87-1627 WMITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE CITY OF S INT PAITL Council CANARV -DEPARTMENT ,,.// BLUE - MAVOR File NO. � /�� / rd • in I ZCP. Ordinance N O. �����-- • � � Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An Ordinance ar��ending Cha� er 85, as amended, of the Sainz Paul Legislative Cod , per��aining to �L-he regulat�ion of ra��es in che C�ty of Sa� nt Paul . THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES O�DAI��: Sec��on 1 . That Sec��:ion 8 .03 of �he Sa�in� Pau1 Legislai;ive Code �s hereby amended by de�eting ihere rom the ex�is-t�ing paymen�t schedu�e and -�nser�r��r�g i n i �ieu i;�ereof che fo i 1 ow i ng: ?ETAIL � ATES COiVSJi�7PT IO�d CHA�2GE: I nsi de C-��cy Ou�cs-�c;e C�i�,:y For f��rs�c 50,000 cu. f�;., per mon��h 90 per 100 cu.fi. $1 .08 per lOt� cu.-f�L. P�exc 450,000 cu. ���:. per rnon��h 88 per 100 cu.f�. �1 .05 �er 100 cu.���.. A�� over 500,000 cu. f�, per inon�h 86 per 100 cu.ft. $1 .03 per 100 cu.f�. Seciion 2: A�l re�ca-il bi l;ngs rendered on and af'cer January l , 1983 shai i �e co�upu��ed on bas�i s of abov ra�es. Sec��on 3. Tha� Sect�i on 8 .05 i s rev��sed as foi�ows: Sec��on �5.05 Ou cs-i de �las�er i�le c r �a��es Ti�e ou�s�+de �he C-3��y raies cnarged i;o ihe C�S-cy of �tosev��i ie under Lne prov�i si ons of a mas�er raec r con crac;. w�i ch ;,�he f3oard snal i be as �ioiiows: S4ep A F irs� i ,000,000 cu. f c. per i,�on�c 100% of 90¢ (ls� S�ep 2 :;e Ins�ide Ci�cy) = 90� per l0U c�a. f;;. - 1 - COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Fi.i�n� �•Ja;: r U��i;��'> o.ew In Favor Masanz NiCOSia A ga1I1 S t BY Schelbel T.aesco T;�o::�as D. ��ogren Wilson Adopted by Council: Date Form proved y C' ttorney Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY $y Approved by Mayor: Date Approv d by Mayor for ub issie� to Council By s WMITE - CITV CLERK . � PINK - FINANCE GITY OF S INT PAZTL Council �J /// CANARV - DEPARTMENT / BIUE - MAVOR File NO. / /�� � 0rdin nce OrdinanceNO. /7J`J Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Step a Nex�;. 3,500,000 cu. f��. per mon�h 90% of 90¢ (S��ep A above = 81 .0¢ per 100 cu. f-c. S�ep C Nex�� 5,500,000 cu. f�c. per �noni:h 75% of 90� (S�4ep A above = 67.5� per 100 cu. f�i;. S�cep D All over 10,000,000 cu. f�c. per mon�� 57.2% of 90� (Si:ep A abo e) = 51 .5¢ per 100 cu. f��,. The ou�s�iae �he C�-�y ra�i:es harged i:o che C�ii:y of L�i���.le Canada under �he provisions of a mas� r meter con��rac�� w���h ��:he Board shall be as follows: S�ep A Firs�� 2,000,000 cu. f��. per month 110% of 90� (ls� S�ep Ra�e Ins�ide C�i�cy) = 99.0� per 100 cu. fc. S cep 13 Nex� 4,500,000 cu. f��. per month a5% of 99.0� (Scep A abo e) = 84.2� per 100 cu. f-;;. S;.ep C Nex�E: 5,500,000 cu. f�;:. per mon�i; 69% of 99.0¢ (S�ep A ab ve) = 68.3¢ per 100 cu. f�. _ 2 _ COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Fletcher Drew In Favor Masanz Nicosla A gai ns t BY Scheibel Tedesco W Ilson Adopted by Council: Date Form Approved by City