87-1621 WHITE - CITY CLERK � PINK - FINANCE G I TY OF SA I T PA U L Council � 7_/�� . CANARV - DEPARTMENT BLUE - MAVOR File NO. � Cou il Re ut ' n ;.r- - Presented By �� _�: Referred TQ Committee:- Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED: That Application (I.D.#14160) fo a Gas Station-3 Pumps and 1 Additional Pump by James C. Tone DBA Express Gas at 430 S. Robert Street be and the same is hereby approved. COUNCILMEIV Yeas 1�a�F- Nays � equested by Department of: Nico�ia ln Favor Rettrnan Scheibel c� Against BY Sonnen Weida WilsOn ��V I 0 �987 orm Approv d y ' Atto ey Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passe y C ncil Secret BY By A►pprove IVlavor: Date -��3�l+�al PProved by yor for Submission to Council a By PUBIfStf�D ��u'v � i 1987 • (�7`'� �'��/���f • � � � N°_ Q11382 � �i.v�c�.....w t 1'`C.,.,,,..a. • �A.�• IIEPARTMENT - - - - — - �ri� �.1±..��v�Q..,, CONTACT NA1rIE 7�t 5C-5 0 5 Co PHONE ; � � 1 i�1 g-'t , DATE .. ASSIGN I�IUHBER FOR ROUTING ORDER: (See revarse ide.) `- _, Department Director , Mayor (or Assistant) _ Finance and Management Services Director ,� City Clerk _ Budget Director � (�b�:_...1 s�c..R 1 City Attorney ' _ TOTAL NUKBER OF SI6NATtTRE PAGES: (Clip al locations for signature.) G C ? (Purpose/Rationale) --.� .S� �l�� R�-� � �- _ � �W' b°� �� > `s�.�- h�..�. .� �G,�,� c�.,,,�dZ c�bl,�:. �s„ . b� cos u c s c � n ,� FI C U A V C G D O (liaqor's signature not required if under $10,000. Total Amount of Trans�ction: � �(�. Activity Nwnb�er: rl t� Funding Source: � ' /.� ATTACHMENTS: (List and nwnber all attachments.) �p�a v�` . . '�Y�C.0.�R d1' . ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURES y1 1f} _Yes _No Rules� Regulations, Procedures, r Budget Aiaendment required7 � _Yes _No If yes, are they or timetable at ached? DEPARTMENT REVIEW CITY ATTQRNEY REVIEW ,/Yes No Council resolution required? Resolution required? ✓Yes _No _Yes ✓No Insuxance required? Insurance sufficisn�? _Yes _No Yes ✓No Insurance attached? � ������ T�IVISION OF LICENSE AND PERMIT ADMINISTRATIO DATE 91d - l GJ�aa ��`-j INTERDFPARTMENTAL REVIEW CHECKLIST Appn Processed/Received by Lic Enf Aud Applicant �,p� l�'• �6 ome Address ��'a _��,�.;�,. Q,,=�� 135� � Rusiness Name �� � �;� ome Phone (��3 3 - � �3 J � Business Address '� 3U����,�,1,�}� p . T pe of License(s) ,�� ,��{. �,�,,aQ. ---�— Business Phone � ,� Public Hearing Dat L'cense I.D. �� l��(9 p at 9:00 a.m. in the ci h bers, 3rd floor City Hall and Courthouse S ate Tax I.D. �� 3 cY� 7 � CjU llate Nutice Sent; � � �� D aler 4� � In to Applicant �y� �s.? � deral Firearms �� � �� Public Nearing DATE INSPECTION REVIEW VERFIED (COMPUTER) CUMMENTS A proved Not A ro ed � Bldg I & D ,� � � + � Health Divn. � 6 � . i Fire Dept. I � 10� c� � I Police Dept. I License Divn. � � City Attorney � f Date Received: Site Plan �] ���j �g� To Council Research �� �-�p ( �� _ Lease or Letter Date from Landlord ,�,�,, ,LD�.�-� � ���sa CURRENT INFORMATION NEW INFORMATION � Current Corporation Name: New Co�poration Name: Current DBA: New DBA: Current Officer-s: Insurance: Bond: - Workers Compensation: New Officers: Stockholders: ! � .