoor disp ay sign.
(4) Political signs .
13 .
CAMAI�V - pEPARTMENT x/� �,r��j
�BLUE - FMVOR , Flle NO• `l�_��//�✓ �
Ordin� CG Ordinance N 0. ��
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
Section 3
This Ordinance shall take ef ect and be in force thirty
( 30) days from and after its passa e, approval and publication.
COUNCILMEN equested by Department of:
Yeas ��N� Nays
„ .,.e...
..au;.a,;a C�r-��w i 1x- / In Favor —
s�ne�bai � Against BY
Adopted by Council: Date JAN -6 �98$ Form Approv by City Attorney
Certified Pa s oun il Sec ar BY
Approved by Mayor: te N " i Appr ayor for Submi on Cou
�LISI� �N N 1 % 1988
--�� ..� . . . ��� - ( r..f
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� ; 1y� 011084 �
- _ Planninq &� Economic Develoa.�EP��rrr � � /7��'°`l"
Chuck McGujre CONTACT NA1�
22€s-3364 PHONE
. Au�us� 26. 1987 DATE .
ASSIGN NU�BER FOR ROiJTING ORDER: (See reverse side.) [,�� -
�epartment Director � or (or Assista t)
_ Finance and Iianagement Services Director �'�+ Cit� Clerk
Budget Director Q•�
.� Allen Loveinv
City, Attorney
G : �_ (Clip al locationa Eor $ignaturn.) -
N D ? {Purpo�e/Rationala)
Zoning Text Amendraents VI if: approved by the May r and Council will add needed zoning. cade \'`.
defi�nitions, revise some..code definitions for gr ater clarity and ease of at�ninistration,
permit the expansion of services for senior citi ens, tighten restrictions on nvn-conforming
uses and correct errors in the zan:ing text. In eneral , the amendments pr�posed in this
package are of a "housekeeping nature". ,
flS g T
No added costs are anticipated as .a resul.t of. th proposed amendments. The city and
resider�ts wi�l benefit from improved administrat on and enforcement of the zon�ng code
made possible by the proposed amendments. ��
AuG ��:�s�r
, AC VI E D:
(Mayor's signature aot required if under $10,000 ) �Y�,��f rr
Total Amount of Transaction: �/q Activity Nualber: N/A
Funding Source: N/A ��'
ATTACHZIENTS: (List and number all attachments.) pC^C'�rD
f�G�rG G �
1. Planning Commission Resolution #87-91 dated 8 i�/87
2. Zoning Text Amendments VI Report AU G 2 7 19$� '
3, C..�-c. 1.,..�'�c.-, �srs.� ro G:�+� Go�....,c✓r
_Yes _No Rules, Regulations, Procedures, or Budget Amendment required?
_Yes _No If yes, are they or timetable a tached?
_Yes No Couacil resolution required� � Reaolution ?required? _Yes _No
_Yes _No Insurance required4 ' insurance sufficient? _Yes _No
_Yes No Insurance attached7
� `,h,:.
, ���7/�j�
• s�lt'!ia'!t `
Legislative Aide
DATE: December 9, 1987
T0: City Councilmembers
FROM: Kiki Sonnen
RE: Sonnen's Proposed Changes to Zoni g Text Amendments VI
As the Council requested, here are my pr posed changes to the Text
Amendments which will be discussed at th December lOth Council meeting:
* Change 4�1, see page 3 of the ordinance, ouncil file ��87-1654, Section
60.433(2) .
THE CURRENT CODE READS: "Lot coverage. The part or percent of the lot
occupied by the above grade portion of b ildings including accessory
THE PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDS: "Lo coverage. The part or percent of
�he lot occupied by the above grade port on of buildings �ae�c����g seee9se��*
MY RECOMMENDATION IS: Adopt the Plannin Commission recommendation.
THE REASON FOR MY RECOMMENDATION IS: Or ginally, I had thought we should
stick with the current code. However, I have changed my mind and now I
support the Planning Commission recommen ation because after further review,
I found that my zoning code book on was � ot completely up to date. After
getting a current copy of the code and r viewing the existing language, I
believe that the Planning Commission rec mmendation is sound.
* Change ��2 see page 5 of the ordinance, C uncil file ��87-1654, Section
60.613(3) .
�'HE CURRENT CODE READS: "Outdoor storag areas shall be fenced or walled.
On those sides of the district next abut ing a public thoroughfare or any
district other than an industrial distri t, the fence shall be totally
obscuring to a height of six (6) feet. utdoor storage excepting new
automobile storage shall not be closer t an three hundred (300) feet to any
residential districts."
a�.�. s
� ���� I�S�(
Sonnen's Proposed Changes to Zoning Text mendments VI
Page Two
THE PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDS: "Out oor storage areas shall be fenced
or walled. On those sides of the distric next abutting a public
thoroughfare or any district other than a industrial district, the fence
shall be totally obscuring to a height of six (6) feet. 6n��ee� 9�e�ege
e�ee��#ag aea et��emeb#�e 9�e�age she�� ae be e�eser �i�ea ���ee �na�re�
�38A} €ee� �e ea� �es#�en�#s� d#9���e�s."
MY RECOMMENDATION IS: "Outdoor storage a eas shall be fenced or walled. On
those sides of the district next abutting a public thoroughfare of any
district other than an industrial district, the fence shall be totally
obscuring to a height of six (6) feet. tdoor storage excepting new
automobile storage shall not be closer t n three hundred (300) feet to any
residential districts."
THE REASON FOR MY RECOMMENDATION IS: Th 300 foot distance requirement is
necessary to provide aesthetic, visual a d environmental protection. The
distance requirement reduces the negativ aesthetic and visual impact
particularly when large, tall mounds of aterials are stored.. The obscuring
fence or wall which is required is often imes an inadequate protection
because the piles of junk or debris are ftentimes significantly higher than
six feet. For example, the Bolander Con rete Crushing operation on Capp
Road stores crushed gravel to about 20-3 feet high. A storage area at
Butler and Prior up until recently store crushed rock up to 15 feet high.
And some auto junk yards west of 280 sto e materials 15 to 20 feet high.
The second reason for keeping the distan e requirement between industrial
and residential areas is to reduce dust nd other air pollution impacts. In
the case of outdoor storage of crushed r ek, I get many complaints on windy
days that the dust was blowing across on to adjacent property. In many
cases, it appeared that 300 feet may not be adequate but it was better than �
nothing. The airborne particles was not an issue that was able to be.
handled by either the Public Health Depa tment or the Pollution Control
Agency because it was a localized issue.
The Planning staff has stated that the 3 0 foot distance requirement is
proposed for deletion because the requir ment is not currently enforced.
That is not always the case. My office as involved with the zoning
enforcement division and successfully us d this section of the code to have
piles of crushed rock removed from areas within 300 feet of residential
Lastly, I would like to see the 300 foot distance requirement maintained
because the requirement will be a centra issue to a zoning case which will
soon be before the Planning Commission a d will probably come to the City
Council on appeal. The case involves Bu lington Northern Railroad and its
outdoor storage at Pierce Butler and Fai view at its trailer-on-a-flatcar
site. In reviewing the railroad's site lan propo�al, Jan Gasterland issued
a ruling based on this 300 foot require nt and I think it would be
premature for the City Council to delete this section of the code.
� ��� /����
Sonnen's Proposed Changes to Zoning Text Amendments VI
Page Three
* Change 4�3, see pages 5 and 6 of the ordi ance, Council file 4�87-1654,
Section 60.623(2).
THE CURRENT CODE READS: "Outdoor storag may be permitted, but shall be
fenced or walled. On those sides of the district next abutting a public
thoroughfare or any district other than n industrial district, the fence
shall be totally obscuring to a height o six (6) feet, except where unusual
topographic conditions render the effect of fencing useless. Outdoor
storage shall not be closer than three h ndred (300) feet to any residential
THE PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDS: "Ou door storage may be permitted, but
shall be fenced or walled. On those sid of the district next abutting a
public thoroughfare or any district othe than an industrial district, the
fence shall be totally obscuring to a he'ght of six (6) feet, except where
unusual topographic conditions render th effect of fencing useless.
8tt��ee� s�e�sge 9�8�} ae� be e�ese� ��esa .���ee �aa��e� {388} �ee� �e a��
�es��ea��s� ��s���e�-n
MY RECOMMENDATION IS: "Outdoor storage ay be permitted, but shall be
fenced or walled. On those sides of the district next abutting a public
thoroughfare or any district other than industrial district, the fence
shall be totally obscuring to a height o six (6) feet, except where unusual
topographic conditions render the effect of fencing useless. Outdoor
storage shall not be closer than three h dred (300) feet to any residential
THE REASON FOR MY RECOMMENDATION IS: Th same arguments as above for change
4�2. The only difference between Section 60.613(3) and Section 60.623(2) is
that the former relates to I-1 districts and the latter relates to I-2
districts. All the issues and concerns 've raised are the same for both
zoning categories.
* Change ��4, see page 6 of the ordinance, ouncil file ��87-1654, Section
60.622(1) .
THE CURRENT CODE READS: "Any uses first ermitted in the I-1 District as
'principal uses permitted' and 'principa uses permitted subject to special
conditions' provided that they meet at 1 st the minimum conditions imposed
in each district."
THE PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDS: "An uses €��s� permitted in the I-1
District as 'principal uses permitted' e ce t rou da care and 'principal
uses permitted subject to special condit' ns` provided that they meet at
least the minimum conditions imposed in e ch district."