Attorney Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By By WHITE - CITV GLERK PINK - FINANCE CITY OF S INT PAUL Council �/ /� CANARV -DEFARTMENT File NO. �� /�"' / BIUE -MAVOR 0/ dZ GLnCe Ordinance N O. l�s�� Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date S�ep D All over 12,000,000 cu. fi,. per r�on� 52% of 99.0� (S��ep A abo e) = 51 .5¢ per 100 cu. f��. Sec i:�i on 4. Ai 1 r��as��er ne��er bi 11�i ngs rendered on and af Ler January 1 , 1988 shal 1 be compu�i:ed on basi s of above rates. Seci:ion 5. Th�is ordinance shall �cake effec�� and be �in force �hir�y days frori� and af�er �i�cs passage, approval and publicacio . COUNCILMFIV Requested by Department of: Yeas � Nays `�� � Wai:er U�c�i i�� :y .� ��M�� In Favor Nicosia g , Schetbel A gai ns t Y ��deseoL�.�£fo� Tho�Tias D. i��iogre Wilson Adopted by Council: Date �7EC � �87 Form ppro d by Attorney Certified Pas e b C�ur�l Secr y BY By X��i �„U l- Ap rov y Mayor for S o Council Approv y Mayor: Dat - ' - B B Pt1�.ISt1ED �`�.�' ]987 . �c�7�G�� l�i'° 08326 Wd�ter ,Uti 1 i ty � DE PARTMENT . _ Thomas� D. Moqren ' � CONTACT / 298-4100 PHONE ��� , Octnber 7. 1987 . ' - DATE e.�� � e Q,, � SIGN NU1�B.ER FOR RQUTING ORDER Cli All Locatio for Si nat re : , ✓3 Department Director 4 Director of Management/Mayor 5 Finance and Management Services Director � _ 6 City Clerk Budget Qirector . ,� �� Board of Water�,ommissioners � City AttorneY _ - -._ ___ WHAT WILL BE ACHIEVED BY TAKING ACTION ON THE ATT CHED MATERIALS? ,(Purpose/ , Rationale) : After due consideratian and study of the financ al condition of the Saint Pau1 Water Utility ar�d projection of expenses in the futur , the Board of Water Commissioners has determined that the present ra�e structure is i adequate to eontinue operations'without a rate adjustment. The attached ordinance w911 provide for a new s hedule of water rates for the Water � Util.ity. COST BENEFIT BUDGETARY AND PERSONNEL IMPACTS ANT CIPATED: ' Th� rate adjustment proposed will result in an overall increase of approximately three pe.reent in average water bia7ings for a typical single family home. Water Utility operations will be financed by a bala ed budget. � �1 ��T �7 �987 0�-,1 � � �A�YO�g FINANCING SOt1RCE AND BUDGET ACTIVITY NI�BER CHAR ED OR CREDITED: (Mayor's signa- '��CE ture not re- Total Amouat, of'Transaction: quired if under : � �10,000) Funding SourcF: Activity Number: 28000-5313 ATTACHMENTS (List and Number All Attachments) : Board of Water Corr�nissioners' Resolution #381 Propased Ordinance - DEPARTMENT REVIEW � EITY ATTORNEY REVIEW X Yes No Council �d(i4�(� Required? (Ordi ance '�(s1�b1fi Required? X Yes No Yes �,No Insurance Required? Insurance Sufficient? Yes No Yes X No Insurance Attached: � (SEE •REVERSE SIDE FOR NSTRUCTIONS) _ Revised 12/84 . . ������y CITY OF T. PAUL � OFFICE OF THE BOARQ O WATER COMMISSIONERS RESOLUTION— ENERAL FORM No._�814 COMMISS ONER�����r$�� DATF ���t���@� x�� ���7 WHEREAS, After due consideration and stu y of the financial condition of the Water