� _ .; �,���/��/ CI?"! Or ST. pRuL � � �E?AR1.'��]T OF r LIAIICE AND MAIQAG'�'1'P Sc."RYICr.^5. '� LICENSE A.*TD FF�t. DIVISI�tJ These statea:ent °or..,s are issued ir. d�agl3cste Please ans�+�er all questions _*�l�y and complete:y. i:is app�:ca�ion is thorocgh�y c ecked. Any .°slsification xill be cause Por denial. " aate 19 1. Applica:ion for , � (License) (Pez�mit) 2. Name oY applicant � �- - � I° ap�lfcen� is/ras be�r. a cm._*�ried °e�ale list �a.iden aacx N�� y. Date of birt:� _ Ll�-�11�/� �e �� � lsce o� b�rth f�4�16t. �,/��� � 5. Are yrn: a c_ti.zer. oP t�e United S�ates f ?Yative v Aatura?±zed 5. Are you a registered voter -P � wlz � �T _ �yr.- L - � fr��i l�n .'. Fi�me ad cre s s �/�--e �� Ficme te 2e�hone �1�-Zt�'�� � . Q. °resen� business address -v� � Business telephone 9 Including yo�:r preser.t business/e�al�ymea , wha.t bnsiness/e�layme�t have you c01iO�C °or �he oast Pive years. Busir.ess��.--oloyment p,d��ss C��� L'"�l'�.0 tS 1 ^ O!/v�/G� `1 /< !/i'1 s r C`�f. , f�-�l,c(�� /�.f`l�U� TN� s l� , � �q �. �� J�. ,/�`�te rs��� 1Q. �darriec? �C) If ansraer is "ves", list name and address oP s�vuse '_1. ?iave yoe: eve- been arreste� Por an ofPense that has resuZted in a co�ictionY /v G I� ans�+er is ";,res", list dates of arrests, vhere,. cf�rges, cnnvlctions and sentenc�s. �ate o? a:res� io Wher CHA.?GE �; CCNVT_CTT_OR' Sr'�VTE�.''9CF.' :rate �� arres� �? ..ere .. C�;n�G� , c�r�-T,:..:.=__. s�`�^�;� Y � r . • ��7 l(p�/ , 12. List the names 3n� a:^�esses (i' 'ed, name ot s�ouse also) ot alZ persons, � corporat�o^s, p�Ttr.e�s:�iYs, assocfati ns or organizations Which in any Way have: � a., A mort3age :nterest in the l.icens d preseise, �,y�n �� /��� �- �j'2i/C 4 N- • �� - b. A sect:_�i�y interest in tae Iicens d gremises, licease, or htrnishings of the licansed premise, - �. � c. .: proa:issory note Por funds loane Por the operation of the licensed oremise or the purcrase o.* �he license, � �" 3. F:nancisl?y contri�uted tp the pu chase of the oreaise or the license it- sel: /f' e. Any otaer interest e:t?:e� direct r fa�irect, either °inar.cial or ot::ersrise . � ir. the licensec •gre�ise cr the li,. nse itself, .U`/�— =.�tac^ a copy hereto of any and a'1 �a�:men s referred �o in t:�is aSPidavft. '_? Gine names and addresses of tao perso , resideats oP St. Pau1, Minnesota, vao can give ir.�orastion coacerning you. HA1KE ADDRFSS _ ,TU� ✓c��r �/—^�2�'► /� (J os p�� fyd�'*/ Uff/L '�/�/�`C.. /�/�'/Z/t�/ lit/�ti G'�/z-/.'� ��✓ - �����c�i� �i��/� ,��� '�. aaar�ss o° prenises °or ahi�ch License r ?ez-�it is made �/�� Jc_ d,��� f�PQ � Address Zone classi_'icatior. 15. 3etween satzat c_oss streets l— G'p /� �Jhica side of stre�t� 16. �F�..-�e under :►hich this business Fr,ll be conducted L��-an,�Js Gf�s' 1?. �ls i nes s telep�:one n�ber 9�— �O 1~. Attaca to this aapli.ation, a detailed esczigtion Qf the design, loca�ion, anc saua� _°ootage o� L:�e preaises to be Ii ense� � . -. . �.re �re�nises noW occup:ed ��What Lsiness �' fc/L i ' I��� Zanc �v�'lJ ... � i��� 20. List license w�:ich you currently hold or Pox�er�y heZd, or may have an intere i n 7 ir/�' �4 � �� 21. Aave �tn,y of the licenses listed by yo in No. 20 ever been revoked. Yes No 7rL%�' , If enswer is "yes", list d tes and reaaons: <^_2. Do you have an interest oY arry type in any other busiaess or business gremises. I° ansWeT is "yes", list husiness, bus ness a.ddress and telephone number. iLo ) T� �l�'-�-X /r 1' � -� 7. .