87-1624 WHITE - CITV CLERK COU11C1I r^w PINK - FINANCE I.TY OF SA NT PALTL � � CANARV - DEPARTMENT J� �/� BLUE - MAVOR File NO. �� ' � Coun '� R � lution ---� � � Presented By . Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED: That Application (I.D.#19613) or a Pool � Billiard Hall and Game Room License applied for y Rocket Billiards Inc. DBA Rocket Billiards at 271-277 W. Seventh Street be and the same is hereby approved. COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas � Nays Nicosia In Favor Rettnk3n Scheibel Q� Against BY Sonnen Weida Wi1SOri NOV � Q '�87 Form pproved b . it Attorne Adopted by Council: Date Certified Pas e ouncil Se ar BY ,, By ,° �± � � A►pprov y iVlavor: Date ��`�' � �'� '� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By � "Vi�i+?k�S(C•r:i . _ . . .,. ;>,'�7 � ��7-�Ga� � . .. . � � � .I�°_ Q11414 , `��nar,,.c��YYI�v�... S.vru • DEPASTMENT � � - - - - - - �ri a sc�.w��n �e.✓ CONTACT NAMS � �a K- 5 oa'Co PHONE � a( 3n t q'1 DATE .' ASSIGN NUMBER FOx 80tJTING �RDER: (See revers side.) _ Department Director _ Mayor (or Assistant) _ Finance and Management Services Director � Citp Clerk _ Budget Director � �,eu..-�.-Q- �„ City Attorney �OTAL NiJMBER OF SIGNATURE PAGES: (Clip 11 locations for signatura.) � G ? (Puxpose/Ratinnale) , � h-e_ ��,�Qc�i v-� ��.�-ms-,.�� �952-' k�- _ . `�.a� �O c��-e> �c� � � " 1 -�c.�.�� . � � � _ 1.�� �-�c,-Q-- O.'r`c� o a�'„ • 0 O U SONNE D: � I� , /. FN C G YNUME D D: (Mayor's signature not required if under $Z0,000.) Total Amount of Transsction: �/� ,q Activity Number: 1/� l(.�, k'unding Source: �1 A � ATTACHI�NTS: (List and nwnber all attachmen s.) ��'� � . '��.+`�` a`-� � � �� �DMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURES � '� � Yes _No Rules, Regulations, Proced res, or Budget Amendment required? _Yes _No If yes, are they or timeta le attached? DE�ARTMENT REVIEW CITY AT�ORN�Y REVIEW ✓rYes No Council resolution required? Resolution required? ✓- Yea _Ho _Yes r/�To Insurance required? Insurance sufficient? ,_Yes _No Yes ✓No Insurance attached? . , . , � �7-/�a�/ TiIVISION OF LICENSE ANI) P�RMIT A.DMINISTRATI N DATE � /� _ / l INTERDF.PARTMENTAL REVIEW CHECKLIST Appn Processed/Received by Lic Enf Aud Applicant� ����c�i� � �� �A-�c���c , Home Address ��j,A � . ��bc��A --�► lL(�(� Rusiness Name ���_ Home Phone �a�—��3 � �. Business Address a'"� � — � "� LJ.:'��" �•Type of License(s) ��d L ti�j; i� ��-r� •� Business Phone vt �� - I ��I (..o �c,�.�s—.�p„., Public Hearing Date� �,pv'S�' ��c�1� License I.D. 4i �Ct(y L� at 9:00 a.m. in the Council hambers, 3rd floor City Hall and Courthouse State Tax I.D. �� ?�1� Z �a `� llate Notice Sent; , /C, � Dealer �� ' L l(� to Applicant �� � ( � Federal F3.rearms �� V� �(�' Public Hearing �d Cf g� ���� J�a � - - - �a - .� ���,t.�.. S DATE INSPECTIO REVIEW VERFIED (COMPUT R) COMMENTS A roved Not A roved � Bldg I & D + �� 30 � o � Health Divn. ' n.�� , . � Y1;0 --��, � , Fire Dept. � � ' R13� � � f Police Dept. I R�� � � License Divn. � / 3� � l I (� City Attorney � I Date Received: Site Plan ��Z l�� To Council Research 1�j� �'3 � � 'j _ Lease or Letter Date from Landlord a (�—� `�� �� � G`t� �� � � � .,. , . . . .. �, -, . . .. . . .. . . . , . .. ,y. . -. . . � . . _ . . . � A' j � CURRENT INFORMATIQN NEW INFORMATION - Current Corporation Name: New Corporation Name: Current DBA: New DBA: Currer.t Officers: Insurance: Bond: Workers Compensation: New Officers: Stockholders: � _ .. � . �������`� CTI'Y OF S•s'. PAUL l �� DEPAR'P!