Utility and the pro�ectian of the expens s in the futur�, the Board has determined that the present rate structure is inade uate to continue operations without an ad3ustment; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Board of Water Comnis ioners has hereby determined that the rate structure should be ad�usted and th t all billings rendered on and after January 1, 1988 shall be in accordance w th the following schedule: RETAIL TES CONSUMPTION CHARGE: Inside City Outside City For first 50,000 cu. ft. per month 90� per 100 cu.ft. $1.08 per 100 cu,ft. Next 450,000 cu. ft. per month 88 per 100 cu.ft. $1.06 per 100 cu.ft. All over 500,000 cu. ft. per month 86¢ per 100 cu.ft. $1.03 per 100 cu.ft. DEMAND CHARGE: Inside City Outside City 3/4" Meter & Smaller . . . . . � 3.20 per quarter $ 3.84 per quarter 1" Meter . . . . . . . . . . 6.05 per quarter 7.26 per quarter 1}" Meter . . . . . . . . . . 0.50 per quarter 12.60 per quarter 1�" Meter . . . . . . . . . . 5.40 per awnth 6.48 per month 2p Meter . . . , . . . . . . 0.10 per month 12.12 per month 3" Meter . . . . . . . . . . 7.50 per raonth 33.00 per month 4" Meter . . . . . . . . . . 6.50 per month 55.80 per month 6" Meter . . . . . . . . . . 4.70 per month 113.64 per month 8" hleter . . . . . . . . . . 1 2.40 per month 206.88 per month 10" Meter . . . . . . . . . . 2 5.00 per month 330.00 per �aonth 12" Meter . . . . . . . . . . 3 9.50 per raonth 455.40 per month Water Commissioners Adopted by the Board of Water Commissioners Yeas Nays 19_ In favor Opposed —_ secr. . . ��y,��y � � cmr o� T. PAUI ' OFFICE OF THE BOARD O WATER COMMISSIONERS RESOLUTION— ENERAL FORM No- – COMMISSIONER DATE a�s�vt�.�.� r�sTF t4�TER RRT"c S�e� A �irs� I.UUU,000 cu. 4"t. p�r �n�h 1t�0� of 90� (ls� Ste� Ra�a Irtsid� Ci�y) � 9�� per 1Q0 cu. f�. S�E�a B I�ext 3,SQO,fl00 ca. f t. psr awn�h 90x of 90$ (SCep A abov� _ $1,0� per 100 cu. ft. Stap C Nex� 5,S40,OUt} cu. �t. per c�onth 75� of 90� (��ap A abova � 67.5� �er it�� cu. ft. 5tep � All over tO,flUU,000 cu. f�. �er �ont 57.�� o� 90� (S��p A a�o s) ■ 5i.5¢ per 140 cu. f i. LItTLE CAPIADA P4A TER M�T�R RA7� S4�}� � Firs� 2,0OO,OQU cu. fi�. per i�c►n� IiO� vf �0$ tls� Ste;, R ve Znsids �i�y) = 99.U¢ per 100 cu. fic. ST�P 8 Nex�;: 4,5�0,000 cu.�c. per a�n�n �5X of 99.0� tS�e;� A ab vey = SA.2� per i0Q cu. fi�. STcP C �ex�: a>5�Q,000 Cu. ft. �er �on+ G�w og 99.0� (Sve;� A ab ve) � 6�.3¢ �er i00 cu. f�. Water Commissioners Adopted by the Board of Water Commissioners Yeas Nays 19— In favor — Oppos� SECY. N _ •. "+ � ' , � CITY OF T. PAUL �� a � ��"�7 ' OFFiCE OF THE BOARD O WATER COMMISSIONERS RESOLUTION— ENERAL FORM No PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE LITTtE CAtiAi�A MAST�R 'fER RA?E (Continuedy Step D Al1 avar 12.00p,00U cu. ft. per �on h 52� of 9�.0¢ (Ste� A a ve) * 51.5� p�r 1QQ cu. f�. naw, theretore. be it RESOLVEU, Thn� Ghe Cfty Councfl is reques ed tc� h�r�by ca+�cur and adopt an Ordine�ci put�ing �hto sffect these ad�usted rete t hedules. Water Commissioners Adopted by the Board of Water Commissioners Yeas Nays T?