MY RECONIl��ENDATION IS: "Any uses first pe itted in the I-1 District as
'principal uses permitted' exce t rou care and 'principal uses
permitted subject to special conditions' rovided that they meet at least
the minimum conditions imposed in each d"strict."
, ���_���
Sonnen's Proposed Changes to Zoning Text endments VI
Page Four
THE REASON FOR MY RECOMMENDATION: I beli vP the difference between the
definition of I-1 and I-2 zones needs to e maintained. I-1 zoning is
intended to acco�odate wholesale, wareho se activities and clean light
industry. In I-2 zoning, the use is inte ded primarily for heavier
manufacturing, assembling and other large scale industrial operations. In
some cases, industrial operations have ef ects not only within the zoning
area but beyond it into the surrounding d stricts. This is acknowledged in
the current zoning code by differentiatin between I-1 and I-2 zones.
I do not believe that all uses allowed in a B-3 zone would be compatible
with an I-2 zone. For example, under the existing code, a B-3 use, let's say
a McDonald's Restaurant, is allowed in a -1 district, but not in an I-2
district. A McDonald's is more or less c mpatible with a bottling plant in
an I-1 district. But is a McDonald's com atible with a ferrous foundry?
Allowing two such diverse uses adjacent t each other in the same zoning
district could create unnecessary conflic s between business neighbors.
My other concern about the Planni.ng Commi sion's recommendation is that it
would circumvent efforts to "down zone" p rcels of property. Down zoning of
several I-2 areas to I-1 areas are goals dentified in several district
plans. Down zoning would not occur if th Planning Commission's proposal to '
allow less intense uses in heavy industri 1 areas is passed. Less intensive
uses in I-2 areas would then never be abl to enjoy the protections zoning
classifications provide.
cc: Peggy Reicher, PED
Chuck McGuire, PED
Jerry Segal, City Attorney
Section 1 . .
That Section 60.532(2) (3) of the Sa nt Paul Legislative Code is amended
to read as follows:
(2) (e) Theaters, assembly halls auction halls, bingo halls,
concert halls, reception halls or s milar places of assembly when
conducted completely within enclose buildings.
� �� ��J�
� ZON G CODE �60.634
Subdivision 3. 60.630. B-2 h. Physical culture and health clubs and
Community Business District reducing salons.
i. Food catering establishments. `..
Sec. 60.531. Intent. (3) Churches and community recreation centers.
The B-2 Community Business District is intended (4) Other uses similar to the above uses.
to serve the needs of a consumer population larger (5) Accessory buildings, structures and uses
than that served by the"Local Business District," as defined in Section 60.201.
and ia generally characterized by a cluster of es- (Code 1956, §60.492;Ord.No. 16956,9-9-82;Ord.
tabliahments generating large volumes of vehicu- No. 17204, 1-15-85)
lar and pedestrian traffie.
(Code 1956, § 60.491) Sec. 60.533. Required conditions.
Sec., 60.b32. Principal uses permitted. �e following conditions shall be required of all
uses in the B-2 Community Business District:
In a B-2 Community Business District the use (1) All business establishments shall be retail
�of land,the lceation and erection of new buildings or service establishments dealing directly
or atructures, and the alteration,enlargement and with consumers. All goods provided on the
moving of existing buildings or structures from premises ahall be sold at retail on the prem-
other locations or districts shall conform to the isea where produced.
following specified usea unless otherwise provided �2) All busineas,servicing or processing,except
in this code: for off street parking,loading and those open
(1) All principal uses permitted in a B-1 District. air uses indicated as being subject to spe-
� (2) All retail business, service establishmenta � cial conditions in Section 60.534 below shall
� be conducted within completely enclosed
�_ , or prceessing uses as follows: buildings. �
a. Any retail business whose principal ac- (Code 1956, § 60.493)
tivity is the sale of inerchandise in an "
enclosed building. Sec. 60.634. Principal uses permitted subject
b. Any service establishment of an office, to special conditions.
showroom or workshop nature of a con- The following additional uses ahall be permit-
tractor (including, but not limited to, ted,subject to the conditions hereinafter imposed
plumbing,heating,air conditioning,elec- for each use and subject to the review and ap-
trical, mechanical), decorator, dressmak- proval of the planning commission:
er, tailor, baker, painter, upholsterer, (1) All uses as permitted and regulated in the
or an establishment doing radio ar home B-1 Local Business District under princi-
• appliance repair, photographic reproduc- pal uses permitted subject to apecial con-
tion and similar service establishments. ditions.
c. Private clubs, fraternal organizations
and lodge halls. (2) Open air uses within a planned shopping
d. Restaurants, or other places serving center as followa:
food or beverages, except drive-in or a. Retail sales of plants not grown on the
fast food restaurants. site, lawn furniture, playground equip-
�. m�sa�rs.�ly�lls,�h$lle`' ment, and garden supplies; provided,
;Q��:�af seeemtbly arh�pt OodG further, that such use shall be lceated
�htebed oompie�01�withit►elmCloeet�;bu�l� at the end or rear of the building.
in6s� b. Recreational space providing children's
f. Business schools, nonacademic colleges amusement park and other similar rec-
or trade schools operated for pro�t. reation when part of a planned shop-
g. Mail order houses. ping center development;provided,fur-
� b6
��7/�� -
� ZONI CODE §60.634
Subdivision 3. 60.530. B-2 h. Physical culture and health clubs and
Community Business District reducing salons.
i. Food catering establishments. �`�
Sec. 60.581. Intent. (3) Churches and community recreation centers.
The&2 Community Business District is intended (4). Other uses aimilar to the above uses.
to serve the needs of a consumer population larger (5) Accessory buildings, structures and uses
than that served by the"Local Business District," as defined in Section 60.201.
and is generally characterized by a cluster of es- (Code 1956, § 60.492;Ord.No. 16956,9-9-82;Ord.
tablishments generating large volumea of vehicu- No. 17204, 1-15-85)
lar and pedestrian tr�e.
(Code 1956, § 60.491) Sec. 60.533. Required conditions.
Sec., 60.632. Principal uses permitted. The following conditions shall be required of all
usea in the B-2 Community Business District:
In a B-2 Community Business District the use (1) All business establishments shall be retail
�of land,the location and erection of new buildings or service establishmenta dealing directly
or structures, and the alteration, enlargement and with consumers. All goods provided on the
moving of existing buildings or structurea from premises shall be sold at retail on the prem-
other lceations or districts ahall conform to the ises where produced.
following specified uaes unless otherwise provided �2) All business, servicing or processing,except
in this code: for off-street parking, loading and those open
(1) All principal uaes permitted in a&1 District. air uses indicated as being subject to spe-
� (2) All retail business, service establishments � cial conditions in Section 60.534 below shall
be conducted within completely enclosed
�,__ or prceessing uses as follows: buildings. �
a. Any retail business whose principal ac- (Code 1956, § 60.493)
tivity is the sale of inerchandise in an "
enclosed building. Sec. 60.534. Principal uses permitted subject
b. Any service establishment of an office, to special conditions.
ahowroom or workshop nature of a con- The following additional uses shall be permit-
tractor (including, but not limited to, ted,subject to the conditions hereinafter%imposed
plumbing,heating,air conditioning,elec- for each use and subject to the review and ap-
trical, mechanical), decorator, dressmak- proval of the planning commission:
er, tailor, baker, painter, upholsterer, (1) All uses as permitted and regulated in the
� ar an establishment doing radio or home B-1 Local Business District under princi-
• appliance repair, photographic reproduc- pal uses permitted subject to special con-
tion and similar service establishments. ditiona.
c. Private clubs, fraternal organizations
and lodge halls. (2) Open air uses within a planned shopping
d. Restauranta, or other places serving center as follows:
food or beverages, except drive-in or a. Retail sales of plants not grown on the
fast food reataurants. site, lawn furniture, playground equip-
e. The�►tets,as�mbly hal�,conc�ert ha11�'. ment, and garden suppliea; provided,
ac 43fmilst'�af�snnb�r when e�on�' further,that such use shall be located
d�'oom�ietely vvlt�in encl�eed bu'k� at the end or rear of the building.
�. b. Recreational space providing children'a
f. Business schools, nonacademic colleges amusement park and other similar rec-
or trade schools operated for profit. reation when part of a planned ahop-
g. Mail order houses. ping center development;provided,fur-
J 56
Section 2.
That Section 60.532(2)(3) of the S int Paul Legislative Code is amended
to read as follows:
(2) (e) Theaters, assembly hall , auction halls, bingo halls,
concert halls, reception halls or imilar places of assembly when
conducted completely within enclos d buildings.
a�wf�.cs%+,3�„ ,� Y"s s •y� +� � �R a^„ ` ��'9+' r La�`� S s ?�' �"'".. � ",t t�i�° „�
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. . '� � �,.-.�r_����(/
�t*�o. � � CITY OF S INT PAUL �2(�
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���� 347 CIT HALL � ��,
GEORGE LATIMER (612) 2 8-4323
August 31, 1987
Members of the City Council
Seventh Floor, City Hall
Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102
Dear Council Members:
Attached is Zoning Text Amendments VI, a collection of minor zoning
amendments of a housekeeping nature. e Planning Division and Planning
Commission periodically do packages of inor zoning code changes in
response to changing conditions and pro lems that have arisen.