►�N'P OF FIlqARCE AND MANA� SBRVICPS LICEASE AAD DIV�SIOA �.: - u, =`; � �- � - �._ -- 47 ' ••l ;�) �-� �l These statement forms are issuea in d�plicste. Please aas�+xr all questiona ltiil�y att��; complete�y. This application is thorougtily eked. Ar�y talsilicstioa rill be '�sus� for deafal. d,� 19 �'f �J ^ �Yc r . 0 1. Application for Q�1 �?1GG - �,Gj,�,- �n� (yiaase) (Permit) 2. lYame ot applicant ��l'�'�� � �,�lhri� =� 3. IP applicant is/has been a mnrried Pemal , list maidea name �?�� �+. D�ate of birth L�ZZ��� � ,.. Age,�3 Place of birtti �0'l• �f.Jr/i ?r�� 5. Are you a citizen o! the United Statea f: AstiTe Rsturalized n -- — 6. Are you a registered voter `/f` r� /r.�ir,l�y 7. HOme 3ddTEaa /,�/ ,�/��r,o,✓ ��,�c r• �'�"//7 ACme telCphOIIe �r?�o�.��L ,�86 i�J w�billv9 =//6 0 ��� A. Preserrt business addreas .�.�avz �,� i�% Business telephone ��/?�6 9. Inclnding your present busineas 1 �emP oyme t, Whst bnsineas/e�loyment have you follo�ned for the past five yeara. Business/Fb�playmeat Address l����'l,H , Gv1��.S.d' .�.1���.s 1�,�� �/�.�i.�4— 10. Married IP answer is '�vea", list n e and addreaa ot spause � 11. ?�iave you ever been arrested Por an oPfe =ce that has reaulted in s coavirtionY �1� It ans�+�er is "yes", list dates of arns s, where, charges, convictiona s� aentences. Date. of arrest 19 � CHAFGE CONVICTION S�TII�CE Date of arnst 19 Wher CAARG� CJTNIGTIOiI S�� ��-r-i�1� ' � 12. List the names and addresses (if marri , name of spouse also) ot all persans, � corporations, partnerships, associatio or organiZations W�ich in a�t rray'have: a. A rnortgage intereat in the 13cena, premise, �1'I�/� b. A security interest in the license prtmises, license, or h�rnishings of the li censed premise, �"1�,4 c. A pranissory note Por Punds 1Q�rx� for the aperatian o! the licenaed praniae or the pnrchase of "the license, ,l, d. Financially contributed to the pur hase oY the premist or the license it- self iyi/,� e. Ar�y other interest either direct o indirect, either Pinancial or othenrise i in the licensed premise or the li nse itaelf, �'!�A Attach a copy hereto of ariy aad all docume s referred to in this afiidavit. 1?. Give names aad addresses cP two per� , residents oP St. �sul; Min�s�a, vho can give information concerning you.� AAI� ADDRF53 D.�,✓ ��O,Z�f� ��6 �, G�/����/�A �//60� ,r�fw��.. ff./�Jl�J ./v.�.�lo,✓ �f,�/ _/f�ia�✓ ���� �r- �,Sj/7 14. Addreas of premises for i+hi�ch Licease or Permit is made ��� �� �7� ��'r�'�n ��� Addresa .rf�r,�� �rv Zone clasaiticstion ��� 15. Between what croas streets Which side of stnet �a��� 16. Rane under vhich this business rrill b conducted �o�'Y�� �'�'�O`r �� 17. Busi�ss telephone nianber ��N��° 1°. Attach to this application, a detail d description oY the design, location, and square Pootage of the premises to be licensed �9. �.re premises now occupied '�7D t business '�l�� H� long�/�,� � . �-����� 20. �,ist license w�ich you currently hold, r former�y held, or me�p have sa iatere in ��� 1I 21. Fiave arry of the licenses listed by you n No. 20 eve= been revoked. Yes ��� Na If anaver is "yes", list da es aad reasona: 22. Do you have an interest of aqy type ia �y other busineas or business ps�emi.aes. I.• answer is "yes", list business, busi as address and telephoae number.� 23. If business is incorporated, give da�e incorporation /�/�.