�ea� E;�1�T �;�C�agn�r ',3 19 u,� .�:>Ti31ia RI �Jie� �r�nid�;�* Bach:scd� Pre��dent �di�.o�,:La In favor�_ OpposecL � SECY. . ������� STUDY JF PROPOSED 198 WATER RATES . ENGINEERING D VISION SAINT PAUL k�ATE UTILITY . SEPTEMBER 1987 � .� , � �7-l1��-7 METERED CO SUMPTION � 1988 PRO cCTION - (It� CUBI FEET) Domestic 918,702,000 q 42.93 Commercial 942,242,000 % _ 44.03 Roseville 242,462,000 � 11 .33 Little Canada 36,594,000 % 1 .71 Total 2,140,000,000 % 100.00 _ 1 _ � �� , J������7 METERS IN ERVICE 1988 PROJ CTION Inside Outside Total 3/4" & Smaller 65,330 11 ,550 76,880 1 " 5,065 3,305 8,370 14" 30 1 31 1�" 1 ,670 370 2,040 2" � 780 230 1 ,010 3" 325 86 411 4" 232 42 274 6" 67 20 87 ' 8" 15 14 29 10" ' 0 0 0 � Total 73,514 15,618 89,132 2 - � �� . , � ���-i��7 SUMMARY OF E ISTING AND PROPOSED W TER RATES WF.TER RATES Inside City 1988 Present Proposed Rate Rate % Increase lst Step 87¢ 90¢ 3.4 2nd Step 85� 88� 3.5 3rd Step 83¢ 86¢ 3.6 Outside City 1988 Present Proposed Rate Rate % Increase lst Step $1 .04 $1 .08 3.8 2nd Step $1 .02 $1 .06 4.1 3rd Step $1 .00 $1 .03 3.0 3 - � �� . � , � ��- ���� 1988 PRO ECTIONS. Proposed Rates Ins de City Outside City lst Step 90� $1 .08 2nd Step 88¢ $1.06 3rd Step 86¢ $1 .03 Projected Domestic Revenue based upon consumption of 918,702,000 cu. ft. % ubic Feet Rate Revenue lst Step (Outside) 18.45 69,500,500 1 .08 $1 ,830,605.00 2nd Step (Outside) 0.09 826,800 1 .06 8,674.00 lst Step (Inside) 81 .08 44,883,600 .90 6,703,952.00 2nd Step (Inside) 0.38 3,491,100 .88 30,722.00 Totals 100.00 18,702,000 $8,573,953.00 . Projected Commercial Revenue based u on consumption of 942,242,000 cu. ft. % ubic Feet Rate Revenue lst Step (Outside) 10.64 100,254,600 1 .Q8 $1 ,082,750.00 . 2nd Step (Outside) 4.02 37,878,100 1 .06 401 ,508.00 . 3rd Step (Outside) 10.96 103,269,700 1 .03 1 ,063,678.00 lst Step (Inside) 45.71 430,698,800 .90 3,876,289.00 2nd Step (Inside) 22.31 210,214,200 .88 1 ,849,885.00 3rd Step (Inside) 6.36 5�,926,600 .86 515,369.00 Totals 100.00 942,242,000 $8,789,479.00 _ 4 - � . . � � �'J -/lo�7 � 1988 PROJ CTIONS � ROSEVILLE Estimated 1988 Consumption = 2 2,462,000 cu.ft. Est. Consumption Proposed Rate Est. Revenue Step 1 12,000,000 cu.ft. $ .90 $ 114,000.00 Step 2 42,000,000 cu.ft. :81 340,220.00 Step 3 66,000,000 cu.ft. .675 445,500.00 . Step 4 122,462,000 cu.ft. � .515 630,679.00 Totals 242,462,000 cu.ft. $1 ,530,399.00 LITTLE CANADA Estimated 1988 Consumation = 6,594,000 cu.ft. Est. Consumption Proposed Rate Est. Revenue Step 1 �4,000,000 cu.ft. $.990 $237,600.