87-1615 1 �° CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL FI E N0. FINAL ORDER BY , ' � • . File No. lll47� Voting In the Matter of constra�tin,g ssnitarp, stor� as�d vater eaauectic►�s, if Ward reqgested by tbe prapert� aoaer, for the cv�binsd seirsr seperatian prajsct taara :s ths CL1nELA'li�l/S! CI,�IIS IIE'E� 8t�lE? PA�I� lllitl 3 S 4 LIGRTTI�6 l�t33BCT. E under Preliminary Order ��` ���'� approved � ���� The Council of the City of Saint Paul has conducted a public hearing upon the above improvement, due notice thereof having been given as prescribed by the City Charter; and WHEREAS, The Council has heard all persons, objections and recommendations pertaining to said proposed improve- ment and has fully considered the same; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby order that the above-described improvement be made, and the proper City officers are hereby directed and authorized to proceed with the improvement; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That upon the completion of said improvement, the proper City officers shall calculate all expenses incurred therein and shall report the same to the City Council in accordance with Chapter 14 of the City Charter. COUNCIL PERSON Adopted by the Council: Date N�V i o �87 Yeas� Nays �licosia � Certified sse b Council Secretary 8ett-�an Scheibel In Favor Sonnes 8 ideida Against y,�f�� Mayor ��a�� 1 t �7 Q������'��! "� �` _. �f���` � . d`__ �y /(,�.s x _ { .',7.vGe ! ..:[fa�,g �s.� . . � .�3 : , --- � ... . . ..W :. � i , •�tk:# �4,:�s � r:-r , ��_��i������ ' :�'...-?: x;::�z_ ! �_:, . � .:: :_:1_ 4..:.: � �nve: �u�sz"� ,�. rf',}� .:7,� zi3t snk ;:.i � .Counc,�i F'�3�No 87�1�5, �'�'��t`"l��sia•; � �*�L�� �� : Irl'''Ci�� �t,. , t ;��� �.�5:�;..��. � �.� ��'dP�'�strtr��ba�itarS►. storiz� aiic�"� y„ .ry�'" �i�tt� by the ArQperty owner, for t,he t� t; knov�+li"�s't�'�'lerod�ftdf8t�ai�r i�•t'�K�Str�:����� ` �.r Voting Warsis 3&4°t.�-�' ._ �. �:., , .•., �� • - ``''.'. ',i .==: � �;qa•-++P':, yrt7� � �'�e.�rqun¢}�.of.�h�t�:�� � � ����4`���g�"�t�` • upori tlie, abov� improve��, ha�irig cons��er�e?f,"`sai �larl : . . �S i�� ...� �.�.. t ,x.�= -; t: . .��'�s ',',t'-"si�° �.�:5 s .j'.s,':�' arl�`", '� � �A3i�"� �: .C�. f�-p{.t.-v T��t �,'and the sa�r�e ts hereby appr����'�_ _ �""':��iv�s, -�nd flEi�t 4�°estitriate� ca.it�tiite�Y Y� p�r ���.: � _4���itary,stax� , a�t'Cd�ater`ta +e�Cib�s .. . (�. j1i�14 . f .'} ��}<T ' �� � ' � _ .!i 9 __, , a pubiic hearing be h�d on � ' "' , v�t t�}e, � .� � ; t��ns o' 1 k a.m.,.�A, � _ �'��� �� Y . y�,� ,a:, .�CI` . o�si��t���itt the City af Sairit Faul, ' �o ;:...�� ; . � 3•���uvkie�e-�.��61is�,.���ng he given to the p�.r�;��;` ` �'"f9�n��`p�'° ���, statit�.g��e�#ii�ne�a�l-'�}s�ra� � " -'°!he�s�t��#� ne �d the total,cost therec�•asr �,t�, F'��,�Q;.��"tg-4 � � .,-�. - � ��� ,�: , _-r .. _ r � � k�y t�e�au�iki3ep�,et�ab�r 30, Y98? . : T` � ��: ,...s �PProve�'�3ct�sBer��1�98?: . ; , .� _ F , � - . .� - � : �,;.tcc�c�o�i��tai�;�r��>� ,� �;?:. , : � ,. , . . --- .. .... _-__'... _._... .... �. .i ...._.._. . .. � , . , .�.tfi^t� . �, . . . GC fy/l i-5 � � ��""`�"`' CITY OF SAINT PAUL __�`�,.. ,;;,, "~ '"`� DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS �o ' ,; *;: i ii �_ - �;,+� ,.�� DONf►LD E. NYGAARD, DIRECTOR ,.�. �,,.<' _ 600 City Hall Annez, Samt Paul. Mmnesota Si 101 ���,:�,,,,,..,� b 1 Z•298-�3:�i 7 GEORGE LATIMER MAYOR October 22, 1987 Dear Sair� Paulite: Public Wo�cs has preliminary pla�for a large project in�rour neighbort�ood for new sewe�s,paving, and street lightin�. IYs paR of the Citys ten-year Combined Street and Sewer Program. You're invited to an information meeting to discuss project details,finanang,and the construction schedule. Ti�and place for the meeting: Wednesday, Noven�er 4, 1887 225 Cleveland Ave. (United AAet#adist Churcrc,i'tt) The total cos!of the project is estimated at a.2 n�iti�n, Two-th�ds of this witl came fr�om state and federal funds. A portion will come from a�ed'+rectbn of ta�ces Saint Paulites are aire�r pgying,and a sewer servic�surcharge to all city property owners. The rest w�wld come from assessmeMS to properties directly affected by construction. Since your neigt�orhood has�keady psid a storm sewer assessmer�t, no iurther assessme�will be levied for stortn sewer conabuction. There wNt be assessments levied for new streets and lighting. Please see the map on the reverse side of this ratice for more detailed construction ir�ormation. For�res�lenis who live on an existing oiled street where storm sewers are to be constructed,assessments for a new street and IaMem style lqhting system would be$1,200. This amount can be paid off over 20 years,with interesi,at an average cost of$i 25 per ysar. For residertts livir�on an existing paved street where storm sewers are to be consiructed we are recommending complete removal and reconstruction of the existing street and construction of an omamental lighting system. Costs for this constnu�ion wauld be similar to those stated above($1200 or $125tyr for 20 yea�sj. An aftemative to the proposed street reconstniction would be to restore the sewer trench area with aspha�. There would be no cost to the resideMs fo�ttds type of restoration;however, if a lantem styte lighting system is requested the caat of the tightinq system would be eriti�ely assessed. Asseasments for street liqhting only would be 51300. This amouM can be paid off over 20 years at an average cost of$130 per year. Since St.Ciair from Cretin to Fairview is a Municipal State Aid(MSA) Route�ra assessments will be levied for reconstructa�. Costs for this strest improvement wi'il.be paid for by the State gasoline tax. We have applied tor a variance from state standards to reconstn�t St.Clalr at the existing street w�dth. The meetuig we're invit�ng you to is ir�formational Qnly. Final dec�ions on whether to.construc�any or ail of this project will be made at an offiaal pubNc hea�g of the Sairrt Paul Ciry Council,ter�atively scheduled for November 10. 1987. Property ownets who wilt be assessed wiii be notitied of that hearing. If you need any more iMom�ation betore the November 4 meeting.you can call project engineer Jo� Muellar at 292-8149 during regular business hou�s. Sincerely, Joe Mueil i:-�- Project Engineer JJM/bjn = ����:y-� � � �:: :.::: :�:� :,� ... ;:�jz� �� _� ;, I =� I II _ ' '.� _ ;� ' . � . .. ,- ..�.'; .:�;•:;::, �'`� u _J 1...:._J �. -'�'�.o-;'o �at�.-� � � �5 U M M �T o � � Ts I ,^" 0 �qyE� � r''��= . . .�,�� � ORANp � ..��'�' � C� - . : . - C� . � �!�1 %'� � � � �iNCO�H ; /��. � .L 4•.f.'. < y ; y ; � ,��� : � a � ` ,. / c000RicM • z � vE �ui� ., • .: ,, ►: ��,►Vl,' :. � � � � a ��. < _ � AVE. � l� � ' M� � J ' , Q���RINCETON •-AyE. 3 PRIMCETON � : --J �] °�-J [___J w ;` � � � W tAR�EMT :.�z._ � . . AVE. -' )��' nt ' O' W ;;,jr� � �-�.�7�- - � ��G� P C � w ' • ...�� ••� �� _ 1� - ^ � , ' ••�.r.�. ��.�►�• .�,...�; ;�J r,� O I � ( - - -G - • J u�,J Z� y ' M �� r KRKE4tY = � � �C.�, ' I � • AVE. .�', ''. �M fG�c � ❑ U � ��. C] � 3 . � �� SS o =TANFOAC AYE. W� � � '° � I I � > ,..r_ . h1 � a `� � � W� � � � � ELLESLE s � Q� �-- .� � r,. � N Z t � A' ..�Ir � �� l� C� Y � I � r I � � �---�.J l� �� . E fj ►E R:pl� -----� �� l____J u C� " �,� C � � �u��ET ., , U � � Q + ° � - � C �� � t " � MLACE y J W -� � , o Ud > • r � O �� Q �W J •:'� � JA Y E S -'--� 3� �� w _. ; C� C� � � �r s . s ........... RAN�OLPH '�' � y �� `-�- � �� 4� n � � � �1 t�� . .. r.--�:-, . .,-;:..��;�-:�:�., .r.�-:;� �---, �::-- CL�VEL�AND ! ST. CLAIR ���\�� STORM SEWER AND STREET IMPROVENIENT iN EXISTING OILED STREET •••�••••�•• STORM SEWER AND RESTORATION IN KIND �� � �•� STOF1�! SEWER CONSTRUCTION IN EXISTING PAVED STREET. EITHER COMPLETE STREET REC(�NSTRUCTI;:v OR SEWER TRENCH REPAIR. ���! COMPLETE STREET RECONSTRUCTION IN rXISTI?JG PAVED STREET. � � � v ST PAUL CITY COUNCIL R NG NOTICE �����'� PU6LlC HEA ! PU6LIC IMPROVEMENT CONS�TRUCTION City Council District 1�4 Dear Property Owner: District Planning Councils ��13&14 File No. 18480 To decide whether or not to proceed with construction of a storm sewer to be known as the CLEVELAND/ST. CLAIR AREA STORM SEWER p�� p Q 5� PROJECT. Also, to decide on whether or not to proceed with the CLEVELAND/ST. CLAIR AREA PAVING PROJECT including noncrete curb A N� and gutter bituminous paving, concrete driveways and outwalks and a Green Lantern Style street lighting system for the streets listed I on the back of this notice. �a�c�AT�oN Tuesday, November 10, 1987, at 9:00 A.M. HC�p'�/. City Council Chambers, 3rd Floor City Hall - Court House G rt v If the Council approves this project, a portion of the costs will be assessed against benefitted properties after ratification. The estimated assessments for this project are as follows: ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION COSTS fo� Storw Sewer $ 585,000 I for Lighting 190,000 F� N A�C��G for Roadway Improvements, Grade and Pave 587,000 TOTAL COST ESTIMATE $1,762,000 I INFORNI�'�E �� ESTIMATED FINANCING: Assessments $ 237,500 Storm Sewer Service Charge 497,000 State and Federal Grants and Loans 660,000 1988 Capital Improvement Budget 367,500 TOTAL FINANCING $1,762,000 Street Paving Assessments: $19.00 per assessable foot Lighting Assessments: $5.00 per assessable foot N� ST�1RM SET?�'?? A�SFSSMENT FOR THTS PRQJECT The first 150 feet on the long side of residential corner lots will not be assessed provided that the short side has been assessed under this paving of oiled streets program. IIShould you request a new storm sewer connection, sanitary sewer connection or water connection, it will be assessed at actual cost �per connection. If you own vacant property which you plan to develop soon, we suggest that you request that we construct these connections at this time. Q U E S T I 0 N � Construction: 292-6277 Assessments: 298-4513 Also, City staff will be available to answer any last minute questions on this project in Room 218 City Hall from 8:30 - 9:00 A.m. on the same day as the hearing. t • Senior Citizens may defer their assessments until the property is sold. We will send further details at the time of the ratification of assessments or you may call 298-5125 for information. - �,' � - - - ',�.o,�o ��� ev� .� �SUMMII �n� c� � �AVE� , . .-�..... foUtN !►: ��i/ ' � l__—J l.—. . I 1_- -- _._..-- �-- --- -�- J � � ) + :�� i - - _ _--.�.NO -- ---- - - _ --- LE6E�D � ��; : [---_J 1=- - ,N -J �___J I. � 1 .� ' �-- r— --� cn�� -- G — �- - -- oi_ _ �' NOTIG�[A��eN LRtA � - - ----- - �--= �� =�-1� ��_ -- =.�oo,�on ----- ` _�'\AV�..— r —� STREE'ff Te Qt PAvED ��vi — i , L� f—JK C-J- =J�.�,�� ,� ---�— S.wER �e�sr���T�o,� - - - r►e�re[ter --- —�v� � � _�J L� �--— ---� =__=- � � �-��11�[MT--S.. � �v[- J ..O = ' ' � � —�: � Q ����� - ,. - - - - - - - � ._� : � . � -.�� -- .� � - , ,►M��^ ; O'�"'—J CJ � _� � :� " � � (�1.,«,,.,�.�� (--��-J��-J i� _ , ; !./'. _ 4 L�.�--- , r—� r._'_t�1 i�t.rte�P4.._—� ��-� r--� c--- —� :--i STREETS TO BE IMPROVED Fairmount Avenue from Woodlawn Avenue to Kenneth Street Kenneth Street from Fairmount Avenue to Goodrich Avenue South Prior Avenue from Berkeley Avenue to Princeton Avenue South Howell Street from Stanford Avenue to St. Clair Avenue Princeton Avenue from Cretin Avenue to Mississippi River Boulevard Woodlawn Avenue from Goodrich Avenue to St. Clair Avenue Sargent Avenue from Cleveland Avenue to Kenneth Street St. Clair Avenue from Mississippi River Boulevard to Cretin Avenue St. Clair Avenue from Cretin Avenue to Fairview Avenue - (State Aid Street/No Assessment) To insure an effective sewer separation program and to comply with state and federal mandates, all rainleaders (downspouts) must be disconnected from the sanitary sewer. Your building's rainleaders are connected if exterior downspouts connect to an under- ground pipe or if your roof drains through the interior of your building. Some apart- ments, comnercial and industrial buildings will require a separate storm sewer connec- tion and you should request a connection stub from the main sewer to the property at this time to avoid a substantially higher cost to have it installed later. For more information, call the Sewer Division at 292-6024 (residential property) or 292-6247 (commercial property). ' Notice sent October 16, 1987 by the Valuation and Assessment Division Department of Finance and Management Services 218 City Hall Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 S T P A l.1 L C I Z- Y C 0 U N C I L � ���-Y c�G'� '� . � F' UBLIC I-iEARING �10TICE � ��-���� SIDEWALK C ONSTRUCTION Dear Property Owner: File No. 5-87 (113) __..._.__.__ City Council District ll 5 Planning District Council 4i 5 -----r--- _ _--- --- PU R P 0 S E To consj.der the construction of a public sidewalk in front of. your property. The limits of ttiis pro�ect are: AND Sout�, side�ariz�nteur_A�renue from H�Qh�.,av '�5F - - � ,:.. ,. ; . , ,. 4.\. � . _ _ .__— ��_ — '.��_3�� ��A�-- �a ip _ ����-��!� ` ,. r. i: �. CITY OF ST: PAUL COU,�ICIL FILE;NO. — / O -..,J''i :r FINAL ORDER ' �` _ B � F�No. ���S8T-I13 thttt S87-115 ,�'� Voting In the Matter of si�aw�s].k c�uts�tiva aad/.ar �e�rts�tiea at tlre l�3larias Ward lrocstioe�s t ;'. � � ���aMlt� � fe�nm 6 r�,-"r✓�M+ � '��', 4 S87-114 South side Summit Avenue from Mississippi River Blvd. to ��I the east approximately 400 feet. �,; b 587-115 At 1179 East Seventh Street only. '' R �,. �� r�ar a o-soa[ vsae s�deK�ix: r�e� Gaaatni�ction, SI5,60 per fzant foot; i; Rep2aeement of old sidevalk, $7.80 per f�ant foot. '; All corner re$identfal prflperties �rill r�eceive a credit up to the first 2S0 i; feet of nev or reconstructed sidewal.k aloag �nd abutting the "long side" of the ��i property. �I COI�BCIAL rates (all property other than residential) �' l0ax of acte�al cost e�tf�ated to be approzimately $4.00 per square foot af walk j; constructed. � . . / � /3-�1 � -��� �' / 7 a roved under Prelimmary Order pp � The Council of the City of Saint Paul has conducted a public hearing upon the above improvement, due notice thereof having been given as prescribed by the City Charter; and WHEREAS, The Council has heard all persons, objections and recommendations pertaining to said proposed improve- ment and has fully considered the same; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby order that the above-described improvement be made, and the proper City officers are hereby directed and authorized to proceed with the improvement; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That upon the completion of said improvement, the proper City officers shall calculate all expenses incurred therein and shall report the same to the City Council in accordance with Chapter 14 of the City Charter. COUNCIL PERSON Adopted by the Council: Date �OV � � �� Ye�s-� Nays Hieosia � Certifie ssed y Council Secretary �etteas Scheib�l In Favor B Sonnen � �Te ida Against Wilsot� Mayor NOV 1 � �87 � � ������: � � � 5 1 N A U L � I I Y L U U I�I L I L C,;�� C/�r�, , � PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE � �7-i�,� SIDEWALK C ONSTF� UCTION Dear Property Owner: rile No. S- - ��.___ _ _ ., City Council District ll 4 Planning .District Council �� 14 P U R P � S E To� consider the construction of a public sidewalk in front of your property. The limits o£ this pro�ect are: AND South side Summit Avenue from Mississippi River Boulevard L 0 C A T I 0 N to the East approximately 400 feet Tuesday, November 10, 1987, at 9:00 A.M. H E A R I N G City Council Cllambers, 3rd Floor City Hall If the Council approves tlie orders (or any part thereof, a portion of the costs will be assessed (after construction) against benefited I N F 0 R N1AT I 0 N �'roperties. You will or�ly be assessed for sidewalk work that abuts your property. The estimated assessments for this project are as follows: RESIDENTIAL rates (SINGL� FAMILY TO THR�� FAMILY) : 5 foot side sidewalk - New Construction (where no walk existed) $13.00/front foot PLEASE NOTE: New sidewalk will be constructed 5 feet wide. Some existing side- walk is 6 feet wide. �idewalk reconstruction will be built to a width of 5 feet in all cases where this width is practical. This choice of width allows; the assessment to be kept at the lowest rate. In the event yo� prefer the existing width, which may be greater than 5 feet, a,nd are willing to accept the higher assess- ment rate, please conqact the Sidewalk Division at 298-4255 to request your preferenae. Rates for reconstruct�on of sidewalks wider than 5 feet are prorated. For example: 6 feet ide sidewalk - $7.80/front foot; 10 foot wide sidewalk - $13.00/froht foot. All corner residenti�l properties will receive a credit up to the first 150 feet of nes� or reconstructed sidewalk along and abutting the "long �Side" of tl�e property. COMMERCIAL rates (al�. property other than residential) : 100% of actual cost estimated to be approximately $4.00 per square foot o� walk constructed. If the property has area- ways under th2 sidewalk ttlat need to be eliminated, tliat cost will be assessed in addition to the sidewalk assessments. Please call 298-42551 for construction questions or 298-4513 (Voice Q U E S T I O N S or TDD) for assessment questions. Also, City staff will be available to answer any last minute questions on the project in Room 21.8 City Hall from g:30 to 9:00 A.M. the same day as the hearing. Notice sent October 23, 1987 �y the Valuation and Assessment Division Department of Finance & Management Services Itoom 218 City Hal.l - Courthouse 5aint Paul, Minnesota 55102 i . ST PA l.