Zoning Text Amendments VI add certain d finitions to the code, revise
other definitions for greater clarity a d ease of administration, permit
the expansion of services for senior ci izens, tighten restrictions on
nonconforming uses and correct errors i the zoning text.
The Planning Commission sent these amen ents to community groups for
their review and held a public hearing. The Planning Commission
unanimously recotnmended adoption of the e amendments, and I also
recommend that you adopt them. Please irect any questions to Chuck
McGuire (228-3364) or Larry Soderholm ( 28-3362) of the Planning
Division staff.
Very truly yours,
orge atim
cc: A1 Olson
Allen Lovejoy
__ _ _. - -------(RET_URN. ZQ__1IERQME_S�� � �1FTER _RDOPTION�---- _------ ------..-- --------
� Z �nce Ordinance N 0. �7.�� �
Presented By
Referred To _ Committee: Date _
Out of Committee� By Date —
An Ordinance amendin Chapters 60 through
64 and Section 66.40 of the Saint Paul
Legislative Code per aining to zoning.
Secti n 1 .
That :>ection 60.201 .A. of he Saint Paul Legislative Code .
defining "accessory use" is amend d by adding the following:
(13) Air Conditionin co denser.
Secti n 2.
That :�ection 60.201 .A. of he Saint Paul Legislative Code
is amended by adding the followin definitions:
Artist' s studio. A la e desi ed to be used, or used
as, both a dwellin lace a d a lace of work b an artist,
artisan or craf'ts erson, in ludin ersons en a ed in the
application, teachin , or erformance of fine arts such
as but not limited to drawin , vocal or instrumental music ,
paintin� , scul ture, and writin .
Sectio 3.
. That �the following terms ontained in Section 60.204.D.
� of the Sain��, Paul LPgislative Code are hereby amended as follows:
Dwe:lling, one-family. A building designed exclu�ively
for and occupied exclusively by one family in one dwelling
COUNCILMFN Requested by Department of:
Yeas Nays
N��os�. In Favor —
Scheibsi A ainst BY —
sonn.� — g —
Form Approv b City Attorn
Adopted by Council: Date
CertiEied Passed by Council Secretary BY
ey l
Aparoved by Mayor: Date Approved by or for Submission to Council
Rv —_ Rv
� - C��7� ��5�/
Dwelling, two-family. A building designed exclusively
for or occupied by no mo e than two ( 2) families living
independently of each othe in two separate dwellin units.
Dwelling, three-family. A building designed exclusively
for or occupied exclusiv ly by no mor�e than three (3)
families living independent y of each other in three separate
dwelling units . -
Dwelling, four-family. A building d�signed exclusively
for or occupied exclusively by no more than four (4) families
living independently of eac other in four separate dwelling
Dwelling, multiple-fami y. A building, or portion
thereof, designed exclusiv ly for occupancy by five ( 5)
or more families living ndependently of each other in
individual dwelling units. —
Dwelling unit. A build'ng, or portior� thereof, designed
for occupancy by one fami y for resideritial purposes a��
k�a���g--eeel��xg--€ae�����es used or intended to be used
for livin , sleeping, and co kin or eatinc urposes.
Dwelliny, townhouse. A o e-family dwel::ing unit, with a
private entrance , ?Nhich is p rt of a struci;ure whose dwelling
unit� are attached horizon ally in a linear arrangement,
se�a�a�ed--��ex�--e�l�e�--�we� }r�g--����s�--l�--a--�'3-�e--�a��--e�
wa��s--e�c�e�d��g--#'��rt--�' i-o-r�--t�r�g�--�13e--�ee�--w}�k
�e-�'�i�'�s,- an3 having a totally exposed front and rear
wall to be used for access, ight, and vent;ilation.
Secti n 4.
That the term '�Floor Area" c ntained in Section 60.206 of the
Saint Paul Legislative Code is am nded to read �is follows :
Floor area. The sum o the horizontal areas of each
floor of a building, measu ed from the �xt�-i-c��- i.nterior
faces of the exte'rior wa ls or from '�he centerline of
walls separating two buildi gs. The floor area measurement
is exclusive of areas of basements , L�nfinished attics ,
. . � � ��z-���-�
attached garages , c�r space use for off-street parking or
loading, breezeways, and enclosed and unenclosed porches ,
elevator or stair bulkheads a accessory structures.
Sectio 5.
That the term "Housing for th elderly" contained in Section
60. 208 of the Saint Faul Legisl tive Code is amended to read
as follows :
Housing for th�� elderly. A multiple-family structure,
controlled by eit:her a pub ic body, institutional body,
or non-profit corporation, 0 percent of whose occupants
shall be 65 years of age o over.- , or a multiple-family .
structure where E�ach unit is occupied by at least one
person who is 55 years of age or over and is retired,
and where the rental arran ement includes a re uirement
that all members of each h usehold consume at least one
meal per day in a congreg te dinin facility contained
within the multiple�-family st ucture.
Sectio 6.
That the term "Lc�t coveray " contained in Section 60.212
of the Saint Paul Legis:Lative Code is amended as follows :
Lot coverage. The part r percent of the lot occupied
by the above gradE� portion o buildings ���-i���g-aeeesse��
Sectio 7.
, That Section 60.44:3(2) of the Saint Paul Legislative Cocle is
• amended to read as follc�ws :
Rooming and rooming and boarding houses which are not
community residential facilities ; provided, that �r�-a��}��e�
�e-�t�e-�e�-a�ea-�e��-�l�e-dvae�� �Q-t��}�;-a-�e�-a�ea-�s-g�e��de�l
. • e�--er�e--�l�et�sar�c�---�;AAB--�tt pe-fe�t--��-r--�r-g�e��--�eer�
��--�=�-��-o�-�we•-�-�}--gtzes� �r�. a minimum lot area of '
5,000 square fee�: be rov ded for the first two uest
' rooms and 1 , 000 square fe t for each additional est
� � ��� 1��
Secti n 8 .
That Section 60.452(2) of th Saint Paul Legislative Code is
amended by renumbering it to 60.4 2(3) . "
Secti n 9.
That Section 60.452 of the S int Paul Legislative Code is
amended by adding the following:
(2) Support services wi hin elderly housin as ciefined
in Section 60. 208 .H. includ'n limited food service, beaut
salon and retail oods sal s areas not to exceed 5 ercent
of the c�esi nated communit oom area.
Secti n 10.
That Section 60.462( 5) of he Saint Paul Legislative Code
is amEnded by renumbering it to 6 .462(6) .
Secti n 11 .
'I'hat Section 60.462 of t e Saint Paul Legislativ�� Code
is amended by adding the followin :
( S) Support services ithin elderl housin defined
i.n Section 60. 208.H. includ n limited food service, beauty
salon and retail goods sale areas not to exceed 5 �ercent
of the desi nated community oom area.
Sectio 12.
That Section 60. 532(2) (e) of the Saint Paul Legi:�lative
Code is amended �o read as follow :
(2) (e) Theaters , assem ly halls , auction halls , bingo
ha11_s, concert halls , rece tion halls or similar places
of assembly when conduct d completely within er�closec�
buildings . .
Sectio ].3.
That Section 60. 542(6) of he Saint Paul Legislative Code
is deleted in its entirety.
' • �",�7/��
(6) 6e���ae�e�s'-sl�eps;-� -et��s��e-s�s�ageT
Section ].4.
That Sections 60. 542(7) to 60. 542(14) of the Saint Paul Legis-
lative Code are amended by bei g renumbered as 60. 542(6) to
60. 542( 13) .
Section ].5.
That Section 60. 543 and Sec i.on 60. 544 of the Saint Paul
Legislative Code are amended by being renumbered as Section
60. 544 and Section 60. 545 respectiv ly.
Section J.6.
That the Saint Paul Legisl t:ive Code is amended to add
Section 60. 543 as follows :
60. 543. Required condit �ns . All business , storage,
servicing or processin , ex ept for off-street parking,
loadin , and those open air �;es indicated as being subject
to special conditions in 60 '�44 below shall be conducted
within completely enclosed bui dings•
Section :_7.
That Section 60. 613( 3) of th Saint Paul Legislative Code
is amended to read as follows :
( 3) Outdoor storage are :a shall be fenced or walled.
On those sides of the dis :^ict next abutting a public
- � thoroughfare or any distri i; other than an industrial
' district, the fence shall be ��otally obscuring to a height
of six (6) feet. C3�-t-dc}o-n--s� �a�e-�x��3-r�g--r}e�va--ax�er�e�}�e
s�e�age--���-�-��-be-��n� ��--�k�Ee--3�r�kn�ec�-�3�}E}�-€ee�
' , Section =_8. .
That Section 60. 623(2) of th Saint Paul Legislative Code
is amended to read as follows :
. . ��-���
(2) Outdoor storage m y be permitted, but shall be
fenced or walled. On th se sides of the district next
abutti�g a public thoroughf re or any district other than
an industrial district, the fence shall be totally obscuring
to a height of six (6) feet, except where unusual topographic
conditions render the effec of fencing useless. Ax��ee�
s�e�age-�a-1�-�e�--b�-e�ese -��-��i�ee-�x�d-�}--E-304}--�ee�
Sectio 19.
That Section 60.622(1 ) of he Saint Paul Legislative Code
is amended -�o read as follows :
( 1 ? Any uses f-i-�t per itted in the I-1 District as
"principal uses permitted" e cept rou da care and "princi-
pal uses permitted subject to special conditions" provided
that �hey meet at least he minimum conditions imposed
in each district.
Sectio 20.
That the chart in Section 1 . 101 of the Saint Paul Legis-
lative Code is amended to read as ollows :
1 ) .4dd the letter "j " in he "Minimum Width of Structures
In Feet" column on the RT-1 .
2) Add note "g" to the "Area in Square Feet" column
on the "RM-3 Multiple Family Residential" line to reference
bonus ��rovisi�ns for in-struc ure parking, etc.
Sectio 21 .
That Section 61 . 101 (h) of t e Saint Paul Legislative Code
is amended t;o read as follows :
(h) In an RM-1 , RM-2, or RM-3 District, when two or
more buildings are construct d on the parcel , there shall
be a d�stancP of at least 30 eet between principal buildings.
. . � �-�-7_���
Secti n 22.
That the chart in Section 61 . 105 of the Saint Paul Legis-
lative Code is amended to read as follows:
Add the letter "c" fo lowing the figure "4" in the
Minimum Yard Setback, Fro t column in the P-1 Vehicular
Parking row.
Secti 23.
That Section 62. 102(a) of he Saint Paul. Legislative Code
is amended to read as follows :
(a) Intent. It is th intent of tr�is code to permit
legal nonconforming lots, structures , or uses existing
on October 25, 1975, to c ntinue until they are removed
but not to encourage thei survival . It is recognized
that there exist within th districts es:tablished by this �
code and subsequent amen ments, lots, structures, and
uses of land and structure which were :Lawful before this
code was passed or amend d which would be prohibited,
regulated, or restricted nder the ter�ms of. this code
or future amendments .
For the purposes of this s ction, use me�ans the principal
purpose for which land or a building is being occupied.
A use will be presumed 1 gally nonconforming if it can
be demonstrated by clear and convincing evidence that
prior to December 13 , 1976 the use was established, con-
verted, or enlarged and ccupied pursuant to building
permits issued by the city of Saint Pa��l ; or if it can
� be demonstrated by clear and convincing evidence that
the particular use had b en in existence continuously
for 20 years prior to Dece ber 13 , 1976. The burden of
proof shall be on the a����e ��--�o�+--��nir��-t-o�-ee��}€}ea�e
e€-eee��a�e�-as-�ke-Ease-r�a�r- e: property owner.
� . Such uses are declared by this code tc� be incompatible �
with permitted uses in th districts i.nvolved. It is
, further the intent of this ode that nonronformities shall
not be enlarged upon, expa ded or extended, nor be used
as grounds for adding other structures or uses prohibited
elsewhere in the same district. A nonc:onforming use of
a structure, a nonconforming se of land, or a nonconforming
use of a structure and land s all not be extended or enlarged
. ��7a�=y
after passage of this code by attachment on a building
or premises of additional s gns intended to be seen from
off the premises , or by t e addition of other uses of
a nature which wot�ld be prohi ited in the district involved.
To avoid hardship, nothing n this code shall be deemed
to require a chanc�e in the pl ns, construction or designated
use of any building on which a tual construction was lawfully
begun prior to the effective date of adoption or amendment
of this code and upon whic actual building construction
has been diligen�ly carried on. Actual construction is
hereby defined t;o include the placing of construction
materials in perm�inent positi n and fastened in a permanent
manner; except that where emolition or removal of an
existing building has been s bstantially begun preparatory
to rebuilding, such demoliti n or removal shall be deemed
to be actual co_zstruction, provided that work shall be
diligently carried on until completion of the building
Section 24.
That Section 62. 102(c) of th Saint Paul Legislative Code
is amended to read as follows :
(c) Nonconforming lots . I any district in which single-
family dwellings are permitted, notwithstanding limitations
imposed by other provisions f this code, a single-family
dwelling and cust:omary acces ory buildings may be erected
on any single lot of record at the effective date of adoption
or amendment of this code. This provision shall apply
even though such lot fails o meet the requirements for
area or width, or both, that re applicable in the district;
provided that ya�^d dimension and other requirements not
involving area or width, or oth, of the lot shall conform
to the regulations for the district in which such lot
is located. Yat�d requireme t variances may be obtained
through approval of the board f zoning appeals.
If three or more lots or com inations of lots and portions
of lots with continuous stree frontage in single ownership
are of record on the e.ffecti e date of this code or amend-
ments thereto, an�� if all or part of the lots do not meet
the requirements for lot w' dth and area as established
8 .
� � �-�7--���
by this code , the lands i volved shall be considerAd to
be an undivided parcel for the purpose of this code, and
no portion of said parcel hall be used or occupied which
does not meet lot width an area requirements estab�ished
by this code, nor shall ny division of the parcel be
made which leaves remainin any lot with width or area
below the requirements state in this code.
Sectio 25.
That Section 62. 102(e) (8) f the Saint Paul Legis:Lative
Code is amended to read as follows :
(8) In any R-1 , R-2, R-3 and R-4 District, an ex:Lsting
two family residential us shall not be nonconf<�rming
as to the use of structure and land, and may be enl<�rged,
extended, reconstructed or altered provided the m:inimum
yard setback requirements f the �}s��}e�--�r�--wk}Eal�--}�
�s--�eea�ed RT-1 District re met and that the m��ximum
percentage of the lot occu ied by the main buildine� does
not exceed that allowed.
Sectio 26.
'I'hat Section 62. 103(b) of t e Saint Paul Legislative� Code
is amended to read as follows :
(b) Site plan required. No---b�x-i3�d-i-rzg--�e���;--a�eeg�
€e�--e�e--a�d--�vae--€�r�t���- �-�i-r3gs-,--�a-1�-��e--����e�--�e�
��e-�3s-t��e-�i�-�-a��r- -�€'-#�-s��ee�-�r�-i�g--€ae��}��;
e�--�-�re--p���-r�g-e�-a��-�x3�3 �i�eEl-�o-�,- No off-street
parkin facilit shall be est blished, nor shall an existin
, unimproved lot be paved u less and until the plsnning
' coramission has approved a si e plan for the facility m�eting
the standards and regulatio s contained in this se�tion.
Section 62. 104, and Section 62. 108. Si�e plans fcr one
a��-��o to four family dweli ng units -s�a-�1 may be approved
by the zoning administrator.
Section 27.
� That Section 62. 104( 3) of the Saint Paul Legislative Co3e is
amended to read as follows :
- . �=�s��
(3) Parking facility lo ation: non-residential . Off-
street parking for other han residential use shall be
either (a) on the same zoning lot, (b) in a P-1 Vehicular
Parking District, or (c) wit in the same or a less restric-
tive zoning district as th principal use and within 300
feet of the building it is intended to serve, measured
from the nearest point of the building to the nearest
point of the off-street parki g lot.
Sectio '�8.
That Section 62. 104( 11 ) of the Saint Paul Legislative
Code is amended to read as follows
( 11 ) Setback. Except as otherwi�e provided in Section
CA.-��4 60. 573( 3) or Section :�.-03r(� 61 . 103(a) , off-street
parking spaces shall not b within a required front or
side yard and shall be a m'nimum of four feet from any
side lot line.
Section :?9 .
That Section 62. 106(2) of th Saint Paul Legislative Code
is amended to read as follows :
( 2) Accessory buildings , >tructures or uses shall not
be erected or established in -a�r� a required yard except
a rear yard. -
On corner lots , accessory build'n s, structures, or uses
shall be set back from the stre t a distance equal to that of
the principal structure.
When an accessory building str• cture , or use is constructed
in a rear yard which adjoin�; a side or front yard, the
accessory building, structure or use shall be set back
from the interior lot line a istance equal to the minimum
side yard required in the distr' ct in which located.
On all other lots , � accessory buildings shall be set back
at least three feet from all in erior lot lines.
This setback requirement of t ree feet from all interior
lot lines shall be waived w en a maintenance easement
- . ��7 ll��
is rerorded on the deeds of all affected properties and
when proof of such record d easement is provided at the
time c�f application for a building permit. The recording
of th� maintenance easemen shall be interpreted to mean
that the following intents and purposes of this setback
requirement are met:
(a) Adequate supply of sunli ht and air to adjacent property;
(b) Sufficient space for m intenance of the building from
the same lot ; and
(c ) Prevention of damage o adjoining property by fire
or runoff from roofs. �
Sectio 30.
That .>ection 62. 106( 5) of he Saint Paul Legislative Code
is amended to read as follows :
( 5) In those instances here the rear lot line or a
side _lot line is cotermino s with the alley right-of-way
the accessor_y building shal not be closer than one foot
to such rear lot lines.
Sectio 31 .
That Section 62 . 108(a) (7) f the Saint Paul Legislative
Code is amended to read as follows
(7 ) All off-street parki g facilities -�'o�--�er�-�--�e�e
sgaees .- except as noted in se tion 62. 103(b) .
� Sect on 32.
That Section 62.108 (d) of t e Saint Paul Legislative Code
is amended to read as follows :
' . (d) Compliance and time requirements. The plar�ning
commission may make such equirements with respect to
. the a�bove matters as to ssure compliance with them.
When �hanges are required, the revised site plan shall
be su�mitted within six mont s from the date the applicant
was notified of required chan es. The planning administrat-
or ma�� grant extensions. The property must be brou ht
1 .
� . �s�l���
into com liance with the roved site lan within one
ear of the date of appr val or as otherwise specified
by the zoning administrator.
Sectio 33.
That Section 62. 112 of th Saint Paul Legislative Code
is amended to read as follows :
62. 112 . Corner clearance. No fence, wall , shrubbery,
sign or other obstruction to vision above a height of
two (2) feet from the es� b�}sl�e�-�-t��t--g�a�e�s average
grade of the property shall e permitted within the triangu-
lar area formed at the inter ection of an°� street right-of-
way lines by a straight lin drawn betwe�en said right-of-
way lines at a distance along each line equal to the minimum
setback lines from their point of intersection.
Section 34.
That Section 64. 300 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code
is amended by renumbering 64. 300(e) through 64. �00(g) as 64. 300(f)
through 64. 300(h) .
Section 5.
That Section 62. 113 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code
is moved in its entirety and ren bered as subd. 5 of Section
64. 300(e) .
Section 6.
That Section 63. 107 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code
is amended to read as follows :
63. 107 . Projection into yards . (�►) Overhangs, a��
decorative details, and bay indows mau project into a
required yard sixteen (16) 'nches plus two (2j inches
for each foot of width of the r quired side yard.
(b) Open, unenclosed, uncovered steps or platforms not ex-
ceeding two feet in height ay project: three ( 3) feet
into a required yard.
_ . . ��7-��5�
(c) Ramps for the handicapped are exempted and may project
into requi red yard:�.
(d) Chimneys and fireplaces may project one foot into
a required yard.
(e) Attached ve�.tibules an greenhouses not exceeding
twenty (20) square� feet in ar a may pro j ect into a required
front or rear y
Section 37.
That Section 64. 100 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code
is amended to read as fc�llows : �
64.400. Enfoi�cement. he director of the division
of �o����g--a��--b�-il�-i-�g-�- �€o�er�er}� building inspection
and design withiri the depa tment of community services
shall enforce this code and is hereby designated the zoning
Section 38.
66.405 . ExemF�tions. T e following signs shall not
require a ��eer�sE� permit. These exemptions shall not
be construed as relieving th owner of the sign from the
responsibility of its erect on and maintenance, and its
compliance with i;he provisi ns of this chapter or any
other law or ordin��nce regulat ' ng the same.
( 1 ) The changing oi' the d.ispla surface on a pointed or
printed sign orily. Howe•✓er, this exemption shall apply
, only to poster replacemen and/or on site changes in-
' volving sign p�iinting els here than directly on a
(2) Signs six squar•e feet or less in size.
• . ( 3) Lettering on mator vehicl s when not utilized as a parked
or stationary c;utdoor dis lay sign. �
� (4) Political sign�: .
----_--------- -- ------ —
W N7 TE �•C I T Y C l ER K ' —— —--�_����� � —��'_----�—' �—�
BLUE -MAVOR File NO. ��`�ylv /
Or i �nce Ordinance N�.
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
Sectio 39.
This Ordinance shall take ffect and be in force thirty
( 30) days from and after its pa sage, approval and publication.
COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of:
Yeas Nays
N;�S;, In Favor '
Sehsibel A gal RS t BY
Adopted by Council: Date Form Approv by City Attorney
Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY
Approved by Mayor: Date Approved b ayor for Submission to Council
: a � , � ��—���y
city of saint paul ,
planning comm�ssion resolution
fiie number_ 87-9�
date August �4 , �98�
WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Planning Commission b resolution #86-03 initiated
TEXT AMENDMENTS VI as a 40 acre study consist nt with the provisions of
Minnesota Statutes 462.357 (5) and Section 64 400 of the Saint Paul
Legislative Code for the purpose of consideri g needed amendments to chapters
60 through 64_ of the Saint Paul Legislative C de; and
WHEREAS, the Planning Commission following pu lication of notice as required
by Minnesota Statutes 462.357 (5) on June 19, June 26, and July 3, 1987 held a
public hearing on July 11, 1987 to consider t e proposed amendments at which
hearing all persons present were given an opp rtunity to testify concerning
said amendments; and
WHEREAS, the Zoning Committee has considered 11 testimony received at the
public hearing together with the proposed ame dments and found them to be
necessary to uphold the provisions of Section 60.101. Intent and purpose of
the code;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Sain Paul Planning Commission
recommends approval of TEXT AMENDMENTS VI, an directs the Planning staff to
forward said document to the Mayor and City C uncil for their review and
moved by MnRTnN
seconded by REPKE
in favor �-ouS
.� .� � � � . ������
The Sai t Paul Zoning Code is one of
several tools which the city employs to
manage e use of land for the protection
of prop rty values, the preservation of
health, safety, and general well being of
the cit 's residents. To be an effective
tool, t e zoning code must be updated pe-
riodica ly, accommodating changes in our
technol gy, lifestyle , and thinking.
Since t e adoption of the current zoning
code in 1975, the zoning text has been up-
dated f've times. The last major group of
changes, Text Amendments V, became effec-
tive in February of 1985.
In Janu ry of 1986, the Planning Commis-
sion ad pted Resolution #86-03 suthorizing
. a fort acre study (see copy attached)
based o its discussion " . . .concerning the
need f r new zoning legislation for
' . . .rev ew and re-evaluation of this (the
zoning) code. . . 'to clarify language, and
add ne definitions under the terms and
conditi ns of Section 64.400 of the Saint
Paul Le islative Code; . . ."etc.
Given he current emphasis on the "need
for be ter enforcement of the city' s
Zoning Code and other city regulations"
that h s been expressed on a city-wide
basis ring the Mayor's Better Neighbor-
hoods rogram it is now appropriate to
raise t e priority on these matters.
1. Add tions to code. Proposed additions
to he code include "air conditioning
con ensers" defined as accessory
uses , define "artist ' s studios" ,
req ire a minimum width for two family '
dwe lings, and allow the use of "bonus
pro isions" in the RM-3 Multi-Family
hou ing zone.
2, e isions in definitions . Proposed
Rev sions to the definitions section,
cla ify "dwelling unit" definitions,
cha ge the measurement points for
: . . , �-�;.�_����
dete ining floor areas, augment the
defi ition of "elderly housing" , and
remo e "accessory buildings" from the
lot overage definition.
3. Chan es in ermitted and conditional
uses. Nine revisions are proposed for
the portion of the code which deals
with permitted uses and special condi-
tio uses by zoning classification.
Thes include; Simplification of the
lot area requirement for rooming &
boar ing houses, expanding permitted
uses in the RM-2 & RM-3 zones to allow
"se ices" for seniors, expanding the
pe itted uses in the B-2 zone to in-
clu e auction, bingo and reception
hal s, removing the 300 foot distance
req irement for outdoor storage in the
I-1 & I-2 zones , and expanding the
pe itted uses in the I-2 zone to in-
clu e all uses permitted in the I-1
zon ng district.
4. Cha es n eneral rovisions .
Pro osed revisions to the General
Pro isions of the Zoning Code (Chapter
62) provide for clarification of
res onsibilities , tightening of
res rictions on non-conforming uses,
cor ect text errors, expand eligible
zon s for commercial parking and move
the "determination of similar use" to
a ore appropriate section of the
tex . In general, these proposed
ame dments are of a housekeeping na-
tur .
The re ort presents a brief description of
the t pe of amendment proposed, the
propos d language and a discussion of the
reason for the change. New language to be
added o the zoning code is underlined.
Langua e which is to be removed from the
code i daske�-�Hre�gk:
. _ � . . �-����
2.01 Section 60.201 ACCESSORY USE DEFINITION) Page 3
Add air onditioning condenser unit
New Section (13) Air condi ionin condenser
Air conditioni g condenser units are clearly ac-
cessory to the use of a structure for commer-
cial, industr al, or residential purposes and
must be approp iately located on the zoning lot
with the princ pal use. However, units of this
type often pr sent an unsightly "industrial
equipment" app arance, and generate significant
noise when in peration. Appropriate placement
of these units would be in a rear yard location,
or in anothe non-required yard area with
adequate provi ions for screening. Units lo-
cated in non- equired yard areas should be at
least three fe t from the lot line of any abut-
ting property.
2.02 Section 60.201 ARTIST STUDIO ( EFINITION) Page 4
Add Artist studio
New Section Artist's studi . A lace desi ned to be used
or used as bot a dwellin lace and a lace of
work b an art st artisan o crafts erson in-
cludin erso s en a ed in the a lication
teachin or rformance of fine arts such as
but not limite to drawin vocal or instrumen-
tal music ain in scul ture and writin .
Artist's Studio are a permitted use in the OS-1
zoning distri t. The practice of living in
one's studio h s been questioned in the past.
Defining artist studios in the suggested manner
makes it clear that the use is not subject to
the ordinary re trictions on residential use of
commercial prop rty.
2.03 Section 60.204 DWELLING (DEFIN TIONS) Page 8
Clarify d elling unit definitions
Proposed Revisions Dwelling, one-f mily. A building designed ex-
clusively for nd occupied exclusively by one
family in one d ellin unit
� � � � � . (�=�7 l��-�/
Dwelling, two family. A building designed ex-
clusively for or occupied by no more than two
families livi g independently of each other ,�
two se arate wellin units
Dwelling, thr e-family. A building designed ex-
clusively for or occupied exclusively by no more
than three f ilies living independently of each
other n thre se arate dwel in units.
Dwelling,four family. A building designed ex-
clusively for or occupied exclusively by no more
than four fam lies living independently of each
other n four se arate dwellin units.
Dwelling� mul iple-family. A building, or por-
tion thereof, designed exclusively for occupancy
by five or mo e families living independently of
each other n individual dwellin units.