�0 Step 2 12,594,000 cu.f�. .842 106,041 .00 Totals 36,594,000 cu.ft. $343,641 .00 ' �' . , � ��-�1�7 � 1988 PRO ECTIONS � DEMAND CHA t REVENUE Inside City Proposed Present % �st. Rate Rate Increase Accounts Est. Revenue 3/4" & smaller 3.20* 3.20* 0 65,330 $ 836,2Z4.00 1" 6.05* 6.05* 0 5,065 122,573.00 14" 10.50* 10.50* 0 30 1 ,260.00 12" 5.40 5.40 0 1 ,670 108,216.00 2" 10.10 10.10 0 780 94,536.00 3" 27.50 27.50 0 325 107,250.00 4" 46.5Q 46.50 0 232 129,456.00 6" 94.70 94.70 0 67 76,139.00 8" 172.40 172.40 0 15 31 ,032.00 10" 275.00 275.00 0 0 0 12" 379.50 379.50 0 0 0 � $1,506,686.00 *indicates quarterly billing Outside City - � Proposed Present % Est. Rate Rate Increase Accounts Est. Revenue 3/4" & smaller 3.84* 3.84* 0 11 ,550 $177,408.00 1" 7.26* 7.26* 0 3,305 95,977.00 _ 1'�° 12.60* 12.60* 0 1 50.00 � 1�" 6.48 6.48 0 370 28,771 .00 2" 12.12 12.12 " 0 230 33,451 .00 3" 33.00 33.00 0 86 34,056.00 4" 55.80 55.80 . 0 42 28,123.00 6" 113.64 113.64 0 20 27,274.00 8" 206.88 206.88 0 14 34,756.00 10" 330.00 330.00 0 0 0 12" 455.40 455.40 0 0 0 $459,866.00 *indicates quarterly billing Total De and Charge Revenue $1,966,552.00 _ 6 _ .� �� , . . r���-���7 � 1988 PROJ CTIONS SUMM RY Revenue generated (Proposed Rates) is as follows: Demand Charge (Inside City) $ 1 ,506,686.00 � Demand Charge (Outside City) 459,866.00 Domestic Consumption 8,573,953.00 Commercial Consumption 8,789,479.00 Roseville (Wholesale Rate) 1 ,530,399.00 Little Canada (Wholesale Rate) 343,641 .00 TOTAL REVENUE (1988 PROJECTED} $21 ,204,024.00 ' - 7 - � �� . , � . �����7 EXAMPLE N0. 1 DOMESTIC C MPARISON Assume - 3/4" Meter or Smaller 1 ,500 c.f./mefrth �� «'��-°� � � Inside Cit � y Exis ing Rate Proaosed Rate Demand Charge $ 3.20 $ 3.20 Consumption Charge 13.05 13.50 $ 16.25 $ 16.70 Diff rence = $0.45 or 2.8% NOTE: In 1988, an estimated 65,330 i side city accounts will have 3/4" or smaller meters � Outside City Exis ing Rate Proposed Rate Demand Charge $ 3.84 $ 3.84 Consumption Charge 15.60 16.20 � $ . 19.44 $ 20.04 Dif erence = $0.60 or 3.1% NOTE: In 1988, an estimated 11 ,550 utside city accounts will have 3/4" or smaller meters 8 - � � � � � ���-���7 � EXAMPLE N0. 2 . COMMERCIAL OMPARISON Assume - 1�" Meter " 18,000 c.f./month Inside City � Exis ing Rate Proposed Rate Demand Charge $ 5.40 $ 5.40 Consumption Charge 156.60 162.00 $ 162.OQ $ 167.40 Diff rence = $5.40 or 3.3% NOTE: In 1988, an estimated 1 ,670 in ide city accounts will have 1�" meters Outside City Exis ing Rate Proposed Rate Demand Charge $ 6.48 $ 6.48 Consumption Charge 187.20 194.40 $ 193.68 $ 200.88 Dif erence = $7.20 or 3.7% NOTE: In 1988, an estimated 370 out ide city accounts will have 1�" meters ' 9 - � . � . �,��'l�/�2 y EXAMPLE N0. 3 COMMERCIAL OMPARISON � Assume - 6" Meter 75,000 c.f./month Inside City Exis ing Rate Proposed Ra�e Demand Charge $ 94.70 $ 94.70 Consumption Charge 647.5Q 670.00 $ 742.20 $ 764.70 Dif erence = $22.50 or 3.0% hOTE: In 1988, an estimated 67 insi e city accounts will have 6" meters � Outside City - Exi ting Rate Proposed Rate D2mand Charge $ 113.64 $ 113.64 Consumption Charge 775.00 805.00 � - 888.64 $ 918.64 Di ference = $30.00 or 3.4� . NOTE: In 1988, an estimated 20 out ide. city accounts vrill have 6" meters - 0 - �" � . . • ��7--/��� EXAMPLE N0. 