87-1632 WHITE - C�TV CIERK PINK - FINANCE COUIICI� �f `+� CANARY - DEPARTMENT GITY OF S INT PAUL / �` BLUE - MAVOR File NO. �• /�� Co cil olution � � �, fr �� Presented By \ 1 Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date * WHEREAS� the Human Services Initiative has ena led the City of Saint Paul to create - and participate on task forces and coalitions w ich address human service issues, and WHEREAS, Council Resolutions �87-1252 and #87-1 53 publicly accepted a $10,000 grant from the Mardag Foundation and.a $15,000 grant rom the F.R. Bigelow Foundation to help finance the second year operating budge of the Human Services Initiative, and WHEREAS� The Mayor, pursuant to Section 10.07.3 of the City Charter does certify that there are available for appropriation revenue in exce s of those estimatec� in the 1987 budget; and WHEREAS, The Mayor recommends the following cha ges to the 1987 budget: Current Amended ___Budget___ Changes __Budget FINANCING PLAN ------------ ---- 050 3pecial ProJ'ects-General Government Fund - 6905 Contributions & Dona�ions - Outside 1,000 +25,000 26,000 ($15,000 F.R. Bigelow-Foundation - - - - --- -F�0,000 Mardag Foundation) Other Fund Financing � 709,355 0 709,355 ------------ ------------ ------------ SPENDING PLAN 710,355 +25,000 735,355 050 Special Projects-General Government Fund - 30102 Better Neighborhoods: Human Se�vic Initiatives 30102-0114 Full Time Appointed 0 +25,000 25,000 30102 Other- Activity Spending 36,700 0 36,700 Uther Fund Spending - 673,655 0 673,655 ------------ ------------ ------------ 710,355 +25,000 735,355 _ NET CHANGE: +25,000 RESOLVED, That the City Council approves these hanges to the 1987 budget. - _ . Approval xecommended - --- ��- -�- Budget i ector COUNC[LMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas � Nays Nicosia � Executive Administration Rettman [n Favor Scheibel ��, � __ Against BY �si«.o �Gc d 4 Wilson Adopted by Council: Date N�V t � �87 Form Approve by City Atto ey Certified Yas d by Council Secr tary BY By� Appr v Mavor: Date � NQV � Appro d ayor for Sub sio to Council BY - — B P�.�� ;����: ... �� i98� ,� . , l��r-��3� .N° 010961 � Exrar�utiu� Adm� DEPARTt�NT . - - - — - Sue Guse. Bob Kessler CONTACT NAME 298-4323 PHANE . . �' � 10/26/87 DATE . A,SSIGN NUMBER FOR 80tJTING ORDER: (See rever e side.) , � Department Director � i�tayor (or Assis�ant) Finance and Mstiagement Services Director ,� City Clerk ���irector4b _ city ettorn�y � TOTAL NUMBER OF SIt�N�TURE PAGBS: 1 (Clip all locations for signature.) C 0 C 4 (Purpose/A.ationale) • Hwnan Services Initia�tive received 2 �arits for nd year operating budget($l0,OQ0 aciaiowledg� in CF#87-1253 from Mar�g Foundation and $15,000 a. ledged in CF#87-7.252 from F,R. B�.gelaw Foundation). Previous spendir�g authority of $36 700 crea-�ed by transferrir�g bal:ance of Northwest Ar�ea Found�ation Grant fi�c�rn Canarn.�nity Services to Exec Admin. To-date, spending exceeding tran.sfer of $36,700 has been charged to Gerieral d-Ma.yor's Office. CO B U G D P L C C Second year operating expexi,ses of the Himari Servi ces Initiative will be pa.rtial�y financed by this receipt of $25,000 grarits(Finaricin,g plan of Initiative is increased to $61,700, up from� $36,700). -,l`��� � � �dv N N S V BER 0 (Mayor's signature not required if under $10 000.) Total Amount�of Trans�ction: Activity Number: $25,000 30102 Funding Source: � 6905-Contributions � Do ions-Outside RECEIVEp ATTACHMENTS: (List and number all attachmen s.) l. Letters from Mardag Foundation and F.R. Bigel Found�ation OCT 2 G 198j 2. CF #87-1252 and 1253 aclmowledging receipt o the g�lts BUl�6�T Ofi�iCE ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURES ����° �Yes _No Rules, Regulations, Proced res, or Budget Amendment required? _�Sies _No If yes, are they or tfineta Ze attached? DEPARTMENT REVIEW GITY -AT�ORNEY I�VIEW � _ Y� es o Council resolution required? . Resol�tion required4 _Yes _No _Yes � Insuranca required? Insur�ince sufficient� _Yes _No _Yes �,� Insurance attached? �=-��-��.��-�-�- � -. .��� � MARDAG F UNDATION � ,�' „�; 1120 NORWEST CENTER y ��'' SAINT PAUL,MINNESOTA 55101 (612)224-5463 October L2, 1987 RECEIV�D Mr. George Latimer, Mayor Office of the Mayor OCT 221987 City of Saint Paul 347 City Hall r�y�.��R,� ��.