� 19 �� and attach capy of Articles of Zncarpo tion and ffimites of first meeting. 24. List all officers of the corporation gi ing their names, oftice held, hame address, and home and business telepho numbers: /C/l`�r'D .�1• . G/(.�G�� � ����/ ��- CIL������ �01/ .�/�e�, .L�• .G�� �_. ��0�3 �.1 /97� 25. If business is partnership, list partn r(s) address and telephone n�bers: Name _ �h�/� Add ess Te1.Fo. - 26. Is there an�►one else w�o will have an �erest in this businees or premises4 If sasxer is "yes", give name, hame ad ss, telephene n�bers and in rrhst manner is tbeir interest: � 27. Are you goin�r to operate this business peraonal]y Yf.l ii not, i+ho xill eperste it: Name •7►�/J H address Te1.Fo. ��7/ta�� Are you going to have a Mana�er or assis aat in this business? If answ�er is °yes��, give name and ho:� address and h telephoae muaber: Name ��/� Home address Te1.No. 29. Has anprone you have named in questions 2 through 26 ever been arrested? T_f answer is "yes", list aame of person, d es of arrest, where, charges, comic- tions aad sentence 30. I �/lyA.�lp ,,�. f � understand this premise mey be in- spected by the police, fire, health and other city oPticials at ax�t and alI times when the bnsiness is in aQeration State oP Minnesota) )SS County of Ramsey ) �S'��/��'v r/�• ��,vrr,t��>' being Yi st du�y sworn, deposes and ssys upoti oath that he has read the foregoing statemen bearing his sigaature and l�oxa the contents thereof, and tha.t the same is tnae f his own lmo�+ledge except as to those matters therein stated upon infcrmatioa and ei.i and as to thos� matters he be- lieves them to be true. , Subscribed and svorn to bePoze me � Signature oP Applicsat this � , day of G 1?� ;�����v����_ . Notary ?ublic, �amsey County, Minnesota 'r[y co�ission expins ����`����;:�, MONICA . POLSKI � PUBL C-MINNESOTA �.��,� RAMSE COUNTY ���•-�' My Commission E cpires•Nov.24, t389 �r-�y�i��� � ' � S.�Zi�Z PAU'Ir C TY COUN� IL �'UB I� LC K�.�R �� �TO `�Z C E �� L Z�EN�� A�' �ZCA�Z�N <;:`� `:�. - � �:_: __ ,_. . ��� � . ' .; ,....� rn _ o..., c7 . _, ��.� - , _. , : 1 r. . Dear Property Owner: � � "� y�• L19613 rn . � Application for a Po 1 and Billiard Hall and Game Room License PtTRP 0 S E r���r�c�,.L�� Rocket._Billiards In . DBA Rocket Billiards I Q���T(`j� 271-277 West 7th St eet ���=�C November 10, 19 7 • 9:QO a.m. i City Council Ch bers, 3rd Lloor City Hail - Court House By License and Permit Division, Department oi ?iaance and L����C�. S��T `ia.nagement Serv'ces, Room 203 City Hall - Court House, Saint Paul, u' esota "298-SOSo This date may be changed without the consent and/or knowiedge of the License and Permit Division. It is suggested that you ca11 the City Clerk' s Of fice at 298-423 i if yo wish confi�ation. ________________________________ AGENDA ITEMS =_--------____------------------ C'"4 �_��p�� . • • ' ` ID#: [343 ] DATE REC: [10/14/87] AGEND DATE: [00/00/00] ITEM #: [ ] SUBJECT: [POOL/BILLIARD HALL/GAME ROOM �ICENS - ROCKET BILLIARDS-271 W. 7TH ] STAFF ASSIGNED: [NONE ] SIG:[ �-�^} OUT-[ ] TO CLERK �.04�66f80] .��,f�'S ORIGINATOR:[LICENSE DIV. ] C NTACT:[SCHWEINLER - 5056 ] , ACTION:[ ] I � � C.F.# [ ] ORD.# [ ] FILE COMPLETE="X" [ ] � +e r � � � � r +� � � �e FILE INFO: [RESOLUTION/CHECKLIST/APPLICATION ] [ 7 [ ] --------------------------------------------- -------------------------------- --------------------------------------------- --------------------------------