•�. �-- �� 3�/ G8f f ,I7l.�' J'T�/a� 2?. I.° bLS�ness is incarparated, give date of incoroora�ion 19� an� at�acn capy oP Articles of Incorpo at{on ar.3 minutes oP fir me�ting. 2��. L�st a?1 af°icers oP the corooration g ving their n2ses, oP°ic� neld, hame address, and home and business telepho e n�bers : . � r � /�e " - -� s�..1�.�,0 �/?)� �� � .�����'�..zL l� �' �i��:� 25. =° bus:ness is oart;�ers:zi�, list partn r(s) address and telephcne a�bers: N� � Add_ess Te3.Aa. 25. Is there a nyone eZse vho will have an terest in this busiaess or pre�iaes? IP answer is "yes", give name, h�e ad ss, telephone n�bers and in �+�at maaner is their interest: 27. Are you goinR to operate this business rsonally I�T/iS aat, vho vi11 cpeTate it. ��"�. A� �/ / /�_ H address 1�r1.Ao. , � . . . . � � � �r- ����a� � , ' � Are you �oin:, t� t�.ave a !�ana�er or assis ant in this business? It a.nsWer is R '�yes'�, give na.*� and ho:�e address and k telephoae r�umber: Name ,%,¢-_ ���/J�J�e �/� Home address y7? � ,'e,� ,f��Te1.No i��=D�O"C 29• Iias a�►one you have named in questions 2 throu�h 25 ever been arres�ed? �P ans��+er is �'yes", Iist name oY oersoa, da es oP arrest, vhere, cha�ges, convic- tions and sentence _� ?0. I /%��i �1 i1i G�'� understand this premise �y be ia- s�ected by the �o?ice, ;ire, hea.Lth and ther city ofFicials at a�r and aIl �imes wnea the business is �n aoeration. State of '•tinnesota) )SS CoL::�y of Fca:asey ) �� Si stu:e oP Atrolicant � being P „ du1.y sworn, depvses and sa}rs �.roon. oat:� t!�at ne t;as re�d the °oregoir.g state�neat bea_rin� his si�ture and !ciorrs the co�ter.�s thereo°, and th�t tne same is true o his o•an lmowledge except as to t:�ose �at�ers tne�ein stated upon i;.f.orma�i�n ana b ?ie? aad as to �hose matters ae be- lieves them to be trse. Subs �ibe^ and sxorn to ePo�e me n) �� �� i ature o? A�Dlicant this d o 1d� � 1 ' ta r ?�_�1ic, �acasey �� �, �!innesoia .:r:ca�.. � ���'���,• MARCcL�:A G. SCNILLINGER `�!r c��ission expires � �i ,;r � .�F�_.�� NOTAF.Y�U9LIC—?AINNESOTA - �•;�r:a�� ��.,'v',:.�" ��U�JTY z .`�•`I�. Niy^,om���_...� �xpires y1ar.21. ,:;91 . �P9N►�ARi.s'�i"�Ps�e+�Pvr`Id1+.�d�� �. �� ----5--------------------------- AGENDA ITEMS =__________-------------------- ��_/(p�/ , -------------------------------- -------------------- ID#: (372 ] DATE REC: [10/20/87] AGENDA DATE: [10/21/87] ITEM #� C ] SUBJECT: [1-DAY GAMBLING PERMIT (RAFFLE) - BET ESDA FOUND. - LANDMARK CENTER ] STAFF ASSIGNED: [NONE ] SIG:[RETTMA ] OUT-[X] TO CLERK {88f88fA8-}--- /%Z / ORIGINATOR:[LICENSE DIV. ] CO TACT:[SCHWEINLER - 5056 ] ACTION:[ ] C ] C.F.# [ ] ORD.# [ ] FILE COMPLETE="X" [ ] � � � � � � � � � � � FILE INFO: [RESOLUTION/CHECKLIST/APPLICATION ] [ ] L ] ---------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------- ------------------------------