���� Saint Paul, Minnesotd 55102 Dear Mayor Latimer: Re: Grant No. 18-87 On May 26 , 1987 , the Trustces of ardag Foundation autnorized a grant of $10,000, to the City of Sa 'nt Paul , Minnesota, to help f inance the second year operatin budget of the Human Services Initiative. Enclosed please find a check in he amount of �10 ,000 , which represents payment in full of the g ant authorized. The Trustees are looking forward t receiving a report from your organization regarding use of the f nds granted and progress made on this project as stated in t e Terms of Grant agreement previously sent to you. In all f uture correspondence , pl ase refer to the Grant Number shown above. Sincerely yours, aul A. e r et Secretary PAV:mp Encl. oso - 3vll� �- - Co9a . , � � ��� ��'�� � F. R. BIGELO FOUNDATION �� �7���--�°� REPLY TO: 1120 NORWEST CENTER ST.PAUL,MINNESOTA 55101 (612)224-5463 October 22 1987 ����I��� 0CT 2 21987 Mr. George Latimer, Mayor City of Saint Paul $�t��C�p�'S L�F'�tCE Office of the Mayor 347 City Hall St. Paul, Minnesota 551u2 Dear Mayor Latimer: Re: Grant No. 20-87 On May 28, 1987 , the Trustees of the F. R. Bigelow Foundation authorized a grant of $15 ,000 , f r the City of Saint Paul , to help f inance the Human Services In tiative. Enclosed please find a check in the amount of $15 ,000 , which represents the total amount of the grant aut�,orized. The Trustees are looking f orward t receiving a report from your organization regarding use of the unds granzed and progress made on this project as stated in t e Terms of Grant agreemenL previously sent to you. In all future correspondence, ple se refer to the Grant Number shown above. incerely yours, �� aul A. Verret ecretary/Treasurer PAV:mp Encl. Db7� - 30/0 � - �9v5 VINK — FINANCE ' '� ' � •..C�M,11 ClcNARY �OEOARTMENT - � ,���;GITY OF S INT PAUL ' �- � e�vE —MwrOw �� - ��. . � FIIC N0.__ ��.-/�.��Z � '^ �� '� � ��`" � ', � i COZ��Z'C � . . . ��/� � . Y��,����� �� - - ; �l esolution . � . - d� . _ ; ; �; ���� � Pcesented By .: , - 1 ,�.. _ _ Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date . saHEREAS, the 8uman Services I itiatives funded through a grant frazn the Northi+est Area Fou dation haa he2ped the City of Saint Paul to focas on bu�an servi ces issues facing the City and its residents; and - T�gERSAS, t3�e Buman Services I itiative has e�abled the Citp tu create a�d par.tfcigate on task fcrces and coalitiQOS whic�t a3dresa human serafce i�sues ; and WHExEAS. Saint Paui commuaitp organizatfons agd neighborhoods have benefitted fro� �he vork and assistance of tbe Buman Sarvices Initiative; and WF1ExEAS : the City vrishes to c �t3.nue the �sork of the guman - � Services.,�IA�t�2l't�9e as part of th Hetter Neighbarhoods Progra� beyond tt�e grant �eriod provided y °=the �orthxest Area Foundation funding ; aoa, therefore, be it 1 AESOI.VEI�, that , the City o£ Sa nt Paul does herebp p�blicly � �ccept ar�d t�ank t2�e F. R. Bigelo Faunclation for groviding a �35,000 grant tor th� coAtfnued f nding of the Fiuraan S�rviaes �- In:.��ativs, and be it F�R?HER RESOLVED, that the pr per citp o€ficfals are hereby ��;t�or:.zed to eaecnte the appropr ate grant documents and provide �he �ustoa�ary asauraaces ar�d repQ ts thereta. ..1!�,,t��.� y...la � f j'` ;° . CO[!NCIL�fEN �� � Yeas j�y�� Nays _ Requested by Deparfinent of: , f ��'� � !n Favor i?e�'� Sc�`.�ibe2 •:� � :a�z�tt�an Against BY i�!f.da �� ��L 2 7 �$1 Form Approved by City Attorney . : Adopied by C�uncil: Date J- �.1 , ,,� ,' f� �c'ified Passed by Council SeccetAry BY`' ``�' '. } � g _ 1: ' ' `C.r� � '11� ::,._..�.;�!, r � ;t x.i , A�?prov�i h;� 1+lavor. Date '�+�fl — 7 -�t ' App�oved by Mayoc for Submission to Council �y _._ -s�..I �' �t" �. ; � � . &: - , _ . . . ��/(3� -------------------------------- AGENDA ITEM -------- ID#: [407 ] DATE REC: [10/29/87] AGEN A DATE: [00/00/00] ITEM #: [ ] SUBJECT: [1987 BUDGET CHANGE—HUMAN SERVICES NITIATIVE — MARDAG/BIGELOW MONEY] STAFF ASS I GNED: [ 1�,S �o —z� ] S I G:[}� -�cr ] OUT—[ ] TO CLERK 1,4DLS6f86�///fL ORIGINATOR:[EXEC. ADMIN. ] ONTACT:[BOB KESSLER — 4323 ] ACTION:[ ] C 7 C.F.# [ ] ORD.# [ ] FILE COMPLETE="X" [ ] � � � � � � � � � � � FILE INFO: [RESOLUTION/LETTERS FROM MARDAG & BIGELOW ] C 7 [ ] -------------------------------------------- --------------------------------- -------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------