Dwelling unit A building, or portion thereof,
designed fo occupancy by one family for
residential purposes--and�-t�e�txg--eeodciag
€acilittes u ed or intended to be used for
livin slee in and cookin or eatin ur-
Building Ins ection and Design Division staff
have had diff culty in prosecuting owners of il-
legal units , in part because of the various
"dwelling" de initions. When an owner of an il-
legal "two-u it dwelling" was cited, the judge
found that f the stove were unplugged, the
tenant would not have cooking facilities, and
therefore, it would not meet the definition of a
"dwelling unit" . At a later time, a tag issued
for use of a ^'three-family dwelling" had to be
dropped beca se the stove had been removed from
the third uni , and it was not possible to prove
that the occ ant was not related to someone in
another unit. The Director of the Building In-
spection and Design Division believes that the
amendments p oposed above will help close some
of the loop- les created by the current defini-
tions. �
. : - . G��� i�,s-�,
2.04 Section 60.204 DWELLING, TOWNH USE (DEFINITION) Page 9
Clarify d finition .
Proposed Revision Dwelling, tow house . A one-family dwelling
unit, with a p ivate entrance, which is part of
a structure wh se dwelling units are attached
horizontally i a linear arrangement, segara�ed
€ro�-�tt�er-d ���ag-u�rits-by-�--€t�e-�,+$-11-o�
Wa��s-ex�eadiag €�ea-€exada�fes-�k�et�gk-�ke-�ee€
r�it�r no-epeaia s, and having a totally exposed
front and rea wall to be used for access ,
light, and vent"lation.
The required s paration between townhouse units
is specified i the State Building Code. There
is no need to i clude it in this ordinance.
2.05 Section 60.206 FLOOR AREA (DE NITION) Page 10
Change me surement points
Proposed Revision Floor area. e sum of the horizontal areas of
each floor of building, measured from the ex-
; i �e�3e� nterio faces of the exterior walls or
1 t °` �' fro� the cent rline of walls separating two
I Y y buildings. T floor area measurement is ex-
.1 . ��- �15�7 clusive of are s of basements, unfinished at-
tics, attached garages, or space used for off-
street parkin or loading, breezeways , and
enclosed and nenclosed porches, elevator or
stair bulkheads and accessory structures.
The area under the walls is not usable for any-
thing but the upport of the wall. The effect
of this change ould be negligible in terms dif-
ference in the amount of space. Measurement of
existing struc ures will provide more reliable
data for chang in use.
2.06 Section 60.208 HOUSING FOR TH ELDERLY (DEFINITION) Page 11
Updates efinition to reflect the housing
needs of early retirees '
Proposed Revision Housing for t e elderly. A multiple-family
structure, con rolled by either a public body,
institutional ody, or non-profit corporation,
80 percent of hose occupants shall be 65 years
of age or over or a multiple-family structure
where each uni s occu ied b t least one er-
son who is 5 ears of e or over and is
. : .� � , � � ��/� s�f
etired and ere the rental arran ement in-
cludes a re ui ement that all members of each
household cons e at least one meal er da in a
con re ate dini facilit contained within he
ulti le-famil tructure
Current housing development programs operated by
the federal D partment of Housing and Urban
Development (HU ) include a category of housing
meeting this de inition. The issue is important
since multipl -family housing must meet the
definition of " lderly housing" to qualify for a
reduction in r quired parking space which is
needed to cons ruct this housing under public
financing const aints.
2.08 Section 60.212 LOT COVERAGE (D FINITION) Page 12
Deletes a cessory buildings
Proposed Revision Lot coverage. The part or percent of the lot
occupied by the above grade portion of buildings
#.se���ixg-aeees e�y-bn����ags:
Accessory buil ings, structures and uses are
regulated by Ch pter 62. Section 106 Accessory
buildings and t e inclusion of the term in this
definitions sec ion is improper and unnecessary.
2.09 Section 60.443 RM-1 SPECIAL CO DITION USES Page 28
Simplifie lot area requirements
Proposed Revision Rooming and ro ing and boarding houses which
are not commu ity residential facilities ,
provided that, -adc�rtioa-�o-�ke-�ot--a�ea-€e�
Eke-d��llitrg-� ��;--a-�o�--a�es-�s-�r��i�ed-e€
�;AAA-sqxare-#'e t-�o�-eecdr�r�st-r-ooiR-�a-exeess
e�-�tiao-g�es�-�e ffis: a minimum lot area of 5000
s uare feet be rovided for the first two uest
rooms and 1000 uare feet for each additional
�uest room.
The current text is unnecessarily confusing.
2.10 Section 60.452 RM-2 PRINCIPAL U ES PERMITTED Page 29
Expands pe mitted uses to elderly services
� � . �� � . � �-�-,_,� �
Proposed Revision (2) Su ort e ces within elderl housin as
defined in section 60 08 H (as revised above)j
includin lim ted food service beaut salon
nd retail oo s sales areas not to exceed 5
ercent o the esi nated communit room area.
Renumber curre t paragraph (2) as paragraph (3)
There does not appear to be any public purpose
served by hold g a public hearing for a special
condition use ermit to allow limited facilities
of this type.
2.11 Section 60.462 RM-3 PRINCIPAL SES PERMITTED Page 30
Expands ermitted uses to elderly services
Proposed Revision (5) u o s rvices within elderl housin
defined sec ion 60 08 H (as revised above)i
ncludin im ted food service beaut salon
and etail o ds sales areas not to exceed 5
ercent of the desi nated communit room area
There does not appear to be any public purpose
served by hol ing a public hearing to allow
limited facili ies of this type.
2.12 Section 60.532 B-2 PRINCIPAL SES PERMITTED Page 35
Expands ermitted uses
Proposed Revision (2) (e) Theate s, assembly ha1ls,Auction halls.
bin�o halls. c ncert halls, reception halls or
similar places of assembly when conducted en-
tirely within nclosed buildings.
The recommenda ion is made on the basis of the
decision reach d on the Ideal Hall case. The
proposed code revision clearly establishes the
appropriate zo ing classification for the uses
eliminating t e need for "determinations of
similar use" n the event other locations are '
2.13 Section 60.542 B-3 PRINCIPAL SES PERMITTED Page 35
Deletes uplicate language
Proposed Deletion (6) 6efl��ae�e� L-skegs;-ne-exEside-s�e�age.
� � � � � � . ��������
Renumber curre t paragraphs 7 to 15, as 6 to 14.
Contractors' s ops with no outside storage are a
permitted use in the B-2 zoning district. They
are therefore included under the provisions of
section 60.542 (1) ,
2.14 Section 60.543, & 544. B-3 CONDITIONS FOR PERMITTED USES.
Proposed Addition Required con itions . All business. stora�
ervicin or rocessin exce t or ff-street
arkin oadi and those o en ai uses ' di-
cated as bein sub e t to s ecial conditions in
60 544 below shall be conducted within com-
letel enclosed bui din s
Renumber curr nt sections 60.543 and 60.544 to
read 60.544 a d 60.545 respectively.
The proposed language makes the intent of the
ordinance cle r with respect to outdoor storage
in the B-3 di trict.
2.15 Section 60.613. I-1 REQUIRED ONDITIONS Page 49
Remove istance requirement
Proposed Revision (3) Outdoor storage areas shall be fenced or
walled. On those sides of the district next
abutting a p blic thoroughfare or any district
other than industrial district, the fence
shall be tot lly obscuring to a height of six
feet. 9�rt --st�r�age-e�eep�iag-aev-axfe�ebi�e
�es��ea�ia�- is���e�; and,
The purpose of the separation is primarily
visual, and his distance requirement is redun-
dant since m terials stored are to be screened
from view by a fence or wall. Other nuisances
can be handl d through public health ordinances.
This provisi n of the code is not currently en- '
2.16 Section 60.623. I-2 REQUIRE CONDITIONS Page 51
Remove distance requirement
Proposed Revision (2) Outdoor storage may be permitted, but shall
be fenced or walled. On those sides of the dis-
, ���
. - , ��7� _�
trict next abu ting a public thoroughfare or any
district other than an industrial district, the
fence shall be totally obscuring to a height of
six feet, exce t where unusual topographic con-
ditions render the effect of fencing useless.
At��dee�-�t�r -s�►a��--so�-�-e�ese�--t�rair-38A
€ee�-�e-a�y-�'e i�ea��e�-dis��3e�:
The purpose o the separation is primarily
visual, and th s distance requirement is redun-
dant since mat rials stored are to be screened
from view by a fence or wall. Other nuisances
can be handled hrough public health ordinances.
This provision of the code is not currently en-
2.17 Section 60.622 I-2 PRINCIPAL U ES PERMITTED Page 51
Add other uses as permitted uses
Proposed Revision (1) Any uses €3 s� permitted in the I-1 District
as "principal ses permitted" excent t�roup day
care and . . .etc
All business ( -1. B-2, & B-3) uses are per-
mitted in the I-1 Zone, while only those"
first permitted . ."in the I-1 zone are permitted
in the 1-2 zon . Clearly, uses allowed in the
I-1 zone will n t hurt I-2 neighbors. We do not
have a growing emand for I-2 zoned land, and it
appears unneces ary to "protect" such land from
encroachment by I-1 uses.
Add Minim Width requirement
Proposed Addition Add the letter "j " in the "Minimum Width of
Structures In F et" column on the RT-1, line on
Page 60 to refe ence note � on page 62. requir-
ing that Duplex structures also have a minimum '
width of 22 fee .
The minimum st ucture width for single family
homes is 22 fe t. This minimum should also
apply to a structure designed for two family oc-
. : , . . � , ����-����
3.02 Section 61.101 RESIDENTIAL DI TRICTS (REGULATIONS) Pages 60, 62
Allow "B nus Provisions" for RM-3 uses
Proposed addition Add note "g" t the "Area in Square Feet" column
on the "RM-3 ultiple Family Residential" line
to reference onus provisions for in-structure
parking etc. 1 sted as note "g" on page 62.
Note "g" prov'des a bonus for the provision of
underground o in-structure parking in multi-
family zoning districts. When requested for
structures in the RM-3 zone, it has always been
granted as a reasonable interpretation of in-
tent of the ode": Its omission in the RM-3
zone appears o be an oversight which should be
Clarify language
Proposed Revision (h) In an RM-1 , RM-2, or RM-3 District, when
two or more uildings are constructed on the
parcel, there shall be a distance of at least 30
feet between rinci al buildings.
The Building Code provides that only a 6 foot
separation i required between a principal
structure and an accessory structure.
3.04 Section 61.105 SPECIAL DISTR CTS (REGULATIONS) PAGES 69 & 70.
Correct error of omission
Proposed Revision Add the lett r "c" following the figure "4" in
the Minimum Y rd Setback, Front column in the P-
1 Vehicular Parking row on page 69 . To
reference not "c" on page 70,
The applicabl restrictive notes to the Schedule '
of Regulatio s should be clearly referenced in
the Schedule Table. The reference was inadver-
tently omitte
ON TEI Notes " " & "c" which appear in the 8 1/2"
by 11" print d version of the code applied to
the ES-1 Zon ng District which was deleted by
Ordinance 17 04, June 15, 1985. They are to be
. � : - �� 7����
removed in the ext update of the Zoning Code.
Note "d" become note "b", and note "e" becomes
4.01 Section 62.102 NONCONFORMING TS,ETC. (REGULATIONS) Page 71
Clarify b rden of proof responsibility
Proposed Revision " . . .The burde of proof shall be on the ep-
p�feaa�-€e�-e-g �f�-e�-6e��f€�ea�e-e€-Aeet�paaey
as-�ke-ease-�ay be:�roperty owner
Illegal units a e not always found in connection
with applicatio s for a permit or certificate of
Occupancy. If a unit of questionable legality
is found, the owner should establish proof of
the unit's leg 1 status, if such status cannot
be reasonably termined under the provisions of
64.101 (2) .
4.02 Section 62.102 Subd. 2 NONCONFORMING TS. (REGULATIONS) Page 72
Clarify view responsibility
Proposed Revision " . . .Yard requi ement variances may be obtained
through approv 1 of the board of zonin appeals.
Because the Ci y has two boards of appeals, and
yard variances are clearly a responsibility of
the zoning fun tion, this passage should specify
the board of z ning appeals, to avoid confusion.
4.03 Section 62.102. Subd 5. NONCONFORMING U E (REGULATIONS) Page 74
Tighten estrictions
Proposed Revision (8) ". . .an existing two-family residential use
shall not be onconforming as to the use of
structure and land, and may be enlarged, ex-
tended, recon tructed or altered provided the
minimum yard etback requirements of the dis- '
�r-i-ct-fa-�hie� it-ts-�eea�e� RT-1 district are
met. . ."etc.
A confora►ing d plex requires a 9 foot sideyard
setback. A the text now reads , a non-
conforming du lex in an R-4 district would
_ . . : . - . . . ��7--���
require a si eyard setback of only 4 feet,
giving the no -conforming structure an advan-
4.04 Section 62.103. Subd. 2 PARKING REQUIR ENTS (REGULATIONS) Page 75
Clarifie regulation, Provides for ad-
ministra ive review authority.
Proposed Revision Subd. 2. Site lan required. No-�u�l�i�g-pe�-
ffi3�;-�xe�ept-€ �-oi�-ar�d-two--f,a�r�js-dWe��#ags;
ska��-be-�ss�e -�o�-�tk��cor►�t��tiorr�f--aa}�-seW
e€€-s��ee�-�r -i�►g-€aef���y;--o�-the-�,av�i�g-e€
eay-exfs�iag-t� fa►greved-�e�; No off-street park-
n facilit s all be established nor shall a
xistin unim oved lot be aved unless and un-
til the planni g commission has approved a site
plan for the f cility meeting the standards and
regulations co tained in this section, Section
62.104, and Se tion 62.108. Site plans for one
aad-�We o fou family dwelling units ska�� may
be approved by the zoning administrator.
Using this lan uage, simple plans for garages
and parking pa s could be approved by the Build-
ing Inspection nd Design Division, however, the
subdivision gi es that agency the authority to
require site pl n reviews for problem cases.
Expand eligible parking zones, commercial
Proposed Revision (3)Parking fac lity location: non-residential.
Off-street par ing for other than residential
use shall be e'ther (a) on the same zoning lot,
(b) in a P-1 V hicular Parking District, or (c)
within the saa or a less restrictive zonine
district as t e principal use and within 300
feet of the bu lding it is intended to serve,
measured from he nearest point of the building
to the nearest point of the off-street parking
Requiring a pro erty owner to rezone or downzone
a property to rovide parking for a use which
can be located in less restrictive district is
unnecessary, nd may in fact discourage the
development of eeded parking facilities.
. : - . ��7-���
, 4.06 Section 62.104 OFF-STREET P ING (STANDARDS & DESIGN) Page 83
Correct ext reference errors
Proposed Revision (11) Setback. Except as otherwise provided in
Section 68:��4 60.573. (3) or Section 6�:�A3-fb�
61.103 (a) . of -street parking spaces shall not
be within a r quired front or side yard and
shall be a mi imum of four feet from any side
lot line.
The section re erence numbers were not properly
corrected when the text was last updated, and
are in error.
4.07 Section 62.106 ACCESSORY BUI INGS (REGULATIONS) Page 85
Clarifica ion and addition
Proposed Revision (2) Accessory buildings , structures or uses
shall not be erected or established in a
required yard e cept a rear yard.
On corner lots, accessory buildines, structures,
or uses shall b set back from the street �,s},�,�,,:
ta e 1 u
When an accesso y buildine. structure, or use is
constructed in rear yard which adjoins a side
or front yard, he accessory buildine, structure
or use shall b set back from the interior lot
line a distanc equal to the minimum side yard
required in the district in which located.
1. Parking spa es should meet at least the same
minimum setback requirements as garages. 2.
The proposed ch nge allows garages to be closer
to the corner t an the house if the house has an
extraordinaril large sideyard setback, and
would require a garage to have a greater setback
than the house 'f the house has no sideyard set-
back. 3. Th third paragraph can be incor-
porated into t e second paragraph because the
problem is uniq to corner lots.
4.08 Section 62.106 ACCESSORY BUILDI GS (REGULATIONS) Page 86.
Clarificat on
Proposed Revision (5) In those in tances where the rear lot line
or a side lot li e is coterminous with the alley
right-of-way the accessory building shall not be
closer than one oot to such �ea� lot lines
.f� � �. � . C�.r������
The regulation as it stands is unclear in "t"
alley situatio s.
4.09 Section 62.108. Subd.l SITE PLAN REVI W (REQUIREMENTS) Page 87.
Tightens plan review requirements
Proposed Revision (7) All off-st eet parking facilities €e�-�ep-e�
ao�e-sgaees: e ce t s noted in section 2 103
Subd. 2
Commercial par ing lots for fewer than 10 spaces
often have pro lems and should go through site
plan approval. However, garages for up to four
units are rare a problem. Since we are recom-
mending that 6 .103.Subd.2 allow approval by the
Building Inspe tion and Design Division, this
section should be changed to provide consistent
4.10 Section 62.108. Subd. 4 SITE PLAN COMPL ANCE (TIME REQUIREMENTS) Page 89
Clarifies responsibility
e ro ert st be brou ht into com liance
with the a rov d site lan within 1 ear of the
date of a rov 1 or as otherwise s ecified b
the zonin admi istrator.
If no security agreement is required and there
is no buildin on the site , nothing in the
zoning code req ires conditions of the site plan
to be met. Th refore, we have no suthority to
order complian e. This amendment would also
give the zonin administrator the authority to
set a deadline ependent upon the length of con-
struction, an season of completion for the
4.11 Section 62.112 CORNER CLEARANC (REQUIREMENTS) Page 91
Clarifica ion
Proposed Revision Corner clearan e . No fence, wall, shrubbery,
sign or other obstruction to vision above a
height of two eet from the estab��sh�ec�-s��ee�
g�e�es vera e rade of the ro ert shall be
permitted withi the triangular area. . ." etc.
: � : � . � ` . C����- ��s�.
Corner lots often need retaining walls of
greater height. In addition, policing of shrub-
bery height is nearly impossible.
Change 1 cation in text
Proposed Change NOTE! This e ire section is out of place at
this location. The section should be deleted as
Section 62.11 in its entirety, and added to
Section 64.300 as Subd. 5, and renumber current
subdivisions 5 through 7 as subdivisions 6
through 8, P ge 100
The functions f the section clearly belong un-
der the sectio on planning commission and plan-
ning administr tor approval
5.01 Section 63.107 PROJECTION INT YARDS (REGULATION) Page 94
Clarifica ion
Proposed revision Pro�ection into yards. Overhangs,aad decorative
details , and a windows may project into a
required yard 6 inches plus 2 inches for each
foot of width o the required side yard.
Bay windows ar a decorative detail on a home
and should be specifically included here to
avoid any misun erstanding.
6.01 Section 64.100 ENFORCEMENT, (Z NING ADMINISTRATOR) Page 95
Change of title
Proposed revision Enforcement. The director of the division of
�otrsi�rg- -ar�d-bu��ding-�,�od�e-eR€e�ee�eR� buildinQ
ins ection and esi n within the department of
community servi es. . ."
The operative section has been renamed.
� �. � �(� _ ' ���-l����
7.01 Section 66.405 EXEMPTIONS (CE AIN SIGNS) Page 137
Proposed Revision Exemptions . The following signs shall not
require a 1-i ase permit. These exemptions
shall not be construed as relieving the
owner. . .etc.
Contractors ar "licensed" , A "permit" may or
may not be req ired to erect a sign.
'��4 CtT! O+ ��
�♦ ���� �� � �a° DIVISION OF PLANNING
25 West Fourth Street,Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102
�, - �. ..- � �,
DATE: December 1, 1987 - r ' "
T0: City Council Members
FROM: Chuck McGuir��i
RE: Amendment 2.12 Section 60.532 B-2 P incipal Uses Permitted
(page 35) (2) (e) Theaters, Assembly Halls, Auction Halls,
Bingo Halls, Concert Halls, Rece ti n Halls, or Similar
Places of Assembly when Conducted E tirely Within Enclosed
Historically the Planning Commission has r commended amendments to the Zoning
Code designating certain uses as "Permitte Uses" in a particular zoning
district following "Determination of Simil r Use" actions brought under
Section 62.113 Similar Uses of the Saint P ul Legislative Code. In Zoning
Code Text Amendments I, duplicating, steno services and studios of artists
were added to the OS-1 list of permitted u es. Similarly, dance schools were
added to the B-1 list of permitted uses, a d racquet ball and handball courts,
dance halls, and electronic game rooms wer added to the B-2 list of Special
Condition Uses, following Planning Commiss on Determinations of Similar Use.
In the Ideal Hall case, the zoning for the underlying property was and
continues to be B-1. In fact, the owner o the property petitioned to have
the property rezoned to the B-2 classifica ion so that the use of the property
would be "Legal" instead of having its cur ent "Legal Non-Conforming Use"
status. Listing the "Ideal Hall type uses ' , which are "Auction Hall, Bingo
Hall, and Reception Hall" , as Permitted Us s in the B-2 Zone, clearly
establishes that these uses are not "Permi ted Uses" in the B-1 Zone and,
therefore, may only continue at the presen location in the B-1 Zone so long
as the use continues to meet the condition and restrictions placed on non-
conforming uses, unless property is rezone to the less restrictive B-2 Zone.
The testimony of area neighbors, which wei hed heavily against the rezoning of
the Ideal Hall property to a B-2 classific tion, was more opposed to the
possibility of establishing other, potenti lly more offensive B-2 uses at the
site than it was opposed to the continued peration of the Ideal Hall as a
bingo and reception hall. The Zoning staf report on the proposed rezoning to
B-2 for the property was couched in the s e terms; that is, the B-2 Zone is
inappropriate for the location; however, e staff supports inclusion of these
uses in the B-2 permitted use category.
�� ��r-i�_�`�
�e~`t T 7 O''.
25 West Fourth Sfreet,Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102
M E M 0 R A N D U M
DATE: December l, 1987
T0: City Council Members
FROM: Chuck McGuire f,, "
RE: Amendment 2.12 Section 60.532 B-2 P incipal Uses Permitted
(page 35) (2)(e) Theaters, Assembly Halls, Auction Halls,
Bingo Halls, Concert Halls, Rece ti n Halls, or Similar
Places of Assembly when Conducted E tirely Within Enclosed
Historically the Planning Commission has r commended amendments to the Zoning
Code designating certain uses as "Permitte Uses" in a particular zoning
district following "Determination of Simil r Use" actions brought under
Section 62.113 Similar Uses of the Saint P ul Legislative Code. In Zoning
Code Text Amendments I, duplicating, steno services and studios of artists
were added to the OS-1 list of permitted u es. Similarly, dance schools were
added to the B-1 list of permitted uses, a d racquet ball and handball courts,
dance halls, and electronic game rooms wer added to the B-2 list of Special
Condition Uses, following Planning Commiss on Determinations of Similar Use.
In the Ideal Hall case, the zoning for the underlying property was and
continues to be B-1. In fact, the owner o the property petitioned to have
the property rezoned to the B-2 classifica ion so that the use of the property
would be "Legal" instead of having its cur ent "Legal Non-Conforming Use"
status. Listing the "Ideal Hall type uses" , which are "Auction Hall, Bingo
Hall, and Reception Hall" , as Permitted U es in the B-2 Zone, clearly
establishes that these uses are not "Perm'tted Uses" in the B-1 Zone and,
therefore, may only continue at the prese t location in the B-1 Zone so long
as the use continues to meet the conditio s and restrictions placed on non-
conforming uses, unless property is rezon d to the less restrictive B-2 Zone.
The testimony of area neighbors, which we ghed heavily against the rezoning of
the Ideal Hall property to a B-2 classifi ation, was more opposed to the
possibility of establishing other, potent ally more offensive B-2 uses at the
site than it was opposed to the continued operation of the Ideal Hall as a
bingo and reception hall. The Zoning sta f report on the proposed rezoning to
B-2 for the property was couched in the s me terms; that is, the B-2 Zone is
inappropriate for the location; however, he staff supports inclusion of these
uses in the B-2 permitted use category.
CLMG/bp '
. _ <��7 i��%
W 1 N T H R O P & W I N 5 T I N E
December 30, 1987
Councilman Chris Nicosia
St. Paul City Council
7th Floor, City Hall
St. Paul, MN 55101
Re: Ordinance Amending Chapter 60-64 a d Section 66.45 of the Legislative Code
Pertaining to Zoning (87-1654)
Dear Councilman Nicosia:
As I mentioned to you yesterday, we a e concerned about the adoption of the
above-referenced zoning ordinance amendm nts in their present form. As originally
proposed by the Planning Commission, Sect'on 60.613(3) would have been amended to
delete a requirement that deve(opment in i dustrially zoned property be set back 300
feet from residential districts. A copy of the Planning Commission's proposed
amendment is enclosed. This provision as deleted by Councilmember Sonnen's
amendment at your last Council meeting.
The Planning Commission's reasons for s ggesting this amendment were several.
F'irst of all, the 300 foot set-back standard is not uniformally enforced. F'urther, an
existing fencing requirement already provid s a sufficient barrier between residential
and industrial areas. Finally, it seems that the 300 foot set-back requirement
results in a substantial waste of industrially zoned property in many circumstances.
I understand that Councilmember Sonnen i concerned that the City be able to use
the 300 foot set-back requirement as a means to regulate Burlington Northern's
modification of its Midway hub facility. owever, the proposal for that facility is
currently before the Planning Commission and may well be referred to the Zoning
Committee and Board of Zoning Appeals. Burlington Northern is now preparing an
environmental assessment worksheet for this project which provides further
opportunity for City review. There is a ple opportunity for City scrutiny of this
project even without the 300 foot set-bac requirement. It doesn't make sense to
reject the Planning Commission's recomm ndation on this issue just to get to the
Burlington Northern project.
. . �-�7 i��
Councilman Chris Nicosia
December 30, 1987
Page 2
In short, we believe that the Planning Com ission has made a good case for repeal
of the 300 foot set-back requirement. An concerns about the Midway hub facility
can be addressed in any of the several oth r review hearings on the project which
will soon take place. We would hope t at Councilmember Sonnen's motion to
overrule the Planning Commission's recom endation for deletion of the 300 foot
set-back be reconsidered or, at least, fina action on the zoning amendments be
postponed until the next Council meeting.
John A. Knapp
c: Susan Thurmer, Esq.
Ms. Rosemary Wilson
. ` ��y�l�Os�l
(6) 6e���ae�e�s1-sbe�ss-xe-et� s}de-s�e�ageT
Section 14.
That Sections 60.542(7) to 60. 542 14) of the Saint Paul Legis- .
lative Code are amended by being enumbered as 60. 542(6) to.
60. 542(13) .
Section 15. • .
That Section 60. 543 and Sectio 60.544 of the Saint Paul
Legislative Code are amended by b ing renumbered as Section
60. 544 and Section 60. 545 respectively
Section 16.
� That the Saint Paul Legislati e Code is amended tU add
Section 60. 543 as follows:
60. 543. Re uired condition . All business , st:ora e�
servicin or rocessin , exce for off-street arkin .
loadin � and those o en air use indicated as bein st�bject
to s ecial conditions in 60. 54 below shall be conclucted
within com letel enclosed buildi s.
Section 17
;hat Section 60.613( 3) of the - aint Paul Legislative Code
is amended to read as follows:
(3) Outdoor storage areas shall be fenced �or walled.
Un those sides of the distri t next abutting a public
thoroughfare or any district other than an industrial
district. the fence shall be t ally obs�rin��a��eF+eb}�e
�of sir. (61 feet. O�t�c�o-ri-s�e� Qe �ex£��'�-
s�e�age--s����--�}o�--be--��°�'ri- -�k�=ee--�r3c�-nec�-E304)-€ee�
.. _ , Section 18. �� �
That Section 60.623(2) of the Saint Paul Legislative Code
is amended to read as follows:
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