� L C ITY COU NCIL C��� ���''�- - F' UBLIC I-� EARING NOTICE ���'��� SIDEWALK C ON �� TRUCTION _ . I . --- . . . ___ . _.___ _.---_ . Dear Property Owner: File No. S-87-115 _.�__..__ City Council District Il6 Planning District Council ��4 ` � P U R P 0 S E To consider the construction (new) and/or reconstruction of all or part of the public sidewalk in front of your property. The limits A N D of this pro�ect are: L 0 C A T � 0 N 1179 East Seventh Stree� only NOTE: Sidewalk in good condition may not be replaced. Please � call the phone numbe s listed below if your sidewalk may fit into this category. Tuesday, November 10, 1987 at 9:00 A.M. - H E A R I N G City Council Chambers, 3rd Floor City Aall If the Council approves thle orders (or any part thereof, a portion of the costs will be asses�'sed (after construction) against benefited i N F 0 R M AT I 0 N �roperties. You will only� be assessed for sidewalk work that abuts your property. The estim�ted assessments for this project are as follows: RESIDENTIAL rates (SINGLE FAMILY TO THREE FAMILY) : 5 foot side sidewal - New Construct on (where no wal existed) $13.00/front foot Replacement o old sidewalk $6.50/front foot PLEASE NOTE: New sidewalk will be constructed 5 feet wide. Some existing side- walk is 6 feet wide. Sildewalk reconstruction will be built to a width of 5 feet in all qases where this width is practical. This choice of width allows ahe assessment to be kept at the lowest rate. In the event you ;prefer the exisCing width, which may be greater than S feet, and are willing to accept the higher assess- ment rate, please conta�t the Sidewalk Division at 298-4255 to request your preference� Rates for reconstructiok� of sidewalks wider than 5 feet are prorated. For example: 6 feet wi�'de sidewalk - $7.80/front foot; 10 foot wide sidewalk - $13.00/fronG foot. All corner residentialjproperties will receive a credit up to the first 150 eet of new r reconstructed sidewalk along and abutting the "long �ide" of the property. COMMERCIAL rates (all roperty other than residential) : 100% of actual ost estimated to be approximately $4.00 per square foot of �alk constructed. If the property has area- ways under the $idewalk that need to be eliminated, that cost will be as�essed in addition to the sidewalk assessments. Please call 298-4255 fpr construction questions or 298-4513 (Voice QU E S T I O N S or TDD) for assessment questions. Also, City staff will be available to answer any last minute questions on the project in Room 218 City Hall from 8:30 to 9:d0 A.M. the same day as the hearing. � Notice sent October 23, 1987 by the Valuation and Assessment Division Department of Finance & Management Services Rootn 218 City Hall - Courthouse Sai,mt Paul, Minnesota 55102 �,�-��-�c�� . - - ;:�} �_�.� v._ �._.x ..�,.._.--_ �� ,�.-� -_ • ' ;�" -..�:^�ca??�r �;i�`'tv �+.�`.1� . 'dL��E2f�a`C��' � �'�f.':� ,{:+�.� �S�t.�;,.a1,K1�e• �� fi ,�#.�r,.� ; �� ��PiI".J T i('s�f}�Gy'3�;''� s'`_`. �.r �'��t�'� �Y�+y.��R4� bn M - .# C � x . Z�$�� �W Lthl'°��r�#ud.`..���` e:� 4 � ���� I�2 '1l � �e W h� d �`'� $�4'-�9�s+:��+` 'I��1-� �: v �x' c�.��' Fx � ���+.�r r k _ - `� �ti•. �,#�"ei'�f�Si"e��� ,:;° ��"�`���g �'.:�� 1�5: . - �,r ,, ��, z ,,� :� ;�-i :� "" e z?"GEq�_" ." 4 Z �g, �;1" 't��t��• � �♦c � � `. .�y . . � ����: '�foiCr `:'i �� t .�`,' �t Z k}��c'� .1'� 3� •:. - +� "�,#. sr+hd � . 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