4 � COMMERCIAL OMPARISON � Assume - 8" P1eter 400,000 c.f./month Inside City Exis in Rate Proposed Rate Cemand Charge $ 172.40 $ 172.40 Consumption Charge 3 410.00 3,530.00 $3 582.40 $3,702.40 . Diff rence �= $120.00 or 3.4% NOTE: In 1988, an estimated 15 insid city accounts will have 8" meters Outside City Exis' ing Rate Proposed Rate Demand Charge $ 206.88 $ 206.88 Consumption Charge ,090.00 4,250.00 $ ,296.88 $4,456.88 Dif erence = $160.00 or 3.7% NOTE: In 1988, an estimated 14 outs de city accounts will have 8" meters - 11 - t� � ' • � , ' � ' w � � . � � � � � aii a�i � U U U +� +�S �tt .C .� Lt C , � 5� i +-� �i-> � +-� i� +� +� i-� • 1 +� O O O Ri c0 C C C C C C C C �t� •r O O O � � O O O O O O O O �v C� r � � Q Q C � � � � � � E � L L S_ i i L i i S.. i i S_ i 'L7 N 4J � N � G1 � 41 N � N � N •� d a. d G. O. 0.� � Q O. d d d N a� OC �O M �Dpo� NOOd'0000 � 000 N �OCtr000 �00� 0 '� O • • • rr- r � f� NlCNC7LAMlGO � E�64(f} � rChLL')rOM � � N M d' i i S.. d-� +� +� � � N q � � � +� � �t � t.Ct � t S.. i L +� +� +� +� � +-> +� +� ~p ?� • • • t6 t� cC C C C C C C C � N +� � � � � � � O O O O O O O O W •�- U U U Q � aE E E � E E E E Z V Z O O O S_ L i S- S.. L � i L L i �--� GJ O O O � G1 N N � N N N N � GJ � 'p rri-- L` fl. fl.QC. G. G.�AdQ •r p� cn S� i i 0 � 000000000 J 00 ,y Q !1 Q CV O �c") �.— ►1� ►f) t�� O t1� = N � M100 ►nOt� tO�Nt1� C� ¢ W r H H H r- e— N �G1 1� 1� 1� � �' � ' O q tD '- N M Z � r-- Q1 C� 0� b9 �--i `y � N F— = . . . . . . . . . . . Q � 3 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � � f } � • • • • • • • • • • • • • • . . � N � . . . . . . . . . . . . . . U � �-+ d � . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � � V . . . . . . . . . . . . . . W � � L.L F- � s t L . . . . . . . . . . . J~ W i-� +� +� . . . . . . . . . . . � C C C � E E E . . . . . . . . . . . . � i i i . . . . . . . . . . . W �ac. , . . . . . . . . . . ¢ . . . . . . . . . . . . � +� +� +., . . . . . . . . . . . � � 4- � � 7 L . . . . . . . . . . U U U � . r. . • • . . . • • . . � O O O r O O O �O • • • • • • • • • • O O O N . . . . . . . . . . W O O O C�3 u� t.c) O a23 • • • • • • • • • • Q � � i i. L i i. L L i S_ i i S G1 � � � N � � N N � � U W +� +� +� +� � +� +� +� +� +� +� CS' � � GJ � N G1 � N N � d Z � � � � � � � � � � � � O � _ _ F- N L U � - _ _ _ d i N \a .�a.r�v= - � - � O N � •r > p fh� � r- NM ChWCOr� � 4- O Z • N +-� Q Z L X � � O O � � W U li Z Q � �2 - -------------------------------- AGENDA ITEMS = _________=____________________ � �/-/G��� ��_�_���____________���_______�_ ID#? [33� ] DATE REC: [10/14/87] AGENDA ATE: [00/00/00] ITEM #: [ ] � " Q. l_ SUBJECT: [AMEND-f�f�E��TAINING TO RATE ST UCTURE - NEW WATER RATES ] STAFF ASS I GNED: [ DT �o��3 ] S I G:[ �r.'' --� ��] OUT-[ ] TO CLERK E9�J'007017]� ///� ORIGINATOR:[WATER UTILITY ] CON ACT:[MOGREN - 4100 ] ACTION:[ ] [ ] C.F.� [ • ] ORD.# [ ] FILE COMPLETE="X" [ ] � � � � � � � � � � � � FILE INFO: [ORDINANCE (3PGS) ] [ J [ J lst -- /r �.�-�7 _ d /r-�q-�� � 3rd �/�� r�- � � � � � A 'opted /� -�'- �'.�' Yeas �.r/ tiays ���— �__� 7 DR � ' �°.�.��=j,/�.�' � NICO IA ° /7�75 RETT SCII�I EL SONN \ [JILS N WEID PRESIDENT: