99-6104R1G1NA� Council File # l�l to1(� Green Sheet # .�� RESOLUTION Presented by Referred To CITY O�AINT PAUL, MINNESOTA �� Committee Date 1 WF�REAS, the Merriam Park Community Council has warked to develop a neighborhood policy on 2 billboards which enhances the livability of the area while maintaining its commercial viability; and 3 WFIEREAS, the Merriam Park neighborhood has asked for designation as a special sign district under the 4 current Saint Paul City code. 5 NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Saint Paul City Council directs the Planning 6 Commission to consider the Merriam Park 5pecial Sign District Plan and forward a recommendation on 7 it to the City Council by September l, 1994. Requested by Deparlment o£ � Form Approved 6y City Attorney By: Adopted by Council: Date � Adoprion Certified by Council Secretary Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: `� ` a _ � By: Approved by Mayor: Date � sY: T_�� —_�-� � - S ��' � a�.st. t �f/a�99 MERRiAM PARK SPECIAL DLSTRIGT SIGPI PLAN c i�1 - �elv INTENT AND PURPOSE The Merriam Park Special District Sign Plaq as provided in Section 66.216 of the Z�ing Code, is being adopted to pmvide sign controls that build upon the unique character and idendty of Merriam Park. This Sign Plan is intended to: (a) maintain and enhance the scenic view of ueique arciritectural and nawisl feawres visible from �e residemiai and commercial areas of Merriam Park; (b) protect and encourage invesunent and beautification in the University Avenue, Marshall Avenue, Snelling Avenue and Selby Avenue corridors; (c) reduce the clutter and chaotic diversity of advertising signage that impairs the effectiveness of signs identifying businesses and institutions in Merriam Park; (d) create a more aesthetically pleasing fusion of residential and commercial areas in Merriam Park; and (e) protect property values in Merriam Patk and reflect the pride its residents, businesses and institutions place in the community. DEFINITiONS AND INTERYRETATiON The provisions of this 5ign Plan are suppiementary to the provisions of Chapter 66, Signs, of the Zoning Code. The provisions of this Sign Plan that aze more resuictive than provisions of Chapter 66 shall prevail and supersede any conflicting provisions of Chapter 66. All other provisions of Chapter 66 of the Zoning Code shall continue to apply to signage within the Merriam Park Speciai Sign District. All words and #erms shall be defined as in this Sign Plan and in Chapter 66 of the Zoning Code. Provisions that use the word "shall" are mandatory. Provisions that use the word "should" or "recommend" are advisory to camying out the intent and pwpose of this Sign Plan but are not mandatory. SPECIAL SIGN DISTRICT AREA The Memam Park Special Sign District Ptan shail apply to the area defined as follows: Commencing at the cemer of the intersection of S�Iling Avenue and University Avenue, the boundary shail extend south atong die center-line of Snelling Avenue to the center-line of Summit Avenue, then west along the center-line of Summit Avenue extending to the western city limit, then northedy along the westem city limit to the median of Interstate I�'ighway 94, eastedy along the median of Interstate Ii'ighway 94 until the center-line of Cleveland Avenue, then north along MPCC Sign Plan page 1 �� b�U the center-line of Cleveland Avenue to the ceater-line of University Avenue, then easterty along tLe center-line of University Avenue until the center-line of Snelling Avenue. PRpVISIONS (a) No advertising sign shall be petmitted, except �gas en transit shelters and courtesy benches licensed or franchised by the aty. (b) 23o free-standing or roof business sign wtuch dir�ts attention to a commodity, service or entertainment shatl be permitted, except husiness signs which identify tl�e name, iogq end/or nawre of the business or profession coaducted on the premises. NON-CONFOi2MiNG SIGNS Signs within the Meniam Park Special District wbich lawfully existed prior to the adoption of this Sign Pla» by the Ciry Councit, and whick would be prohibited, reguiated or restricted under the provisions of this Si� Plan or amendments hereto, may continue to e�cist as legal non�onforming signs under the provisions of Sec6on 66.300, Non-C�forming Signs, of the Zoning Code, subject to the following additianal requirements: (a) No non-conforming sign shall be: (j altered in any way, other than changing the message on a painted or printed sign; (ri} replaced by another non-confortning; (rii) relocated to any other location in the Mesriam Park Special Ilistricr, (iv) reconstruqed after incniring dama�e in an amount pccceding 50% of its display area, as determined by the City; or (v) maintained tluough replacement of structural elements. N) AnY non-conforming sign shall be immediately cemoved from the Memam Patk Speciat District at tke co�t of the owner: r) if it incurs damage in an amount exceeding 50'�0 of its disp)ay area, as derermined by the City; Or (ii) if use of wch sign has been discontinued for a period of ihree consecvtive months. MPCC Siga Plan PaBe 2 � f / �� TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES � ,�, , i -.. : � = ; � _ /,,_ 4 / ; � - ��, l , +/ � ,/. i f,I. � � / o� PLANNING CAMMISSION CIB COMMITTEE qVIL SERVICE COMMISSION �our+c,� �ss�ares Ce�t�°r GREEN SHEET ����,� FOR ❑ UlYATTORIEY ❑ fJfYG.FAK � ❑ NIONCNLiERNCEiOYt ❑ RMNC4lLfERWACClC ❑ rsvortionnaASrawp ❑ (CL1P ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) Has this persoNfimt everworked untler a coMract kr this department� YES NO Has Nis persoNfiRn ever becm a city empbyee? YES NO Does Ihis peisaNfirtn possess a sldll not nw�nallypossessed by any current cily employee? VES NO Is �his persoru(rm a qrgetetl vcmdoR YES NO G�i-t tp � 63985 �� J19N301 AMOUN7 OF TRANSACTION COST/REVENUE BUDGEfED (CIRCLE ON� NO. ACTMTY NUMBER � YES 4R1G1NA� Council File # l�l to1(� Green Sheet # .�� RESOLUTION Presented by Referred To CITY O�AINT PAUL, MINNESOTA �� Committee Date 1 WF�REAS, the Merriam Park Community Council has warked to develop a neighborhood policy on 2 billboards which enhances the livability of the area while maintaining its commercial viability; and 3 WFIEREAS, the Merriam Park neighborhood has asked for designation as a special sign district under the 4 current Saint Paul City code. 5 NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Saint Paul City Council directs the Planning 6 Commission to consider the Merriam Park 5pecial Sign District Plan and forward a recommendation on 7 it to the City Council by September l, 1994. Requested by Deparlment o£ � Form Approved 6y City Attorney By: Adopted by Council: Date � Adoprion Certified by Council Secretary Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: `� ` a _ � By: Approved by Mayor: Date � sY: T_�� —_�-� � - S ��' � a�.st. t �f/a�99 MERRiAM PARK SPECIAL DLSTRIGT SIGPI PLAN c i�1 - �elv INTENT AND PURPOSE The Merriam Park Special District Sign Plaq as provided in Section 66.216 of the Z�ing Code, is being adopted to pmvide sign controls that build upon the unique character and idendty of Merriam Park. This Sign Plan is intended to: (a) maintain and enhance the scenic view of ueique arciritectural and nawisl feawres visible from �e residemiai and commercial areas of Merriam Park; (b) protect and encourage invesunent and beautification in the University Avenue, Marshall Avenue, Snelling Avenue and Selby Avenue corridors; (c) reduce the clutter and chaotic diversity of advertising signage that impairs the effectiveness of signs identifying businesses and institutions in Merriam Park; (d) create a more aesthetically pleasing fusion of residential and commercial areas in Merriam Park; and (e) protect property values in Merriam Patk and reflect the pride its residents, businesses and institutions place in the community. DEFINITiONS AND INTERYRETATiON The provisions of this 5ign Plan are suppiementary to the provisions of Chapter 66, Signs, of the Zoning Code. The provisions of this Sign Plan that aze more resuictive than provisions of Chapter 66 shall prevail and supersede any conflicting provisions of Chapter 66. All other provisions of Chapter 66 of the Zoning Code shall continue to apply to signage within the Merriam Park Speciai Sign District. All words and #erms shall be defined as in this Sign Plan and in Chapter 66 of the Zoning Code. Provisions that use the word "shall" are mandatory. Provisions that use the word "should" or "recommend" are advisory to camying out the intent and pwpose of this Sign Plan but are not mandatory. SPECIAL SIGN DISTRICT AREA The Memam Park Special Sign District Ptan shail apply to the area defined as follows: Commencing at the cemer of the intersection of S�Iling Avenue and University Avenue, the boundary shail extend south atong die center-line of Snelling Avenue to the center-line of Summit Avenue, then west along the center-line of Summit Avenue extending to the western city limit, then northedy along the westem city limit to the median of Interstate I�'ighway 94, eastedy along the median of Interstate Ii'ighway 94 until the center-line of Cleveland Avenue, then north along MPCC Sign Plan page 1 �� b�U the center-line of Cleveland Avenue to the ceater-line of University Avenue, then easterty along tLe center-line of University Avenue until the center-line of Snelling Avenue. PRpVISIONS (a) No advertising sign shall be petmitted, except �gas en transit shelters and courtesy benches licensed or franchised by the aty. (b) 23o free-standing or roof business sign wtuch dir�ts attention to a commodity, service or entertainment shatl be permitted, except husiness signs which identify tl�e name, iogq end/or nawre of the business or profession coaducted on the premises. NON-CONFOi2MiNG SIGNS Signs within the Meniam Park Special District wbich lawfully existed prior to the adoption of this Sign Pla» by the Ciry Councit, and whick would be prohibited, reguiated or restricted under the provisions of this Si� Plan or amendments hereto, may continue to e�cist as legal non�onforming signs under the provisions of Sec6on 66.300, Non-C�forming Signs, of the Zoning Code, subject to the following additianal requirements: (a) No non-conforming sign shall be: (j altered in any way, other than changing the message on a painted or printed sign; (ri} replaced by another non-confortning; (rii) relocated to any other location in the Mesriam Park Special Ilistricr, (iv) reconstruqed after incniring dama�e in an amount pccceding 50% of its display area, as determined by the City; or (v) maintained tluough replacement of structural elements. N) AnY non-conforming sign shall be immediately cemoved from the Memam Patk Speciat District at tke co�t of the owner: r) if it incurs damage in an amount exceeding 50'�0 of its disp)ay area, as derermined by the City; Or (ii) if use of wch sign has been discontinued for a period of ihree consecvtive months. MPCC Siga Plan PaBe 2 � f / �� TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES � ,�, , i -.. : � = ; � _ /,,_ 4 / ; � - ��, l , +/ � ,/. i f,I. � � / o� PLANNING CAMMISSION CIB COMMITTEE qVIL SERVICE COMMISSION �our+c,� �ss�ares Ce�t�°r GREEN SHEET ����,� FOR ❑ UlYATTORIEY ❑ fJfYG.FAK � ❑ NIONCNLiERNCEiOYt ❑ RMNC4lLfERWACClC ❑ rsvortionnaASrawp ❑ (CL1P ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) Has this persoNfimt everworked untler a coMract kr this department� YES NO Has Nis persoNfiRn ever becm a city empbyee? YES NO Does Ihis peisaNfirtn possess a sldll not nw�nallypossessed by any current cily employee? VES NO Is �his persoru(rm a qrgetetl vcmdoR YES NO G�i-t tp � 63985 �� J19N301 AMOUN7 OF TRANSACTION COST/REVENUE BUDGEfED (CIRCLE ON� NO. ACTMTY NUMBER � YES 4R1G1NA� Council File # l�l to1(� Green Sheet # .�� RESOLUTION Presented by Referred To CITY O�AINT PAUL, MINNESOTA �� Committee Date 1 WF�REAS, the Merriam Park Community Council has warked to develop a neighborhood policy on 2 billboards which enhances the livability of the area while maintaining its commercial viability; and 3 WFIEREAS, the Merriam Park neighborhood has asked for designation as a special sign district under the 4 current Saint Paul City code. 5 NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Saint Paul City Council directs the Planning 6 Commission to consider the Merriam Park 5pecial Sign District Plan and forward a recommendation on 7 it to the City Council by September l, 1994. Requested by Deparlment o£ � Form Approved 6y City Attorney By: Adopted by Council: Date � Adoprion Certified by Council Secretary Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: `� ` a _ � By: Approved by Mayor: Date � sY: T_�� —_�-� � - S ��' � a�.st. t �f/a�99 MERRiAM PARK SPECIAL DLSTRIGT SIGPI PLAN c i�1 - �elv INTENT AND PURPOSE The Merriam Park Special District Sign Plaq as provided in Section 66.216 of the Z�ing Code, is being adopted to pmvide sign controls that build upon the unique character and idendty of Merriam Park. This Sign Plan is intended to: (a) maintain and enhance the scenic view of ueique arciritectural and nawisl feawres visible from �e residemiai and commercial areas of Merriam Park; (b) protect and encourage invesunent and beautification in the University Avenue, Marshall Avenue, Snelling Avenue and Selby Avenue corridors; (c) reduce the clutter and chaotic diversity of advertising signage that impairs the effectiveness of signs identifying businesses and institutions in Merriam Park; (d) create a more aesthetically pleasing fusion of residential and commercial areas in Merriam Park; and (e) protect property values in Merriam Patk and reflect the pride its residents, businesses and institutions place in the community. DEFINITiONS AND INTERYRETATiON The provisions of this 5ign Plan are suppiementary to the provisions of Chapter 66, Signs, of the Zoning Code. The provisions of this Sign Plan that aze more resuictive than provisions of Chapter 66 shall prevail and supersede any conflicting provisions of Chapter 66. All other provisions of Chapter 66 of the Zoning Code shall continue to apply to signage within the Merriam Park Speciai Sign District. All words and #erms shall be defined as in this Sign Plan and in Chapter 66 of the Zoning Code. Provisions that use the word "shall" are mandatory. Provisions that use the word "should" or "recommend" are advisory to camying out the intent and pwpose of this Sign Plan but are not mandatory. SPECIAL SIGN DISTRICT AREA The Memam Park Special Sign District Ptan shail apply to the area defined as follows: Commencing at the cemer of the intersection of S�Iling Avenue and University Avenue, the boundary shail extend south atong die center-line of Snelling Avenue to the center-line of Summit Avenue, then west along the center-line of Summit Avenue extending to the western city limit, then northedy along the westem city limit to the median of Interstate I�'ighway 94, eastedy along the median of Interstate Ii'ighway 94 until the center-line of Cleveland Avenue, then north along MPCC Sign Plan page 1 �� b�U the center-line of Cleveland Avenue to the ceater-line of University Avenue, then easterty along tLe center-line of University Avenue until the center-line of Snelling Avenue. PRpVISIONS (a) No advertising sign shall be petmitted, except �gas en transit shelters and courtesy benches licensed or franchised by the aty. (b) 23o free-standing or roof business sign wtuch dir�ts attention to a commodity, service or entertainment shatl be permitted, except husiness signs which identify tl�e name, iogq end/or nawre of the business or profession coaducted on the premises. NON-CONFOi2MiNG SIGNS Signs within the Meniam Park Special District wbich lawfully existed prior to the adoption of this Sign Pla» by the Ciry Councit, and whick would be prohibited, reguiated or restricted under the provisions of this Si� Plan or amendments hereto, may continue to e�cist as legal non�onforming signs under the provisions of Sec6on 66.300, Non-C�forming Signs, of the Zoning Code, subject to the following additianal requirements: (a) No non-conforming sign shall be: (j altered in any way, other than changing the message on a painted or printed sign; (ri} replaced by another non-confortning; (rii) relocated to any other location in the Mesriam Park Special Ilistricr, (iv) reconstruqed after incniring dama�e in an amount pccceding 50% of its display area, as determined by the City; or (v) maintained tluough replacement of structural elements. N) AnY non-conforming sign shall be immediately cemoved from the Memam Patk Speciat District at tke co�t of the owner: r) if it incurs damage in an amount exceeding 50'�0 of its disp)ay area, as derermined by the City; Or (ii) if use of wch sign has been discontinued for a period of ihree consecvtive months. MPCC Siga Plan PaBe 2 � f / �� TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES � ,�, , i -.. : � = ; � _ /,,_ 4 / ; � - ��, l , +/ � ,/. i f,I. � � / o� PLANNING CAMMISSION CIB COMMITTEE qVIL SERVICE COMMISSION �our+c,� �ss�ares Ce�t�°r GREEN SHEET ����,� FOR ❑ UlYATTORIEY ❑ fJfYG.FAK � ❑ NIONCNLiERNCEiOYt ❑ RMNC4lLfERWACClC ❑ rsvortionnaASrawp ❑ (CL1P ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) Has this persoNfimt everworked untler a coMract kr this department� YES NO Has Nis persoNfiRn ever becm a city empbyee? YES NO Does Ihis peisaNfirtn possess a sldll not nw�nallypossessed by any current cily employee? VES NO Is �his persoru(rm a qrgetetl vcmdoR YES NO G�i-t tp � 63985 �� J19N301 AMOUN7 OF TRANSACTION COST/REVENUE BUDGEfED (CIRCLE ON� NO. ACTMTY NUMBER � YES